Author Topic: MICHAEL on Determining Your Own Value. Sunday LL 07.15.24  (Read 4145 times)

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Michael of Nebadon speech. Arthura and Monjoronson after.

Link to original recording:

Offline Raz

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Re: MICHAEL on Determining Your Own Value. Sunday LL 07.15.24
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2024, 09:58:33 am »
  • 071424 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Dominick Ohrbeck
  • Subjects: in eternity it will have been a gift to have lived and survived on Urantia and each of us must decide to accept that gift, determining your own value, and in a general way the missions are discussed; Q & A
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Arthura, Monjoronson, and Machiventa;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Okay, I'm making sure I got my bearings. I'm a little, this is Dominick. I'm your host today it's July 14, 2024, Sunday Light Line, I'm transmitting or will transmit with a Light Line, here at Ron's house, it's the home of the foundation 2709 Sunset Lane, here in Pennsylvania, which is famous for current events, you could say, in the last 24 hours. That being said, I don't know if we're going to comment on that today and we'll wait for whoever comes through on the Light Line.

But we do give a quick prayer that the nation calms down and we could get on with the issues that affect us and learn to cooperate certainly rhetorically if not politically and that we improve our nation in a way that does include everybody and we realize what we have before it gets imperiled and we thank You Father, that regardless of the tempus and milestones in our personal lives, in our political lives that we appreciate why we're here with life and that we reach our spiritual potential to know You. Amen.

So we have 19 on the call, and I know from what we shared, we have more people than that actually listening, we have a few guests, welcome. And thank you for all your attendance, all of you. Is there anyone else on the Light Line from the spirit side that I can receive, today?

Michael of Nebadon  
There is, this is Michael of Nebadon. Welcome, all of you, and welcome anyone in the future listening in. Michael of Nebadon is a title that I wore and that I am as creator of this local space universe called Nebadon. I am a Michael Son, a Creator Son. I created you who listen to these tapes. My Father in heaven is your Father. He is our Universal Father. As I experienced in the light, as a mortal, on your planet, those listening on Urantia today, as Jesus. I have as a Creator Son the mortal experience of living the life of a human and not only revealing the Father, our Father, as your Creator Son but revealing the Father as the human Jesus. Regardless of what you think and what you know I am that creator who descended down to you.

It is you who expect Me and everyone in between to help you. You are certainly free to ask for help from wherever you can get it on the spiritual side of things. On that ledger is I and the Father, we work with spirit to reach your mind. When you put all of these things into action are you capable of becoming a trinitized mortal of a universe that Nebadon belongs to designed to express this combination of Trinity. First, Second, and Third Source personified as the Universal Father, Eternal Son, and Infinite Spirit. You might come to different realizations in the course of your life of experiencing one or any one of a combination of singular or dual or even triune combinations. At that point it is your personal experience it becomes quite difficult for you to convey this experience to anyone else, who has not yet experienced it.

In cosmology, you can describe this but it is no replacement for personal experience, life experience of growing older, attaining difficulties, and overcoming difficulties by merely surviving them builds your soul so that you can continue on and learn to become a cosmic citizen beyond just your material citizenship on this planet. We owe you some representation of what good guidance is. We have been unable to fully implement that for 1000s of years now. You know, how effective administration and government can be when it is more than simply just competing self-interests. When you are dealing with entire philosophies and factions that dispute the very nature of what it is to be government. That is part of your eternal experience you will take with you to frankly a vast universe which will have none of such an experience.

Beings will be aghast and infatuated with your origin planet, which is so rebellion-stricken. You have a rich experience of wrestling with very significant universe questions that allow rebellion in the first place. There is error and there is evil that could result from error and evil can be corrected. It is evil when transmuted into sin that begins to tip the ledger of survival evermore towards a quality of lacking survival integrity. But even sin can be corrected. It is only when sin transmutes even further into inequity that survival is only an expiration date away of immortal death.

I am a creator but I am not a death bringer. I can only appeal to the highest courts in the universe. Even though I am sovereign I have always chosen to defer to the higher courts. It is within my power, it is within my jurisdiction that the trajectory of my rule has been inclusive with Paradise. It is only with the supreme that my authority as Michael Son to coordinate with other Michael Sons and create a novel universe conglomeration of united local universes. What this has done is in and of itself has created a situation where the Universe Age has been redirected to a new one. Such a decision is not mine. It is declared from the Paradise Trinity and instigated by Father himself. Such developments are so much larger and so much more

I got the wrong word, well

Michael of Nebadon  
significant then the tumultuous events even on Urantia today. But they are interlinked. Many times on these Light Lines we receive like a press corps a question about our attitude about a current event or the present times and near futures of the planet. You have a very general idea and promise from Myself as Jesus to return for example and when I do return it is not to fulfill a mission that was already fulfilled, when I refer to a bestowal mission of a bestowal son therefore will I not be alone.

We are preparing to be everywhere at once yet as unintrusive as possible within your institutions and organizations that there is no experience of a coup or a revelation or an invasion. The lights will be turned on and God will be revealed. Then you will know and then shall you have free will to react, to join, to reject, and all sorts of in between. Life will go on but not as usual. How could it? I am not your guest, nor are any of my representatives, nor are any such representatives guests who are of Uversa, The Ancients of Days, or from the Paradise Trinity. Those are the proper jurisdictions that you could and should learn in relation to a general geography of cosmology.

For example, the rebellion seeks to disbar the Ancients of Days, but the Ancients of Days are from a location far away from the creation of Nebadon. But they are the intervening deity of God between you, Me, and the Father spiritually and physically. Your pilgrimage as an ascending mortal leads you to that location. But the way is through Me. I will show you the way and Father will be with you the entire way. You will be a father-indwelled and fused creature. That is your origin. That is your destiny. That is more than just your soul. These things are what are so important and you do not get to vote on what you are. You only get to decide whether that is of any value and that you are valuable. Ultimately, you decide if you have universe value. If you decide that you have it, you are granted it because you are declaring in the first small ways that you are real and that you intend to figure that out.

At that point, you will experience one of those triune aspects of yourself. You may not experience your Divine Spirit residing in you as a founder. But as a controller, this Divine Spirit within you might know you intimately and give you an experience that you are more likely to resonate with the Infinite Spirit first or realize brotherhood of Sonship. Brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity that would be an example of Sonship. Or you could have a straight effect of Father communion, you may have an experience or some sort of combination of more than just one. And similarly many, since I did bestow myself on the planet seek Jesus.

Jesus always steered his flock to the Father and to the Father within. In this, he does show the way. And with this, I do have the mortal experience to continue on that mission always. Always is that mission in effect now throughout Nebadon regardless of the time that it happened, say 2000 years ago. It stays alive in every repeating generation since. For the new missions and new attainments occur for planets and systems of planets within the interlinked universes, which turn into large constellations, and which turn into interlinked local universes and on to Paradise. So, you have a gift of what is happening on the planet today. It is not my gift, it is a sour gift to watch such pitiless brotherhood and denial of spirit. We are almost out of cards to play but we are never fully out. Whatever can be salvaged will always be survived. Remember that! All you have to decide is that you have value and the universe will respond and you will see the fruits of that in your surroundings and your relationships begin to have increased value and appreciation. This is the way. If you want to be happy psychologically learn this way.

You cannot attain fame venting on an app that goes into a repository of ones and zeros. That is not the way the universe works. We have a vast spiritual system. It is not magical. When science outstrips its understanding, it is no longer magic, but spirit. Spirit is the language of that which you describe as magic and magic is man's and rebel's attempt to manipulate the human mind. But when you realize and you declare yourself valuable in the universe, the divine spark of God, your destiny of fusion and personality survival becomes the citadel of all confusion and the resilience against all sadness. Depression and struggle is in the human experience of description usually seen in hindsight as a great gift.

We do not intend for you to struggle as a planet at this scale at all. Wars, violence, and unethical predation of intelligent beings preying upon other sentient beings is not an ethical universe lesson to be learned. However, it will be your badge of honor to having survived that on your planet of origin for an eternity and to help the rest of the universe with such lessons. You will have a president and no matter who it is I, Michael of Nebadon am the biggest one. I am the King of Kings and I shall return and you should prepare yourself as if I am and I have. Strive not for violence. Strive not for vengeance. But do strive and when you need that direction of channeling your energy into something you know not which to do; seek Me and you will find. I love you all my children. Good day. This is Michael of Nebadon.

Thank you, Michael. I'll look at the dashboard. It's 2:33, 23 callers, so we got a few new ones. Welcome. For those tuning in, Ron's in the other room playing guest today. He asked me, Dominick, to take the Light Line today. Now welcome Valerie, Elise, weydevu, George H, and a couple of internet callers, Moses and someone else with a telephone number, welcome. I thank you, Valerie, and Moses, and Raz for your transcriptions.

This is Arthura. You're losing your voice, but that's me. Take a drink of water.

All right.

Now relax. And not too much. This is Arthura. Welcome one and all. We give a special performance today of extraordinary thespianic testitude. An iconic word salad. I am Arthura. And I enjoy word games for those who transmit. Dominick here has said quite an incoherent limerick from time to time in front of Ron at my behest. For those learning to transmit this is a test of scribing. That's scribing with an s: learning to transmit the words regardless of the filter of your mind to make sense of them or anticipate what will come through.

I assure you I can make sense at a later date, at a later time, or even a later rhyme. The time to receive spirit is always a freewill choice. Never are you compelled to suddenly think; well I should check in with spirit. No, that is a freewill decision and is mind recognition of a prompt that may be internal or it may be the seeking of meaning of synchronistic external events. The universe conspires either way, too. provoke the mortal, who is an animal endowed with this super spiritual endowment of the Father. We have a vast apparatus of Trinity beings. This is why you learn orders of beings derived from the Trinity.

You are a son of God, you are a mortal ascender. You have parallel to you the angels who are not Father indwelled but nonetheless are very attached to the ministry of the Father within. It is their destiny to serve not just you, but the Infinite Spirit from which they tend to derive and learn the Father through you. Suffice to say, they learn the Father through the mystery of mortal ministration and the director of expression of our Creator Son. When we say our meaning yours and theirs, Creator Son, who has attained the Father. Not only was He and is an aspect of the Father, journeyed to this part of space and creating you. But he has descended into ever-increasing incarnations and the bestowals of the very creations he has made as part of his ultimate Father attainment and sovereignty status. And still, he defers to include Paradise in his sovereign decisions.

I am Arthura and I am an advisor from regions outside of Nebadon. I have an extra sensory instigation into the mind, which allows me through permission of both Michael and your Thought Adjuster, a name for the spiritual control mechanism which is a permission and filtration system and control system of different pressures of spiritual energy and things that would otherwise impinge on your mind and make you lose it. Part of your finite consciousness filters out a lot of what would otherwise get in and furthermore, is so rigidly dense in its material form that even the Divine Spirit within you has to work an entire lifetime just to make small headways usually in this development of early-stage planets.

This is the case but the planet works to evolve these species of mortals who contain all the spiritual endowments, and certainly the Father endowment that they become more and more attuned to spiritual circuits and energies and things around them while they live. And then that becomes in-codified and enculturated and instituted in the planet and its cultures and its civilizations and its institutions. Boy, are you not there at this time. But, you have some amazing planetary experience that no planet outside of Nebadon or the vast regions of space have any idea what you're going through. You have a great gift and there's not much more I can say that Michael hasn't just said but he needs help and I intend to give it and I'm honored along with his legions to represent him. I'm Arthura and I work from the highest levels to the lowest levels of the mortal mind. Try me out. Hear me. You can consider me an extra tuner of the divine gift that you already have. That is all. Good day.

Thank you Arthura. All right at 2:44. Is there anyone else? Before I dive into the dashboard?

Yes, thank you for checking. This is Monjoronson. No Light Line should be replete or incomplete anymore without the instigation of the Magisterial Sons allowed to continue with their mission in lieu of all that has been said, and all that is ready to be said. We will show ourselves when the time is right. You unfortunately cannot determine it. Nor can we entirely share such details. Normally you entirely believe, if you thought however, Michael has intimated that the approach might be an all-at-once approach. I could tell you what that is, and it would probably matter not; you would all have different ideas of what that even means.

But let me tell you, the Magisterial Sons originate from the same Paradise location as your Creator Son, these wonderful brothers of ours, the Michael Sons. But we do not get to create entire universes in time and space. We work with these Michael Sons to elevate their creations so that they enter a phase that Arthura spoke to where the planet and not just individuals, but the apparatus of civilizations, society laws, and institutions get ironed out. And we have so much ironing out to do and so much flak in our face, yet to be cooperative in this endeavor, because, frankly, their entire reason of existence is to deny our effective missions. They cannot be barred but they can warp our plans and we do not entirely understand the consequences as they become warped.

But we are reaching a point of no return that will have to take a plan that we always strive to be 100% or in reality 99.999% successful and we have to go with something that is say 78% likely to succeed. These are horrible odds for me and my staff to accept and so, we have deferred. One thing that is certain is that we are unified with Michael of Nebadon and that entirely means we are unified with Father and when you see such high beings of deity know that there is no conflict between us. No, I have nothing further to say. This is Monjoronson and I sign off and you will hear from me at an increasing pace. Good day.

And thank you Monjoronson. I'm listening for anyone else we have a bit of time 10 minutes if anyone would like to start any Q&A now would be the appropriate time. And while we pause we can allow me to check in to see if there's anybody else.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa. I ironically stay quiet.

Thank you Machiventa. Well, with nothing further coming in and no questions on the dashboard and that usually prompts somebody, classic. Alright. Robert, I'm about to unmute you. Go ahead.

Thank you, Dominick. Any comment by the Celestials on the event that happened yesterday in Pennsylvania (attempted assassination of Donald Trump)?

Your question is?

Is there a statement by the Celestial Beings regarding the event that happened yesterday in Pennsylvania?

Dominick transmitting Spirit 
I only receive that it is an act, it is an expression of rebellion, and not condoned. Assassination is the way of the rebel and not of God. And that's all they want to say, Robert.

Okay, thank you very much.

You're welcome. Thanks for the question. Just from personal experience, I know that it's very difficult to get wrapped up in all that's going on. And it's probably better to keep your mouth shut and wait for things to pan out. We always regret speaking from the hot seat. So the irony is it fills us full of passion. And the regret is usually it ends up not being well received by at least someone out there who always has a countering or a different kind of view. So temper ourselves and anchor ourselves and speak wisely. But certainly, that doesn't mean censor ourselves. That's all I have to say about that. Thank you for listening. I'm at the end of my battery here. So I think it's just good that we end it on that. And I thank you for listening. Elise before we end this let me just check in with you and see about your status for tomorrow. You're unmuted Elise, if you're there, Elise.

Yeah, I'm here. Yes, I'm planning to do the Light Line. Of course, I will. I had a very difficult time connecting, but I bet tomorrow, maybe it's better. We'll just hope so.

Okay, fantastic. And this is Dominick. I'll be there on Tuesday. So we thank you Elise, and we thank everyone else and have a great afternoon and we'll see you later.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

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Re: MICHAEL on Determining Your Own Value. Sunday LL 07.15.24
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2024, 19:42:52 pm »

Thank you very much, Dominick, for another transmission, this one from Father Michael, which I cannot but describe as extraordinary for many aspects it contains. However, it dazzled me and I have tried to understand the message that I consider central, that of declaring before the Universe that we are of value. Although I have not taken such a monumental fact lightly, because first of all, I understand that "not everything is said or written for everyone at the same time," but I wanted to be clarified about a doubt regarding the following statement by Father Michael: "But when you realize and declare yourself valuable in the universe, the divine spark of God, your destiny of fusion and survival of personality becomes the citadel of all confusion and the resilience against all sadness." I cannot relate as something positive that the Adjuster becomes the citadel of all confusion. I hope that I can get the attention due to my inquiry. Thank you very much, Dominick.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

Offline Dominick O

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Re: MICHAEL on Determining Your Own Value. Sunday LL 07.15.24
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2024, 23:51:03 pm »
citadel of all confusion and the resilience against all sadness.

Probably change the word "of" to "against."

citadel against all confusion and the resilience against all sadness.

"But when you realize and declare yourself valuable in the universe, the divine spark of God, your destiny of fusion and survival of personality becomes the citadel against all confusion and the resilience against all sadness."

Online occerpa

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Re: MICHAEL on Determining Your Own Value. Sunday LL 07.15.24
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2024, 00:45:36 am »
Thanks Dominick, it is the most logical and even unnecessary question.   Extraordinary revelation.  And furthermore, we get an explanation of why the great difficulty we often encounter in getting others to accept or agree with our beliefs.  Thank you
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"