Author Topic: Michael Speaks to the Israel war today  (Read 860 times)

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Michael Speaks to the Israel war today
« on: May 25, 2024, 12:14:23 pm »
For May 25, 2024 (Saturday)
Michael Message
From the Magisterial Foundation
Transmitter May 25, 2024


I am Michael of Nebadon, and I do have a bit of news this morning on this holiday weekend for Memorial Day in the United States.

I have concluded that the next Mission to Urantia is off and on, but mostly off, as the clearing mechanism from the old transmitters is still not operating perfectly well.  What that is, is a subject to be discussed later this year and that is when I can make sense of what is happening on Urantia, entirely.

When I say “what is happening on Urantia,” I am implying there are things showing up on Urantia, I did not put there.  For one of them is a call for peace by endless communicating officials around the world.  The  ICJ (the EU Supreme Court, I think), ordered Israel to cease its rack of Ramtha but stopped short of ordering peace, for one thing, and I, MICHAEL OF NEBADON, also believe it is time for Israel to stop its fury and get into the idea of peace in Gaza.  I know Ron feels that the refugees in Gaza should be settled in Jordan, but Jordan is not happy with Aljazeer’s latest rumblings about peace either.

For that reason let me discuss our view of the Israeli conflict briefly.


“When we adjust a planet’s welcome, we are always sure to understand its present condition via the cost of blood and tears in endless wars of attrition

“For that reason, Urantia is constantly being adjudicated over endless poverty of peace and must subject itself to a constant barrage of thought from the spirit on high.

“Israel is a country which has do be carved out of the Mideastern lands, and for that reason it angered the Bedouins or Arabs who tend herds of animals for a living.  The Bedouins of Gaza, known as the Palestinians have been boisterous about the right to use their herds over vast areas of land they called their grazing fields, but recently the population of the Bedouins have really jumped, and they are now squeezed into a place called Gaza, and the West Bank of Israel.  This has led to serious conflict, and for the Palestinians it has caused a rupture in many of their controls for good government over the people of the Palestinian nation.

“I happen to know that the Palestinian homeland was severed, not by Israel, but by others at one time, and this has led to a diaspora not seen since the Hellenistic regimes of thousands of years ago.   For that reason, Israel claims suzerainty over the region and fights wars of attrition  every five or six years now with the Palestinian people.   As a result the scare they produce both in Israel, and Jordan, and most of the other Arab states, ends in a general war, and then there is peace for another five or six years.

“Now the Palestinian order of government has insulted Israel, by drawing down five or six thousand brutal fiefdom’s which stormed the borders of Israel last October, and then refuse to leave after taking Israeli hostages.  This has burdened Israel none stop now and it has determined that is the last time the Paletinians shall ever have the chance to do that again, and the war is now a war of attrition, and it is very important to recognize that the Palestinian people have been reduced to a slave type conquest that will lead to another and much more deadly war then Israel’s has today!

“For that reason, I Christ Michael, insist on the last review by the ICC Supreme Court, which just released its findings, take one more step and disallow Israel and Palestinians to ever live as close as they presently do, and to insist that JORDAN become the centralized home of the Palestinian  people.   There is no mistake that Israel was formed out of the desert lands used by the Palestinians, but they never claimed it as their homeland, but used it as a grazing land only.  Now they are preparing a JIHAD again, and this time they will be eliminated not only by Israel, but by several Arab States, which will join in to defeat a Hamas that has no idea why it is fighting in the lands of what Aljazeer claims does belong to Israel and all the Arabs in the Middle East.  This includes the city of Jerusalem as well.

“I conclude, as Christ Michael, that there is nothing left to discuss but to remove the Palestinian State and place Israel in charge of the small area.  That is not meant to be Gaza, but to be the West Bank, and cede it back to Palestinian interests.  This is difficult at best and I MICHAEL OF NEBADON, do not expect ever to see such a negotiation again, but in the 1970's this was possible but the Ben Gurion government would not hear of any Palestinian to live that close and decreed all of the eastern end of the Mediterranean as the cult of Jewish concerns.  They (Israel) has never learned to live in peace and harmony with such an enemy as the Palestinians have become, and there will never be peace until one faction is totally eliminated.

“For that reason, I am suggesting that Israel cede the West Bank not, but to cede Gaza to an international agency which guarantees the Gaza area be under internation control and government, and that the West Bank not be ceded back to the Palestinians but to be negotiated by the existing Arab powers, to decide the fate of the Palestinian home land which is truly the West Bank of Israel today.

//MAP of Israel and Gaza to be inserted here//

I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and this map clearly shows the problems in the Middle East today.  Why Churchill ever thought the Arabs would live peacefully with the Jewish homeland is impossible to say, but he took the decision simply and well, and for that reason we are ready to lay down the cross over the assignment, but predict that the people of Israel will never be at peace for the rest of their lives while the Palestinians will lose everything but what they though they had in peaceful negotiation so many years ago now.

I leave all of this alone for now.  

Michael of Nebadon, and the heart of Jesus Christ so many years ago now.  K”

Ron Besser - As your transmitter today, I think you see the health and climb of what it takes to end the Palestinian problem, and the Arab problem in general to deal with another Arab element, the Jewish State, and that there never will be an end to hostility unless Israel cedes the West Bank to the Arab homeland of the Palestinians.

 I have not reported the dictation of Jesus, and it is HE who wishes the landing of Arab States to continue as they are but to eliminate Hamas and the Hezbollah  horror waiting to strike Israel from the north of Israel.  Jesus has spoken on the problem several years ago, and I quote from that statement Jesus made:

“[Jesus said:] “There is no representation I can give full credit to, but I am sure that Israel has in its heart a change of venue for any of this misery if it can get a peasceful Palestinian homeland off its back door, and release the Palestinian cause to the modern world, and to preserve the peace as is required of all good nation states, wherever the Palestinians can find a home to finally rest and achieve the greatness they once held as one of the nations of Palestine of old.  K.”

Ron - And finally this from the Palestinian leader ARAFAT:

“I am judicious and alone up here on the mansion worlds, and that is the true heaven for all Palestinians and world affairs of the Arabs as they may be.   For your life Ron, let this stuff be, as it is so acrimonious it is not safe to deal it at all right now.  But for the Palestinians, they shame they fell right now will be vindicated for the rest of their lives, probably, in Jordan, for you automatically agree with me that the Palestinians must find a home land away from the Israeli conflict alone, and this requires the work of all Arab states now.  This is not an easy thing to say to your character, but you are too use to peace and tranquility that no one forces you Ron, to look at the cause of the Palestinian homeland at all, and that is the shame of the people of the Western Democracies, as they do not know what it is to be homeless for so many years without ever calling themselves a people any longer.

“We are not like the KURD'S of Turkey and of other States in the Middle East, but we are finding common ground with them because of these wars.  I am ARAFAT and I am delighted to see you accept me as a normal human being finally Ron, and I will interview you when you come over.  I AM ARAFAT. Good day!”

Ron - I believe we have come to the end of our work here today, and I thank all who contributed to such a difficult situation on Urantia.  K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania