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Offline Ron Besser

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« on: June 30, 2024, 15:39:53 pm »
A New Lightline performance is posted below for your enjoyment.  It is both Machiventa Melchizedek and a friend of the human court JONATHAN.

Before I post this, let me tell you that is Idaho group has been working hard since the 1990's and before to bring excellent transcriptions of Teaching Mission.  I still regularly pick up their transmissions, and I bring this one to you because it is the last time MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK is going to host this group,

What does that mean?  I am not sure and they are not either.  But it is a vast change, and Machiventa is not spilling the beans as to why his decision to stop transmitting to this group is to happen.  Here is Machiventa Melchizedek to say a few words:

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK - "It is time this group learn something else.  They need to bring to an end just transmitting and saving the day with wise sayings.  You Ron are the heart and soul of cooperation, yet this group follows no one except themselves, and I MUST stop allowing in entirely.  They have Jonathan, andyou remember the human Jonathan, and he is still loyal to the group and you enjoy him tremendously.  For that reason you are bringing over this transcript for others to enjoy and thank you.  I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I enjoy you in particular because you are sage with petty larceny in mind when it secures you a foyer.  (Ron: Shucks, Machiventa). 

"I MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK  want you to stay around some more, but the peace of time is reaching down and taking another piece we do want to be.   I am forever going to remember you as the one who can start something and it gets very big and has no trimming power until you quit.  That is how it goes in time.  However, you are petty well done and I lament I must go quickly   in a surfers paradise, thank you for publishing this distant transcript.  K"


Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2024-06-20
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Jonathan
T/R: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I am grateful for this opportunity. I seek to be an instrument of this peace. I seek to once again present myself in service, service to spirit, service to the awareness of spirit, service to our Divine Parents that we may recognize this aspect of our being. Help us to embrace this aspect of ourselves, to act as if we truly believe and we truly embrace this truth.
Machiventa: And let the vision manifest. I respond to your ringing the bell to gather in spirit, your invocation of the wavelength and the energies involved to gather in these frequencies of spirit, to once again energize the circuitry that enables us to connect across the boundaries of mortal flesh by virtue of meeting in the spirit dimension not conditioned by the mortal condition. As per expectations, I am Machiventa Melchizedek, maintaining my commitment to show up and literally that if you build it, I will come, we will come. If you maintain it we will continue to come. This is after all, your dream, your vision, your path to the connection. As long as you continue to revisit it, reenergize it and bring it life force energy, as long as you support this creation, this expression of creation, then it is made real.
The energizing and reinvigorating of any circuitry such as the classroom I reference by choosing to donate energy guarantees the success. The life brought into the circuitry insures it is successful, insures it is maintained, insures it may be practiced and it may be reliable. The beauty of experiencing all of the truths around your circumstance is that you get to assimilate all the variations in the theme, to incorporate the meanings and values present in the circumstance. Having observed circumstance and situation for any length of time, one can observe the changes in causes and effects throughout the process. Even the material manifestations of causes and effects become evident. The spiritual effects are less discernible and more subtle to observe but nevertheless, they have a significant impact on the overall equation. 
You have been learning of the value of conditioning, of envisioning the state of being that may not yet exist but you have seen in your mind's eye that you would infuse with divine patten and as well mortal wisdom and experience. This aspect, this component of the circumstance is what is your privilege to bring. This opportunity provides you a chance to express your vision of the highest values you have capacity to express. All is certainly well with the current state of growth and spiritual attainment. This process will greatly aid you in your movements forward as it will ground you to an identity, a divine inclination, an identity as a part of a great whole, an identity as having been created by Divine Parents and an identity as an ascending mortal of the realm. 
Breathe in these identities that you bear, these experiences that position you to be conditioned in one way or another, by one influence or another. It is a necessary part of spiritual growth to recognize the evolution of stages and be able to contrast with previous experiences to bring some insight into the circumstance, only available, only optional because you have grown in spirit, grown in wisdom, grown in association with divine values and grown in association with your Indwelling Guide. These have transformed your perspective and broadened your horizons of potential and you keep returning back to this place. You keep demonstrating individually and personally your devotion to this cause, this process, this meeting place, this portal for sharing. This is how this process has been accomplished and is routinely performed. Certainly individual processes will vary, as varied as the individuals involved. 
There are no incorrect steps to take in this process of going within and finding God through the portal that’s been given you of your Inner Guide, your loving associate who has dedicated their survival with yours and who will most certainly rejoice as greater and greater connection is made with greater recognition and greater awareness. It is certainly underway, in play, in motion and being guided. The results may be a foregone conclusion. Well, there are a few more considerations perhaps, a few more angles of observation, and that is the goal of what we both invest our faith in, where investing our very life energy is creating this mechanism that we may rely on and trust as we so believe. It is always a joy to come together with you for such an exercise, such an exercise of faith, another demonstration in action, another example of acting as if you totally believe, acting as if you know for a certainty of the reality of the truth. Glory be to God for all such demonstrations of conviction and faith in the truth of divine presence.
I would take my leave of this sacred chamber knowing I am always welcome to join. There is always a seat maintained for me at the table and this is again a representation of the act of believing it to be so, affirming it to be real and thus conditioning the environment. "Be of good cheer" as your Master said. All is well and in terms of your inner beings, all is progressing wonderfully and certainly your eternal careers are quite bright as you have already shown your willingness to be instruments of peace. Let it be so, thank you. Farewell. 
Jonathan: I will accept the welcome extended from this group to join you once again. To execute my choice to bring my energy and connect to this circuit means that I can meet you here where you have chosen to come to this sacred place, this citadel of spirit. This hall that we have built together in this process has always been a place of peace, a place of safety, a place sanctioned by divine grace, a place supported by our Divine Parents in our efforts to do so. I am Jonathan and it is indeed my privilege to join you and consider the building of these temples, of these sacred places where spirit is welcome, where the language of spirit is spoken and where the sharing of spirit may occur with ease between willing participants.
On Urantia there have been many struggles with finding some semblance of common ground when it comes to spiritual awareness, the recognition of spiritual presence and the association of divine influence as being Godly. These and many other factors have caused a great fragmentation in the basic awareness and understanding of their spirit component. There are many attempts to guide individuals through the influences of church and steer people down paths that have worked for others to find this connection with spirit and many of these directions may require guides and assistants to take you down these illusive paths towards righteousness. What I think we can all feel glad about learning is that there are no sanctioned pathways and required approaches that must be used to find and associate with your spirit component, that such a treasured aspect of your being is within to be uncovered and exposed and embraced and willingly connected to, willingly engaged with so that this journey to return home is made that much richer and there is that much more wealth of experience, that much more depth of experience, all of which are only possible through this advent of this journey in time and space.
Be sure to take each moment in your journey as it comes, it is an original moment that has never been had before. It is ripe with potential and for those who are in the moment, who are breathing in the stillness of the moment, every moment may be a sacred opportunity, may be a chance to choose a new direction, to be influenced by a new purpose, to be subjected to the desire to be an instrument for higher frequencies and grander tones of expression because it is your desire to do so. My friends, please enjoy the ride. Relax and seize the moment. This is all such a transient experience that you can miss so much by not being present or by being preoccupied with the past or the potentials of the future. The moment in time may be easily overlooked and yet it is the moment of choice, perhaps a fulcrum moment and it is made so by choosing it. Such is the power of choice and creative thought.
I leave you now with the phrase that may be familiar and perhaps remembered. "This life is but a days work, do it well." Don’t worry over the grand picture. It is not your duty to save the world. Your duty is to build a divine soul and this you are going about and you are in process. All who are in a posture of seeking are in this ongoing process. Peace be unto you all. Breathe out the stress and breathe in the peace, the calm, the love. Now as we proceed to row our boats gently down the stream, we can remember that this life is but a dream, a dream manifest, a dream expressed and let it be expressed merrily and of good cheer. Thank you so much for receiving me. We indeed have not lost connection. We are in fact connected even now. It is a joy and gift of grace to witness this truth with you and I deeply appreciate your remembrance of me. I welcome the love portrayed, I embrace the energy and I wish deeply that you could feel my embrace as we both once shared. 
Thank you for thinking of me and setting a place at the table for me as well, allowing my participation. Still friends, still enjoying a relationship and this is accomplished, this is made so by our acts of faith, this conditioning has created this truth. These prayerful petitions have so formed the frequencies, have so created the circuitry that now it may be chosen, it may be accessed. I echo the sentiment in taking my leave. Glory be to God, because I think we both know the truth of that statement. I think we both have the faith and conviction to support that truth so therefore it may be redundant but the glory goes to God. Farewell. Good night.

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK speaks contemporaneously:
"I am in particulary unhappy that Mark Rogers has no hearing or bearing for the wider or deeper universe, as he is totally happy with what he gets to transmit.  However, Ron used to use Mark Rogers for a series on Monjoronson and Serara, now long gone, and there was total cooperation between them and the case for a better community of transmitters.

"What has happened between all of the transmitters is that the insurrection has divided the court into two opposing factions in which Ron moves between them. 

"For that reason we are stating that Ron wins hands down for recognizing good transmitters and transmissions, but has to be the one to bring together in a fashion that all can enjoy them.

"In particular there is now a UNITY team working things only in transcriptions, they think, for Jesus.  This Unity group is vicisou not but they have taken exception to Ron Besser, because he can do so much more that a transcription, and the yuare deterimed not to come under Ron's influence.  However, Ron's influence is about to change color and he will be presented an alternative to what he has done for Lightlines and a wow, good heavens electric patent that will change the world.  He is brilliant and knows it not.

"For reasons of State I stay in contact with Ron Besser and all t hat he does until he forced to close his eyes in mortal death.  He thinks that is about now.  Far from it as we have seen to his vitality mixture, (and it does not come in a glass with purple liquid, Ron.  Now stop it!!  I want it to be known there is no other who can be so silly and so serious at the same time.

"WE are sure that Ron will stay around a little while yet to take the kudos he deserves for keeping the Lightline idea alive and the entire matter of a transcription style service with LIGHTLINES  every week for the past weeks and weeks.  This is to reserve Ron for a little luster and it is this way:

"I am sure that the cabal hates Ron, as he never gives them a role to play, but he needs to understand that the cabal is ready to give him in peace if he accepts one tinsy weensy change: they are in charge of Urantia at the moment and he must give his license to them.  But he smiles and burns them.  Goot pour Vousafe and you must stop using foreign language Ron,  This and we are done too:

"I AM MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK, and you Ron are the idiot (profound insipidness), and this to all:  these postscripts are not meant for everyone, but this is typical of what we go through when Ron is done with transmissions of length.  We apologize for breaking the code of silence; however, this is MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  I can't help saying this for when Ron takes a bow there is such as clatter we can hardly keep still and it must be recognized that everything said about this compliant idiot is true in form or t'another.  I like this soul only because it never takes a bow without immense consequences in the cabal, and they are resentful tto the point of imprisonment.  

To state the obvious:

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK is retiring as a speaker to the classes on Urantia, now.  He has served since the 12th century on Urantia, and now must pay full attention to his Paradise work.

No one is available to take his place.  Foir that reason the Idaho group will have a problem, perhaps briefly, and they may retire too.  In any case an era has changed and MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK  is done husbanding Urantia groups for the time being.  This has been an era of Transcripts and care galore, and we are fully aware that Ron may transition soon to the Mansion Worlds, but Ron learned under MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK as how to transmit and take it on the chin when others tried to muscle in on his franchise.  We are letting it be known that Ron has no special favors given or taken, and he is one of the few that just enjoys us for what we are and what we want to give and his muscle is felt daily in spite of the closed watch his discussion forum has become.  That discussion form can be read and inform but those Members are held to the current group because they get along and disagree much, but they are civil and Ron demands that any time. 

For reasons of State, I MACHIVENTA  MELCHIZEDEK will leave all of this alone briefly and that is because the entire affair of Urantia is so serious now, we dare not joke about it.  Learn this:

"The number of subhumans on Urantia has reach 13% (thirteen percent) of the human population, and you Ron may go visit if you can stand it, but there is nothing left to save on Urantia, except to provide a lasting relief from them shortly.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON must clear that population at once, and you will see in the coming months a horror of population changes.  WE do not predict anything and keep in mind I am MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK, and there is a huge post coming from Me to Ron shortly on why URANTIA is in a double jeopardy postion now.  We leave quickly."


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