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USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« on: June 12, 2024, 16:00:08 pm »
USA Wednesday Lightline - 12 June 2024

              This is the USA Lightline for Wednesday 12 June 2024

                                       with your host Lemuel  

Mantutia Melchizedek and Lemuel's Adjuster were present to address the listeners.

Here is the link to the tape:

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2024, 08:54:07 am »
  •      061224 Audio Tape Wednesday Light Line USA; Host: Lemuel Cohost: Elise
  •      Subjects: -So much educating is needed for people to know the meaning of their lives; - Do you know yourself? You have 4 lower bodies and 3 higher bodies as well; Your emotional or Astral body-your Aura is your area of influence;-Your Soul is the real you and what it needs to grow; -Your thoughts are the most powerful thing that you possess;
  •      Speakers: Mantutia Melchizedek, Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster
  •       Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  •      Link To Tape:
Good evening, good day to everyone, this is Elise and I'm taking Lemuel's place for a little while as host because Lemuel doesn't have a dashboard and we have right now 12 people on the dashboard listed. And Lemuel asked me to name them all. So, then we go, it's Salvador, George Meyer, Robert from New York, Donna and Larry Whelan, Ron Besser, Rene Duran, Moses, Roger Raz, and then we have a couple of names. One, two, three, four via the Internet and it's me and yourself Lemuel. So altogether there are 13 listening at the moment. And well, Lemuel has asked me to start this light line off with a little prayer. So, I will do that.

Well, maybe I first should say what the date is before we forget to list that it is Wednesday today and it's June the 12th of the year 2024. Okay.

Well, dear Father, we thank you for bringing us together with Lemuel as our host. We thank you, Father, for your love, for your care. We pray for peace and healing for this world. We pray for all people that we may have the strength and the courage to all keep the course. To make ourselves useful in what must be done to heal the world. And we want to pray for Jesus, for Michael of Nebadon, the Melchizedeks, the Magisterial sons, and many, many others who are always helping us, that they may succeed in their work to improve this world, and that they will overcome any opposition. We thank you, Father. We're all coming here to hear your words. And we ask for clear connection and for your true words. Thank you so much. Amen.

I'm just wondering if I started the recording. I guess I did. Could you be of help here, Ron?

Did you mute me? Ah, okay. Elise?


You forgot to mute me. Okay, no, I'm unmuted now. All right?

Yes, you're unmuted. Yes, I have unmuted. Okay, I'm unmuted. I am going to unmute you, Lemuel. Let me see where you are.

Yes, you are unmuted. I'm just wondering, Lemuel, whether I started the recording because when I look at the sign, it says stop recording and I cannot see if it's running. Did anyone hear that it started or should I do it over?

Well, you did say that I heard the recording started as normal, yes, I heard that.

You heard that? Okay, well, let's count on that. So go ahead, then Lemuel.

All right, thank you.

I cannot see it anywhere, whether it started or not. That's the problem. Well, let's just hope it started.

If you want, you can ask Ron for his advice.

Yeah, let me unmute him. Ron, are you there?

Can you hear me?

Yes, I can.

All right. I've got problems of my own. So, the cabal is at work and are introducing confusion. If Lemuel does not have his dashboard working, and you are working it. All you need to do is press the button that you use to get the dashboard and let it take its own settings for itself because it's got the right settings automatically.

Okay, even if I'm not sure that I pressed recording?

That’s right.

Okay, then I leave it like that.

Yeah, leave it like that. That's the best we can do under the circumstances. So just go with it, Lemuel.

Thank you, Ron. Thank you.

Take your time. Thank you.

Well, this is Lemuel, of course, as you all know, your host. And it's good to be back here in the saddle, so to speak. And welcome to all of you on this Wednesday Lightline, 12th of June, 2024. Now I ask if there is someone here with us who will act as our MC.

Mantutia Melchizedek
Well, this is Mantutia Melchizedek Lemuel, and I in fact will not act as an MC, but I will stay around for a while because I know that Machiventa Melchizedek is really tied up, and of course Michael of Nebadon. All very busy doing what they have to do. And what I would like to say is that in fact, there is nothing new that has not been spoken to yesterday and Sunday with Ron's Lightline and nothing of great import, I would like to say. And we don't know, well, nobody seems to know at this point, and I'm sure Ron doesn't know for himself whether or not he will be available to do a lightline on Sunday. Well, that remains to be seen. So, I think on the face of it, and I mean you are left to your own devices, we need to a great extent. If there is someone here, I will of course introduce him to you and the group at a convenient moment. But just to let you know that I am here. I am Mantutia Melchizedek your Planetary Prince, and I will just keep an eye on you and the proceedings. So go ahead, Lemuel. Do what you think is best.

Well, thank you, Mantutia. Thank you. Yes, well, I call upon my beloved and...

Lemuel’s Adjuster
Yes, all right. All right. Well, yes. This is Lemuel’s Adjuster, and strangely enough situation being as it is. And it would be quite appropriate now. I don't know if you can remember, but some time ago because Lemuel had been absent for health reasons we spoke about how you relate to the elements, some of you may remember. Well, I would like to speak about, for example, the Magisterial sons with a mission will go ahead as they plan and they will do what they have to do, when and how, etc, etc. And the same applies, of course, to Jesus, when he is able to do his thing, so to speak. It's going to be a long time really before Adam and Eve are able to set up their schools.

Well, I want you to imagine that although the first signs of rioting and panic and all the rest of it that probably will take place after the first announcement from the Magisterial Sons. And hopefully all that will be quietened and brought under a certain amount of control so that Jesus is able to begin his mission. But be that as it may, there is so much need for educating on a personal level. So many people do not have the slightest idea of who they are, what they are, and why they are here, and what is it they're supposed to be doing, and what is the meaning of their lives. Further education of a more spiritual nature will follow. Yes, of course.

But all of you here, you are such a privileged group and a loving family. You have a degree of knowledge far beyond the average Joe or Mary. I want you now to imagine that someone may be soon as you think is going to come to you and ask you some questions about what is happening, about God or Jesus or whatever, what are you going to say? How are you going to respond? Well, I suggest that you say to this person standing in front of you, please, for the moment, don't concern yourself about God. God is X, Y, Z. Let us start with the A, B, C. And you are the ABC and let me tell you now. Long, long before you reach XYZ in your spiritual advancement you will have already traveled along your ascension path so far that you become what is called fused with the God that is in you. So let us leave that for the moment.

Now let us come back to you. You are the ABC. What do you really know about yourself? You look in the mirror every day and you see this image. Yes, what you see and what you think and how you are, etc., etc., is just the tip of a very large iceberg, so to speak. The vast majority of you is totally invisible. So, it is understandable that you know practically nothing about yourself. And if you know nothing about yourself, how can you possibly love what you do not know? How can you love other people if you don't know them and how can you really know them if you don't really know yourself? You are much more than a body. So let us start with your body. Yes. It is a wonderful organ full of different chemicals, electro chemicals. Now I want you to imagine the next time you look in the mirror. Let's suppose you've just come out of the shower and you start thinking, if you're already shy, okay, put on some pants. I want you to look at yourself and imagine.

Immediately surrounding your physical body, there is another body, a very fine body. And it is called your energy body, or your etheric body. And it is very fine. It is about it may be a centimeter to a centimeter and a half in width. And it is a pale gray color, if you could see it. The kind of color of exhaled cigarette smoke, for example. Again, it is invisible. But in fact, you can train yourself to see it if it was necessary, if you were so interested. Well, this is your energy body and it is called your energy body because in fact it acts as battery cells and as a battery, it takes on the international energy called Prana. You fall asleep every night because your battery is almost uncharged, flat. So, it needs to be recharged. So, this is why your sleep is so necessary. To recharge your batteries, you say it for yourselves, don't you? I need to recharge my batteries. Well, your energy body is your battery.

All right. Let's look again at your body. Around your body again, there is another body. Oh yes. It is called your emotional body or also we just call it your astral body and it extends from the top of your head, extended out to the width of extended arms and then tapering down to your feet. And it is full of colors, different colors, swirling around, and it is really quite beautiful or also it can look terrible because your aura displays what you are, what you think, and how is your health and people who are able to see your aura, and there are people who can, they see exactly how you are. No secrets, they can see who you are. This emotional body, this astral body, almost always, every night leaves your body. And the dreams that you have may be of experiences that your astral body has experienced during its night travel. I think you will all agree that mostly when you wake up in the morning, the first moment you remember maybe some things of your dream, but just a short while later you will have forgotten all about it. The astral also is a body that many people have seen and they regard it as a ghost or poltergeist or whatever because the emotional body has its own energy. And these poor souls who do not know anything about the Light, do not have any spiritual maturity in their souls, they stay around where in fact they have lived throughout the whole of their lives and they need to be rescued, for this is another subject that I won't talk about at the moment.

Alright. Also, I would like to mention that your emotional body also relates, in fact, to the vegetable kingdom and yes, the vegetable kingdom that is to say all the trees, all the plants, all the flowers, etc, they have, yes, they have feelings. And they know those of you who love and appreciate them and those of you who do not.

Alright. Now, let's have another look, a deeper look. You have another body. And this is your normal mental body, that is to say, your human mental dimension of thought, conscious, unconscious, subconscious. And of course, that surrounds all of the rest of you, so to speak. So, you have, we could say, four lower bodies; your physical, the aesthetic energy body, your emotional body or astral body and then your human, your normal human mentality or your mental level.

And there are also three higher bodies. Yes. Now, I know what you are thinking, but let me tell you this. It does not matter what you believe or disbelieve. The truth is. And that's it. End of story, full stop. Truth does not need you to believe it or any whims for that matter. It is so easy for ego to tell you that something is true or something is false when in fact it doesn't know the first thing about it. There is outer knowledge, of course there is. Those who study have proven things for themselves. Yes, of course, there is outer knowledge from outer experiences. But there is also inner knowledge also from experience. But this is spiritual knowledge. And this spiritual experience always surges from deep within your being. And it is this that tells you what is true or what is false. You do not need ego to tell you what is true or what is false. Any new concept that comes into your way, all right, look at it, think about it. Just keep an open mind. There's no need for you to say yes or no. Don't allow your ego to tell you what is right or wrong. No, no.

Let the real you tell you what is right and wrong. And by the real you, I'm coming to that now. You've all heard of the soul. Yes. But what do you know about your soul? Really. What is a soul? Where is it? What is it for? What does it do? Your soul is the only thing that has the potential to survive after your physical death. At the beginning, I told you, you are the A-B-C forget the XYZ for a while. Now I want to paint you a picture and in fact, there is a pun in this. Deliberate pun. Listen now to what I'm going to tell you. It is impossible for the creature to be separated from the creator. And it is impossible for a painting to be separated from the painter. Everyone can recognize a Leonardo da Vinci or a Picasso or a Rembrandt or a Salvador Dali. Why are these paintings so recognizable? Well, the simple answer is, of course, that they have within them the essence of the artist, the painter. I can see that you believe that. I told you it doesn't matter what you believe. What is true stands by itself. But you understand that, and you recognize that. All right. Well, it's the same with you. You have the essence of the creator in you. So, if you like, regard yourself for a moment as a work of art and the artist has obviously during his creating of you, has given you of himself. So, you have your creator in you. Now, that essence of the artist in you resides in a higher mental level, far above your normal human level. But between that, your normal human mental level and the higher mental level where the essence of your creator resides, there is what we call the soul. Now your soul, of course, is invisible but you have the soul and your soul was brought to you from this essence of the creator that is in you.

Why? Because the artist wants from you his painting, so to speak. I hope you can still follow me. He wants you to become like him because you are in fact his child. Many artists, because they work as their children, artists have maybe thousands of children, thousands of works of art, and within each and every one of them is a part of himself. Now, coming back to your soul. As you know, when you die, your physical body just disintegrates, you bury it or you burn it or whatever. What is left is your soul and the essence. Now, this essence of the Father is pure Spirit. So now I will use the word God or Father. I prefer Father because it's easier for you to understand. Your Father. Your Heavenly Father has placed a part of himself in you exactly like all artists have their essence in their paintings. This essence is pure spirit and it accompanies your soul. In fact, in a way, it is the father of your soul and your soul to begin with is in embryonic form and it needs to grow. And of course it is invisible, but it is not spirit and it is not physical. It is of a finer material, which we call morontia. There's no need for you to remember the word, but you do need to remember and differentiate between the material or physical and your mental level and then, Morontia, in between physical and spirit.

Now I've given you six bodies for you to think about. And there is a seventh one, of course. So let us recap for a moment. You recognize your physical body. Now I've explained to you your energy body, the aesthetic body. It is your battery that you need to charge every night when you sleep. You have an emotional body called the astral body and you have your Aura also which displays who you are in a sense and how you are. It's really a beautiful kaleidoscope of color and this is your area of influence. And of course, when you meet other people, you clash, your auras clash. And sometimes there's no problem, you're quite comfortable in the company of other people. But sometimes the reverse happens and you just can't wait to get out of the company of some people, this is a clash of auras. And this is another subject that perhaps can be talked about on another light line in the future.

So please, now, when you look at yourself in the mirror. You will only see your physical body. But now I think you can identify with your energy body and then your Astral body that leaves normally your body every night and returns before you wake up. And sometimes during the night you jerk awake and it is because your astral has entered rather sharply and it kicks you, so to speak, and you jump in the bed. You've all had that experience, I'm sure. Obviously, you can identify with your mental body, or that is to say the workings of your mind, your conscious, unconscious, subconscious mind. Again, invisible. And then this soul, in fact, is the real you. The real you that has the potential of surviving after your physical death and it needs to be nurtured, it needs to grow. And it grows with the help of the essence of the Father that has brought it to you and it grows with spiritual food. It grows with your love that you display, not just towards yourself, but towards other people. It grows with every kind act that you have performed. It grows every time you smile and say hello to someone. It grows every time you do something for a neighbor or you help someone. It grows and it grows every time you do something for someone else. And as you go through your life, this soul grows and matures because of everything that you have done under the umbrella of love and doing exactly to other people what you would have them do to you. This reciprocal action of to give and receive with love and gratitude.

You have doubts in your mind about the invisible. Well, let me tell you a few other things. There are quite a few things that you share your life with. And you take it for granted, but you can't see them but you can see the effect. You cannot see air, but you breathe it. When you breathe out you see vapor, of course, in the cold weather, but that is something else. You cannot see the wind, but you can see the effect of the wind with the trees and the leaves swaying in the breeze. When you smell the roses, you cannot see the perfume but the smell is wonderful, is it not? Invisible again. You cannot see your own thoughts. But your own thoughts are the most powerful thing that you possess? And you cannot see love. You are only witness to its action or in other words, the effect of love. Something that you and everyone else has witnessed, I am sure, many, many times. So, the reason you do not know that in fact you are the ABC of everything is because no one has taught you. How can you know something if you've never been taught? And as I said in the beginning, how can you love something if you do not know what it is? Well, when you know yourself. When you really know yourself, you cannot help but love yourself and therefore you know and can love every other Tom, Dick and Harry, Jane, Mary in the world because they are all the same. They are like you, although different. You all know you are unique. It's not another one like you in the whole of creation. That's just almost too wonderful for words to even describe that. Nothing is repeated.

Well, I hope now that you have learned something about yourself. You are the ABC as you go through the alphabet, this will be after you leave this body and with your soul on this morontial level. Morontial material which is invisible but as I said, it is much finer than physical but it is not spirit. But that grows and it grows and it matures and it matures until one day it becomes so fine that it becomes Spirit itself. And this wonderful fusion takes place. So that the essence that was given to you from Father, and you, the soul, becomes one entity. This is the potential of your soul. And this is the reason why you are here. You are, remember, exactly like a painting. The artist has painted you, God has painted you, or Father, if you prefer. And Father has given you part of himself as all artists give of themselves in their paintings. Now, I know you understand this. Whether you believe it or not, that's entirely up to you. For me, it's neither here nor there. But in the future, maybe sooner than you would like to think, something inside you will surge up into your mind and you will know that what I have told you is the truth. All spiritual knowledge is inner, not outer, and it comes from within yourself, and it will come from within your soul that is growing. True spiritual knowledge and experience is always inner, never outer. And this is why there's no need to allow your ego to say what is true or what is false. Because that only pertains to the outer world, the material world. Never to the inner world.

Well, I think I have spoken long enough to you. Now, hopefully you understand a little bit more about yourself. You are far, far greater than what you could ever imagine. Your uniqueness and the potential beauty and wonder of your soul which you can help it to grow every single day with the love that you display for others. Alright. One final word. All paintings represent, do they not? The painter, the artist. So, you represent the Father. You represent your creator. What are you representing? You are the work of the artist and the artist has been God or Father. Are you representing him? Because you already have him as I explained. This is your seventh body, so to speak, and your sixth body is your soul, so to speak. By being Kind, by being loving you are representing Father who created you. And that fragment of the essence of Father that resides within you, as it does within everyone. Alright, but I thank you for listening to my words. Take them to heart and they will bear fruit in the future, and you will know that I have spoken the truth and you will experience it for yourself. Thank you. Alright Lemuel. I stand back now, I hand it back to you.

Thank you, beloved, thank you so much. Well, really thank you so much for that. Well, I want to ask Mantutia Melchizedek, are you still around?

Mantutia Melchizedek
Yes, I'm still here, and I've heard every word from your Adjuster and I want to say it was just wonderful, thank you for that, Lemuel’s Adjuster. Thank you so much. Thank you. I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Well, Lemuel, the situation is the same. There's no one here. And for the reasons that I explained at the beginning of the light line. And so, you still have some time left. So now you can ask your co-host, Elise, yes, ask her to open it up and to perhaps to give someone else a chance to say something or perhaps ask Elise if she wants to say something. So, I will say bye-bye for now, Lemuel.

And thank you so much, Mantutia Melchizedek. Thank you, we really and do appreciate it. Thank you so much. You're very welcome.

Mantutia Melchizedek
You're very welcome, Lemuel. Thank you. Bye-bye.

Thank you. Well, Elise, I will hand this over to you now as my co-host and ask you if you have any comments to make.

Yes, thank you, Lemuel. Well, thank you for this beautiful transmission. In the meantime, others have joined you. Valerie, Roger Kruper, Stephen Gitz, Dominick, Roger Raz, Jose Vargas, and Charlotte from Alabama. So, you have a full audience of 19 altogether.

Thank you for that. OK.

And well, I'm going to shut off the recording. I hope I'm shutting it off, but I have been writing down what you have been saying, what you have been hearing. So, if the recording isn't there, I will try to make something from what I have on my paper here. Well, thank you so much, Lemuel. And I will.



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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2024, 19:04:55 pm »
Thank you Lemuel and thank you very much to your Adjuster (who I think, I'm not sure, you gave him a name that I don't remember), for that extraordinary teaching about who we are in this three-dimensional dimension (3D); it was very necessary for that knowledge to be a topic in this forum. Everything I knew about the subject, I had read in Metaphysics texts, so I am very happy now, to relearn it, in the very didactic and unique style of Lemuel's Adjuster; very clear and very easy to understand. I hope that is the feeling of all the members, because how can we continue circulating in a "machine", where we assemble it without knowing what it is about.
Just one thing Lemuel, I would like you to clarify with your Adjuster about the following:
"And as I said at the beginning, how can you love something if you don't know what it is?" SAIBABA, puts it the opposite, when He was asked: "How can one love what one does not know?" to which He replied: "Ask yourself better, how one can know what one does not love." Both approaches seem to be correct for the seeker. Thank you Lemuel and welcome
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2024, 03:24:45 am »

Yes, overpay.

My Beloved agrees 100 percent with SAIBABA.

They mean exactly the same and thank you for your kind words.


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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2024, 03:28:23 am »
Spelling error.

Sorry occerpa.

Online occerpa

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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2024, 19:34:15 pm »
Thank you Lemuel for your attention to my question, which I consider a good, very Solomonic, intelligent answer. I would like to emphasize the importance of having brought this great teaching of the energetic bodies to the forum, because it provides a good launching pad for a better understanding of our spiritual reality, which is so distant. Regarding the etheric body, etheric double or vital body as it is also known, I want to emphasize that it represents the interface between the subtle and the dense, which makes it possible for us to make the connection of the biological organism, the physical body, with that purely energetic dimension of the higher subtle bodies. Perhaps, now that the subject is being discussed, it would be valid to ask the question if, for the practice of cremation or incineration, the permanence of the etheric body should be taken into account, which according to some beliefs ranges from a few days and according to others up to 40 days, depending on the cause of death and the spiritual state of the person. Thank you Lemuel.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2024, 03:29:33 am »
And merkaba, what is it ? Lemuel, could you ask your Adjuster about it ?

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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2024, 10:24:41 am »
And probably a separate story : When and how the various bodies appear and, finally, what happens to them when death occurs.

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2024, 11:12:08 am »
Andre, a merkaba is literally a small tornado of care placed over a group to keep them happily together and working spiritual causes.  It is a very old term that used to mean a great deal to people in the 1980 through to 2012 when the term became useless as its energy dissipated with the rebellion fomenting on high.
I an my group from 1980 to 1985 used one and quite successfully, but I gave up teaching a group then feeling guilty that I was pushing too much too soon.   The merkaba we were using for our group was strong and quite wonderful to use, and it stayed around me to go to New York, but the conditions there were so harmful to really good organization, it finally dissipated in 1991.  I lament it loss but conditions for me and for the rest of the world got so awful in spiritual sensing it finally gave up and dropped out of order.
The merkaba is an organizer by spirit to keep a group together.  It has not been seen by me since I got home from New York work, but it still reminds me from time to time to stay organized and keep pressing the work of the spirit on Urantia.  Here is MICHAEL OF NEBADON TO SPEAK TO IT:
"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and the Merkaba is a Jewish word that means "friendly and happy" and Ron used it well into the 1990's and had to give it up when he left New York, as he had to return to a house full of disputes but he left that alone and worked hard to assume the leadership under MICHAEL OF NEBADON for six years after he returned to Pennsylvania from New York.  We lament that it happened but he has learned enough more to overcome group dispiriting and now knows the importance of hos work until this year of 2024.  He now is laid low and cannot make much sense out of what has happened but you Andre need to take a careful look at what you are doing for Poland and other native concerns you have for your group of listeners and doers here.

"The trial we have today is nasty and incomplete.  Ron is made so ill he can barely locate enough sense to understand what is being posted here and leaves most of it alone in favor of sense.  Helder Poeta is a baby yet and must learn a great deal to have a serious conversation with someone like Ron, but he does make things work by being a frequent poster to this forum.   That said, however, he runs the terrible error of being sure that Ron is part of the Magisterial Mission yet, and he is, but Ron feels they need to be active to remind people of their existence and their proven ability to take on a spiritual Mission they must do now and fairly alone as I am driven into oblivion by so much acrimony on Urantia, I dare not enter.  That is because I would claim a few Heads of State, including American, if Biden does not learn to stop stirring the pot over Japan and South Korea at this time.

"Nevertheless, I am hoping that the Magisterial Sons will return, and so will the Merkaba if  Ron allows more to follow him into the oblivion of trust and care he still exhibits even though I have stopped speaking so much to him.  The merkaba will return but right now Urantia is under a huge parallelogram of disfavor by the spiritual side of existence, and I doubt it will recover nicely for a long time.  That means Ron's work and the rest of you who subscribe to it, are going to be lonely and disquieted by world events soon enough and the American dream is to stop these wars, but now Biden is raising the cost of these wars to the point he may have a war of his own to contend with soon enough.

"I am the MERKABA that Ron used for over 20 years.  I am mature and I still help him out when he has a genuine good word for most of what has happened for those who have learned to transmit but ignore Ron as though he is a witless being of gore and estrangement.  Those new transmitters do not know what they are doing, frankly, and be extremely careful of the one that calls its UNITY.  It is far from unity and it classes itself so superior it does not understand that Ron is the most superior one on Urantia and does not know it. 

"For that reason the Merkaba he used stays back until there is a better way to reinstate it, and it looks as though we are misguessing its use as he is dying rapidly of a systematic poisoning done by a useless cabal and they will pay a steep price for what they have done to a perfectly normal man under a perfectly normal resume of work and care for these spiritual missions.  Lo to all of you who  dismiss this effort and you are all worried of big changes coming:  WELL BE CONCERNED!

"Ron has dedicated 25 years to this cause and now hears I am quitting and he laments it greatly but he does understand why and what has happened. The house and its belongings will be passed successfully to a man who must learn much but he is willing and caring for all that is given to him now.  Ron laments having to leave in the middle of, not confusion, but indecision, and that is going to last awhile until I feel good about what I must do.  Never mind that statement now, but Urantia will be far different than it is now and probably without a population so enormous it can hardly contain that many people.  Let it be for now, but I am warning the insufferable uses of the MERKABA and it is being careful too, but Israel better watch its base as it is not suffering what it really wants, and be aware Ron has a lot more to say shortly.

"Today you have Ron's Lightline and he intends to hold it well.  I will speak  to you then along with the MELCHIZEDEK Corp over Urantia currently, and there is much to say this afternoon at 2PM on the Lightline to listen to carefully. 

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and the Merkaba is never forgotten, but it has been so misused by people who do not know enough to be comfortable with it, and we let it go mostly for now.  Ron carries one yet, and he is grateful, but it embraces only true friends and care giving to those who are left on this discussion forum who know how to use it well.  I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON and I wish you all a good day.   K"



Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2024, 11:53:31 am »


If you would care to enter Google search with

“What is a Merkaba”, you will find a lot of

information with various interpretations of meanings,

one of which that it is your “chariot of fire”, as you are lifted up

as was Ezekiel. 

There is a lot to read.



Sent from my iPhone.

Offline Dominick O

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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2024, 20:14:47 pm »
The light bodies are an extension of you, and are probably part of you at birth, and mature and evolve, too. Lightworkers and Energy Healers and Science are currently using the term, biofield, to describe all of it comprehensively. There are a few technologies now that can render your aura. Some humans have the capability of vision into those frequencies' colors.

In general, you want to have a clear and vibrant aura and not a muddy one, or any black in it. Those would be signs you could use some balancing or energy therapy.

Upon death, you probably take it all with you, but maybe some of it sticks around and that's where you get folks who haven't gone on from the planetary grid to their after-life.

Offline Andre_P

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Re: USA Wednesday LL - 12 June 2024
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2024, 10:31:31 am »
An explanation of why I asked about the Merkaba. :

A guy who I think is still alive in Arizona (He's about a year and a half older than Ron Besser.), named himself Drunvalo Melchizedek, has written books in which he depicts the Merkaba as an element of the constitution of the human body. Geometrically a Merkaba is a connected two quadrilaterals, the edges of which can be seen as all the diagonals of the sides of a cube. The Merkaba could be small or large and rotate quickly or slowly. The larger and faster it rotates, the more effective it is.

From Ron's answer No. 8 above dictated by Michael of Nebadon we learn that the Merkaba is now rarely found on Urantia, but will one day return here and may be the eighth body of man i think.

Very intriguing is the statement of Michael of Nebadon : "I am the MERKABA that Ron used for over 20 years."

The main theme of Drunvalo's books is Flower of Life. Arthura mentioned it in the Lightline of 05.21.24, but does not explain anything about it.

In the same Lightline, Arthura talks about an interesting invention by Terrence Howard in 2010 (US 20100271 394A1). The description of the invention is very long. It is hard to see why it is important.

Thank you Michalel of Nebadon for your comment about my activity in Polish. I will try to think about it as long as I understand what it is about exactly.
