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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: July 01, 2024, 17:17:34 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International for Monday July 1, 2024

With our gratitude to all Celestial Speakers:

The Universal Father; Monjoronson; 
                                    Machiventa Melchizedek and Adam & Eve

This is the link to the recording: 

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2024, 12:50:52 pm »
1. 070124 Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
2. Subjects: Our service and fulfillment in Father’s diverse, organized universe; youth entering the great game of power and money; the cause of division among people; the need for and purpose of divine education; Abraham’s role in spreading Machiventa’s teaching around the world; Magisterial Sons will reemphasized spiritual values; the Magisterial Mission’s way to peace, prosperity and spiritual uplift of the planet that leads to life and light.  
3. Speakers: Universal Father; Adam and Eve; Machiventa Melchizedek; and Monjoronson
4. Transcriber: sonsofGod
5. Link to tape: 


Hello everybody. This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, July 1, 2024. Excuse me. I am Elise Sophia Veronica, your host, and I welcome everyone. We have not had a Lightline yesterday on Sunday, due to the lack of noteworthy news as we could read on the forum, and probably the fact that Urantia is still dealing with a group of problematic seraphim who think that they have their say over the planet. Plus the continued warlike situation on the world that is threatening and gluing, but we hope for someone to come and speak to us, and we pray to the Father to send us His words today. And before I start my prayer, we welcome Roger Cooper, Roger Raz, and a couple of more Internet callers. Welcome everyone.

Dear Father God, dear Michael, our Creator Father. We are ever grateful for your love and attention for us and for the planet. We thank you for our life, and for the opportunity to be assembled here in this hour of communication with spirits. May we receive your words clearly and understand them well. And may we learn more and more to live according to your will, Father, in everything we do for our brothers and sisters, and for the world and the environment we live in. We honor you and we thank you, Father. Amen. Well, let's hope that our people from the celestial side will come to us today.

Universal Father

Well, surely. This is Father. Your Universal Father, my children. How dear you all are to me, and how hopefully and patiently you have been waiting for news to come to your planet. Waiting for the promised Missions for you to actually begin, and for what you have all been praying for. Finally, must become a reality, but your patience will not be in vain, nor are your prayers. For within a short time, things on the planet will be taking place and led by my most honored Magisterial Sons, coming from Paradise where they reside, and where they are, when they are not on a planetary mission, or carry out one of their many other assignments.

I am Father. As you know and have learned over the years, my created universe is diverse. And requires many different methods for a well-functioning hierarchy throughout the whole of the Master Universe, where you too will one day travel and find your own destiny, and will receive your new assignments. After a long period of training and traveling from planet to planet, from universe to universe, during which you grow and learn to think as a full-fledged spiritual being in order to be an educated and useful and perfected child to my universes. You cannot imagine how big, how vast, how splendidly organized the universes are. If you have only seen your planet, Urantia, a planet which has had the most serious problems and the most adversity in its development, and which has next to joy or fulfillment given many on the planet sorrow and discomfort. That was not meant to be, and that has given you a false impression of how my creation came into being, and how it is organized and run to keep it a learning place, and a home for creatures such as you are. The people who inhabit the planet and are only at the beginning of a timeless and never ending course of life, which I, your Father, assure you, she'll never be dull or cease to amaze and educate you. But continue to satisfy your curiosity and tend to your spiritual growth.

You, all of you on the planet, have gone through many trials. Trials that are unheard of on a planet where things run more smoothly and are following a way of natural growth and mastering the next spirit status. But you have dealt with problems that have strengthened your soul, and through that you have been trained for more specific tasks in the universe. Your Father never leaves the good deeds of his children unrewarded, and you will all reap what you have sown during your life here, and on your further sojourn through the spheres. Remember what Jesus taught you. He said, be of good cheer. Many times, he repeated the same words, be of good cheer. And that is the best advice that could be given to all who have hope and a desire for new things to develop, and change for the better. It may take a long time, but after a time of waiting and learning there is always a time of a certain fulfillment of the learning and challenge of being a part of what needs to be achieved. And everyone will experience that sooner or later, I assure you my children. Stay close to me, always. Stay the course, and never lose hope. Trust in me, your Universal Father, who now will retreat and wishes you a very good day. And I will turn this back over to you, Elise, to listen to your Material Son and Daughter, Adam and Eve, whom you know very well. Good day.


Thank you, Father. Thank you. And welcome, Adam and Eve. I am ready to receive you.

Adam and Eve

Yes, greetings everyone. This is Adam and Eve. We're glad to be here. And today it is Monday, July 1st on your calendar in the summer of the Northern Hemisphere, where nature is ripening its fruits. And where a large part of the younger population has completed another academic year. And is preparing for a time of rest and enjoyment with their families and friends, to pick up their duties after a couple of months.

Where are we today on this day in July? Yes, an academic year is over. And many young adults are on the threshold of entering a new life, entering the real world as they say. But of which they have no idea yet, except what they have learned through the example of their parents or other educators. And of course, through the vast media they are raised with, which has already influenced their careers. And so, they have become familiar on a small scale with life's struggles to find the right position in a world, in which they will be even more confronted with what they have just left. The great competition between the very lucky and the few, who will serve in the background as they have come to know society. What a pity it is that even the young, the most motivated and enthusiastic members of your society will be greatly disappointed, once they learn that they will have to fight for a recognized position in the great game of power and money. That is the dominant theme of life on this planet at this time.

We, Adam and Eve, have seen enough to know what it takes to overcome the horrors of such a struggle of being favored and rewarded with high positions in society and excessive salaries. Widening the gap between people making life more complicated, and meanwhile giving way to an increase in a deep division among the population, which could lead to envy and hatred due to social status and the fear of being left behind.

Fear in any form, always evokes bad feelings that cause people to lose their best qualities, and bring out their natural drive to survive. This tension of competition and reward is a poor foundation for a prosperous and fair society, and could only be replaced by education that must be aimed at the well-being and progress of the entire population. Where everyone should have an equal opportunity and an equal reward for services that are provided to the whole of society. And when society agrees to a plan of merit and distribution as an example, and guide to the posterity of every citizen. This will revolutionize the way that we approach, and it will require a deeper knowledge of the purpose of life on your planet and of man's place in the Father's Universe, who has a fair and clear hierarchy throughout the universes, where there is no performance struggle. But where the will and desire are present to learn God's goodness and his truth, which is present everywhere. And to serve him, and to pass it on to those who follow and walk the same path. This all requires a deeper knowledge of cosmology and of the governing laws and rules of the universe, which is yet unknown to modern man. And which must be achieved in small steps in order to ensure lasting results and increasing growth and interest among the population.

We are Adam and Eve. And in our teaching institutes efficiency, justice, and equality come first. And we will admit and train those who understand this and desires to work for the common good and upliftment of their nation, or area, and its people. To create a world in which everyone gets his share and a good chance, and in which everyone is responsible for the happiness and living conditions of each other. And where everyone feels the duty toward each other to provide protection against difficulties and setbacks. And to solve them together in order to improve social and economic equality and to prevent psychological problems. And so, to achieve a greater awareness of creation and the presence of our Creator in all of this, who watches over all and everything in his universe.

This is a process that needs to be guided in the education of groups that are ready for instruction. And which we, Adam and Eve, will teach as we taught men 35,000 years ago in their priorities of that time. And from which each student leaving our garden at that time had to be aware before returning to its own people to hope to achieve success in their own country they inhabited. Which was higher knowledge for a better way of life and application of values and laws, and a joint participation in the growth and progress of human life of this world. We, Adam and Eve, are just as you, waiting for the time we can return to your planet and be of assistance to what has to be done and has to be changed on your planet. For now, we are ever willing to speak to this group. We're Adam and Eve and we thank you for listening, and we step back. Good day to all.


Thank you, Adam and Eve. We also hope to see you soon. Thank you very much. Well, I'm waiting if there is anyone else who would like to speak to us.

Machiventa Melchizedek

Good afternoon and good evening. This is Machiventa Melchizedek.


Welcome, Machiventa. Please, go ahead. And I want to thank Adam and Eve for speaking before you, Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek

Yes, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. And I speak to you again as the Melchizedek who is so familiar with the history of your planet. And who lived among you when the situation on your world was so forsaken of God that I voluntarily came to this earth to save the name of God among the warlike people at that time, and their rough behavior and desire for power and domination.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek and we knew that the people of that time on this world had sunk to a spiritual low point, and the world was about to become an apostate planet and would have indulged in polytheism. It worshiped all kinds of things that man encounters in his environment, and connects with fictional stories. There were hardly any people left who worshiped one God, and the teachings of Adam and Eve had almost disappeared. All over the world people lived in paganism, worshiping all kind of objects or beings.

I, Machiventa, came to your planet as a grown man, and stayed on your planet for almost 100 years. And in that time, a covenant was made between the man Abraham and God. Abraham was a captain of an army, and he had a large army at his disposal. He was a rough man. He was a renowned man who tried to conquer territories of other tribes and bring them under his control. But through the many conversations Abraham and I had, he finally came to believe in me, and he began to accept my teachings. And as a result, he regarded his worldly power as temporary. And slowly he began to strive for cooperation between the people without violence or motives for victory.

My incarnation on your world has revitalized Urantia on a spiritual level. My teachings have spread throughout the world through the followers of Abraham, who were well-educated, and who passed on my teachings to many different places on your world. And from this came many of your modern religions, including the falsehoods added to them. But it saved the consciousness of the one God in this world. And now the time has come to separate the truth from the illusion, and learn what my teachings actually meant, because much of its essence has been lost. And many human ideas have been added.

The doctrine of one God and the truth of the Trinity are found in most of your main religions. But the presence of man, the presence of God in man, in each individual, and the ascension to God on Paradise have often been distorted and have led to impure ideas of faith. And at this time, with the new Missions coming up, led by the Magisterial Sons, this most important element of spiritual value will be re-emphasized and made very clear to your population; drawing on the beliefs of the various religions of the Earth with the addition of the true concept of God, who is literally present in every human being to make survival possible with the cooperation of each individual who will know and acknowledge the presence of a fragment of God living in the human being, and the human searching for God within. That is what must happen today to bring about change in the hearts of men and women, and to establish a peaceful society with appreciation and respect for each other. And with due respect for the fact that God is present in every human being of good will, and should be treated accordingly.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I have continued my work for the awareness and knowledge of the presence of God in the hearts of all people, just as I did several millennia ago when God almost disappeared from the earth. And even now, again, where so many do not want to know God this is very important, and I want to emphasize this in my words for you today. Be always grateful. Thank God, your Father, and have a very good day. I will step back.


Thank you, Machiventa. Thank you for being with us today. Okay, this is Elise and I'm looking at the dashboard. And I see that Donna and Larry have joined us and some other numbers are visible from members who joined us via the internet. Well, you're all very welcome, and I will see if there is anyone else who would like to address this group.


Hello everybody. This is Monjoronson.


Welcome, Monjoronson.


Thank you, Elise. I am Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son, who will come to your planet to attend to the affairs of the Father and of Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Son of the local universe of Nebadon, both of whom have always taken their full interest in you and in your planet. I am here with many others of my order. And we would like to begin to carry out the full Missions in what we need to do on Urantia. Both as the normal procedures that are usually carried out on a planet from time to time. Plus, a lot of special work that will be done in working with Michael, to help to guide the planet and its people towards different and more spiritually oriented ways of wise leadership and care for a planet with so many concerns to take into account. So, our work is extensive. And as you know, we have been visiting your planet on and off, but have re-announced our official start as of June 22, 2024, is a date of record for the archives.

We, the Magisterial Sons, cannot work openly or make ourselves known to the people, until peace settlements and negotiations take place among the nations that are still stubborn and behaving contrary to divine order and justice. But we, the Magisterial Sons, have our routine work for the planet, and we have much to accomplish before we attempt anything else. People are not ready to get introduced to us. They would only deny us and not have any benefit from our presence, as long as their thoughts revolve around violence, greed, and domination and worse, killing their fellow human beings. That is regarded as one of the worst sins that man can commit, taking the life of another, over which he has no right to speak or judge.

Peace talks must primarily be about the protection of people, protection of every individual that has the right to live a safe life. And to be able to offer its services to its environment in a time of peace, supported by good cooperation in the whole of society, and serving his brothers and sisters and God, their universal Father. I am on Monjoronson, and I tell you, we do not come to perform miracles or abruptly change society. We do not interfere in people's affairs, nor in their beliefs or organizations. But we come to help. and to show you that power and greed will lead to the destruction of both, man and his home, this planet you call earth. We will help. We will help you to guide to good and better solutions, and to encourage groups where good thoughts are being created and developed that can be made useful for all of you. So that your children for generations to come have a chance to live their lives on a healthy planet, governed by well supported and well considered sustainable solutions to be prepared for a period of lasting peace.

And only then can a truly peaceful area will begin for all who have their existence in this world and who have learned to be there for each other and to care for the planet and its nature and its products. For a world where one acts in love and where each person participates in the increase of prosperity, in the knowledge and in spiritual ideas that will expand and multiply in a better race of people, a better human race where no one is less than the other. And where God and his creation is respected and honored.

In such an environment, we are able to show ourselves as workers and emissaries of God who stand by the people in their most honest efforts to continually improve what is made available to them. And which through development and increase in knowledge will be used for the good of all. You, the people, you are the inhabitants of this planet. And it is up to man to save and preserve it for a healthy and sustainable existence with the use of resources, coming from a wise and more economical research of all that earth has to offer. By exchanging waste, exploitation and egocentric behavior for sustainable and altruistic thinking as the normal way of relating to each other, which will simultaneously eliminate war and destruction from your world.

I am Monjoronson and together with other Magisterial Sons, we will operate on this planet. Many of us will reach out to where these new thoughts and ideals are being established, and where the need for a better organized world are noticed for the many generations who will populate your planet, and that will be working from a very early motivated age on to jointly find the best solutions for a well-functioning world in peace and growth towards the times when light and life touches Urantia. I am a Monjoronson, and I thank you all for listening. I wish you a very good day.


Thank you, Monjoronson. Thank you very much. Oh, I'm looking at the dashboard and I see no new names. And I'm looking at the clock, and it's almost the hour has gone. Well, there's just one minute left, and I think it's time to close this Lightline. I see no hands raised. So, I assume that I can.

We'll just begin to thank our speakers who were here this evening, Monjoronson, and Machiventa Melchizedek, and the Father, and Adam and Eve. We thank you all for being with us and for your words. And I would like to thank all of you, the listeners, who join me this day. And well, let me say till next week, I hope, till our next Lightline for the Netherlands International.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2024, 18:12:26 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"