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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: July 22, 2024, 17:08:15 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International 22 July - 2024

This is the Netherlands Lightline on Monday, 22 July 2024 
with Elise, your host.

We thank all Celestial Speakers who were present with us today. We had the privilege to listen to: 
Michael of Nebadon, the Universal Father, Amadon and Gabriel.

This is the link to the recording:

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2024, 11:25:23 am »
  • 072224 Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: Missions are called off but many people’s hearts changing for the better; Magisterial Sons continue to work and will call on us to contribute; our beautiful future in Paradise; time and reality; examine our ways; how we follow Jesus' teaching? When is the Second Return?
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon; Universal Father; Amadon, and Gabriel
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:


Hello. This is Lightline Netherlands International on Monday again. It's July 22nd of 2024, And I am Elise, your host as always, and I welcome you all and thank you for calling in. So, let's start our Lightline with a prayer, and look up to our Heavenly Father, and thank him for bringing us together, and to make these Lightlines possible.  

We always thank the Father for his blessings and his care for the planet, for its people, that they may know the Father, and may discover the many opportunities that Father sends us, one of which is the connection to spirit. And that keeps us informed and connected with everything that they like to tell us. Of course, we all would like to do the Father's will, to live up to his will, and well, Father we thank you once again for you blessings and ask for a clear connection and good reception. Amen.

Well, welcome Jose. We are asking for someone to come to us and speak to this group, if possible.

Michael of Nebadon

Yes, good day to all of you. This is Michael of Nebadon, and welcome everyone.


Well, we welcome you Michael, please go ahead.

Michael of Nebadon

Thank you, Elise. I am Michael of Nebadon and today I am on the planet, and I see that you are starting your Lightline with a prayer as you do on the morning to thank Father. To thank our Father, and that is exactly the way you start out every new day, and everything you do in collaboration with the Father. You greet God and you thank him. So, thank you for doing that.

And let's continue and look at the situation on your world, which is not much different from other days. But we see some slight improvements in the hearts of men, where they are beginning to feel the need for change, and to think about in what way they could ever help this world, where so much is wrong and where so much needs to be done to change. All of this and the people on it with the few people who realize that the earth is in dire need and that something needs to be done to safeguard life on Earth.

Well, I tell you, they are absolutely right to think deeply about such things, for the situation on Urantia is really bad. And it must change in many respects. First and foremost, violence must be stopped. And a race to be the number one in anything must end and make way for a more just and altruistic way of thinking and feeling in the hearts of men.

Many on the planet are on the right path. They are trying to change their lifestyle and exchange it for a simpler, more social and more effective way of life, in collaboration with others who are also trying to find a fair standard of living without burdening the earth with their waste and exploitation and the misuse of what the planet offers naturally in abundance to everyone.

Whatever is happening in that direction will be a good start to minimizing the use of goods of which there are now far too many. Such a change will lead to a reduction in production, and in the high demand for luxury goods and poor fast-food products. Right now, there is an overproduction in almost everything on your world, and that has to stop.

This must be overproduction of the people themselves in order to be able to remove the vast piles of waste of too much unnecessary food and means that are placing a heavy burden on the world. Where, at the same time, 1000s of families still live below the poverty line and barely manage to make ends meet to feed their children. And they too will continue to strive for prosperity and wealth that the rest of the world has appropriated, and that will lead to even more pollution, and the further and further disrupt the balance of this planet.

We all know that if a policy of social and economic balance is not very soon disseminated and implemented, the planet will succumb to greed and the depletion of its resources, which men keeps abusing for the pleasures of only a part of the world's population, leaving the majority as second-class citizens in their imposed state.

This, of course, is a very selfish way of thinking and acting, and it must disappear from your world in exchange for a sense of responsibility for every person, for each other, and for the total concern of all citizens. And to help build a world that is livable and provides work and means to all.

I am, Michael of Nebadon, and you have heard on the Sunday Lightline that the missions and all their plans have been rejected and will not be carried out in such a manner on Urantia. But the planet will, with my permission, Michael of Nebadon, receive information through the Magisterial Sons. They will exert their influence on the world and provide new opportunities in furthering their objectives.

I am sure that the Magisterial Sons will call upon this group, and on those who have been instructed by Monjoronson for years, and who expect to be part of the efforts for the common pursuit of cooperation, and the ultimate unification that must eventually be achieved between nations, and between all their people. There are many groups on Urantia that have been taught by the Magisterial Son Monjoronson over several decades, and they have sought to embody his advice and his teachings. And those of them who have worked assiduously to change their ways and communicated them to others, will in the future witness the fruits of their labor, and they will not be disappointed.

I am Michael, Michael of Nebadon. And although the missions as such have disappeared, the Magisterial Sons will pick up their work and further shape their prepared work in their own way. They will provide assistance through instructions and news through Lightlines and the discussion forum, to prevent Urantia from getting into even deeper trouble than it finds itself already in. You're all very fortunate to have such divine Sons care for your world and for what you have to experience in your lifetime.

It's not an easy thing. It's not an easy time for so many on the planet, and we have great hopes that even though we have no missions For Urantia, we will have help and enough assistance from those who are especially trained and are concerned with the people that are living on these beautiful planets. I am Michael, and I step back, and I think that the Father wants to speak here to all of you. I thank you for your attention, and I give it back to you. Elise,


Thank you, Michael, thank you for your words. And welcome Father if you're there. Please, please go ahead if you're ready.

Universal Father

Yes, good day to all. This is Father. This is your Universal Father. I am in connection with the transmitter for today's Lightline to receive my message. I'm here for everyone to hear.

I am the Universal Father, speaking to you from Paradise. The abode of deity and the center of the universes of universes, which is a gigantic material sphere, divinely organized and of complete perfection. Which has existed from eternity and on. Which you may have been informed of in your Urantia book, where an entire chapter is devoted to the divine abode where I and Michael ordinates reside. And where you will always find me.

Paradise is the fixed, immovable center of creation. And it is the place of many essentials, all of which are related to the creation, and the maintenance of my creation. It is also a place for the many individuals who are born as perfected beings. They are perfect. They are the Paradise citizens. And they are never found outside of Paradise. They have their own living quarters, their own zones on this vast - vast world, of which we don’t speak as a world. It is a glorious and peaceful place.

Time is irrelevant on Paradise. For as you know, time does not exist on Paradise. Life on Paradise is in full unity with everything, and in perfection in all and every way. I am your Father. I am on Paradise. Paradise is a faraway destiny for the mortal beings, but it is reserved for the ascending creatures of the evolutionary time and space. Of which you will be one when you have completed your journey through creation, with the many opportunities presented to you in your search for God.

And there you will find the Eternal Spirit, the Eternal Son, and finally me, your Universal Father. And I will embrace you and welcome you into my home, which is your home. And the home for all people who have lived their lives in free will to follow my will. And to acknowledge me as Creator and Father. And to have lived for the brotherhood of men among all my God knowing children. You will be surrounded there by beauty and divine love like you have never felt before. And an unprecedented feeling will come over you and make you feel gratitude for my creation. Because you have than achieved your goal after a long journey of learning and growing of your soul on your path through creation.

And where, after a period of rest, long enough to explore and experience your new home, you are given new assignments. You sent out by me into the universe to use your knowledge, your experience, and to put it into practice for my children who are then in the early stages of their development on the 1000s of planets by then inhabited humans. And you will be able to fully feel the pleasure of your undertaking to teach them. Teach them about me as their Creator and Father of the heavens.

I, the Creator, the Father of my children never leave Paradise. It’s my abode, I have chosen to be my home, from which I rule my universe. And from where I send my guides and helpers to the inhabited words. And where I receive my children who worked so hard to find me. I am the constant of the universe of universes. I am the true and only God. I am Father, the Universal Father, and what God has created exist in its glorious design into infinity and will increasingly unfold the purpose of is vast creation.

When violence decreases and brotherhood between people grows, there is a beginning of increasing unity among people, and space becomes available to properly assess what the rights and obligations are of all citizens, who desire to participate in a peaceful society. There is still a long way to go for the Urantians, but my divine Son, Monjoronson, has been heard by many on your world. And any loyal and knowledgeable people or group is prepared to commit to the much needed and the well understood measures that are being required for a great shift towards a thriving society in a more simplistic lifestyle, and with the more than sufficient resources to provide everyone with needs and maintenance.

We eagerly await the state of affairs, the healthy and sound minds in this world in cooperation of those who together help bring about these very necessary changes. The Magisterial Sons wait expectantly, and they do not exactly count on the cooperation of the best minds in this world, but they will, undoubtedly, in time, call on the cooperation of those who are familiar with their existence and presence among the people, and who are prepared to jointly contribute to the very necessary changes and its implementation.

And for this group, your cooperation and your proven perseverance are desperately needed to show others that with patience and faith, and with My Grace great things can happen that lead to good and lasting solutions for future generations. This world is not forgotten. Not only is Urantia the world of Michael’s last Bestowal, when he was born of woman. It’s also, it has also a too long and interesting history to be preserved, and to serve as an example for many inhabitants of other planets who have the opportunity to delve into the evolution of a planet that has experienced the greatest difficulties, and problems of rebellion. But also, the greatest privilege by the Creator Son, in Bestowing himself to your planet in his local universe.

I am your Father, and I take me leave. I give you my blessings, and I wish you all good day.


Thank you, Father, thank you.


This is Amadon. I would like to say a few words to everyone here. I have known most of you for a long time, and I have spoken to many. I would like to speak a few words about different ways of perspective in life. Always depending on place and time, that could be quite a subject to discuss, but we take it easy today.

Your view of life may differ from what we see here today. We see people in all kinds of circumstances, from suffering in fear and hunger to those who lust for power and possessions. We see individuals who are satisfied with what life offers them. They do not need much, and others toil their way through existence. And still others have so much time and freedom that they do not know what to do with their time. There are 1000s of examples of differences in lifestyle and the way people experience life. Also, everyone has a different perception of time, and that depends often on what you are doing that you like or are being pushed to your limit by the stress of a deadline that demands the impossible of you, which can lead to serious disorders and diseases. For you, the humans on the planet, it may even seem that long stretches of time have passed, what could be a very short time in spirit. And so, your patience could be severely tested, whereas we experienced that period as gone in the blink of an eye.

I'm Amadon. I have experiences on both sides. As you get older, you notice how time flies. For you as parents, your children grow up too fast, but for your children, it seems to take ages, and sometimes too long for them to reach adulthood. While others are not so keen. They take things as they come. You all experience your life and time differently from a different perspective, a different reality. And this has to do with what seems to be your reality at that moment.

From our reality here in the spheres, we see you from a different perspective. Things like age, health, work, family relationships, your interactions with friends, and even with the rest of the world. We are actually all live in a different reality, as some in spirit have experienced and lived in your reality, like Michael of Nebadon did, when he as Jesus, had his life here on the planet, On Urantia everything seems to happen hastily, and you are all dependent on your clock.

There's nothing wrong with your clock or how you spend your hours, as long as it doesn't harm your health or make you a nervous wreck. Yes, there are times when you need to pay attention to the time when you go to school or work or have an appointment but be careful that not everything you do is controlled by your clock. I can tell you that in spirit, there is no rush. Things happen as they should or should not. And when we commit to a task, we start and continue until the task is sufficiently accomplished. It doesn't matter how long it takes; it's done when it's done to everyone's satisfaction.

We also recommend that you look very seriously at yourselves and discover what your preferences are in life and what your talents and skills are, when choosing your direction in life. Because working with a version can distract your attention and weaken your interest, which does never contribute to the outcome of your work. Look for something you feel attracted to, because it might take you years before you risk quitting, and then you have to cope with it. Take a study that you like, try to find the people you like. You might have to spend a lot of time with them. And you can even try to find help and find out where your interests lie and in what you will perform at your best. It will help you, even in your spiritual growth and work. People on this planet tend to feel in their time way ahead of time, and thus they never have a moment to spare. Your agenda may be full, but if there is never a moment for anyone in your life, then you are making the wrong decisions which you might regret.

I am Amadon. I advise you to take the time to see your friends, your neighbor. Talk to your colleagues, give attention to your children and your fellow man. It might even save someone's life if a person is crying out for help, and you were there to help him or her. Jesus always took the time for everyone who needed his attention and came to him. He never disappointed anyone. He was never in a hurry and gave people his time, and many found salvation or were helped by Jesus's words of comfort and of good intentions, and they left him in a happy mood, because he made time for them. But always be careful what you do with your time. Time is precious because you only have a limited amount of it, but how to use that time in the wisest and most adequate way is up to each of you. And remember, there are more people than you know who would like you to take some of your time, because they really need your advice, or your love, your care, or just a warm hug.

I'm Amadon. I know how it feels to live in time. I know how time can be long or short, but please learn that everything is relative. Forget the saying time is money, because that is a big lie that some people use when they are only focused on the material things in life. Money is not your life, your soul is your life, and you have to take care of your soul by doing what Jesus showed us and showed us in the old universe. And that is to take care of each other. And remember that you are a part of a family, a family of brothers and sisters, whether you are in a country, in the world, or in the universe. And then finally this. Please remember, your Father is the Universal Father and Father of all, head of his family. This is Amadon. I say goodbye and I thank you for listening.


Thank you, Amadon, I was happy to receive you, and we hope you will come back someday. Thank you.

Let me have a look at the dashboard. This is Elise. Oh, we have a couple of guests that came in a little bit later, Carol Deptula and George Huber, and Charlotte from Alabama, you're all very welcome, and I'm asking if there is anything else for us. So please give me a moment to see if we have another speaker here.


Peace be among you. These are the words that Jesus spoke when as the resurrected Jesus, he visited his friends, his disciples, and his family. And when he showed himself in his morontial body that he acquired when he rose from the grave.

This is Gabriel. Hello, everyone. I am the Chief Executive of this local universe, but I am also the angel who brought the good news to Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was pregnant with her first child. I Gabriel, have watched the earthly life of Jesus. I have seen the horrors of his suffering and the contempt of his death until he was raised from the grave when the angel Ryan commanded him to wake up,

I Gabriel, have followed Jesus on his journey as a man in this world. I have seen all his efforts to return to Urantia, the planet of his human birth, where he began his career as a man among men, and as the Son of God, fulfilling his task, and then went up to the Father in heaven to be received by him.

Jesus never forgot the planet of his birth, and he promised to return to what was disturbed by people, who did not understand him and worked against him. Even now he sees that people have not progressed much beyond their pity behavior, and that the pursuit of peace in the world is hampered by greed and egotism, which hinders spiritual progress and causes the planet to lag behind in its spiritual development with all its consequences. But Jesus has promised to return to this world, and he will fulfill his promise when he has the opportunity to show himself among the people and unfold his plans for the world. When man comes to understand the danger that threatens the world by his technical means, and he shall see them return in despair to him, to Jesus, who taught them so long ago about his Father, who is your Father. And they will cry for God to help. They will beg for mercy and a better life under his guidance.

I am Gabriel and we see that the world is going through a difficult and unpredictable time. It will have to show that its people put the importance of a healthy planet first if they want to preserve life on the planet, and to offer their children a world where humans can breathe and live. This is the challenge that humans now face, and it will be up to you humans to solve this and reverse a situation that you yourselves have caused by neglecting your habitat in the universe, and now have to do everything you can to solve your own created problems. But you are not left alone in this. Spirit always comes and will help, will assist, will support. We do not know yet fully in what ways. Pray that these difficult and extremely important tasks for humanity in this world will succeed, with the help of divine helpers that will be sent out to help, And by Jesus, who will commit himself to a new world as soon as a chance takes place in the heart of humankind and shows in their care for each other and their environment. and

Jesus is ready if men willing to get rid of his selfish behavior. Let us hope that love may conquer the hearts of all men, and triumph in this world. For there has been so much destruction, but we say, we have seen enough.  

Jesus sees opportunities. Jesus is ready is man willing to get rid of. Of his selfish behavior, let us hope that love may conquer the hearts of all men and triumph in this world where there has been so much destruction, but we say we have seen enough. We have learned a lesson. We're willing to go to work. Pick up your swords and be with us. We need every support. We need all your prayers. We need your hope. There is a future. Try in your own mind to see a future world where there may be peace, where people may live in happiness and welfare. Pray for those days. Pray for the Magisterial Sons. Pray for Jesus and for Michael of Nebadon. It's all under his control. I'm Gabriel, and I leave you with these words. We thank you.


Thank you, Gabriel, thank you for speaking to us. Is there anything else, or anyone else who would like to speak here?

This is Gabriel. No, Elise. I am the last speaker. I thank you.


Thank you, Gabriel.

Well, and I see that we have reached the end of the hour a little bit over time, which is not… not a problem at all. So let me look at the dashboard. We had 14 on the call altogether, and I would like to thank our speaker for today, Michael of Nebadon, and Father, and Amadon, and and Gabriel. And I thank all of you who came here and join us in this Lightline, and I hope to be back next week, on Monday again, for another Lightline. Thank you and bye. Bye to all till next time, bye.


« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 11:57:26 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"