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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: May 27, 2024, 17:40:20 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International - 27 May, 2024

Thank you to all our Speakers at the Monday Lightline:

Machiventa Melchizedek; Michael of Nebadon, Mantutia Melchizedek and Arthura

The link to the tape: 

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2024, 15:54:47 pm »
  • 052724 Lightline Netherlands International, host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subject: the planet is cleared from the cabal and insurrectionists; future plans and our role in planetary sustainability; stay the course and keep the faith for future work; the seventh Bestowal and Jesus’ return; the Federation of Dominion between seven local universes, its function and operation; the work of Melchizedeks and other celestials helping our planet.
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon, Mantutia Melchizedek, and Arthura
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:
Hello everyone! This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, May 27, 2024. And this is your host, Elise Sophia Veronica, welcoming all who take the time to be present on your Memorial Day in the United States, where you all give tribute to those who gave their lives for freedom while defending your country. Well now, today we are once again confronted with this war between nations and the young men and women giving their lives for freedom. So, let’s pray and hope for the times when people will one day celebrate justice and unity, and when people can live in harmony with each other. We thank our Father and invite him to be here with us, to enable the connection between the spiritual and the material worlds, and to receive some words from the heavenly side. Thank you, Father, for all (that) you are giving us.  We would now ask if there is someone who would like to address this group?
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, Elise. Yes. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. It does not matter who speaks to you about the concerns of today, or what is to happen with the Magisterial Foundation or with the planet, or anything that has been prepared for you and for us. The fact is that the planet had to be cleared first from the cabal and from any insurrectionists who are trying to act against what spirit wants to do, before we can begin any of the work, whether it is Michael and His Staff, or we as Mechizedeks, or any other group of celestials (who are) concerned about the future of Urantia.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek. And many Mechizedeks, which is my order, have been appointed to certain places on the planet, and are still working silently to try to alter situations in areas on your world where things are brewing, and war could be a treat to the world. Remember that there were Melchizedeks placed to oversee specific regions and they have not ceased doing that. And they will be on guard for some time to come and be of assistance to the Magisterial Sons who continue their missions, and stay prepared to see the execution of what Monjoronson has been talking and teaching about to many groups of students on your world. And even to some extent had them involved in new views of managing and governing your world. There have been many among you who were interested and able to see the prospect and usefulness of such a society, although hard to understand for them how to reach such a big change with so many people involved on a world in danger, distress, and ideas of power that only could lead to war.
Monjoronson spoke about what should be implemented on the planet in order to make people aware of the necessary changes, and then understanding among the population at large to change the many aspects of your lives on Urantia. And to learn the necessity of a world that is connected and not tore apart by power and possession, but to become aware of the influence of each person in a very complicated society. And the importance of communicating and working of all your nations in an atmosphere of mutual understanding without so many differences in social and economic status, where the world does not seem to get ever be freed of. Many lessons were given by Monjoronson about a sustainable society and an environment in which the planet may grow and prosper, if there is a shift of consciousness, and a mindset that will help all your nations to become aware of better ways to make life useful, and more God conscious on this particular planet.
The absolute absence of God consciousness on your planet does make your world a place that is bound to become an apostate world. And that is not a world easily to be altered by any spirit influence, unless they could take over some of your governments or other important institutions, but that will never happen. They will always come and assist only as counselors to your leaders and other persons with influence.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I know very well that every created and inhabited world has to go through the same trials, but different stages of development, to finally come to a time of realization that you can only create peace and stability when there comes a time of huge reformations, and to let go of the old that does not work. And where better and more sustainable solution must be sought to replace what was once an ideal for its society, but no longer working for an overpopulated planet, where it has become necessary to take decisions that immediately must affect all and everyone, in order to get a better world for all.
This is still Machiventa Melchizedek, and today we enter a final period of transmissions and messages where you have to ask for clear channel. The cabal has been cleared as far as we can see and connections to the spirit world will be reconstructed and made accessible to all who can find the connection with spirit, first from their hearts, and then from the special skills made available to all of you that are activated and want to practice, to do so. That will lead to contact the spirit world for all the necessary news that will come from us, helping you in your desires to connect with God, and hear him speak. You must realize that the opportunity to speak to God is always with you, and you can use it whenever you want. God is always there to listen and even answer your questions. You just have to go to him and ask him, and he will come to you, or send his messengers to help you find the way or answer your questions.
Everyone has the right to approach God, for everyone is a child of God. And all of God’s children are loved equally by him, whether you believe in him or not. God loves both, the religious and the atheist. A simple minded and the genius, all of his children. Because he knows that you are all learning and trying to find your place on this earth, and later on in a vast universe with each other, and with him, your Creator. God has spoken through many to reach his people, and you here have been privileged to hear many things about God and his creation through what you have read and through what you have learned on the Lightlines, that have been so effective over the years. And which we do not want to stop, because so many are listening and enjoying what they hear. When the time comes that you leave this earth to go to the mansion world and may be used by us in other parts of God’s creation, many others will be needed for what must be done. To keep the inhabitants of this planet informed and united by being a living example of the existence of God in them. They will find each other and unite just as you do in this group, and it will help people to bound and give them a sense of being a part of a close spiritual family, while working in cooperation with the spirit teachers and managers in what they want to bring to your planet.
I am Machiventa and I tell you that there will come a new time, a time when we reveal our plans for this planet, and we ask you to be on guard, for we will need many of you to find them, the groups that already exist. There is work to be done for your fellow human beings. So many lives in ignorance and have no idea of the love or connection between God and his children, and how they can help the world. Your world needs experienced leaders who will be strong enough to make decisions that will help all nations realize that only through communication and mutual interest in all of humanity and its environment can lead to a better world, and possibly a time of lasting peace. When each has the willingness to work for each other instead of themselves, or for their own country or community. And that is what we are going to show men in our future plans, and we will ask or even force humanity to accept our conditions, because men must realize that he is now on the threshold of a realization that cannot bring peace and could end in destruction, if he is not able to change his mentality and his attitude towards such a divine creation as your planet is. This planet has been exploited almost to its limit, it will never recover from such severe exploitation without an utmost and immediate care, which means a complete change of everything you have known in your existence so far.  
And all these changes will change the earth and the people on it. It will change their social lives, their economical goals, and their religious views. And it will undoubtedly cause confusion in the way people think, and how they have always lived their lives. But all this is necessary to give the world a change to survive and to make room, with the help of your divine counselors, for Jesus. For Jesus to return to Urantia, and to do what he wants to do, what he has promised to do, and to finish what could not be done. And now, at this time, he wants to see it completed with a much different agenda then he had to leave the planet too early in his short life as the Bestowal Son on this earth.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek and as I said, a new time will draw and we have asked all of you to stay the course, to keep your faith, and to trust your God, the Father. To trust in Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Father, to pray and work for the people who know nothing about all these things, about which you are being informed. I advise you to stay informed and to pay attention to any changes you notice in what seems so normal and useful in society today but could be very different tomorrow. We are the Melchizedeks who work in every situation under all circumstances, and we have the right to do so by the grace of our Creator Father, Michael of Nebadon. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I step back now to give this transmitter the opportunity to receive others who would like to speak here. Good day.
Thank you, Machiventa Melchizedek.
Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon. I am here with you and all of you, to say a few words to anyone who may hear or read these words later on the discussion forum. I am Michael of Nebadon and I am your Creator Son, as you all know very well. We have faced and dealt with many issues over the years in all our efforts to bring you a mission, and for the Magisterial Foundation to be used by all in spirit who wanted to be part of that mission. Much has been attempted and much has been on the verge of a new beginning for you on Urantia, the planet of my final bestowal, of the seventh that I have experienced as one of my own creations. As Michael of Nebadon, my final bestowal was to reveal God as your Father to everyone on Urantia and through the Local Universe. But I had to face much more then expected, and completed my bestowal before my time when Jesus was nailed to the cross and died in my name.
Jesus did miraculous work during his time one earth, and there is no one on this planet who has not heard his name. He is the greatest legacy on your world, and he had promised to return to finish what he could not finish during his brief sojourn as an adult man on Urantia. Jesus has had numerous dates available for his return, but there was always something that got in the way, and he had to wait for better times. Several times it came really close, and Jesus has drawn up an extensive agenda to work from. He really wanted to return and make his return a shared event with the Magisterial Mission, because of these wonderful resources that had been prepared by Ron Besser to work with, his setting up a Magisterial Foundation and its six sister companies for the Magisterial Sons. And Jesus had decided to make use of these facilities for his own return and his administrative purposes, although Jesus would also work through the Michael Mission and its facilities. Jesus’ program and everything he wants to do for Urantia is separate from everything else that is planned for Urantia. And when the situation continues to worsen, Jesus had to make the decision to withdraw and to wait for a planet that would be more receptive for what he wanted to achieve, and still want to achieve.
And many things had changed, even to the point where your leader Ron Besser can hardly hold up a broken body, which has been so severely attacked, and where we might have to let him continue his work on the mansion worlds and other places, where he will be busy to work for the Will of the Father. That will make you sad and we understand, we would understand your feelings, because he is a partner, and a teacher, and a leader, and a companion you all love, but I am Michael of Nebadon and I say this to all of you. Do never let anyone with moving from one world to another depress you. You will all experience the same things when your time comes, and we in spirit will be there to receive you, and to meet those you have loved so much, and to continue to work with us for your planet. And to see that the trials that Urantia is facing will be ended, and that new and more spiritual times will break through. We all know that Ron would love to see the foundation prosper and the electric plant built and producing. We hope so, but if not, he will watch from the mansion world and enjoy every success that is being made, and how the Magisterial Foundation will go forward and become the main spiritual organization ever seen on Urantia. And much will be done and continues to be done through the Magisterial Foundation, and it will become one of the most famous organizations on the planet, and it will serve as an example to many of the planets when they are allowed to begin founding such a beautiful place for the spirit to work from in a material world.
So, dear people, do not ever give up, and remain hopeful and expectant for the things ahead. Continue with what is your deep desire, and I know it is a deep desire for all of you to be part of what spirit can do from time to time on your planet, and to work with me, Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Son who loves you all. Go forth and begin to think of the good things you have already been part of. Think of what you can do for future times, when we make our announcements to you. You will be surprised how detailed and different some of our plans and assistance will be, when Urantia shifts from a planet of rebellion to a planet of spiritual insight and deep faith, and respect for your Paradise Father who knows you all. Who has seen your desire to help your planet rise on the horizon as a huge planet, as shining star, the planet that I created. My planet, the planet of Jesus, the planet of Machiventa Melchizedek and the planet for all of you, but especially the planet that is in the hands of our Universal Father.
Urantia has always been a planet of thousands of difficulties and the most complicated problems, when nothing ever went according to plan, but a place where we met the people who believed in the Father. In his universe, and somehow made it through by way of their faith. You are the most amazing Agondonters we have ever met. And you all will be reworded for your faith and trust in what you have seen, in what you have been thought in revelation, in the Urantia book, and the many lessons you have learned on the forum. Keep up that good work, never forget to consult your Adjuster, for he comes from the Father and knows it all. This is Michael of Nebadon, and I now step back and leave you with these words: I love you. I say goodbye and wish you a wonderful day.
Thank you very much, Michael, thank you so much.
OK, we have some new people coming in. Welcome Charlotte, welcome Carol Daptula and Roget Raz, and couple of internet callers. All together we have nineteen on the call. And let me see if there are any other speakers today.
Mantutia Melchizedek
Yes, Elsie, this is Mantutia Melchizedek, your Planetary Prince. And I would like to address the fact of the Dominion as it was presented to you several years ago. The Dominion was created out of the idea to be able to work and unite in certain cases, to stand strong and support each other in times of need. A partnership between several local universes close to each other, which may face the same difficulties, or sudden changes in development or protection of their territory. But more so to promote cooperation if it proves to be useful to all parties. And normally, local universes do not have much to do with each other. They all have their own Creator Sons, the Michael Sons, and are all created according to the ideas and ideologies of this Son, who creates the life forms in their universe after the example of the Havona worlds, where the Eternal Son in collaboration with the Father sets the example.
When Havona came into being in its entirety, with the appearance of the Infinite Spirit bringing this creation into being as a perfect creation. Havona is the modal for each new Creator Son, and his creation of a local universe in time and space. And every Creator Son of the order of the Michaels will strive for such a complete universe, as he begins to create his own local universe. In general, the orders a Michael creates are of the same type. A Bright and Morning Star, Melchizedeks, Lanonandek Sons, Life Carriers, Vorondadek Sons, and so on, until the creation of men. And the Creator Son will incarnate seven times in the form of seven of his created beings, to experience what it is like to be as one of his creatures. After a Creator Son has gone through these seven experiences, he is a Master Creator Son and can completely independently direct his creation as he pleases. The difficulties that may arise in a local universe is not usually discussed with other Creator Sons.
But in the case of an agreement as a Federation and this Dominion they form a partnership and can also draw on each other’s expertise and strength to overcome any obstacles or difficulties. And that support each other and can establish exchanges if desired or necessary. They consult each other and have a greater degree of collaboration that allows them to present themselves in joint authority. They can also borrow groups of beings from each other and make up for shortages where necessary by asking each other for assistance. Undoubtedly, there will exist consultation between affiliated members of the Federation called the Dominion, who are vest building a strong bound with each other, but otherwise are independent and might have very different policies in their local universes.
The Dominion that is formed in this Superuniverse # 7 is the first of its kind, and currently consist of seven associate members. Seven local universes, whose board is based in Nebadon, chaired by Michael of Nebadon on Salvington, and this board position can change every so many times between the members of this Dominion Federation. I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and these are my words for today about the Dominion. I wish you a beautiful day. Goodbye.
Thank you Mantutia Melchizedek. Thank you for coming to the Lightline and speaking to us.
Well ..
Yes, well, Elise. This is Arthura here as your next speaker, to see to the need of the planet and to your need as the citizen of this world that is in constant danger of geographical movements and unexpected changes in the mind of men. So few on this planet have learned so much about the intentions of Michael and His Staff as you have, all of you, over the last few decennials. Where you have been able to receive information from the celestial side and where you have also been a witness of the rebellion that has hit the planet and its planetary government so frequently. These are things that normally take place without any knowledge of the population, but thanks to the Magisterial Foundation, and our liaison Ron Besser and some other on this earth, we had and have the opportunity to give you the latest updates. And you are well aware of the situation as it has developed over the last years, since the big change of coming into a New Universe Age decreed by our Father and made necessary after the supreme blew up not only himself, but many celestials being with him.
And the great damage that is left unprepared for all to see, that huge planet where the supreme had his abode and worked from. This has changed and will change much in the Father's universe and had a great effect on all who live in it, for everything in fact is one. When one thing changes it effects the whole. It has led to that form of cooperation between certain local universes in your Superuniverse # 7. And the Federation has been formed between them, joining forces and giving each other assistance where and when needed. These local universes are all different and will remain administered according to the ideas and the ideals of their own Creator Sons, but they will negotiate certain mutual affairs and seek to assist each other when asked for reinforcement of orders, which they all have in the local universes that are created by Michael Sons in their own domain.
The order of the Melchizedeks in your local universe is framed and very suitable to perform any duty they are asked to do. They always stand ready to go out on a mission, or help with unexpected situation wherever they can, and be of assistance to Michael and his creation. I am Arthura, and I had seen the Melchizedeks placed in many and awkward situations, where they were the ones who took care of things, and many times rescued and saved the planet from disaster and loss of faith in God, in the Existential Deities, and their Paradise Sons of whom some of them come down to the planets for special adjudications and missions.
As Arthura, I can tell you that when things have been settled again and new measures have been taken to set foot on Urantia, these Paradise Sons, the Magisterial Sons will function here on earth in an amazing way of cooperation between your nation’s leaders as the divine counselors they are. It will be made know to the world that it is God who sends his high representatives to maintain a planetary government, necessary for each planet to grow into more advanced times where there is no competition, but where man had learned to live together, and where sharing and trust in each other will eventually lead to more peaceful nations that have learned to live as friends instead of enemies. And where brotherhood among its people can have a chance to sustain life on the planet in all levels and circumstances. And that is where I, Arthura, give my assistance and a helping hand to Michael’s creation, and to help you, the citizens of this world, to become aware what you can do and can be for your world. And to make you acquainted with the plans that are laid out for you by the Father and by Michael of Nebadon for all who believe and trust in God and his high divine associates. I am Arthura at your service. Good day to everyone.
Thank you, thank you so much, Arthura.
Well, I think it's time to conclude this Lightline, and well, I do want to thank all of our speakers, Machiventa Melchizedek and Mantutia Melchizedek, and Arthura, and of course Michael of Nebadon. We thank you all for being with us and for talking to as. And I want to thank all of you, the listeners, for being here, and support me in doing the Lightline. And with that, I would like to say goodbye to all of you, and I am going to unmute, well, you’ve unmuted. I am going to stop the recording.
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"