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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: June 03, 2024, 15:47:11 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International, 3 June 2024

With our gratitude to the Speakers:

Thought Adjuster of Elise; The Universal Father; Machiventa Melchizedek;
Mantutia Melchizedek and Arthura.

Here is the link to the recording: 

Offline weydevu

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2024, 12:46:46 pm »
Thank you for your service, Elise. As well as your courage to go before unseen forces whose only motive is to kill, steal and destroy. And it was so good to know that our prayers were answered just hearing your voice Lemuel with a song and melody in your heart.  Amen brother, Amen.

And the World Knows Not

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2024, 15:23:44 pm »
  • 060324 Audio Tape Light Line Netherland; host: Elise van Ruth;
  • Subjects: God’s love, comfort, and encouragement to Elise and to us all when we radiate God’s love to those around us, be of good cheer and minister Light and Love to all around us, recognize God and thank God for everything and recognize your brotherhood with each other and communicate and collaborate with them, each person is equal and our understanding of this will lead to our better understanding of one another, and there are epochal revelations and there are individual revelations for each of us; Q & A
  • Speakers: Elise’s Thought Adjuster, Universal Father, Machiventa Melchizedek, Arthura, and Mantutia Melchizedek; 
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape:  

Hello to all today who have tuned in and are listening to Light Line Netherlands International. It is Monday, the third of June 2024, and we welcome you all. Thank you for being with us. This is Elise Sophia Veronica, your host and I'm asking for protection to receive any words that may come to us from Spirit. I'm sure that most of you have had an opportunity to read the posts on the discussion forum and so you are aware of the difficult circumstances the planet is in at this moment. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to the Father who enables me to hold the Light Line and we turn to you our Universal Father to ask for clear and true words and a good reception. We thank You, Father. 

Now, let's proceed and ask if we have anybody there who would like to speak to us. I also have to tell you that this morning, I had a special, well, I could call it an encounter with the Father, I think. I wasn't sure if it was my Adjuster or the Father but it was such a happy feeling streaming through my whole body. I have never felt that before. So a couple of things were said to me, especially about hope, and love, and encouragement and, our need to stay together and to look forward to other times when things might be less difficult. But it was mostly the feeling that stayed with me for a long time. I will try to remember more when we go with the Light Line. Let me see if there's someone who would like to speak.

Elise’s Thought Adjuster  
Yes, there is Elise, this is your Thought Adjuster. And yes, this morning was a special morning for you and for Us and We gave you some words of comfort and encouragement, and a lot of love was felt in that connection that you experienced and had not experienced before. And at the same time, you were asked to stay close to Father and to live the way He wants you to grow. God asked you to radiate your love for Him and to show a joy that those around you will recognize as His shining personality, as a child of God who lives with God, who is aware of God, and who can be a radiant example, for your environment. 

I am the Adjuster of Elise and I want to say this to all of you: We ask you all to be a child of the Father who lives and works with you. And you should work with Him as a cheerful and positive person. As one who does not give up. As one who accepts every situation. As one that means something to his fellow man and to his environment in which you find your existence. And I am telling you all your love will radiate. It radiates in all of you when you are aware of God in your life and every task you have to accomplish will be done with love. For nothing will make you more happy than being aware of that feeling to be with Father as Elise experienced this morning and to pass on this truth to your brothers and sisters, here on Earth, even without words, but merely by showing your joy and love by being that radiant child of the Father. 

Because the love you feel and nourish yourself with is the source of life and the will of the Father. The realization of being together with your Creator, which gives you the strength, the wisdom, and the all-consuming support, to never give up. Because you feel the power of God within you. And it affects everything you do or undertake in small and large ways and in all your daily activities. This power of God's love is overwhelming and it gives you everything to live as a true child of God and to serve humanity even in the most difficult situations and circumstances. For the will of the Father is done naturally in all your activities because of the convincing knowledge of your life with God. It is so great that you naturally live Him in everything you do. God is good and His goodness and love works through each of his creatures forever. This is the Adjuster of Elise and I speak the truth.

Thank you, Adjuster.

Universal Father  
This is Father and I need to speak to all of you because you are all on your way to developing into someone who could mean a lot to your fellow man. You all have the opportunity to work for people near and far with the resources you have available and the love that is in your heart. Be yourself and never let yourselves be influenced by others who think differently about the world or about Me. I am your Father. I am so close to you, you have an Adjuster living in you. He knows your circumstances and He will guide you. Ask Him to reveal Himself more. Give your Adjuster more space to speak and to remember Him in everything you do. In your daily work, in your prayers in all your efforts in life to be of good cheer, as Jesus has taught you and to be there for anyone who needs you, as an advisor or just to solve a little problem.

I am your Father, the Universal Father and I say to all stay simple and accessible and give yourself openly and freely to everyone. Be a shining star for those in depression and help people to open their hearts to My being as their Father and creator. They all long for the spirit within them and don't seem to know how to find the way. Do not preach,  but be simple and clear. One word can help someone on a new path and you will never know what influence you had in that one moment in someone's life. Do not look back but keep moving forward. Trust in Me and in the divine guidance you receive from many celestial beings who work for humanity. Do it together and never leave one person alone. Loneliness can make a person very depressed and even feel guilty for not being able to be part of society. Contribute to My creation by contributing to the growth of humanity. I am your Father, the Universal Father. I love you all. Good day.

Thank you, Father, thank you so much. I'm waiting, if there is more coming.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Hello to all. We are working very hard to keep the lines open and We want you to be attentive and to listen carefully. These are difficult and dangerous times where you as humans could easily be drawn into the hands of those who are against the will of the Father when they seek to bother you. I am Machiventa Melchizedek your speaker for today and the One who will help you maintain the connection. The world is in some sort of danger, you cannot fully comprehend. But we are waiting to be cleared from all of it and to see what we can do. At this time, you cannot do anything but be here and gather together with Us. Most people do not know what is going on, on Urantia in reality. What is being prepared. Nor is any input expected from above. 

But we hear people begging for help and assistance. Now that the need in many areas is so great that God reenters into their minds and they beg Him for removal from their pain, from fear, and violence from this world. And a call for peace is heard. This is man in his distress. For in his greatest need and fears, he will always turn to an invisible God because it is an innate feeling that makes men realize the existence of a Higher Power that can be appealed to for help and calls for what he has forgotten in His earthly existence; which is the presence of a Creator who stands above man and has the world in His power. And this is true, as you all know and recognize, God exists. Fortunately, there are those who have always known God and have made him a part of their life. They truly honor God because He is the God of everything. Because He is present in their hearts and in their minds and they have embarked on a journey with God for an everlasting life with him. I ask you to thank God for what you have been given and don't forget to say, a small prayer of thanksgiving, to your Father, before going to sleep at night.

All this makes a big difference between one individual or another. The recognition of the Highest Authority who can be honored and praised because He is God and lives in you. Because He takes His place in the heart of man and is known. And every individual has that opportunity to find God within themselves, to worship Him, and ask Him to be close. And all the shortcomings of the person who has not learned to listen to his inner self, and relies only on the earthly things, that surround him is a very deplorable fact. However, God will turn to all who will call upon Him, whether in need or out of reverence. But blessed are those who do not see and do believe. They are praised for their quest that has led their hearts to worship the almighty with great love and goodness and His presence as a Father and he will be known to all who address and thank Him. He will be present for all his children, even when they have forgotten him. Yes, God delights in all contact with His creative children throughout the universe and He will always welcome those who speak to Him or call upon Him even in the greatest need or sorrow. That, your Father will extend His love to all who honor Him and recognize that all is created by Him and administered by Him and Those He has appointed in His name.

This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I wish you well in difficult times. And I might return, Elise. Yes, let me return with some words for We see that the last few months have been very uncertain and there have even been members who have stayed away from the forum and who no longer trust the credibility of the broadcasts and transmissions and have deliberately turned away from it. And this shows you how weak faith can be and that trust is not always present even though We do everything We can to give you confidence and to keep you informed if anything can be said about the situation. For communication is a prerequisite for any group to understand each other and to build trust but it is an important fact that man shuns what he does not know but will give himself more freely as the bonds between people become more intimate and so, he comes to know his brothers and sisters. This distrust comes from animal characteristics where the animal must be wary of rivals and other predators that occur in its territory and give rise to fight to conquer or demarcate the area.

I don't know if that's the right word. Demark okay.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, this is Machiventa and because of your society and the awesome individual gain without being dependent on each other people have grown apart where in previous cultures people depended on each other to survive and to find joint solutions to obtain sufficient food for the entire tribe, to survive the sometimes very harsh times. Your gatherings, your clubs, your sports, and other social gatherings help to strengthen contact with each other in your society; but unfortunately, often lead to too much competition that increases to the extent that hatred and envy can arise from an initial friendly meeting. Added to this is the excessive admiration of the athlete or artist that cultivates groups of followers that can be as dangerous as a group of opposing thinkers that hinders the idea of friendly consultation and subsequent cooperation.

Team spirit is important and it is the beginning of cooperation between groups. Whether they are sports people, political parties, or administrators. If there is no team spirit and no bond between the people who are expected to work together the cooperation is doomed to failure. So, unity and learning to listen and understand each other begins in the family and extends through education and social obligations that unite for the same purpose and your society will benefit if your children learn to conform to others who have just as much right to assert themselves in a society in which people have learned to listen to each other and, each other's views and opinions. Collaboration is the method to get to know each other and this will result in trust and in the ability to forge deep bonding for a good development in every area. This is Machiventa Melchizedek and I do step back for the moment.

Thank you, Machiventa.

This is Arthura or Arthura. Good day to everyone. It doesn't matter how you pronounce my name, what matters is the intention with which you seek and address me. I am Arthura and I want to talk about something that you do not think about very often and that is the rules of politeness or the protocol as also mentioned in a high social environment. That is to say, the observance of politeness and manners that should be the same for all and everyone if you want to build a society of equality and trust, of honesty, and respect. The one person is no more than the other person.

All people are created equal and are seen and treated equally by God, your Creator. But the distinction that is made is created by placing one person below or above another and seeing that individual as an inferior or a superior person or being used as such, which creates major differences in the relationships among people causing the idea of unequal recognition of being high or low on the social ladder. And such has become strongly developed in your world. And with that, your society started to divide into classes and thinking in terms of ranks and positions, which is something that does not promote brotherhood in the world, but merely stands in the way. The fortunate man, as he likes to see himself will have to make way for a more socially minded person with the idea of equality in status before God and for each of his brothers and sisters, whereby one can distinguish different work and professions in society, but not by granting more honor or power to one or to the other.

Now, this will be a difficult lesson to learn for the residents on Urantia who for centuries have seen their position and birth rank valued with money and prestige and will now have to learn to realize that a more peaceful life can only arise if it is based on unity and learn the great power of love for each other and between all nations so that true brotherhood may have a chance among man making it possible to create a society where every human being is seen as a full and worthy person, and where the difference of classes and ranks disappear and make way for unity among people of goodwill. Then, and only then can a world change, and inequality which leads to envy and hatred will cease to exist.

A pursuit of unification and equality can then lead to a better understanding of each other, and of what life requires for the preservation and well-being of the planet and for each other as Jesus lived before you in his short but intensely eventful life in this world and of which so little has been understood and even less lived. This is Arthura, in a short lesson at your service.

Thank you very much, Arthura. Thank you. Let's see if there is more for Spirit. Is there anyone else would like to come and speak?

Mantutia Melchizedek  
Yes, Elise this is Mantutia Melchizedek. I would like to follow up with a short talk about why revelation is so necessary to the need on Urantia to connect man again with God. Hello, everyone, this is Mantutia, and I tell you that revelation in the first place is to reveal the Father and His creation which is so diverse in all existing things and beings that it needs special and exclusive revelation on all levels of existence and for all species wherever they may live and are a part of God's creation. There is a purpose, a purpose in everything that is and has been created. God does not create without purpose. Every little thing that exists, has a purpose and is bound to work for the perfection of God's creation. Everything and every individual has a part to play.

And in order to play that part fully one has to learn what God's creation is and who God is, the One who created all this, and so to come to understand what God desires, and what the meaning of his creation is. When we learn to understand God's creation, we will grow closer to understanding God and His intentions and purposes and then we will understand some of His motivations and His divine mind that steers and administers it for that special purpose. God is mighty, God is lovable, God is all-knowing, and therefore he will take mighty and transcendent decisions and of course, we shall never be able to understand God in His fullness. How can the creature ever be like the Creator?

But God has seen to it and made it possible for his creatures, to get to a certain point of understanding by endowing his children with an intellect and the possibility to learn, to experience, and to grow, and to make it real for humans and reachable. You have been bestowed with personality and a growing intellect to reach Him in His perfection on your own levels. God wants Himself to be understood, to be everything He can for His creatures that makes it possible for humans to strive and work to be and become like Him, and part with Him in His kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of the universes into infinity and even beyond. The Father has created His children to work with Him and to enjoy it with Him as much as possible. And he, therefore, created the material and spiritual worlds, the universes in which we are given the many opportunities to do all this.

And God created all of this to make the people know of His existence. He therefore gives the inhabited worlds revelations, ephocal revelations adjusted to the time in which His children should be able to understand that revelation specially tailored to their needs and understanding. Revelation makes creation clear to them so that you gain insight into cosmology, into what God has created, and you will forever be propelled towards higher divine purposes in which we all may participate. And each of you also has your own revelations during certain times of sudden understanding, sudden feelings, which you may consider as individual revelation and which occurs at different levels for each of you.

But all contributes to the growth and development of your soul through experience, and your search for God, so beautifully guided by your Thought Adjuster, and sometimes by the Spirit of Truth to become a full human being prepared to ascend through the numerous realms that were created to learn to perceive the cosmos, and to learn God's ways and means of governing the entire universe in which everything was already fully provided, before man entered the physical planets that were designed to produce human beings and to develop them intellectually and spiritually into individuals who are capable to know their God and His creation and to develop their talents in the service of all and everyone in a vast cosmology, in which all will ultimately work together, intelligently and creatively to accomplish God's plan for His universe of universes. I thank you Elise for taking this transmission. I am Mantutia Melchizedek and I leave you. Good day.

Thank you, Mantutia Melchizedek. Thank you. Let me have a look at the dashboard. We have 19 people all together here. I don't have a feeling that there's more coming to me. I want to go to you, Ron. If that's possible, I don't know how you feel. But maybe you have something to tell us also. So I want to unmute you and and go to you for maybe other things that are important today. I did unmute you Ron. Are you still there? No, apparently Ron is not there. Okay. Okay, Ron, I'm going to mute you again. And I just want to ask Dominick for just an instant, Dominick. I did unmute you. Maybe you have anything you can tell us?

No. We'll do the Light Line tomorrow. That's my update.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. No, I was just curious, you know, so? Well, I don't know. Well, I think I have nothing else at the moment. We still have some time left and if there is anything from the forum side, from the callers, then just raise your hand. And if not, I think we can just shut the Light Line.

Elise. Elise.

Yes, this is Lemuel. Yes, I see. You've unmuted yourself, Lemuel.

If you don't mind?

Yes. Speak. Go ahead, please. Lemuel.

Can you can you hear me all right?

Yes, yes, we hear you fine Lemuel.

Well, I'm sure all of you are aware that I've been ill. And I've recently had an operation. And this has given me plenty of time to reflect on certain things. Especially those things regarding my inner life. And excuse me, I must move also while I'm talking to you because I need to, forgive me, I need to put something in my mouth. You know what I'm talking about. I didn't think I would be speaking, I have, I have a dental bridge, which I've just put in my mouth. Okay, so please bear with me for a moment. Yes, as I was saying, I have had plenty of time to reflect on all sorts of things. And relationships, personal relationships, and the situation where we are all aware of the situation, globally, of course, and the corruption and the politicians and all that sort of thing. It is just too awful for words, really. We're all fully aware of this. But above and beyond all this, we as individuals, who have the great fortune, to have become conscious throughout our lives of something much higher and more powerful beyond us that lives within us and around us and accompanies us all the time, as you know is our beloved indwelling Father fragment. Well, those of us, those of you who will eventually listen to this recording, who have or have to some extent have a conscious awareness of something within you, leading you guiding you, comforting you, advising you etc. We call it here our Thought Adjuster because we are very familiar with the Urantia Book, otherwise known as the Fifth Epochal Revelation but those of you who have never heard of a Fifth Epochal Revelation, or any other revelation for that matter, have become aware that that is something innate inside all of us, as was previously mentioned, when you're in dire straits, you automatically reach out to something that is beyond yourself, and you pray and you ask for help. Yes. It's just so unfortunate that people have to experience that sort of thing before they even ask or think about God. Well, we are so privileged here and this is what I had been reflecting over these past weeks. And apart from age, and I will soon be 85 and Ron, I think would be, what is it 82 on Sunday, you know, so, we are not spring chickens, we have lived a long life, most of us here on the forum. But age is just a number. What is important is what we think and what we feel in our hearts and the outlook that we have, what we concentrate on, from moment to moment. If we allow what we see on television, and the newspapers all more or less that, if we allow that into our system on a daily basis, that is not going to help us at all. You are all fully aware of that, I am sure. So, there is an alternative. Instead of you know, worrying or being concerned about something that you cannot alter. You cannot stop corruption. You cannot stop the wars, you can't stop the killing, you cannot feed the starving billions in this world you cannot. So don't worry about it. Just turn within yourself and receive what you can do. What can you do? Well, like the song says; I am going to let my little light shine, you know. And I always remember from Sunday school when I was just three years of age, I remember very well the Sunday School teacher teaching all of us about our light and what Jesus wants us to do. And so to finish this Light Line I would just like to repeat this now for all of us. And I will even try to sing it: Jesus be the shine with a pure pure light. Like the little candle burning in the night. In this world of darkness. So we must shine you in your small corner and I in mine. Thank you, Elise. That's all.

Thank you, Lemuel. Thank you for speaking to us while you're still recovering. And I want to see if there's anyone else.

I'm sorry, by the way, because just let me add. Excuse me. I just want to let you know that I do intend to try and hold my Light Line on Wednesday. So that's a heads-up for everybody. Light Line on Wednesday. I'll try anyway. Thank you.

That's good. Lemuel Thank you very much. Thank you we will remember and be there. Okay, I see nothing on my dashboard that is alarming. No, it's all quiet. Well, it's time to close this Light Line. And I want to thank all our speakers; well, the Universal Father spoke to us, and my Adjuster, and we had Machiventa Melchizedek, and Manitutia Melchizedek speaking, and we listened to Arthura. I think those were our speakers for today. And of course, I thank all of you the listeners who are here with us today. I wish you a good day or a good evening and I say, hopefully, we will meet next week. But there will be Light Line tomorrow Dominick and Wednesday as you just heard on Wednesday, okay.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)