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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: July 15, 2024, 17:13:40 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International 15 July - 2024

This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday 15 July 2024 with your host Elise

We received messages from Mantutia Melchizedek; The Universal Father and Elise's Adjuster, 

plus some encouraging words from the united Adjusters of all listeners present at this Lightline.

Here is the link to the recording:

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2024, 16:40:51 pm »
1.      071524 Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
2.      Subjects: Mantutia's image of the world; Second Coming suspended, Fifth and Sixth Epochal Revelation, Magisterial Sons’ Mission to Urantia; Father’s assuring call to us; Thought Adjusters guiding the group together  
3.      Speakers: Mantutia Melchizedek; Universal Father; and Elise's Adjuster
4.      Transcriber: sonsofGod
5.      Link to tape:
Hello to all. I'm Elise, and this is Lightline on Monday, July 15, 2024, and I welcome all of you who are joining. I'm your host for today, and I am going to start this Lightline with a little prayer to our Father.

Dear Father, may your love and protection keep the world from evil and destruction, and give us strength to serve you, Father. To live and work, and to continue to develop ourselves into worthy citizens for this planet, on which we may experience your presence in a material body. And to keep us on the right path under the guidance of your Divine Sons, who try to meet us in our ignorance and inexperienced attempts to serve you. You offer us the opportunities to know your purposes better, to make a positive contribution to your creation, and we will always voluntarily submit to your will, Father. Thank you for your love and care for us. Amen. We will ask now for connection to the spiritual circuits to receive and understand your words, Father. May you be with us today.

Well, is there someone who would like to speak to us today?

Mantutia Melchizedek
Yes, welcome to all, and this is Mantutia Melchizedek. I would like to speak to you today because I know, and I see that you are all living here in a very difficult time. A time of great change, and the state of the world is complicated by ignorance, by unrest, crime, and the warlike ways of thinking and behaving. And all that does not make it easy to bring about some influence of spiritual help that you have been waiting for, for such a long-long time, where our plans were ready to be implemented. We see that Urantia, this world, is crying out for change, for improvement, and for the commitment of those who are able to find solutions to an endless, endless list of problems and dangers that hit your world. And where people continue to cling to old and ineffective methods that do not lead to sustainable solutions. The governments come and go. Your elections lead to riots and confusion. New ideas and ideologies are diluted by the time lost in truthless consultations between parties, all of them pursuing their own interests. Meanwhile, an ignorant population is kept quiet with bad and untrue reports that it blindly trusts, and over which it has no control. We see it happen on the heavenly side. We watch you.

How do you think that Jesus can ever set foot on Urantia and make himself known to the public in such an unworkable world? Where would he be received? Who will welcome him as a heavenly gift, and as Jesus, the one you know and trust so much. Jesus has long been preparing and adapting his plans for this world of his birth, which he loves, which he cares for, but where people, many people seem uninterested in his divine visit or his spiritual help, where people would rather deny God than worship him. Where they choose to keep themselves in ignorance and in spiritual poverty. Where they engage themselves in senseless wars, where the people are treated inhumanly and left in hunger, and misery. Where children lose their safety, and where their childhood is interrupted by a lot of pain and sadness and crime, and violence deprives them of the so much needed care and love in a world that would rather forget them than pay attention. And where they often have to survive without parents.

We have seen it all. We all, we have been watching it. And Jesus has always been here to see what is going on on this planet. He has been following all these, and finally decided to suspend his coming until better decisions are made, until man is available to him. When he, Jesus, can begin to fulfill his promise of a Second Coming in a world without hatred or violence, and with a certainty of a population and its governments to accept him and to hear him speak. Jesus has an extensive staff, and they will pay attention to the difficulties that man has been involved with for ages but seem not to be able to find adequate solutions for.

I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and I'm sure that Jesus will return. We do not know when. We do not know where, or how. Jesus will not return as a preacher, nor as a protector to people who learn to know his Father in heaven. Now he will return to serve. He will serve in a divine and businesslike manner, and in need of his own decisions as a powerful leader in every situation that comes to his attention.

Jesus will carry out things his own way. And he will approach people who are willing to work, to work with other people, to work for the nations, to work for freedom, to work for peace. And to work with him. Jesus wants to achieve the best results in the short time that he will be on the planet. He wishes to make himself of service to the healing of the planet, to the healing of many of the population who are still suffering in ignorance, and who are constantly distracted by their material needs and desires, but how sad they do not know that. Meanwhile, they are lagging behind in their spiritual development and the growth of their souls.

I know Jesus very well. I am Mantutia. I know his work and his intentions. Jesus' intentions will be primarily aimed at lasting successes. And he will focus on a variety of matters that are important for the improvement of many different field in society. In compelling the people to keep the good and add the new in a healthier environment under better conditions that will have an effect on the entire population. And be of lasting value for the governance and maintenance of everything good and beautiful, with the addition of more sustainable means and methods for life on the planet and for its inhabitants. His work will probably be in conjunction with that of the Magisterial Sons. And they will work together on certain issues and serve each other in a way that Urantia has never seen before. The Magisterial Sons will appear. They will assume their intended duties, and they will work with Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Son, who always takes care of you and surrounds his universe with the utmost care and skill.

This is Mantutia Melchizedek speaking. We do hope for an opening, an access to all who feel connected to us, and who like to work for the Father. To commit themselves to serving the Father, serving Michael as serving Jesus in saving this world from the negative forces that kept appearing and hindering and getting in the way of progress. You and I know that it will not be an easy time, and many adjustments will have to be made under certain circumstances that do not correspond to the methods of your divine helpers, nor to the human way of approach or execution. But we hope for your acceptance and your common sense from those who can help influence. A little practice, a little education in achieving the intended goals and to lift this world into a new future, and into a valuable and positive society that will have influence on all people in their pursuit of peace. In their pursuit of unity among all. A lasting pursuit of lasting value for the growth and development of your human gifts, your human capability and spiritual potential, and growth as partners, in an extensive and well-ordered universe.

That word is not the right word. It should be expensed. I think, I hope I corrected that well. I didn't hear that correctly.

Mantutia Melchizedek
Well, it doesn't matter Elise, just continue. I am Mantutia Melchizedek. I am the compiler of the Urantia Book as you know. I am the guardian of safeguarding the truth on your planet through the revelation such as the Urantia Book, your fifth revelation in the history of the planet. Many have been inspired and have learned to accept new revelations.

And I am Mantutia Melchizedek know much about your planetary history. And much has been made known to you through the countless messages that you have been able to follow through the wonderful setup and design of Lightlines and a discussion forum by your leader Ron Besser. Through all this, you have been initiated into the divine works and close associates of the Universal Father, by which many persons and names from the spiritual world have become known to you. And all this has increased your confidence in an invisible world, and you have been influenced and fed by greater knowledge, and your experiences with the words from the universe.

In your Urantia Book, the fifth epochal revelation for your planet, Urantia, much revelation has been made known which has promoted your growth and the progress in the minds of man. But as you are all aware of, this has recently been disrupted and halted by the senseless and selfish actions of the supreme, who in the Urantia Book   is described to you as a being empowered as the divine custodian and preserver of all spiritual experiences in the universes. And who was created by the Father as a mighty overseer and keeper of all spiritual heritage and experiences in his universe of space and time. But who has then voluntarily divested himself of his rights and neglected his duties by subverting the authority of the Father and reserving the right to destroy himself and others. And also, the devastation in large parts of the universe, which you know, was followed by the decree of the Universal Father to proclaim a New Universe Age, whereby opening the possibility for new adjustments and changes. But as a result, the complete reliable information, the fifth revelation, the fifth epochal revelation is no longer fully valid. And a sixth revelation is necessary to reveal and make understandable the new state of affairs to the people of Urantia. So a knew sixth epochal revelation will appear, but not before your population is ready to receive and understand the changes that have taken place in the universes of time and space.

I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and I know the contents more or less of your new epochal revelation. These are not written in stone yet, because much is occurring at the moment, and new ways have to be found or things might be changed. But we know that your sixth epochal revelation shall be given primarily to those who show interest and understanding for the work of Michael of Nebadon, and the Universal Father. And who have the capacity to absorb its contents and are willing to spread and to   pass on their knowledge to others who are interested in such studies, and to all who are searching for universal truth.

Certainly, much will be added to what has already been described in your Urantia Book. The new edition will appear in book form and will provide a comprehensive and complete overview of the universe and its administration, and of the Divine entities who govern all this in addition to an extensive narrative of the history of your planet Urantia, and the life of Jesus. And his sojourn on this world in his time, so many years ago, but also of his Second Coming this time. In which he will fulfill the promise of his return and the completion of his services to the world of his birth.

Many are looking forward to the return of Jesus, but they have no idea of the works and services performed by the Magisterial Sons, the Melchizedeks, and hundreds of other orders of beings who are all associated with the work of Michael of Nebadon, who has great responsibility for the millions of inhabited planets over which he rules in his local universe of Nebadon. Plus, the governance and all new affairs arising in the recently formed Dominion, over which Michael presides with other Michael Sons in the affiliated local universes.

I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and all this will be described and much, much more that we cannot and may not yet release until a certain degree of development has been achieved in the making and enforcement of peace agreements. And the nation's intent and interest in new and improved methods in many fields in society, which is still causing problems today in every nation on Urantia. But we have hope. We hope that in the long term it will bring about improvements, in which all high spiritual leaders and your worldly leaders will come together to make and maintain solid agreements for the benefit of the entire world population, and under the loving supervision of the Universal Father of us all.

I am Mantutia and I thank you for listening, and I will hand this back to the transmitter in charge, which is Elise, to come and listen to the words of our Universal Father, who would like to speak to you. Thank you all, and I wish you a good day.

Thank you, Mantutia. And well, you are very welcome, Father. We are glad to receive you.

Universal Father
Yes, good day, my children. I am your Father, and I want you to know that you, all my children are in my heart. I love each of my children dearly. There are times when my children know nothing about me. They are being influenced by the world and the abundant flow of worldly affairs and material goods, and that diverts their attention from me, your Father. People do not have time and do not take time to think about religious or spiritual matters, because their attention is distracted by the loud noise of a world, run and overruled almost by commerce and advertising. There is no break in the flow of bad news on your radio and television sets, and it is making people sick and exhausted. They can no longer concentrate on the only important things in their lives. And that should be the realization that you are a human being born of earthly parents, but you also have a heavenly Father. Your Universal Father, who oversees the world and its entire evolution, its history, and who knows how evil influences can diminish a civilization instead of increasing it. As is, I'm sorry to say, the case on Urantia.

But at this point, spirit always makes the decision to intervene and to provide salvation and solutions where its possible. But in the case of your planet, where the cabal, the insurrectionists have been playing their game of claiming their part in how certain things are done. And it's very difficult to find solutions to establish order and peace among the 1000s of different opinions fighting over their nonexistent rights, and the other problems you are all faced with on this world. We, in spirit, will have to show everyone and let you understand that nothing can be achieved without a desire to come together. To sit around the table and to look for ways of communication to create order, and start working collaboratively at least in small groups, which will lead to an extensive cooperation and to a pattern of cooperative behavior around the world that will be understood, and finally desired by all.

This is what has been explained over the years in the Lightlines and transmissions given to you. And I, your Father, encourage you to listen to the causes and reasons being discussed. It will give you a good understanding of what is going on in your world, and why it is so hard to get a mission started amidst misunderstanding and division. Not only among the people of your world, but also among the angelic orders of beings who have been unwilling to give up their struggle in their so-called rights and in what has been changed by the circumstances caused by the supreme in 2019. But I, your Universal Father, I am God, and I will never leave any of my children. I have sent my Sons, and I will send, keep sending my Sons. They are so experienced and willing to help. They are faithful and never fail in the management of my affairs, which is the cooperation they extend to the completion of the created universes in time and space. I am

Father, and I want you to know this. I will never abandon the things that have begun with my permission and for which I stand together with you. And with many of my sons and daughters, we are working across the universe, and we are deeply concerned at this time about your planet. But in spirit, we never give up, until the planned and approved work is done. And then we move on to the next task. All who are in spirit, from the highest to the lowest, who have given their hearts to Urantia are waiting for the day to come when they can fully begin what they have prepared. Time makes no difference to them. It is the intention that counts and ensures that they continue. And I tell you, they are not satisfied before the purpose of their work is achieved.

Do not be worried that all is lost. What is lost at this time is the situation on your planet of war and heartless feelings towards your brothers and sisters in terrible circumstances. There are people who are oppressed. They do not get a chance to live in freedom or even honor their Father or pray to Him. Many are kept under strict control for what they are allowed to do, and there are many, many more in terrible situations all over this earth, where my children are suffering.

Life is not made for suffering. I gave you life to grow, to experience your environment, to explore things, to find truth, to find scientific truth, and all that will automatically bring you to me, your Creator. No man could ever give to you what I gave you, my children, to enjoy here, in this material environment, and for the times thereafter that you will experience on all kinds of different worlds. When you ascend into the 1000s of created realms that are there for you to learn and to enjoy. And to get to know me better and better as your Creator and Father.

So, despite all things happening to you and on your planet, try to be joyful in all circumstances, and know that I am here always. Turn with and talk to your Adjuster. He is me and will tell you where to go and what to do. I have given you a personal guide to lead you to me. Speak to him. He will understand you and know a solution for all your worries and problems. Life may be difficult, but it should never be unbearable. Stay with me as Jesus did in his life on Urantia, and I know you will be fine. I bless you, my children. This is your Universal Father, and I am stepping back. Good day to all.

Thank you so much, Father.
Well, let's see if there's more here on my dashboard. Oh, let's say hello to Alina and Charlotte from Alabama. Welcome to both of you, and let's see we can continue, if there is someone else, and if not, well, we'll see what happens. Just give me in a minute please.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
This is your Adjuster, Elise. I'm here to give you some words of encouragement, and I speak to all of you. We, the Adjusters, are all working with you in a way that is so unique, so specifically tailored to your personality, to the person we are guiding. With all your capacities, with all the possibilities that are present in you as a living person in this world. Supplemented with the countless possibilities in the existence of each of you. And driven by the thought of the Eternal Light that always invite you to come to the Father. And to experience his glory as intended by the thought and ideals of God at the creation of men in the distant past.

We ask you to be willing to walk the path that we can show you, that will prepare you to gradually become, and to know and understand the ways and means of your Father God, and for you to build an experience of testing and refining all to overcome adversity and disappointments. And to always keep to the truth and the light with a prospect of an eternal life with the Creator. Where all things of God come together and where everyone may enjoy God's glory in your own way and your own contribution with your highly developed creative gifts. The world goes on and on, and God will give the world what it needs at a time when God sees it to offer his help through his divine companions specifically appointed for that purpose.

Receive with gratitude what has been given to man and give back to the world what you have learned by experience. So that you help in creating a planet in beauty and truth of God. We ask you to be humble. Never ask for more but give what you have to all around you in abundance. And in grace you will receive you. You will receive in abundance what is yours by serving humanity and God and giving him the joy of your love for every individual in his creation. We are the Adjusters. We speak together now, we are the Adjusters of this group gathering together, and this is most important. Please, let the Father speak to you. Listen to his words, for he is the source of life. He is the power of the universes and the Creator of all that is and ever will be. And of which everyone may be a part by honoring the Father here in this life, and in all your lives to come. We are the Adjusters. We are always with you. We love you, and we retreat.

Thank you, Adjuster and Adjusters, thank you very much.
I will wait and see if there is any other heavenly being who would like to say a word, but we are at the end of our hour, and I really do not expect more. I have a look at the dashboard, and I'm going to ask Dominick if there is anything special, we have to attend to. Dominick, are you there?

Yeah, hi, Elise, thanks for the Lightline. We're on for tomorrow, and that's it. Back to you.

Manituba Melchizedek  
I am on for tomorrow. Is that what you're saying? You are on tomorrow, right?

Okay, yes.

Okay, there is nothing we can, we have to do on the dashboard, and so I can just turn off the recorder.


Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Well, I have no signs there. Thank you very much. Dominick, thank you for helping out. And well, thanks to all our speakers. I want to thank them all together for every word they spoke to us and for their good intentions to come to us, and that they've give us the feeling that we will not forget. I thank you for listening, and I say goodbye to everything until next time. Bye.


« Last Edit: July 20, 2024, 12:42:20 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"