Author Topic: Pleiadeans and asking questions  (Read 11667 times)

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Pleiadeans and asking questions
« on: March 13, 2024, 13:05:06 pm »

Good morning All!

Good morning Father, and Pleiadeans, and all our celestial helpers!

It is such a grief to me to hear Sunday's light Line, and to read the transcript, that shows us the continuing interference of the cabal, and the attacks on the website, all for the purpose of causing confusion.

Here I am, with constant questions, and no clarity.
Pleiadeans, what do you see?

Pleiadeans: Good morning Carole. We listen to the Light Lines too. We would very much like to be among those that "remove" the cabal. But we see that you, Carole, have the question in mind, "What is the cabal"?

From the time of your childhood, you have been " the devil's advocate" so to speak. You have always liked to entertain alternative outcomes and liked to find "the loose brick" as it were. That didn't win you any friends, however. Then you had some children that did the same thing, to your chagrin!
As you can see, the result was a frustrating mess.

We noticed that on the Light Line, Ron was invited to answer the cabal's questions, but Ron said wait first. . . Here is the quote:


Now this. Ron, you are quite aware of the evil cabal around you.

Ron Besser  
Oh, tremendously. Yes.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Answer their questions.

Ron Besser  
Just a minute, Dominick, I see you. But let me go to Elise first. Go ahead. Elise.


We noticed that the cabal had some questions that did not get answered. Machiventa requested that they be heard.

Techniques for conflict resolution always involve listening. Being summarily brushed off does not contribute to good relationships, no matter who you are. Jesus always listened carefully to the questions people asked him, particularly if they were not very knowledgeable. There was a reason why Machiventa asked Ron to answer their questions. Was that an opportunity missed?

Carole, you have had many questions. Questions that are brushed off usually result in not asking any more. We notice question and answer sessions on the Light Line and forum have been "truncated".

(Carole: That word reminds me of the accordion my father in law played.)

Pleiadeans: We know many on the forum don't have much interest in quantum physics. And as in your case, much of what you already knew has been "truncated". So interest is lagging a bit.
Some of your questions are "What should Biden have done in the middle east? What does spirit have against Biden? He seems to have stated many positive hopes and dreams in his state of the union message.
There is another question from you: Who are the cabal? Is there any reason to listen to their questions? Could something be learned or a new practice created? Is there a "protocol" for asking and answering questions?

Where are the midwayers? Are they still a part of Urantia life?

Which brings us up to the subject of questions.
Many questions are asked from a confused background source. And an answer may create more confusion.
Humans have beliefs, and they have faiths. What is the difference? Beliefs can change from day to day.  Faith is the deep ocean current of conviction that guides our lives. But faith can be changed by a change in beliefs. Most people try to believe what is true, by intent. But they wind up believing what is convenient or comfortable or what supports their ego. Changing beliefs for some people is a big deal.

So questions can be very useful clues in determining the status of the mental and spiritual state of the asker. And sometimes a simple answer clears the matter instantly. "The simplicity in Christ" goes all the way up to the Father.

That is why we are here for you all. Most questions don't make it all the way to the website, or to Light Line, so we are here to help you with your questions. We are also here to warn you of possible trouble spots. Contact us. Don't be afraid to ask questions. And sometimes a good question can result in a huge positive outcome. Don't be afraid!
Put things in writing.   A question put forth to us can lead to a new path you may have never envisioned. Look at it from all sides. And remember that every human is fallible and can say things that are misunderstood or are simply an untried opinion. What is true for one person may not be for another. That is why we need to be on the lookout for real fallacies in our beliefs.

Hey people. Ask questions. That's OK. And you might find out things about yourself you never knew!
We are the Pleiadeans. We love you. Contact us.

Thank you Pleiadeans!