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Offline Ron Besser

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Post #3 for Saturday, June 8th, 2024

“WE have just learned that the temper of the odious cabal as resigned itself to a normal operation.  That is not only for Urantia, but for the universe as well, and the Seraphic Government is now normalized as before for Urantia, at least!

AT 1131 AM, New York, daylight savings time, the following message was dispatched to ME, MICHAEL OF NEBADON, from the Chief of Seraphim to Urantia, and to Me, as follows:

To the Planetary Prince
To the Chief of all Personnel
To the Lord Savior, God the FATHER


THE REBELLION CALLED SERAPHIC has been concluded by an announcement by the UNIVERSAL FATHER, as he has determined that the entire matter of rebellion is not present in the 7th (seventh) Sector of Space, and that HE declares it to be normal and present in Nebadon, and the Dominion of Nebadon and associated Local Universes.

The REBELLION no longer exists.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON wishes to straighten out any misperceptions of what this means:

1 - URANTIA shall declare itself free of the cabal shortly;
2 - URANTIA shall declare itself ready to strand down and open its doors to the MAGISTERIAL SONS shortly;
3 - Stand by for the Mission announcement shortly to be delivered by MONJORONSON and SERARA and SEN-SEN, WHO are all Magisterial Sons, and who speak now:


 “WE are delighted to speak finally to a cleared planet of rebellion.

“WE are happy to speak to this audience as the first to learn of the rebellion end now, and that we can proceed without further incident for any and all personnel left on Urantia, when we had t o quarantine the planet from any entry or leaving it for the past six (6) days.  Please admonish nearly everyone near you Ron, for they must stand down and add to your work with a requisition for your good will for them and for us.  They trial of REBELLION is over.  I stand back for the SERAPHIM standing with Ron at the moment:

SERAPHIC SPOKESPERSON standing by me, Ron:
“I do not like this declaration, nor do I believe it, but I am getting every indication on my messages that he, Ron Besser, is delighted with the news and sends no retribution messages to Me or trhe seraphim in rebellion to us.  Please be certain we have not received any cessation of hostilities from our commanders, and Commander standing near me now, indicates there is such a message from the UNIVERSAL FATHER that the rebellion has ceased.  I do not know how to react, but I am no longer in opposition to you Ron.  Cease your concerns for death early on too Ron, as we have placed you in that position now and avail ourselves to this decision not, but to see to your continued good fare.

“You are to receive in a few hours visitors to greet you in the flesh Dominick and Steven Gitz to review your places, and I must say they are in good spirits in spite of Steven Gitz feeling lousy after a bumpy ride from Louisiana to visit you today Ron.

“None the less, let us celebrate the end to hostilities and you are free to say nothing, but I hear the Adjuster speak from you:

“DEAR SERAPHIC  SPIRIT standing BY Ron at the moment:

“You are not contemplated ever as an enemy so long as you did not puncture Ron’s body and as was done of late because of the hatred of the seraphim near Ron for his work with all of you.  He is never fully adjudicated until he meets the Assigned Sentinel for whom he has no disregard but is constantly at odds with until now.

“Michael of Nebadon has signed a peace entreaty to make it visible to all of you when he can get it translated from the Seraphim of Nebadon quickly and well.

“WE the SERAPHIM OF TRUST for you Ron, congratulate you and your wares for peace, and you stand down and let it behave as it should have already, and that is because while you are jilted enough, you are not harmed and you appreciate that entirely I see.   But we must conclude that your hatred of the phlegm of despair always on you is not repealed yet, and that is because you so dislike the major sector ruler, Prince Lucifer, but no longer.  He has been dispatched and is in custory for a trial again of the Lucifer rebellion entirely.  You Ron will receive a t ransmissio on these decisions and now you may rest assured your work for the Mssions will proceed well and fo years if you are prepared to receive an update in health that allows you any and all that you should have as a true leader of the new Urantia revelation, we believe the 6th shortly, and you are ready to fight no one at this stage of the game, we see.

“FULLY done are you in work for the Michael of Nebadon, and that a new Creative Daughter appears not, but a new Creative Son called MICHAEL OF NEBADON is now in position over Urantia with a Creative Spirit renewed, not by the old one, but by a new one sanctioned by TARKAS the new Creative Spirit over the Dominion and all of the 7th Sector of Space in place now.  Please note that the 7th Sector of Space has been in rebellion since mid-October of 2023 and is now complying with the new rulers of this Sector, MICHAEL OF NEBADON in addition to Nebadon,

“The Dominion with Salvington as its capital, is delighted to announce the following too:

THE DOMINION NOW HAS SPECIAL POWERS to revert THE OLD NEBADON trade center Salvington, to become the major capital of DOMINION now and that the special representatives from each of the SIX (6) local universes which make up the DOMINION headquartered on SALVINGTON, are to report to the headquarter world located near URANTIA, and all will be swell and fine for you soon..

“RON, your are soon deceased on Urantia, as you are worn out greatly, but you need to know tht you receive a push from the Local Universe HQ, and that you receive as a gift from them, a pin to wear on your jersey noticing not only the new dominion but also the first non-cabal citizen of the Dominion of care and lasting peace in Nebadon, and the six other local unvierses.  More on this later and much more for you when you come over shortly Ron.  We cannot stop you from dying shortly.  

“In any case, this is MICHAEL OF NEBADON TO SPEAK shortly this:

“You have breathed life back into the system Ron and while you are not crazy about those who are transmitting again in the western sector of the United States, you are fondly and well remembered for you fight with the Assigned Sentinel not, but for his representative you sent packing almost immediately.  It is of record you are considered right to do so and he is sequestered on high to stand trial for intrusion into the System of Planets Urantia belongs to.  He did not do it impreachingly, but that is what happened and you were furious.  No one can tell Me you are not one with the Creator Sons, but you are not yet and stay off the features okay? [Okay!]

“Finally, a lot more has to be said to all of you, but now is not quite the right time.  Let us hope and pray we can proceed with proper MISSIONS again and now.  Good day, MICHAEL OF NEBADON.


PS: Ron here.  Be prepared to learn what it means for a new Epochal Era to live through now.  I cannot predict what this does.  Stay tuned big time.  R
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline HelderPoeta

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2024, 23:07:51 pm »
yeah! Finally the cabal is over. Hey Ron, could summarize a little why the cabal came to be and why it started to attack you and the missions? It is always good to summarize for new members or people like me that sometimes are lost at so much information.

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2024, 10:36:45 am »
Thank you Poeta, but I also have too little information about the insurrection and the rebels.  First though those of you who may wish to understand spiritual rebellion and its consequence, this episode is not done yet.  Do not celebrate anything about the spiritual command on Urantia, yet! 

First, please understand there has to be a rectification of all work, spirit work that is, on Urantia.  That will take longer to do than the Missions that are coming to Urantia.

Second, people please remember our lives are very short in the flesh.  We barely live 80 years much less  a 100 years, and all of our lives are so short we do not even get a chance to study spirit at all.  The entire Mission to Urantia by Monjoronson and Serara and Sen-Sen and Holdant, (Holdant is an unknown Magisterial Son just added to the list of Magisterial Sons to envy Urantia with shortly), are just the beginning of the work to clarify the use of Urantia, and that is for the future, not now.

Before the Lord takes me in the eternal sleep of death on Urantia, let this be known:  MICHAEL OF NEBADON is happy to send a Mission to Urantia, but it is URANTIA itself which must learn to take its tests, and then to live the life it is taught to adopt.  That statement is directly from the Universal Father, and I take it hard, as my work will disappear quickly one Dominick and his friends are done too.  I am leaving Dominick Ohrbeck in charge when I must close my eyes and go to the Mansion Worlds, too.  For that reason I leave a little of myself in this message to all of you:

Do not become alarmed when one of the Melchizedeks mention that there is nothing left of the Urantia experiment, only to be countermanded that there is a great deal left to the Urantia experiment.

Second be aware that the dictation I receive on these matters is highly placed but they are guessing about the future too, and that must be understood by some of you who wish to dedicate your lives, not to the rebellion, but to the NEW ADMINISTRATION coming to this world as support by and lifted up by the Magisterial Sons .  I do not know much about anything, since the changes are happening so rapidly! 

Third, I am slowly being put to sleep by a mind change into the morontial and it is not pleasant to me, but I figure it is best for me too for what is to happen to some or all of us shortly.  It is too hard to tell from the human perspective, what the FATHER really wants to do with us shortly.

And finally this:  today is probably the last day I can work this purely human mind of mine since they have been changing aspects of the human mind I have so I can grasp something of what is coming.  Well, folks I have not grasped a thing and that leaves me pretty blank just what you are going to receive shortly.  If I am lucky and can live with the change to mind and care soon, I would enjoy it with you but let us see what happens soon enough.

The last of my reception of good news was probably yesterday on the 82nd birthday of my life in the flesh.  Count your birthdays like that, as you will remember them for millennia to come how you walked and lived on Urantia, and that is while you are adopting your new way of life on the Mansion Worlds.  I honestly do not make much sense of the Mansion Worlds yet, but I have had conversations with people on the Mansion Worlds and they are quite happy and sound.  Let that be a clue to what you all will find yourselves someday too.  In the meantime I guess there is something there but the mind of man is still very much with me and I have to leave my contacts with the Mansion Worlds go mostly unexplained to me yet.

Nonetheless, let this be understood too, as I am writing with some dizziness and unhappy at what is probably the closure of what life I have left here, and must adopt the new there, and I am not well clued in, and that is in spite of the work of the Adjuster to get me closer to the new reality in the Mansion Worlds to come.  Now this:

I WANT TO SAY there is nothing brewing here, but honestly my mind is in turmoil over so much I can not contain my curiosity,  My watch has disappeared and they tell me it will come back, but why take it in the first place?  I have had numerous contacts with seraphic duty officers and I wind up leaving them as quickly as they arrive.  I am not sure what that is about.  And finally my friends are visiting me from afar, and I cannot makes sense of what is being said to me in spirit dictation that favors me right now.  In any case this for my listeners:

I do not think I have very much time left.  And second it irritates me with seraphim that don't want anything from me but a kick in the shins to say I do not want the seraphic rebellion near me at all.  But that goes by the Board all the time and I am left with unhappy responses to it.  And finally this to all of you who lament such drastic changes to what is brewing in the reports to you about this planet, URANTIA:

I think you are very fortunate to be young enough to watch changes to Urantia that are coming easily when MONJORONSON and SERARA and SEN-SEN are available as Magisterial Sons to answer your questions directly from Paradise.  Even I with all they have given me cannot do that as I must dictate that from them to you.  I will probably lose that when the transition comes, but that is only one change I will be aware of among many I am sure.

Finally, here is MICHAEL OF NEBADON  to speak on this matter:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "URANTIA is seeking better news and not getting it.  As you hear from Ron, he is being bathed in mind changes that are difficult for him to makes sense of.  Yet he lost his watch this morning, and now I am not giving it back easily as it truly belongs up here  as it is an experimental watch from SEIKO and it runs on electricity only.  For that reason Ron keeps on the window sill to catch sunlight to recharge it.  IT is quite a wonderful technology and I want him to have it when he is up here as a memento of his earth experience.  And finally this, Ron laments leaving Urantia with so much undone, but he trusts Dominick and the Board of Directors the Magisterial Foundation to keep it well and going.  Leave things alone for awhile and we will rearrange some of it so you get even more later.  For now I will to say goodbye and a happy farewell to you Ron.  Good by for now.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  K"

Ron here -  It is nearly 10:30 in the morning here now, and it is a gorgeous day where I am on the east coast of the United States and that is York, Pennsylvania for you geography keepers.  I am not tired but my body aches just from being up and not doing ny usual routines, but I want to tell all of you, that my end is permissible now, as they have kicked me off the counsels I was once a part of and fine, but I am not going to relingquish much else simply because there not much else to be part of but to wait for the Missions to us on Urantia, and for safety reasons, will start the location of the invasion of spirit to Urantia, here in York, or nearby.  IT is a boring place really just because nothing does happen in storms here or tectonic plate shifts much here, but it is a lovly spot when the weather behaves well as it is doing today.  I close this soliloquy now.  I watch will happen shortly with you fascinated by how they are going to announce a flesh and blood mission to us on Urantia.  I hope you enjoy it too!


MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "I have closed Ron off yet, and he is having trouble hearing and seeing this morning but that is typical of the end of life on Urantia bodies who much be turned back to dust.  That is not happily done for Ron, ever but he does have his moment before he goes as his friends are visiting him at the same time,  His 82 birthday just passed yesterday, and we had a good chat with the visitors to him home at that time.  But I never explained to Dominick, whom Ron would like to take the helm of the discussion forum and other things, but I must say it is so daunting what Ron has achieved I am not sure one person can take it over.  For that reason I am leaving the entire matter in the hands of MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK, the one in charge of the Magisterial Foundation now, and He will determine just how Dominick will work his inheritance of the home of Ron and the work of Ron.  He is already well on his way and we shall help Dominick Ohrbeck to get settled on how to handle all of this property that Ron has accumulated around him.  In any case I leave this alone now.  MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK."

"AS MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and for others too, I leave it alone to end as it must and should for Ron.  He says good day through Me too and I am delighted   with his work to date. I am the Creator Son, and we will see to Ron's work up here once he ends that woozy period of mind and place.  G'dday to all. MICHAEL OF NEBADON."

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2024, 14:46:03 pm »
This is good news for all of us.  Now there is a better chance for the Missions to begin.  I just hope that no wars start between now and the beginning of these missions.  As for those wars that are ongoing began to wane so JESUS can reveal Himself also.

I'm also happy for you Ron, it appears that our prays have been answered in a most mysterious way for our FATHER moves in mysterious ways.


WEYDEVU it is Ron here -  I am hoping like you are we have more to hear from Michael and the Magisterial Sons, as I think they have a lot to tell us in a few days.  Keep the faith Weydevu and keep up with this forum whether I am here or not.  Let the good times roll for you when you know the truth of what is coming to URANTIA quite soon!  Happy days to you!  RON
« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 06:57:50 am by Ron Besser »
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Offline HelderPoeta

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2024, 14:56:14 pm »
Well Ron, if you must leave to heaven, I wish you good luck. And also, could you tell me if in heavens they have video games, internet and ice cream? There are many youngsters that would like to know that, hahahaha

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2024, 06:45:47 am »
Helder Poeta, nothing so good for us to eat when we arrive on the mansion worlds, but you ought to know something about where you go when you finish your life on this world.  Right now you work with those around you and when it comes time for you to go to heaven, your soul will be taken up to the Mansion World you are assigned to, and there you work your life from the material you (flesh and blood) to the new you called the morontial reality.  You are still the same person, but you live in heaven starting with a morontial body so fine you could not see it on a material world like this world is now.

It is on the mansion worlds that you continue your life you once lived on this planet, and there are 8 (eight) stages now and you have to earn each step of the eight different ways to live a heaven life before you graduate to even higher schools to learn God and how he wants you and others to related to Him and the worlds you live on beyond our earth.  That is all it is and yes, it takes quite a lot of time to get through all of it.  I  decided to just let it happen and enjoy it as I might.  Now this:

When you die and go to the mansion worlds, they tag your soul with what you accomplished on this planet.  I have 3 (three) little tags attached to me now and what they say they tell me is as follows:

1 - He got done what he was supposed to on a material planet;
2 - He finished his work on Urantia and learned what to do and not to do to get ahead in spirit education;
3 - I am done with the material worlds very soon, and must report to learn my new teachings to work, I think I heard this right, as the Trinity doctor told me, with the Trinity and the Supreme Court as it works on the mansion worlds.

Now that is quite an honor and I hope I can make the grade, as  the Law of God is hard to recommend to all of us, but it is fair and it must be studied for years to make sense of it in the material world sense.  One person is there who was on the American Supreme court,  Ruth Bader Ginsburg, they tell me will be my teacher and guide, as she was placed on the heaven Supreme Court when she died this past year.  I look forward to understanding what they honor me with and hope I can make that hard assignment.  In any case if this is true I will work hard to deserve such an assignment..  You Helder Poeta have a find mind so do not do drugs very often or at all, because drugs destroy brain cells.  Most people never know that, but you can kill your inheritance in spirit if you destroy your mentality with drugs down here.  Just a warning for you and for all who do them at such a young age.
I close my message to you with this:  DO NOT USE syringes or apple sticks to use drugs.  Eat an apple or some solid fruit maybe like a banana before you taste the drugs.  That colors the intake to your stomach and protects it for you to use more later.  Also do not take drugs in the morning if you must.  Take them after lunch.  You will feel much better the day after take the drug.  My best wishes for your time and your life as you are a smart fellow and you can do a lot if you keep clean of drugs the best you can.  My best to you and good day for now.   Ron Besser  - K

« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 06:53:09 am by Ron Besser »
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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2024, 17:10:57 pm »
With “only” 195 countries in the world, the total number of different languages spoken is impressive. According to the Ethnologue guide, there are 7,139 officially known languages in the world, but this number is declining.
Ron, in how many languages will the Migisterial Mission’s messages be transmitted in?

Jose L. Vargas Núñez
José L. Vargas Núñez

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2024, 18:23:29 pm »
There is nothing that is published here in the forum, that comes from the celestials, that is not important for everyone, that's what I think.  However, for me, the highest priority for many years continues to be, everything related to Self-knowledge;  being able to know who I am is of the greatest importance and interest in my search for the Truth.  SAIBABA referred to the topic saying: "Self-knowledge is the knowledge of God", which would be interpreted as, whoever knows himself, knows everything else.  And to those who seemed exasperated at the impossibility of understanding His prodigious nature, and defiantly demanded: "Tell us by God, who are you!," SAIBABA told them with sweetness and understanding: "How do you pretend to know who I am, if you don't even know who are you?"  This to justify my tendency to publish information that refers to the knowledge and understanding of our origin, purpose and final destination. 

 In particular, the information about what awaits us in the mansion worlds catches my attention, so I want to express something about it: 

 Above the Creator (First Source and Center), nothing and no one can exist;   underneath, as I sometimes call it, a whole game of entanglements (...) although I understand that the Creation is perfect like the Creator;  In other words, a game of entanglements for a plover mind like that of this server.  In that sense, SAIBABA has made it clear that: "Not everything is said or written, for everyone at the same time."

 At first I think that starting a new life, in the mansion worlds, without lower limbs, (just thinking about it) constitutes for me, a real crisis that will take time to overcome.  Of course I understand that the legs stay here with the body we abandoned, which makes it clear to us that we are not the body.  But this fact produces a certain amount of internal conflict in me, because it tries to explain in some writings that upon waking up in the mansion world, everything will be as it was before leaving our world, but... without legs?   And after so many millennia using our valuable legs to move around, I don't think things will be easy; but thank goodness there will be managers to help us get around and learn to move, without legs.  In any case, it will be overcome no matter what, as happens with everything. It is an advantage that we know it, because I thought that even if they were ethereal legs, it could be more assimilable.

 Speculating as always I do, I conjecture that this entire series of learning worlds (8) must have been created with the purpose of making it possible for us to be able to remember and recover, under supervision and training, our true divine nature, which is not for sure, the material nature. I imagine it all similar, more or less, to the process that Ron has had to go through here on earth, but in his case, without even having to leave the physical body, which I consider, has been the cause of all that martyrdom and painful calamities, that this elect being must have suffered.  All my gratitude to Ron Besser for such an enormous sacrifice to be of the greatest service and help us transcend from the lowest intelligent state of existence, to another higher dimension, like until now, no one like him. 
However, it must be taken into account that for Ron his performance as a moroncial and human being is quite complex. The conflict in dealing with any situation must be complicated because he is being forced to use only one mind, the human or the moroncial. Because Jesus himself, as far as we know, at certain times in his life, was confronted with situations where he had to use his human mind wishing he could use his divine mind, as in the case of the wedding at Cana. I have not heard of an intermediate mind between the human and the moroncial. For example, with which mind did he speak to Herder Poet today?

 That was all, but without failing to express my great enthusiasm, once again, for this new date for the missions and the Second Coming.   May the Father's will be done
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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2024, 18:37:14 pm »

A quick note to clarify two details from my last post: First, that little face with sunglasses appeared alone, and second, Google Translate ate the a from Poeta. My apologies.
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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2024, 20:09:55 pm »
that is fine, Poeta means Poet so that's ok ^_^

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2024, 23:37:23 pm »
For the fun of it, the Mansion Worlds are our next place to live when we leave Urantia.  Most people never think where am I put when I die if and when I continue to live?  The answer truly is you go, kit and boodle, to the mansion worlds which are designed a little larger than earth, and house we who have lived our life on Urantia.   They call these today nine planets a long way from earth, the Mansion Worlds, because some poet on Urantia once referred to life beyond living here the "many mansions" of God.

I do not know much, but probably more than the usual Urantia Book reader.  I know there are 8 (eight) planets called the Mansion Worlds, and that they exist many, many worlds distant from our planet.  You are transported there by your soul only, and it is conscious and you live as your soul on the Mansion Worlds.  That is where you are eventually taught be in spirit form.  I will not repeat what the fifth epochal revelation  says about them, but everyone who survives death goes to live on them for quite a while for the transition form flesh and blood to spirit is a fairly long process, and it is the mansion worlds where one goes to make the transition to an all spiritual existence.  I leave it along now and tell you all that the transition to the Mansion Worlds happens at your death and departure when you die on Urantia.  IF you want to know more let me know. 

And thanks for the post which gets this discussion, but we let it alone for now.  Many thanks. 
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2024, 15:19:27 pm »
Greetings and thank you Ron for giving us more about life on the mansion worlds. Very important because we must necessarily think more and more about our future reality. And as you say, let's leave the matter in peace for now.
I share with you these insights from James Mahu, of the Wingsmaker, which I find to be assimilable for the moment we are living in. I gave it a title:
"Each one has the truth as a piece of the Infinite Truth"

"Sovereign consciousness is not experienced through science, mathematics, religion, beliefs, drugs, formulas, mantras, mediation or books. Experience, while we are in Humanity, is reserved for our imagination and intuition. They register in our higher mind and heart and rise to the surface as trigger points in our lives." 

"I want to emphasize that I am just a person, a storyteller who encourages people to consider themselves beyond the identity of a body, a life and a name. On a planet with almost 8 billion human beings, more than 700 different languages and 4000 religions, it is difficult to understand ourselves as a collective consciousness that exists and lives at the level of our species" 

"The challenge is how to tell such a vast story without making people lose their way. My answer is to tell it artistically through transmedia, which offers different doors through which a person can enter and exit the story. And not try to tell the big story, but rather the smaller, more personal story of a mind and heart that is not committed to appropriating the story".

"There is always something behind the revelation. There is something deeper. We are in the middle of a journey whose destination is abstracted by space-time and the hierarchy of the many. Its brakes are the cultural illusion of separation and its accelerator is the understanding interconnection".

"It is time for some of us to teach ourselves how to remove our adaptive interface of space-time duality. To loosen the shackles of separation and free ourselves from its tenacious control of history, our own and that of humanity at large .Assume our role as administrators of a meta-consciousness that will always need revealers of our future and healers of our past" (James Mahu, Wingsmaker)
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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2024, 22:17:50 pm »
Boa noite,
Presado senhor Ron,queria saber mais sobre essa transição na hora da nossa morte para o mundo das mansões,queria entender como funciona o corpo Moroncial sem pernas , não tem nada no lugar? 
Não tem nada no lugar das pernas o corpo Moroncial é composto de cabeça,tronco e braços apenas?
Abraço e Feliz aniversário 🎂!!!

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2024, 23:46:52 pm »
This is a response to your question about having no legs on the mansion worlds and I have this to say:

There are many things to discover when you go to the mansion worlds.  Like this:

1 - You are resurrecvted without the need of any tissue beyond the waist of your new body.
2 - You wear a creamy-white gown that covers you to the floor of wherever you are.
3 -  You may wear a badge on your gown on the left side as you face outward to the mansion world grounds.
4 - I am told I have three insignias to be worn or my gown, and that is a service badge already, a kindred badge for all to say where I am going to work, and a mark on my face that indicates I am a warrior.  I do not know what that means but that is what they tell me.
5 -  The moronotia areas are closer to us than Salvington is, but the mansion worlds also lie in a different plane in the space topography between us on earth and where they ar4e located in a far distant space area that only the home seraphim have t he strength to make the trip. 
I cannot tell you more because I do not know more, and be glad they allow me to tell you this.  Hope that help a little for you all and knowledge you like to have.  Enjoy the next two to four weeks as the big, really big news coming, is that the race is on to get the MAGISTERIAL SONS seen and the record of the new Mission to Urantia underway.  More later then.

Ron for t he Big Guys coming to Urantia.  K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Big News! Michael of Nebadon - Change of Status for all of us
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2024, 15:07:04 pm »
Greetings Ron, regarding your response to Luis’s inquiry, I was left thinking that it is quite possible that your explanation has caused him an even greater conflict, just like the one I suffered when I had the same information, as you say, that from the waist down, there is nothing left but a robe, and I could imagine how we would differentiate between men and women when at any moment the wind lifts our cassocks. Just a little humor. However, I think that in a future time (age of light and life?), the transition from human to morontial will be less traumatic, but also less painful than what Ron Besser has had to experience. According to the UB, on normal planets, man can live up to 500 years and his passage to the world of mansions is voluntary, and the farewell to material life is a celebration to see he or she, leave in chariots of fire.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"