Author Topic: An Era Has Ended - Michael of Nebadon speaks  (Read 904 times)

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Online Ron Besser

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An Era Has Ended - Michael of Nebadon speaks
« on: May 24, 2024, 11:16:40 am »
An Era Has Ended:
Urantia Missions
The Magisterial Foundation
May 24, 2024

This is Ron Besser, and when I got up this morning, the 24th of May, I had this peculiar sense of deja vu that I do not like.  It feels like I have gone under this spell once before and now it is started again without me knowing a thing.

You as the list of people who have been through all of this with me, know darn well that the anniversary of so much has passed and that there is a stillness before a storm not, but a stillness of not much being done.  That is at least how I take it this morning, and I do leave it alone so you can feel what you think too.

In the last 24 hours, there has been nothing much to report and I am feeling physically low and out of real worth to do anything but to allow the standard activities continue.  I also have nothing much to say except this:

What was planned was magnificent.  May you all have it again some day, but I am getting the fact that Michael of Nebadon, is truly out of patience with the United States, and its allies, and the southeastern quadrant of this world with China and Japan and the Philippines, are reaching for a semi-peaceful accord, but the belligerents in North Korea, Taiwan, and perhaps the Philippines, we reach an uncomfortable accord, but war may eventually break out.

The Philippines have a history of being quiet when they are unfairly under the thumb of other regional powers, but this time you have a young Marcos, and he is not going to easily be silent on the incursions of China and North Korean doings around them.  Watch out for a boulder cast by North Korea if it demands an outer sea barrier of protection by extending its personal zone around the country from 3 nautical miles to 7 natuical  miles and then demands that South Korea do the same, but my guess is that South Korea will not fall victim to the insinuation that South Korea has too small of a footprint around the Korean Peninsula and demands it too force the land protection to be seven miles around the South Korean lands.

I am not making a forecast so much, but warning all that the Korean question is becoming a tinderbox of scare and potential war footing, as the United States has a warranty for South Korea where it insists t hat North Korea mind its own business and let the South Korean republic alone.  They have.   But until now Korea has nothing to say about the proposition that it is a divided country eternally, and the North Koreans see it unified under North Korea forever.

For reasons of State I leave that subject now and welcome this from MICHAEL OF NEBADON:

“We are in a state of confusion not up here.  But Ron is quite affable about the state you have and says you are not worried but concerned since nothing has been said what will replace the proposed Missions we have been planning fo r years now.

“The truth of the matter is that we have quit planning anything.  Why?

“The answer lies in the indestructible error made by Lucifer so many years ago.  The planet URANTIA is slowly turning itself into a pariah state and I dare not allow it to become that.  After all, it is a Bestowal Planet, and I refuse to allow it to become a prison world too.  That is its prospect unless North Korea ceases to exist as it is, and that Russia forever loses its war like tendencies for good.  For that reason I am stating the following:

1 - North Korea shall shortly have an intercontinental ballistic missile armed with a nuclear charge and the United States does nothing about it.

2 - Because of that nuclear threat from North Korea, the Korean principle course will be to unify but from the South and not the North.

3 - Further, the lands known as Japan, will incorporate the southern part, not of Korea, but of southern Okinawa as a start of the remediation of the Japanese homeland with its northern neighbor Vladivostok Island.  Keep in mind that Vladivostok has less than 6,000 people living on it, plus it is an important submarine base for the Russians.  But it is so strategic I doubt that anything to do with it will be peaceful in the coming years.  I am particlarly upset with the Vladivostok government, for it is both Russian and in a small sense, is somewhat independent even from Russia.  This is going to be a terror some day unless we can change the currents around Vladivostok Island, since the sea currents favor that place for submarine basics of safe harbor and the like.

4 - Vladivostok Island and the northern Japanese islands are potentially at risk of damage due to earthquake activity surfacing in that area again.  The topographic areas for plates has it fairly peaceful, but when Russia exploded a secret atomic test on the island in the 1950's. the belt of salt under the mantle fractured with the result the island can be inundated by a heavy sea storm and more atomic testing.  No one has warned the Russians of this danger and the loss of submarine bases in the area could be very difficult for the Russian oligarchy to accept peacefully; i.e., it may attempt to seize the northern Japanese Island in compensation.  Again, this is a war zone if we are not careful.

“I now accept that Ron is going to pass shortly.  He cannot maintain the steady drum roll of change over a simple discussion forum or the trial to quit the idea of free electricity, but that is what is likely to happen if there is not a surprise visit by the Magisterial Sons soon.  The entire matter of Ron and his work has supplemented my ideal of a perfect Mission for the American hetemony of invention and trust.  However, the signs are pointing again to a trust being built between the present electric industry and the loss of invention, as they are insisting on the long trail of lines to conduct electricity to homes and offices.

“This flies in the face of invention and care, and Ron must go on to his reward soon as he can no longer afford long periods of wait and so on.  Today is a likely day for his disappearance but he has this post to make for me and I insist he be bright and awake to do it.  

“Finally, let the best of your nature’s persist when Ron goes, as he is the silk and powder you use to keep this web site going and all that you find entrancing about ME and my Mission.  For reasons of State he is following one of my last orders to him to broadcast this too:
“WE are holding a final statement later today about the Missions to Urantia.

“WE are holding a final statement, also later today, about the constituency around Ron which makes it so hard for him to communicate easily.  Today already he has had to remove to strands of infrastructure they insist putting around him, but he refuses to use it, and for that reason they have no control ove what he says.  And for that reason he is considered a mole on Urantia which I agree and he is very useful.

“For that reason, let us assume he goes over to the mansion worlds today, and leaves Dominick in charge.  Dominick is quite able to run the Magisterial Foundation, but Dominick lacks Ron’s experience, and as a result does not especially care about signing on every day to learn what I have to say regarding the rulership of not only Urantia, but also for Penoptia and Denson, similar products like Urantia, which are in considerable disarray in governments and often war like situations developing all the time.  

“For that reason let us finish this post with the following information for all of you:

“We are considering giving Urantia a boost of power, but if we do that we learn that the Power Directors would leave Urantia as a self sustaining  product of others and we do not want that to happen.  Then, we do this:

“For sixty-two years I have watched over Urantia, because it is my Bestowal Sphere, and for 62 years I have nothing much to say, except to say this: In all of these years I have never forgiven humans who trial good behavior for reasons of State, but I am about to send a Mission to Urantia, which will clear several cabals on Urantia, and leave the planet alone to heal.  For that reason alone I beseech those who remain on the planet to continue their work with Ron, the Magisterial Foundation, and those who support the Missions for other reasons.

“That will ensure we have something left to develop while Ron relaxes on the Mansion Worlds not, but is infused with My spirit for good.  He is a dandy posture to do this but is dying due to lack of care for his planetary body.  He is no longer about to hear completely everything I wish to say but that is made up today by being able to hear what I have said now today.

“Be quiet for a moment and realize that this entire matter is now ready for exposition while you are all still compliant with this discussion forum.  He holds the one who can keep things peaceful while harsh things are sometimes said, and you all are worth a great deal to find a peaceful way to exchange views, however, Dominick will come to the forum shortly and he has no such powers of persuasion to deal you well and that spells trouble for Ron and therefore he will insist on having some say on the forum just what is to be done.   Ron will live substantially well for the time being but will be quiet for much of what time is left.  That is to keep t he dungeon of thought out of here and to make this place sparkle to be sure you have a good connection to me and My Universe.  For reasons of State, I connect this well to the Melchizedeks, and they wish to say this:”

“I Machiventa Melchizedek says the following to you:

“I am quite sure Ron is displeased at facing death so soon after being assured he had a long time to go, but the FATHER has spoken to the powers on Urantia, and they despise Ron, to the point they will not leave him alone.  Today they had to removed twice and tomorrow who knows how many times.  For that reason Ron is not withdrawn from Urantia, but he he leaves Urantia f or a good talk to FATHER, and then back to Urantia for a good refill of the Magisterial Foundation with the proper crecdentials to see to its heritage.  We are delighted he can type this at all, as I, Machiventa Melchizedek, I am on a standard frquency and he is battling to keep it in place not, as FATHER has made it clear this has to be heard:

“No one is removing you Ron, but you are exhausted from trying to keep this transmission going and you do so well I am amazed at your capacity and willingness to stay the course.  For that reason we leave not but you must press the stop button after I say this to all of you:

“DO NOT BE CONCERNED with everything happening right now on Urantia.

“The Israel War will simmer down and the Palestinians are done as a people of problems now, and leave it to Israel to determine its own fate too, as they are no longer the single power in the region as Hamass has vowed a currency of hate from now on, and it shall establish a war party against Israel for years to come.  The only fare that will be charged is to see to it the Israel maintains its borders.

“Third, the entire matter is not a Mission concern, as Jerusalem remains cohabitable with the old Arab regime and the new regime of a place that JESUS will make pilgrimage to Jerusalem often in his new form for Urantia.  

“Fourth, JESUS will appear again, and shortly.

“Fifth, there is a sad end to Ron not, as he is able to see it through until he is well again here on Urantia, as he is necessary for your comfort too as he reports honestly what is really happening.  

“Sixth, there is an end to irregular broadcasting signals with Me and others shortly, as they do not know the proper protocol and it ends for good shortly.  K”

Ron - Thank you Machiventa Melchizedek, and this is running way long, so I cut the transmission and let things return to normal for all.  Thank you!  Ron

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline DaCandyMan

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Re: An Era Has Ended - Michael of Nebadon speaks
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2024, 12:47:55 pm »
Hello Ron and fellow members.  It's been awhile since I returned, and the first thing I see is that the mission has ended and a new era appearing.  I'm saddened by the fact that Ron might leave us and that his condition has not improved.  We've all been promised much but unfortunately things never worked out.  I've also experienced much in the past few years of trial and strife that I must deal with my self, and wonder how I can overcome the many errors I've made and how to improve my life.  Nonetheless decision must be made whether I want to continue like this or be the very best that I can be.
The situation of the world has gotten worse over the past few years, with increasing conflict and wars going on that I'm not surprised that the mission has been aborted.  The moral values of humans over the years has degraded tremendously and that the misunderstanding and hate between countries is unsolvable. I do believe that war will inevitably start as animosity reaches a certain level. 
I sense a lot of old members have also left this forum,  it's unfortunately that things have developed this way and many things are simply out of even the deity's control.  I thought I have gained everything a few years back but have to deal with everything that has been lost. 
Feels great to be back, and I wish that the rest of us can remain patient and alert for the world has countless misinformation and lies that the closest people around cannot be prevented from been misguided and led astray.

Online Ron Besser

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Re: An Era Has Ended - Michael of Nebadon speaks
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2024, 13:39:05 pm »
Hi Candy Man, I am happy to see you again, and I hope your interest will see you reply on topics that interest you.  And I thank you for your reference to me, and yes, I am 81 years of age now and will be 82 in the second week of June if I live long enough to reach that time.  Fortunately for many people, including you Da Candy Man, there is a revision coming with the Magisterial Sons.  Look at Paper 20, I believe it is, for a dissertation on that Order of Diving Sonship. and that will tell you want you want to know, and how Urantia will now have a Magisterial Son Mission, and that is along with the Michael Mission which he has not divulged for now.  I am also told that Michael might rescind the appearance of Jesus again until the world knows how to behave better.

In any case DaCandyMan, I am happy to see you back and may you keep yourself together enough to sign in and join us, as there is lots to tell in a few days, as MICHAEL OF NEBADON, is going to keep me alive on the planet for awhile he just says, and that is a big surprise to me, because today I am slumped into a corner with only enough energy to write posts.

I do hope you are able to maintain a liaison with us as you are always valuable in your input and I just like you being here to keep the Australian flag flying with us, or was that New Zealand?  Our poor Sue attempted to remove herself by taking poison and she is no longer speaking here, but the lovely girl from Australia is here and much of what was done in the past is gone too, but a new era is promised and I hope I make some of it too.  I look forward to hearing your views and your patterns of hope for yourself and your small family.  Good day and blessings!  Ron
« Last Edit: May 24, 2024, 13:41:37 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania