Author Topic: USA LIGHTLINE WEDNESDAY 1 MAY 2024  (Read 9368 times)

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Online Lemuel

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« on: May 01, 2024, 15:33:20 pm »

To all who attended today´s Lightline, a big Thank You!


Link to the Second recording:

Online Moses Ouko

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« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2024, 17:01:42 pm »
1.      050124 Audio Tape Wednesday Light Line USA; host: Lemuel, other transmitter; Ron
2.         Subjects: -Arthura encourages transmitters and would be transmitters; -Michael to greet Urantia in a mission in the middle of May; -May 4th -broadcast of the schedule for appearance; -May 20th Michael to be in full mission on Urantia.
3.         Speakers: Arthura, Michael of Nebadon
4.         Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
5.         Link To Tape:

I'm sorry about that. That was a mistake. So, that was a mistake. I don't know how to solve that problem. So, let me continue. I just wanted to refresh the page for Arthura. Oh, we're up to 19, Arthura.

Yes, well, thank you, Lemuel. That's a good number, a very good number for you. Given the circumstances.

Well, I agree. Thank you very much, Arthura. Thank you. So, please continue when you're ready.

Thank you, Lemuel. Well, as I was saying, there's nothing of particular importance that I want to say. But the interest that I have shown and I have expressed from the beginning was to encourage.

This is Lemuel, excuse me. I beg your pardon, excuse me. I'm sorry.

To encourage the transmitters and to help you improve as transmitters. Well, I will repeat. One of the first things that I have noticed is, in fact, the temerity or perhaps a better word would be, well, not exactly fear, but the tremendous doubt of the capability of anyone learning to be a transmitter. To be confronted or to learn, first of all, to learn what it is to be a transmitter is wanting. And finding out about that, of course, can put so many of you off. Because the first thing that comes into your head is, well, I could never do that. This is your ego telling you this. You must learn to ignore what your ego persists in telling you. Like everything else, it's easy when you know how. And the way you will know how is through practice. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you make. You keep on practicing. You keep on practicing until your mistakes are reduced, which will give you more confidence in your ability. And that increases, of course, as you know. So just to encourage any of you again, please, more transmitters are needed. Many, many more. If you have doubted in the past your ability, please stop doubting your ability. You do not know your ability until you put it to the test. And by putting it to the test, it means you practice and you practice and you practice. And you will gain faith and confidence on every little thing that you achieve. That goes across the board for everything, of course. Nothing is achieved without practice. Without consistency of practice. And without ignoring your ego. Learn to control your ego. All right. So, this is really all I wanted to say. Many more transmitters are needed. And please, those of you who have at least began to think about the possibility, well, don't keep thinking about the possibility. Just go ahead and start. Let Ron know your intentions and he will help you get started. So, I invite you all, please, so many of you are able to become a transmitter. As the saying goes, don't think about it, just do it. Do it. This is Arthura and I thank you all. I bid you all now a very good day.

Well, this is Lemuel. Thank you, Arthura. Thank you for those words. Thank you very much. Yes, indeed. Yes. I know what it's like to doubt. Yes. Well, we all do, don't we? Really. From time to time, we have our own personal doubts. I'm not talking now about transmitting. I'm talking about any or everything in general. We have doubts about this or doubts about that pertaining to what we are capable of. And, in fact, we do not know really what we are truly capable of unless one tries things to find out. And one can be very surprised when one is able to do something. And, well, you all know this to be true. All right. Is there anyone else here that would like to come and speak to us on this Wednesday Lightline? Please. No. Well, I'm not picking up anyone. No, my mind is blank now. Well, Ron, if you don't mind, I'm going to come to you and ask you if you can, if you have something to say and maybe transmit for us. I will unmute you, Ron.

Thank you, Lemuel. I do not have anyone here.

All right.

I am mainly a Michael transmitter.

Yes, all right.

And Michael has indicated that he is just about finished broadcasting to humans for the time being because of preparation for his entry…


Into Urantia.

Yes, Ron.
I understand that.

All right. Well, let me transmit. Let me see.

This is Arthura.

Yes, Arthura. Please go ahead.

Thank you, Ron. I need for you to open your transmission.

Well, I am open. On the board, I can see that I'm open. Is there a problem?

Yes. We're not seeing your transmission.

Well, it's almost welcome to the very bad situation today. I am pleased to see the number of people who are gathered here. I have the dashboard up. And I see 19 on the telephone with us. Telephone and internet.

That's right.

And that is pretty extraordinary given the situation today, which is a war. Let me repeat the word, war, against the infringement against these broadcasts that is operating today. And particularly, it has hit me. I've had to lay down out of the eight hours so far that I've been up. Four of them have been in sleep. And that's because they keep attacking me. Anyhow, fortunately, Lemuel lit up the board today. Enough to be heard. And that is extraordinarily important, Lemuel. And congratulations from everyone. Let me say this. The entire operation that we do for Lightline is under attack. I am not sure what we have left for Lightlines Until the middle of May. And the reason I mention that is the middle of May sometime is an indication by Michael himself that the missions will start. What are the missions? Well, we aren't sure. I think we're going to hear from Machiventa all the time. Thank God for that. We will hear from perhaps the personnel from Salvington; however, they can get through. And we will eventually have the missions. What is the date of the missions? Well, let's try to hold on to what has been announced. I've been told to keep the perspective of an open Lightline through me and others by May 12th. But I've also been told that the real action, whatever that is, is for around May 17th. Michael is having a hell of a time trying to control his entry into Urantia. He spoke with me earlier today, and I fell asleep ten minutes into his transmission. That's what they're hitting me with. Don't worry it. Please check out this place that you go to, to hear a transmission. Often, that you go in to look doesn't hurt it. But check it. That way we can keep at least some consciousness of what has to be done.

Michael of Nebadon
Now, this is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. Thank goodness for you. I have tried to remain silent. But it's impossible. Ron is the only one that reaches far enough that we can speak through him. Let me speak one more time, please. My intention to greet Urantia in a mission is after the middle of May. I don't know what Jesus intends. I do know that the Magisterial Sons intend to make themselves known once more. Monjoronson, Serara, Hensen, Rayson, and perhaps another name or two, are the ones who want to enter into Urantia for a mission all of their own. Back about a year ago, I told Ron to stop double broadcasting. Either there is a Magisterial Foundation, or there is a Michael Foundation speech. Today, Ron was hit on the head with enough power to put him out for six hours. He finally got awake 15 minutes before Lemuel was to broadcast. And he made a beeline over here to at least be part of the broadcast.

Now that we have him fully re-established again, let me tell you what the plan is again. On, or about, May 4th, we will broadcast the schedule. May 4th-Broadcast of the schedule for appearance. It will be done not only on the May 4th broadcast, but also other transmitters. They are not aware of this work. And Ron has repeatedly asked them to join in so that we have a consistent light line. I am going to ask the Western transmitters to join with Ron by the middle of May and to broadcast their light lines from here. That's to consolidate several transmitters in the West who find it cheerful enough to hack Ron and then wonder where their broadcasts are after they do it. Lemuel had a hack today. I'm not telling you by whom. But he's dead. Meaning he can't broadcast any longer. Secondly, Ron is, well, I can't describe it any better than seriously ill. They hit him about 10.30 this morning. And he slept until a quarter of four. Unaware of anything. But he found the time to get up and at least broadcast here for a little while. That is the seriousness you've got of the cabal around these broadcasts. And finally, to all of you, I am Michael of Nebadon. I should have shut up half an hour ago. But I didn't. Now I want you to understand that I am Michael of Nebadon, truly. And I want you to hear this. No one is going to broadcast anything until I am ready for those broadcasts to be heard. There's going to be a drop-off of broadcasts but I assure you by May 7th, you will hear the schedule. By May 17th, you may see one of us. By May 20th, I expect, listen to the wording, I expect... To be in a full mission onto Urantia. And the details will become apparent to you at that time. Again... May 20th. Now, I have spoken far more than I intended. Ron is not his accurate self but close enough to operate the keyboard. Lemuel is ill. And thank you, Lemuel for coming in anyhow. It is vitally important. And finally, to you who are listening. I'm going to turn this back to Lemuel shortly and he can close it down. We got through an hour of the light line and that is all that we intended. I thank Machiventa Mechizedek for filling in the void that I had due to a disruption of the transmission. I promise you the cabal will be shortly removed entirely when I get the chance. Now, Lemuel I'm turning this back to you to finish your light line. Go ahead, please. Thank you.

Thank you, Ron. Thank you very much. And thank you to Michael for those unexpected but very grateful words that he has just spoken through you, Ron. Thank you. Thank you, Michael. For my part the... Yes, I am ill. Yes, of course. I am still ill. I'm not in pain. But my... Well, I'm not going to go into detail. It's an ongoing... It's a permanent situation. And until my operation which I now know is on Thursday the 20th of this month. And so, I should be... But I hope to be here... Now again... Next... On the 8th... And then the 15th... And the 22nd... Before my operation... We'll be up to see what happens... Now as far as what Michael has just mentioned... See what happens. Ron, you mentioned the 4th of May, well, the 4th of May is this coming Saturday. So, whether you intended to hold a special lightline on Saturday, maybe you will give us a heads up. In fact, if that's the case your scheduled Light line, as always will be on Sunday will it be Sunday the 5th.of May? And not the 4th. All right...

That's correct...

Yeah...Okay...Thank you Ron. When I put this up in fact there will be two recordings and I'm sorry about this. I don't really know how it happened but it happened. So that shouldn't be a problem. Well, I'll put up both of course. It only remains for me to say a big thank you to all of you. It ended up with 19. 19 on this Wednesday Light line that was really unscheduled until this morning when I had a boot from my beloved Thought adjuster telling me, Lemuel, Light line...Okay. Yes sir. Thank you. As whose ordinance... No... But jokes apart. To have 19 on this light line on a Wednesday as I say with such short notice, is very, very gratifying and I thank you all so much. Really, Truly, thank you for your company and well hopefully I will be able to share your company again next Wednesday.
In the meantime, keep watching the discussion forum to see if there's any emergency Light lines between now and Sunday. And hopefully we will hear from Ron on Sunday. We shall see. And then as you know. Dominick on Tuesday and next Wednesday I will be. That will be the 8th of this month. The 8th of May. All right. Well, so thank you once again. Good afternoon and good night to all of you. Please take care of yourselves. Love one another and God bless you all.
Thank you.