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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: April 29, 2024, 15:54:41 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International for Monday - 29 April - 2024

Many thanks to our Speakers: Arthura; Machiventa Melchizedek; Michael of Nebadon;

Our Universal Father and the Adjuster 

Link to the tape:

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2024, 07:20:08 am »
  • 042824 Audio Tape Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise, other transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: before the Missions could become visible, the cabal and humans must be cleared off that destroy the planet and its people; personality is unique to every living being throughout the universe, it cannot be changed and its eternal; imagine unity and goodness of all personalities on earth; this Mission for Urantia is very different from any other planetary mission; the people of Urantia do not know God even if think they do; Universal Father addresses the leaders and wealthy of Urantia who cause suffering to people and incurable diseases, gas flaring; God gives comfort and strength to those who seek him by their Adjusters; Ron bought boxes of Urantia books, it will be rare in few months; Elise is working out an exciting project as Ron asked her to; Lightlines will continue in a different way, there will be Thursday LL also starting tis week
  • Speakers: Arthura; Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon, the Universal Father, Thought Adjuster of Elise, and through Ron Besser Machiventa Melchizedek and Michael of Nebadon    
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:

Good day and good evening, everyone, and welcome to the Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, April 29, 2024. I am Elise Sophia Veronica, your host, and I would like to thank you all for attending. We have at least 12 callers altogether. Well, we would like to send a little prayer to our Father, to thank him, well, first of all for the gift of life and for this opportunity to gather in his name, We ask you Father, for your blessing, and for clear understanding of the words that we may receive for all here today, and for those who will listen to these words at a later time. Thank you Father. Let's continue and see if we have any speakers for today. Is anyone available?

Yes, Elise. This is Arthura. I see you're taking responsibility, and trying to concentrate on what we have to say. Shift your attention to me and follow this, please. For even in these times, when there seems to be little or no communication, we are here. But there is no point in giving you details now of what the near future will bring. You all have a good and reasonable understanding of the situation and there is no need to explain more than you already know.

The Father will not allow any visible spiritual work to be done on this planet until the situation with any cabal is under control and is taken away from anything related to a Mission, or other planned, or even hoped for events on Urantia. Of course, your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, has no limitations in what he sees fit to do in his universe. And he is a Master Sovereign Creator Son forever. But Michael has no intention of carrying out what is intended for Urantia until both the planet and the universe are freed from continued actions of rebels who believe they are in control and continue to demand control of a spiritual department, just as your leaders are trying to do over your world’s departments. Wrong decisions are being made by both of them through unwise, selfish actions, and both parties should in fact be excluded from any participation in this Salvington or Urantia governments for years to come.

I am Arthura. This question needs to be set up and has been discussed for some time. But that the obstinate rebels or your unwise leaders will never come to their senses and are destined to leave. Many of the spirit rebels refused to acknowledge what has happened with the destruction by their superiors, but they will be excluded and transferred to a place where they have no means or power to oppose what Michael of Nebadon decides to do for his universe. just as your leaders should leave because they do not seem to understand how to govern a nation but prefer to produce war materials and destroy the world. And in fact, both sides are fighting a lost cause. They are all slow to understand that great-great changes have taken place and still need to take place. They must be replaced by others who understand good order and use common sense to respect men, nature, and most of all God. All those who have misbehaved must be reeducated and taught what needs to be done in collaboration with spirit for these worlds, for the universe, which is trying to adapt to a completely New Universe Age through mostly difficult, and sometimes painful decisions that are so necessary for law and order in a universe, where rabbles still demonstrate their lack of understanding, and some even deny the Father. And where humans have no understanding at all and do not want to know the Universal Father, the Source and Center of all. This is what I like you To Know today. This is Arthura at your service.

Thank you, Arthura, thank you for you words. (few words here got lost by bad sound quality)

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek.

Welcome, Machiventa, welcome to the Lightline. Please speak when you're ready.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes, thank you, thank you Elise, and I welcome all who are here together. We are really small group and we are all very different personalities. We are all working for Father, for Michael of Nebadon. You on your world, you in your group, in what you can contribute in your own circumstances and to what you may be able to give your time and attention to.

Imagine, imagine people what could happen if many in the world would follow the same course, and help the world and each other grow in reaching a state of understanding in social contact and cooperation, where everyone could contribute his own potential to the whole. We support this growth evolution of your planet and its inhabitants in all different aspects of life.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek. We are of the order of Melchizedeks as you know, and we are doing just that, what I just mentioned. In addition, we are gifted with the inherited super quality, and traits of our parents, Michael of Nebadon, the Mother Spirit, and the Father Melchizedek, plus our long and extensive experience that every Melchizedek gets in the local universe of Nebadon and even beyond.

We, Melchizedeks, are all different in personality, just like you. Our pursuit of unity lies in the perfection of what we seek to do, as we serve Michael in the perfection of his universe. And through our long experiences, we know how to approach people on different planets in their own culture and development, to bring their nations and planets together in a unity, in which all those different personalities can develop and participate and contribute, every individual with its own specific personality. Personality, as you know is bestowed upon each individual and is present in the unborn child, when it is still in the primitive stages of development.

The Father Himself gifts personality and every individual is different. No two individuals in all of creation are alike. Personality of the individual is unique, and as the word implies, defines you as a person. That is who you are, and how you determine your life and how you are perceived by others. Personality is unique and distinguishes you from other humans and does not change over the course of your life here on earth, nor in your future career throughout the universe.

Personality shows who you are. In and through your personality you are being recognized as a unique being among many, many others. Man is born with personality as that unique person and your life will largely be determined by what you are and how you express your personality to the outside world. And yes, it is true, especially for the young adult, that it can sometimes be difficult to let their own personality, their uniqueness prevail when group pressure is heavy, and they are under the influence of others. It will result that personality can temporarily be overshadowed by strongly deviating ideas or ideals, but the personality will always win out over external pressure. Because personality cannot be influenced, does not change, and cannot be expressed by anyone, other than that specific person.

Men grows in development and invoked in personality, which makes it seem as a possibility to develop a strong character. However, character is partly determined by the environment in which the child grows up by its parents and by other educators, and social circumstances that a growing child has to deal with. Character can be developed, but the personality remains the same. You remain who you are forever. Growth and development work alongside personality.

And also a person may express its personality more than another person. Maybe due to hereditary pre dispositions or cultivated qualities, but this does not change the personality. It nearly exhibits different behavior depending on the opportunities and circumstances that are presented, but it add nothing to personality. A strongly developed character is nothing more than a less strong character. They can express themselves in just as many ways and continue to do so, in a society where all these different personalities manifest themselves in their own personal way.

Personality is often confused with quality or talent, but these things are separate from personality with which the human is only endowed by the Father, the Universal Father, and which will remain distinct for every individual as the soul develops, with the help of the Adjuster who promotes growth and prepares the individual for the eternal adventure with the Father on Paradise. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and these are my words for all of you today. I wish you all a very good day.

Well, this is Elise. Thank you very, very much. Machiventa. Thank you for your words.

Michael of Nebadon
Here is Michael of Nebadon, your Father Michael. Hello, everyone. I would like to connect with all of you for a moment today. I would love to be very specific, but we cannot be very specific. The Missions are going and you have been informed. Announcements will be made, but maybe not in a way you are expecting, because it could endanger our intentions just then and there. When people get frightened and don't know what is exactly happening, on your planet that is very hard to prepare for a Mission, and even harder to prepare its people.

I am Michael of Nebadon, and we have to be very careful not to create chaos across the planet, so that our precautions go up in the heat of the fire. Everything must be handled to make people understand in some way that God can come to earth, that heavenly power can be brought to a planet, that you are ruled by a friendly universe, despite the fact that the planet chooses war and destruction over peace and friendship, over creating one nation under God with indeed liberty and justice for all.

I know, as Michael of Nebadon, that on a normal planet we never announce our intentions for the arrival of a Magisterial Son for a Mission. But when it comes to Urantia, it is so much more than a normal adjudication and saving of the sleeping souls. It is a Mission associated with great changes, with in this case, scientific inventions with a spiritual department of technologies, with the return of Jesus, and worst of all a world in a terrible state. But men will eventually be faced with a nation that may introduce you to spirit and even spirit personnel.

This Mission for Urantia is very different from any other planetary mission. And the fact that Jesus has announced his Second Return has complicated the matter, plus, of course, the fact of a constant returning of cabal, and the incredible situation on your world. But the creation of a Magisterial Foundation has ultimately helped us to choose human participation for quite some time. But you also know that it still causes many problems and is considered a major risk by some of our high advisors. Life in spirit is so different from what you know about life on your planet, and the question, the difficult question is, how to overcome all these differences and still work together. Especially when the situation is so dangerous with no prospect of improvement at this moment.

Well, you can imagine our reluctance in all these, and the decision to keep it under one umbrella and first see how people will react when they might hear about a presence of an unknown staff of personnel from a universe quite unfamiliar to them. It is a pity to say, but your scientific knowledge of the universe is just about zero. And has only recently begun to make people aware of what lies beyond your world. So immense, and so unknown to men that it will take centuries to catch up, and for people to make them conscious of their position and task in a universe, that size.

Nevertheless, you should not lose hope. Progression will come. Every planet has to go through its evolution. And Urantia, as you all know, is a very special planet, which you are familiar with in many ways. But there are still many things you have never heard of. I am Michael. I am the Sovereign of the Universe of Nebadon. But I'm also your Father Michael. Be assured that all and everything will be made known to men throughout history. And all your citizens will come to know the truth and the path this planet must follow to reach the days of Life and Light and take its rightful place among all other civilized planets.

This is Father Michael. Michael of Nebadon. I take my leave, and I hope you have a joyful day.

Thank you, Michael. Thank you, Father Michael.
Well, let me take a look at the dashboard and see that's how many we are. At the moment we have 15 on the dashboard, and we welcome Steven Gitz, and Roger Raz, and Roger Copra. And I am not sure if I had welcome number 4098, but you're welcome. And it's good to have 15 on the screen altogether, thank you so much for joining. I'm going to see if we are receiving any more words, so, give me a minute.

Universal Father
My dear children, this is your Universal Father speaking. You are all concerned about many things on your world and that's not without reason. One of the concerns of this transmitter was about gas flaring. And yes, indeed, this is one of the worst things that humanity does to itself without regard or concern for their fellow human beings who then have to live in an environment that is highly toxic and produces all kinds of diseases, which cannot be cured. Because no money has been set aside by any government to take care of these people in such areas, but of course, that toxic benzene and soot will not stay in one place. It will work its way around the world leaving behind death and disease that you have no knowledge of, and certainly no cure for.

We wonder why you should poison your people in the first place. Do all these dollars make life better? What do you gain by causing misery elsewhere and making life uncomfortable for others. Are you thinking of Me once in a while? Are you thinking on Me, your Father, who gave you your existence? I gave you your existence to be with your fellowmen to care for each other. People think they know me, but they do not. They only honor God out of fear of what might await them after death. But I am not that God, I am your Father. And most individuals in the world have no idea who I am or what I am. Well, I am the source of your existence. I am the keeper of your soul. I have given everything to the people on this planet to learn about me. I am not hidden from you for I live in you, and all you have to do is find me, so that you can become like me. But that seems difficult to believe. And men have turned that truth into an often horrible image of me. A God who would punish his children for what they do not know.

I am your Father, and I know that men will learn. They will learn that they must work, that they need to go through their trials to find me, but also to love one another. I am within every human, and all attributes are present to enhance your human existence and to grow your soul, which is so richly taken care of by me, your Father.

How you solve your problems you create is up to you. The people in this world, today seem to know it all. But you have seen how they fall into their own trap. Let us wait and see how they will come to me and beg for help when the earth can no longer cope. And I will be there, but not before man realizes that they are guilty of producing what is now for all to see, a world full of danger and disease, and that needs to change. And humanity's main concern should be to heal this world and make it a healthy and happy place to live. I am your Universal Father. I love you all. I love all my children and I care. But no one will step in until humanity has learned what not yet has been learned. To know me, and love your brothers and sisters, to be good to one another.

This is your Universal Father. I love you. I love you all, and I wish you a good day. For comfort and strength are always given to those turned to me.

Thank you, Father, thank you.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
Yes, Elise. Comfort and strength are always given to those who turn to me. Yes, this is your Adjuster who knows the circumstances of life and understands where the need of his protege lies, and how far we, as Adjusters can provide for them. The Adjuster is closest to God, the Spirit of the Father who dwell in you, and assures you of eternal existence with him as you seek that union by doing good and honoring the will of the Father. Protection and this promise the Father give to all his children will go through their life and will be with him in his glory on Paradise. From where the Father sends each of them on a mission in his name, to perfect his universe according to the plan of God, the Father Himself. And thus, all his children become co-creators and protectors of an infinite universe, in which change, and growth occur, and in which the Father has the opportunity to reveal and share his universe with all who came into existence from him.

God the Father has set an infinite purpose for himself, and he will carry it out in detail in the endless future. He has called his children to live according to His will and laws, so that they can live with Him forever, and work in a creation beyond anyone's imagination. God's attributes are divine and the Father desires to pass on his divine attributes to his children, who are willing to follow him as Father, as Creator, and to be as brothers and sisters in the great family of God These are powerful words for a human being on this planet, but know and remember that they are given by the Adjuster, a direct fragment of God whom you acknowledge as your Father God. This is the Adjuster. The truth has been spoken Thank you for listening. Go in peace.

Thank you, Adjuster, thank you so much.
Well, this is Elise. I am trying to see if there is anything else, but I I feel his words as a … as some last words being spoken, but … let me see.

Okay, let me just say hello to Charlotte. Welcome, Charlotte. I see Jose there also. Well, I don't think there is more for me. I never want to skip you, Ron, since youre here. So, I'm going to unmute you Ron, and well, I hope you can have something more for us. I unmuted you Ron, I hope I do not disturb you in anything.

Ron Besser
(ha-ha) Just my sleep. (ha-ha)

That’s what I thought.

Ron Besser
No, I am just fine. I enjoyed your lecture today, Elise, it was excellent. In fact, it was so good. I don't want to add a lot to it.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron has been working on unknown to all of you, an opening for some of you to participate directly into the Missions that are about to happen. I am not going to lecture you on the program that he has put together so that you can begin to operate in real time with the Missions. I'm going to let that develop a little bit later this week. What I do want to tell you though, is that Elise is putting together a cost estimate of what it is to open a small shop in a street on your area of life to represent us directly as a Magisterial Mission name. I will have a lot more to say in the coming week. But in the meantime, Elise is working on the expense end of something like that, and of course, we are all looking forward to what Elise may have to tell us.

And for the rest of you, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron has been having trouble keeping well enough to do all this. The order came down yesterday that he had a lot of work up here and that he was to finish down there. But Michael of Nebadon has discovered that he is not interested in going over for some time.

And for you, Dominick, there's a load of books that arrived today that need replaced, I think into the same place we have the other books. And now this.

Michael of Nebadon
I am Michael of Nebadon. I have this to tell you. Ron has sitting on his floor right now. Seven cartons of Urantia book. They are to go into the garage with the other books. And for that reason, must be carefully tarped, because they are much more delicate than the books that you have in the garage now. He just spent a little under $700 to buy a small group of the Urantia books, so that they are saleable when the time comes, when Urantia is too much of a mess to remember them at all. For that reason, Ron, thank you. For another reason, keep them well. They will become quite rare in about five to eight months. I don't have a reason to tell you.

And fully to you Dominick. When you get over here today, put those books away immediately on top of the present books that you've gone in the garage. They will keep much better that way than putting them on the concrete floor.

And now this I am Michael of Nebadon, and to you Elise, congratulations. You have been working with Ron, what Ron asked you to do, and that is to cost out what it would cost for you to have a small shop, in which you can provide the information that is coming. When Ron hears the costs and it is satisfactory to him, he will provide you with what to do. We are excited by this, and I think it should be something that Gitz and George should try it. It'll be a lot of fun. We'll talk about it later.

And now this to the rest of you. We are going to close this down, oh, about five minutes early. Do not be concerned about it, Elise. We want you to close it down when Ron is done here. But the fact of the matter is, this day ends the usual way of doing things. I hope you enjoyed it, Elise. Tomorrow is Dominick, Wednesday is Lemuel if he lives. And Ron, we're going to put you on Thursday, as well as Sunday. So there is a Lightline Thursday, and thank you everybody for listening, and understanding, and looking forward to what we have to say shortly. I am Michael of Nebadon. Good day.

Ron Besser
Now this is Ron. Elise, I'm turning it back over you, over to you to finish the Lightline. And thank you for the chance to speak. Go ahead, Elise.

Yes, thank you, Ron. Well, thank you, and thank you, Michael, for your words and Machiventa Melchizedek. And, of course, I want to thank the other speakers we had here today. Oh, let me get this right now. We had the Universal Father, and the Adjuster and Arthura. Yes, I think I've mentioned them all. Well, I want to of course thank the audience for participating, for attending. And with that, I'm going to shut off the recording. Have a good afternoon and enjoy the rest of the day. I hope you have good weather and a lot of sunshine. Until next time.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2024, 07:41:25 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline weydevu

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2024, 15:52:41 pm »
Thank you Elise for your report and all who came through. Now let me get this straight, at first sometime in the past we were told we would be collecting TUB because of the present changes that have occurred.  Now I did give my grandson a book last September but I was under the impression we were to keep TUB on the down low. And not wonting to let the Urantia Foundation print anymore.  But this statement says different:

He just spent a little under $700 to buy a small group of the Urantia books, so that they are saleable when the time comes, when Urantia is too much of a mess to remember them at all. For that reason, Ron, thank you. For another reason, keep them well. They will become quite rare in about five to eight months. I don't have a reason to tell you.

What you say?

And the World Knows Not

Online SophiaVeronica

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2024, 17:11:01 pm »
Thank you Weydevu for your question. It is quite confusing and I do not know why the sudden change, as we have been told that about 30% or even more of the TUB text was considered incorrect after the self-destruction of the supreme.  

I would like to ask Ron to answer your question as that transmission came through Ron. I'm sure he has a satisfactory explanation for it.

Ron, could you shed more light on this and please answer Weydevu's question?

Thank you, 

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2024, 17:51:37 pm »
The short but incomplete answer is the books are going to the Library within the subsidiary of the Magisterial Foundation. They are for archiving in the Library.

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2024, 09:32:57 am »
The way I interpret Father Michael's sentence Weydevu is that due to some major changes coming upon Urantia in 5-8 months, sudden increase of spiritual awareness will spark people's interest in the Urantia book and might become a sought-after hot commodity. Until the sixth is realized having to read the erroneous fifth epochal revelation is much more beneficial than not knowing at all. In my opinion, it is a good way of preparation to receive the Sixth Epochal Revelation when it will be available about couple of years from now at least. That will serve as a great revealer of the entire rebellion and offer the needed correction of the fifth, I believe, without dangerous mixing up of who is who and what happened to the supreme. It is better to let that information alone for now, because it will be enough shock to the people of the earth, especially the church people, to discover the Truth of the Urantia Book in order to finally let go the bible being the sword of Damascus over sinners.  

May I also add that many pastors of the church known to be familiar with the Urantia Book, but unable to or rather unwilling to disclose it to their congregations, which would uproot the foundation of their ungodly hierarchical system that supports high positioning entitled to wealth accumulation, and giving of titles to the ego without accountability and graceful manifestation of what the title entails of (such as apostle, prophet, teacher, pastor, and evangelist that we all are, in the so-called five-fold-ministry), originally classified by Apostle Paul rightfully to clarify ones' role and responsibility within the congregation of the early church. In this late scenario it is falsely represented by every ambitious member of the church who allowed to pick one of the titles for themselves while sitting on the high places in a building without ever reaching out to the lost in the world. Blind leading the blind, with all due respect and honor to all God appointed ones that are living a sacrificial life, now addressing the religious ways that reached full circle from the time Jesus walked the earth the first time to the time he will walk again the second time, to finally revolutionize God consciousness in a productive way that will establish the brotherhood of man and Fatherhood of God - likely out of need for survival - as he first taught his followers who in fact lived it out for a generation or two. Afterwards serving one another has been gradually and grossly been neglected by church leaders to protect status quo, and the church literally plunged into the darkness of reorienting self to dissect and apply principles of worldly living from the bible revelation, that resulted in a constitution of the church life fitting the hideous world system in hypocritical ways of unseen proportions.

Of course, there is great awakening within that organization too, which is the sure precursor of the coming polarization between moving into the light of the day or choosing to freeze in the darkness of stubborn unconscious rebellion. Now that I threw such a big curveball from the subject of the future of the Urantia Book I need to stop here, but this might serve as an opening statement of some of our future ministries, addressing the institutionalized church that just got split out of the belly of the wail. To God be all the glory I do not know just waiting for my assignment, but this issue is in my belly too ever since I gave my life and heart to our Lord and God, and immediately discerned that the fish was stinking from the head that collectively managed to choke the word in me until finally I separated out and waiting for the Missions to begin as we all do. We are not going to swing the Urantia book over our heads as a banner of Truth (now decimated by the supreme) but thankfully will proclaim it uncensored and unrestricted by the Spirit of God within, the living word of God that we so richly receive day to day in preparation. We just must make sure not to get offended by anything we hear as so many seem to have turned aside already, no matter how much it is against our religious believes that were deeply rooted in the past era. As Michael of Nebadon addressed in a Lightline a week ago (Tue. 04.23.24) our roots need to be uprooted and replanted. That means we either let God tell us what truth is afresh or be at danger of parting with the church that is yet ill equipped to receive new revelations, but turning up the fire will mostly melt away their resistance. Do not go into the fire to embrace truth! 
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2024, 10:01:21 am »
For what it is worth, and Dominick mentioned it,  the Magisterial Foundation just purchased seven (7) boxes of new Urantia books.  It is not that I so love the 5th edition of the Urantia Books, but we want to preserve them when the United States and maybe the rest of the world hit the first apocalypse.

Please listen:

Michael of Nebadon keeps repeating his story that the world needs a rejuvenation.  But the rejuvenation we need is not just the people on our planet, but a complete reconstruction of the base of the Indian Ocean.  Occerpa you know this area better than we do, but the problem we have in describing the Indian Ocean area, is that we have little history dealing with that geography.  For that reason listen to this dictation I received a few days ago.  I dare not make all these connections known to the public, and this one dictation has too many obscure references to the past that anyone reading this site, they will think we are getting more mud in our gears than we are.  However, here is the dictation received several days ago and with which I have held it back because it is hard to deal with its relevancy:

"You Ron are facing death easily as you are of an age you have reached the climax of your life and are no waiting to put it down and take more of life back up on the mansion worlds.  It is not taught that life continues so well on the learning spheres about this planet, but there is a full life waiting for all when they close their eyes in death, and you have experienced enough of constructs from the mansion worlds to know this.

"However, the mansion worlds also receive those who have died too early to say their lives are complete on earth.  That is the sad part of these Missions we fear, because old earth is about eight billion years old. and it is suddenly beginning to show its age.  For that reason let me tell you that the physical nature of your planet is forbiding, as the physical nature is bound to scare you.  But it is this:

"Your geography in the United States is the most fortunate in all the world.  Egypt may well fall under the Nile River at the sea for one important reason, and that is the substructure at the mouth of the Nile is now nearly gone due to natural changes, and the fact that the Suez Canal has eroded some basalt at the very base of the flow out into the Sea.  For reasons of my own I do not advertise the fact the the Mediterranean Sea, has at least two (2) defaults to be wary of:

"1st Default -  The water at the edge of the Mediterranean Sea at the Atlantic side of the equation, is fully okay, and the opening to the Atlantic is fine.

"However, the water at the western end of the Mediterranean is full of sulfur oxides (SO4 and worse) and this has resulted in the underlying rock on the western end of this Sea, to erode its basalt badly.  Cypress could fall top heavy ito the sea and you would lose over 1.25 million people at once.  We are attempting to keep the worn basalt out of the picture but it refuses to dissipate and we are seriously considering an evacuation within our coming Missions to disrupt the catastrophe by flushing the Nile basin clear of its river and force the Suez Canal into oblivion.  You see the Suez Canal runs enough water from the Indian Ocean back into the Mediterranean and that action is eroding the mouth of the Nile into the Mediterannean Sea.

"You see this I am sure in the water around Cyprus, as the water around that huge island is slightly pink as  the rest of the water is mostly seen as a deep blue silver at times, and this is normal water.  But the Cyprus condition is full of pink dolomite from a vast distance below.  That leakage spells big trouble to the planet, and the planet will not split, but it will damage Europe badly (from Spain southward, and from southern France eastward.  We dare not predict what will happen to the substructure of southern Spain, as if it collapses into the sea lane beneath the wall of  the Straits of  Gibraltar.

"If this collapse becomes enormous, and destroys the entry to the Mediterranean, that Sea could dry up in about a half a million years.  It once was a pristine valley before the collapse under the wall of Gibraltar.   If it happens again, we have a loss of over five million (5,0-00,000) people and a loss of most of the Western Civilization.  It is not impossible, but God is here, and He is strengthening the basalt at the 200 mile dept level to construct a similar strut as you see now in this web picture of the Gibraltar passage.

Picture Here

Unexplained End

« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 10:12:30 am by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2024, 15:58:13 pm »
Regards Ron;  If no other member of the Forum has been to the south of India where I was more than three decades ago, to meet SAIBABA, in Puttaparti, state of Andhra Pradesh, and I remained without going anywhere else for a whole month within of Prasanthi Nilayam, the ashram or sanctuary of SAIBABA, then without a doubt, it can be said that I know that area of the Indian Ocean that you mention, (which I consulted is more than 5000 kilometers away from Puttaparti), better than all the others.  Blessings Ron, here daily praying for you.
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Offline weydevu

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2024, 13:45:26 pm »
Thanks to all, Elise, Dominick and Valerie and Ron for your long input. After fifty years it's about time the world takes interest in TUB.  Thats when I became aware of TUB and I thought I was a late comer. It appears most things we are told to expect is two, three, eight months, or seven years in advance.  And I'm sure some of us are hoping and praying we can hang that long.  I can't even imagine the mental stress of eighty years of work in the Garden of Eden and waiting for Adam and EVE may have caused but it was worth it.

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