Author Topic: Assigned Sentinel Recall to Uversa- Trouble see inside  (Read 791 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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Assigned Sentinel Recall to Uversa- Trouble see inside
« on: May 25, 2024, 16:51:31 pm »
The Magisterial Sons report
15:50 May 25, 2024- New York time

Dear List,
Ron has entered a hospice for a few minutes in order to reclaim his natural mind.  Last evening the cabal entered and insisted he give in, and of course he refuse point blank.  They decided to end his life and pulled the main vertical stem out of the mind without permission.  This leaves him destitute and he would doe this evening as a result of the impoundment of the vertical stem you all have to keep your vital signs running well.

I, Monjoronson have decided to intervene on his behalf for it is a wicked set of triplets that has been placed on his mind use and he is unable to respond properly to much of this right now.  For that reason we are opening the valve on Urantia that allows intervention not but an operation that allows the spirit to sustain those we have identified as viable to participate in our Missions.  That includes Ron.

I have therefore released a style of penmanship to Ron that allows him to continue until he dies, and that is soon if we cannot get the cabal off t he planet and resurrect the normal spiritual containment issues.  For that reason no one is allowed near him until he has a normalized control pattern again.  That is afforded to him now and he knows it well.  However, we are forced to sign off and that is normal when dealing with an individual like this.  We speak shortly.  (1601 PM time New York).

- - - - 16:12 New York time zone - - - - - -

I have persuaded Michael of Nebadon to look at the situation of Urantia.  

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “ We are clearing the planet again, and this time if your are a seraphim you are removed to a neutral corner of the universe.  Ron is not the only one taking it hard to today, and that is the last straw for this Cabal on Urantia.  I have nothing more to say for the moment.  K”

The Assigned Sentinel - “I refuse any further modernization of Nebadon until I am assured there is nothing to do for humans or other lower level beings.  I am the Assigned Sentinel.

Ron, rest easier, as that cabal is no longer living and has no further assignment ever in the universe of universes.  In about ten to twenty minutes, you feel immensely better and resume your normal place.  You are not going to see Dominick or anyhone today as he is ill as he can be over eating potato chips laced with scar tissue of the type of you dislike immensely.    Be assured you are alive and well again shortly Ron, and this is typical of a star shaven human who knows where to deliver the goods and keeps them well.  You a re doing very well Ron, and keep them informed.  For our work we are going into mostly secrecy as the planet is in need of help organically as well as with telegraphy from us.  K”

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “You all have a sense of propriety and I assume you will all catch this in a later time frame, but Ron is very close to the whole issue and whenever it happens from the cabal is the first to catch it hard.  We leave for the time being.

New York time is now 16:20:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Escape hatches and such are close on the planet.  We are now certain the cabal is closed out but Ron’s space area is hard to seal and he is not experiencing leg problems yet but if he does there is a liaison member there set to clear his area too if there is any tom foolery again.  K”

Assigned Sentinel - Two of my predecessors have been removed before me, and I do not want that to Me.  For that reason I am closing my representation on Uversa permanently, and will not attend its retrospective return to its position during the Jesus regime on Urantia.  I consider the entire Bestowal accredited but unworthy, and I will not have anything further to do with it?

[Ron here . . .   I am forced to take all this conversation.  There is general silence at 1625 but I am unaware of anything ]

16:30 - I have no sense of transmission to me or a sense of knowing what is going on.  I do know this and that the Assigned Sentinel is a high being and it deals with .  I have copied what the Urantia Book says about them as follows while I ma waiting  for the resumpting of the transmission from the universe in general. . . .

The Assigned Sentinels from the Urantria Book Paper 24

“ 24.5.2 Much as an Associate Inspector represents the Seven Supreme Executives to a whole local universe, so in each of the ten thousand systems of that local creation there is an Assigned Sentinel, who acts as the direct representative of the far-distant and supreme board of supercontrol for the affairs of all seven superuniverses. The sentinels on duty in the local system governments of Orvonton are acting under the direct authority of Supreme Executive Number Seven, the co-ordinator of the seventh superuniverse. But in their administrative organization all sentinels commissioned in a local universe are subordinate to the Associate Inspector stationed at universe headquarters.”

16:32 - I have been assigned to the fourth regiment of the Universe corollary to the Assigned Sentinel corp.  I have no group name nor dare I disclose my rank and order.  However, the Assigned Sentinel has let it be known that I am to trial anything coming out of this source, and I am in opposition to Michael of Nebadon, and stand put until I am relieved by proper  authorities.

16:36 - I am the Assigned Sentinel again.  I relieve all in duty in Nebadon and leave for Uversa at once as commanded by the Ancients of Days.

General Announcement
About 16:40

“The Assigned Sentinel is in custody. [Ancients of Days just announcend]

Ron - I have received more injuries and leave it alone for now.  Nothing life threatening but folks you do not want to stand next to these devils.  They inflict harm.  

“This is extraordinary to record this at all Ron, but congratulations for coming on line when they was to happen.  I did not know it myself, and finally there is a clear area above your heard now and that is the first in two years for you.  Congratulations.

Now for all of you who read this as it happened today.  It is 16:45 in the afternoon and there is no prinicple headset problem with Ron or the cabal which is all but gone over Ron and his forces he employs to keep things normally transmitted.  We a re now clear and I want to say this:

“I EXPECT BIG TROUBLE later tonight and I cancel all activities such as communication stand downs across the network.  I am finished with this transmission Ron, and you are a remarkable recorder too/ Best of wishes.

Ron - I cannot determine if we have a Lightline tomorrow or now.  Stay tuned and we will take this by the ear as best we can.  Thank you for listening.  R

Morontial Universe HQ-

“I am a useful Sentinel myself Ron, and you are welcome to transmit tomorrow if you can find the energy.  They have hit you hard again and you are among the few on the planet who knows what this mess really is.  Do not stand strong but do a Lightline Sunday if you can (May 26th).  Thank you.  Assigned Sentinel forecaster here.  

Ron - I will be happy to do the 2PM Lightline tomorrow regular place regular station.  This communication space is a bit wobbly so I am leaving it alone until I am called to open it again.  Thank you all!  R

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania