Author Topic: 5 MARCH 2024 - FINANCIL REPORT FOR THE MAGISTERIAL Foundtation 2023 and commnets  (Read 15027 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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The Magisterial Foundation
Report Financial Year 2023
Hello Everyone.
The Magisterial Foundation is a CHARITY.  It makes no profits and spends donations in order to provide you services through the idea of a celestial store to help people understand the pending or arrival of SPIRITUAL MISSIONS.  We also provide contact with the public through communication events such as Lightline.
Therefore we have operational expenses and ask for the reception of funds through you as donations.  We have no other income.  As a private charity we are obligated to show our costs and income to the public and present it here for your edification.

The Magisterial Foundation Financial Report for 2023 Operations:
Beginning and Ending  of the year 2023 Bank Balances:  
start January 01, 2023 = $27,235.62
end Bank  Balance as of December 31, 2023 = $30,756.69

Donations Received as of  December 31, 2023 = $14,492.39
Expenses Paid as of 31 December 2023 were = $10,576.69

To our Donors, Our thanks to all of you for your generosity and care which  enables us to maintain the Magisterial Foundation services for the year 2023.  Our Services include payment of all Lightline costs,  payment of property tax on our office, internet design and maintenance, printing of brochures and outer public docucments, and of course this discussion web site you are reading from now.  It is our pleasure to serve with you and from you your kind ways of helping us financially.

The bank balance of the Magisterial Foundation as of this day and Report 5 March 2024:

More to follow later, Thank you.
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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Date September 11, 2024

Just a reminder that donations to this web site are tax free and you may claim the donation on your IRS form as a contribution to a valuable web site.  Today is the 11th of September and there has been three donations made since the last notice we made back in March of this year.  We are not hard on money, but we need it to operate this site and others like it in the future. 
Please consider donating to the kitty we maintain to run this web site an to pay for the space it takes on the Internet.  We are thankful for anything you can give us whether to send it directly to the web site listed here above, or via a payment to the Magisterial Foundation by check or money order.  We are running a slight surplus at this moment, but that gets wipe out pretty fast with all we have to pay for.  For instance to pay for reporting this site to the IRS and like expenses we spend about $2,500 a year.  Right now we are okay but this payment and the IRS are insistent on constant vigilance that we do this right  and we have.

I thank all of you who think of this site and contribute your posts and voice.  For those of you who would like to contribute to this web site, please send a check or money order to:

The Magisterial Foundation
2709 Sunset Lane
York. Pennsylvania 17408

If you wish to contribute directly to the bank account see above on the first post for that information.  Thank you all very much.  Ron Besser, President of the Magisterial Foundation.  K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania