Author Topic: Tues LL 05.28.24 MICHAEL. Who higher Beings are & what faith is for you  (Read 7968 times)

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« Last Edit: May 29, 2024, 17:27:19 pm by Dominick O »

Online SonsofGod

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    • 052824 Tuesday Lightline USA, Host Dominick O
    • Subjects: the higher Being, sharing our faith, the reward of experiential faith, the revelation of Jesus Christ, Christ Michael, programs to correct Urantia, inherent creation, the love of the Father, The service of Melchizedeks, Magisterial Sons, Missions, reasons for revelation, incremental peace
    • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Mlechizedek, Van
    • Transcriber: sonofGod
    • Links:
    YouTube: MICHAEL. Who higher Beings are & what faith is for you (

OK, we are starting the recording. This is kind of a prerecording of the Tuesday LL works through the You Tube. So, at that we got a cleaned-up version of the audio, and those on the forum who are used to getting the recording right off the web, you get to enjoy the good, the bad, and the ugly of the preediting process. They get all the long pauses, they get all the lip smacking, which gets to be taken out on YouTube, as I am finding out.

Welcome Roger. You’ve joined so many times, even though you unmute, I can hear your voice saying Hello. So, hello.
Tuesday, May 28, (2024) and we have just begun. Welcome Pictarious, Pictorious, someday you tell us how to pronounce that. And welcome.
OK. We will go into transmission here shortly. For those joining, by listening when you hear the beeps those are people coming in. Welcome Roger Raz.

There is plenty to see on past Lightlines that describe what Lightlines are. So, without further ado, let’s check in and see who can we receive from spirit, in the name of the Father within us, and Michael of Nebadon, our Lord, and Creator Father, here, and we are both of their sons. We pray for clean circuit, otherwise known as a clean channel.

And I offer a quick prayer for everyone in the world to remain hopeful, find things to be happy with, and to be able to focus on the good. Aim to be truthful of what we do, and that we experience and find relief, and appreciate that, all of it. We also pray that we could know one and other more, and that we build and nurture strong relationships in our lives, repair the ones that we can, and thank you all in spirit who help us do that. It is your will that we learn to love. And certainly, that will make a better world if we can accomplish a little of that every day. Amen

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Dominick, this is Michael of Nebadon. I come to the group today to speak a brief word to all who are assembled, and all who are listening. You who have faith are not blind. All who aspire to God know there is a higher being. I want you to understand who that higher being is. It is I, and that I bestowed myself upon your planet, and therefore it is my planet, it is our planet. I am your brother as Jesus, that you would know me, to know the higher Being, and as your brother, and also as you Christ, as Christ Michael. I’ve revealed the Father, the Universal Father, who you should also know and you should also know that I, Michael of Nebadon, share the same higher Being of the Father that you do. I am of a special nature, a deity myself in many regards, but I am not the Ultimate God. I am the personification of the Father when you know me and when you see me.

Belittle it not that I speak plainly before you, for I wish to be and remain in your hearts, but that your heart is not separate from the rest of you. So, when I say your heart, I mean the essence of you, the totality of you, and that which breaks through and wins over the mind that struggles to accept faith for what it truly is. And that is to empower your entire being head to toe, top to the bottom, literally and figuratively, and morontially, spiritually, that you have faith. And that with such faith you can know what you define as a higher being, and a higher purpose. Once you have this individual experience then do you seek to share this with the group, with the world, with your relationships. Now, the mind still takes over once you have established faith. It’s still attempts to utilize the mind to share what you have experienced, share what it is about. But what you do with it does not need to be such a mental exercise of sharing.

What you do with it is you exude that truth and love and beauty from that opening prayer and extend that to your relationships. And the relationships can be with the world, the environment, and especially with those who are certainly mind encircuited, which is the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, that ecology of the environment, and more so, ever more so the consciousness of spirit, the mind of spirit, and all that is endowed with higher and highest spirit of the Father, which is so essential to the extension, continuation, and seamless integration between life and death. We promise you, the Father and I, you will get more time. You will earn the reward of time with faith. Blind faith does not. In that regards, blind faith tends to present no expression of what I spoke to, and earned faith, experiential faith, bears the fruit of expressing all that is good, trustful, and beautiful that you can absorb and experience, and project that back out into the world. Without having to worry about the mental understanding and need that people need to understand what you have, and what you experience. You will simply automatically begin to share that with your brothers and sisters.

And you will, as they say, experimentally and evolutionary accrue this. It doesn't essentially graduate you into some awesome status overnight of being that ideal wonderful person that you know you can be, and that the spirit within you strives to, shall we say, construct or forge through what the planet provides with an education. An education that builds your soul to how’s this extended life and contain your personality, which remains constant. Especially over this granted extension of time, and that eventually, if you want to extrapolate that, or understand where this goes, of course it goes to the potential of fusion with the Spirit of the Father within you already, that I revealed to you. Your soul, and your personality. And this extension of time granted to you after fusion is eternity, immortality. You don’t quite have it yet. You are the lowliest order of sonship beings with the greatest asset of the Father and the greatest handicap of a material time and space being born of animal and forged into the spirit with the choice and danger of death and permanent death.    

Those who were and are created above you in the hierarchy of spirit do not have such handicaps. They can forfeit their lives eternally by denying reality. Those who have immortality aren’t necessarily perfect. They have an ascending and descending hierarchy between, you can say, myself and you, and someone in between, there is higher and lower end of the spectrum of perfection. You can define that as divinity. It is deity that creates a divine being. Deity creates beings. So, when a baby is born into your world, its deity that bestows that personality. And you are intelligent enough o understand that despite so many similarities on many levels, each one of you is unique, certainly unique enough and especially unique over time in accrue experience that you truly are filling a capacity of the universe of the being it needs to run itself, the universe to run itself. There are systems of infinity that are nonetheless enclosed, but then those system grow into more systems and yet more systems. And this fulfills the capacity of the eternal being to perpetuate a dynamic life that need not become boring and need not become stagnant to the extent that you are reposed and repelled at the concept of eternal life. Part of that initial training of this aspect I just mentioned, and this is Michael of Nebadon continuing still, is that the mystery of the Father is not to be ever fully attained, so that the pleasure of infinity together with the eternity is always there.

I thank you for your ear and those who hear let them hear. There is no shame in sharing what I have just told you. It needs no religion, it needs no religious institution. It is those institutions which need to always teach the fundamental basics, of my revealed religion to you. My reveled religion to you as Jesus. And those successive revelations that are yet to come and always coming. And potentially coming through a vehicle such as this Lightline and Lightlines in general. If they were to fall away like a leaf of a tree, if the Lightlines are to go away. It is my message today that you should take with you and learn to find new ways to grow truth, beauty and goodness, and the revelation of the Father. And really to know which way you are going and what to aim for in life through the way, which I call Michael, or you may call Michael.

When people want to ask who is the Christ, it is OK to say, Jesus. But to also say who Jesus was and if he was divine, if he was more than just a man, he was also Christ Michael. We are in the life as in with Jesus. And that they both remain alive. But it is Michael who is the constant of his creation that you live on. Michael as Jesus graduated as you will graduate. The only difference is that Jesus, as Michael, during his life on the planet had the privilege of being just a human sometimes. And when he was, when he graduated, he was a human ascending to the Father just as you shell be, and I will remain as Michael of Nebadon, the local universe of my creation and your creation. You just create in smaller ways within the bounds of your fields and influence, and your legacy of your life.

Jesus went on to become many things on his way to the Father. The way to the Father is shown by many sons, but Jesus revealed the Father. And ever since are humans such as yourselves endowed with this spirit to the extent that the ability of your species, if given the right soil to grow in, have the ability to turn itself around rather quickly. Rather quickly. What you lack is what can be supplemented by these in between orders of Divine Sons together with high orders of Deity Sons. That if we descend upon you, we are armed with the programs and methods of governance that could quickly turn things around for a planet that you could cease to strive as hard as you do, feel secure and be absent from the rage and resentment that living, simply just living on this planet represents often for the majority of the planet.

When these programs come and when these sons and beings, these higher beings become known, they will not bring resentment, they will not be adjudicators full of rage that you will seek justice, that you understand as justice today. It is not for me to lecture you on the imperfection of your approach in justice. I am your Father in creation. Those who would help administer such governance to bring forth the vision I just presented are not myself. I am your Lord in spirit, Deity. I bind all of it together though, but I am not the direct administrator of anything directly in your lives. But I am that which present you the way to do it yourself. And so that’s the base conclusion to what I have to say is that in contrast to rebellion, I, Christ Michael, provide my spirit so that you can do it yourself. You can do it within you and therefore there will be an experiential and an eternal, the prize is yours.    

Rebellion in contrast fosters this rage within you and aims to seek justice through nefarious means of destruction. An opposite end of creation., but the universe is inherently creative, you do not need the dichotomy as the rebels present it of good and bad, light and dark. You do not need that dichotomy, for creation is alternatively creative and the destruction, that you would label as destruction, is equally creative and on that spectrum. You do not need the rebel. That which was is no more. And you will learn what the light and dark truly is.

I love you all. Now, learn to love yourself, learn to love the Father within, and observe what it possibly does and will do to your inner environment and outer environment. Furthermore, I am not the only one who loves, you. Those who are loyal to me and seek to do the Father’s will also love you, and their service to me and to you and with you, will exemplify those as well. Really, all you need to do is work on it a little bit every day and then learn to share that with the Father and thank the Father. And forgive yourself and forgive your brothers and sisters and follow this creative dynamic I just outlined. That creation is difficult in your environment now, but once you experience true creation true love it never ways your experience and you can always return to it and begin to affect the world around of you. And one of the benefits of this is that you will look upon the world, look up on your brothers and sisters with a new filter of this potential love, this inherent creation that the universe is providing you.

And again, know who is providing this to you. The Trinity from Paradise, your ultimate destination and pilgrimage fit though this destination. The higher beings are the existential God of this Universal Father which so mysteriously and lovingly, and joyfully has bestowed by the Father unto you, that no other being in the universe fully understands, because they do not possess it. So, leave that mystery not to be solved but rather experienced. You can experience it and you can share that with me, share that with Father, and share that with everyone you happen to meet. Good day and I love you all, and I send a special bon voyage, if that is to be so to all of your souls, and I wish to great you when you end your physical life and begin your life anew. I have built many mansions, you hear of this before, but there are many mansions, in which to perfect what we have shared today. In this journey of immortality and eternity, which is the Father's direction that you be perfect. And be like him and know him.

I wish you well in your understanding of all that I have laid before you, and that it ultimately is not that difficult for a common person to grasp, and the brilliant person to understand as well. Behold all that is in the universe and backing that call that it knows you and you know it, and that the universe has all this energy with all of a personality to it as well. And that you are to say, the universe has a higher being, learn our names, learn that we have a name. We are Michael, we are Father, we are spirit, and we will educate you to be able to understand and discern who and what you are interacting with any given time, and your faith will be reworded with an answer. Good day.  

Thank you, Michael. All right. It is 2:35, and we welcome those who came in late, but not too late. Valerie, Salvador, Carole, Roger Krupa may be reconnected and Jose. Welcome. That makes sixteen at least on the call, and those who have more we say hello to you, if there is more than one of you on the call. Do we have any other folks to follow up Michael?

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes, welcome everyone. This is Machiventa, Machiventa Melchizedek. Melchizedek is the order, Machiventa, or Machivente, however you want to say it, I know its difficult for many, so, whatever your style is, I will respond. And I am Machiventa. I have many other Melchizedeks on the planet. It is the Melchizedek order that reserves the right to incarnate and have your physical form at our discretion. This is an ability that we do not take lightly, and we reserve it for certainly planetary emergencies. However, emergencies aren’t always the case. We, as an order being, are quite useful in our ability to work with Avonal Sons on Magisterial Missions. When such a mission gets pushed back as we have intimated time and again for many years now, what the Melchizedek order has in place is constantly adjusted. We adhere to both, our superiors, and their plans for any planet’s mission, and then we are flexible enough to work with what we have, and what can be made of any changes. Whether those missions go on and off. So, what will happen is from time to time your best updates and your best working orders, I can’t think of a better word right now then orders, but you can think of that as next steps. Because orders topically present that question to us anyway, when we deal with humans. We can give you your generalized orders, but then you always ask us, well, Machiventa, what’s my next step? So, I learned to adjust and give those with executive function orders, and those with administrative function a next step.

That’s all I have to say for you. And to provide you with your next steps are to consider what our Lord and Sovereign Michael of Nebadon presented to us today. And who we love to work with are those who come to us in that spirit and then ask, what is your order Machiventa, what you have me to do? And then I don’t have to worry about whether or not you are predestined to be with the Father. We are capable enough to discern that and detect that within you and about you. So, your next steps are to evaluate where you are in your personal faith, and then present yourselves to me. And then I could either tell you what those next steps are in transmission, or if I am not to directly present myself in transmission, I will understand your petition, and act as a go between, encircuiting you with those who administer to your petition. Is it clear enough? Good.

We will now open up the Lightline for those who have any questions around those things just we mentioned in the Lightline. We now present those on the call with the opportunity to ask questions. If you have no personal question perhaps you have another question later on that is helpful to a listener at a future date. You can press 5-star to raise your hand on the dashboard. We have several transmitters as well, if you have a transmission and I do not feel the question, this is Machiventa, I may ask you to transmit. In which case raise your hand on the dashboard, or simply unmute yourself if you are in the dashboard.  

This is Machiventa. It’s 2:43. I am working with this transmitter to field questions, or to other transmitters to whom I may speak to. And if there are none, we could truncate the Lightline. We will give this one minute.

This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Are you… are you so brick minded that you could ask the question, Machiventa, what question do you wish we were to ask? Is there even a question you would love us to ask? Machiventa, what are some questions that the Melchizedeks seem to be asked? And this is Machiventa. We thought that at this point in a Lightline where there is revelation, that revelation is given to men based on questions. If you do not reach out to spirit in the form of a question, will you not get an answer if there is nothing asked. You do not knock there is no answer. Now, there is privilege of time that those topically on this call are members on the forum. But live performance can be intimidating, everyone experiences a mind blank when put on the spot sometimes, so you can join the forum and ask questions there, and those questions could be addressed in a future Lightline.
Please give out the address.

Yes. And you can email the administrator there to get it. Because right now its purposefully difficult to get in. Ad that is aronolac: a r o n o l a c, And please share a little bit about yourself, so that we know you are a human being. And not a nefarious or automated but.

OK, Valerie
(lots of background noise came in)

OK, thank you. All right. I have a lot of echo, so I will be short. But in response to the indication to ask questions I would just want to say that what we have received is very dense, and we need to sink into it and it will take time, as always when I hear the Lightlines, I feel it takes at least two more hours to make it my own or let it into the spirit. So, we are not quite about questions because we are uninterested, but I think we would like to have another opportunity to ask those questions. And we are going to do that on the forum as we were instructed. Once I would like to listen again so respond to it in a meaningful way. That’s all I wanted to say. And I believe I can speak for many of us that we just glad is we can intake the information on these Lightlines where it is keep going on, and so we are not able to yet ask the questions.

All right. Thank you, Valerie, I am muting you. Dominick here.

Machiventa Melchizedek
And this is Machiventa. Thank you, Valerie. In response to Valerie, I remind those listening, the administration of a planet is what the Melchizedek order currently does for this planet, we call it Urantia. I myself have experienced being and acting as the Planetary Manager, the formal title is Planetary Prince. And my point is when you are able to ask a question, it is our experience and function that we are able to coordinate these other beings and their specialties, that might be able to best address the specific nature of your question. And so, these Lightlines are not presented to you as an entertainment value that we have such a lineup for you today of this being or that being, or this celestial or that celestial. But when we do open up to questions, so that you have something presented to us on the forum that will make it into a Lightline. It is at that point that we are able to pull in those beings that provide the novelty of different orders of beings that certainly present an educational opportunity, also the opportunity for revelation.

You do not earn revelation unless there is that up-reach from you. The only other way you get revelation is by sanctioned and planned organization that such a revelation out to be provided in order to advance certain aspects of individuals or groups. Ultimately, in the evolution of the planet are those things provided. So, they work hand in hand. But they can be clearly accelerated in this co creative manner by you, and we thank you. Thank you, Valerie. And there are no further collars. I want you to put him on.

OK. Machiventa wishes to unmute Ron, which I will do after this question from Robert. So, get awake Ron and prepare yourself after Robert’s question here. 2:52 (pm).
Hi, Robert. Yah, you can go ahead.

OK. thank you very much. I have this question for quite a while. I think it was on June the 9th, in 2024 (must have been 2023), on this Lightline, it was a Sunday, that Jesus said,
“2024 is the year. It means what I have been waiting for so long, will be able to take place with a certainty of success.”
My question is, are we going to have this, this year, with a certainty the return of Jesus, and make himself visible?

All right. I understand …. am

Do you want me to repeat it?

Well, why … first off, I do understand the second part of your question. I have trouble understanding the preface where you built up. So that earlier there have been an announcement of an expectation of peace?


And that if anything would happen now, would there be peace?

Yes. Do 2024 id the year? What has been planned for so long, will be able to take place with the certainty of success?

OK. I am going to mute you, and then may be unmute you after the transmission. OK, Robert?

OK. Thank you.

Machiventa, have you understood that?

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. This is Machiventa. Let me first, by protocol, see if there is anyone else who wishes to field that question.

This is Van.

Thank you, Machiventa. Why are you getting Van?

Dominick doesn’t know and neither should you, it could be, it could be anyone. But no one has the experience that I have of waiting for so long on this planet. I have seen many wars, Robert, in my mission to reestablish the garden. And my faith that someday it will happen took way longer than I ever imagined. I did have access to information and things in the entire experience that buffeted or allowed me to last that long. I conjecture that those of your experience today are not armed the ability to last as long as I did. In this respect understand the planet is much more blind today as it conducts these wars, it’s much more blind to the administration of spirit on this planet. Its stock in the legend and lords of science fiction that were controlled by rebels.

Now, the rebel can do two things. He can either tell you a different story for you to believe in, or he can muddy the waters so much that you don’t understand. I am not talking to you, Robert, that you and the planet don’t understand what spirit is, who God is that Michael of Nebadon asked you to know. We knew who they were, we just couldn’t communicate with them. The circuits were cut. Today the circuits are renewed in many respects, and yet you still don’t know who to ask for. And for that, I tell you this the waters are muddied, and so, some of these missions are to reinvigorate and reintroduce who we even are, as you could say divine administration of beings representing these spirits of deity. Divine beings represent a deity. And so, who these higher beings are, represent service to a deity that unifies and even though your understanding may be different, the loyalty of service binds you in a bound. It binds us.

Wars today couldn’t possibly be bind by this bound, for they are broken. You have a faction of a law, binding of the faction of God. Yahweh, or whoever the Jewish name is for God. Frankly, its hard to identify as just one, for there are so many splinter groups in that religion, and furthermore amongst all religions. And so, what Michael reminded you all today is that such peace is possible when these religions are excluded not of who we are, but that they are not a ultimate authority. They are a byproduct of human history. Now, just because they are byproduct of human history does not give them validity. The reason I talk about rebellion and rebels and why even Michael has to talk about them is that without this understanding of rebellion, you have no contexts by which to establish a real peace, by the fact that you are at war to begin with at a very deep level.

In this sense, no religion can win over another. But that religions can remain in existence, and become of service to God, when God descends to the planet. He descends, as I was saying, through you, the individuals. That is not enough on this current trajectory to gain the peace you ask for. The peace you ask for is now only possible through this divine intervention, as you call it, which is not a divine intervention, unless it became such a draconian intervention in your eyes. Draconian in your eyes that would force peace. And so, understand Robert that an enforced peace is not everlasting peace. This, an attempt to create the condition of security and safety, that the rehabilitation and rectification of all the harms that are being done can be even addressed, without perpetuating the evil and distraction that it is creating. So, there will be a conditional peace within one year, and the nitpick would be the observation that, well, this isn’t our version of the everlasting peace we thought it would be. But I am giving you the vision of what the incremental peace might look like where we to establish ourselves abruptly. I bid you a good day. Thank you for allowing me in, Machiventa, I am Van, and I retreat. Thank you, Robert. Good day.

You are unmuted, Robert.

Oh, yes, thank you Dominick. So, I understand that 2024 might not be the year for peace to facilitate, you know, the return of Jesus. We got to be more patient. Thank you very much.

Thank you, Robert. All right. Ron, you might be up for the Lightline. Yeh, you have a little bit of echo, I mute myself. You have the floor and might go ahead.

Ron Besser
Can you hear me?


Ron Besser
All right, I am going blank here.

Machiventa Melchizedek.  
All right. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I want to speak through Ron in particular, and thank you, Dominick, for allowing it at some point. We are going to change the venue. That is how things are done with the Lightlines starting in about, oh, I am guessing, in about three weeks. Hold your present circumstances that is how you do things until we advise those people who control how we do Lightlines, better. Right now, you have Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday with all the Lightlines that we expect after changes have occurred with the French and other participants. For that reason, we are going to change the schedules of the Lightlines. I like the fact that you hold it at 2 pm, and that Sunday is the lead off that Ron uses to start the Lightline series. For that reason, we are going to keep that. But for other reasons we are going to reschedule the Netherlands and others at this point, to obtain a much broader spectrum of listeners.

Right now, your 2 pm schedule holds pretty well across the board. But in the future, we would like a much broader board to operate from on Urantia. For that reason, we are going to change not only the call-in number, but also the way it’s done. For instance, today, we have Dominick setting up the Lightline, and then the rest of you call in and you hang on it like decorating a Christmas tree, to listen. What we would really prefer is the means to do that, plus make it available to a wider audience. I am going to ask Dominick and Ron to place this on a perpetual showtime on the internet. You know the name of it Dominick, Ron never remembers the name of it. But discuss it this afternoon when you arrive at 2709, because he does have an excellent idea, but he is a little bit shy of transferring these transmissions to a wider venue. They need to be on a wider venue. Ron hasn’t prevented it, he just hasn’t bothered.

Ron Besser
And now this, to the rest of you. I am Ron Besser. I have perpetuated these programs now for over ten years. I have gotten very tired. That isn’t me in particular, it’s a body that’s worn out. I am not sure what’s going to happen, but I have been given the idea that I have to move on. I don’t want to, but that is the order. I am not sure what the Lightlines are going to be without me, but they are planting to move me further into the mansion worlds. And primarily between the groups of the popes and the groups of the Supreme Courts. To see where I really do fit in. We are not sure, because I like it all. For reason of state I am going to tell you that they are going to attempt to put me into the Supreme Court, were I will work with some famous people that are already there that you know but I dare not mention. They will train me. And we will see it, how that works. But my true love is to be with you. I do not want to preferably leave while this is undecided. I have petitioned those in authority to stay long enough to see to an establishment of programs on Urantia that address our problems. I am now told that is available to me providing I don’t show any more power, and let things like the power station alone. Hah? That’s like tie me down and say, OK, speak.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. Let me address this. One of the first things you did when you finally caught on that we could speak and could be like teachers, and that we could produce programs that you had today. And which you feel is excellent programming and Dominick is to be appreciated. We agree. But we also agree that your care and love for the different aspects of all that you’re trying to do would be greatly missed if you were allow to go on. Now, you have complained for the past week you can hardly get out of bed, and when you do get out of bed, you sit and stare. That is no way to live and you fully agree.

For that reason then, we are going to ask Dominick and others to prepare lessons that are more than the Lightlines. I want these lessons to be prepared over the Internet and to YouTube as well. Ron, have Dominick record a Lightline session on prepared subjects. See what they do with it on Lightline, Dominick. I would not suggest that you use the same account that you’re using your other material for. Make this into a brand-new account, and Ron, when he gets the information, will make it available to you, how to prevent it. Or, hah, present it. I might prevent it by falling over.

Now, this. The trial that we are going to present first is a Lightline discussion of the preeminence of religion over commercial versions. Ron looks at commercial versions and says, well, it’s really religion by the way you conduct it. I fully agree, but nobody will make the connection by just listening to what they doing. I want Ron to do a Lightline verbally and to present it in a brand-new account, Dominick, or others who want to help, and see what the reaction is. I doubt that you get much, but you are going to be heard around the world if it is presented. Plan on it when you go over today, Dominick, and get it started Immediately. That is Michael of Nebadon saying t to you, Ron, you ain’t gonna die, just get sleepy.

Ron Besser
And for that reason, I am not going to say anything further, except, I can hardly get out of bed lately. Is there any way to revitalize myself, anyone!

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Talk about a direct plea!  You are now sleeping about 14 hours a day. You find it exhausting. Furthermore, it’s starting to get worm, and you dislike to be in a worm room. So, you turn on air conditioning and it chills you down to the point you can barely get awake. Somehow, you got to figure out how to get comfortable. The truth of the matter is, we will suggest it. Hah, and this, Ron. You do not have to worry about wearing anything.

Oh! Ha-ha. All right.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Now this. The trial that must be apprehended is that you, Dominick, have to get awake, and decide how to do this for the production. And for that reason, do not worry about it from Ron or yourself, I will make it available what I want to you, when you meet with Ron today. And furthermore, don’t eat much. Dominick, you are about to be prepared to move forward. Ron did about seven weeks ago. You will do it now. He knows he has got a different version of speech, but he lets it go. You are a little bit slower Dominick, you will learn not the hard way, but by participation over the next, oh, three weeks.  

Ron, you are not going over soon. You have decided that even today, you might drop out. Not so. With that in mind, keep the schedule of Lightlines. Elise, make sure you do Monday.
(few seconds of silence) Hold on. Ron, you are still connected but you can’t see it.    

Ron Besser
No, my screen just did a flip backwards. I have no idea what I got at the moment. Dominick, may I hear your voice?

Yah, yah, you are still connected. You are good, Ron.

Ron Besser
Good. Because I lost all connection, audio not sowing. Let me continue then, and I will turn this back to you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
The truth of the matter is, Ron, there is nothing left in an audio in a second. One moment.

Ron Besser
Dominick, am I still connected?

If I said no, would you believe me?

Ron Besser
I can’t tell, my screen is gone black.  

Well, you are. You are connected. Thank you.

Ron Besser
OK. Well, as long as I got your voice.

Machiventa Melchizedek
In any case, let me finish this before I lose it entirely. I don’t know what that is, Ron. It may have been Father.

Ron Besser
No, it’s not Father and it’s not cabal.  

Machiventa Melchizedek
It is someone pulling a connection on you, that we are going to remove.

Now, this. We must make arrangements between, Dominick, Ron, and the rest of the world to make these Lightlines available on a daily basis. Ron, you are in the position to do it. I am going to use you to start. I want you to recognize that you’re going to get a lot of smart asses. They’re going to try to cut you off.  But we have our own ways, and they can’t.

Ron Besser
Dominick. Because I am losing everything right now, let me turn this back to you, and you can finish your program. May be even come back to me, may be in ten minutes, when I can reestablish the call. I am turning it back to you now, because I got to reestablish. Go ahead, Dominick.

All right. So, you are going to log in and log out?

Ron Besser
Yes. Thank you.

All right. I muted Ron. Its 3:22, and we are going to hang in there for a second. So, I guess as a follow up, the callers will simply start, let me do this new link. Don’t have to worry about the software, because everybody is used to join on the internet meeting using a link now. So, just pretty much understand there will be a link to this new meeting, with software that is usually really easy to automatically install if you don’t have it. Its just that so many different tools out there, so just don’t worry about whether you have the tool or not. Understand, you have an internet link to join, and you join probably by your computer’s microphone and speaker. And secondarily, if you need to buy a phone, and may be telephone information on top of that. I guess I start with a little story.

When I helped other transmitters do something as unique as an online meeting, it was probably back in 2003, and it was just so expensive and so fault with the mistakes. And now we are pretty much enjoying providers give us up to one hundred and now coming into the thousands. So, the technology is there that without increasing the cost of the service, we are able to reach the capacity at least, say, a thousand callers on the call. May be even as much as ten thousand. We just wouldn’t be able to have participation with that many people of a Q&A. So, depends on how many people you want with a Q&A, certainly the Machiventa states in terms of the ability to reach lots of people on this type of media, it’s possible now.
And Ron, you are back in, and you’re unmuted.

Ron Besser
Yes, I am. I am not so surer what I got. I am pretty well finished what I wanted to say. But to you Dominick. I want to see you particularly today, as early as you can do it, because we must plan to do this quickly, according to Michael of Nebadon. And you are going to have to establish it or find someone that can establish it for us. Other than that, I am pretty well done, and I do turn it back to you Dominick. Thank you.

OK, thanks for attending everybody. Its 3:26. I do not have Lemuel online. So, I don’t know the status of Wednesday’s Lightline. So, check into the forum if you will want to figure it out. Really, sometime these long and extended calls turn into something, at least new and noble for you. It’s not going to make it on the YouTube recording, but your privilege to hear the laundry list of backtrack.
Elise, what’s up? An announcement?

Yes. Dominick, I know that Lemuel is doing all right. And I think he was planning to do his Lightline start again on June 5th. Is that on a Wednesday? So, that’s all I know. I got this notice from him.  

OK. Thank you. So, not tomorrow, but …  

No, no. He didn’t say that.

OK. But he is recovering.

Yes, he is recovering fine. And he is taken care of by other people. Yes.

OK. So, we suggest that everybody, you’re welcome to check in on the Lightline, but right now we have no official announcement. But we are not. That does not mean we might not decide to just go ahead and light the candle. All right, thanks, Elise.

You are welcome




« Last Edit: June 02, 2024, 03:54:17 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"