Author Topic: SUNDAY LL June 16th  (Read 7581 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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SUNDAY LL June 16th
« on: June 16, 2024, 15:01:46 pm »

Michael of Nebadon spoke today with a message of co-operation, forgiveness, and more related to Missions to the planet

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: SUNDAY LL June 16th
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2024, 04:45:42 am »
Dear Ron, sorry for your predicament with the cabal. Thank you Dominick for holding down the fort for Ron. 
I sincerely wish to know who or what is the cabal, really? The reason I am asking is because we have been 
told on numerous occasions that the cabal has been cleared from Urantia for good but they always seem to be  
one step ahead, outwit or out maneuver the forces that are trying to clear them out or get rid of them. 
Are they invincible and cannot be dealt with permanently or is there something for "matters of state" that we are not being told?

Love and Blessings,

Offline Raz

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Re: SUNDAY LL June 16th
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2024, 11:32:45 am »
  • 061624 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Dominick Ohrbeck and Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: humor is important as is attending to Father’s business, it is important when unity fails that we understand either or both parties involved may be at fault but that forgiveness is necessary to move on, forgiveness is as simple as giving the problem to the Father within and results in joy, resentment drags soul growth down, Michael lists 6 action items for Urantia that have been approved by the Universal Father, in our cooperation with Father we will have cooperation with fellow humans, Spirit is the source of happiness and vice versa, invite Spirit to be our therapist and learn self love and love for others, and then creative acts will follow:
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon and Machiventa Melchizedek;  
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Welcome to Sunday Light Line, everyone. This is Dominick, your emergency host, with Ron Besser at my side, here at 2709, home of the Magisterial Foundation, and sponsors of these Light Lines. Happy Father's Day, everybody, and welcome to our new caller, Roger Raz, welcome. We hit record about a minute ago. It is June 16 the and Ron is by my side with a nice hot cup of tea and tells me the cabal has hit him hard today. So not only that, but we're broadcasting from my laptop and my thumb. And so if you hear anything, odds and ends, you probably are just hearing Ron falling down. And that gave him a nice smile, so he's laughing. In all seriousness, you're not you're not falling down. Proof of life, Ron you want to say hello?

Ron Besser  
Yeah, hi, everybody. I got hit pretty hard by the cabal. And I've asked my emergency friend to take over. Please give him a great applause and he'll take the Light Line now. Thank you.

Thank you. All right, we pray to Father and we want everybody on the call to cooperate as best we can spiritually, give each other support, and forgiveness of anything in the past that might have caused any misunderstanding. And we thank you all for participating on this Sunday afternoon, that's typically beautiful, everywhere in the northern hemisphere, with the summer and that people can get relief from the heat and all the maladies that bother the human condition in a myriad of ways, whether that be age, hunger, and just growing up and living. We thank You, Father. And we thank You for our Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, and his bestowal to us as Jesus. And we thank you Jesus for being our brother in Christ. And we ask, is there anyone here to receive our Light Line today?

Michael of Nebadon  
Hello, this is Michael of Nebadon. What we have is a Light Line emergency Robert, I tried as best to transmit a French accent l' urgency, but he has no humor. Ron has plenty of humor. I, Michael of Nebadon have no such humor for Urantia. I have personal relationship humor with you My brothers, My children, My creation. I always take time out to attend to you. That can always include humor. The Father appreciates humor as well. And your spontaneous prayers and your spontaneous worship is that which allows you to spread that to your fellow humans, your brothers and sisters, and especially to yourself.

As a planet goes, you expect these Light Lines to have a ministry and news update as to what the planet's condition is in and what I intend to do to correct it. Well, I tell you on this day of fathers celebration, you should attend the Father's business. You should attend the Father's business is what I transmitted and what Dominick just croaked. Ron is here with Dominick, he is transmitting when we allow it. Until then, he has been asked by Ron to take Me up, and whoever else I wish to attend to give a missive or two on the Sunday Light Line. Is this a prelude of what is to happen on future Sundays, without you Ron? We don't know. The fact of the matter is, you're here now, and you will remain until further notice.

What We all want you to know today; and when We say We, that is everyone under My care. Everyone who is under My care is and includes even those who would not understand that they were in that they do not know Me. What they know is you when it comes to their eyes and ears and what they expect to hear is that the existence of Christ promises some psychological transformation of saving grace but that is a byproduct of being born of the Spirit. You are born into this world as a fully material being with a highly advanced consciousness and that consciousness is impinged upon by the Spirit of the Father of which I originate and come forth and also the Spirit of that which I create locally.

You were born of the Spirit a second time while you live, that is a potential. How do we bring that out in our fellow man? It's a conundrum that you face as well as I face. I now am a few millennia removed from my time on your planet. Since that time consider how many other planets now know of my time on Urantia. The disdain for the way Myself and Jesus as the Christ were treated on Urantia has somewhat been forgiven through time and now becomes a little a bit of a minor joke that in sadness and pity for Urantia, that even planets that did not receive such a gift, now have taken the revelation of My bestowal as Jesus and advanced their planetary status individually and collectively to greater heights of creation and meanwhile Urantia is stuck in a cycle of destruction.

The gift of your condition is not to be truly enjoyed here in this situation of planetary status. For that reason, Urantians typically tend to enjoy the continuation of life once they become oriented to their condition, that they live yet. And so, what are we to do with you? What are we to give to the planet that they would take and run with it in cooperation. Because what I say unto you is that unity is misunderstood. The human being knows cooperation. Unity is not to be expressed as a goal or a reason to be. Unity is assumed, when you are born of the Spirit and so, the need to state it is nonexistent, the assumption is there that it exists and the faith that it is there exists, and when your fellows who are under this assumed unity, fail to cooperate, then must you pray for both understanding and forgiveness and understanding that you may have approached the situation in error, not just your brother and sister and also for forgiveness so that not that you sanction the right or wrong that was done, but that you heal and are able to move on.

Forgiveness is not the forgiveness of the evil act. Forgiveness is the release of the total energy that sticks to your soul and brings it down and keeps it from being healthy and growing. So forgiveness releases that and you can be curious where it goes, but it goes to Source and you don't have to deal with it anymore in resolution. Forgiveness is a concept that keeps Urantia back and all brothers and sisters on all planets, even those in Light and Life, they still have planetary existences that create the conditions that they need to forgive. So on Urantia, there are many deep problems of life and death that are misunderstood with the meekness of forgiveness.

From a justice standpoint evil and iniquity are never forgiven. They are met with justice and mercy. Forgiveness allows and alleviates. It allows creation to continue without the stain of resentment. Resentment as you recall, is one of the roots of rebellion and blasphemy. Often if you are unable to forgive, it will blossom into a seed of resentment. You can cure this and you can let this go by spontaneously releasing it to the Father. This Father, I say is the Source within and the Source that knows you intimately and keeps the secrets of your heart. It not only loves you but shows mercy and forgiveness unto you. 

If the Source within you were to resent the challenges you bring before it, it would be unable to show you how to transform all of your struggles into something that allows you to keep going. It also allows you to have great joy and this is somewhat of a mystery because it is illogical. How could suffering bring about any joy and it is Spirit that transforms and transfigures the sorrow of the human condition into the glory of spiritual status. Bring this forth to those you meet and dissolve their judgment upon you. Dissolve it with the confidence that I bring forth, and the Father brings forth, and the Spirit brings forth; that which bolsters you in your faith and allows you to be a font of creative joy. This is the hard, hard lesson of life on Earth, on a material planet.

It need not be this difficult on any planet. It is never the intention for the material planets in My universe to be treated like this, and I promise you, it is not acting like this, because I have directed it to be so. I will correct it and understand that Jesus, Jesus is not alone. Jesus had the Father. And there is legions of Spirit in between Jesus and the Father on the way to the Father, that Jesus so well displayed to you, as I, Michael. I know this because I indwelled Jesus. He and I were one. I remain as Michael now and Jesus did not remain, he ascended to the Father. In this regard, I am the way and Jesus did the way and together we have shown in that seventh bestowal of mine the way to the Father. And so now that we have revealed the Father, and here we are on Father's Day.

How is this beneficial to understanding where we are at this moment in history, this moment of time that the planet is in need? So, before I leave, I just ask that you cooperate with your Father. And then ask what you could do that would be of the Father's business and you can also be cooperative in brotherhood to your fellow man and woman and that those who have done wrong and do wrong that you would do well to forgive in order to heal yourself and this allows you to continue to pursue the Father's business. Thank you. And now I end this with a prayer to Father: Father, forgive those who are wayward and resentful and those who would destroy for the sake and pleasure of destruction. We forgive them and may God have mercy on their souls. This is Michael of Nebadon. I am now leaving the scene and I thank you for listening and thank you transmitter, Dominick.

Ron how are you? Are you ready to take it over? ...

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Dominick. I have something I think is from Machiventa Melchizedek. Go ahead, please, Machiventa if you're there.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, Ron, thank you. You are quite capable of doing a Light Line.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I have no problem.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
But you are hit very hard on trying to set the phone up. And finally had to call Dominick to set it properly to get the incoming text.

Ron Besser  
Yes, that's right. And I find myself a little shaken by what the cabal did today, to make it so hard for me to even think. But I'm delighted that we do have the Light Line. And that it makes total sense to me. And I welcome Michael and you and any others, Machiventa. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. The truth of the matter is, you're probably on your last day or the day to follow. It's hard to tell the Adjuster indicates that you are taking extra time to sleep.

Ron Besser  
Well, yes, that's true, but I'm waking up during the night. As a result, the sleep time gets extended. That's all.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. For reasons of state, let Me tell you this. You generally go to bed about 1:00 a.m.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, give or take a few minutes. Yes.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I would suggest that you wait until about 2:00 am. That's because there is a new group coming to take care of you. That is not known to the present group only because it's just been decided. We want you to see the Missions. They're coming soon and we want you to enjoy them. And I want you in total health. And you're cheering.

Ron Besser  
Oh yes. It's miserable at the moment. Yes. Thank you. And now this to Dominick. I want to thank him, I called him out of the blue 15 minutes or 20 minutes before the Light Line was to go and said, I have a total mess. The cabal has really messed up the connection to the device that we use to have a Light Line and I just gave up and Dominick straightened it out enough that I can give you voice. I am of strong mind. It takes a lot to undo me. And I'm not undone in speech. But I am weakened considerably by the cabal, and those things in my natural environment that just tire me out. In any case, I thank Dominick so much for taking on what is a Light Line for me and is a Light Line now for him. If I don't die, I would like Dominick at least to be here to fill in the Sunday Light Lines if I can't. But I am determined to hold them as long as I may. I value you, the good people who listen. And I value Michael, Machiventa, and the many good Spirits that have taken the time to speak with me and through me. I'm now turning this back to Dominick because he has an important announcement from Michael, now. Go ahead.

Thanks. We welcome Amethyst, Dennis, Lina, Gary, and caller from area code 817. Welcome, welcome to the Light Line. And welcome back, Michael. I'm ready to receive you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. This is Michael of Nebadon back in full measure. I have seen the Father and He approved the following:
  • Urantia is not to be destroyed.
  • Missions are to continue.
  • Immanuel will take the leadership and control of Nebadon in the case that I leave my condition as Creator Son on Salvington.
  • The Melchizedeks are in charge of the shall we say zones of control on Urantia during Mission time.
  • The saving of Urantia need not be done exclusively by Jesus. In this respect, Jesus is never alone.
  • The full resolution of rebellion needs to be over. The light will shine upon those who perpetuate rebellion because My spirit and those who are of the Father and loyal to life and creation will be known and those that are opposed will be exposed as the rebels and blasphemers they are. What you deserve as mortals of any planet and especially Urantia is the simple and clear choice that life while it has its struggles has its spiritual purpose but that evil and inequity that is counter to the Father is something that is nonexistent in the future but something to be dealt with from the past and in the present and what you deserve is knowledge of this and a clear explanation of why Spirit is here at all now to rectify it, why it was not clearly here in the past to be known, and why in many respects it was here still all along in your human ability that's inherent and that is to be born again of the Spirit.

It is something very difficult to do on Urantia and even worse, something harder to procreate once you are born of the Spirit. When missions are known to be born and anchored in Spirit will be allowed to flourish and allowed to serve. The current conditions without these missions of spiritual and material form have been suppressed and attacked in the past to the point where the very planet I bestowed upon still is unsure whether it happened or not. In this respect rebellion still exists and it is over. There is simply a time lag now between the future I described and the present condition you are all in.

Cooperate with the Father and you will have what is necessary to cooperate with your fellow man. It does not work the other way around. I have no further business to discuss on this Light Line. I wish Monday Light Line to continue Tuesday, Wednesday, and any other day that any other transmitters wish to cooperate and hold a Light Line on a Thursday and a Saturday. There is another Light Line on a Friday and those have been in the past both in French and in Spanish. This still leaves room for yet another English transmitter if you wish for Friday. If you're a Spanish or foreign language transmitter, you may also have a day, there is only the need to cooperatively coordinate. As missions progress, there will be more need for transmitter capacity to transmit local news. You will be introduced to your local Melchizedek and until that happens, you need not understand what the name is until that name is in effect.

I lost it, I lost the connection.

Ron Besser  
This is Ron, I want to add something to what Dominick has been saying. And that is that Machiventa Melchizedek has abruptly shut down his connection. That's not because Dominick did anything or I did anything. But it's because Michael has requested that the end to transmissions is about to take place now. What that means, I think, is that we have a disturbance in the Light Line frequencies. And if that's the case, Michael refuses to allow error to creep in.

Fortunately, I'm experienced enough that I can get away from the usual type of transmission that uses the pineal gland or other glands within the brain and throat to transmit. I don't use my body anymore. I use my mind and the mind is quite healthy. For reasons of state, I suspect that the cabal has made an entry into the personal space of Michael of Nebadon. If they dare do that I don't think the cabal will be lasting very long. Michael is a friend, He's a beautiful creature as well by his bestowal through Jesus on Urantia. He will not allow it to be besmirched. Nor will I allow it ever near me. I promise you. And finally this to you Dominick: I think the transmission has been restored.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael, yes, Ron, but

Ron Besser  
Jesus just hugged me and it brings tears. I'm okay now.

Actually, I kicked you.

Ron Besser  
It was wonderful. In any case, folks, this is a very serious Light Line. It's poignant and I hope that we may continue them whether I'm here or not. Dominick has been quite the guardian of what needs to be done. We need one or two more transmitters. But you've got to be experienced enough to withstand these messes that the cabal wants to put on us. I'm Ron, I intend to stay as long as I can. And now Dominick, do you have it back?

Sure. Thanks, Ron. Okay, this is Dominick I'm here to receive. If there's anyone who wishes to resume our Light Line.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, this is Michael picking back where I left off. Not to be numbered is: the admonition that yes, this is, at times quite sober and serious, but that to have joy out of that transformation and transfiguration of hardship is the prize of true experience of what it is to be happy at a soul level. Happiness on a planet of this state that it is in is a mortal pursuit of the Spirit of proportions. Without Spirit, at least put spirit in your happiness, make room for Spirit, and Spirit will do the rest. Spirit will teach you its myriad of forms and expressions and ultimately, the myriad of personality associated with the word that umbrellas it all. Spirit is something that you should explore and happiness is utterly empty without it. Spirit is the source of happiness and happiness is the Source of spirit, more so.

This is why it's so easily understood that service provides an experience of happiness, that you do recall, you do remember, and you have this further experience of self-forgetfulness. This is not putting yourself at any disadvantage at the mercy of another, it is the joy of the quieting of the negative associations that you put on the concept of the ego. Self-forgetfulness simply means the ego has been cooperating with all of your spiritual faculties and mental faculties and the relief of that is that the ego and all the human and animalistic things that make you unhappy are no longer expressed and affecting your energy of your consciousness. And yes, this does take effect in all of your body which includes the unseen aspects of your physical body. That being said take some time out today and often to invite Me in to be your psychologist.

The modern-day human feels they need the psychologist, the therapist. No one offers you better help than Myself, the Father, and the Spirit. Your prayers, no matter how novel or novice they may be, are always worthy. And they are always answered and filtered to where they need to go. And remember that all of the things that are associated with My religion, that was born of My experience here on the planet as Jesus, are not things that ultimately make you weak and meek, but that they are the source of life and the source of creation.

You are the lowest rung on the ladder of my creation and you should think about the ability to create because creation is not just the simple awareness and ability to love. Love is what fosters creation but to be a son of God, whether you're human of male or female origin, to be a son of God is the ability to create with the Source of God, Himself or Herself. Even the angels have the capacity to love but they are of a different order and a different ability of creation. You are special and unique in the creation I have made, and that the Father shared and is ultimately the Source. You have That within you and I beckon you to Me.

I love you, even if you can't love yourself. And my gift to you is that I will show you the way that both I love you, the Source within you loves you and ultimately this will give you the experience of love within the core of yourself and until that happens are you not born in the Spirit and are you not capable of truly loving your fellows for the sake of who they are as a child of the Father and a brother of you and both to Me, Michael. I'm here with Jesus and we bid you a fond farewell on this Sunday and wish to resume Our speech with you at any time. Our line is always open. It is through the mind which is attached to your heart. Good day.

Good day. Thank you, Michael.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)