Author Topic: Mantutia Melchizedek Wed LL 6.19.24 Universe Technique of Government & Rebellion  (Read 5106 times)

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Universe Technique of Government and the potential of rebellion, and the actual rebellion

Wed LL 06.19.24 Mantutia Melchizedek

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« Last Edit: June 22, 2024, 18:07:02 pm by Dominick O »

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Re: Mantutia Melchizedek Wed LL 06.19.24
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2024, 11:43:12 am »

Okay, thanks for joining, those who've joined so far. It's Wednesday, June 19th, 2024. And this is Wednesday Lightline. And I'm your host today…Dominick. So, I'm thinking about a few things and I forgot even to say my name. Alright, so today we have a light line of different proportions. And then let's start with the protocol. pray to Father and we thank all of our attendees who are with you Father. We seek to know you and we seek to fraternalize your love into... Loving association with our fellow men and women, brothers and sisters. and that we in this. very turmoiled world that we furthermore that we find each other and begin to work together so that we can manifest what's good and truthful and beautiful for our planet, our culture, our civilization, our societies, and our families, not only just ourselves. Thank you. Let me take a moment to check out and see if we have an MC or someone who's looking to administer the light line from Spirit Side. So just bear with me a moment and feel free to worship or pray during this time until someone comes on.

This is Machiventa, welcome everyone. Today I will not be on the light line, but I do present to you, Mantutia.

Thank you, Machiventa, and it's good to hear from you, and welcome Mantutia. I'm ready to receive you.

Thank you, Dominick. This is Mantutia. I am a Melchizedek. And I, for all intents and purposes, am the voice of the Urantia book. I am here with you with Dominick today and you all. And furthermore, especially to you, reading and listening down the road that I provide to you a revelation. Now this revelation entails the way the universe works and has a plan and a technique for all things related to the questions around you could say your science, your philosophy, and your religion. But above all, revelation entails religion and that is an aspect of revelation we will cover as we go down the line today. When I say go down the line, I mean to relay current events to past events. Of course, I will rely on the resource of a written revelation that has been published in the mid-20th century. But collaborated on for years prior to its publication.  What is summarized in my statement is that there is a technique, there is a technique of universe government. That technique allows for the possibility of rebellion though unfortunately. The universe that was created in the master universe you see in your telescopes, there are millions of stars and galaxies. And the borders of these contain separate universes ruled and created by different Creator sons. And we'll go today along down the line and explain some of these things that are in this book so that it helps you understand not only what's in it, but that you need not be intimidated by such a volume of written pages.

So, what's happening today is that you do have the re- repercussions of a rebellion that's still working out not only on your planet but in your universe and some of the controversy of the resolution of this has engulfed revealed aspects of cosmology that you don't necessarily understand to the point that you can integrate that in your down-to-earth beliefs. And certainly, what has been written and stagnated in static revelation in book form. So, we have light lines that are sponsored by the creator of our universe, Nebadon who has restored the technique of universe broadcasts to be received on the planet. In yesterday's light line, you learned a little bit about what we tried to term as the law of delegation as to why human beings would be tasked to provide this service of receiving universe broadcast transmissions and giving those transmissions and personalities behind them a voice. What you have in the struggle of current events is really not just the conflict of good and evil of archetypes battling over a story and legend of rebellion that is an archetype. But that you have real conflicts, real competing philosophies that are as old as your time itself when you think of time in just planetary terms. And one of the reasons that the technique of universe government has the possibility of rebellion is that when the evolutionary outcomes that ultimately and always resolve rebellion, the plans and policies and procedures resolving the rebellion do lead to and even healthier and robust working, you could say organism of universe governance. And so, our Creator Son, our Lord Michael. Michael son, a Paradise son, designed Nebadon to have as much freedom as possible, therefore has suffered the most consequences of that freedom going full sway into rebellion. These are relevant to your original stories, your origin stories of gods and angels and superhuman things. The Revelation also would explain the relationship between magic and science, religion and superstition. It is a timeline of history on a planetary scale that covers one million years ago. Literally quantifying and qualifying and registering when the first human was registered on the planet. It was a pair of male and female primates that evolved into human status. And their names were Andon and Fonta. We will touch more on that later.

Back to the techniques of universe government. There is a few papers and chapters and mentions of rebellion throughout. This is Mantutia Melchizedek, the overall, you could say, editor of this book. Paper 35, section 9 in this book is produced by archangels, for example, by the authority of Gabriel of Salvington. just to give you an idea. And Paper 35, section 9 discusses what I just talked about with the possibility and potential of universe rebellion when it comes to beings that were and are associated with the war in heaven and rebellion. These are the original rebels, but their order is not entirely rebellious. They are simply an order of being who provide and administer and execute as an executive universe governance. And these sons, Lanonandek sons, happened to be created and designed with less divinity so that they could administer and relate to creatures such as yourself. Ascending sons. And because of this, and because they also have really sovereignty within their domains, are they suspect to rebellion. Now on page 393 there's a mention of another super or another universe. This would also entail a separate Michael Son. And that Michael Son would not be named Michael of Nebadon, but Michael of Hensalon. And Hensalon is mentioned as the only other local universe that has suffered more rebellion in terms of these Lanonandek sons going, you could say, rogue. Now there is a plan and a technique and a policy and a procedure to rectify rebellion. And when that does not work, such beings that do go into rebellion essentially reject reality and go insane and are anti-life in order to sustain the rebellion. And we will quote with some things, but I just want to say this, that as one of the ultimate laws of the universe is that life is the law. You could say life is the primary law. More on that later. But essentially, rebellion rejects life in order to sustain its own sovereignty. This is the ultimate act of insane self-assertion gone wrong is that when self-assertion turns into cosmic insanity.

So, with that in mind, with that prelude over, we're going to give you a little bit of a technique to wade through the fifth epochal revelation called the Urantia book. There are probably many reasons why it's called that. The number one reason being, it's the universe name for your planet. You could say that a planet is an Earth planet or that those are synonymous, but that if they are named, they have unique names, and yours is Urantia. This would coincide with large natural monuments of nature, such as Mount Ararat, which does take some significance in your overall planetary history with the artifacts that exist around these legends of gods, angels, superhumans, and war in heaven. So, bear with the transmitter guide him through what has been programmed as today's lightline. So, there's a way of going through the book, a little bit of a pattern. It's not a conspiratorial, numerological, magical technique, but it happens to be a nifty technique. What the young people call a hack, and the older people would call a cliff note version of a way to get through the book without chronologically going through it and being bogged down by the amount of information that's in it. Now, people trained in advanced enterprises, or even children today that are memorizing vast taxonomies of beings and orders of fantasy creatures with rock-paper-scissors type gaming mechanisms. What's really going on is you're being trained by the creators of such a game who have been exposed to information similar to what's entailed in this epochal revelation. The only difference is we claim this revelation to be true in so much as it is sponsored by the factual beings who administer the government of the universe. And that this puts us squarely on the side of original universe governance. We are that which is and shall be, and that which was in newer origins. The original rebels are not original. They were, in some sense, their legacy still is, but they shall not be. The reason this is helpful to you is that your stories today conflate and mix the two between who is good and who is bad on the rebel or, you could say, empire side. But really, it's the rebels' origins of complaint is that their sovereignty is oppressed and therefore rebellion always needs an oppressor in a class that's oppressed. And that also will be covered in depth today.

So, the first way to go through the Urantia book will be outlined. Hitting in. You can first start at the forward. And you can skip the forward, and trust me, this is not a full-blown recommendation that we're saying you should skip this, you should skip that, or that this means one section of the book is better than another, or more important than the other. This is simply a technique for those new and listening to get a Cliff Notes version or a hack to get up to speed quickly without getting bogged down in what some might call the minutiae of understanding, if you look at the book chronologically. And frankly this technique is provided because human beings are so different in their approaches, which is nothing wrong, that's your personal approach, but it means that there's an infinite way of ingesting an epical, epochal revelation. And so, I'm giving you this technique to be helpful with current events.

Yes, I'm Mantutia. I've been told to make sure to open quote and close quote, so the transcription is easier to render.

So, we start with the acknowledgement, which is in the forward. Acknowledgement, ,”In formulating the succeeding presentations, having to do with the portrayal of the character of the Universal Father and the nature of the Paradise Associates, together with an attempted description of the perfect central universe and encircling seven super universes, we are to be guided by the mandate the super universe rulers which directs that we shall, in all our efforts to reveal truths and coordinate essential knowledge, give preference to the highest existing human concepts pertaining to the subjects to be presented. We may resort to pure revelation only when the concept of presentation has had no adequate previous expression by the human mind. Successive planetary revelations of Divine Truth invariably embrace the highest existing concepts of spiritual values as a part of the new and enhanced coordination of planetary knowledge. Accordingly, in making these presentations about God and His universe associates, we have selected as the basis of these papers more than 100... Excuse me. more than 1,000 human concepts representing the highest and most advanced planetary knowledge of spiritual values and universe meanings. Wherein these human concepts, assembled from the God-knowing mortals of the past and present, are inadequate to portray the truth as we are directed to reveal it, we will unhesitatingly supplement them for this purpose drawing upon our superior knowledge of the reality and divinity of the Paradise Deities and their transcendent residential universe. We are fully cognizant of the difficulties of our assignment. We recognize the impossibility of fully translating the language of concepts of divinity and eternity into the symbols of the language of the finite concepts of the mortal mind. But we know that there dwells within the human mind a fragment of God, and that there sojourns within the human soul the spirit of truth. And we further know that these spirit forces conspire to enable material man to grasp the reality of spiritual values and to comprehend the philosophy of universe meanings. But even more certainly, we know that these spirits of the Divine Presence are able to assist man in the spiritual appropriation of all truth contributory to the enhancement of the ever-progressing reality of personal religious experience, God-consciousness." That is in the foreword on page 17. So that gives you a quick editorial about what you would go through. And then a little bit of a technique is to start using a number technique that's not exact. Okay? But you start at 111, then go up to 222-333-444-555. And then we have a minor hiccup in between 555 and 666, in between, which is apropos because that is the interruption of the rebellion around 606 and 607. And then we continue from 666 to 777-888-999. And whether you wish to include or how you include 1111-1111, you can also include 1011. And lastly, if you were to extrapolate that into 2222, there is no such page. It does not continue that further. But if you went to 2022, or essentially the last page of the book, it summarizes this in what is the faith of Jesus in the last paragraph. So, we've gone with page 17.

What do we have when we look around 111? We'll on page 111 is a quote, of course, and this will explain the following. The first quote, “The First Source and Center functions outside of Havona in the phenomenal universes as follows, And we interrupt this quote to simply explain that Havona is, are the perfect universes which are also outside of what we know as time and space. And the Phenomenal universes, you are synonymous with super universes, or in other words, time and space. We continue with the quote. One, as Creator, so I'm interrupting one more time.

Thank you, Mantutia.

Mantutia Melchizedek
This is Mantutia Melchizedek. This is describing what is represented or what is representing the First source in your realms of time and space. The First Source is synonymous with God the Father, but in this quote we used first source and center. Continue. The following seven and are listed as what functions outside of First Source and center to represent the First Source. One. The First Source, you could say functions outside as “one, as creator through the Creator Sons, his grandsons, two, as Controller through the gravity center of Paradise, three, as Spirit through the Eternal Son, four, as mind through the Conjoint Creator, five, as a Father. He maintains parental contact with all creatures through his personality circuit. We interrupt this quote to put special emphasis on number five later. Six, as a person, he acts directly throughout creation by his exclusive fragments, immortal man by the Thought Adjusters. Seven, as total deity, he functions only in the Paradise Trinity.”

That gives us a little bit of foundation as we move on to 22 or 222. We have the beginning of paper 20, the Paradise Sons of God. This is also important in the origins of a rebellion story because the Paradise Sons of God are the actual entities of universe governance, of original universe governance that Lanonandek Sons who are sovereign and rule your planet, rebelled against. So, in 222 you have a quick listing of Paradise Sons of God, which we will list. Number one are the Creator Sons, the Michaels. Two, Magisterial Sons, the Avonals. Three, Trinity Teacher Sons, the Daynals. The remaining four orders of descending sonships are known as Local Universe Sons of God. This is Mantutia interrupting. The difference between the descending Sons of God, one, two, and three, are that they originate from what was just described earlier. They originate from Paradise, from the Trinity. So, when they were created, they were created by the totality of deity functioning as the Paradise Trinity. Whereas these four remaining Paradise Sons of God, even though they're local, are classified as Descenders. In other words, they're not on an Ascension scheme. They are part of the universe structure of governance, which includes the Ascension scheme. But in doing so, they work with you by descending, not ascending. They are created in degrees of perfection and divinity. With lesser and lesser degree to the point that the local ones have the possibility of rebellion. We continue. The remaining four orders of descending sonship are known as Local Universe Sons of God. By rank, they continue. Four, Melchizedek Sons. I, Mantutia, am of this order. Machiventa, who opened the light line, is of this order. Five, Vorondadek Sons. Six, Lanonandek Sons. Seven, Life Carriers.” that ends our association with 222 and we close the quote.

We're no longer quoting. We will simply go to 333. And around 333 is not an exact match you could say, but here is where you can skip to the Grand Universe, which is these universes including space and time, of which there are revealed to be seven, rotating around the gravity Isle of Paradise. Anything outside of the Super Universes of time and space are classified as outer space. You roughly see this in your telescopes when you look inward and see a vast number of stars and galaxies, and you look outward and you see vast empty space and forming of space. That would give you a rough idea. And so, on paper 30, starting on 330, and also going through to 338 would be what would be called a taxonomy or a classification of organization of all types of beings. And so, this would include. your near gods, those who you would classify as the gods descending onto man, and the angels and super humans around them, and all of your legend and lore and history. And here you have literally this taxonomy listed out in terms of a classification of living beings and what they're registered as, as an order of personalities. So just as an example, you have Paradise Deities and descending Sons of God and ascending Sons of God. But there is more classifications of being related to the Paradise Trinity, related to the First Source. And when it acts and administers anywhere in time and space, it functions as the Paradise Trinity and all living beings and all personalities, whether they be in material or spirit form, derive or are originated from the Paradise Trinity. As an aside, the Lanonandek Sons, as Local Universe Sons, are created locally. They know no origin other than their creator father is the Michael son of the universe and the divine of the Infinite Spirit who is always the associate of a Michael Son. So that gives you another quick way and a reference material to constantly go back and understand when things are being named and orders of beings are being revealed. Sometimes this could be intimidating, but you have a resource that's been provided.

We move on to 444. And again, there's no exact match here, but you do have a pattern of paper 40 on 443, which begins to go in detail about what the ascending Sons of God are, of which you are in this classification. You are an ascending Son of God. But you are also mortal, and so recall that you contain a fragment of the First Source. And that is how the Father becomes a personalized, not just a source, but can represent Himself in the universe through what is otherwise considered the lowest rung of the ladder in the universe hierarchy of beings. Why you might consider yourself worthy of being ministered to or answer the question If we're such lowly beings, why are we so important in the eyes of the universe? And this would be one good reason why you are. So, in 444, you have the explanation of what we have talked about in earlier light lines of the purpose of ascension, which is fusion, and outlining what you are fusing with and where you are going.

Moving on to 555. You would find yourself in the middle of what's called morontia life. Morontia. M-O-R-O-N-T-I-A. Morontia. In English, this is in no way an association with the term moron. Although you could laugh, we permit that. But morontia is a word which essentially could replace the word metaphysical, because morontia is the real word we use, vocabulary, for that which bridges the material to the spirit. It is a quasi-spiritual material combination, which in science would call this the phase transition between becoming purely material to phasing into purely spiritual. Ultimately, fusion is this process, but along the way, you increasingly become less material and more morontialized to the point that you become spirit. And 555 puts you squarely in this phase transition, but ultimately starts to answer your basic questions about what immediately happens in life after death and it is the Morontia life and the many mansions which have been built and frankly discussed about in the life of Jesus when he mentioned that his Father, our Father, has built many mansions for us. And just as an aside, the mansion worlds are not always fixed as a square, as a number. You have revealed in a static snapshot what the morontia worlds were organized as for strictly human ascension. But it is also revealed and talked about that on the universe capital of Nebadon, there are essentially 56 worlds devoted to this morontial phase transition on the way to cosmic citizenship. So updated revelation would simply acknowledge the next snapshot or the next adjustment that happens in the universe.

Now as an aside, and this will not be a direct quote. Your ascension, which graduates you outside of Nebadon and on the way to Father in Paradise, graduates you into what is called an Finaliter status, in that you have reached the ascension point of achieving not just fusion with the First Source, but that you have attained the Father where He resides on Paradise. But recall that such a source, a universal source, only functions in time and space as Paradise Trinity. So, when these sentient beings that you are eligible to be attain the Father and attain this ascension pilgrimage, they return to universe service as an end course of finality, as Finaliters. Interestingly enough, they begin to populate the Morontia worlds and be headquartered there. And ultimately this leads to planets that become settled in light and life and graduate the mortals on that realm directly to a spiritual phase status that requires the Morontia worlds less and less. But as this happens, the compensation is that it becomes filled to its full capacity and begins to evolve in its performance function to headquarter Finaliters instead. It would be interesting to note that such Finaliters, even in beginning status, remained 100% loyal in the rebellion. And that furthermore, the arch rebels in their manifesto, one of their main contentions is upon this ascension scheme, which will be clarified later. And certainly, this is a threat. But understand the rebels not only don't care about your ascension, they just relegate it to an inherent function. Thus does the rebel simply disregard the significance of ascension and simply claim that it is inherent anyway. And so you get this false sense of immortality from the rebel. But ultimately the rebel declared that the host, the product of such an ascension scheme was a danger to local sovereignty.

So now we will move on to that episode, we can't just go to 666 because this technique literally gets interrupted by rebellion. Similarly, in your timeline, which we mentioned starts at one million years ago, universe governance began to appear on your planet, the normal technique of universe government of divinely appearing Spirits and Sons. A period, you could say half a million years ago. And it continued at a normal technique up until the point of a timeline rebellion, which you could put at quarter of a million years ago. That would be 250,000. So the timeline of this interruption that would be page 606 or kind of the midway point between 555 and 666. Happens on your timeline in planetary history around a quarter of a million years ago and interrupts the normal technique of universe government. What happens when we get to page 606, which incidentally is the serial number of your planet, 606? This would be paper 53, and you would run into section seven, history of the rebellion. So, this technique of skimming through sections based on what I'm telling you would put you now a little bit of an interruption, which is appropriate for the lesson of rebellion on your planet and in the, frankly, the universe that it's in, of Nebadon. But that also neighboring universes with other Paradise Creator Sons, Michael sons, have also experienced rebellion. Specifically named is the universe Henselon on page 393. And when we discuss the concept of dominion in something that's developed in the post-developments, you could say current events of what's happened after this revelation was published is that when these universes that have suffered rebellion combined together to coordinate because of the loss of personnel, which I have explained either get adjudicated because they will not receive rectification and mercy, literally choose not to go on just as you have the right not to go on. Except their right to go on is either snuffed out by the law of life that is executed literally, by the ancients of days.

But what you have and we're going off the book here. We're going away from the book for the moment. But let us look at rebellion on your planet today. There is ultimate confusion, and confusion is a technique of the rebel. In this manner does your education get interrupted as generation to generation, the technique of confusion uses the conflating or mixing up of the naming and understanding of ultimately who the rebels are and who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. But the common theme of the rebel will constantly be exposed if you know, A, that there is a standard universe technique by the creators of the universe and there is a standard narrative of anyone who rebels against that technique, which is a paradigm that does not truly exist in the universe. And that paradigm of the rebel is oppressor and the oppressed, which is a sophistry technique to sustain their rebellion, which ultimately sustains their sovereignty, which they think they have a right to. And if you read paper 35, you would understand why they were created this way and furthermore how they administer to the point that they could convince themselves that rebellion was ultimately in their best interest or even your best interest.  But this is not the case.

However, rebellion does, when it is rectified, strengthen the local universe that experienced it. But the first way of redemption and the way out of a quagmire of confusion, sorrow and pain and suffering on the planet would be to understand these basic premises of the oldest stories that literally are in your genetic code to the extent that they were literally experienced by your ancestors. And so there is this legacy of genetic confusion literally passed down starting 250,000 years ago but also in the genetic code had mixed from half a million years ago. And then another half million before that in pure evolution. And that would get into what you could call the purely evolutionary religion time of man and woman on your planet. For there was no technique presented to you yet. There, during that first half million years, is the purely evolutionary aspect of your developed religion, which would entail essentially the human need of cause and effect, observation and correlation, explanation for discovery, and so on and so forth. Together with the appearance of what would be considered gods and superhumans and classified as angels when that vocabulary was given, as anything unknown and unseen to have cause and effect anyway or a interaction with consciousness. So here we are today where in current events there is much confusion on who are the good guys and the bad guys, the original sinners, and who has a right to this and that, and which way forward is the best way to reach the best outcomes. And so the way to go about doing this is thoroughly confused with the governance of confusion and rebellion by the arch rebels together with an admixed attempt by the universe itself to continue going with standard technique of universe governance in the face of this rebellion. So in ascension, for example, this is happening anyway. The rebel says, well, it's happening anyway. It's inherent. Well, what is the universe supposed to do? Stop ascending you because of your superiors rebelling? We're not going to do that.

So we're going to go back to this, but first let's just go with the three main points on the record, which is Paper 53, page 603 which we label as the Lucifer Manifesto but which the arch rebels labeled and titled as the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. There are three contentions. One, the reality of the Universal Father. Two, the universe government of the Creator Son, Michael. And three, the attack upon the universal plan of ascendant mortal training. So now you see what we've covered prior to this can make more sense to you when we read the contentions and how damning they are to the confusion on your planet already. We will,

1, “The reality of the Universal Father. Lucifer charged that the Universal Father did not really exist, that physical gravity and space energy were inherent in the universe, and that the Father was a myth invented by the Paradise Sons to enable them to maintain the rule of the universes in the Father's name. He denied that personality was a gift of the Universal Father. He even intimated that the Finaliters were in collusion with the Paradise Sons to foist fraud upon all creation since they never brought back a very clear-cut idea of Father's actual personality, as is discernible on Paradise. He traded on reverence as ignorance. The charge was sweeping, terrible, and blasphemous. It was this veiled attack upon the Finaliters that no doubt influenced the ascendant citizens then on Jerusalem to stand firm and remain steadfast in resistance to all the rebels' proposals.”

2, “The universe government of the creator son Michael. Lucifer contended that the local systems should be autonomous. He protested against the right of Michael, the Creator Son, to assume sovereignty of Nebadon in the name of a hypothetical Paradise Father and require all personalities to acknowledge allegiance to this unseen father. He asserted that the whole plan of worship was clever scheme to aggrandize the Paradise Sons. He was willing to acknowledge Michael as his creator father, but not as his god and rightful ruler. Most bitterly did he attack the right of the Ancients of Days, foreign potentates, to interfere in the affairs of the local systems and universes. These rulers he denounced as tyrants and usurpers. He exhorted his followers to believe that none of these rulers could do ought to interfere with the operation of complete home rule if men and angels only had the courage to assert themselves and boldly claim their rights. He contended that the executioners of the Ancients of Days could be debarred from functioning in the local systems if the native beings would only assert their independence. He maintained that immortality was inherent in the system personalities, that resurrection was natural and automatic, and that all beings would live eternally, except for the arbitrary and unjust acts of the executioners of the Ancients of Days.” close quote on section two of that manifesto. And finally, section

3, “The attack upon the universal plan of ascendant mortal training. Lucifer maintained that far too much time and energy were expended upon the scheme of so thoroughly training ascending mortals in the principles of universe administration, principles which he alleged were unethical and unsound. He protested against the age-long program of preparing the mortals of space for some unknown destiny and pointed to the presence of the Finaliter corps on Jerusalem as proof that these mortals had spent ages of preparation for some destiny of pure fiction. With derision, he pointed out that the Finaliters had encountered a destiny no more glorious than to be returned to humble spheres similar to those of their origin. He intimated that they had been debouched by over much discipline and prolonged training, and that they were in reality traitors to their mortal fellows, since they were now cooperating with the scheme of enslaving all creation to the fictions of a mythical eternal destiny of ascending mortals. He advocated that ascenders should enjoy the liberty of individual self-determination. This is not part of the quote but that is do as thy wilt do as thou wilt Continuing; he challenged and condemned the entire plan of mortal ascension as sponsored by the Paradise Sons of God and supported by the Infinite Spirit. And it was with such a declaration of liberty that Lucifer launched his orgy of darkness and death."
So there you have it, if you can reverse engineer. The ideologies of today. You can find fault in all of them, and you could probably correct what's good in them by pivoting what is revealed as the standard technique of universe governance which and whose law is life and correct and rectify anything that is antithetical to it, to life. But that the narrative of liberty has apparently two sides to it. One, the universe has represented and revealed when we went back to page 111 as first revealed or represented through the Creator Sons, the Michaels. And as we relate to you in this manifesto, even the rebels understand the Paradise Sons and the Infinite Spirit and what they blaspheme against is the Universal Father and essentially tell you the Paradise Deity is a fiction of enslavement. Understand your ascension takes yourself outside of that local jurisdiction, which the rebel wishes to have complete sovereignty and liberty in, and resents the ascending mortal returning and is a threat. And so therefore does the rebel not only be indifferent to your ascension by dismissing it as inherent, but thus has a vested interest in not only confusing you but denying you your ascension, especially those who would be powerful representatives in their mortal careers and returning Finaliter status. And so the rebel has had to turn to the instrument of murder and death and less from the righteousness of its error of rebellion that it is convinced is good. And left unchecked morphs into the iniquity of murder and becomes insane through its breakage of one of the most primal laws that the universe is based in life.

So just as a current events example, let's examine, you could say, the quagmire of status that the planet is currently in. If you think there is a creative stagnation, you're onto something. But let's just go into some other things to take hold of and run with. As a creative person is to know some of these stories behind the rebellion. Stories of your ancestors, stories of other angels and superhumans who have had to react within this political drama saga of epic proportions that frankly you are a part of, even now. But if you go to page 607, section seven, the history of the rebellion. This particular section is not only for the creatives out there and the storytellers, but the women who could use a good inspiration and a good story. So many times is one of the confusion contentions of normal universe structure accused by a rebellion doctrine of being oppressive and that word in modern times has been labeled patriarchy or something like that and we just want to give you this story of a brave woman loyal during the rebellion that happens to be on a different planet altogether but a sister planet nonetheless in the future of missions to planets rebel torn planets and therefore is galactic in its proportion. We quote, “The Lucifer rebellion was system wide. Thirty-seven succeeding Planetary Princes swung their world administrations, largely to the side of the arch rebel. Only on Panoptia did the Planetary Prince fail to carry his people with him. On this world, under the guidance of the Melchizedeks, the people rallied to the support of Michael. Ellanora, a young woman of that mortal realm, grasped the leadership of the human races and not a single soul on that strife-torn world enlisted under the Lucifer banner. And ever since have these loyal Panoptians served on the seventh Jerusalem transition world as the caretakers and builders of the Father's sphere and its surrounding seven detention worlds.” But certainly, anyone who's discontent with the ever-shifting cultural revolutions and disruptions of classical canons that respect the saga of primal stories of this struggle of rebellion in the universe. You now are equipped with a real articulation of your weariness or dissatisfaction with what would be considered falsehood and twisting of truth. And furthermore, you have the inspiration of epic proportions of a woman who took an entire planet and all the races within that planet and remained loyal in the face of evil of rebellion. That's a story worth producing. Ellanora of Panoptia. And so that for now ends our interruption of the rebellion.

And we move on to 777 through the book, the Urantia book. And this is Mantutia sponsoring this transmission as I sponsored all of the papers as chief editor of the book. I am a Melchizedek. And now you know who I am personally as Mantutia and where I come from and what I am as a Melchizedek. Moving on to 777. And here you will find the middle papers of the history of your planet and all of its institutions that evolved with this intermingling of evolution and revelation. But in particular, we go back to Andon and Fonta. And the fact that one of the things that classified Andon and Fonta as the first human beings was the use of their mind and the use of your mind ultimately is the bridge to Spirit and furthermore that the mind is the gateway to discovery and invention. And on that note, we will relate section six of this paper 69, section six, titled Fire in Relation to Civilization. “Primitive society with its four divisions, industrial, regulative, religious and military, rose through the instrumentality of fire, animals, slaves and property. Fire building by a single bound, forever separated man from animal. It is the basic human invention or discovery. Fire enabled man to stay on the ground at night as all animals are afraid of it. Fire encouraged eventide social intercourse. It not only protected against cold and wild beasts, but it also employed as security against ghosts. It was at first used more for light than heat. Many backward tribes refused to sleep unless a flame burns all night. Fire was a great civilizer, providing man with the first means of being altruistic without loss by enabling him to give live coals to a neighbor without depriving himself. The household fire, which was attended by the mother or eldest daughter, was the first educator, requiring watchfulness and dependability. The early home was not a building, but a family gathered about the fire, the family hearth. When a son founded a new home, he carried a firebrand from the family hearth. Though Andon, the Discoverer of Fire, avoided treating it as an object of worship. Many of his descendants regarded the flame as a fetish or as a spirit." And we close the quote there in mid-paragraph. And we thank Andon for your discovery. And that would be roughly one million years ago.

Moving on to 888 you would run into what's culminating in more modern and frankly skipping an epic that need not be skipped of the garden eras of Adam and Eve. But nonetheless, if you were to skip to 888, you would get into more of an archeological and anthropological discussion of the ramifications of those epics of the garden. And their biological repercussions on the migrations and conquering of the Andite expansion throughout the globe. And the Andites would be a race of humans or a race within a species of humans, right? Would be an amalgamation of the legacy of superhuman remnants and of course native biological remnants of all the races. So those would be an amalgamation of native races, which seem to have split off into a diverse mixture of six separate races only to be later influenced by the rebellion and the fallen ones who began procreating with the races those superhumans and then later the other you could say superhuman biology of the Violet races as we covered those you could say gods of that what's known as like the Anunnaki pantheon are really Adam and Eve arriving as Material Sons and Daughters is what they're classified as and why they're superhuman, but also why they are ascending sons of God and what their role is in standard universe techniques of government and their role and planetary development for the evolution of humans and planets.

If we move on to 999, you would find now a more intense discussion on what I talked about earlier in the light line, which is evolutionary religion and the evolution of prayer and religion in that book. Excuse me. In the book at 999 you would have that. And then furthermore, if you skipped to 1111, after 999, you would see the distinction of revelation even further. We discuss how you have three, you could say pillars of truth finding, we describe as philosophy, science, and religion. But it is only religion that has this technique of both what you come to on your own and what gets revealed to you in the technique of universe governance, which entails revelation. And one easy way to think about revelation is it's a great time saver. Without revelation, you would spend much more time evolving to your ideals. I'm being asked a question by the transmitter, and we do acknowledge that in modern times, in these yet special circumstances of planetary status, of essentially dealing with a very advanced planet and very backwards spiritual development, there has been an exception to this general rule of revelation pertaining to religion in the universe technique of governing, which now has included the pillar of science. Really never will it appeal to revelation of philosophy, as philosophy is a method of coming to a way of living life and behaving in the world using religion and science together. It attempts to be the umbrella amalgamation of the meaning of life and how to live it. So we're nearing the end.

But the benefits of going through this is that when you finally get to what we discuss as the evolution of prayer and religion and then also reveal why religion or why there is revelation, that you can begin to now be armed with a personal method of proof. You have a technique and an explanation of whereby to experience God consciousness in a self-proof way and understanding that you even experienced it. Of a personal method and then it culminates in the life and teachings of Jesus and ends, verily, in the end of explaining to you the faith of Jesus as the Son of God at the very last paragraph. And likewise you should be armed dealing with light lines or your religious journey, philosophical and scientific journey to God consciousness. That you should not be confused. Not only do you have to fight being confused by rebellion, but you have to prove this to yourself. And you have a great model and revelator in the life of Jesus as a Son of God and the Son of Man. We end with this quote. Quote, “The great challenge of modern man is to achieve better communication with the divine monitor that dwells within the human mind. Man's greatest adventure in the flesh consists in the well-balanced and sane effort to advance the borders of self-consciousness out through the dim realms of embryonic soul consciousness in a wholehearted effort to reach the borderland of Spirit Consciousness. Contact with the Divine Presence. Such an experience constitutes God-consciousness, an experience mightily confirmative of the pre-existent truth of the religious experience of knowing God. Such spirit consciousness is the equivalent of the knowledge of the actuality of sonship with God. Otherwise, the assurance of sonship is the experience of faith. And God-consciousness is equivalent to the integration of the Self with the universe and on its highest levels of spiritual reality. Only the spirit content of any value is imperishable. If man does not choose to survive, then does the surviving adjuster conserve those realities born of love and nurtured in service. And all these things are part of the Universal Father. The Father is living love, and this life of the Father is in His sons. And the spirit of the Father is in His sons' sons, mortal men. When all is said and done, the Father idea is still the highest human concept of God.” And we end this, and we thank you for listening.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2024, 10:04:14 am by Dominick O »

Online occerpa

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Re: Mantutia Melchizedek Wed LL 06.19.24
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2024, 19:30:49 pm »

Greetings Dominick and thank you for the great transmission to Mantutia Mechizedek that left me stunned. One cannot expect less when the one who is, speaks with the certainty of knowledge. I consider this dissertation on the functioning of the Universe to be necessary in order to have a better overall idea of this very difficult and voluminous material that makes up the Urantia Book and in particular on the Rebellion, which now with this magnificent synthesis of the Lucifer Manifesto or Declaration of Freedom as the rebels called it, I will be encouraged to reread this document, which in the same book we are informed is part of the curriculum of the Melchizedek schools of the mansion worlds. The numerical technique is very interesting as it makes it easier to have a guide for reading. This type of material needs to be printed and shared with people who begin to read the book and abandon it very soon due to the abundant material and its difficult reading. Thanks again Dominick and thanks Moses Ouko for the prompt transcription.
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Re: Mantutia Melchizedek Wed LL 06.19.24
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2024, 12:30:46 pm »
Yes, I agree with Occerpa, this transmission was very stimulating and provocative. It opened up new ways of looking at things and remind me of things that I forgot.  Thank you, Dominick and MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK for that long and enlightening transmission.

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