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Offline Ron Besser

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Jesus and The Creator Son Speak in Absolution today
« on: July 17, 2024, 10:11:37 am »
Michael of Nebadon and Jesus Speak
Transmitter: Ron Besser
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
York, Pa
[Folks, the kabal has placed a code in this post that underlines.  I am leaving it alone but that is not what was done to produce this post.  It is easier to let it go than try to correct it.  My apologies. ]

Hello everyone, this is Michael of Nebadon,  and we have some breaking news at the moment that should be aware of.

The last several posts by this individual are exiting posts not but Ron has lost a valuable friend in me due to the fact he is not working anything but wondering where all the good vibes went.  They are not here on Urantia at the moment, and I may never have them again for Urantia, mainly because the planet has been seized by a bunch of ruffians I do not care to discuss at all.  Ron fully is displeasured by them as well.  In any case this:

For the six (6) years we have played hard ball slightly to get these Missions up and going, only to be blown back by a discussion about the Supreme Being and his loss.  That occurred mostly in 2019 and today it is only a memory category to look at and maybe weep.  For the rest of you there is not much to tell you except we must either regale the idea of a Divine Mission to Urantia, or face the fact that nothing much is very good on Urantia at the moment to bother with.  It is this latter point I prefer to develop now:

“I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and as such I am the political and textual person to related to about what is to happen with and about this planet you live on called URANTIA (You-Ran-Sha).  That is how we pronounce it up here at the headquarters of the spiritual local universe of Nebadon.  I am the Creator of Nebadon, hence the title.

“I want to review a moment some history that is now important to Ron here and to the idea of a widely spoken t o SPIRIT MISSION to this planet.  In 2012 I was ready to move forward with all of our might to show Urantia what should be done with a Mission that would bring Urantia back to the normal planet it once was not so long ago.  Now we are faced with a Presidential election I do not like, and Ron throws his hands up, and prays not extremists get into the national government again.  Nonetheless, read the following to brusque yourselves into a normal state of evaluation.

“In 2012, now twelve (12) years ago, this planet was set to receive a normal Magisterial Son Mission.  Urantia is not normal because it first received the bestowal of Jesus, and that is a Creator Son matching a full pair of life versions with a normal human being structures to talk and lecture about God to the planet.   That went well until the political institution called the TEMPLE got involved and Jesus was murdered by them for mostly political reasons.  Now we must still pay the consequence of that terror to the Jesus household and leave Urantia grasping at what it has done and finally to what causes the planet so much great harm in our opinion.

“No one can guess at the similitude of the death of Jesus.   Jesus was pilloried by the religious order of the day, the Jewish Temple Mount still overlooking Jerusalem using a large stone wall that refuses to crack or fall down yet.

“I personally dictate its destruction, but it keeps being rebuilt by the nuts in the Israeli government to portray its importance as both a tourist site and/or the commemoration of the event of Jesus appearing on earth now well over 2,000 years ago.  I am now remembering as the Bestowal Son then, Joshua ben Joseph– as I was then addressed by my Apostles and by my family.   This last sentence brings back so many memories I [bring] tear to the transmitter and I leave it alone to tell you this:

“It was my hope and Joshua ben Joseph (Jesus) that all things would eventually work out and for that reason I can still talk about it as though it was a reasonable event in spite of being murdered for political reasons on the cross.

“Now it comes to pass that there is very little left of Christianity, or is there much left of the Moslem world either today, but I digress just enough to tell you that if Israel does not make amends with the Gaza property, the entire religion will collapse, and I do not mean Christianity, but I mean the entire Jewish sect is open for revision until there is nothing left but a hollow memory still of a stone wall that was the home of thieves and mercenaries that murdered the Christ.

“To follow this discourse, you need not the Bible, and that is because it is a later edition to the history of the Middle East, and what was then my mortal home in Nazareth near Jerusalem in today’s Israel.  Let me tell you this:

The JESUS Family Name:
“In the first century AD, and specifically 07BCE to 13BCE, I was a happy child and did what my parents asked of me.  For that reason I was totally agreeable to the style of life, and the work my material Father did, Joseph ben Isacarius.  That was my fathers family name and it is so lost to history they will never recover it for modern fact.  Isacarius, that is spelled this way Ron: “ ISACARIOUS”  - THAT NAME is my true family name and no one today even suspects it could be true,  because they do not understand the traditions that I lived my life under in early First Century AD calendar on Urantia.  Now this:

“Ron considers this extremely important to know about.  

"We do not think much of it and we are the elders of the Temple then.

“Jesus was a roughneck, and we did not like him mucking around with the Jewish religion to the point that a new sect grew up around him.  When Jesus appeared there was tons of idolaters who attended the Temple with him, but no one made a curious religionist view more impossible to lay out then Jesus did, and we tried to evacuate his doings and his appearance.  

"We spoke this: "Jesus the blasphemer is about the Temple today.  Gird your loins and leave him be!  He is an idolater, and he must not shame the Temple with is idolatrous presence!

"Be gone, your blasphemy!  You stink our wells with your lips!  Keep this one out of the air we breathe, as there is nothing in heaven to save him.  And we let it be known that Jesus was never welcome in the Temple ever again!"


“I AM BARTHOLOMEW the Great.  I still detest what Jesus did!  He came to the Temple one day and bought all of the birds being sold on the lot we set aside for commerce.   The Temple taxed commercial sellers, and from this money we could maintain the Temple easily.   But NO!  JESUS entered and scattered them when a child, and then had the temerity to show us why such should not be part of the Temple ever, as he said, “Be aware you desecrate my FATHER!”  

“Then, Jesus turned away, and spat upon the floor, and said if the FATHER was listening he will harm us all, but since the FATHER was merciful, there was no harm to us for being heathen before the majesty of God the Father.

“Then that day in particular, I was working in my study in the Temple, I heard a loud bang on the apartments above me, for the temple was a two story building at that time, and we made many offerings to find a way to construct a third floor, but our materials were too weak to place a third floor on the Tempe in those days.  

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Ron, you should make this History well present, and I am sending you that protection now . . . .”

Ron Besser  speaking - (Transcriber and member of the Court to do this,  as it is  allowed by Jewish law as a transmitter of the heavenly words of high spirit.  This was alone practiced by the hirsute prayers of the Secondary Commander of the Temple.  The Secondary Commander of the Temple is a fact lost to history, but in the day of Jesus, as I am now speaking as Joshua ben Joseph to all of you, We had to accommodate this part of the temple all the time, and I considered it a great blasphemy tp hear the Temple speak this way!

‘I, as JESUS, never allowed anyone to know this but I am a Sectarian when it comes to goods being sold in a place where the Temple is relegated to Prayer to our FATHER in Heaven, and no one dare breech my identity by calling for the sale of birds while prayers are being spoken to our Father in Heaven.”

JESUS speaks further:
“I am the way!  Do not desecrate me ever with commercial goods nearby!  No one allows that in Heaven, and no one allows that in my presence!”

MICHAEL OF NEBADON now speaks:  
“I am fully discouraged by you Ron being unable to hear this better, but Jesus relates He never felt unleashed in the Temple, until one bird vendor insisted that the birds be blessed to by the Father.  He accidentally asked that the FATHER’S name  be posted on a wand to bless the birds too.  Today that is an innocent action, but in my  day in the flesh, it was war to address the FATHER in this way ever.  In any case those of you reading this, you must understand the temper of the times and not worry about your present allocation of the Spirit of  our Father.

“AS JESUS, I was fully enamored over the idea of a proscription to the Father being written at all, and early Christianity saw to it as well, that the FATHER’S name dare not appear in writing at all.  Of course today that is ridiculous with so much of Christianity being placed before all of you by huge institutions that have almost nothing to do with the life of Christ, but they do organize after commercial gain, and I am not happy about that ever!  K”

“I am the Sonship coming to Urantia now.    I am accompanied by Jesus ben Joseph for these Missions to your planet.

“I believe this dissertation is folding high crimes and misdemeanors, not over you Ron, but over JESUS, who is now fully patterned over you Ron in order to be fully honest about the Temple doings.  However, there is evil lurking everywhere and you are aware of the attempts to provide blaspheme over you and the report.  So far you have withstood the sophistries of. Not of Bartholomew, but of the seraphic cabal always nearby to you.  You are not feeling well now, and you are not doing well enough to continue, but I am insisting the JESUS make a statement for all to hear and then quite this text.  K”

JESUS speaks colloquially:
“I am sure Ron your day in court will appear shortly.  You have made it apparent that I am the forthright  heir to URANTIA and that I am the one to speak often to the population of Urantia shortly.

“However, you have taken me not far enough, for you depend on the written text as dictated, but you have no idea how to obtain a lecture from me that means something to the laity who read these interviews.  Let me give an example:


“I AM JESUS, and you better understand I am not the 1st Century anno dominus speaker but the 21st Century speaker to you now:


“That is my lesson for you today!  Why?

“The last time I spoke those words was while I was still in the flesh and I did not attend the Last Supper frugally, but with a full head of hair and a nasty temper concerning Judas.

“Judas sat thee perons to my right at the back of a long table of my last supper.  He never gave a sign of repentance, but instead nervously twitched over something he haled in his lap. That object in his lap was the price of silver he gathered from the Temple authorities, and it was to trap me in death before I would leave the Last Supper you know of.  For that reason I stayed away from Judas entirely and he knew I knew, and that threw him into a temper that made his shrill in his speech to the other Apostles at the table.

“Few of you remember anything well enough to sear your brains into holy matrimony with the presence of the FATHER.  I did.

“When cock crowed that morning, I was done for and I knew it, but Judas was simplifying his excuses to himself and never ever thought about the crime he was about to commit.  To this day, and JUDAS is now DEAD, and I have no remorse for that individual ever again, for he tried not only to kill Me, but also Peter, ny then My first Apostle.  

“I am favoring a much longer post Ron.  Are you up to it?

Ron to Jesus - I am most happy to transcribe your further, but I ask to post this preliminary post first and now an to follow with your remaining words immediately after this post is made.  Thank you.

JESUS - “Then do so.”

« Last Edit: July 17, 2024, 11:43:56 am by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Jesus and The Creator Son Speak in Absolution today
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2024, 11:20:56 am »
Part II
Monjoronson, the Creator Son not, But the MAGISTERIAL SON speaks.

MONJORONSON  -  I am the designated SONSHIP of the DIVINE NATURE to appear before you shortly.
"I am the designated Son to appear before all of you on this planet shortly.

"Ron here is my favorite transcriber because he takes the time to hear new and refreshing information, and I have some today:

"I am the designated Sonship to appear with JESUS and others who are making this MISSION TO URANTIA so necessary now.

"First of all, let this be understood:

"Ron has challenged the decree he must give up his life on Urantia shorty and join the ranks on the Mansion Worlds who are dedicated to Missions on this planet (Urantia) and other planets within the Planetary System of human planets it belongs to.  It is unfortunate tht the name of this system carries the misnomer and we let it alone for now.  In any case this is to be learned:

"Starting the 18th of July, 2024: 

"I am authorized to start the Missions to Urantia.  That is a Thursday by the present calendar.  One of things I insist on doing when leading these Missions to Urantia, is to change your calendar to be identical to what is used on Salvington to keep dates straight and to plan on future dates.  More on that a later time.

"But I am insisting that Ron be present on Urantia in the beginning of my divine MISSIONS and that he has cheerfully acceded to; however he must report to the Mansion Worlds shortly in order to retain his calling to be part of the Supreme Court when fully trained on how to be part of such an August system for working through the Mansion worlds too.

"For that reason he is allowed to stay another few moments to see to the accreditation of various members of the Board of Directors he holds to maintain business accuracy on Urantia and in the United States.  He is one of the few that foresaw this happening and prepared  for it with six corporate entities.  We will use all of them and thank goodness he has a lieutenant,  Dominick Ohrbeck, to help with the load of discharging people who find the entire matter ludicrous.  Well, let them think what they do, as he is fully correct.

"I want to say this also:

"There are several false reasons why the Urantia Foundation claims to exist eternally, but we do not agree with them entirely, and for that reason we are starting a new plan to keep this MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION in place in spite of what else should be done on Urantia to see to the human side of these Mission entirely.

For that reason we are ANNOUNCING today the following:

1 -  No many is available in our inner sanctum although we will share what is going on in it;
2 - There is no reason to join or not join these activities by the human genome and we let that be;
3 - The desire for Ron is to participate enough to show he has been part of several Missions on Urantia, including this one, and he fully accredited to be part of the MAGISTERIAL  Missions, the JESUS Missions, and the MICHAEL Missions. 
1 - AUGUST 7TH -  The initial offering for Mission Service is made;
2 - AUGUST 8TH - The Human contingency of these Missions, excluding Ron not, is made;
3 - AUGUST 9TH - We open the Magisterial Foundation, not in York, but in upstate New York for its scenic beauty as Ron always loved it very much;
4 - AUGUST 15TH - There is a new conveyance available for the Magisterial Foundation, as we will elevate it to the position of a HEADQUARTERS  for HUMAN CONSUMPTION.  It will remain in York, Pennsylvania, and Ron will be alive for the interposition of the Divine elements of both the Magisterial Sons Headquarters on Long Island, and the Magisterial Foundation in York, Pennsylvania.  At last Ron you can be found without making a lit more noise for you position as an honored guest in these Missions;
5 - I am MONJORONSON, and you Ron have one of those minds that are always wrong but you guess in the right area. 

"You Ron must take the Oath of Service not.  Neither does Dominick, need to take the Oath, as you both took it this past winter time' however, you have slipped a little Dominick, and you need to refresh your care not only for Ron Besser, but for yourself, as you are sure you need to spread out for income and that is not what you are to do.   You Dominick are assigned with Ron as his lieutenant, and then together, take no further Oath as you fully took them to MONJORONSON on November 5, 2023.

"You Ron have taken several Oaths over the past few years and always privately and well stated.  Now, however, the Provost of Urantia.
"However, Dominick has not taken all of these Oaths and they must be accomplished later today.  He  is reading well at the moment.
3rd - You Ron are fighting not a disease but an attempt to eliminate you harshly and that is over.  No one can get to you now.  K
4th - Steven Gitz should be moving up here immediately, but he is not well enough to take the strain and we leave that lone until Gitz understands what he is to do.  George M. makes no change, and ELISE VAN RUTH is to retain her place in the Netherlands for now.
5th - Elise Van Ruth you run the problem of change too fast and stay quite please.  You will be addressed later for your part shortly.
6 - No one is expected to maintain a better residence than Ron Besser, but he is 82 and minds any stress now.  For that reason he is allowed no more than a few months with the Urantia side of these Missions.  Upon his natural death he will be allowed to enter the sacred domain of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia and doff yhour hat at least.  Your eventual assignment is not the Supreme Court, but the alternate Court of approval, which is more your style than the loquacious Supreme Court partially run by that noted archivist, Ruth Ginsberg from Urantia.  (recently diseased but so valuable she is up and running parts of that Supreme Court now).

7 - And finally, Dominick Ohrbeck you are truly familiar with 2709 Sunset Lane.  Ron cares for you enough to give you a home, all of its furnishings and the like, but he cannot give you his authority.  Until such time it is truly available to you at 2709 Sunset Lane, you must make sure that property is taken care of, mowed neatly, and grow some flowers there in memory of Ron and his loquacious gift to you of  three acres of land, a furnished him and a garage full of a late model car.  You are indeed wealthy by Urantia standards and keep him well up here by at least remembering him as a donor to your heart too.

8 - Finally, we are not further discussing the MISSIONS right now, but Ron always makes these transcriptions so workable and he is insisting it be done well now, I promise you Ron, this is not the last message today, and keep the faith you are kept alive well enough to see my start with these Missions, but you will participate with them too.  Good day then from MONJORONSON the MAGISTERIAL SON OF RECORD FOR THE URANTIA MISSIONS."  K

"For you Ron: 
"That company coming to see you Monday may be here earlier as the owner says you are one of the few who makes sense these days and get over there and straighten that computer out NOW.  He does not know you but that is his feelings and they may call later today or a little later to do your recovery work.  It is the usual muddle between home owner and the corporation of Comcast that never speak to each other easily these days.  Get your email fixed and everything will be copacetic for months and months.  However, eventually Ron you must die and transition up here but not for months nor at Christmas time either.  This month was to be your farewell to this group, but you are too gregarious to let it be, and as a result we are fully entertaining you and Dominick and whoever else in your living room nightly.  We are sure you get a great deal of service from Dominick and his care for you as you are ill not from age, but from a transitional kabal over you.  They are not supposed to be grouchy, but they are at times not over you but over others they must deal with and it gets in the way of your working habits.  

For the GROUP:
"The difference between Ron and the Group is negligible.  You who read regularly are a part of our Missions and as such you are extremely valuable as Ron has kept you all updated and ready to move.  He gets the news first and those who follow are not as privileged as Ron may be because he was the very first into the field of communication with all of you of the status quo.  It is up to Dominick to keep it going but he is just not as gregarious as Ron is so you must bump him once in a while to get what you need to hear from Dominick.  Otherwise they are like peas in a pod in see to you all and I must leave now as MONJORONSON is complaining there is not enough left of President Biden to speak to him directly any more and so he must resort to a quiet thought when the President is getting ready for bed.  We also say this"

"The UNITED STATES is one of the few countries that truly attempts to call upon the Lord to see to policy, AND he, Biden, receives plenty but he is failing greatly due to exhaustion and Ron sees it in him.  His wife is truly concerned and she wants him bed ridden for a day but he does not have the luxury of just laying down, and for that matter it will shorten his life and Kamala Harris will unlikely assume the leadership with Monjoronson around as Monjoronson feels the pressures may kill the Vice President too.  For that reason we are watching the political arcaneness of the American system and warn we might take over to prevent instability.  We are a full service Mission Ron, and don't you forget that as you must take on huge responsibilities very soon and you really look forward to that in spite of a death threat from the kabal.   We leave all of this alone now.  K MICHAEL OF NEBADON."

"I am now warning not you Ron, but the fakers consulting to win the war in Ukraine.  Be assured any nuclear violence will be met with unreserved nuclear responses by the Universe Father.  Russia will be set back a few years, then amend itself, and join the regular nations of western Europe finally/  They are a fine people with too many lands to account for.  We say good day for now.  FATHER."


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline PJammer

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Re: Jesus and The Creator Son Speak in Absolution today
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2024, 13:13:01 pm »
Michael of Nebadon and Jesus Speak
Transmitter: Ron Besser
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
York, Pa
[Folks, the kabal has placed a code in this post that underlines.  I am leaving it alone but that is not what was done to produce this post.  It is easier to let it go than try to correct it.  My apologies. ]

Hello everyone, this is Michael of Nebadon,  and we have some breaking news at the moment that should be aware of.

The last several posts by this individual are exiting posts not but Ron has lost a valuable friend in me due to the fact he is not working anything but wondering where all the good vibes went.  They are not here on Urantia at the moment, and I may never have them again for Urantia, mainly because the planet has been seized by a bunch of ruffians I do not care to discuss at all.  Ron fully is displeasured by them as well.  In any case this:

For the six (6) years we have played hard ball slightly to get these Missions up and going, only to be blown back by a discussion about the Supreme Being and his loss.  That occurred mostly in 2019 and today it is only a memory category to look at and maybe weep.  For the rest of you there is not much to tell you except we must either regale the idea of a Divine Mission to Urantia, or face the fact that nothing much is very good on Urantia at the moment to bother with.  It is this latter point I prefer to develop now:

“I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and as such I am the political and textual person to related to about what is to happen with and about this planet you live on called URANTIA (You-Ran-Sha).  That is how we pronounce it up here at the headquarters of the spiritual local universe of Nebadon.  I am the Creator of Nebadon, hence the title.

“I want to review a moment some history that is now important to Ron here and to the idea of a widely spoken t o SPIRIT MISSION to this planet.  In 2012 I was ready to move forward with all of our might to show Urantia what should be done with a Mission that would bring Urantia back to the normal planet it once was not so long ago.  Now we are faced with a Presidential election I do not like, and Ron throws his hands up, and prays not extremists get into the national government again.  Nonetheless, read the following to brusque yourselves into a normal state of evaluation.

“In 2012, now twelve (12) years ago, this planet was set to receive a normal Magisterial Son Mission.  Urantia is not normal because it first received the bestowal of Jesus, and that is a Creator Son matching a full pair of life versions with a normal human being structures to talk and lecture about God to the planet.   That went well until the political institution called the TEMPLE got involved and Jesus was murdered by them for mostly political reasons.  Now we must still pay the consequence of that terror to the Jesus household and leave Urantia grasping at what it has done and finally to what causes the planet so much great harm in our opinion.

“No one can guess at the similitude of the death of Jesus.   Jesus was pilloried by the religious order of the day, the Jewish Temple Mount still overlooking Jerusalem using a large stone wall that refuses to crack or fall down yet.

“I personally dictate its destruction, but it keeps being rebuilt by the nuts in the Israeli government to portray its importance as both a tourist site and/or the commemoration of the event of Jesus appearing on earth now well over 2,000 years ago.  I am now remembering as the Bestowal Son then, Joshua ben Joseph– as I was then addressed by my Apostles and by my family.   This last sentence brings back so many memories I [bring] tear to the transmitter and I leave it alone to tell you this:

“It was my hope and Joshua ben Joseph (Jesus) that all things would eventually work out and for that reason I can still talk about it as though it was a reasonable event in spite of being murdered for political reasons on the cross.

“Now it comes to pass that there is very little left of Christianity, or is there much left of the Moslem world either today, but I digress just enough to tell you that if Israel does not make amends with the Gaza property, the entire religion will collapse, and I do not mean Christianity, but I mean the entire Jewish sect is open for revision until there is nothing left but a hollow memory still of a stone wall that was the home of thieves and mercenaries that murdered the Christ.

“To follow this discourse, you need not the Bible, and that is because it is a later edition to the history of the Middle East, and what was then my mortal home in Nazareth near Jerusalem in today’s Israel.  Let me tell you this:

The JESUS Family Name:
“In the first century AD, and specifically 07BCE to 13BCE, I was a happy child and did what my parents asked of me.  For that reason I was totally agreeable to the style of life, and the work my material Father did, Joseph ben Isacarius.  That was my fathers family name and it is so lost to history they will never recover it for modern fact.  Isacarius, that is spelled this way Ron: “ ISACARIOUS”  - THAT NAME is my true family name and no one today even suspects it could be true,  because they do not understand the traditions that I lived my life under in early First Century AD calendar on Urantia.  Now this:

“Ron considers this extremely important to know about.  

"We do not think much of it and we are the elders of the Temple then.

“Jesus was a roughneck, and we did not like him mucking around with the Jewish religion to the point that a new sect grew up around him.  When Jesus appeared there was tons of idolaters who attended the Temple with him, but no one made a curious religionist view more impossible to lay out then Jesus did, and we tried to evacuate his doings and his appearance.  

"We spoke this: "Jesus the blasphemer is about the Temple today.  Gird your loins and leave him be!  He is an idolater, and he must not shame the Temple with is idolatrous presence!

"Be gone, your blasphemy!  You stink our wells with your lips!  Keep this one out of the air we breathe, as there is nothing in heaven to save him.  And we let it be known that Jesus was never welcome in the Temple ever again!"


“I AM BARTHOLOMEW the Great.  I still detest what Jesus did!  He came to the Temple one day and bought all of the birds being sold on the lot we set aside for commerce.   The Temple taxed commercial sellers, and from this money we could maintain the Temple easily.   But NO!  JESUS entered and scattered them when a child, and then had the temerity to show us why such should not be part of the Temple ever, as he said, “Be aware you desecrate my FATHER!”  

“Then, Jesus turned away, and spat upon the floor, and said if the FATHER was listening he will harm us all, but since the FATHER was merciful, there was no harm to us for being heathen before the majesty of God the Father.

“Then that day in particular, I was working in my study in the Temple, I heard a loud bang on the apartments above me, for the temple was a two story building at that time, and we made many offerings to find a way to construct a third floor, but our materials were too weak to place a third floor on the Tempe in those days.  

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Ron, you should make this History well present, and I am sending you that protection now . . . .”

Ron Besser  speaking - (Transcriber and member of the Court to do this,  as it is  allowed by Jewish law as a transmitter of the heavenly words of high spirit.  This was alone practiced by the hirsute prayers of the Secondary Commander of the Temple.  The Secondary Commander of the Temple is a fact lost to history, but in the day of Jesus, as I am now speaking as Joshua ben Joseph to all of you, We had to accommodate this part of the temple all the time, and I considered it a great blasphemy tp hear the Temple speak this way!

‘I, as JESUS, never allowed anyone to know this but I am a Sectarian when it comes to goods being sold in a place where the Temple is relegated to Prayer to our FATHER in Heaven, and no one dare breech my identity by calling for the sale of birds while prayers are being spoken to our Father in Heaven.”

JESUS speaks further:
“I am the way!  Do not desecrate me ever with commercial goods nearby!  No one allows that in Heaven, and no one allows that in my presence!”

MICHAEL OF NEBADON now speaks:  
“I am fully discouraged by you Ron being unable to hear this better, but Jesus relates He never felt unleashed in the Temple, until one bird vendor insisted that the birds be blessed to by the Father.  He accidentally asked that the FATHER’S name  be posted on a wand to bless the birds too.  Today that is an innocent action, but in my  day in the flesh, it was war to address the FATHER in this way ever.  In any case those of you reading this, you must understand the temper of the times and not worry about your present allocation of the Spirit of  our Father.

“AS JESUS, I was fully enamored over the idea of a proscription to the Father being written at all, and early Christianity saw to it as well, that the FATHER’S name dare not appear in writing at all.  Of course today that is ridiculous with so much of Christianity being placed before all of you by huge institutions that have almost nothing to do with the life of Christ, but they do organize after commercial gain, and I am not happy about that ever!  K”

“I am the Sonship coming to Urantia now.    I am accompanied by Jesus ben Joseph for these Missions to your planet.

“I believe this dissertation is folding high crimes and misdemeanors, not over you Ron, but over JESUS, who is now fully patterned over you Ron in order to be fully honest about the Temple doings.  However, there is evil lurking everywhere and you are aware of the attempts to provide blaspheme over you and the report.  So far you have withstood the sophistries of. Not of Bartholomew, but of the seraphic cabal always nearby to you.  You are not feeling well now, and you are not doing well enough to continue, but I am insisting the JESUS make a statement for all to hear and then quite this text.  K”

JESUS speaks colloquially:
“I am sure Ron your day in court will appear shortly.  You have made it apparent that I am the forthright  heir to URANTIA and that I am the one to speak often to the population of Urantia shortly.

“However, you have taken me not far enough, for you depend on the written text as dictated, but you have no idea how to obtain a lecture from me that means something to the laity who read these interviews.  Let me give an example:


“I AM JESUS, and you better understand I am not the 1st Century anno dominus speaker but the 21st Century speaker to you now:


“That is my lesson for you today!  Why?

“The last time I spoke those words was while I was still in the flesh and I did not attend the Last Supper frugally, but with a full head of hair and a nasty temper concerning Judas.

“Judas sat thee perons to my right at the back of a long table of my last supper.  He never gave a sign of repentance, but instead nervously twitched over something he haled in his lap. That object in his lap was the price of silver he gathered from the Temple authorities, and it was to trap me in death before I would leave the Last Supper you know of.  For that reason I stayed away from Judas entirely and he knew I knew, and that threw him into a temper that made his shrill in his speech to the other Apostles at the table.

“Few of you remember anything well enough to sear your brains into holy matrimony with the presence of the FATHER.  I did.

“When cock crowed that morning, I was done for and I knew it, but Judas was simplifying his excuses to himself and never ever thought about the crime he was about to commit.  To this day, and JUDAS is now DEAD, and I have no remorse for that individual ever again, for he tried not only to kill Me, but also Peter, ny then My first Apostle.  

“I am favoring a much longer post Ron.  Are you up to it?

Ron to Jesus - I am most happy to transcribe your further, but I ask to post this preliminary post first and now an to follow with your remaining words immediately after this post is made.  Thank you.

JESUS - “Then do so.”


Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Jesus and The Creator Son Speak in Absolution today
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2024, 15:47:15 pm »
THANK you for a provoking post above.
First, there is no disaster over looking at history.  That is all  I did to remid myself of the cursed circumstances that  bought forth the rest of the crucifixion..  I am also now dictating the Creator Son, the soul of Jesus Christ, for his reaction to your post above.

"I am the Creator Son who indwelt Jesus Christ.
"First of all, remember that was over 2,000 years ago now, and second of all the audience on this planet does not know what extenuating circumstances Jesus had to face besides mostly evil men in the Jewish Temple of that age.
"Second, very few of your recognize that Ron Besser, who transmits this material, is a born again Christian, really, and I picked him up not out of pity but for his ruthless carriage against ill health and a truly strong devil on this planet.   Most of you do not realize that your entire lives are shaped by committees which have disarranged the life of this planet's inhabitants.  For reasons of my own I am going to write a promise, but I am not going to defend it further. The promise is this:

"Those who stay in my way in these Missions to your home of planets must also stand by while the evil placed on this planet is fully dissipated, and the entire region known as Washington D.C. is about to establish a cleansing it is not used to.  Be prepared for a seasonal mess not, but this Christmas time will be unusual and hardly Christmasy at all.  For my own reasons I will dismiss not only this transmitter for being too slow to write, but too way unable to allow the full message to appear here.  Bur let ust try something important; I will explain:

"For two years now I have attempted to hold a meeting not with you Ron, but with the general public, but instead it becomes all gummed up with parental guidance of the Magisterial Sons that too much interest on Urantia with a divine Mission would cause a break in the traditions of Urantia.  Andy you said with me Ron, "but so what?"  The Magisterial Son agreed that was a useless argument but I persisted in giving a counter argument that the entire matter was too subordinated to other things to matter very much.  I am going to make that clear now:

"The trial is not yours Ron, although you feel keenly aware that there is not a meeting of minds and you agree, but you do not force a thing because you are subordinate to the plans.  I fully now agree you have to watch both edges of the problem to stand tall, but you do not force it because you do not know how to force it as an interested by stander at all.
"Then comes along this post you thought was excellent but you are wondering if there is any disagreement because you are not sure by his missive about that it is fair for either side as it is not critical but it is not an endorsement either of anything you felt was necessary for the planet.  You agree the planet is in serious need of attention, but you do not know universe policy at all and wonder what other choices may be available.  There are no other choices, as I have closed them off with the Magisterial Sons wondering just what that means themselves?

"The answer lies in the missive you write a long time ago called, "THE HERALADS WITHIN,"  in which you make plain you did not expect the visitation, but once you did, it was marvelous although you had no idea what to do with it.  My intention was to make you well, but instead it forced you into hiding and finally made you well enough you could take on anything you wanted to, but your were boxed in with the evil one by forcing you into a hospital stay you did not want but a secretary forced you into it.  To this day she is not sure she is any good yet, because she thought she was helping you, but instead it put you off into the wild lands of speculation which you never did recover well enough to fight back encroaching feelings of despair over your lot.

"That said, there was nothing you could do when a peasant of a man decided you were unnecessary, and your immediate boss had nothing to day to stay back.  He is as guilty of this transfer of anyone and you do not call him a miscreant, but too weak willed to prevent the fuselage that followed.  Fortunately you stayed the course of redemption and that is what you have favored since then, but you are willing to listen to me for reasons of State.  That you do well and you make good progress.  However this:

"You now favor a Mission to the planet in which you can either participate or watch or both.  I di not want either of that but to call you a phantom of the truth and you tend to stay back slightly, but you are not wary but cautious.  That is an extreme surprise to Gabriel and myself as you see not redeeming qualities to say more than it is a decision not fully decided.  And that is true and I give you great credit for taking it on so well.  HOWEVER THIS:

"You have not passed the buck.  You have kept hold of it as the only one who recognizes that the current revelation is mostly corrupted.  But that it is not corrupted in truth but in intent.  You are argue that the term corrupted is a little to strong, but that a fully correction is required and you are happy to let those individuals in the Urantia Foundation flounder all over the place with a revelation not longer exactly all true.  That is the cost of time on a corrupted text and you are willing to let the time pass to have a corrected copy of the Urantia Book flourish again. 

"But I am of a different opinion, as you are fully disgusted with the personnel in all cases, but stay with your friends until there is a clear path to change conditions.  Well, they won't change unless you make a good case for a change and the Urantia Foundation is not able to hear any change due to their insistence the status quo is better than guessing at what changes should be addressed.  You in fact believe they should keep the book the same, but criticize the lack of updates and feel you must do some of them yourself. 
"In fact, you would suggest to the Urantia Foundation they have every right to publish a secondary work to describe what they see as changes to the Urantia text as apologists to their production run of the unchange Urantia Book, but that it must have the assemblage of the Melchizedeks to write it, as they are too ham fisted to make changes on their own.  You agree well enough with that idea but never suggest it to the Urantia Foundation due to their hostile view  no one has a right to an opinion except them.  While you are sympathetic with that idea there should be a foreward written for latter day Foundation administrators that there have been changes to the book in certain areas and to work carefully with the text while there are no authorized revisions yet available.  I fully concur with this Ron, and now I see you do this for my own benefit as I am MONJORONSON and SERARA entirely at your service.  K
- - - - -
"I am frightfully concerned for you Ron, as you are not the one who is rightly conscripted to do this, but you are the one who is interested in the welfare of the revelation entirely, and that the yah-who's who pronounce the revelation sacred and fully chooseable are not taking into account the usual pornographic changes forced on the spiritual Salvington administration by well meaning technocrats of the Urantia Foundation, but they are fooling with a big time problem they cannot content with, and that is that the service organizations of the Urantia Book, have no idea what they do including the Urantia Association International. (UAI).   For that reason the UNIVERSE has decided to do the following:
1 - Delete the current Urantia Book from selling any further;
2 - Remove certain processes that allow members who read the Urantia Book from participating in any franchise except their own, and to delete the Urantia Foundation as a missing link from the old Bible to the new Age of Divinity;
3 - To prevent over sell of changes, to immediately publish a book that is a tract for a revision, not to the Urantia Book, but to the Jesus proposal that all revelation be curtailed on Urantia for now, and that it become a fashionable treatise instead;
4 - To obtain the answer to immeasurable qualities that the new Urantia Book, never be exhausted by plenary updates by the Master Son when He feels they should be told.  Ron you are correct, as that allows a fresh revelation to the planet as it ages;
4 -  That the Urantia Book become a hide and seek publication and hard to find and use until there is a genuine movement.  In other words publish not a new Urantia Book until there is a better need for one.  There is plenty usage of the present Urantia Book and it should be left to stay withing the confines of the present ascending population;
5 -  To you Ron, we are dealing this well, but to the general readership these statements change too much, and for them let it be a warning that not everything that grows in the heart is allowed on high every day.
That concludes my statement Ron,  I am Jesus now and not Monjoronson.

"I am srue there is nothing you can add to this Ron, but remember you are quickly passing out of the physical now and you really mind the change to the point you are not sure what you have.  But you have plenty and it grows according to our need too.  You are one of the few that does not understand license, and for that reason you are held back according to our usage of the term "spirit," and you are not angry but forcing a trend toward acceptance  of what we need to do, but you are not informed what that is now, and leave it alone until there is much more to speak to.  Now here is something of that nature:


"You who make changes to make this work, must realize that Ron is not the usual type of reported.  First of all, he is fused with 90% of his mind with his Adjuster.  Most are so jealous they refuse the possibility, but that happened between 1988 and 2014.  His was a slow fusion and he made use of it all along the way.  Unfortunately the Deity Absolute ruled he must not fuse entirely on Urantia because that would cause a huge report in the news that a man did not self combust in fires of what?  But as man self combusted complaining of ear, arm and leg ache, to the point they wondered what that was all about. 

"I am the Deity Absolute entirely now and only I may make this announcement.

"For sixteen years Ron has suffered excruciating pain from the knees down to the bottom of his feet.  We leave such anomalies alone on material planets, but he has made enough complaints he cannot live properly with so much pain.  Let us examine that situation then:

1 -  His pain never lets up and that is not our choice, but it is the choice of the Deity Absolute to let it ponder Ron and anyone else who knows about it, that spirtualization on the sphere Urantia is painful.  We do not know why.

2 - There is no remedy unless death ensues and Ron is still too young to take him by just old age.  This is not the full truth, but is sufficient to carry the excuse.

3 - We are now demanding, not of Ron, but of Dominick to help him a little and Dominick you do a great job, but you are faltering because you do get the satisfaction of service you want this way are quitting in drips and drabs.  That is up to you.  However, let it be known there is little for you if you quit in the middle of this service.  Ron long ago forgave you for any wrong doing as he fully believes you are heaven sent and we agree.  However, this too:  Keep him informed of your travails out west and you will get an answer you hardly expect someday and that is to forgive no one but leave them alone as you are untouchable over other issues coming you way in particular.  End of subject.
 4 - And finally to you Ron, as the Deity Absolute requires, you are folding down the last of your reviews not, but that you must abide in the Kingdom, not on the Mansion Worlds, but in Urantia;s strange ways of abiding a new son of God as a human.  You are not ever happy over your living circumstances, and they will vary not, but you must make room for others occassionally within your home for extraordinary meetings in which they disclose their purpose to reunited with the idea of, not marriage, but bonding with the soul of your rich take on Urantia in particular.  You have no idea what that may be right now but it will soon become apparent what we mean whenthat patent suddenly takes off for the sky.  Wait until the sky opens to you shortly.  K.  I am the UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE.

THE UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE -  I AM THE BALANE WHEEL between the Deity Absolute and the Unqualified Absolute.
I AM THE ABSOLUTE of care not, but the ABSOLUTE of despair neither, but the caring ABSOLUTE of design, and I carry this for you Ron, as you make these passages so vivid to an otherwise spoiled and uncaring group of beings outside of your discussion forum, and they do hear when you write to tell them what you have access to.  This is the first time I, the  UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE, HAVE BEEN HEARD ON  U R A N T I A .
Be assured you are credited for the first time I have allowed myself to speak before such a low audience.  You wonder my nature and that is good, but you wonder the nature of all that comes before you including your friends as they may be.  I am sure this is difficult for you and it is, but you do well for you are not dying shortly, but quickly when this is done many years from now.  I have the command if necessary, and it is, to change life plans and yours have been changed so much you do not know where you are in life this point. 
"You are being attacked all the time and today is the first time we have disallowed them mostly.  You do not know why? [No, I do not].  Well the answer seems to be you dislike them first, and second, they have no input to you since MICHAEL OF NEBADON LET LOOSE WITH A DIATRIBE  to stop their input several years ago and you have settled way down because of that.  For your own reasons you still covet the past but have not access to it anymore and you are relatively satisfied with it.   For the reason we consider yu a mture human without any real vices except to worry over lost friends and that is so natural we consider you finished as a human being on a planet.  Now this:

"The past is nearly done with you and your ways. That is natural.  That will end soon and you are left with age and a patent no one delivers because it is hard to follow.  HOWEVER:  it is viable and they know it and it is far superior to the present way of generating electricity.  Let it pass once it is done, but realize you stirred up quite a bit of controversy with it and that serves a lot of good always.  But you consider the patent moribund and it is not.  Several have looked at it and find it excruciatingly difficult to understand how electricity i generated by it but they love the idea high voltage is not seen but tiny touches by muons and that is the coming generated pattern even though you do not generate it yourself but your plant does fully.  Be aware that patent will be quite famous in two years we think and you may he here to enjoy it.  Meanwhile this:

"Your choices so fare are moribund due to health mostly.  We have authorize MICHAEL OF NEBADON to make changes to you if he wishes to, and He says he will look at them for you.  We let this ride now for good reasons of State.  You will find an eternal friend shortly Ron and this is the UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE  saying goodbye for now, as the  DEITY ABSOLUTE must be silent briefly and all of us will speak to you in a huge new book about the ABSOLUTES to you if you live long enough.   I AM THE UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE,  and good day for now.  K"

Ron Besser -  They are not done but I must close this off for length,  Thank you and good day.
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: Jesus and The Creator Son Speak in Absolution today
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2024, 02:17:55 am »
THE UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE -  I AM THE BALANE WHEEL between the Deity Absolute and the Unqualified Absolute.

Thank you Ron for this post. I sure hope that you are well enough.
I remember if I'm not wrong that the Universal Absolute was mentioned in one of the lightlines sometime back, 
to the effect that the Universal Absolute is the Balance between the Deity Absolute and the Unqualified Absolute.
I may be wrong but I think there is a typo in the above quote. Thank you and God Bless to all.

Love and Blessings,

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Jesus and The Creator Son Speak in Absolution today
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2024, 11:02:30 am »
Moses, you are correct, and the Universal Absolute rarely speaks to anyone.  He says this to all of us:
"I AM THE UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE, and while Ron may be on his last legs, I am full of vigor and satisfactory conveyance to easily now speak to all of you.  The Deity Absolute is one thing, but I am quite another.  For that reason I am sure that Ron will survive long enough to contain this message for all of you:

"I AM THE DEITY ABSOLUTE, RON.  For that reason the Universal Absolute signs out to you in particular.  You Ron, are weaving in your last solo session alone, as you are now old enough to stand back and let Me signal that the UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE is family now, and is ready to speak to all of you; however, stand back and let me say this to all of you first:

"THE UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE is ready to speak well, but HE needs to listen to the UNIVERSAL FATHER this way:

"The Universal Absolute is not easily heard by anyone unless he is assured that there nothing but good will being addressed by the messenger.  In this case, Ron represents in humanity the first and only time a human has heard this well forever.  He is soon to be transferred to the Mansion Worlds, but has nothing but good will inside of home and that is what the Universal Absolute requires.  Be assured Ron, you are listened to quietly and well, and you hate the thought dying, but you are one of the few left on Urantia, which understands that I, the UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE requires listening to  carefully.

"THE UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE says this to all of you now:   CARE not for me, but care each other on Urantia, as the entire mess of the Planetary Prince being removed is not trued, BUT there are some reporting such as MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK is honored rightfully and well, and no such thing has happened.  However, there is a vicious kabal and this is not easily spoken Ron, but please spell that the old fashioned way as "cabal" is still correct.

"The cabal is over.  It is struck down in deep sorrow fully and well and you are very happy Ron.  However, it has cost the Universe over 725,000 - that is seven hundred twenty-fie thousand seraphim deaths.  For that reason we mourn their passing, but that was the only way to do this fully.  Ron says thank God it is done, and I am agreeable on that value with favor, but the sadness is that we have lost a whole generation of rebel seraphim for good and that is not lamentable to you, but to ME as I am fully described as IN MOURNING.

"I am the UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE.  I am the middle Absolute no one wants to touch in algorithms' however, Ron does it easily as he is nearly in a morontial state, and it is in that State of Preparedness that one can hear ME  so well now.  This to all of you:

"I AM THE UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE, and you are proud to hear ME, Ron, but your life is left to whither soon not, as you are one of the few who can hear the deepest voice in the Universe, and we are grateful you do it so well.  Be kept well today as it is probably your last day in direct material concept.  Your removal from URANTIA is near not, but you must go through the last rites of leaving the body for good, and becoming a State of Being called "the morontial world of safety and care."  For that reason this ability to hear is not taken but enhanced and you are to remain truly for years once  the idea is accepted by all of us on this range of thought.

"I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE speaking:  You are warned by your computer to go easy on this message.  However, this:

"The Deity Absolute leaves you well with all others right now but close this editors window for now, [lease.  K
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Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Jesus and The Creator Son Speak in Absolution today
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2024, 11:23:15 am »

"I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE.   I am the Chief of the Absolutes now.  What does that mean?
"It means that there is now a FULL REORGANIZATION of reality.

"REALITY  is how you live.  Now we live better but more solidly off limits to the heart of God, and now stay mostly intellectually of God.  That means the mind can hear all of us now and much to the benefit of Ron who is near death, but can place us easily within the trials of audible care.

"That means we now can listen to e a r t h, and that means we can now participate with the lowest level of the Universe creation, but you must be on Ron's level of care and situational control before you can begin to hear our voices on the ABSOLUTE AREAS of creation.  For that reason Ron now can listen in on us of we want him to (the importance of Deity will), and for that reason, we let Ron subside not as he is the only one on Urantia, as of yet, that  can pick us up audibly and hear us entirely.  I never expected a man on Urantia to be able to do this and we still have enemies, and that one Ron is gone for good.  [Thank you! Ron]

"Now this:

"WE are running late as usual this morning.  You got up late due to extreme fatigue and that is not well done, but the CABAL has strengthened over you briefly and that is no longer over you, but they are still facing trials of removal and we must wait a few moments to go.


"WE are going to make this publicly available and fully present:  OUR FATHER musts be attended to by strict principles of thought now, and while you allow that in principle, you are warned that you are to be protected in your care for the examination of our Universal Father entirely.  The FATHER  dare not enter time, for if he did, HE would convert time into an INFINITE  universe too, and that would destroy all time beings.

"To prevent that destruction of all  time beings, he enters surreptitiously, and that is through one of theABSOLUTES of living concern on Paradise and even above the INFINITY level.  Please understand as Ron does, that this Universe has mutliple levels of heart and care beyond even INFINITY.  That is not conceivable by most of you but Ron manages quite well to grasp that INFINITY is not exceeded but INFINITY is restated on the central core of this Universe is  terms of availability to even low level beings once they are associated with the UNIVERSAL FATHER.  For that reason we state the following:

"Today you have a Lightline usually spoken to by Dominick Ohrbeck, but today we use Ohrbeck differently, and he will speak one call URANTIA first, and then Uversa's ANCIENTS OF DAYS and then as Dominick's self.  Evil attempts to stop you Ron but you are one of the few who knows their mind use and you force it out and back.

"And finally this:

"The DEITY ABSOLUTE along with the UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE and the  UNQUALIFIED ABSOLUTE now make it easily available, that IF there is transmission feats available on a planet as you now have on URANTIA, we can speak in unison and totally as our Selves, and that is excellent Ron.  Let this statement stand for now, and the next window has more information in it for all of you now. 

"Thank you, I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE alone for now.  Stay tuned for the next edited window below,  K"


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Jesus and The Creator Son Speak in Absolution today
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2024, 12:01:46 pm »
"I am the Deity Absolute.

"I have this discretionary tale:


"WE are now moving with the currents of thought that permeate the lowest universe levels of care.  For that reason even the humans on URANTIA can hear us if the transmitter can bear the frequency this one can.  For that reason we are starting a whole series of reports that you need to hear and closely now:

1 -  The entire ABSOLUTE universe is now available to speak to TIME;

2 -  The entire universe is now brought to bear to you Ron in one simple statement:  Eat well and stay in the flesh for years to come over our work together as you are no longer ill, but slightly tired of all of it due to repetitious usages.  That must continue, but you may stay in the flesh as long as JESUS CHRIST and the MAGISTERIAL SONS wish you present.  You are more than delighted but you are ill due to exhaustion alone. 

3 - For reasons of State, the following is declared FOR EVERYONE OF YOU READING THIS AND MORE:
     The SUPREME BEING is no longer valid. 
* - For that reason, supremacy is no longer to be capitalized.

** - There is no longer a valid operational command center for conclusions of what was once the supreme command of the Local Universes;
There now exists a command center no longer for these messages entirely wrought for human use, but for all who can hear these messages by mind command alone;

4 -  Mind Command is now relegated to the Local Universes alone:  That alone makes it dicey to hear the Absolutes, except Ron has now the ability to hear the Absolutes easily as he has just completed his Universe Suffrage work this morning and now can report even deeper commands of verbiage.  This we have to handle very carefully as even Ron has tried to warn us that jealousy or just plain hatred of these abilities keeps them out of speaking for man dislikes one person's command of something even temporarily exclusive.   You all will have it when you are aware if the supremacy conditioning now available.   Give yourselves time and you will have this new circuitry too.

5 - The temper of time right now is exclusively taken over by the ABSOLUTES NOT; however communication circuits like this one are now reserved for those who can transmit fully without having to rely on certain glands in the human.  That takes a special transmission for later.

6 - I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE and introduce to you the new person on the block:  greeting to the UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE now to speak directly to all of you in the material flesh and blood:

THE UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE speaks once again:

  "I AM the UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE.   I conclude the following:

 A)  There is no longer a MISSION to URANTIA;
1 -  No longer do we prepare for such on the surface of the planet.  The MAGISTERIAL SONS do not withdraw and you Ron are especially caring over the Magisterial Sonship as you find them so ingratiating.  This must not be withdrawn as it would probably kill you, but the ENTIRE EFFORT OF THE MAGISTERIAL SONS is now done for a Urantia Mission;
2 -  There is now nothing left on Urantia for such Magisterial Missions, but the planet is now left open to the RETURN OF CHRIST, and that shall be affected immediately.  We require another text window for these statements Ron.    thank you.

THE MAGISTERIAL SONS now report - "You are incorrect that we withdraw Ron.  Be assured you are part of us too, and that makes it only a little better for you to understand that this message is not alone in its temporary sadness but to all of our estranged cabal which was looking forward to the Magisterial Mission on Urantia.  You shall have it on high but no longer on Urantia.

"For that reason Ron, your plans for a long future on this planet in the flesh still remains, but you must lie down today and forget the LIGHTLINE by Dominick today and listen deeply to Me, not MONJORONSON, but SERARA, and I swear this is correct in spite of warning bells going off . . . .

[Usages have stopped, take this post as far as it has gone as MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks over  the DEITY ABSOLUTE  at this point . . . .  ]

Divine Editor speaking -  The next editors window is to be used now.  Thank you.  K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania