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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: May 06, 2024, 16:07:25 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International, 6 May 2024

We thank all Heavenly Speakers who addressed us on the Lightline today:

Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Christ Michael, Jesus and the Universal Father, 

some of whom also spoke through Ron Besser.

Below you'll find the link to the recording:

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2024, 11:31:53 am »
  • 050624 Lightline Netherlands International, host Elise, other transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: The enormous speed of spirit communications and actions compared to humans may result in conflict; When men himself try to find solutions to their serious problems is when spirit can step in to help; Urantia’s focus on materialism without regards for the essence of life makes it impracticable for revelation and solution, but there will be the Missions; Men thinks he can save his life by gathering his goods, but Father wants people to care; Time for action is urgent. The alarm bell has sounded; Father knows what the outcome will be; and much more.  
  • Speakers: Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Christ Michael, Jesus, and the Universal Father
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to recording: h; ttps://

Hello, everyone. Welcome. Good day and good evening to all. This is Monday, May 6, 2024. This is Lightline Netherlands International with your host, Elise. And I thank you for being here with me, especially today. Why today? Well, let me tell you why. For some reasons discussed on the Sunday Lightline, I had decided today to cancel the Lightline for the Netherlands International, but as I was typing up a message for the discussion forum, I was commended or called, how do you say that, in some short words by Father that I should try to open the Lightline despite of everything that's working against the intentions of Spirit that have made it so difficult to hold a Lightline lately. So of course, that's what I'm doing now, and here we are, and let's see what happens.

So far we have, we are with 12 all together on the call, and I'm glad that you're all here to support me, despite the conflicting messages we sometimes receive that causes confusion. But I think that the prevailing feeling of spirit within me always proves to be stronger and helps me to overcome, and to make the right decision. So let's start and ask about the ever present spiritual help we can always rely on. And of course, we will ask for clear reception and true words, and we thank our Father, we thank Michael of Nebadon, and all who assist us in this Lightline. Amen.

Now, let me try to get a connection with someone who would like to speak to us.

This is Arthura, Elise. Greetings to all. I'm glad to see where there is an audience, and I'd like to speak to all. It has been a while, but it's this. You all find it strange that spirit statements change quickly. And it is as if now real decision or valuable decision has been made there, but that is not the case. Because thinking and acting in spirit goes at an enormous speed. And there are many thoughts and actions going on between two seemingly opposite messages. But I tell you that many things have been considered and decided when you, as the external listener, hear the result of those thoughts or actions.

You as humans have no idea how much can be discussed or re discussed or completed in a split second in spiritual communication. And that is such as its ideas and thoughts or ideals, actions, and even creations, and, well much more. That is all done in a… well, in thousandths of a second of your time, which is the normal way for us to converse or act about so much, and all that needs attention in a vast and multi phased universe of the Father. Remember that.

Remember that tremendous speed that I can be with you. That I can meet your needs. I do not even have to travel if I do not want to. We are able to reach you from any point in the universe. But to familiarize ourselves more with human conditions, we phase down and come closer. It would take ages if spirit had to communicate as you do. So, always remember the great differences between yourself and spirit. There is a difference in status and capabilities that we may use, and must use to communicate, to negotiate, to meet, and act.

Yes, the universe is vast people, you have no idea and cannot have any idea of the dimensions and applications made available by the Father for the Master Universe. You simply do not have the capacity to even imagine the vastness and all the possibilities that have been brought into existence. And I'm not able to explain any of that right now to you all.

I am Arthura, and I have come down to help all of you on your plane of existence. So do not worry about what you do not understand, but enjoy the connection and be aware of my presence. Ask for me, and I will continue to teach small lessons like this for your edification. I love to be with you, and I know all of you always listen. I will depart now. I'm Arthura at your service. Good day.

Thank you, Arthura.
Is there anyone else would like to speak today? Well let's have patience.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Hello, my dear people. Well, how do I start? The world is a mess. You know it. And sometimes we have a feeling that humans really do not know what they are doing in a world that is sinking deeper and deeper into trouble. If this continues, this world is going to lose all it has achieved, and it's civilization to just bubble. Which means a senseless happiness of materialism and its harmful influence on men, who has deprived the world of God, so essential for a planet with living beings, for all endowed with reason.

I'm Machiventa. And you know that the nature of man in the beginning is to survive. And each of the tribe or the group has to take care of himself. And it then slowly develops into a small society of caring for the group. And then to learn to work together for their protection and safety, and the sharing of what they need. And then finally, to start building a more prosperous society where every individual benefits, and where everyone has an opportunity to develop into a social and right minded being. A being, a person that is able to contribute to society, and is prepared to learn from the lessons learned in the past, retaining the good and disregarding the rest.

Well, how is it on Urantia? One wonders. This world seems to have forgotten not only God, but also its brothers and sisters. And interest is only focused on the individual to achieve the highest possible position in society and create a most comfortable life for himself. But what is really a terrible thing, this is now taking root in the minds and hearts of so many young people who are about to take over the leadership of their predecessors. And we know how difficult it is to unlearn habits and to adapt new ones. And that will certainly be the case here on Urantia, provided that changes take place in a reasonable short time. But that will require the discipline of the entire population on all of your continents of the world.

Well, I think you can see as well as I do, that that is almost an impossible task. It covers dozens of levels and of course, cannot be learned in one lesson. Particularly, because many seem to be quite satisfied with what they have, with what they have achieved. But we in spirit, we will wait and see what they think, and finally realize when they see what has been accomplished in reality, and done to the world. It's a pity and it will be given to man himself to find solutions to their serious problems.

But you can still count on our help. When man is freed from its worldly pleasures, and greed, and he's turning his attention to what needs to be done, then we, the Melchizedeks and many others will stand with you. We will help your government making the right decisions, and ensure that provisions are made and put into place, which will benefit the entire population and slowly restore the world from a long period of pride, and start building a healthy and solid society. A sustainable world with attention to every human, animal, tree, or plant is not for everyone. And that will not be easy to bring about. It's such a complete change, but it must be done if Urantia is to remain a planet on which intelligent life exist for the purpose of evolving into an era of Light and Life.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I gave you these words, maybe again, maybe once more in a different tone. But for your consideration to share with those who have ears to hear and a heart to feel that God is present in all of you, and to make a healthy world possible for everyone. I'm Machiventa, and I thank you for listening, and good day.

Thank you, Machiventa.
Now, this is Elise, and I have to see if there's anything else. I hope someone else will be speaking to us.

Christ Michael
Hello, everyone, hello, my children. This is Christ Michael. I greet you all and I want to tell you something. It's the following. A little bit thinking back to what Machiventa just told you, it is not that the people on Urantia do not deserve a Mission. Or that it's not the time for a Mission or a visit of a Magisterial Son to the planet. No, it's not that. It is the attitude of the people and the lack of knowledge of God's name, which needs to be honored and known, in order to go beyond a near Mission involving a visit to the planet to assess its status and that of human beings.

I am Christ Michael. I know you all I know how you think and how you feel. And I also know that you are all familiar with the work of Ron Besser that he has prepared, and how hard he has worked to make it possible for you to maybe participate in a partial way in the Missions that have been prepared, and are expected of the situation on your world with a population that does not recognize the existence of God. Is almost, it is almost impracticable to reveal anything, and be even more difficult to set up with you and for you a policy in favor of men, because there is so much to do and so much will have to be changed, and men is so unwilling to assume that this work is in divine hands.

You all know that Jesus has tried in every possible way to make himself known to some of the public on Urantia, but he has not been accepted. He has not been recognized. They just walked by Him. Jesus has been to your world several times to investigate what people are doing, how they live, what they are thinking. And each time he came back disappointed and said, the sense of togetherness is far far away among these people. He felt any soul that goodwill towards peace is not in the hearts of your leaders. And there is no trace of any faith or reverence for God, whose name should not be spoken without reverence.

So, know there we are. Urantia is in a hopeless state of spiritual backwardness (? Elise: if that's the word I'm not sure but that's what I hear), backwardness and is too much focused on the material aspect of life without regard for the essence of life. And so, it continues to keep its people from spiritual and social development in a … oh, I have to say it, a murderous and belligerent manner.

And then you also have churches that have not understood or realized in time that their teachings do not lead to growth of the soul, but rather to fear God. To fear the afterlife, instead of the joy of getting closer to God, and to know and learn that God is in each of them. So there needs to be a major change in mindset to lead the people of this world, towards a better life a better future. And this will happen under the leadership of those who will visit the planet as soon as there is an opportunity. And then Jesus will be able to begin his work, of his teachings, as you can call it teachings about the purpose of life, on a planet where people work, can work in cooperation with the spirit world. Where they can develop their existence into a realm of peace and prosperity for all, without exploitation of your people or nature, which is happening on a large scale on your world today.

I am Christ Michael. I do not want to scare you. I am with you. We do everything to be with you, to do our work for this beautiful planet. We are all preparing for that time, and we want to implement that as quickly as possible. What is on the agenda, what is needed for all those people who have had to endured for such a long time, the hardships of a planet in disarray, and confusion, And of whom some have become so accustomed to money, they now regard it as their salvation.

Let's all thank the Father who long for us. We are working with him in his creation. Working with Father gives satisfaction to one's life. It has nothing to do with earthly goods. It is the inner self of each individual that counts and will elevate him to a true child of God. I am Christ Michael and I give you here my blessings. And now I have to leave again. I wish you all a good day. And I wish to return soon.

Thank you, Christ Michael.

This is Jesus.

Welcome, Jesus.

Thank you. Welcome to you all. I'm here to say that your feelings, all of your feelings have the right to be concerned about the situation in the world. It is not a small part of the world that suffers from bad decisions in any sector of your world. And that still runs It's profited from everything. While they are aware of the terrible consequences, their decisions will have on climate or atmospheric disturbances. Yes, it is true. People and animals suffer enormously from the changes that humans bring about. And actually, there is no nation that really cares. But know this. Whatever they think they gain will fall to ashes or disappear beneath the waters of the oceans that are about to flood, taking with them vast landscapes and even cities as It conquers the land masses.

Men thinks he can save his life by gathering his goods, but that can all be destroyed. And in doing so, he is almost destroying the best thing he needs to take care of, and that is his soul. It is the soul that develops through experience in worldly and spiritual value, of what you achieve in your life on a material planet. Your soul grows by doing the will of the Father. Is harming nature, is harming people, or abusing animals, the will of the Father? No, Father is love. And love comes from the heart and not from the mind. Father wants you to care. And that means care for everything and everyone that lives on the planet, and that you may use for your well being, for your growth and experience. But, above all, to live with and for each other, and to build together a strong, sustainable society that can provide support to everyone who is a part of it.

Spiritual growth takes place on many different levels and is a collection and appreciation of all that man does and propels him on his eternal path. There are many things happening in your life that you are not aware of. But that have grown your soul and brought to you fulfillment in your trials as a conscious living being that is created by God and therefore evaluated by God, and not by men. How many of you are thinking of a future with possessions that are being shared. Without your personal belongings without even personal savings that are safely locked away in your money banks, where they lie until they have no value at all. How many people in this world have so many billions actually stand up to defend their brothers and sisters, so that they feel safe and protected.

Oh yes. when the need arises, and there is no way out, help will come. But when things return to normal people forget the misery and fall back into their old routine. I am Jesus. I belong to you. I belong to your planet. And I say no longer, no longer. People will learn that destruction requires everything from every person in solidarity, to build new communities, where everyone has a fair chance to participate, to have their own responsibilities, and where no member is excluded, and where no one is judged for appearance, or other qualities that give people their unique character. The time of truth is knocking loudly at your door. And every right thinking individual knows it. But few have committed to making changes on a global scale.

Isn’t it strange that adversity is felt both above and below, and even those in Spirit are held up by senseless violence and behavior of those who do not value life and completely ignore its purpose. The consequences are tangible and highly visible. And warnings continue to be ignored. How long can a world continue to bring about its own destruction? We don't know, but we see total destruction if we don't take urgent action and find solutions that will require sacrifice from everyone. It requires the will and strength to dedicate yourself fully to saving life. Life on this planet, this beautiful planet. Let's all step forward.

This is Jesus, and I say to you, verily, verily, be aware. Be good. Be courageous and take upon yourself what you can save. The time for doubt is over. Time for action is urgent. The alarm bell has sounded. This Is Jesus. Your master and your friend who cares for this planet, and who cares for all of you. Good day

Thank you. Thank you so much Jesus.
Now, let me have a look at the dashboard. Oh, I lost the dashboard, hold on please. Here it is. Let ‘s see if there are there any more names? Yes. We have Steven Gitz joining us and Charlotte. And I think, Roger Raz, and two numbers, 2038 and 5602. Thank you for joining, all of you. So, it makes 16 callers, 16 people altogether. Well, now we have to see if there was anyone else for us.

Universal Father
Yes, Elise. This is Father. And I'm here to tell you that everything regarding the Magisterial Foundation, its subsidiaries, the invention, the patent, etc, are well done. But the whole situation in a confused world, where people are stuck in the material gain is highly problematic. And its people are hardly receptive to any influence or guidance from spirit. And we know there are many, many problems. Yes, there are, and the serious problem you had of the cabal, the insurgents, who had have taken out their anger on humans, who are unwilling to listen to any solution or understanding from our side.

And then there is the earth core, sometimes behaving against all rules, and somewhat stuck, in its position. The incredible intransigence of scientists to accept anything that's outside of their understanding. All of this makes it almost impossible for a spirit to gain a foothold on the planet. And then, there are your governments, they distrust each other, and cooperation is far from their agenda. So now, as your Father, I know that the common interest should be the restoration of the planet. But despite all evidence of destructive exploitation, people continue to seek their pleasure elsewhere, without regard for their environment. The Earth, on which humans depend, your world that needs your care, to continue functioning as a healthy planet.

The Magisterial Foundation is very useful and is still voluntary owned by the Melchizedeks, who ensure that it remains a useful institution for any spiritual mission. And we hope that those who are responsible for running and maintaining the nations will have an idea to come to order and peace.

I am your Father. I am your Universal Father. And I say to all of you, do not worry about all of this, how this is to be resolved or what the future of man on this planet will be. But rest in the fact that the Father, your Father, in his omnipotence knows what the outcome will be. And I as your Father will not miss one opportunity to do what is in my power to give every life a full chance. Men on this planet still has much to learn, but Urantia is not a forgotten planet. Your Father knows his universe. And I know my purpose for each of you, and for everything in my creation. This is your Father. I asked you to let go of your problems and leave them to the experience and knowledge of higher powers, who always go to great lengths to help any inhabited world. And I'm as your Universal Father, I am waiting to see how things will unfold as time passes, and to see what the future holds for Urantia, together with other planets that have been so long behind in their evolution. My dear children, go in peace and be good to yourself and others. I bid you a good day.

Thank you, Father. Thank you for speaking to us.
Let me see. Well, I have to go along the list here, and I would like to unmute Ron Besser, if he is there.

Ron, are you there? I unmuted you.

Ron Besser
Yes, Elise. I'm here, thank you.

Oh, well. Do you have anything for us?

Rob Besser
Let me check one moment.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron Besser has been listening carefully to your Lightline Elise, and thinks it is beautifully done, and thank you for taking care of it today. We are a little unsure about how to put the Lightlines together in this interim period. The interim period is going to last probably through May 15th or 16th, but after that we may have the Missions to announce. I know that Ron has been ambivalent, and that's probably because Michael of Nebadon has been ambivalent as to precisely what is to happen. But today, actually this morning, we firmed it up with Ron in attendance, and he is ready to take what orders are necessary to bring it to your full attention when it's time. Right now, is a few days too soon to announce it.

And finally this and then we'll turn it back to you, Elise, because our time is almost up. I want you to know that Ron Besser, Dominick Ohrbeck, and others who have made the Magisterial Foundation what it is, and that's George Meyer and Steven Gitz, and of course you, Elise, and others that I can't think of right now, are working very hard to make sure that it stays together, and is a place to tune to, even when others may fail.

Universal Father
I am the Universal Father. Ron was trying to plan for a major conference for the Magisterial Foundation, May 17th. He has been put back permanently and we will tell you Board of Directors when to assume the Board of Directors once again. Right now, the Magisterial Foundation is under the Melchizedeks. Ron gave it to them months ago and he sees to it that they maintain the direction for the Magisterial Foundation. Ron is glad to help as are the Board of Directors, but we must ascertain that when the appearance of Christ, and others you do not know on to the planet earth, you will hear things you have never heard before. The Magisterial Foundation will be here to present them. Michael loves owning part of it as through the Melchizedeks, and as does the Board of Directors. I am warning you, Board of Directors, to please play it carefully. Ron was attempted to be murdered again. Steven Gitz has had one awful thing happened to him, and don't be too surprised that some of you on the board may have trouble getting online. The cabal is being chased out of Urantia, and we want you to know it. But until it's all done, be careful.

Machiventa Melchizedek
And now this is Machiventa Melchizedek to tell you, Ron, something you need to know. No, it's not that you're going to go over later today. It's that you have determined that there shall be additional information made available to those who honestly have the capacity to understand the science of your electrical plant. I am warning you no further discussion. He, the one that you did discuss with, is making a board of directors immediately for a chance to add to what you've done and claimed part of the idea. You are not going to allow it, and we will knock it down. You can't trust non-family.

And now finally this to you, Dominick. It is necessary that you're here later today. Although you are looking at it as a free day, don't . We want to see you this afternoon when you can get here. And further to the rest of you. There are 16 including me and Elise on the call today. You are all important regulars, and you need to understand that you're important listeners. You take for granted that which is told is correct., and it is. Ron is exceedingly careful to make sure that there is only one and true voice.

And now this is Machiventa Melchizedek to say this. Starting tomorrow, which is the 7th of May, I wanted to be known that we are going to issue a proclamation from the Melchizedeks, that makes sure that anyone professing the ability to transmit and to become aware of the Missions will be required to check in with the Magisterial Foundation in order to be heard, as a group transmission to anyone else on the planet.

Ron says, well, isn't that nice? It consolidates and unifies this work. Ron’s transmissions are irrefutably very high. He and Christ Michael, and all the rest of the body that sees to a Mission on a planet are well coordinated, and they see to it that you hear it. We are not forcing anyone to join the Magisterial Foundation. The worst that can happen is that you're assigned a day to do a transmission and no further problem. Ron will be in charge of what day you can, unless you absolutely have to have a certain day, and that is with all the time available, easily done.

There are two people here. One is from Unity, and one is from well, another organization. I want you to understand please, you're not being forced to do anything. But it is in your interest to join in unity with the Magisterial Foundation, because that is the foundation we will use to do the Missions. Ron would welcome you. Give him a try. And now finally, back to you, Elise, but before it goes back, this from Christ Michael.

Christ MichaelI am now determined that the end of this rainbow be not forsaken. The rainbow is not Ron and the Magisterial Mission, it is you and your listening capacities. Stay with it and you will be protected. Go elsewhere and you may have a problem. Because we do not extend divine protection beyond the modulation of these Lightlines and the care that is required for the rest of the world to listen. We are now going to propose that Ron, you find another outlet for the Lightlines, because this has a limit of 100, unless you can buy more than 100. Find out.

Ron Besser
I will.

Christ Michael
And finally to you Elise. This is not your final Lightline although you're worried about it, keep after them. And finally, to you Rene Duran, keep your work standard. Keep going. And to anybody else that wishes to transmit please contact Ron. He will see to it that you get a space.

Machiventa Melchizedek
And now this finally to all of you. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I wish you well. I wish you happiness, and I must disappear. I will be back In about two weeks. No, I'm not getting a typhus inoculation, Ron. (ha-ha) I never thought of that but thank you. And I wish you all well. Good day.

Ron Besser
This is Ron. Thank you Machiventa. I hold you as the premier speechmaker for us and wish you grand success and work with us when you can come back. Thank you from our very hearts. Thank you. Now, Elise, go ahead and take this back and close it.

Thank you, Ron, and thank you, Machiventa Melchizedek. And thank you Christ Michael, and the Universal Father, and our other speakers, Jesus and Arthura. I thank you all for being with us for this Lightline, for your time and your care. And I want to thank all the attendees that are here with me and support me. And well, I hope to be back next week, at same time at same station. And for now, goodbye to all

« Last Edit: May 07, 2024, 11:50:09 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"