Author Topic: Lightline USA, Tuesday March 26, 2024. a late post  (Read 12401 times)

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Lightline USA, Tuesday March 26, 2024. a late post
« on: March 29, 2024, 08:03:37 am »
Lightline USA, on Tuesday. March 26, 2024, with Dominick, host. Our apologies for the delayed post.

  • opening announcement regarding Lightline transcripts
  • no available sovereign land to claim for the Missions
  • the five pillars of social engineering, Ministers of social engineering  
  • definitions of expectancy, anticipation, and preparation, correlating to pre Bestowal, Bestowal, Second Return, post Bestowal
  • question about Dominion’s relation to Mission policies
  • Ron Besser is the spokesman for the Magisterial Foundation
  • LIGHTLINES: Transcribing the Lightline continue, the beginning of all Lightline in the early 1990s, western transmitters have to align with the Magisterial Foundation for international outreach, Sunday Lightline is the focal point of the Lightline, all others are very important
  • the collision of a freighter with one of the supports of the Baltimore Bridge
  • the coming UAI conference is the last one for them
  • life threat to talk about the intervention of Magisterial Sons into national governments
Thank you for your interest. 

Link to the recording:

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline USA, Tuesday March 26, 2024. a late post
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2024, 08:26:46 am »
1. 032624 Audio Tape Tuesday Light Line USA; host: Dominick O.
2. Subjects:
  • opening announcement regarding Lightline transcripts
  • no available sovereign land to claim for the Missions
  • the five pillars of social engineering, Ministers of social engineering  
  • definitions of expectancy, anticipation, and preparation, correlating to pre-Bestowal, Bestowal, Second Return, post Bestowal
  • question about Dominion’s relation to Mission policies
  • Ron Besser is the spokesman for the Magisterial Foundation
  • LIGHTLINES: Transcribing the Lightline continue, the beginning of all Lightline in the early 1990s, western transmitters have to align with the Magisterial Foundation for international outreach, Sunday Lightline is the focal point of the Lightline, all others are very important.
  • The collision of a freighter with one of the supports of the Baltimore Bridge
  • the coming UAI conference is the last one for them
  • threat to talk about the intervention of Magisterial Sons into national governments
3. Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Abraham, Universal Father, Mantutia Melchizedek, Trinity
4. Transcribed by: sonsofGod
5. Link To Tape:
Welcome to Tuesday Lightline everybody, today is March 26, and this follows a schedule of Lightlines Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Say a quick prayer individually and together to Father for a good Lightline.

All right, just so you get a picture today I'm standing up during the Lightline, and I had to, because of audio difficulties call it in on my cell phone, which is on this podium or lectern that I'm speaking from at Michael's request. I chuckled because it's a little bit abnormal from my normal sitting down, and maybe closing my eyes. But if you hear shuffling, that's just my papers on the podium or knees shuffling around in general among the sound and standing up giving the Lightline today. And for those listening on the call, we appreciate it. If you hear the bells of people coming in and out of the call, and we've had a bit of audio difficulty today, so just bear with it if it happens.

Do we have anybody on the celestial, spiritual, or other side of the veil so to speak, that I'd like to lead the Lightline today, or come in and get us going?
Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Dominick, this is Michael of Nebadon. I want to make it known that transcriptions are only necessary for Sunday. And those are to be exact, but if you who transcribed wish to keep doing it, you're quite welcome to. However, those that are accustomed to reading, the transcripts are always warned, it is not an exact transcription, nor the flavor or nuance of my voice that might come through when you are to listen. You should easily just understand no one really reads the transcripts of the news. And likewise, are you discouraged from reading the transcripts as your sole purpose of keeping up with these Lightlines? You should listen. There's all sorts of reasons to do so, but when we serve a meal, we ask that you enter the venue. We are strange to resources on this limited amount of helpers to constantly serve you via delivery, and then have that meal be not the complete service that you would have received had you come to us in our venue, which is defined as you listening to the Lightline.

Now that we are done with that subject, I continue as Michael of Nebadon. Where do we begin? I came through to this transmitter this morning with a couple of phrases and words. The Lightline is not your Lightline, I told him. This is true of all Lightlines and transmitters. You are serving through your capacities, your vocabulary, and we utilize that.

We started off with the phrase, what's the difference between the Prince of Peace and the Denver Airport? Well, nothing. It’s beyond your imaginations. Yet you, mean you children of Urantia you call upon God, but I tell you, you are responsible for your own households. Even the babies in the bed, the birds, they cry for their share. They are conditioned from an unconsciousness to a behavior pattern in the environment, which also conditions them and yet you have free will. And you weigh meanings and values and you have seed your will, to the unknown for the simple reason, it's easier to do.

A new culture will emerge when I am known and accepted. And frankly not even that much at first, in my acceptance, but I assure you I will be known. Now, social engineering is a fact, this occurs with or without me. It is almost the nature of man and its organizational authority, but it is also a natural way of life. Not only is there social convention, but there is, by those who are in authority, social engineering. To that effect, we are making some of the following announcements.

I will outline the pillars of social engineering that must be done. They are the following and they will number five, but they are not the total. And they are not necessarily in any order of priority. They're all, you could say, equal.
  • the economy and the environment
  • energy and labor
  • government and military
  • education and family
  • purpose and meaning
These pillars of social engineering will be headed by Magisterial Sons who will take on, possibly, the title of Magisterial Ministers. In other words, the Magisterial Minister of economy and environment, and so on.

Now, when it comes to Missions, we have a difficulty on Urantia, on this planet, given its status and age and development, at a headquarters of, and ambassadors to whom those headquarters are in a conundrum that there is no available sovereign land to claim. There is no real estate available to organize ourselves like before. The Planetary Prince landed, organized its own area of ideal choosing, and got to work. Likewise to the Missions of the garden. And today, we find difficulty in claiming any proper land to occupy and work with you and for you, but no sovereign land of our own. No sovereign lands that would work for the Missions anyhow. Of course, we could go to Antarctica, but there would be no reason feasibly to do so. This is just one reason why something like these foundations set up has been outlined, are useful.

Now, moving on, I have more announcements. Not only will there be these ministers of social engineering on the following pillars, but we may introduce the division of anthropology and archaeology. I want to place in your imaginations a group akin to the Pleiadians who would work in liaison with you in such an endeavor. Which gets me to my next announcement, which would be an introductory interplanetary exchange brokered by Salvington. This would fall under the auspices of a Michael Mission. Another such Mission of immediate priority is the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction.

So to summarize, you might see an announcement of Michael and Salvington and Magisterial Missions being known with the outline of not claiming sovereign land, but having to work within the boundaries of nation states, who are cede some of their sovereignty to My Ambassadors and allow them to be embedded into the state apparatus to help with the social engineering of the economy and environment, energy and labor, government and military, education and family, and purpose and meaning. Now, you shouldn't have an inkling, but a good curiosity about what this last one means, purpose and meaning, which, of course will entail all sorts of known social scientists, so to speak of philosophy, science, religion, without claiming one with authority over the other. Science of course, pertains to all of those and does not contain its own social engineering ambassador or minister. Science is the benefit of cooperation and fearless research without reprisals from authority, seeking to maintain its status at the expense of scientific progress.

And so, this is Michael of Nebadon, and I conclude the formal aspects of our Lightline today. And I hang them, or give the platform over to Arthura. I'm Michael of Nebadon, and I've spoken and I wish you all a good day.

Thank you, Michael, and welcome, Arthura.

This is Arthura ladies and gentlemen. At this point, you are welcome to press 5 * as we have Michael's precious time while he is here, or possibly a staff, if he is indisposed to speak to what has just been announced. I'm Arthura today now with this transmitter, and with a slight expectation that today's Lightline if there's nothing further afterwards, might be truncated a bit. But that, nonetheless, these announcements are a little bit major, and they came through just now this morning,

But what I, Arthura, wish to present is some definition about what to expect, anticipate, and prepare for, and what those things should mean to you, when I say those words, anticipate, prepare and expect. So, what do they mean? And how do they relate to Revelation, and Missions, and Bestowals? And this will help us understand the question is around what, who, and when, and under what conditions do things get covered? 

So, we'll start with anticipation, and anticipation has a corollary or a corresponding thing. And I interrupt this to acknowledge, Lemuel, you've got your hand raised. We will come to you after these brief comments.

So one, anticipation as a corollary, or rather for simplicity's sake, we'll just say correlates to the word presumption, that expectation correlates to the word assumption, but that preparation correlates to the word consummation. So, when you anticipate something you have a presumption about those anticipations. And the nuances that anticipation is a little bit different than expectation. And that you could expect things but that it is based on assumptions of fact. Whereas anticipation you might presume to take on a little more than just matters of fact, but that you presume to take on status and authority. And what separates anticipation and expectation, and presumption and assumption is that when you are in preparation, preparation might entail anticipation and expectation, but preparation not only assumes and presumes a consequence or the fruits of your actions, your creations, and your faith, to consummate into something of substance. And we will leave it at that for a moment.

We're going to check in with you, Lemuel. You're unmuted Lemuel. do you have a question or a transmission?

No, I have a question regarding the five (short cough) excuse me, the five parts of what you termed as social engineering. And would it be right to interpret this as similar to five governmentments each having its own ministry?

Yes, I think so. Given the title of ministers. We don't have that in the States, but I believe most titles are similar to ministers when you go out into the rest of the world.


So, is that's ... was that a minor clarification you wanted, or do you want something in more detail?

No, well, and also that all would be coming from Salvington, correct?

There is a..., there is mention of Salvington. You're not wrong or incorrect, but you're not entirely a...

Alright. I understand, I understand Dominick,

Let me just ..

What's missing I think is the mention of the Dominion. There's no mention of the Dominion in this. Only pertaining to Urantia, really.

Well, it's..., it's not all encompassing either, these are just some Urantia specific  announcements. So what makes you consider that Dominion should be mentioned? Maybe you have something I hadn't pick up.

Well, I don't know whether it was a brief transmission from someone that mentioned the Dominion the..., the effect or not, what would be called a domino effect of the Missions taking place here on Urantia would have presumably some kind of a domino effect throughout a..., for the Dominion. Is this, would this be a wrong assumption? Would they, would they not be affected at all?

My thought is, if you, if we understand Dominion that is true, Lemuel. And let me take a page out of Ron's protocol and first bump it up to to Ron, and maybe Ron bumps it up to Michael or higher authority. Ron, you're unmuted. Did you hear Lemuel, Lemuel’s question up till now?

Ron Besser
I did. I've got several things I would like to comment on. I am not sure quite how I am or what our Lightline equipment is.In the middle of what I consider might be a dilution of the Lightline without sufficient transcripts. That's another question. That's not what he's asking.about,but I'm concerned about that.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron, you are sitting there. Quite sure something is off kilter.

Ron Besser
Dominick, and to the rest of you. I'm not at peace with some of this. And that may be just because I haven't heard it before. I am not making accusations. But I am saying that we dare not dilute our policy to present transcripts of all Lightlines if we can do it. No, they aren't as important as they once were, but they are still established with a readership that doesn't necessarily speak English to hear it. They need to read it. That's all I need to say about it. With regard, what is the central question that Dominick or rather that Lemuel is asking Dominick, can you rephrase it for me?

Yeah. Would you allow me to? Would you allow me to rephrase it?

Ron Besser
Well, if it's clear, Lemuel. It's not clear to me. Go ahead.

All right. All right. The first part of the question was the social engineering as it is referred to, and there's a beginning list of five, and there are more obviously, as mentioned by Dominick. These are similar, are they not, to five departments or ministries in a normal government? And would each of these have that individual ministry. This is one thing. And the other thing ...

Ron Besser
Let me answer that right now, Lemuel.

All right. OK.

Ron Besser
It is simple. Yes. Go ahead.

Okay, well, thank you for that. The other thing was, of course, that came to me, where is ...? There is no mention of the Dominion. So, what I am asking is ...

Ron Besser
Well, yeah. Well, let's ...

Will there be no...? All right, go ahead. Go ahead, Ron. 

Ron Besser
Let me redefine Dominion for you. The inference has been and that's what you're picking up on, is that they are sharing some of the conditions that this a... Magisterial Bestowal, the Missions themselves, have some germane importance to the Dominion. That is true. But I sincerely doubt that right now, today, March the 26th, that they have any direct influence on either the Magisterial Sons or to Urantia, or through the auspices of the Dominion administration. It's too far undefined so far, Lemuel, to say what their part is, and what is happening for Urantia.I am sure that they would rather speak to this than me trying to cover all the bases.


Ron Besser
But remember this Dom... ah, Lemuel. Dominion is not part of Nebadon administration to Urantia. Just clear that for now. But number two, they have taken a great interest because Michael of Nebadon is using the latest Paradise administrative concerns for one of the first Planetary Missions they have used since the death of the supreme. Now, it covers so much information, Lemuel, you've got bits and pieces. You don't have all of it, and neither do I, Ron, but I do know enough that the Dominion is a set aside interest that is allowed to view and participate for meaning and understanding of the new rules from Paradise on how to conduct a Planetary Mission with the absence of the supreme. That is essentially, I believe, what is operating and is so difficult for Michael to explain, for the Dominion to know exactly where it is founded in all this.

And finally this. The Magisterial Foundation in presenting these Lightlines, rather not get into the arguments that are pertaining between the various factions that help present Planetary Missions, as we are about to understand them. I more or less come back to you, Dominick. That is kind of the rule about how we can answer someone like Lamuel, answering a very pertinent question, but without a very pertinent answer. Go ahead, Dominick, if you have a comment.

Yeah. To explain it to someone who doesn't know about Dominion Lemuel, it's kind of like advanced stuff for anyone who hasn't encountered all this information before.

Yeah, I understand. Yeah.

So, to answer your question, of course, it pertains to the Dominion, but it need not be spoken to and outlined, for our understanding.

Yeah. Okay. Dominick, thank you very much, indeed. And thank you, Ron, thank you so much. Thank you.

Ron Besser
Oh, you're quite welcome. Go ahead, Dominick.

All right. I'm gonna mute both of you. Thank you for contributing. All right. Go ahead, Arthura. Was there anything? Shall we continue?

Yes, this is Arthura. I was giving a rather confusing monologue about anticipation, preparation and expectation. But what I really want to talk about is the fact that you have these things of anticipation, preparation and expectation, that pertain to the distills, which are defined as the pre-Bestowal, the actual Bestowal, the Second Return, and a post Bestowal.

So, you have a very fragile rope tethered to these things with the fifth epochal revelation that nonetheless educates through the book what these are, and clarifies the pre-Bestowal, and The Bestowal, discusses the Second Return, and outlines a post Bestowal destiny. And also, a normal plan of what typical planets go through, and how the universe administrates these things. But that in doing so, we unwittingly have created a situation where the custodians of a fifth epochal revelation have presumed to be the de facto authority over all of these things, and that they will be asked to cooperate when these Missions actually land.

So we talked about epochal revelation, but we also talked about and remind you about Planetary Missions, smaller Missions within those Missions. There's a smaller Missions happening all the time. And then not only is there epochal revelation, but there is periodic revelation, and there is personal revelation. But that there are also things to brush up upon, such as dispensations, and roll calls.

So the net takeaway is that you need not pieced together all of what I've just said in a coherent message. Other than this, you should take away the understanding that you humans are not in control when we appear. And that you're not even in control now, but that you have, when you are presuming to be in control, assuming you are in control, and you're doing very human things, as guiding your own expectation, and your authority over what to even anticipate. And what gets lost is your actual preparation for concentrating when we do appear. And so, I urge you to understand that preparation is the most difficult and most unknown to your experiences. And to be gentle on those who are preparing for our consummation of arrival.I am Arthura, and I'm out.

Thank you, Arthura.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa, I wish you to go to Ron.

Oh, all right, Machiventa. Ron, you're unmuted. I got, I got cut off abruptly.

Ron Besser
Okay. Dominick. Machiventa, you are speaking?

Machiventa Melchizedek

Ron Besser
What would you have us say?

Machiventa Melchizedek
Beautifully stated, Ron. It's this. You have detailed a certain element I didn't want particularly known. But now that you have, you are remained into place as the Magisterial Foundation spokesman. I never heard anyone unknot a problem like you just did. You are familiar that Dominick is a relatively new transmitter. And as a result, moving between subjects transmitting to him can be a rough exchange, and something gets lost in the transmission. You have made sure that nothing is lost, and make sure, please what you wish to state for the Magisterial Foundation.

Ron Besser
Well, thank you Machiventa for the time to do that. It is only this to remind everybody listening to this, as well as the discussion forum, as well as regards to our own policy to work with the pending Missions, the Magisterial Sons, Michael, and Jesus Christ. I want it to be known that until we are directly ordered to do something that we will continue with our policy of making full transcripts of all Lightlines without favor to Sunday.

Now Sunday Lightline is with the oldest transmitter. I have been transmitting since about 2005. The rest of you are much later than that, because there was no venue to have other transmitters join in a Lightline schedule. For your information, the term Lightline is quite old. It goes back into the mid 1990s when Michael suggested that they learn to transmit, and speak the lessons aloud so that others could hear them and react to them. Beginning about 1992, the first transmissions were produced at a conference in California. That 1992 appearance of a Lightline production through Abraham has set the record ever since. And that's what we copy. That's what we use as our pattern.

This is Abraham, Ron. Thank you. Thank you so much, Ron, for bringing this out. Lightline schedules are not meant to be overpowering. I'm Abraham of old. Ron is correct. In 1992, we appeared at a conference in California. And for that reason, we have to this day maintain the pattern. Ron uses it well, as do others who do the Lightlines here.
But let me please, please remind you that there are those copying the Lightline schedules and the means to produce it as a pattern of communication out west. As a matter of fact, they are old transmitters under the old teaching mission. Ron thinks they do fine. Machiventa speaks clearly, but the fact of the matter is, those individuals refuse to cooperate into a unity to make the Lightline an international affair.

Ron Besser
They are preventing it again folks. And they must be reprimanded if they continue. That is Bob Devin, Mr. Mason, Mr. Rogers, and several others who believe they are chief of their own departments.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I remind you Ron, this has not carefully spoken, but there are now two factions operating with Lightlines. I will not have it and I will see to it that you, Ron, are available to unify.

Ron Besser
We wish to do so Machiventa, but they do not even respond. You know that. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you for the quip. And now this to you, Ron. You are sitting with quite a bit of pain and are almost unconscious without forcing your mind to to take the construction of language to speak this way. You have done extremely well. You have said set a pattern for Uversa to understand that until you are overruled the Magisterial Foundation maintains the transcript policy for Lightlines. Don't change it. Michael is saying, you have the freedom if you wish to not to bother with transcripts. But Ron says, those who do not speak English or have the time to listen to a Lightline on the phone depend on the English transmission in transcript form, and they must not change. That's to you Valerie and to you Raz in particular.

And finally this, Ron. You are not entirely happy with the idea that the Magisterial Foundation is totally under our control.

Ron Besser
Yes, Machiventa. It is my supreme wish that the Melchizedeks maintain control and the discipline required to be an agency of the proposed Missions. The Magisterial Foundation cannot do it without you, please. I am fully under your authority and Mantutia, and Manituba, regarding our behavior and what we do and cannot do. I pledge fidelity to Michael and to the Melchizedeks, who act in his name. I am not a free agent. I'm not a loose cannon. But let me use a seriously vernacular word. I am grandly pissed off at what this behavior of the past teaching mission and its inability to get over ego. I appeal to you Machiventa, who maintains control with them and us, to somehow indicate, as you please, that if there is no unity of standing, there will be consequences.
The Magisterial Foundation will insist until we are told otherwise to provide Lightlines with our wonderful transmitters. It's not easy folks.

And finally, to this, and to you, Michael. We stand in full Legion to the Melchizedek instructions and control. We abide with your Mission as you may direct, but unless there is a direct order to cease transcriptions for Lightlines, and all of them, Valerie, Raz, and the others who attempt to do so, please continue until further notice. Transcripts are too important not to produce. I now humbly resubmit this to you Machiventa, please go ahead. 

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. The flurry of activity around you has ceased. You are not happy to dilute the outreach you must have with the spoken word. 

Ron Besser
Machiventa, this is Ron. It is the only policy that allows distribution of a verbal content that is so important not only from Salvington, but from Paradise as well. All of them feel free to contact us and through our transmitters. We consider it a great gift and not routine. I insist as one who holds the gift that we maintain the liaison and the loyalty to your words as directly presented through these Lightlines. Please go ahead, Machiventa. 

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. I will never be sure Ron that you aren't a Melchizedek already. I am quite sure that the pain and suffering you're going through in months of this retribution that there is nothing left for you to do other than to maintain the Magisterial Foundation, the discussion forum and the Lightlines. You are glad to modify as Michael decrees and as we may suggest. You are not a loose cannon. But I am guaranteeing that shortly the Western transmitters as you call that group will learn that you are open to unify their service without being their administration. They are welcome to their own corporations and doing, but that they make use of the Lightlines through the Magisterial Foundation weekly. If they can't manage it, they are not to transmit. That is my degree. 

Ron Besser 
I'm most grateful. It helps me a lot, my thinking, Machiventa. Now I turn this entirely back to you. 

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. You are mature Melchizedek in those sayings. I have never heard a human discuss this so plainly. The truth of the matter is the Sunday Lightline is the focal point of the Lightline. But Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Lightlines are very, very important. Elise, Lemuel, Dominick and any other transmitter who wishes to join the schedules for the Magisterial Foundation Lightline presentations are most welcome. Valerie, Raz, you continue making the transcripts, please. You fulfill a tremendously important measure to maintain. 

I am Michael of Nebadon. Dominick, I will turn this back to you shortly. But let Michael have this say. Ron has been goaded for the past four days with an unrelenting cabal. They scratch him, they puncture him, they cause unremitting pain.
And finally, this, you, Ron are not going to die and leave it all. The truth of the matter is, you are beginning to feel better. And make sure you maintain a regular schedule. You have done so, you and Dominick do well to discuss this every evening in your home, where I tell you what I want. Gabriel tells you, Arthura tells you, and all other beings from Paradise. And Uversa make use of it. You enjoy it and welcome us. 

Ron Besser
Oh we do Sir. I would be well, naked, that's how it would feel. No protection from the winds of the cabal or the changes this Mission suggests. It's cold. It's hard. And we depend on you, Michael. To Arthura, thank you for your service. And to all others who help. We are grateful. That's all I can say. We have nothing more than to produce what you allow us. Thank you.

Universal Father
This is Father. I did not intend to speak today. I'm too busy. But Ron, you have made your temper available to us, and it's quite a temper. There are those on this discussion forum right now listening to this transcription of my voice. We decided to do it today particularly because Dominick was doing it and he is a close ally of yours, and the planning. 

You looked at the Baltimore News this morning. A freighter collided with one of the supports to the Baltimore bridge. You traveled across it. 

Ron Besser
Yes, folks, it's miles long, and over the wide expanse of the Chesapeake Bay. It's pretty scary in the middle of it. You don't see land. That's how long that bridge is. And wouldn't you know it, a guide on that freighter fell asleep at the wheel. That spirit’s review. He collided with one of the main supports, and the bridge is not usable in certain areas.

Universal Father 
As a consequence, we believe, the maritime order over that freighter will arrest them. Now let me go on to something more germane to us. The truth of the matter is that you wish to attend this conference, Ron, but are too ill, you can't stand long. And for that reason, we acquiesce. If you accompany Dominick to the opening remarks of the UAI, you would stand up and dictate the following words:

To the organizers of this conference, you are being reminded that you are under the auspices of Paradise and the rule of the Paradise Father. We acquiesce, says Paradise, with this conference. But you are actually coming to the end of your conferences with this one. There are Paradise Missions about to appear. And you must unify under one human approbation to unify your support and behave as humans under the laws and guidance of a mercy mission to Urantia. You're dying. That's the problem. As a final remark from Father, it's this. Please do not misunderstand. We are not here for mercy. We are here to correct. It's correction. It is not mercy. You don't deserve mercy. 

And finally, this to you Ron, you are one of the stern ones. Thank God. You know enough to set the records straight, but you do not do it for the simple reason that the Urantia Foundation and Fellowship cannot maintain discipline or structure without having current spiritual information available, and they refuse it categorically. You say fine. 

Ron Besser 
Our audience, our true audience, ladies and gentlemen, is not Urantia book readers. 

Universal Father
It's the regular uninformed population that will become not the readership, but the announcements of the proposed Missions to Urantia within months. Already the incarnations are beginning. There are 32 incarnated Melchizedeks as we speak. There will be 16 more. 

And I want you to understand please, I'm not yelling at you this audience. But please understand, your life could be under threat if you jabber too much. Keep it to yourself until we tell you it's safe to speak to. To speak to what? The intervention of Magisterial Sons into national governments, so that they may learn a wise way of governing. Urantia is in for big trouble. Its tectonic plates are not steady, it's too old. 

And finally, this. We're about to turn this back to you, Dominick. But before we do, please understand your loyalty and care for Ron is deeply appreciated by spirit. You've helped him tremendously. He is also seen to it that the property that eventually goes to the Magisterial Foundation, you become the heir of that property first, so that you can make an orderly transition of 2709 Sunset Lane and the Magisterial Foundation and its six subsidiaries entirely to the Melchizedeks, when they are ready to receive. I stand back for Mantutia, Planetary Prince. 

Mantutia Melchizedek.
I am Mantutia Melchizedek. I left the Urantia Foundation in the early 1940s to remind them that they are to receive the authority to present the fifth epochal revelation. I have never relented in seeing to it that they are maintained and that sufficient donations become available to distribute and print more of the fifth epochal revelation. Ron has taken, taken on the ability to reform. That's all he asked to do. But what's the first response? You're nobody. We don't talk to nobody. There is nothing to speak to. Ron, you are on your own. We do not listen. As a consequence, Michael Nebadon said to Ron, build a corporation. We will do epochal revelation through it. And if necessary, if necessary, we will transfer authority to you through the Magisterial Foundation, or whatever you choose to call it. They are deaf. They're corporations. They do not listen. 

Michael of Nebadon 
In finality, let it be known than, this is Michael of Nebadon. We decree that the authority of the Magisterial Foundation is not renounced, but you are going to be reduced in what work you do do. I will have a formal announcement to the Magisterial Foundation on May 12 of this year. I will have a formal announcement to the Urantia Foundation and the Brotherhood, as the Fellowship now, on May 5 2024. We have not yet determined in what manner

And finally this. I am Michael of Nebadon, Ron, and you shall live long enough to see to it that Margul is the next Son in charge. 

Ron Besser 
Oh, good grief.

Michael of Nebadon 
(laughing) Yes, Ron. 

Ron Besser
Well, well, Margot be alive yet. 

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, yes, he will. 

Ron Besser 
Well, that should please the Trinity. Thank you. 

The Trinity
I am also pleased to say, this is the Trinity, Ron. You are not an idiot, but you leaven these announcements so well, we are at comfort with what they say. Thank you, Ron. And Dominick, we now turn this back to you to conclude this Lightline. Go ahead, 
Dominick, you're on.

All right. Thank you, Ron. I am muting you, just for noise. And thank you Machiventa, (Abraham) Manituba, Father. Mantutia, (Trinity) and Michael. All right, that concludes today's Lightline. Stay tuned for tomorrow. Lemuel, you're unmuted. Let's see. Let's try. How are you, how are we for tomorrow?

Yes, fine. Full steam ahead tomorrow.

Excellent. Okay. Sorry, I muted you. Anyhow, that's today's Lightline. Thanks everyone for attending. We have 16 on the call and I know we have more than that listening. So all of you who are paired up and listening in at two or more, we appreciate you. And have a good day everybody.
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"