Author Topic: Tues LL 06.11.24 MACHIVENTA & ARTHURA. Ascension, Fusion & Legac  (Read 6289 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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original, unedited recording:
(60 minutes)


Ascension, Fusion and Legacy. MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDK and ARTHURA
  • Entities and Angels, their relation to Ascension and Fusion
  • The nuisance between Ascension and Fusion, and how fusion has evolved on the planet over time
  • Past Life experience is placed in the genetic code of inheritance, and the past experiences of the Spirit Source within you
  • Searching for past life experiences using low frequency brain wave states and sub-conscious/unconscious states of mind
  • Higher frequency states of consciousness receive the transmissions of spirit contact in the present and future
  • Being a co-operating entity in a sea of non-cooperation
  • Don't be a push-over, but be forgiving
  • Co-operating entities win-out in their environments over time and non-cooperation leads to extinction

« Last Edit: June 13, 2024, 19:28:35 pm by Dominick O »

Offline Raz

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Re: Tues LL 06.11.24 MACHIVENTA & ARTHURA. Ascension, Fusion & Legac
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2024, 11:00:38 am »
  • 061124 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Dominick Ohrbeck;
  • Subjects: something similar to a Merkaba is set up when we hold a Light Line with Spirit, the ministry of lower spirits and its difficulties are explained, explanation of the differences and interrelationships between our ascension, fusion, and legacy; our legacy is impacted by our unique genetic ancestry, our planetary history, our Thought Adjuster’s history, and our personal experience on this planet; our exploration of past lives are impacted by our subconscious and superconscious as well as our Thought Adjuster’s past history and our legacy; consciousness has three layers, our goal should be the growing of the seed of our soul to the point where fusion and thus ascension is assured, transmission is our present and future and channeling is the past, communicating with our Thought Adjuster should be our focus and goal now, the science of game theory and cooperation versus noncooperation, and new Light Line protocols;
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek and Arthura;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Links To Tape:


All right, welcome to Tuesday Light Line. This is Dominick, your host, it's 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on June 11th. We have, now let's see, now we are also starting another recording and it's begun. All right welcome. We have a few on the line today and we welcome Donna and Larry. Welcome, we just started recording. Make a quick prayer to Father, and Michael of Nebadon, and Christ our Lord, and that we have good clear circuits to receive your broadcasts and transmissions and a good voice for me to hear and voice whoever comes through. We ask is anyone with us today to act as an emcee? Welcome. I have a Melchizedek and it sounds pretty scrambled right now, so let's just be patient. I've never had this before it's almost like a static scrambled signal, but I got Melchizedek through there, but not a name.

This is Arthura. Let me step in and I detest emcee duties but let me hold the line while a few things get corrected. I will come in later but in the meantime, we calm things down, we get settled, and just settle down. We appreciate everyone on the call and your patience as we go through this. Understand your live performance no longer is that which enters the field of recorded broadcast performance to reach the wider audience. You who attend provide your energy and your spirit to the Merkaba that is constructed and we use that word because you understand the concept. The line is open. The circuit is open. The Father is very much part of the Merkaba. As each one of you contains the source of the Father we literally witness it spring to life as the recordings begin and the Light Line enters. At that point we on the other side of the veil as many of you like to call it, simply connect. You reach up, we respond and reach down. The universe broadcasts constantly in many modes which I shall help speak to later on. I believe we are clear enough now that I can introduce and hand this off to you Machiventa. Please, take hold.

Thank you, Arthura. Welcome, Machiventa, I'm ready to receive you. Welcome.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Good day and welcome everyone. This is Machiventa, I'll act as emcee for now. I would like to hand off these duties to other Melchizedeks when necessary. For now, I am a familiar name, a shining example to my fellow Melchizedek who are trained and ready to go, but defer to my experience with humans and the joyous infection it is just to be with you.

This isn't always the case for high spirits. Sometimes even worse, for low spirits. The lower the spirit entity descends to the level of human consciousness the less perfect that entity is. The consciousness of an entity always entails mind. But that mind and consciousness while emanating and born and originating from ultimately the source of the Universal Father, nonetheless at a local level out in time and space must also ascend to the Father. These lower ordered entities also do not have the Source within them. They must have a type of faith in their ascension just as you do. They have work, and assignment, and destiny just as you do and some of their enmity to their ministry work if you are to take an angel for example becomes quite close to the human emotion you could say or thinking of what would happen over time, if the work becomes repetitive with slow or poor results in the eye of the benefits and fruit of their tasks is aimed to produce with the ministry to humans endowed with Source.

To put it more simply, they minister to two things, the Father Source within you without exactly seeing it and observing it to the point where they can clearly define it as such, they work in a symbiosis when Us higher entities also observe their ministry to you. And so, when the human individual or the human conglomeration and group of all shapes and sizes that they are assigned to; when that group does not produce results, they have to report whether or not they performed to a level that finds them not at fault; and since they are not perfect they learn and they are fallible.

Now, the angels are very much assigned and coparticipants in a word we will speak to today called Ascension. Ascension is well known among all circles of life on the planet and you can say spiritual belief. What we will speak to also is another concept that is similar and related to but not the same as ascension and that is the concept of fusion. Fusion is something that can and certainly does contain ascension. So, essentially you could fuse at some point and you generally fuse at some stage or stages along the way of your ascension. Fusion in the past epic of human history was with high Spirit of sonship and over time the ecology and economy of the planet's spiritual ascension scheme has evolved and now contains fusion with the Universal Father Source, divine and deity fragment within you. It is literally the source that provides you the candidacy of divinity and your ascension is to become divine, defined as perfect, in this ascension.

The legacy that could be spoken to that gets associated with ascension is the fact that you have and are a product of a genetic gene code of your ancestors, who, collectively, each generation experienced the spiritual economy, and either ascended or didn't, or ascended, perhaps on a different track, in the wide-ranging potentials of human beings capable of fusion. You could say, and this is where the Trinity really helps, even though the Trinity contains the Father, and the Father, the I Am, predates the Trinity. Nonetheless, when the Trinity appeared, as the Universal Father, Eternal Son, and Infinite Spirit, otherwise known as the First, Second, and Third Source, that's when time and space also you could say began to appear.

And so, before human beings, certainly on your planet, were eligible for Father fusion, or First Source fusion, because they were endowed with the fragment of the First Source, their ascension entailed  Second source because you are of the Sonship order. And so, you fused as a legacy of your past ancestors fused in Sonship. Your angel companions and ministers, they ascend and you could say, fuse with the ascension to Paradise on a parallel track with you and they fuse with the Infinite Spirit. This is a rather rough term that we are not going to get into depth on because it is essentially not that accurate, but conceptual for the case of this Light Line right now, that clarifies your ascension.

So ascension is this journey to perfection. Your legacy entails past lives, but not your own past life. The divine, the spark within you also contains past experience, there is a training, and there is likely the indwelling of beings, who this fragment of the Father indwelled prior to indwelling you and therefore, it has its own experience of working within the human mind. So, pure spirit attempting and training to work with this consciousness that is not wholly spiritual, but material with its electrochemical component. So, if you would like to define past lives, yes, it entails ascension and it could most certainly entail the legacy of past life experience of your ancestors whose genetic memory and genetic code and the mystery of that is literally part of your makeup. And yet also your divine deity Source within you also entails a past as well. In addition to that, the universe and all that it entails in its various segments also has this consciousness of experience of all that it is, was, and ever shall be while you live here and you experience things.

So, having defined that, the obvious question is Machiventa, did I live before now? And the answer is, you could say 99.9% of the time, no, you did not. You, unique person asking this question are here and now, you have this one life to live. You have been originated. You are original in your personality; therefore, must you consider the divine ascension and the consecration of communion with the Source within you. That is your salvation. So, your legacy is sometimes confused with your own self having lived that past when in fact, the information might be or may not be conveyed to you as something that will help.

Now, when you seek this past legacy in the unconscious exploration of the subconscious, you are likely to descend into a dream-like mind behavior. If you have set up a belief system, where you expect the simple explanation that you reincarnate as distinct personalities over time, whose primary life vehicle is the soul, then do you have an error in ascension that could easily be corrected when we discuss fusion, legacy, ascension, and consciousness. So many aspire to share their spiritual growth and ascension but it is your growth and fusion that affects the planet and affects your life. Ascension is something you're going to do anyway. Your legacy of past lives is very much a distraction in fusion if you consider the playground of the unconscious.

To that effect, we would like to once again stress how Light Lines and the fusion process are related as well as your life outside of these things. Consciousness has for simplicity's sake your three levels of a three-layer cake. The lower being the unconscious, the day-to-day moment-to-moment being the conscious, and the higher realms of the superconscious. And what the higher and lower consciousnesses are doing is sometimes bleeding in and then sometimes in the ascension practices such as meditation or healthy living energy work which strives to help the entire mind body spirit system in its consciousness and its health and wellness effect on the body, the mind, and the Spirit. And when the small still voice of your Inner Guide speaks to you, this is the ascension to fusion. It is not ascension in and of itself. It is the slow steady and sometimes lightning-fast progress of fusion. Fusion is what guarantees your ascension.

Thus the planet while a school and a place of origination in your ascension, it is not a jail. It is only a jail in so much as it was in its planetary evolution in a quarantine and so, that is something of a legacy that by sheer environment of spiritual circuits available, does in fact change ascension for the ecosystem of entities all around it. But that in no way, shape, or form inhibited or inhibits the individual process of your fusion destiny. Your consciousness could be defined as your personality and your Source together growing the seed of your soul, and then when you grow that seed to the point where the soul is strong enough that it's going to survive, then is your ascension progressed to the point where you are all but guaranteed fusion at some point in your ascension.

To explore the subconscious in lower, literally lower frequencies of mind and consciousness is to invite the imagination into the gobbledygook of human legacy, evolution of worship; and this would be things like your ancestors went through that you are ever so slow to outgrow and why we have yet another reason to have Light Lines or revelations or with the divine administration of spirit governance respond and reach down to you to clarify what will help you and us in your ascension and your personal fusion because we need you to fuse and we need you to get up to speed and educated on what is really a vast populated universe of and within an infinite system that guarantees that you will not get bored in a life of eternity.

So, to go back we are not chastising anyone for whelming exploration of ascension. We only wish to clarify that ascension will be much more conscious and clear and meaningful and valuable to you and this would have a dramatic effect on your life even more than delving into the unconscious of ascension. We don't mean to obliterate the legacy of past lives but to elevate the value of your life as it originated now and will ascend into the future. You only explore past lives by understanding your genetics and then that's pretty much it.

The rest is the revelation of the Divine Source and the past experience that that Divine Source possibly has and any sharing of that life is something of a gift between you and that Source and it will be the prize in your Fusion during your ascension. But it holds you back in pragmatic and practical living if you are to only explore ascension by and through meditation practices and channeling practices that aim to reach entities of spirit status in the lower frame and frequencies of the mind. This is not how fusion works. This is not how transmissions works and why transmission is the future.

Transmission is your present and channeling was your past. Transmission works in the existing and higher frequencies of the mind and certainly your brainwaves. Anyone involved with transmission may not even know that they're doing or receiving transmission. When the human experiences spontaneous transmission, sometimes it's surprising but it is usually never forgotten. Your Source within you understands the lasting impression such a transmission can make and usually is more of a prompter and in this respect, does the Source within in the angelic work of ministry without you. Meaning in the outer environment, the angelic realm and the spirit realm of the Infinite Spirit work to minister to you, and to put into action, what the Father-Son asked to be attained. In this regard the Trinity does in fact help you understand spiritual and personal religious experience it could and does vary from human to human, even within the family and the culture, it could vary widely and yet there is something universal in all human experience in the ascension and fusion journey into the experience inherent in consciousness.

Meditation and relaxation can cure the body of disturbances that puts you out of balance ultimately receive and work through not just random and arbitrary transmission but a steadier and steadier connection with a spirit where you and it are able to freely transmit and receive guidance and communication. It is the source within that you should ultimately be seeking to transmit with. You certainly can strive to communicate with angels. But this is to still yet give external authority to something that is really within you. The angels work mysteriously in your ascension and fusion to build the soul so, that you can fuse. Ascension has the purpose of fusion. Ascension is not a merry-go-round of life on a planet where the ascension scheme leads you somewhere else besides the center of reality, Paradise, and the source of perfection and the source of a deity within you that you are fusing with.

Ultimately know that transmission is the new age of channeling. That new age is no longer the religion or political manifesto of rebellion that your practical way out of the myriad problems of life on this planet will only be corrected and affected when beginning with yourself self you learn to work within your consciousness with the understanding that ascension and fusion are what life is ultimately all about and that your contribution, your legacy is how you lived your life on this planet. Once you graduate to the many worlds set up to continue your education and ascension and fusion, and then through fusion, which is universe citizenship into elevated levels of service.

Then do you get in the administration of governance of a universe and training of the governance of the universe and that is the work that we are involved in with you, but you are involved as recipients of the ministry of the angels which is personal whether that be in groups, which eventually those groups become more and more defined as an individual or one to one ratio of an angel and a human with an ascension destiny. But angels have also been employed in the past in this governance I just spoke to and they are responsible for reporting and understanding who we are in the Sonship order, who are the true governors of the planet and that the apex of that governance leads to a Michael Son who is the creator of any local universe of His creation and is the way to and through your ascension, your ascension does go through this first stage you can say of Father attainment, Father-Son attainment and you will meet Michael first on the way to the Father.

However, before that happens, you will fuse with the Father fragment that's in you today right now. Angels and past lives have their place in ministry to help you attain fusion but your consciousness should aim to do this fully conscious and reaching higher levels of mind higher literally higher frequencies. And you need clarity of your body, mind, and spirit to sustain this liminal region and you have the benefits of deeper and lower frequencies to help clear that energy but it is not the vehicle or method or way to receive transmission. We will discuss more on this later. But we thank you for your time. I am Machiventa and I put this back to you Arthura if you wish to add to this.

Thank you, Machiventa. All right, we look at the dashboard. Anyone new today? Go ahead Arthura. Welcome, Carol, Jose, and Mr. Krupa, Roger. Welcome. All right, go ahead Arthura.

This is Arthura. Machiventa you stole my thunder. What else more is there to say that can't be said already by a Melchizedek? I am here from the nether regions of the universe. I know sources upon sources upon sources of things. And yet, it is a mystery to me how these humans can and cannot work or deal with Spirit, literally deity within. It is a pleasure to be able to reach down this far and find the deity at these levels. You would be humbled to learn if it were shown to you directly. It does not. It shows forth in the personality projection and your choices and how you express those things. You would do well to consciously and intentionally seek to not only foster this in your relationships with others but actively seek out and continue to associate with those who help you foster these things I just mentioned.

If you aren't around people and groups and media and what you intake into your mind, sight, sound, smell, ideas, news and so on and so forth, then are you separated from that which would organize the environment into Light and Life which we have spoke about earlier. We're not going to go into that. Those who are curious about what Light and Life is can listen to past Light Lines and or participate in a call or a forum and ask the question. There are also materials out there explaining it in great detail.

Your legacy is ultimately a contribution never to be taken very lightly, which is why I just encouraged you to amalgamate as beings with other beings who facilitate and foster this within you and help you express it. The evolution of such a conglomeration, a material environment such as a planet is not unique to the extent that you are a pushover. In this sense were the wise words of Jesus to be wise as the serpent, but gentle as the dove.

As a group, organism, or entity you should protect yourself through association. The science behind this has shown the dilemma of cooperating or not cooperating or you could say or define noncooperation as backstabbing, or gaining an unfair advantage over the other who assumed you were going to cooperate, but instead, you made the other party or parties get less at the expense where you get more.

This is the science of game theory of cooperation/noncooperation. Even complex models show a conglomeration of entities who are willing to cooperate most of the time, if not all the time, tend to do better in the environment. However, when faced with those who would not cooperate, nonetheless would lose if they would continue to try to cooperate with noncooperators. Therefore, is it necessary at an entity level to not be an easy target. In other words, and this is not spiritual talk talking this is a simulated environment or you can say the animal kingdom. If there is some expectation of tit for tat, not eye for an eye, but a consequence for not cooperating in so much as if entities do not cooperate with you, they can expect that you will not cooperate with them.

And yet, what this science simulation has shown is that if you also condition the noncooperator with the expectation that there will be some consequence to their noncooperation. Nonetheless, if you entrain them to the realization that you will continue to cooperate with them that they will eventually cooperate with you. And what will happen is the environment around you becomes a greater amalgamation of cooperators. Further over time, those gene pools of mean little nasty noncooperators eventually die out. So there's a vast science that we see at these higher levels possibly play out.

The missions aim to teach you and condition you to essentially behave in this way that would create the condition not only for your ascension and fusion, which happened anyway, regardless of how bad the planet has been, or how quarantined it's been. But oh, what a better place it shall be when your legacy is no longer backwards and violent and full of noncooperators who could care less about their fusion and unaware of their ascension but rather conscious of what they're cooperating with the consequences of their noncooperation. We end it there. And this is Arthura stepping back. And I nod to Machiventa.

Me too. Thank you, Arthura. Back to you, Machiventa. If you wish, you are the emcee.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, I am, and thank you. We have some announcements. One is that I Light Line will have as protocol moving forward, an opening prayer, the ask or request for an emcee, or essentially someone who will administer the Light Line with the transmitter. And then on the orders of Salvington, there shall be our report. And this will simply open the line for anything that Michael of Nebadon wishes to be reported, either directly or through one of his surrogates. Thank you.

Thank you, Machiventa. On that note, Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Please open the Light (Line).

Yeah, Ron. We're going to unmute you and Machiventa wishes to speak. Are you, can you hear me?

Ron Besser  
Yes, I can Dominick.

Okay, I'm muting myself you have the line with Machiventa.

Ron Besser  
Well, welcome Machiventa. I'm glad you could show up.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is a Machiventa Melchizedek. And this is to advise every one of you that Ron is going through his transition today. It is painful. It is sleepy. But he has listened to the Light Line, Dominick. He congratulates you. It's a beauty.

Ron Besser  
Now, this to all of you in general, I think what they're going to do with me, is make me silent for maybe three to five, either weeks or days, which is it, folks?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Three to five days Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you. And for that reason, you're not going to see me very much or hear me. I want to tell you that the Light Lines that are coming will be much fuller. Much more information. And Elise, it starts with you on Monday. So be prepared to be a real warrior and stand the test as they increase the value of the Light Lines. And I hope all of you who do a Light Line with us can stay with us. I thank you very much Dominick for the opportunity to say something. I have to turn it back to you because I really do not have any reporting other than what Machiventa Melchizedek just gave us. Thank you very much. It's a wonderful Light Line, Dominick. Thank you. Back over to you.

Alright, Thank you, Ron. All right, he's been put on mute. Machiventa, is there anything left?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
You could

We could open the lines. If there is a star five, or whatever it is to raise your hand, we can take a question. Otherwise, it's 3:00 p.m. and the Light Line is effectively over as an hour program. However, if someone's got a burning question, in the meantime, go ahead and raise your hand. In the meantime, we're going to unmute you Lemuel, and just check your status for tomorrow. Elise you're also unmuted, did you mean to?

Yeah, I'm thinking, Are you, can you hear me?


Okay. I'm just thinking of what Lemuel was telling me. He has no opportunity to connect, his computer doesn't work and other things are out of order. So he has no opportunity. I think he's listening to another station, I guess. And he told me that he wouldn't be sure if he could do the Light Line on Wednesday. He has no access to the dashboard. I told him that I will do the dashboard and I am not I'm not sure if he can get through tomorrow. So we'll open up tomorrow and see what happens.

Excuse me, Elise.


I can hear you. I only have my iPhone. So I can hear and, and you will be able to hear me when I speak obviously. And I do intend to try a Light Line tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you, Dominick. Thank you.

So that was an affirmative that you will try a Light Line?

Yes. Yes, of course. Definitely.

Thank you. Okay. Well, then, I'm going to end the Light Line. And I appreciate everyone who's attended and we appreciate everyone listening in the future. Have a great day.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2024, 15:18:59 pm by Raz »
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)