Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 3 APRIL 2024  (Read 12547 times)

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« on: April 03, 2024, 15:41:25 pm »

Thanks to all who attended today´s Lightline.

Link to the recording with Lemuel your host:

Online Raz

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« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2024, 10:21:08 am »
  • 040324 Audio Tape Light Line; host: Lemuel;
  • Subjects: all that is negative in our past will become evident to each of us, continued evil will not be allowed, those desiring to continue doing evil will cease to exist, truth comes from within never without, and it is important that we each do what we can do and listen to our Thought Adjusters; Q & A
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, a very high Spirit, and Amadon;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Hello, everyone, good afternoon or good evening wherever you are, and welcome to another Wednesday Light Line. Today is the third of April 2024, and this is Lemuel, your host. We have 16, a total of 16 on the call at the moment. And so I will quickly name you myself of course and we have Steven Gitz, Jose Vargas, Dominick, Salvador Salvador Bureau, Elise, and someone on the internet phone and Donna and Larry Whelan, we have George Meyer, we have Valerie, and Robert Lavassure, we have another one on internet phone, Roger Krupa, and yet another one on a telephone. Roger Raz, one on the internet. So we have a goodly number of 16 at the moment. So that's fine. And we just had another one come in on the on the internet phone. All right. So we're up to 17. I want you to know, before I come on, I do offer a prayer and ask for protection and that the lines of communication are clear, and the receiving and transmitting is correct. So I will ask, do we have someone who will come and address this Light Line?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Lemuel. Thank you.

Thank you, Machiventa. Please go ahead when you're ready.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Lemuel. Thank you. Yes, this is Machiventa Melchizedek and there are several things I would like to say. First of all, I don't want you to have the idea that human participation is now clearly off the boards because it is not. But it has become necessary to consider well many things of course. But you know the original idea and accepting the idea from Michael, Michael of Nebadon your Creator Son the first time to have human participation in a Magisterial Mission and this was also okayed and agreed with the Magisterial Sons themselves. That is to say Monjoronson, Serara, Sen Sen, Henson, and a few others.

Well, you all know in recent times in recent months, the situation globally is almost beyond description, really bad. I'm not going to mention anything in particular because you are fully aware of the news. Suffice it to say that constantly we are having to adjust a little bit here and a little bit there of what we plan to do. It is not easy. Also, of course, Michael has His own Mission and also of course, the return of Jesus. Your participation as humans is reduced for the moment almost nothing because of the fact that it is too dangerous. For example, if it were to be known publicly that there are certain people around the world, just a few, just a few who are hosts to what they come, will come to know as Light Lines and what it means; your very lives could be in danger. Well, of course, that will not happen.

The plan for the moment is Michael of Nebadon has decided to use the Magisterial Foundation as the headquarters if you like of what is to be the pronouncements. And also it is planned, of course, to become a broadcasting station for the Missions. We are looking into the possibility of when we are able to establish our own radio station and the possibility of incorporating the Light Lines to be broadcast through our own station instead of what is now the vast conference call-in. We are looking into that very seriously but for the moment it remains necessary for the first announcements will be made from and through the Magisterial Foundation. And for the moment, little else. At the moment it depends of course, on what the reaction is.

The use of the Rayson Corporation for the future inventions and the production of WTP and other things of course, this is of paramount importance and will continue, and these things will be produced. But for the moment the Magisterial Foundation, as set up by Ron will be used as I have mentioned, for the broadcasting information of what is taking place. The Magisterial Sons themselves will use the Magisterial Foundation for what they intend to do. With of course the cooperation and the permission and the help and contribution of Michael and in fact other forces as well. Many of you have thought that the Magisterial Mission, the Magisterial Sons themselves will just go about their business totally invisibly, but with the forces that they have behind them to put into order, what their plans are. Well, that is the case. That will happen.

But also the explanation of all these things, what they intend to do will come through will pass through the Magisterial Foundation. And in fact, it stands to reason that when people begin to see what is happening, they need explanation. Little by little in the future you will be used. The best way for me to describe that would be to say the opportunity that you will have individually to say something will come about at the right moment, at the right time, and in the right place, you will suddenly feel a burst in your chest area. And this will be your Thought Adjuster impulsing you or pushing you to open your mouth. So, you will need it, will recognize it, alright, this is it, this is the moment, this is why I'm here and you will speak and it will be your Thought Adjuster speaking through you. And later on, it may indeed be someone else as especially one of my order, Melchizedeks.

So, I repeat that human participation is not off the table in no way, but it will be later, further down the road when it becomes safe. I'm sure you can all understand that and identify with it. The dangers are very very real as you know. We are just a few weeks away from the month of May and what is planned is still on the table. But there is no way possible that you or anyone else can really be prepared for what is about to take place. If, it takes place. As you well know nothing is written in stone. Things are changing all the time. It comes a moment when one passes the point of no return and things must go ahead. And so hopefully now, in just a few short weeks from now, things will begin to happen and be seen to happen and we shall see what is the immediate effect and take steps as and when and where necessary.

But I can tell you We and all the other forces will not be wearing kid gloves. It's going to be hard and difficult and there is no escape. No one will be able to escape. Let me paint a picture for you. This is Machiventa Melchizedek speaking through Lemuel. Let me give you a picture. Imagine one morning someone opening their front door and there in front of them on the doorstep or under the porch is a mountain of garbage. Yes, garbage including human excreta. Everything that has come out of that person is on his front porch. So what, he shuts the door and tries to hide inside. But there is no escape, everyone will have to face what they have done. So, I'm painting you a picture in graphic terms, but obviously, it's not going to be literal, but people will become aware of what they have done in no uncertain terms and they cannot hide from that.

The effect of Celestials visible or invisible on this earth will have such an effect, that nothing can remain hidden. Darkness will cease to exist because it has no existence in itself, it is simply the absence of light. So, where there is light, that cannot be darkness. And so, everything is exposed, and those who have done the darkest of deeds imaginable, will not, cannot escape. As in everything, there is a beginning, a middle, and an end. And the beginning of the Mission will be very hard indeed.

But look at what is happening now, and has been happening for years countless innocent women, and children killed even this very day. Over the years the United States government has made a terrible mistake of giving unlimited support to a people, to a nation, a proud and stiff-necked nation who think that they are the chosen ones. They are not and never have been. In a sense, in a very real sense, you have all been chosen because you are all children of your heavenly Father. They say truth never hurts, but it is going to hurt so many millions of people confronted with the irrefutable truth. They will still deny it but they cannot hide from it they cannot remain in darkness. Many who will want to continue doing what they have been doing but they will find that they cannot do it any longer. And in fact, depending on who these people are and what they have done in the past if this remains their intention what they intend to do, then they themselves will simply disappear. They will cease to be.

Many millions of course who simply remain in ignorance. There is understanding and forbearance for all these. The contents of their hearts and minds are known and eventually everyone will learn, and as people begin to learn, they begin to change, they begin to see things differently and soon you will embrace the new and forget the old. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I have no more to say at this time so, I leave now until another time. I bid you all a very good day and thank you, Lemuel.

No, thank you, Machiventa. Thank you so much. Thank you. Just give me a moment, please. Thank you. Who is this? There is someone here, who is someone very strong.

A very high Spirit
No matter, Lemuel. I will just speak through you. I am one from on high, very high as you might like to say and the situation as regards the Missions are concerned are still on. Yes. In fact, they are ongoing as we speak. Looking at you now, those of you who are here on this call, a feeling of expectancy for most, a few of you are already in denial. Well so be it. It doesn't matter. It has been said many times in many places to many people over millennia; you may think what you want. You are free to think what you want or to believe what you want in a sense it is neither here nor there. What is, is; end of story. And I am not here to prove anything to you or anyone else. As you all know your God-given free will is sacrosanct. Do with it as you wish.

But what a great shame, what a great pity it is that so many allow their egos to say what is true or what is false or what is right or what is wrong or what is good or what is bad. Ego knows nothing of truth. Ego is false personality. Truth is never thought about. Truth is always felt. Truth comes from within; never from without. You think about the truth that you have felt, of course. Remember, you also have the Spirit of Truth, you have your Thought Adjuster. There is no need there never has been the need for you to try to decide what is true or what is false.

Your Thought Adjusters, all of you here now on this Light Line call in, you all have your Thought Adjusters, of course. From time to time they present you with a new concept seemingly out of the blue that is something to consider. So, you consider it. You think about it. So many times almost immediately, ego will jump in and say oh look; what a load of cards you want, or not. Those of you who have learned sufficient lessons from your experiences of life, you will realize for yourself it is not good to make a quick judgment. You have learned from your own experiences that you have been wrong so many times before and so with a little bit of wisdom, you wait. You just keep an open mind because you don't know and you have sufficient control hopefully over your ego not to allow ego to say that this is true or this is false.

Now just think for a moment, your Thought Adjuster would not give you a concept false for you to finally decide for yourselves that it is false. That is totally counterproductive. Your Thought Adjuster would never do that. So any concept that comes from your Thought Adjuster is true. It is something that your Thought Adjuster wants you to consider, wants you to look at. And hopefully, feel it. And as I just mentioned you feel truth, which leads you to know truth with a certitude. Never from without, never. So many of you are proud, arrogant in your knowledge, or what you think you know, what you think is better than something else, or what he or she is; making judgments all the time, every day criticizing this, criticizing that. Look at him. Look at her. You and people like you have got a very strong and sharp lesson to learn very soon. You will be stripped of your arrogance. Pride falls and it falls deep and hard. And yet when you are at the bottom, when you are on the floor, becomes an instant of peace. And there is flooding inside of yourself to have hope, it grows and in fact, it is wonderful because my dear friends you will never ever be so proud and arrogant again. You will have learned your lesson. You will cease to judge, you will cease to criticize, you will cease to complain. But what a pity that it has taken such an extreme lesson for you to learn that.

But nevertheless, some of the hardest lessons to learn are like that but the fruits of that later on our wonderful. A truth well known, a truth well experienced, well felt is wonderful and a concept that turns into a truth certified through your feelings. It is known that it is true. This knowledge is golden, as is all knowledge from within golden. Yes, let my words sink in those of you who I have just described, there are a couple of you here, ponder my words. I leave you now. I will say no more. I thank this one for receiving me, and I bid you a good day.

Well, this is Lemuel. Thank you so much. Thank you for those words. Just give me a moment, please, I'll have another little drink. Let me refresh my dashboard to see if there's anyone else here. Valerie, I see you have your hand raised, so I will come to you now and unmute you. All right, Valerie.

Thank you, Lemuel. As Machiventa Melchizedek was speaking, the thought came to me that how will the messages go out from the Light Line to the announcements, the first announcement, if they always have the same handful of people present?

Well, yes, that's a good question. And I think that that has been answered, has it not, fairly recently. Yes, the idea is, it will not be a general broadcast on the media by the Magisterial Sons or even Jesus, but that it will come, information will come through these Light Lines. Well, yes, it is true what you say, the number of people here or listening to the recordings are just a handful, even if they are around the world, maybe you know, several 1000. I don't know, but it is still a very, very small number. But I think this is something that obviously is going to be monitored from moment to moment or from day to day, Valerie. And just give me a moment, just.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, Lemuel. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Valerie, yes, we are fully aware of this, of course. And what Lemuel has just said is perfectly true, you are just just a few here, you know, and not millions upon millions and millions, no. But the thing that was mentioned, which has an effect, an indirect effect is the presence of Spirit on Urantia carnated or incarnated and the prospect or the idea of developing as soon as we possibly can, our own station or broadcasting station through the Magisterial Foundation is a priority, we really need to do and we want to do that. And so in the short term, it's going to be very little by little, little by little and we shall just have to see what happens. But it is something that we are monitoring and we'll continue to monitor day by day, Valerie. So this is all I can say at the moment. Thank you for the question. Thank you.

All right. Thank you, Valerie. Sorry, was there something else?

Oh, you heard me. I had another question and I think it's relevant. I'm very glad to hear that the missions do go on and we are going to be used in time everything is like they said before but we also have been waiting for some level of deliverance, need to heal the world, first change a positive change in the lives because I think most of us are either sick or dying. And if the coming missions will be in the future time, not yet. But it would involve us. I mean, are we going into this long period of long-suffering? That's my question.

Yes, I know what you, Valerie, I know what you are asking. And I've heard this many times myself, you know there are many of us, as I jokingly like to say, there are many of us that already have one foot in the grave because we are well into our 80s. And so, yes, I mean, how is it possible, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, are we going to be here, or we will all be on the mansion worlds long before any of this takes place? Well, maybe yes or maybe no. We shall see, we shall see.

Just go ahead, and finish what you want to say.

No, no. Well, that's it. I mean, I cannot I cannot give you any more information. I have exactly the same question. You know, we, some of us are really old and decrepit, and we'll just have to wait and see.

My related question to this should be go back into the world for their help, to the doctors we don't trust. Should we try to do that? Because now we, I feel like you know, that was my hope. I've been hearing it for so long. Now I feel like I have to. I mean, I don't feel like going back to the world but I'm asking; is that the only choice I have? To go to world to the world system until there is a coming?

Well, I don't know how to answer that, Valerie. It is something that you have to do with your feelings. There's nothing there for you? Well, yes, if you have sufficient confidence in your Thought Adjuster, then there's no problem for you. The problem is when people are not receiving helpful information from their Thought Adjuster, and they still tend to go the old way of doing what they think they should be doing. Well, you know, I mean, I can only say that that's not the best solution. But if it's the only solution, then one has to continue doing what they've been doing all along.

You know, my strategy always has been and always is what I feel and not what not for what I think. I repeat that, what I feel and not for what I think. Yes, I do I do not I do not I do not allow what has happened in the past to rule my present. No. What do I feel now is the most important, not what I think now, what do I feel now? And that's, that's all I can say, Valerie.

I would say one more sentence in closing, I agree with you that we only this is what we have available right now the system of the world. But I just don't feel I just don't feel at all that I want to go back to that. I'd rather choose to suffer.

Okay, Valerie, thank you for that. Okay. Okay, thank you well, oh, I see Dominick, you have your hand up so I'll come to you and I will unmute you now. Okay, Dominick. Go ahead.

Hey, Lemuel. And just just a quick thought. I think differently and so I feel differently. And I think about feeling and I guess I feel about thinking just differently than you describe it. Like you know, your emotions are very chemically driven sometimes. So your language of feeling to me takes on a lot more thinking than you may realize. Different processes, and they get all wrapped up in feelings and I know some people feel differently than you're explaining. So when you get long-suffering Valerie, and we get depressed or whatever. You're describing an intuition an intuition almost Lemuel, I think so I just want to make clear that sometimes feeling is a lot different than intuiting something, feeling something out to the point of intuition.

I would like I totally agree with that, Dominick there is a feeling of illness there is a feeling of depression, all these things, of course. But I'm talking about another level of feelings, you just infer that it might be intuition? Well, you may call it intuition if you wish. But yes, there are different levels of feelings pertaining to illnesses and suffering on that level. Yes, I agree. Totally agree. 100%. But the feelings I'm talking about, yes, are coming from within, coming from one's Adjuster, coming from our and also from your own experiences through your lives. Which, of course, strengthens your faith, and it is your faith. When you have a sufficiently strong faith, that faith is built upon knowledge, based upon your experiences in the past, of feelings and recognizing those particular feelings that are on a different level to the feel the feelings of through illness, or depression, or pain, or suffering, or whatever. Yes, Dominick. I agree totally with that.

Yeah, that's all Lemuel, you can continue.

Do you have, do you have, do you have a further comment?

No, no, thank you, Lemuel. Back to you.

Oh, no, thank you. Thank you, Dominick. Thank you. Well, I didn't intend to have a q&a. But that was interesting. So let me see if there's someone else here now. Just give me a moment. Please. Thank you. Oh, Amadon. All right. Thank you, Amadon. You're so very welcome.

Thank you, Lemuel. Yes indeed, this is Amadon. And I have been listening in the background so to speak. And I've enjoyed very much what has taken place and what has been spoken to on the Light Line. I just have a few comments to make about you the human participant. I as a human many, many years ago, tried to participate in what was taking place or the plans for the garden as you all know with with Van the Steadfast, who was one of the first, of the 100. That was the Caligastia at the time if you remember. And the the frustration that, I'm talking personally now, that I felt at the time, and over a long period of time, of course, was well twofold. One was to come to terms with what I thought within myself that I was able to do, and what I wanted it to do, and also worth thinking about what it was expected of me to do.

Well, as far as you are concerned, when I say you I mean those of you who are on the Light Line, and listening, you may be wondering the same thing. In fact, this also has a connection with the question the previous question from, from who, Valerie, yes, from the lady Valerie, what can you do? Yeah, what can you do? What do you mean? What are you physically able to do? Or what you are capable of doing intellectually, in an academic way, or an artistic way, or whatever? What do you think your contribution is? Or what are what could be or what should be? Well, only you can answer these things. Only you can answer these things. But you will obviously base, if someone was to ask you, for example. Alright, if someone was to ask Lemuel; okay, Lemuel. What do you think you can do? Well, Lemuel would say; well, A, B, and C. All right. Okay. If you are sure, yes, I think I can do A, B, and C. All right. Well, if all of you are able to do at least that, that in fact is tremendous.

Even if it's just very or even one thing that you know that you can do and that you want to do, and that you're able to do, that's fine. And so, please do not worry about the extent of your human participation or otherwise, no, you will be used further down the road, as Machiventa Melchizedek said earlier on. And so for the time being, no, just keep your own council and just see what happens. And when the time comes, you will know what you are able to do. And, but I can tell you now, it will not be based on anything of the old, because you will be moved by your Thought Adjuster.

So, perhaps the lady Valerie, who is still listening, can think of these words. Don't be tempted to remain in the past, you don't have to remain in the past. Be ever mindful of the future. And the potential that you have with your Thought Adjuster to impulse you at the right moment, time, and in the right place. It is a form of surrendering, you are surrendering to a higher authority within yourself, not outside of yourself, within yourself. And that will see you through. So don't don't worry about that. But that's the same for all of you. Of course, this is Amadon. So I know what I'm talking about from my own experience many years ago. So, so don't worry about it. When the time is right in the right place at the right time, you will know what to do and you will do it perfectly. So don't worry about it. Thank you.

All right. Amadon. Thank you very much.

Yes, thank you, Lemuel. That's all I have to say, yes.

Short and sweet.

Yes, short and sweet, Lemuel. Thank you so much. Thank you. Bye-bye. 

Thank you, Amadon. Bye-bye. Thank you. Right, well, let me see, well we are still 19 on a call, and we have still have about six minutes to go. So just use these six minutes in a constructive way. So if there is anyone here that has a question, please go ahead now and press five star. And so I can see your hand raised and I'll come to you. So please do that now. Oh, you're all shy. Okay. Well, I'll give you a few moments more and then if not, then I shall close the Light Line for today. Okay, Valerie, you have another question. All right. I'm coming to you now. Go ahead.

Yeah, if there's someone has a question because I don't really have a question. But when Machiventa Melchizedek was speaking of people realizing the real identity and sin and we will be confronted with it. Of course, there's a spiritual manner and I was wondering how that actually happens to someone but then I remember that one time when I was still reading the Bible. I asked Father, what does that mean that my sin is ever before me, which goes up here of King David my series ever before me. And I said to him, I asked him what does that mean? So that night he gave me a dream. And in my dream, I have seen like a pillow hanging in front of my eye, it wasn't connected to me but it was right in front of my eye and would never leave. And that was really just a collective of my sin and very impressive. I cannot say more about it, but I clearly understood what that means. That my sin is ever before me and you cannot escape. So I thought maybe I share this because we really cannot understand how that will be but it will happen to everyone. Which it seems that some change today. That's all I wanted to say.

Well, no thank you, Valerie, for sharing that. I can identify with that. And of course, it was Machiventa Melchizedek was using an analogy, a very graphic one. But of course, it serves its purpose because that in fact is as it is, when you are suddenly confronted with everything that you've done, your reaction is just to go and hide in some place or deny it, but you can not do that. And what we are talking about in the future there is no escape, one has to confront what you have done and come to terms with that. And so what yes, thank you for sharing that with us, Valerie.

Thank you.

No, thank you, Valerie. Thank you I will mute you again now. All right. Well, I see no other hands raised. We've lost someone, down to 18. Who have we lost? Someone who is just on the internet phone alright. Alright, so I'll close this Light Line now, and thank you to everyone who has attended. A big thank you to Machiventa Melchizedek and an unknown an unknown entity or spirit. But what he said was very profound. I enjoyed that. And thank you to Amadon also, thank you, Amadon. Okay, so well, next week will be the 10th of April, same time, same place. And until then, look after yourself. Be happy. Love one another. And God bless. So this is Lemuel signing off for today. And hope to see you all again next week. Bye-bye.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2024, 10:07:15 am »
It is Sunday now and the normal schedule is to be prepared for the Sunday Lightline, yet I here nothing.  I am shutting down the Lightline for today without much comment.  You can check at 2 PM to see if there is any activity but right now it is the silence of the lambs is all we hear.  If I have anything to say I will say it but right now there is no Lightline for today Sunday  the 7th of April.  If there is anything to speak to later I will come on the air if necessary.   Ron

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK - "Ron is one of the few we respect enough to say this:  There are no further Lightlines until there is respect enough to hold them again.  RAZ you are finished for the day already.  Ron you are done for entirely if one more word escapes your lips that sounds too negative to listen too.  K:"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2024, 11:46:31 am »
Last Friday, I was to start the France Light Line, but two days later my internet provider, with whom I signed an agreement, disabled the communication for no reason, so the conference call was cancelled without ado, until further notice. It is like I was experiencing an “April Fool” with a sour taste.
I am your servant, I am your liegeman, it is my will that your will be done.

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2024, 12:13:17 pm »
Clency, my friend, be aware there are true enemies at out door now.  Play it quietly and surrealistically, as you can wait them out.  I  expect no one caused a problem that can be named, but the keys to my care have disappeared and the entire matter of working for the Creator Son to produce something of value for Urantia, is badly exercised for most of us.  Stay the course but do not relate well with the outside world at the moment as that is where the cabal lies in wait to throw you a punch.
For example, I lost my entire list of sent emails.  Suddenly I have lost over 100 past posts and I am not sure I have anything left in the archive positions I saved of other emails I need to reference now and then.  That is the hateful warning they (the insurrectionists) have sent all of us who participate in support of the Creator Son,  Michael of Nebadon.  I have had my email I hold for future references entirely cancelled and not findable and my email gets lost or stolen all the time now.  If I were a sheriff  I would have them in jail now and not look back.
Furthermore, to all of you, there is nothing to work for at the moment.  Michael of Nebadon is taking a breather from the battle at the moment and is, I think, sitting back to view the turmoil developing on Urantia, and we must not be the damn fools who fall into the elephant pit the cabal has arranged some of us to do.  Be wary and do not take unnecessary chances right now.   Thank you clency for your interest continued in all of this as we need you even more.  Keep up the good work. 

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you are an in veritable liar not,  But keep your mouth shut and do not do a light line today as it is useless with the present circumstances you have on Urantia.  You are right to ask Clency to stand up, but do not place Clency in the way of a ballot box full of stuffed ballots to move Urantia out of control of Salvington, as that movement is afoot and you will not have it and neither will Clency and the other transmitters..  You Ron are not doing a Lightline for good reasons of State today and thank you for taking the time to post your misgivings.  Things will return to normal shortly --  at least I think they will unless there are some surprises I do not know about.  K  Michael of Nebadon at your service!  K:


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Lemuel

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« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2024, 01:39:56 am »

Lightline for Wednesday the 10th of April is canceled.
