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Tuesday Lightline USA on April 02, 2024
« on: April 04, 2024, 11:15:27 am »
Lightline USA on April 02, 2024. Host: Dominick   Thanks to all who attended.

Here is the link to the audio: 

Thanks to all who attended.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2024, 03:24:07 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Tuesday Lightline USA on April 02, 2024
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2024, 11:16:12 am »
1. 040224 Audio Tape Tuesday Light Line USA; host: Dominick O.
2. Subjects:
a) A detailed report of Dominick’s experience and evaluation of the conference in Baltimore
b) Difficulties with the message of the Urantia Book,
c) Evangelism with the message of ascension scheme
d) Positive expression of an ascension scheme results in readiness to serve and satisfaction in any circumstance
e) Unveiling our personal and national identity
f) The first public presentation of WTP
g) Arthura addressed our national identity and adherence to Father and TA within
3. Speakers: Gabriel of Salvington, Arthura
4. Transcribed by: sonsofGod
5. Link To Tape:

All right, welcome everyone. Today is Tuesday, April 2nd, so no April Fool's today. And we started recording this Lightline at 2pm Eastern. Okay. Well, for those interested, there's always a transcript and an audio recording at And also Father If you're tuning in by phone, you can press either five star or star five, I'm never sure which, but that'll indicate that your hand is raised and you'd like to say something.

Okay. So, we pray to Father and appeal to Michael, for good, clean and secure Lightline. Now we can hear anything you have to say. And if not, we are always grateful for our life and help us worship you and pray, and help our growth. And then of our fellow brothers and sisters in their journeys, and help us get to know you, and be like you, and give that back to everyone around us.

So, my name is Dominick, and I am doing a transmission work here in what's called a Lightline. And what we try to do is keep the line open for the spiritual administrations that they may give us any updates, any lessons, anything we are to know. And that in addition to that general aspect, we also strive to direct these Lightlines into Mission service. So the organization, the Magisterial Foundation that sponsors these Lightlines, provides this scheduled slot of 2pm, Monday through Sunday. And we currently have a little over half filled. So if there are other transmitters who wish to step in and take, say, a Thursday slot, or Friday, or a Saturday slot that is available to those who tune in.

And well, I attended a conference. It was great to be there, and it took away a lot of… a lot of things that was (were) a success. Just, I know everyone's curious about that, I'd be happy to talk if you want to. And I'll share some of the things that I transmitted yesterday morning. Maybe not in depth, but in general.

There is a... you could say, the beginning of rectification if you call it a social movement, everything that's happened. But that, it's important that the revelation and the Spiritual Administration involved in providing us that revelation is more than just a movement, and that the original instructions to get them with an epochal revelation was the structure of the Foundation, together with something called the Brotherhood. And that when you look at where we are at today, we have gone from what the Brotherhood was meant to be, which was like a nation. The Brotherhood is much more came to a nation when we talk about what the revelation states as family, tribe, nation and state and beyond.

And so what we have is really a state of tribal… a bunch of tribes, right now. And that there's this hope and effect taking place where hopefully we can amalgamate into a nation again. But than in its tribal effect it's pretty hard to overcome when the social movements are stuck in a bit of a tribe mode. Now, I'm going a little bit sideways here in that, the reason I say that is because tribal behavior is really a deep seeded unconscious behavior almost. And this is true, just in simple group groups. But there's always a group behavior that you don't want to rock the boat, you don't want it to do anything that will kick you out of the tribe or black sheep you. In the past that was really a survival thing. And then it meant death if you were taken out of the tribe, almost there. So these are deeply ingrained things in the human brain anatomy and behavior.

So that's just a definition there for you, but to have the institution, really an institutional organization of the Foundation that was, as far as I know, structured to at least keep the text preserved, and the distribution, I guess, of the revelation clear and clean. And somewhere along the way, obviously, before my time, my living experience is that all hay-wired, we all have our understanding of how those histories took effect.

But what I'm taking away from that conference, too, is the … what's the tribal effect of this is that, well, the conversation is always about a book. And it's never quite … It's a nice vehicle to just say, a book, because it implies and therefore communicates so many things, and then about our understanding of that book, but then, somewhere along the way the Brotherhood became something else. It became interested in publishing and things that the institution was supposed to do, and the institution became quite concerned about loyalty to and understanding that… that they want to control lesser teaching, and then teaching and study groups,

And then there's these universities popping up. And it seems like there should be some progress in the future but I'm not sure how fast that will go if they're left to their own devices, and so on what the cult of the Magisterial Foundation strives to do. And I use that word because that's how we are understood. That's not necessarily who we are. But I guess if you wanted to make a difference, it would be that the seed of our identity is graduated or no longer defined by stating how you found the book, and being able to say that you're loyal to the personalities and the deity in the book, and that you have personal relationships with him.

And really, when that happens, you don't, you just…, the book becomes less and less of an identity there and more and more of a resource, something to turn back to, when you need clarity on where your understanding is on anything, but at the same time, you're, you're moving forward, and we have a much more advanced world today than when the revelation took effect and it's publishing. And there's an awareness of that, that for sure.

And there's, back to the social movement though, is that … It's important to define what a social movement is, and what I received yesterday was that a social movement, or to put it a different way, the fifth epochal revelation is not merely a social movement. And that if you consider a social movement what those really are, they're just waves flowing on the times of the mores and the values of the day. And so they're subject to, you know, secular and profane propaganda that seek authority and influence.

And so tribes are often in our modern society here, very, very driven in their social movements, and there's a lot of propaganda Tani, certainly when we see the extremes today, and certainly the division do anything the way the media messages us by more or less tribal demographics, and it's really detrimental to the thinking of an open person.

Anyhow, if we graduate to nations and institutions and what the Foundation could do, if it was a working institution you could say, what it is working, out to be something that any institution would do, and that is something that binds the nation to the state, and produces civilization. So in other words, and in my understanding that means that the text would be something stable, and there's a stable platform for the nation, the Brotherhood, to produce things at the higher levels of the state, which is even higher than a nation, and that those things start to produce civilization.

And really a… what type of civilization? Well, that's quite clear to anybody who's familiar with that revelation, it's cooperative civilization. So it's not just kind of the civilization we have now, very competitive and belligerent, but cooperative. And so when the institution is the citadel of its charter in charge, now we can navigate the waves of these social adjustments, and withstand the dilution and corrosion in the face of social coercion. And so I say all this, because there's, with the tribal-ness, and the breakdown of the institution and the vehicle that was supposed to be creating a nation, we're stuck in this institution, which is taking a little more than what it was designed to do. What the Fellowship that's trying to take on more than thinks it's doing with the publications and whatnot. And there's this tribal disparate attempts going on that we're going to affect a civilization and it could just, it could be going a lot better, as we deal in unify.

So rather than, you know, judge that I think we've got a ways to go. And we could, we could be open to more. And so certainly, the Magisterial Foundation was welcomed there. Steven, Steven and I made a lot of good acquaintances and met a lot of good people.

And lastly, just the thing about worship, there's one thing about worship. It's, it's this. Don't bring yourself in, that's all I have to say about that. And, for me, if there's, if there's worship, I would just prefer to walk into a room where people are there, and be silent. And we can come and go freely as we choose. And, do I have anything else? There's some news to them, I'll see if they want me to talk about it, but is there anyone I can receive that has anything to say, rather it's about that or something new this week? Let me know. I'm here to receive.
I don't, I don't necessarily have a name, but I have a voice.

Gabriel of Salvington
Thank you, Dominick. I would like to address the group. This is, this is Gabriel. Gabriel of Salvington. Dominick made as much progress as we hoped he could. Michael sends his regards, regardless of anything he might have said the day before.

What you need to understand is Missions take place on a planet. The entire revelation is designed (so) that you can expect Missions to follow. Yes, the book is a Canon of personal religious experience, soul growth and describes an ascension scheme designed not only to clarify your cosmology, but it is the first reclamation of us, as ourselves here at Salvington to put the rebels on notice that judgment has occurred in favor of me, and on behalf of Michael. The work we do on this planet shall proceed and will go forward as it always has, starting with the ascension scheme.

The conference started with the soul, but it could incorporate so much more than just the mere quotations that pass for a strenuous concept. What it hints at, and what I will clarify, is that the fifth epochal revelation is a new yet restated ascension scheme for all mankind. What gets in the way of celestial communication for starters is the need to qualify the language to the effect that it becomes so diluted in pronoun, in correctness, you lose sight of the message.

So, we will continue to use that for at least this transmitter who bags that you play along, but the ascension scheme truly is something to be evangelized, and understanding of the soul really is not understood out in the world. Yet that is where the spiritual hunger is starting for those who you seek to connect with. It is there soul hunger that desires to know the ascension scheme, and while the simple message is the Father hood of God and the result in brotherhood of man, there is a lot of error, some of it deliberate in rebellion, some of it propagated innocently and some of that is propagated not so benignly.

But what it cannot do is withstand the truth of the ascension scheme being expressed positively and assertively and infused with your service and your projects and anytime you wish to share the Good News. And so, a conference really should, could, and ought to be about not just learning what is rehashed in a static book, nor should there be a sharing of how one found the book when such an experience could be years and years and years ago. Why not ask the question what has happened to you since then? How are you, how were different before and how have you evolved? And what do you think needs to get done that you could reach up, and receive what Michael has for you to reach down. Because Jesus declared, you have the Father  in you to hear.

So, there's this great feedback loop, a circuit, if you will, that you could strive to know the Father and hear Michael. Then once you are comfortable in your citadel of the Father, the citadel of yourself and your Thought Adjuster as part of you, and that you understand who you are and where you're going, and you feel loved and safe in that, you're ready to serve and not merely adjust. And you understand the ascension scheme provides a (kind of) satisfaction, regardless of how bad the planet gets. That you have at least reached a point in your evolution, in your ascension here on this planet now, so to speak, in this life, and your Thought Adjuster, and angels, and your soul is all the better off for it.

And that the last step before you go in the little time you may have left is to really go for it. So, that's all I have to say, and thank you. This has been Gabriel, Gabriel Salvington, and I wish you all a good day in Michael's peace, and the Father 's love. Amen.

Thank you, Gabriel. Alright, so we're at 2:28 (pm) and I'd like to welcome a few internet callers, Robert, Charlotte, and Mr. zum Felde, welcome. Well, bear with me for a second. So with that, let's see, let's go with something else we took away in transmission the day before, so yesterday. So this was all. So it's fresh, and it reads the following. I wrote, I wrote the notes down. And for those of you who meditate or, you know, wish to experiment you could say, or see if you're able to transmit, it's really about journaling and getting a free flow you could say, where you're not really thinking about it. I'm more or less worried about it, having anxiety about it.

Anyways, this is more on the identities. So the personal identity, and then the national identity. Because when you're dealing with identity, you always have it regardless of what group you might be a part of or acting in. You have a self identity When you're in a tribe, you have an identity. A lot of us have family identities. And well, that's a, I mean, we have all been in the family and felt the pleasure and pain of having our identity within a family. I mean, it starts there, whether you, you have your true self, and then you have immediately what another person perceives you are, which has maybe nothing even to do with you. And then you go on into the tribe and the nation in the state, and then you feel that more when you go say overseas or to different countries, and experience it there. So, anyhow, the following is what I wrote down in my, my book here.

The seed of your personal identity is the Universal Father . And, and then we, in quotations after that, if you have trouble saying the Universal Father , there are plenty of equivalents that you can use. So continuing the features of your identity is your soul and the present of your identity is your personality, capable of freewill. And that the the afterlife, your ascension plan, your ascension, salvation, whatever, is a fusion of all of these things and there is a unity being sought after, that eventually you will have this event, this fusion event, which is the advancement of your ascension into a spirit being, a comp that is the beginning of your cosmic citizenship. With that fusion you are a spirit being.

Now let's combine, let's contrast that a little bit with the seed of your national identity. So how would the celestials define that? Well, the seed of your national identities reside in the deity and divinity personalities governing the administrative bodies of the universe. And that you need look no further than Michael of Nebadon, as your Sovereign. All loyalty resides in the Father, and he is known to you through Michael. So, that's the end of that blur. But you know, if you, if you can move your identity into those seats, personally with the Father and you're in your ascension scheme without losing your own identity in the middle of your personality, and that your national identity as a nation reside in deity and divinity, not a book!

So I would, well, I guess the word is challenged, but I'm not trying to be belligerent, but if … I think it would be tough in a conference for everybody to say that. And when I suspect that not so secretly, we are all wishing to have no fear, and safely and without anxiety saying the seed of our identities in the Father. It’s in Michael and it's with Spirit. And that we need not retreat to the safety of talking about a book.

So that's all I have to say about any written verse. I do have more, there was some stuff I might talk about later, but say that a Mission might coalesce these things and say the universities, but the universities has much more to do with just anything that the Urantia, anything affiliated with that is trying to do. And we've touched on in the last Lightline, I think, some of the pillars of study, you could say, or where that would fall in.

And just a little thing before I go, I'd be remiss, I also made a blunder personally, in my first public speaking about WPP, that… It was funny. I had somebody just calculating in their head when I said, 14 or 20 megahertz…, or 20 gigawatts. What is it? Okay, I can get that right. 20 megawatts of power being broadcast 200 miles. Well, he did a quick calculation and he turns to me and he goes, Yeah, that's about the 6000 toasters, and explains how he developed this unit that he gave toasters to fire, like how many, how much power is to each device. And so that took me off guard. I panicked a little inside, I thought to myself, well that's, that's not something that's going to power entire cities. Maybe I misspoke, and I didn't have the literature in front of me to refer to.

So I naturally thought to myself, Well, I must have misspoke, maybe I meant to, say 20 gigawatts. And so I'm so sure of myself in that correction that I tried, I compound my error by stating that I must have meant 20 gigawatts. And then even said that to another person who was listening later on that day, hey, I meant to save 20 gigawatts. That's let solve the toaster dilemma because I knew that this pattern was going to power much more than just 6000 toasters. Well, long story short, the broadcast of 20 megawatts, it turns out to be correct. and the gentleman who said 6000 toasters was right. But what we didn't understand with each other, and we did not convey was that each antenna, any end device, or any end user, sticking that antenna up to catch that broadcast receives the constant flood of 20 megahertz or megawatts. (hah-ha)

When we talk megahertz, that's the frequency it may have at 86.4 megahertz. So anyway, you get the idea. And I took that all the way up to the podium when I introduced the patent publicly. I don't think it was caught and this will be corrected, but we need…, we do need to correct that. Luckily, the literature and everything that fits the pattern doesn't go on by what I said, but the fact remains the pattern, the literature, I'll say 20 megawatts, meaning that any household will run by receiving those megawatts into their home. And Ron explained to me that if you needed to amplify that, you could pick it up at a substation and amplify it there if you needed more power, but you get the idea.

Is there anyone wishing to step in on my loose lips?

Arthura, go right ahead. You're, you're bailing water just fine.

This is Arthura. And I welcome the group assembled here. Bur as Arthur I am the king of transmitter augmentation. You can converse with me freely. I invite those who transmit to understand that I come to you with the will of the Father. I fully recognize the Father as you know him, and I tell you, I know him more. But that is only to say, I can give unto you that of what the Father has distributed to me to give to you. Is my honor, is my service, and most often it is my duty, as it is defined and guided here by Michael. I turn, I turn inward to seek His guidance and He speaks to me.

Those of you who know the Father understand the word controller. And when I say that it means you do not understand, I will attempt to clarify your understanding. This is Arthura. You should always seek that, which balances the energies of all that you are. It is so complex. Once you isolate on one thing, there are 10 more things connected to that one thing that add to the balancing of that energy. And, so, what the controller is is not something that attempts to affect your will, rather the controller as the regulator, the modifier, when you have reached a stage of Father attunement with your, with the Father within you.

The energy I speak of that represents all these different things does get expressed as thought. And so, the adjustment of that thought happens early in life as you build the soul, and then another stage is the control, the effective control, the effective use what without the wild imbalances or out of sync disturbances that would be wildly out of sync, out of recognition, even unconsciousness of the Father. But at the same time, you need not be so hyperly conscious of the Father that you second guess what you're doing.

The controller represents a term where you are becoming more in sync, and be trusting that the control mechanism of the Thought Adjuster is becoming more and more closer to, not just synchrony, closer to fusion. And it's at that point where you are well instructed to invite dialogue and learn to listen, and remove the anxiety, and freely trust that the mind is capable of discerning that spirit can indeed communicate with your mind.

After all, these are personalities. The Father is pre-personal, and a lot of the beginning stages is literally scaring yourself and doubting yourself possibly when your mind speaks to you as you, in your own voice. And something deep within you feels as if it was somewhat outside of you, all at once, and that is a good rope to hang on to.

Do you want to use the word rope, Arthura?

Not really. But it's as good as any.

Okay. I just think some people automatically think it's a good rope to hang yourself with,

Certainly they're free to think that, but I hope they have a good laugh.

Well, thank you, Arthura.

This is Arthura. It is no laughing matter, but if you don't lighten up, you will never know some of the best qualities during your lifetime here in the flesh.

It is the seat of joy that allows you to share the Father with your brothers and sisters. No one likes a sour pass, no one likes someone who's so serious in their worship that is not inviting in a joy to share. That is a good note to live with. I'm Arthura, and I wish everyone a fantastic evening.

Thank you, Arthura. Well, we, we close out. I think this is all the Lightline has to say unless there's anyone else. And I see no hands, and so what I'll do is probably close the Lightline recording, and we'll see who wants to stay on, but I'll leave everything in mute. And we can just hang on in silence if you wish. Good day everybody.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2024, 03:23:13 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"