Author Topic: NOTICE FROM MICHAEL OF NEBADON TO ALL INTERESTED - 18 July 2024  (Read 3334 times)

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Online Ron Besser

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 I want it to be known that the messenger use here is on the up and up, and I want it to be understood that the Celestial Minutes of this announcement are to be clearly understood and I make it difficult for Ron to type because I want full control.  The adversaries of this messaging are on the pain of death of they interfere;

That said:

"There are insinuations in some reporting around the world that the planned Missions to Urantia are lost.  DO NOT BELIEVE T HAT OR THEM!

"Secondly, Ron is under great strain to make several announcements, but THIS ONE GOES OUT FIRST!

THIRD, No one can disorder these messages now, and I want it understood to the seraphim who form the kabal around Ron, that your time is over.

Fourth, No one rules Urantia yet, but shortly I will.

The Planetary government is well and moving forward.

Fifth - I am very angry at how this is being produced not, but Ron has forced nothing but the kabal has and we are now forcing the kabal to retire entirely!

Sixth - I have no other announcement right now.  K!
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"I am announcing that the entire matter of Ron and his environs are shot out of a canon no longer, and that he is used to announce the appearance of the Magisterial Mission entirely and fully soon.

"For that reason, we are suspending  the usual schedules for today (Thursday the 18th of July 2024 at noon, New York time zone, today.  Listen:

1 - There is no force available on Urantia now.  FATHER  has cleared the kabal entirely, and the entire instruction FOR THE MISSIONS TO URANTIA is now supended truly.

GABRIEL  speaking:
"WE have attempted   to  provide Urantia a Mission for over thirteen years now. 

"For that reason we are leaving no stoner unturned to make sure that the inhabitants of Urantia understand what is coming.  However, most have turned aside and leave it alone while the Presidential election begins for the United States.  We have this to say:
1 - No one will decree a winner and it must proceed as it usually does; however, be aware  that if certain contestants win there will be a war in heaven over Urantia policies coming from the White House.  We leave this vague but threatening.

2 - Number two, we are are quite sure there are nefarious charges being made by both sides of the equation who stared the war in the  UKRAINE, but it must be settled soon and we have no real idea how to do that except to issue a spiritual decree outlawing those war actions.  Now this:
3 - The war cabinet in Russia is seizing upon Chinese support already, but China has learned that if they join in full support for such a war, they threaten their international standing, and will surreptitiously stand away.  For that reason we are providing this MISSION ANNOUNCEMENT:

     i - NO ONE  will be allowed inside our thinking for the next six hours.  Ron is used to hearing what we want to say, but what we have to say about URANTIA right now is not repeatable;
    ii - NO ONE is allowed dissertation beyond what I have to print out here for now:
    iii - We have had it with Urantia, and it must be claimed by the Magisterial Sons first.  Therefore I am announcing nothing new for Urantia for the foreseeable future.  What does that means?

 4 -  The disallowance of Missions to Urantia is stated now: 

     iv - We are removing the Magisterial Sons as a viewable reward to Urantians as they cannot assume further concerns for either the planet or for themselves. 

     a -Those who have complained incessantly since the Middle Ages of the lack of attention of God to Urantia are now correct.  Urantia will have to abide itself for another time period if I cannot get in to make sense of the inhabitants of this planet.  You are over populated with far too many sub-humans, and as such the planet must be revised and that will take too many years to do.
     b - For that reason I decree a resurrection of not the Christ, but of the change of status of Urantia to a third rate power in consistency and will decree no further fund raising for the Magisterial Foundation until we understand it is the motivation I no longer have for any reasonable declaration of inventory or other care it works hard to maintain for our surivial as an important thought for the planet. 

     c -  Designations I have used in the past to Ron are still good, but designations for all others right now are declined.  That means the advisory Board used to direct the Magisterial Foundation is now rescinded now, but tht it loses all but the MELCHIZEDEKS for their self unity.  That loss is hard on Ron because he depends on the truth to speak when there arises a lot of confusion as to what is happening.
5 -  The electrical patent Ron has currently will be used, but is significance reduced not, but added to when we make sure that someone figures out it is genuine fission, and they grab onto it as though it is the last oxygen on the planet.  Not so for oxygen, but for the patent, we reserve the right to build it ourselves in a field nearby and let the powers to be on Urantia figure it out for good reason.  It is a process they need to use for all power to come.

6 - And finally, more reporting from MICHAEL OF NEBADON is to come, but this is sufficient to END the speech for now.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON with GABRIEL and the 4th MASTER SPIRIT not longer speaking to Urantia. 

We address this situation  next but when we can do that safely.  K 



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