Author Topic: MISSION TO URANTIA & PLEAIDES CONCERNS - PART 1  (Read 5901 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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« on: July 12, 2024, 11:52:51 am »
Part I - The Pleiades Concerns
First Minor Concerns and Then the Pleiades have a say - this is an incomplete Part I. 
Part II is not prepared yet and may never be revealed - state tune  . . . .
Michael of Nebadon
The Deity Absolute
The Universal Father
T/R: Ron  Besser
July 12, 2024

For those who are wondering about the Lightlines for possibly Friday, today the 12th of July, it is impossible to know now just what schedule we have to report on.

Michael of Nebadon has been pondering the situation on Urantia.  You do understand we as a group have to take into account what Urantia is doing among the nation states and people in general on the planet for a good contact to be made and some idea of WHAT Michael of Nebadon wishes to do.  This email is most concerned about what the Creator Son wishes to say about the general conditions now prevailing on this planet, called Urantia by the heavenly hosts.


“This report is made in the usual format, but it also made so certain members of the morontial capitals may also read it for students of the old Urantia  Book may gather a statement about their home sphere:

“WE are quite sure Ron is failing just enough to enjoy this presentation, and we are sure, just enough, to detail the fact that this transmitter is not allowing sufficient kinds of information through to entice the former wards of the Universe Provost, to fully entertain the natural condition of certain city states to report in entirely.  Therefore, the following:

1 - There is nothing to say about SE Asia you already do not know.  There rest of t he world c an be summarized as follows:

2 - SE Asia - the status quo remains in place;

3 - The United States: the US Supreme ‘court will likely rule that there is no law in place to determine the fairness of the universe over what is to be done about Donald Trump’s ill advised proclomation this morning (12 July 2024), that he alone will determine the efficacy of who and how much the entire world owes the US for its bland view that it can rule the oceans.  This is so exceedingly dangerous we cannot predict what will happen if the US insists on it even with allies;

4 - There is little to report concerning the EU (European Union ), and for that matter the Czech Republic and Poland remain silent on the acquisition by certain States withing the EU, of the sale of F16's to certain member States which wish to share them with the Ukraine.

The United States does no wish to sell F16's to combatants in Europe or the Middle East because they are so lethal no one dare approach one and live if they have hostile intentions;

5 - The Ukraine has no intention of playing fair with these planes and the US has warned Russia and Poland it has no intentions of entering the Europena view of the Ukraine war.  Any hostilities must be in or from the EU in those intentions.  We view it as a “Thank Goodness!”  Such was stated by t he Secretary of State recently;

6 - The United States is a five hundred pound canary in the coal mine.  That means if it is harmed at all there are consequences and Russia and China give it wide berth,  However, the danger lies in triggering compacts signed between the US and the EU over defense obligations.  Russia is keenly aware the US and Poland have such a signed document abrogated mostly by Poland become part of the EU;

7  - The last vestige of EU obligations to the United States is in Great Britains, and since GB is now removed from the EU, it is not longer necessary to be concerned about that obligation to the United Kingdom today;

8 - And finally, this is NOT the last report of this nature.  Ronald Besser is quite necessary to maintain them; however, we are informed that he is facing a difficult tow or three days and must advise all that if he does not make more of t he international reports concerning the State conditions of the European Union (EU) then we have failed to keep our obligation not only to Ron, but to all of you.

For that reason we state the following to Ron Besser and the rest of you, we are not of the EU or other States, but we are the Pleiades.

THE PLEIADES as State Conformers on Urantia
“I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and Ron is as surprised as I am.

“For Reasons of State, please Ron: stand down momentarily until I get what this new voice is.  I thought this was my onw “State Department” reporting, but apparently not so.

“WE wish to inquire just how the Pleiades are involved here?

“As friends of the United States in particular, your Highness.

“Ron you are absolutely correct.  The Pleiades are extra-universe.  I am particularly interested in your take on it Ron . . . .

Ron Besser - Thank you ver much Michael of Nebadon, I will respond quickly:

The UNIVERSAL FATHER responds first:

“I am consequentially important in this development.

“I am the UNIVERSAL FATHER, and I take all cross-talk highly important.  Ron you are feeling rough and caring but you must see this through:

1 - AS FATHER, I insist on being informed why Ron, receives a message like this when I have never been informed of the intention of the PLEIADES to ever talk or speak as they have done here.

2 - Ronald L. Besser is an assigned transmitter, and not a part of the Missions to the planet Urantia, of the Satania Constellation near the Nebadon border with the 1st Outer Space Level geographically.  The 2nd Outer Space Level is not operative at all but contains several important Constellations, WE look at as conditional to life before the FIRST OUTER SPACE level is ever operational.
- - - - - -
[Ron here - what I think that means is the Father holds certain planetry developments in the 1st outer space level as preliminary to all other life to be created there and represent an organization for the first Creator Sons establishment to open the 1st Outer Space level to establishing life there.  I leave this to the speakers for further descriptions.]
 - - - - - - - -

FATHER speaks - “You are correct Ron and leave the rest to Me to figure the Pleiades interest in the Urantia sphere.

“You Ron are being exceedingly careful with this, as it is a brands new precedence to your view and you must make sure you are reporting this correctly.  I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE, and I know you know who I am, but most reading this are poor Urantia Book readers (except for a few), and it must be decided just how important the Pleiades are to Urantia information like this.

“I AM NOT RULING this in or out just yet.  But the Pleiades have taken an extraordinary step to cross address Ron like this, and this just proves that Ron is an exceptional carrier of trust and concerns to URANTIA and to MICHAEL OF NEBADON, to have allowed this statement in the usual manner escalate to this degree.  Ron close this down at once.  

Ron Besser- I will of course stop now as ordered.  Thank you.

[If there is more to this I will print it for the readers when I can.  Ron.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON, I am as interested as Ron is in this dust up over nothing really but it is a new precedence to Me too.  Thank you. MICHAEL OF NEBADON ]

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline weydevu

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« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2024, 10:44:59 am »
I really don't know what just happened here at the end, but I'm very interested in knowing what happened.  And will we receive a part II?

« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 10:47:35 am by weydevu »
And the World Knows Not

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2024, 11:19:12 am »
Weydevu, what happened is a severe attack on me and the inability to proceed with what has been written but forced into no reply because of actions against putting it up on the site.  Getting this message out has been difficult too.  Part II is written  and I include it here but it is mostly partial in that I was forced off it and could not correct language before sending this out.   The cabal is in a murderous mood Weydevu and be careful as they will sting anyone and are very good at confusing you and the situation.  I have sustained damage to my email and so forth and I am not straightened out at all yet. 
Here is the uncorrected Part II and take it for what its worth as I could not reedit.  K

Part II
a - The Lopsided Deal W/the Pleiades
b - Pleiades Concern for Urantia
c - Difficulties in Presenting This Post
d - Resolution by the Universal Father and the Deity Absolute
T/R: Ron Besser, York PA.  

“In keeping with the promise to provide Part II of an extraordinary discussion between the Pleaides which are advanced civilization  human being officiating as outsides of the Nebadon Universe of stellar performances, and variously called the PLEIADES, or sometimes called the ANTARES.  we present the following conversations allowed to me to report for stellar reasons as well.

The PLEIADES - “We speak now in our native tongue and translations are by your Thought Adjuster, Ron:

“The Paleidies have a “deal” with what you call the Deity Absolute, to prepare for an eventual understanding what the Urantia Book fully addresses, and Ron you are two hundred years ahead of the text of the Book already.

“This is the Pleiades, and we must address this solemnly and without rancor to you Ron, but you take this eventually well, but it has gotten mixed up with a group of beings who know nothing and make it worse than usual for concerns that is mostly subconscious dealings entirely.

[Ron here - I believe they are referring to the commericalization of their sayings by others who can barely transmit much less take down serious speech by them.]
“We the Pleiadians are satisfied you are an honarble being Ron (I am certified, yes), and we leave for now as you re not upset but are being hit with everything the cabal can do and I hope that is the end of them entirely too!  The PLEIADES.”

MONJORONSON Smith here. “ Be aware you broke the back of their transmitters and the cabal is furious they are denied access now.  We have some interests to state here Ron and are you up to it? [Yes, if I can get the cabal off my back!]

“I want you to understand Ron, you are being forced into a death spiral you do not want and they are remedied out of it themselves with the full effect of our punishment for dishing you into oblivion without ever stating the course we want to be heard loud and clear  

“WE are sure you good for years but they are trying to kill you now and we will not have it.  For reasons of State there are no more cabal persons, leaders, or anything left in a moment of insurrection on this planet.

“WE wish it to be known that Monjoronson is a compact of a titillating converse of Magisterial Sons, the Deity Absolute, and the Universal Father, attempting to save Urantia.  For that reason you have been employed as a necessary part of the work, but we did not plan on a kabal (Monjoronson’s spelling), and further upon your death as they are planning to remove you entirely Ron.  They cannot but they do not know that and we must have a word with  FATHER.  K”

Ron here, please: The transmission is severed and that is fine with me.  I am quite certain the cabal does not realize it made an enormous mistake to curtail Monjoronson  and Serara, and I am nearly blind as I type this and so we are double threatened while I Lightline I should have attended is going on too.  

MONJORONSON speaking -
“That Lightline was suddenly truncated as you were supposed to take it and totally forgot because your head was filled with the rats of the cabal, kabal, whatever.  Ron here: I will use the kabal spelling then, thank you,/

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania