Author Topic: Lightline USA -19 May -2024 at 5pm  (Read 6172 times)

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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline USA -19 May -2024 at 5pm
« on: May 19, 2024, 18:22:21 pm »
Lightline USA, May 19, 2024

The USA Lightline was held on Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 2:00 pm, 
with Ron Besser as your host, but the recording of this Lightline is nowhere to be found. 
Hopefully later.

Same Sunday, May 19, 2024, a second Lightline was held at 5:00 pm, 
at the request of Michael of Nebadon, again with your host Ron Besser.

and this is the link to the 5 pm tape: 

Online Rene A Duran

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Re: Lightline USA -19 May -2024 at 5pm
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2024, 20:53:17 pm »
I would have been in the call, but there was no announcement posted in the forum. 
Thank you Elise. 

Offline JuliodaLuz

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Re: Lightline USA -19 May -2024 at 5pm
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2024, 21:26:10 pm »
To all

In the same way, as René commented, I was not at Lightline USA today, Sunday, as I had previously been notified that it would be canceled and there was no Lightline warning for today, May 19, 2024, Sunday. But I understand that it is perfectly understandable for extraordinary Lightline to happen without prior notice due to urgent matters.

Yes, I quickly read about the emergency issues regarding our planet.

I pray for God, Father to protect our planet and humanity and for God's various missions to take place on our planet for the spiritual recovery of our humanity that needs it so much.

But above all, I fully trust in God, the Universal Father of all, with much love, regardless of destiny.


A todos

Da mesma forma, que René comentou, eu não estive na Lightline USA de hoje, domingo, pois tinha sido avisado anteriormente que estaria cancelado e não houve nenhum aviso de Lightline para o dia de hoje, 19 de maio de 2024, domingo. Mas eu entendo que é perfeitamente compreensível que aconteça Lightline extraordinária sem aviso prévio por questões urgentes.

Sim, eu li rapidamente sobre as questões emergenciais em relação ao nosso planeta.

Eu rezo para Deus, Pai proteger nosso planeta e a humanidade e para que as diversas missões de Deus aconteçam em nosso planeta para recuperação espiritual de nossa humanidade que tanto precisa.

Mas acima de tudo, eu confio plenamente em Deus, Pai Universal de todos com muito amor, independente do destino.

With lots of love to everyone
Julio da Luz (Bar'MTinsha - Pre'Msha)

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Re: Lightline USA -19 May -2024 at 5pm
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2024, 12:10:47 pm »

Ron Besser  
Well, hello, everybody. It's the second Light Line for today, the 19th of May 2024, at 5 pm.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon, everyone. We attempted to clear the telephone service before Ron got on and discovered that it is not very good at all. I'm not sure what the problem is.

Ron Besser  
Could Mother's Day approaching have something to do with it?

Michael of Nebadon  
It might now that you think of it. What I want to cover and I'm not going to take the full hour is something quite serious that I want you to understand. And Elise I hope you put this tape up. Ron's almost too ill to even remember. I want you all to understand that we have just spent over three years trying to put together a mission to Urantia. Well, what I find is that any proposed mission to Urantia must go through the Planetary Prince and others including Machiventa Melchizedek. That is because the Planetary government and other issues with revelation are naturally encircuited with the Melchizedeks. But I am finding it so difficult to obtain Melchizedek cooperation, that I'm asking them for an explanation.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek Ron, do you think you are in full contact with Michael?

Ron Besser  
Of course, I can't prove it. But it sounds as though I am and I have no idea what he's talking about. But I'm sure he will explain. If it is Michael, you can question it. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael. I admit your honesty Ron is truly scarifying. You know darn well this is Michael. In any case, I want it to be known that at 5 pm I started this Light Line on time. Ron, you're not doubting it yet.

Ron Besser  
No, I'm questioning it but I'm not doubting it.

Michael of Nebadon  
I want you to understand that you are doing something illegal.

Ron Besser  
I'm enjoying it.

Michael of Nebadon  
But that it's illegal. I fully don't like your attitude, young man.

Ron Besser  
Well, it is my attitude to let you go forward as long as you dare. I appeal to the Melchizedeks to provide any information they can that they know of if you are genuinely making this call on behalf of Salvington.

Michael of Nebadon  
That is insidious to begin with. And second of all, I quit.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa, Ron. You have proved the test that you are ready for the big time. The truth of the matter is you're seeing the feet of a female.

Ron Besser  

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And what is it she's wearing?

Ron Besser  
A black shoe. What I would call something like a loafer.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes. And what does it tell you?

Ron Besser  
Well, someone is dressed like female but I do not know that it's female. It looks like it's female. But that is deceptive if she wants it to be. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now this: I have called for the 5 pm meeting of this group and whoever wished to attend, and it is seven, including Ron, right now. That's fine. The other 10 or 13 choose not to bother with it. It's not interesting enough. Well, fine. I want to tell the Melchizedeks, they can go jump in the lake. And for reasons of state Ron, you are extraordinary. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. We had to make one final choice and you have proven that you are fully reliable and are able to ascertain your position. What I'm talking about, and we'll be done in about 10 minutes is that I asked for an additional Light Line today and you granted it as necessary because I really am your boss. The rest of those who joined today are fully capable of broadcasting themselves. But they chose not to today in order to ascertain why you're holding a second Light Line. Why are you? Because Michael of Nebadon requested it again. That's enough. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now this is Michael of Nebadon. How do you know it wasn't the cabal?

Ron Besser  
I had no such warning. And I had every reason to believe it was Michael requesting it. I could have been wrong.

Michael of Nebadon  
You're not wrong. Now this to you, Ron, you're the only human on Urantia at this point whom I fully trust to take this message. I am not appearing further on Urantia until it is understood that the idea of an appearance of a Creator Son on Urantia is important. We have spent since 1992 a huge amount of time and effort to make it clear that we speak to Urantia all the time. But humans are so bored with it that they choose or not choose to listen occasionally to Light Lines. For your information, Ron the Sunday Light Line will continue to be held. I will decide whether the other Light Lines are to be held. And for that reason, we continue with the schedule. You are Elise doing a Light Line yourself and that is important on Monday, continue. I don't know what to say to those other than Ron what to do about Light Lines. And further to you Ron: Dominick is 'not here today because he's not aware of a Light Line. You didn't send it.

Ron Besser  

Michael of Nebadon  
Well, I understand now you usually see him but he's not here today.

Ron Besser  

Michael of Nebadon  
What does it mean?

Ron Besser  
I haven't a clue. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And that is the truth. For your information, Ron, the entire enterprise may close shortly. Just be glad it closes peacefully. And for that reason, you are not going to die. But you are going to stay the course while we foreclose some of the others. I want you to all know that the entire mission to Urantia is not over. The Magisterial Sons will sound the bugle pretty soon. You may stand your course, Ron. You're not going to die. Yes. Even though you want to at this point.

Ron Besser  

Michael of Nebadon  
But we have a serious consternation with all others. And fully this: we may reorganize how it's done. I have nothing further to say. The eight people who are on this right now have nothing further to hear. But I want you to know that we have taken control of your means to do these Light Lines and that those that couldn't tie in are questionable. Those that did tie in have a full reference to what is to happen. I have a Monday Light Line with you, Elise. Monday, please attend to it. The Tuesday Light Line with Dominick is questionable. The Wednesday Light Line with Lemuel. He is very ill, we will see. I am not forecasting the Sunday Light Line with you, Ron. But stand at attention because you have something to hear shortly. It's up to you to publish it or not.

Ron Besser  
All right. I am unmuting this and I want to hear from any of you with questions or statements about today. Do you have anything to say? You're all unmuted. You're all unmuted. Just open up.

I have one comment to make Ron that nobody knew about this Light Line other than those who were on the first one because it wasn't posted on the website.

Speaker 1  
Well, you know you were told, that is all that is essential as far as Michael is concerned.

And I understand that but we learned on the first call at two o'clock. They they would not have a way to know about this five o'clock.

Speaker 1  
I told everybody on the first one. I don't see why there should be any question.

Ron, may I answer that? This is Elise.

Ron Besser  
Yes. Yes.

Okay. Valerie, I think you're asking about the tape being placed on the discussion forum. The first tape.

I just made a comment that nobody knew about this 5 pm meeting unless they were on the first Light Line. Why they are not here now, I can't understand it. But

The first Light Line, it was announced in a message on the discussion forum, if you read it well, and the second Light Line, the 5 pm Light Line was mentioned at the two o'clock Light Line. And the reason that you have not found the recording on the discussion forum is that I am not able to place it there because it is not there. I cannot find it. There is no recording available from the two o'clock Light Line. But everything could have been found in the discussion forum, in the messages. That's all I can say about it. Thank you, Valerie. Thank you, Ron. Go ahead, please Ron.

Ron Besser  
Well, is there any questions?

I have a comment. I usually use the internet to get on and listen to the Light Line. I tried several Light Lines, it just wouldn't work. I'm wondering if others had trouble making the connection and it wouldn't work.

Ron Besser  
I think that was Amethyst.


Ron Besser  
Yeah, you're back on. You are receiving the backlash from cabal. I have no control over it.

What I was suggesting was that maybe that's why there weren't more people on. Maybe other people had trouble as well.

Speaker 1  
Well, I think that's it precisely. Yeah, we've gone forward with what we have left. I can't get at the cabal. But that is what is driving this in spite of our choices to avoid them. We'll do the best we can and we'll leave this when we're done. Whenever that is.

And even with this call it warbles. And I'm only picking up certain phrases now and then.

Speaker 1  
Yeah, well that's bad. You're coming in very bad too. You're fading in and out, which is very unusual, Amethyst.

Yes. And that's the way I'm receiving you as well.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, well. That is a bad connection, I suppose informed by the cabal. I don't know who to appeal to or how to make it better. But we are on the whip of a cabal that knows no end to its misery. And I just simply have to appeal either to Melchizedek or Michael to explain it or tell us to get off. I'm sorry, Amethyst. I've got the same problem.


Ron Besser  
Anybody else?

May I ask a question? Ron, may I ask a question? Hello. Hello, hello.

Ron Besser  
I don't know who's speaking.

This is Valerie. I would like to ask the question, but I don't know if I'm heard.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, you're heard now. You weren't at the beginning.

Okay. So, since the tape is now questionable if it'd be fine. The first time at 2 pm we heard Father Michael saying that the missions will go forward and the Magisterial Sons are coming, and that the US government will know and it will be different, but they will pursue it. And this time this second time, you said that we need to plan it again or rearrange it. So is this conflicting information, or I just didn't get the gist of it?

Speaker 1  
Valerie, you're right, it's conflicting. I don't know how to straighten it out on the bottom. That's where I am. And you are. We've got all this paraphernalia above us and it is neither working correctly nor do we have a good day for a transmission. However, I don't know if Michael is genuinely available again or Machiventa. I appeal to them to make a statement if they can. Just a minute.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I am quite sure Ron that you have followed procedure to the point that you are well heard. But we now have to truncate all of this because there is an important announcement coming first to us and then I will make it available to you.

Ron Besser  
Well, how much time is involved Machiventa? Perhaps hours. Well, then it is pointless to keep this line open when we don't know how much time is to elapse. So unless there is something you want to go over, we'll close it down and just say we had a lousy time.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. The truth of the matter is that there is nothing further we can elucidate at this time, except to say thank you to all who did show up. And that's seven of you. And we will be back. This is Sunday. We will be back during the other Light Lines this week to explain something if we can get the telephone to work properly. So thank you, all of you for showing up, and that is the eight of you. And I thank you and I'm going to say goodbye.

Ron Besser  
Thank you everybody. Bye-bye.

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God's heart is love,
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