Author Topic: Lightline Netherlands International  (Read 5741 times)

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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: June 10, 2024, 16:15:14 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International, June/10/2024 

Thank you to all our speakers for addressing our listeners today:

Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, TA Elise and 
                             our Universal Father.

Here is the link to the tape:

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2024, 08:08:51 am »
Thank you Elise for your LightLine yesterday. Ron, Dominick, and I were busy with work and more, including a visit to the local Thomasville airport that I was particularly interested in seeing for reason of future use.  I’m staying with Dominick while I’m in York and we were able to get Ron with his walking cane to dine with us at a restaurant yesterday evening. It was so much fun for the three of us.
Yes, I’m smiling too.
Thanks again Elise.

Online SophiaVeronica

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2024, 13:46:32 pm »
I'm so glad you got Ron out of the house and the three of you enjoyed a nice evening, giving you all some variety. 

May the FATHER's blessings be upon you. 


Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2024, 16:18:39 pm »
  • 061024 Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: Father has given his permission to send our Missions; Ron is not well, getting ready for journey; Ron’s invention will move the world in the right direction; Urantia people need to surrender and cooperation with authorities; the ascension carrier through Thought Adjuster and fusion; Fathers beautiful words to us and all his children;  
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Thought Adjuster of Elise, and Universal Father,
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:

Transcriber’s note: the audio quality is lacking perfection, and some words are smeared or cut off from being recognizable. Those places of imperfection were completed by transcriber and thus put into parenthesis.

Hello everyone. This is Lightline Netherlands International. It is today June 10th, 2024. I'm Elise and I welcome you all, thank you for joining. Well, let's pray for communication in clear words from spirit for this Monday session, and we thank our Father for everything we receive from spirit in our lives. I think we are very blessed of what we may experience and share with our celestial family. We thank you Father for the love and care continually given to us, and for your blessings and gifts we receive from your hands. That we may become good and useful citizens to our brothers and sisters, and that our intention and strivings shall be done to the will of you, our Father. Amen

Oh, hello, Lemuel. We are just starting a Lightline. Welcome. And let’s see if there is someone to lead us through the Lightline. Is there anyone to address this group?

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon. Hello to all. Today, I would like to address all who gathered here, who all supporting this Lightline from the Netherlands for everyone to hear. Lightlines are the important tools that keep you and us together and united. And we will keep the lines strong and connected as long as we can keep them open to an interested audience in a work and missions for Urantia. I am Michael of Nebadon, and I would really like to tell you a lot of what is going on. But at this moment there is not much to say, other than the things that you know already, and have heard on the Sunday Lightline.

Ron isn’t feeling well. He is now retired, he is dizzy, and he feels himself drawn out of energy, waiting for what is further going to happen to him, and the announcements made on Sunday. But the time has come that Urantia will experience many things they have never experienced before. For the Father has given his permission to send our Missions to the planet, to carry out plans that have long been prepared for you and for all your nations, to learn about the God of creation, our Father on Paradise. And how to deal with material and sometimes with spiritual issues in your life to help elevate you on the planet, this plane of existence, where every human being will have the right to (gain) access to the Father’s plan for his creation.

And that has been swatted for thousands of years by those who do not want to know the Father as a Source and Center of all. And keep denying his will and intentions for the whole of creation. Ans so, this planet has severed more than any other planet, because of the strong persistence and believes of evil that some, even the most promising leaders, have embraced. And it has only caused suffering to the planet and its inhabitants, despite all out efforts from many in spirit to overcome the consequences of negligence.  

You have heard how the Magisterial Sons have the power to manifest themselves and can appear on your world. And that every effort has been made to bring this planet closer to the era of more sustainable and better ways of life.

And furthermore, Ron Besser’s invention will stir the world, and it will move the world in the right direction, when his findings are recognized and implemented by sensible and foresighted humans who have the best interest for the population at heart. And who do not seek profit for their own convenience or pleasure. And it will be done in accordance with the Magisterial Sons and the Melchizedek Sons, who will be all working in their own way to make people see the right use of what free electricity means, and how to help and offer it to the public when they arrive on this world. A world where there is still complete confusion and where its people are so obsessed with war and warlike thinking.

What will happen shortly? Well, what you have heard is true. Let's wait and see, and keep watching the news. Follow the discussion forum, and be alert, and do not give up. Because the way of your planet of returning evil for evil is not a good way of thinking or working. Better ways are available to all, when attention is directed to the inside (guidance of the Father fragment), when his presence is acknowledged in all one thinks and does. And your Adjuster is meant only help, (to come) for your rescue, and to accept an attitude of more and better understanding of himself, of his brothers and sisters, and ultimately of God, your Father. And the creation that is his from the beginning.

I am Michael of Nebadon. I am a Creator Son who created the whole of the local universe. Universe of Nebadon, that’s where you live in. I direct my affairs with honor and gratitude to the Father. With my Father and the Father of all living beings, high or low, in the universe of universes. Our Father never changes, he is always the same. The universe may change, and does so constantly in many ways, because the universe is a living creation. But the Father himself does not change. Nor does he leave Paradise where he has his above, and from which he supervises all his universes. Father, our Father is the constant in the universe. He is a mighty God. He is a merciful God, who loves his children and gives abundantly to all. And all his children will come to realize the purity and goodness of the Father. Well, they’ll strive to become like him, for living the divine qualities and spreading them among (their brothers and sisters).  

This is Michael of Nebadon. I step back and I am going to hand this over to my Son, Machiventa Melchizedek, who has a few words to say.

Thank you, Michael. And, well, we welcome you, Machiventa Melchizedek. Please go ahead.  

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. I am Machiventa, and I want to say this to everyone. You have heard the news when Ron gave you (an update) on this Sunday Lightline. There you were informed about the Magisterial Sons coming for their Missions assigned to your planet.  This is good news and it bring hope and joy to your heart. We rejoice with you, and we know that there will be an opportunity to make some changes and differences that the planet needs in starting a new course and where there is hope for learning programs and insight for all of you now and in the future the world will be completely surprised when they witness the appearance of a Magisterial Son, which may happen soon. Confusion and disbelieve will rule the world for a while, but that will end after some days, and people will have to come down when we approach them in our own way, and start spreading information, and order will be largely restored.

Rob Besser will continue to work with us wherever (we need him), and we will use other transmitters when necessary. Ron could be the example to mankind as a living morontial being among you but will be not necessarily be known as such.

I am Machiventa, and we have said it before to you, this group, this group of Agondanters, you live between two worlds so to speak. You are operating in between the spiritual and the material world. You have your existence in the material world. You hear voices in the spiritual world. And that can benefit you immensely, because you already know so much more than others who think they know it all better, and not open for improvement for the population, and even less in applying divine laws, the laws of the Father operating across the universe. Well, not to mention those on your planet who willfully refuse to acknowledge their Father. This has been a big problem, this and the insurrections. They have been the major problem and the main cause of retardation on your world. And it must be changed. The population must begin to learn, a population that (…………………..) profit and forgets the less fortunate.

Need to surrender to cooperation and learn a loving respect for each other. There will be help to teach men, seek and point out the reason for his existence. And the human, he will recognize the spiritual help that is offered to them, and it will keep him from walking the earth aimlessly, waiting for a fortune to be thrown upon him. Such uneducated and undisciplined behavior will only lead to the decline of the civilization. So, it will be necessary for you people to learn to accept authority, to cooperate with each other and with your (government, or leaders). People have to become more invented in all ways to build equality between your fellow human beings. And to build good relationship with your spiritual leaders, they are all ready to pass on their wisdom and experience. And men learn to live for the divine truth within him, which continually impels the individual to improve and perfect his faith in God, the Source of his existence. And this is one of the objectives of the Mission for all countries of the world.  

And for this group, what can you do? Well, do what you can. Look inside, ask yourself and ask for help and strength. You are all supported, you know that. So, be strong, stay the course, keep yourself informed, stay with the group, pray to the Father. Talk to your Adjuster and be at peace with Jesus. And may the Father’s will prevail. I am Machiventa Melchizedek and thank you for listening, and I withdraw.

Thank you, Machiventa. OK, this is Elsie, I have look at the dashboard, and we… Well, I would like to welcome Carole Deptula, and Charlotte, and Weydevu, and Valerie. We are with 16 at the moment. So, let see if ther is more for us, if there is anyone else who would like to speak.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
This is the Adjuster. I would like to spend some words as a follow-up that you received about the mansion worlds the other day as a post on the forum. And I would like to emphasize the time to rest. Time to rest and to be with me in stillness. I am God in you, and I know how you feel in times of doubt and of great loss that are very difficult to process. You all have been led to where you are now, and we, your Adjusters, your Thought Adjusters, know the way on how to walk with you. That’s how it is always been and that’s how it will continue to be. We, Adjusters, have chosen to guide you, and that guidance is a long time of growth and development, that will continue until you and your Adjuster fuse, and allow you the course to the Father to Paradise.

The way to God is not easy. But it is fully equipped, so that God’s children, who begin in life on a material world, are provided with teachings and tools to move forward in an inviting manner. And the worlds you will visit in your transition are all very different from the harsh material world in which you now spend your ways. There is a structure that applies to everyone. And that makes it easy to provide a wide choice for your next step in development through learning and application, in the easiest way to complete your tasks successfully. On the mansion worlds there is no enmity or competition. If you become more familiar with your environment and learn what is available to you, you may choose your path, always in alignment with the Adjuster who is at your side immediately after your transition.

There are countless paths that you can follow, and each way is good and educational. From world to world, you will progress and move more easily as an emerging spirit, until you have reached the stage of (spirit being) that will take you on your way to countless episodes of your existence. And you will more and more experience the goodness of God. God is great and to reach God and to meet him everyone must be prepared. Everyone makes a journey that take years, which you can understand, as you get to know God’s greatness and his omnipotence more and more. And it is therefore clear that your time in the spheres can last hundreds of thousands of years, unless God calls you to himself for a very special reason. Which does not happen very often, because it is impossible for such a rapid development of man to take place, to even partially understand your Creator.

Jesus was the only person who could do that. As he was bestowed, he was the Bestowal Son for Michael of Nebadon, the Creator Son of your local universe of Nebadon. Michael lived in Jesus, and (gave Jesus) the powers to live and ascend as a divine (Son), but even Jesus had to make his journey through experience through learning and working to the Father, to go to his Creator and first Source and Center by everything he did in his life on earth, but with the secret of the living God within.

This is still the Adjuster speaking. And now you may ask yourselves, where will be the experience in an ever changing (world, or universe). The answer is, in your soul. It is in your soul. What is the soul? Can you see the soul? Is it an entity? Is it a substance? What is the soul? The souls is purely something that exist between you and me. That grows between you and me, the Adjuster. It is the result of that which is formed between you and me. It serves you and me, and its constantly gaining experience, both in your material life, and your experiences outside of the material. It is the result of recognizing you and me as part of God, and it gives you access to eternal life that only God can offer you, because he is a Creator an steward of life.

And (it allows) you to grow and develop from a human being to a spiritual being, with the potential of an eternal (life) with and in God, through the development of the soul. (Through) your spiritual experiences in the material life, you as a human being, is able to survive in the material and increasingly absorb the spiritual, until you are completely spiritual and continue only in spirit. (But first you should ascend) to walk in (the morontial world) and to be made ready to take on your spiritual tasks. Before (your development) remains the complement between you and the Adjuster, which at the time of (your spiritual development) offers you the opportunity to become like him, and he like you by fusing into one. In which you, and the Adjuster have both contributed to the outcome and fuse as entities of different origin to fully develop the divine in man.

It is the soul that develops between you and your Adjuster, and that gives you the assurance that you will become a child of God at perfection of what was given to you at birth. Namely your inheritance as a child of God, a child of the Father, one Father of all (of) his created children on the path of their divine origin. This is the Adjuster speaking the truth. I thank you.

Thank you, Adjuster. I need a moment to see if there is anyone else.

Universal Father
Hello, my children. This is the Universal Father. I am the Universal Father. You heard the truth. And you are drowned closer to me by your Adjuster in all your efforts to off the heaviness of the earth and move into a light that is attainable to every human being who is adheres to my desires, to follow my will and to respect my laws. I am your Father. I am God. I can give you what no one else can give you, and that is insight into the many things that are invisible yet accessible to all who listens my voice, the little voice within. That little voice that will assist you in every situation that arises in your lives. I have the power I have the strength to penetrate deep within you and lead you to the truth the beauty and goodness with which man must cloth himself in order to share in the joy of God who is already a part of you and has endeared to you. To ensure that every human being who carries within him that fragment of God has the opportunity to reach me, to meet me on Paradise, after a long journey of teaching and experience through my creations, especially made for that purpose.

I am your God. I am the God of each and every one, but many gone so far astray that they no longer know or want to know me. But this will change. To make man realize once more that he can become one with me to enter my kingdom/that is the plan for each of my children, provided they act with love towards one another and care for my creation, including the world they inhabit. These are the spheres that in their own evolution come into life and light, a condition of perfection for a material planet. I am the Universal Father. I love you all. You all (are) in my heart. I ask you, be caring, be caring, respect your fellow man, love each other. A worm heart for God and affection for your brothers and sisters are the anchors of existence. And the security for eternal life with me, your heavenly Father. I love you, good day.

Thank you, Father, thank you so much. That was beautiful. Thank you for your words.
Well, I am sensing no one else. So, well, let me have a look at the dashboard. We have 16 here altogether, and maybe there is someone who would add anything to this, or has some comments or questions that would lead to another conversation? Well, press 5-star if you want to be heard. I am going along the list and I see no hand up. OK. Here we go! I see a hand is coming up and that is the hand of Lemuel. I am unmuting you, Lemuel.
You are unmuted Lemuel, please go ahead.

Well, Elise, would you please, after you stop the recording, allow me to say a few things. Thank you.

Yes, let me see if this is the end of the recording. So, I will mute you, and I will unmute you again, Lemuel after that. OK?

Yes, yes.

OK. Everyone is muted again. Now let see what we can do. Let me just concentrate for a minute.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Elise, and I see that there are (no hand up) at the moment. You have had our speakers for today and I think you should be content about this. There is not much more we can tell you at this moment, as we said at the beginning. But it does not matter when you chose to end this Lightline, it is shorter than usual but that that doesn’t matter at all. So, if you like to end this Lightline and stop the recording, and Lemual will be ready to speak and you give him the microphone, if you pleased.

OK, Machiventa. I will do just that. So, for my part on this Lightline the Lightline is over. And there were no questions and no comments, so I will just stop the recording. And I thank you for being with us today and let see if there is more news tomorrow when Dominick has his Lightline. Thank you very much, and I am now stopping the recording.



« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 16:21:43 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"