Author Topic: STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY for you:  (Read 7178 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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« on: July 07, 2024, 09:46:25 am »

To All:
(July 07, 2024; T/R Ron Besser, with MICHAEL OF NEBADON)

The last moments of the life of yours truly is occurring I believe.  It has been a pleasure to serving you, and now I must advise all of you that the time for reconsideration is at least upon me.  Toady is July 7th, a Sunday on the calendar, anD for that reason I am supposed to hold a Lightline today.  Well, I do not particularly feel well enough to consider it and if I can I will, but do not be surprised if there is no Lightly by me today the usual day for such things to be done.

Finally to consider this: I have been active since 1995 at least and many years before 1995, but it was in 1995 that I decide to fully commit to the presence of God on Urantia, and I am still committed, but I am waivering in the capacity to fold it thoroughly or really well as parts of me are beginning to revert to an earlier time in life and now are silly enough to remind me of a much earlier lifetime.  In any case this:

I have made available this service of Lightlines and discussion forum for a good number of years now, and I find my interest is not being reduced or waning in aNy respect, but the mind is being changes as I live these days, and I am not at all sure why or what for.  That said, this:

I am passing the buck to those who are sharp and ready to take on Lightlines and the work of listing on line to the public what we have found, but MICHAEL OF NEBADON is making it slightly difficult to follow the new line of dissertation from the heaven side of life, and while I understand there are changes going on for all of us, I was looking forward to more news.  Michael said to me, “the write this:”

“I have known Ron now for 25 years.  He startrted slow but built a magnificent empire for all of you to use.  I am hoping the Board of Directors of the Magisterial Foundation, may contine to give me the time and space to say what I need to for the coming Missions to Urantia.  For that reason I say to most of you: Follow the course and stop complaining that things are so dull!  They are not.

“First of all Ron is not leaving anything soon, but later this year if that must be.  HE feels totally blanked at the moment and so do I, as the FATHER has not spoken well enough to see through the fog.   And FOG IT IS!!

“I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and you are a mere human, but there are times we share our time together without understanding one another.   So let me write this out clearly:

FIRST: There is nothing to tell you about new Mission anymore.  Why?

As Ron has carefully reiterated from time to time, YOU are the ones that matter in spite of your slowness to comprehend just what is going to be done.

SECOND: What is being done is none of your business at the moment, and Ron has been through this often enough, and says, “STAY THE COURSE FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!”  That is sage advice and it must be followed.  

I am not particularly happy how this being put down on Paper, but it is adequate for the moment.   Let me put it my way:


“There is no particular need for a Lightline and Ron has graciously let it be and THERE WILL BE NO LIGHTLINE TODAY at all!  That is my Order and that is my saying for today.


“I AM TAKING DOWN ANY AND ALL REMONSTRATONS aginst you Ron or anyone else who complains about the use of announcements as they are the only way for me to get a solid punch in against the seraphic cabal.

“The seraphim who joined the rebellion last fall, are all reminded there is nothing left if we cannot make a deal with the Planetary Government.

“   There is no excuse for what is happenig now and we are ready to exercise out moral high ground and remove the sissy efforts made by seraphim to halt Ron’s statement here at all.  Let us pray I do not explode and remove you all at once.





Look at this line up and be sure I have this to say: (see the next window:)
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2024, 10:33:43 am »

MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaking (continued from above panel)
"WE are making sure there is nothing more than this to say at the moment about celestial Mission to Urantia.

("I've asked that the font be made larger.  And now this:)

"WE, the executive brand of the divine government over you, now are seeking a better way to serve you.  This planet we call URANTIA (You Ran Sha) is due to a new Mission, but it keeps stumbling into war and recession more and more.  I warn of the following:

1 -  There is no meeting being held right now to end all the wars on Urantia.  That will change in the coming weeks;

2 - Michael here yet and speaks this:  WE have concluded this for now.  Thank you.

3 -  The entire matter of a celestial Mission today is off.  Read it and weep.  We cannot continue to plan while the planet is in an uproar over the Middle East and Chine forcing issues in the South China Sea, and with Formosa.  We are wary and will keep things under constant regard over these issues.

4 -  No one is milling around on the Urantia surface anymore to prepare for a Mission as I have rescinded all of it until peace is better established.  The Magisterial Sons are informed of all decisions and act accordingly.

"I AM FULLY AWARE of you difficulties too,  Ron, and so are many others, but we cannot continue with anything until there is a remorseful peace established at least among all of you.

"In closing, I send this message to the group here:

"Keep it peaceful and not offensive as has been maintained here for three (3) years and counting.  There is no need for an offense by anyone and Ron is not leaving but transferring a lot of what he has to Dominick for a better plan of control.   We let this for now and wish you a good day.  Michael of Nebadon."

Ron - I thank MICHAEL OF NEBADON  and STAFF for making it clear we continue and I will hold a LIGHTLINE  today, Sunday the 7th of July at 2PM at our regular time and place for now.  Thanks all for reading along and to MICHAEL OF NEBADON shadowing our meeting in Lightline later today at 2PM.  Look at the top of this discussion forum to see a link to it you can listen to an hour of the celestial staff which starts at 2PM New York Time by  phone and internet,  and that is east coast New York time of the USA.  Thank you!
Ron Besser

« Last Edit: July 07, 2024, 10:42:50 am by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline gitz

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« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2024, 11:07:12 am »
Thank you Ron for your caring efforts to manage the agreement to in fact hold the Sunday LightLine as scheduled for today Sunday the 7th day of the 7th month July ( two 7’s, well that’s convenient for the Top Brass to be on the top of Their game today at 2PM.

I’ll be their with bells on the least amount of clothing to hang the bells on—it’s scorching hot and humid down south.  I often wonder how the indigenous Indians survived without air-conditioning. Modern man  is so grateful for technology, and they ain’t seen nothin’ yet !!

See you at 2PM,

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2024, 11:17:44 am »
Steven, I just received word to stand down on today's Lightline.  I posted the cancellation just now and if someone else can take the Lightline today, help themselves to it.  I have a blistering headache too so more is happening than my cancellation.  Thanks for your post.  Ron
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline SonsofGod

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« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2024, 13:03:37 pm »
Thank you Ron for serving us whole heartedly for years with such perseverance and endurance. You have exemplified Jesus’ teaching that the greatest in the Kingdom is the servant of all. Your journey is extraordinary and you do and always will serve in excellence no matter where and what state you are in, being one with Father forever. Your legacy on Urantia will be talked about for millennia, I am sure. Such is the destiny and painful reality of those ahead of their fellow man.  

We are truly honored to have the opportunity to know you, listen to you, work with you, and follow you, in hope to grow in our abilities to walk in your footsteps so much better from now on, and to continue to see you and work with you even in the higher realms. Thank God that we can live by faith and not by sight, therefore there is hope. We, I am especially, look forward to the coming changes you are referring to. Thank you for your frequent updates, they are very much appreciated and do not go unnoticed. Peace be with you, and our love, sonsofGod  
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2024, 18:02:40 pm »
Greetings Steven, you make a philosophical statement (although I think not seriously but more so, in that joking tone, very characteristic of American humor), which leads us in a very logical way to conclusions about responsibilities for all this disastrous global warming : Savage Capitalism. 
We would also have to ask, how they would do without a cell phone and a long etcetera.  

Steven asked the following:

"I often wonder how the indigenous people survived without air conditioning. Modern man is very grateful for technology and they haven't seen anything yet!!"

PS: I take advantage of this thread to express my satisfaction to SonsofGod for her note of recognition and gratitude for Ron's great mission in our time on this planet, terms with which I totally agree. Thanks
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"