Author Topic: Lightline 17 June 2024  (Read 5704 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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Lightline 17 June 2024
« on: June 17, 2024, 15:26:39 pm »
    • Michael of Nebadon opened
    • Arthura attended next
    • Deity of the Thought Adjuster after that
    • some updates about Transmitter corps capacity and Lemuel's time of rest and retirement

    Offline SonsofGod

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    Re: Lightline 17 June 2024
    « Reply #1 on: June 19, 2024, 00:27:15 am »
    • 061724 Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica
    • Subjects: All plans are ready, Magisterial Sons are coming; the glorious future await us after all the struggle; the cabal is unwilling to give up; the Melchizedeks are here to help us; strive to do Father’s business; Missions are ready and people will be shocked; prepare in the wait;
    • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Arthura, and Thought Adjuster of Elise;
    • Transcriber: sonsofGod
    • Link to tape:
    Hello, everyone. This is the Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, June 17th, 2024. I'm Elise Sophia Veronica, your host, and I welcome everyone to this Lightline. We had some problems getting in, or I had some problems getting in, and Dominick will do the dashboard for me. And that's all right, because it works anyway.
    Well, we are asking for a good connection today with the spiritual circuits, and for some words to make us aware of all the good and beautiful things around us in these times of trial and uncertainty. We'd like to thank our Father, our Creator Son Michael, Machiventa Melchizedek, and all celestials who give their time to make the world more aware of what needs to be done to become a healthy planet for all to live on. And we thank all celestial beings for their care and assistance in our search for truth and knowledge that leads us to a better understanding of God, our Paradise Father. We thank you, Father. Amen.
    So let's see if we have some speakers today.
    Michael of Nebadon
    Yes, hello, this is Michael of Nebadon. We greet you from the spirit side, which is actually so close to you that there is hardly a separation between the two. Except that we can see you and you cannot see us. But feel our presence and get everything from it we are going to give you in this intimate moment of togetherness. The Lightlines are a wonderful instrument we have never had before, making us very near to you, and more valuable for many people and for our work for missions, and perhaps in the many other ways of our contacts with humans on the planets.
    It is not all that easy and it has been not easy for this planet. And you know that we need to get rid of all rebel influence before the Lightlines can be fully used as such an instrument to ensure that whatever we try to initiate will be done without interference from the rebels. And that the circuits will remain open and free, so that we have clear and fair access to the world and to all, and all citizens can hear and notice changes when they will take place.
    We have a lot of other troubles to take care of. And you have maybe noticed on your discussion forum the need we are having now to get out of trouble with Ron and the Japanese, and to protect the patent, as the Japanese will soon discover that muons carry the preliminary voltage of electricity. And that means big trouble for us. Now Ron has to fight for his patent. And let's pray, he won't get too much bothered with the cabal into this. And that the patent may be handled with care, and its right of first registration as a valuable patent.
    So, you see it's one difficult thing after the other. You always have to keep an eye open. for major changes in your world that may be important. But be careful and try to find out from what source they come and where you get your information from. Because the rebels are always lurking and you need to know how to protect yourself against their attack. So trust yourself, and rely on your faith to become a true and worthy partner in the plan that has long been prepared for your planet, and which will one day show you why all these delays had to occur.
    Do your work in peace and happiness. And always give thanks to the Father who cares about every person, and continues to bless you and sends me in His name. Trust our Holy Father. I am Michael of Nebadon. And as you might know, we spoke on the Sunday Lightline about spirit, why spirit is here, and why it is necessary to explain that life has a spiritual purpose. We also pointed out to you that evil and iniquity have to disappear, and that has to be dealt with. It is. something inherited from all life that has taken place on your planet. It is part of your history, and it is a part of you. as well as the inheritance of the Father, whose child you are. and who lives in you. And who gives you that beautiful chance to grow out of evil. and to look at your future with confidence and hope.
    And yes, Urantia has our attention. You, the humans have our attention. You have our care and assistance. We have made our decisions and everything is in preparation to be implemented. There are no errors in our plans, but unexpected things may occur. But they are taken into account or have to be adjusted. For the incarnated Magisterial Sons will be doing their work on the planet from their own headquarters, which could be called a remote location where no journalist or curious person can penetrate. There exist places in this world that are completely safe and inaccessible to humans. And Spirit will work through there and through the Magisterial Foundation when the time comes, the foundation that is founded by Ron Besser. And you are all familiar with that.
    From here, we connect with each other anywhere in the world and move to different places if necessary. We have the ability to travel the planet as we do on all planets we visit. Some of these places in the world have been used by us since time immemorial. and are always guarded by special guards appointed for this purpose. They have their work, their own work there and are always present, even when those places are not in use by us.
    Our plans have been adapted to what the planet needs most. And once the decision has been made to carry out the mission, all possible obstacles have been considered and thoroughly discussed. We have studied every possible response, and we are prepared for all possible scenes. So, we want you to be cheerful at heart. and pray for a good reception for the Divine Sons who will appear on your earth, who will calm down the people and direct things very well. We will rely on your trust to become a true and worthy partner in what has long been prepared. And that will also one day show you why delays had to occur.
    But for now... work in peace and happiness, and give thanks to the Father, who continues to bless all of you. Trust our Father. This is a Mission of God's hand. Do not forget. And I, Michael, I am always in true partnership with the Father. What I want all of you to understand is the relationship between me and the Father that is also your relationship through me to the Father, and through your Adjuster in you. I am your Creator Father and I gave you your form, but we are all from the same Father. Father has created beings of many orders, high and low, and they all serve Him in His creation so that we can become part of it and add our own experience to it. When that experience is accepted as a valuable part of creation it will remain and grow from there into new experiences. along with all the experiences of the millions of beings that make up the universe, and make it an ever evolving and expanding place to learn. and to experience many lives on many different levels.
    As you all know, you began your life on this planet originating from animal life, and endowed with spirit potential and by the Father's gift who gave you personalities and a free will. And with these divine qualities, you are able to grow into a full spiritual being that is enhanced with the hereditary qualities of God. That gives you the opportunity for eternal life in the universe of the Father, who wants his children to be happy and filled with the love that he gives so freely, and that you shall learn to give (to) your brothers and sisters wherever you go in his universe.
    I am Michael of Nebadon. I have created worlds and places where you may dwell and learn little by little what life is all about, and what your future is, if you adhere to the words of the Father who has decreed to become like Him, and acknowledge Him as your Father and Creator. You have been given the many means and opportunities to fulfill the Father's desire as you seek to live your life, as Jesus did on your planet as the perfect human he was to all his brothers and sisters in the flesh when he lived his life so brilliantly among you. I am Michael and I ask you, have faith and never lose sight of me. For times may be difficult and there are obstacles to overcome. But in the end you will be rewarded, and after your struggles and all the experience accumulated over a long period of training, you will find the most glorious reward, which will so richly fulfill your heart and desires. And you will thank your Father for all that has been granted to you, the hardships and the sweet memories that you have experienced during your many lives and interesting journey through the universes of time and space. This is Michael and I take my leave. And here is Machiventa Melchizedek with some words to all.
    Thank you, Michael. We do appreciate your time and words, and we welcome you, Machiventa Melchizedek. Please, be our guest.
    Machiventa Melchizedek
    Thank you, Elise. This is Machiventa Melchizedek everyone. And I can tell this to all of you who are here in this group of listeners to a Lightline, and where we often get bothered by a group of insurrectionists who do not know how to behave well, and are not willing to give up their false intentions. We have been removing them constantly, but they manage to return through sometimes mysterious ways that are not always known to us. And this makes our transmissions difficult for us and for you, the transmitter. And for Ron who has been attacked violently. for several weeks now, and that should stop. For it is smashing him down and making him unable to do what he wants to do for us, and for all of you.
    This situation may not develop any longer. And Michael of Nebadon will see to it that the rebels once again will be removed and brought back to places where they are unable to mess with planets and the lives of humans on it, who are truthful to the universe and to the Father and his business. But we need to be careful, very careful, and must take into account the power the rebels have and how they can harm and interfere with our work, and with the lives of humans who are true to the Father and to Michael of Nebadon. And those who have taken on them certain tasks that the cabal does not like them to perform because they are not willing to accept the changes, and they want to do much of that work themselves.
    As you have noticed, so above, so below. As you can see on your planet, where things have developed in war and malfunctioning of your governments. These times are not easy for all of you, and we do appreciate your steadfastness to be so patient and full of hope. Never give up hope. For there is always something that will alter the situation and show you a brighter side in a more stable environment. In which things may advance and step into a time of educational and social growth for all.
    Never on your planet has the time been so unstable as we experience at the moment. But I can assure all of you that we, the Melchizedeks are here, as we have been always, to help you in these difficult and challenging times where people have to find God again. But somehow there is a longing and a beginning of understanding of God's will on this earth. And the time is ripe to offer those who yearn for more spiritual food to provide it to them, and so it shall be done. When the Magisterial Sons will unfold new visions and plans for the world of today, people will see changes in each other. And a willingness to be a part of a new way of living, and to create a different society. Where men will see what will be asked of him to function as an awakened and responsible member in many of your nations of goodwill.
    To you, the listeners here, it may seem if there is no end to misfortune on the planet and of the hurt that is being done to innocent people of the races. But we will strive with many other spiritual beings and with you, the people, who show their good intention for a better world and start working on it. As we direct you through education to make it possible for a world that has not known what real life on a planet is about, and the satisfaction it gives a human who lives a life according to the will of the Father, so that you may take part in the Father's business. Let's all strive for that. I am Machiventa and I thank you for listening. I step back.
    Thank you, Machiventa. Thank you so much.
    Well, let me get to Dominick for a moment. Have there been any changes, Dominick, on the dashboard? Do you hear me?
    Yah, I am.
    I didn't unmute my phone device, even though I'm sorry.
    OK. No, it's correct. I can go on? No questions, no changes?
    No, there's a few others, but I don't know their names because they're internet connections. But go ahead.

    Oh, that's all right. Thank you. I'll go ahead and see if there's more. Thank you.
    Okay, I will continue and see if we have more for this evening, for this day. It's only day, daytime in the United States.
    Yes, it's me, it's Arthura. Thank you, Elise. I would like to say something, and this is for all to hear. The Missions are ready and approved, and the Magisterial Sons chose to appear to announce what will be a shock, a shock of the century for the people on this Earth. And I'm sure you can understand that, because it is not an everyday occurrence when God comes to Earth and presents himself to the people on the planet. And Urantia is indeed not a planet where such a major event could be expected, as the planet has always been struggling with war, and many social issues that have withheld the planet the change to come to a good efficient development to work for the progress of the planet.
    But spirit has made the decision to come, despite the circumstances of war and of a massive absence of understanding and knowledge about God, your Creator, and His care for humanity. And the nuisance of an endless cabal and disobedient group of celestial beings who do not want to understand new situations in a New Universe Age, and all its consequences are being put aside to get the Missions on Urantia going.
    It will be difficult for many believers to adjust to this miraculous event. But on the other hand, many people have a hidden faith in God deep in their consciousness. And that will come out and make them curious about the truth, and the truth can save them. And the truth will give them the strength to come to a change of mind that will lead for many to a complete turnaround in their thinking and acting. We all have this strong belief and sincere hope that the Magisterial Sons will be accepted as special and high-honored guests. As has happened before on your planet, but people were too astounded and could not immediately understand where such beautiful creatures might come from. But the Magisterial Sons know how to handle that. And they are among you as humans, and you on the forum are prepared.
    But even so, your reaction will not be much different from that of others. Because they are heavenly appearances. It is what their being represents. And it cannot be less. They are true sons of God who come from Paradise and come down to be seen by all of you. Maintaining some of their divine radiance. It cannot be done in a more simple way. So prepare yourselves for a surprise to come to your sphere and stay calm and collected, and be an example for everyone. Do not panic and do not speak until you are ordered to do something and that may take some time, because there is much to be taken care of before the Magisterial Sons can begin their real work for God, and for you.
    I am Arthura. You're entering a new period and we are all happy to get started and work for Michael and the Magisterial Sons as they are ready to enter the world of Urantia. Now that the planet will be cleared of the rebels as the Father has decreed and sent words to Michael of Nebadon, his Creator son, who rules his local universe of Nebadon as the most competent ruler and Father of his local universe.
    I, Arthura, give you my words of trust and understanding. I am here to do my part. and to ensure that the Magisterial Sons get their work done without any disruption. And you, what can you do? Well, for now, you could prepare yourselves for the task that will be assigned to you when the time is right. And I can assure you that all members of this forum will receive work adapted to what you have to offer, as far as your experiences and talents.
    We are waiting for Michael's orders. and the most need that are urgent, and for the Magisterial Sons to appear. But in the meantime you could engage yourself in your studies and reacquaint yourself with the value in the text of the Urantia book, which will benefit you when you are being questioned by your fellow man of whom most are in complete ignorance about these spiritual phenomena, and do not have any idea about missions or spiritual work given to your environment, to your people, and to their existence on the planet.
    So let's hope and pray for good will among the people and for a warm welcome to the Magisterial Sons when they decide to make themselves known to the public, which could be soon. To lift the planet and its people, of whom so many are in disbelief and ignorance about our Father, about His Sons and about all celestial help coming to them. All decisions will always be by the high rulers of your universe, and what the first step will be, if decided to do anything, humans have no right on the sayings of the spiritual world. They don't know what the Father and His creation means to them, and how to recognize the Father as their true and only God to rely upon for their progress, and proceedings in the lives to come. When they have left their lives in the flesh on Urantia, the planet where they have begun to feel only a little bit of what life is all about.
    I am Arthura, and I ask you to be timid and never ask for things to come your way when it does not benefit the whole group. A whole nation or the world you are a part of. You are all together here on this earth as one family. And although you do not feel as family members yet, I advise you to set the first steps to conquer the divine ability that lives in you. And open up your heart to all your brothers and sisters to come to a realization of peace as Jesus explained to you so clearly. And is just as possible on every planet, including Urantia. I am Arthura at your service. I say good day to all of you.
    Thank you, Arthura.
    Thought Adjuster of Elise
    This is your Adjuster, Elise. And I speak to all, children. You and I, you and we, Adjusters,  we understand well how we work together to give you time in each new phase of your life to take advantage of the circumstances that help you to live closer to God. But do not forget that every child of God is already very close and present in God, and that it must stand the test of time and experience to understand what it takes to approach God in many and ever more satisfying ways. However, God the Father is pleased with everyone's prayer and with whatever you say to Him that is honest and sincere, and shows that you love him.
    Man is the lowest of the creatures bestowed with intellect, and therefore requires a long time to grow from the animal element from which he emerged to the spiritual inherent element deeply hidden within him. Man is now in this social, economic, and spiritual development on this planet. His development has just begun and he has a long educational journey through the universes before him, and gradually he will learn how to reach and serve and honor God with increasing awareness of the spiritual values that he has learned to apply and use in his life to serve God through his fellow human beings. As he is given every opportunity to do the will of the Father and to render his services to him continually.
    So, do not be too hasty in wanting to achieve what you are not ready for, and have therefore not yet achieved. Take the time to realize that you are a human being in service to the Father, and how happy it can make you if you fully realize that. This is the beginning of your career on a long path through the universe, and little by little you will notice how the spiritual influences become more real, and how to use them in your life, and make them your reality to find the way to your own level of being to thank God and learn to truly worship Him. So, never give up, but try to focus on what you can do now and what you can be for the Father. A content child who places his cares in the hands of the Father and who faces life with confidence.
    This is your Adjuster. And know that all of you are together with your Adjusters in this, and one day you will be one in achieving the absolute satisfaction in prayer and worship to the Father. This is the Adjuster, and we thank you for listening.
    Thank you, Adjuster. Thank you.
    Well, let me see the time. Oh, it’s … the hour is almost over, I see. So, well, Dominick, can you open the line and see if there is anything or anyone else who wants to speak or say something? Or maybe you have to…
    Does that mean you're inviting the line to be open?
    Yeah, let it be open, if there is anyone who would like to comment on this or ask something or wants to say anything, just open the line, so let's see what happens.
    So if the callers press, what, five star, I'll see that the hand is raised. And if you think of something, callers, attendees do that. And while we're waiting, Elise, I just have some updates, if I can, about the Lightlines this week.
    Yes, sure go ahead.

    Let's see. For Wednesday Lightline, there is no availability for Lemuel this week and in the foreseeable future. Simply because he's exhausted from all the procedures he's undergone. So he's... semi-retiring in order to rest. And so on that note, he's what you would consider a transmitter emeritus. So retiring in good standing. And I just want to thank Lemuel and understand he can come back anytime he wants to hold a Lightline, but right now he's just resting, because he's exhausted from the ups and downs of multiple surgeries in the span of about 12 months.
    So, just as a reminder, we have many transmitters actually. Right now we have essentially we're down to three. Myself, you, Elise, and Ron at that juncture. But we have plenty still alive that are also in the emeritus or emirates standing. Those would include Amethyst, New Star Sapphire, and... and others. Rene is still doing his Lightline in Spanish on Friday. Clancy is kind of in the same boat for Friday in French, the same boat as Lemuel. We've had other transmitters in the past. Prozonov occasionally transmits from Russia. We've had Evan from the Philippines. Albert sometimes does a Lightline for Madagascar. Other transmitters include Evelio, Ghost Dancer, Sue, and Wendy, and Wanabojo.
    And if I missed anybody, I apologize. I just put that together over the span of this Lightline. And of course, we had Larry Gossett, who is current is now deceased. So that's my update for that. If anybody would like to. to practice transmitting with some feedback. It's really just catching the communications and be willing to let go and just start writing. And you can post those to new transmissions on the forum and you can invite public and private feedback. But that's just a way to get your feet wet for eventual. service if you want to take up a Lightline on one of these days of the week. Certainly, you're able to... any thoughts to that, Elise?
    Yeah, well, that's... Thank you. Thank you for that information, Dominick. And all those names given of the other transmitters gives us more hope and opportunity to listen to more Lightlines, I hope. Well, thank you for that. And I want to thank our speakers, Michael of Nebadon, and Machiventa Melchizedek, and Arthura, and the Adjuster. And I want to thank all the listeners who are here today. Thank you for your attention. And Dominick, you can stop the recording if you're ready. Thank you.
    "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
    "For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"