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Lightline USA - 23 July-2024
« on: July 24, 2024, 11:10:05 am »

Lightline USA - 23 July - 2024

This is Lightline USA on Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Your host and T/R:  Dominick Ohrbeck

Other T/R:  Ron Besser

Link to the tape:

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: Lightline USA - 23 July-2024
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2024, 06:01:27 am »
  • 072324 Audio Tape Tuesday Light Line USA; Host: Dominick. Other Transmitter:  Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Divinity and Deity; Urantia is to receive three missions one of which began on 07/22/24; Urantia now in a new constellation, name to be shared later; Propaganda circumvents thinking ability and manipulates free will; Your Ascension Career is under your own will since the demise of the supreme; The Adjuster is posited at the very tip of the brainstem; Q & A
  • Speakers: Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon.
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
This is Tuesday Lightline, July 23, 2024. I'm your Lightline host, Dominick. We say a call, a quick prayer. And that was a silent prayer. Thanks for your patience. We have a transmission weather problem today. And if that happens, I'm going to pass the torch to Ron a little bit. In the meantime, we ask if anyone's available, please boost your signal for me as transmitter to receive.

This is a robust Arthura. Blast the horn. Charge. Whoa, this is Arthura. I have come in on my white horse. I have more stars than any general on Urantia. I have more stars than any general save one in Salvington. I am outranked by Michael of Nebadon because this is his sovereign territory. I am here and invited by him. There is a universal God. And yet there is only your finite individual reality and perception. These two things are at great odds philosophically on Urantia today. Mostly because there is ultimate confusion politically and philosophically. Not so much intellectually about the presence of the Divine.

What will disrupt your planet is the insertion of deity. Divinity is a destination. Deity is your essence. Divinity is the wave and deity is the particle. You are the particle of a deity indwelling you and then the wave threatens your identity and yet you identify with divinity more than you do with deity. It's OK to be both, but to over-identify with one or the other strikes a discord revelation and the presence of deity, even delegated deity of down-stepped—and when I say down-stepped, I mean less perfected—divinity. A divine being representing deity has a degree of perfection. You are some of the lowest forms of divinity to the point you are only a potential. You are not born inherently divine. Nor are you born destined to survive the adventure. Nor are you born destined to choose to attain it. The existential question is not whether divinity exists. You in many ways understand divinity as an ideal. But deity represents an authority over your identity. The original rebels rebelled against this authority of deity.

Ever since, has your planet wrestled with these existential questions to the point where your global geopolitics have been wrapped up in celestial pastoral politics, spiritual politics, and we regard the spiritual as more real than geopolitical earthly matters. And the spirit strives to uplift the material into greater harmony where divinity and deity are working with the material in such a harmonic way that physical reality itself becomes aligned in the physical universe to the extent that accidents are fully mitigated in physical time and space and the art of living has been harmonized between the individual and the universal, not the collective, but the universal. These are clearly framed contentions in today's thought leaders. But the common man knows not these things. Bread and Circus are easier for the power brokers to do what they aim to do for they fear that your individual and universal consciousness will counter their rather petty aims. I say petty because they are not aligned with the stated governance of the authority of Michael of Nebadon. When the authority of Michael of Nebadon enters the realm of material, time, and space, whether that be through physical manifestations or through conscious breach of mind barriers which I will leave to your imagination.

But Michael of Nebadon is a person. And a single person is not a governance authority. Michael of Nebadon is an executive head of the governing body called Salvington. Salvington is the government and governance of this universe you belong to. It is aligned with even higher administrations of universe government and governance which is very much interrelated with the particle unit of your deity fragment which is the seed of your being, and the bridge to your divinity. And this pilgrimage to the source of the deity fragment is the universal of all creation, even outside of Michael's creation. So, I hope this says the matter clearly enough that you also understand the original rebels deny the jurisdiction and authority of any extra local universe authorities. At the same time, there have been extra local universe authorities who have also exerted influence aggressively against that of Michael of Nebadon’s authority. You have rebellion from within and you have political contention from above.
Your three-dimensional minds and constructions have less words to define what I'm talking about in terms of extra local universe. But this would be the essential focal point of creation. Talked about in Monday's light line, Paradise or the Isle of Paradise.

Alright, I lost it. Hey, Ron, could you take up the lines?

Certainly. Leave me unmuted, please.


I'm connecting.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa, Ron. Thank you for taking on the spill. The connection to you, Dominick, is not lost. It's been cut by the Cabal, truly. They are getting themselves together to make a full attack upon the planet. But we are ready, and we're not going to allow it. Ron is strong enough to overcome. But we have to be careful because we can lose the transmission too. And by the way, Dominick, if and when you recover, let Ron know, let me know, and I will pass it back to you to finish Arthura's remarks.
And now this is Machiventa Ron. You are the true withstanding. You have fought for the past eight hours trying to make sense out of what must be done to all of you on this planet. What is at stake is you. Let me explain. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I am more than a Melchizedek now. I stand on Paradise with the Father to make sure that all of you hear what is happening.

Paradise to Urantia is a distance so vast, there is hardly a way to tell you. The Isle of Paradise is over, and let's try to put this into a number, 6,752 trillion miles. And then you've got to go through the spheres that block view from time to the center of the universe. There are over one trillion gravity bodies that surround the outside perimeter of Paradise neighborhood. For that reason, even if you were close to the Isle of Paradise sector, you couldn't see in because of the gravity bodies.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I'm using Ron so repetitiously in order for him to understand that his last light line is not this one, but coming up. Why? Ron is an old spiritual youth. He's got so many uses; he can step in anywhere and take control if required. Dominick, we will be handing back control to you at the end of Ron's speech. So be prepared to take it again. But right now, let me finish this. This light line held on July 23rd, 2024. It is now 2:23 p.m. I want you to know that the entire measure of what you are doing, Ron, is not a surprise to you. You expected Dominick to hit what the cabal does.

They're everywhere, Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes. I want you also to know that you, Ron, are one of the few earthlings that can actually get through any confusion because you do not use a gland to transmit. Your whole body is the transmitter. And for that reason, when in good state in which it is, you're able to take it on. This is Machiventa, Melchizedek now. I want you to understand all of you on this call and perhaps those listening to the tape understand one important thing and that is, Urantia no longer is going to receive one mission.
What in the world do we mean? You're going to receive three. Starting yesterday began the first mission. Ron is aware of the contact, but he is using a frequency that most of you can't reach to do it. It's easy for him. And while it's not easy for most of you, please understand that the transmissions will continue in spite of Ron leaving or staying and Michael and Nebadon leaving or staying on Urantia. Right now, Michael is back on Salvington, the headquarters of the local universe to which your planet belongs, Urantia along with 615 spheres belonging to a planetary program that puts them all into the same unit for constellation care, wants it to be known that the name Satania is changed.

You no longer belong to the conscription of Satania. You belong to the conscription of another routine. I am being warned, just so you know why there is an obstruction here, not to mention it easily the Cabal doesn't understand, and they are ending soon. Ron will post the name of the new constellation that you belong to. Originally, Urantia was 606 of Satania. It is no longer 606 of Satania. It is now 604 of a name I do not want to share yet. Two planets were removed from the line up. Urantia is now the last creation in the new constellation. No more will be added to this constellation. And finally, this; We are being advised that you, Dominick, can take up your lecture once more. Speak to me. Can you take it, Dominick?

Yep, I'm here.

Try to take it. I'm always here if you need to use me for backup. Go ahead.

Okay. In the meantime, I'm going to mute you just to background noise.


All right, and we welcome Gary to the call. Welcome, Gary. Joined by internet. All right. At your service, Arthura. Thanks. I'd like to picture you on that white horse with your stars.

Thank you. This is Arthura. The picture presented is not to be a permanent fixture in any of your minds. But it is a hat I wear, like you humans say, to present a persona to enact a certain course in the communications therein. That's fancy talk to say between my mind to yours.

We have given many a lesson on the governance of universe governance and how that can reflect or mirror to an imperfect degree so far, interrupted by rebellion and intransigence of higher universe jurisdictional squabbles, such as the supreme god of time and space, who is not the source of creation. Just a caveat there that the supreme is not the source of creation. There lies the rub of yet another not war in heaven but something that did end in disaster, you could say. Today's lesson has two prongs. There are two thrusts in my vector of attack if I am to wear my stars in this analogy. One vector continues on the aspect of propaganda in the seam presented in the past light line. Propaganda is something that both simplifies the mind and its decisions, which helps the human survive but also circumvents the thinking ability and ultimately subverts free will to the point where the mind is fooled into thinking free will is being exerted when it is being rather manipulated. This is doubly invasive to good governance when political subterfuge is the instrument rather than the democratic rather scientific process of ideas and testing and refinement. Subterfuge in the anti-democratic method of double agents, agent provocateurs, and disingenuous cooperation. Essentially, that is the umbrella term. When cooperation is offered but is fork-tongued and disingenuous, it is on a trajectory of anti-truth.

Michael of Nebadon and his bestowal mission on Urantia for a planet here has taken a course you could say that's innovative, in that the decimal worlds that Urantia belongs to are simply designated for experiment to see what good comes out of it. And the post-bestowal age on Urantia provided two large additions to the spiritual economy and ecology. The resultant near universal bestowal of the universal deity fragments of the universal creation known in personality status as a Universal Father is now part of the normal human personality and mind conglomeration. It is composed of four main sectors. Your personality, your mind, your deity source as a controller of all the material and spiritual circuits, which there are many. And so, they adjust these and they control these like a control or not of your will, but of modulating the inflow and outflow of all these circuitry impingements that would otherwise overload the circuits. This is no different than a piece of electronics in its function. So please understand your allergic reaction if you have one to Thought Controller or Thought Adjuster is this rather mechanistic term of what ultimately is a very beautiful aspect of who you are. And fourthly, it is the Thought Adjuster who works with your mind and personality to construct the soul for you to live on after you materially die, which is inevitable and does put you on this existential course to make a decision whether you wish to leave the door open to survive.

We talked about if you determine you have value, the universe will respond to that value and seek to augment that. Similarly, if you have an ounce of survivability, we will grant that. Now the second prong and gift to the economy and ecology of Urantia is the spirit of truth, the circuit endowed as both mind and spirit into the human arsenal of living. Something your predecessors did not enjoy and suddenly you have this as well. This has been a relatively new endowment since the advent of Jesus Christ appeared and upon departure and completion of a mission bestowed this new and additional circuit.
Now the truth is the ultimate Anti-spyware. The corruption of anti-democratic cooperation is truth. This spin of anything if we are to redo the phraseology of the fifth epilogue of Revelation would have to use even simpler terms. In today's modern world that spin is more absurd and complex in its deflection of direct truth.

I hope I got that right, Arthura. Is that what you wanted to say?

Rather this. This is Arthura. The truth exists not in time, but in spiritual fact. This is proof that the mind is not wholly material.

We heard that. Thank you Arthura. We will have to sink our teeth into that.

I don't entirely. Nor should you please transmit.

All right.

The agent provocateur is the living embodiment of spin. The political operative who is disingenuous in their cooperation is ultimately sabotaging their own aims. The individuals who gravitate towards such work in the field are an anathema, meaning counter or opposite to truth and yet they are often in positions of propagandized truth. Thus, is the spokesman of propaganda originated on this planet.

We share this dilemma in spiritual propaganda and counter propaganda. And thus, do you have the existential question of whether we exist or not, whether it exists in you, and how this governs your own individual attitudes and your behavior and cooperation amongst the outside world once you step outside your door. The result of this leads you still to many decisions in the coming days that you should be open to subtle and dramatic shifts in attitudes and awareness not on things I prescribe to you but that this is a roll call, if you will, to examine everything that leads you to where you are today. And not necessarily congratulate yourself or reaffirm everything, but discuss within your mind and recommend that you utilize the assets that are revealed to you, your own mind, your own will.

Invite the individualized unit of a universalized God. This is the source of the ultimate rectification of the finite and infinite dilemma in your otherwise finite existence, which would overload with the struggle to understand that which it cannot. But you have not only that source within, but you now have a spirit of truth. Once you reenact these things, are you reaffirmed for angelic ministration. We now have a situation on the planet where angelic ministrations are withdrawn until you undergo this process and we can reassign. That is today's major news. And we open it up for Q&A now, but not before we head back to you.

Ron, that was the end. Thank you, Arthura. Any last words? I'll let you talk while I look for the dashboard any five stars, we're getting busy.

Thank you very much, Dominick. I am sitting here trying to make sense of what Arthura is talking about. He is fine in what he says, but I am beginning to doubt that it is the whole ball of wax. You have been used to present a view. And now let me present a view from Michael of Nebadon with Arthura’s okay.

This is Arthura, Ron.

I am not sure what happened. I am willing to bet somewhere Arthura. There was an insertion and I am not able to determine it at this level.

Universal Father
This is the Father, Ron and you are well done to keep quiet about it. The trial that you have, Arthura, is you're coming through layers of transmissions that you're not used to. As a result, the attitude that you have is not always presented clearly in the English language. Ron has a clear channel. Let's look at a few things. Dominick has done extremely well. Ron agrees. But we want to add this to it, Dominick. Arthura is stepping aside at the moment, so he is not advised of anything wrong. But the truth of the matter is, Ron, you sit here and you are trying to follow desperately what Arthura is telling you. You say when it comes to governmental or political concerns that you have difficulty in making it clear to yourself exactly what is being said. I don't know that it's a difficulty. It is an approach.

As a result, Dominick, you have two particular issues that you brought up and they're fine. But one of the issues is the understanding that Michael sees Urantia as a spectacular misuse of government agencies. He does not see it that way, but that the governments on Urantia are silly to consider that a monarchy or a democracy or them together is useful entirely in presenting the spiritual mind to our Father. That is a consideration that each of you must consider on your training. The mansion worlds are full of humans today that do not have a clear example of why there is a Father. Ron sees it very clearly. Not because he is superior, because he has been taught and it is correct. Because of Father, you live, have your existence, and are trained. Nothing else, design-wise or otherwise, is more important.

For that reason, we look at Ron's pretense at presenting the discussion forum, the patent, and other various statements he has made that the entire reason for doing anything is to open the door to a more spiritualized people on Urantia. The truth of the matter is that Ron adds about less than 1% to the understanding. He doesn't even guess that because he just doesn't know. Dominick also happens to feel that there are better ways to disseminate what has to be done. He does it. But the problem he runs into, it's too intellectual for the blue-collar worker to understand. Ron says to Dominick, do it anyhow. It is still far better to state and be positive about the need for spiritual intake than just to let it drift as Urantia has done for generations.

Ron is also contentious of the Urantia Foundation, not because it exists, but because the leadership persists in aiming lower than spirit has designed the Urantia Foundation to shoot. For that reason, Ron does not contend, but he reports differently than the Urantia Foundation ever will. For that reason, then, we turn to Machiventa Melchizedek for this statement.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I am Machiventa. Thank you, Ron.

Oh we thank you, please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. Number one, as Machiventa Melchizedek, I have overseen the revelation to Urantia now for close to a hundred years. You are not aware of the revelation until about 80 years ago or a little bit more. For that reason, there is a disconnect between what the Urantia (Foundation) is trying to say and what they actually say. Ron says they are missing the point in one particular area, and that is they don't aim it for the right people. What they're aiming it for is the intelligentsia of the Urantia population. Yes, it is necessary. But the second thing is there is no mass movement to make it understood that the Urantia book called the Fifth Epochal Revelation is working at all.

Ron has proposed to Michael of Nebadon let us do an alternative. But he is discovering to do that, he must speak under his intellectual level of understanding and does not even bother it and considers it an anathema. What you have left is beginning transmitters who attempt to transmit what the deities may say. But the fact of the matter is they can't say so low that they can put it into either Hispanic or an English language. That is coming to the point that Ron says, I am almost ready to translate nothing further into the English language until there is a better audience. The audience we have now still looks at the Bible as the personal best when in fact, it now has error.

The truth of the matter is, if God says to the population on Urantia, you have an erroneous text in the Bible in certain places. I will not contend with it, but you are mistaken about several important things. For instance, the Hebrews did instigate one God, but the Hebrews dropped it in favor of a multilingual religion that also included, at the time, inferences that are no longer true. That should snap you.

What has happened that is no longer true is that there is a deity looking at Urantia in time particularly that has been destroyed. What is in its place is a substitute. The substitute has no way to speak directly to your minds because the apparatus to speak directly is removed from your minds and that is the supreme being. What most of you do not know is that the supreme being indwelt you, much as Michael does, much as Father does, and the other deities. But when the supreme left, so did my mother spirit.
Now what in the world do we do?

The Urantia Foundation is not aware that the creative spirit, the mother spirit, no longer functions on Urantia. Good heavens. Why? There is no longer an apparatus to put her into place. The acknowledgement of the Seven Adjutants still works. But adjutant number seven, worship, or perhaps wisdom is more like it. Wisdom can no longer appropriate all that worship contends. What does worship contend? It asks, Father, to foresee your safety in ascension to Him. But what you now have in place is a substitute supreme that has no such ascension career.

What you now have in place is your own will to ascend. And that works perfectly fine, but you've got to be aware of it. This revelation tells you that. But the great amount of population on Urantia does not even know we exist. As a result, there is no real God force informing the deceased aware they are to take place in the lexicon of ascension. You need this lesson to understand that without the idea of perfection to the mansion worlds, they can only go so far.

Now Ron knows several groups on the Mansion Worlds. They have not cut him off, but they have asked to be reprieved of his constant voice to stop lecturing on the will of God and the perfection of a career. You know it. You couldn't stand it without it. But the truth of the matter is that without understanding, you are perfected and stand with the Father to the rest of this Master Universe, you have nothing really to project as wanting to do as you have done. The perfect ascension.

Now, what does deity suggest? Well, let me suggest One: No longer worry about your ascension career. Look at what you believe and how to use it to perfect your career with Father. Father indwells you, he makes sure he has contact. But most of you, and I mean outside of this group, don't know what they're doing. The Episcopal Church is even worse. It lets you decide how to ascend without any direction. Other churches do the same because they don't want to bother to make contact. Ron could make an amazing career out of contacting the bishops, the preachers, and others and explaining to them that the entire region, particularly of the United States, is under the duress of no God at all because they have had to do with no God at all except the scriptures, and that is not sufficient. I'm sorry, Bible thumpers. It is not the answer to all. To those of you who may not understand why a text may not report all that is necessary, please listen to the Gospel according to John. He says, those who fail shall always fail. Those who rise up and behold God are the ones who shall resume life everlasting.

There is nothing in your hearts or your souls or whatever else you believe in that will allow this understanding to permeate you like your Adjuster can. The Adjuster, folks, is a fragment of God posited in the brainstem at the very tip. It is one cell and it is everything you need to know. God bless you all. God bless you for understanding. This is not a lecture meant to be mean. It is a lecture meant to authorize your own thoughts to go to God entirely. Those who help are remembered but those who take action with their God within and do what he bids are the ones who will succeed in being perfect.
Be you perfect as I am perfect. The Father

I now turn this back to you, Dominick, and thank you for the time. Go ahead.

Q & A

Okay, thank you, Ron. We're at the end of the light line, but Jose has his hand patiently raised throughout. So, I'd like to address that before we go. Okay, Jose, you're unmuted.

All right, thank you. Ron, that was marvelous. Thank you so much for those words. That transmission was excellent. Now, I have a question here. Not too long ago, it was mentioned here on the light line that Urantia was planet 401 in the system of Orion in the constellation of Nomdratia. Okay, I think I heard that right. And now today it was said, and not today, but before also it was said, that it was 604 of Aghon planetary system. And it was mentioned today that the name of planetary system was not going to be revealed yet. So, I just wanted to mention that that was posted and it was said in previous transmissions. So, I'll be patiently waiting for the revelation of the actual name of our new planetary system. It's not Urantia anymore. I mean, it's not Satania anymore.

Just for the help of our future transcriptionists, could you say those names a little slower and clearer?
Yes. Yes. It was previously revealed that Urantia was going to be planet 401 in the system Orion in the constellation of Nomdratia, N-O-M-D-R-A-T-I-A. And afterwards it was mentioned that it would be planet 604 of Aghon- A-G-H-O-N planetary system. Now today it was revealed that it would be Planet 604 of a planetary system that was not going to be mentioned yet. It would be a future revelation. So, I just want to mention that was stated before in previous transmissions. That's all.

Thank you. I'm going to defer that to Ron because that's all forgotten by me personally. But thank you Jose that, I guess, fact check. And let me circle back to Ron to see what we can address. Either wise, the name changes. I'm sure there's some explanation in just a minute.

All right.

Ron did you hear that?

Yeah, I heard it all I wasn't aware of it. Jose,

Yes sir.

First of all, where did this come from?

Right. It came from a transmission from you. A time ago I don't precisely know the date but it was okay to get that point Urantia was changed from 606 to 401.

This instead of the system of Satania, it would be the system of Orion in the constellation of not Norlatiadek, but the constellation of Nomdratia. And today, and after that one, it was mentioned that it was 604 of Aghon planetary system, A-G-H-O-N. And today it was said that it would be planet 604, but the planetary system's name was not going to be revealed yet.

Now, Ron, let me give you some context that's coming back to me that might refresh you. Some of that is in context of Tandybrook, I'm guessing, from my recollection, and that's the supreme substitute. And another aspect has to deal with dominion, which is the local universe alliance or conglomeration of neighboring...

Yeah, local universes. Yeah.

Take it away Ron, I hope that helps.

Yeah. First of all, to all of you, that is erroneous information. I try very hard to avoid lower-level transcriptions, and they allow me to only discuss with the deity comforters that Michael of Nebadon is and Gabriel and the deities of the Magisterial concerns. I fully am honored by Uversa and Arthura. They have not made this error. Where this error is coming in is primarily addressed from levels that we do not ever take information from.

Now I am not particularly aware of what the cat drug in there, but I am aware that it's a dead mouse. For God's sake folks, stay away from it. I know you like to pick up additional transmissions. I do the same, but I know when they are bad or that they are misleading due to bad training. That's mostly the case here. I would suggest without getting into a deep fight with other transmitters that we do not use that you are extremely careful what you drag in to listen to. The Internet does not know how to pick and choose what is good and what is not trained. That's more the case than spreading erroneous information. Yes, Dominick.

I don't understand why you're pulling in. I don't think Jose took sources that you're citing. These are sources of the path of light line transmission. Is that right, Jose?

That's right. Yes, yes sir, it's correct, from this forum.

Who transmitted it, may I ask?

Ron, it was you?

I didn't transmit that.

I only listen to these light lines. I don't listen to other transmissions from other sources.

Well, I never... that's alien news to me. I don't quite know what that is and I'm not questioning your veracity at all. What I'm questioning is what in the world is being transmitted in addition to what I'm transmitting. Don't misunderstand, please, that the Cabal has Vorondadek Sons heading it, and that they are quite capable of changing transmissions and information. What you're repeating to me was not known to me before. I never heard it or saw it. But what you're saying, it is so confusing that you even doubt the Urantia book. Don't doubt the Urantia book. We are still the same as they forecast. And that is in spite of speculation given to me that Urantia shall be reorganized. But it has not yet taken on anything specific as you mentioned. Now here is Michael of Nebadon to set the record straight.

Michael of Nebadon
I am Michael Nebadon. I never heard this before, Jose. Nor have I heard Ron transmit anything like it. For the record, he never did and never will.

This is Ron. It is entirely new to my ears that I heard what you said, I never heard it transmitted. Back to you, Michael. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is Ron, that there is a fourth dimension that some of your listeners can attune to. I would not advise them to continue doing so.

First of all, ladies and gentlemen, please understand. That's all right, Ron. It's straightened out.

My screen's gone blank. Are we still online?

Yeah, you're still on. It's fine.

Okay. I've been entirely wiped out. In any case, let me try to get this done before something else goes wrong.

Michael of Nebadon
The entire matter of transmissions has been given to others, but they abuse it. They are not careful. I can't stop it, but I will say this. The transmissions you are referring to are not the ones that Ron ever heard or ever saw and therefore never read. You have other sources, but be aware that they are in one particular case the seraphim of the cabal. It's up to you what you want to listen to, but you will be corrected here. And now Ron, I would suggest that we close this off right now and let the questioner decide what more he wants to ask.

And Jose, write me an email when you decide what you want to discuss. Sorry. And I will pick up your question and depending on how serious they are, open another light line in the near future. Is that okay?

Yes, sir. I'll do it.

Yeah, and be careful what you listen to. There are now transmitters out there that are not trained well enough to stay on the frequency. That's all I will say. And now, Dominick, I turn this back to you to conclude the light line then. Thank you very much.

Thank you, Ron.

Yeah, the… I don’t know. Just this, if you, for transmitting, you have to have your own ultimately your own circuit. And be aware of quite a human tendency of groupthink. And just as a best practice, when you hear all this type of information, that you can't, that the human tendency in group experiments is if something is blatantly, say visually, true or untrue. And there's a whole bunch of lines that are one length, and there's one that's noticeably shorter. And if the group is prepared beforehand, the co-conspirators of the experiment say something inaccurate, that that short line is the same length as all the other lines, the subject ho's unwitting, who's part of the testee subject, will go along with that group a significant amount of the time. So that's the same with this type of information and why it's good that we have multiple transmitters at all as well. But it's also a reason why people would listen to entirely other groups. So that's another dilemma too, to insert into this questioning Ron.

On that note, we're going to end the light line and we're going to prep anybody who wants to attend tomorrow. It's going to be a second edition. Lemuel would like to do a second continuation of the interview from last week, where he's going to go in more depth about this process of religious technique, I suppose. He wants to explain that. And he also had a successful procedure and is doing well. So that's the news on that front. And he'll be with us again tomorrow. Thank you, Ron. Thank you, Jose. Thank you all for attending. And goodbye.


« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 16:14:31 pm by Moses Ouko »

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Re: Lightline USA - 23 July-2024
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2024, 09:18:45 am »
In my notes, I have recorded the number 401 in the new constellation NEMSORDIA given on November 12, 2023.

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Re: Lightline USA - 23 July-2024
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2024, 17:31:34 pm »
I enter this thread here because I find it very intriguing without even being able to extract its central message but only arrive at a series of conjectures, hoping that we can soon get supplements that will help us discern this material that I believe could mean everything we need to learn in this life as a mortal being with divine potential: "When the authority of Michael of Nebadon enters the realm of matter, time and space, either through physical manifestations or through a conscious breaking of mental barriers, I will leave it to your imagination" Does Arthura refer to the elimination of the energy field that, like an electromagnetic fence, has kept us prisoners and ignorant of our divine affiliation? I would like to have the ability to further analyze this entire extraordinary dissertation by Arthura who is already so notable for her master classes. My gratitude and admiration to Arthura, but also thanks to Father Machiventa Melchizedek, our creator father Michael of Nebadon. 

"This is Ron Besser.  I operate much of this communication work in order that there may be a free exercise of views about what is happening with the spiritual concerns for the people who do have a view of what is to happen with the spiritual side of life"

What I had in mind was to attend to Ron's call to give our opinion or express our point of view on the reality of spiritual life, which I feel moves consciences since it should be a concern for everyone, and in particular for the elderly, to be able to develop the most complete idea possible in preparation for what awaits us on the other side, and of course, if we manage to configure, by bringing together the known revelations and the added touch-up through personal imagination, a thesis that allows us to free ourselves from the stress of death, I think we can exclaim with joy: Hallelujah!!

It is understandable to admit that when dealing with a complex and multifaceted subject, what can be presented as a simple opinionator, only reaches an outline of a great truth. 

Finite and Infinite: I believe that here in this dilemma, lies much of the material on which we must work in order to break down the truth that underlies the relationship that exists between our individuality and the universality of God. The finite cannot encompass the infinite, this is as simple to understand as realizing that we cannot pour two liters of any liquid into a one-liter container, I bring it as a very ordinary example compared to the central topic of finite and infinite, where we deal with elements so dissimilar, or at opposite extremes: matter and spirit. Thus posed the equation, all the work to be done would consist of an operation of alchemy. Today it could be said that what is involved would be nothing other than performing a "technological" intervention in our biocomputer to update the operating system, ruined by forces hostile to the original divine plan. And this is what is happening, comparatively today, with the transition from conventional digital computing (bit) to quantum computing (qubit). No matter how erudite or intelligent a person may be, his current organic endowment, his brain and all his centers, glands and neural connections, are only enough for him to move in the three-dimensional world of space, time, energy and matter. And no matter how much Bible and other scriptures we may have studied (including the Urantia Book), it will not allow us to assimilate what the spiritual side of existence is all about. Only by transcending the law of animal life and treading the spiritual path will we be able to aspire to undertake the universal career that has as its goal the fusion with the fragment of the Father all the way to Paradise. This passage from the material (finite) to the spiritual (infinite) dimension should take place in a gradual and spontaneous manner as occurs on normal worlds without the intricate conflicting processes that the inhabitants of Urantia and other worlds affected by the rebellion have to endure. The upgrade I am referring to involves the mortal's access through the etheric interface (etheric or vital body) to a virtual energetic brain, manifested above the physical organ, as a reflected projection, which enables the human being to be able to interconnect, to communicate, with the world or spiritual reality, always through his mysterious monitor or Thought Controller, which would serve as a "system engineer" and everything else. However, it is important to keep in mind that this high achievement is only possible after having carried out the not-so-easy work of transferring the ego-based consciousness (head) to the heart-based consciousness (love), thus generating the sacred or energetic heart. From this center of pure energy, the heart of Christ, the commands depart through which the neocortex designs the energetic, reflected or virtual brain, which is where the Thought Controller will definitively settle, and from where, in collaboration with the Spirit of Truth, it will guide and accompany the finite being throughout the entire universal career.

A closer look reveals that everything is based on the expansion of Consciousness: from animal nature to divine nature, passing through human nature. I said that the most difficult work we must face is to subdue the ego and its cohort of pettiness and jealousy (SAIBABA). And we are certainly slaves of the ego, because if only we could recognize that this "evil" ego responds to a mental programming of slavery and control for millennia, it would be easier for us to follow the guidance of our Adjuster. We are warned that it is not spiritual knowledge but spiritual action that makes us advance. To work towards this purpose we have a whole series of guidelines from keeping the Decalogue (...), exercising human values (Love, Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Non-Violence) and the practice of the six virtues of the energetic heart: Appreciation (gratitude), Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Understanding and Courage. These virtues of the energetic heart, when practiced as a philosophy of life, create what is known as the "tone vibration of equality" (or the frequency of solution), which is equal to the frequency of Love (55x10 to the 24th power). An analogy that is made in this regard is to suppose that these six virtues make up a chamber ensemble (sextet) of six instruments; if even one is out of tune, it is no longer pure Love. Thus, SAIBABA's statement that says: "If you develop love, you do not need to develop anything else" is quite decisive, a statement that I use as a motto here on the forum, with the purpose of working on this wise assertion.
I hope Ron that this chatter has some useful content to alleviate the spiritual concern with which we all walk. Thank you Moses Ouko
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: Lightline USA - 23 July-2024
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2024, 19:09:14 pm »
Andre, I also note that the number401 is a null in internet programming.  It always draws a blank page.  They know that and I do very well because the internet is ferociously mine to avoid if I can sometimes.   I really wonder if that is what spirit is telling me when it flashes 4401 at me.  And this:
Occerpa, your work is extraordinarily good and I enjoy it when you let Sai Baba direct your thinking.  I do question your life victimization thought and ask where does Sai Baba come from when he asserts that "life is not worth living if you cannot stand the chase?"  That was handed to me in spirit to say and I cannot point out where Sai Baba actually says that.
Finally, I am feeling like hell today and I cannot recall much in my mind, but I point out to you that the entire matter of the future in literature is to look beyond today.  When we do that here, all I get is "stay the course," and when I do I get more the same.  What does Sai Baba say about the future, and I am very tired of what I get about future ways of civilization?   Does Sai Baba ever give a hint of the future for man without getting depressed?   Yowsa Sai Baba!

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Re: Lightline USA - 23 July-2024
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2024, 11:24:07 am »
I think various possible new constellations for Satania are being considered.

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Re: Lightline USA - 23 July-2024
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2024, 10:55:28 am »
As I perform my daily prayers to our Father, I share this conversation:

Father, here it is five days later, and I cannot let Arthura's 23Jul24 speech alone.

I know there are important ideas I have missed.  So I reread, scan, search for a greater truth.

Arthura speaks (quoted from above), "The existential question is not whether divinity exists.  You in many ways understand divinity as an ideal.  But deity represents an authority over your identity.  The original rebels rebelled against this authority of deity."

"Ever since, has your planet wrestled with these existential questions to the point where your global geopolitics have been wrapped up in celestial pastoral politics, ... the spirit strives to uplift the material into greater harmony where divinity and deity are working with the material in ... a harmonic way."

Clearly Lucifer's manifesto and tactics have affected our earthly politics, but how exactly, and how are we humans to make sense of it all in today's 21st century?

Broadly speaking, the main political chasms seem to revolve around, communism and democracy, dictatorship vs decentralized authority, capitalism versus a state run economy, or even a more communal approach.  Humans have been arguing these competing forms of political government till they are blue in the face.  But is this really the key to understanding our human politics.  Listening to Arthura's comments, I think not.

I do a quick google search:  "Does communism support Deity?"

Communism--theoretically, ideologically, and historically--opposes God and all forms of religion.  From the time of Karl Marx to today, communism is based on the abolition of religion.  In 1844, Marx wrote, "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions."

Karl Marx was a materialist and he believed that the whole of human history moved on, driven by economic forces.  This was his idea.  There was no place in that system for God, and so from that moment on, communism became an atheistic system.  And to this very day it is atheistic.

So for me, at least until I hear a better explanation of the true crux of our political world problems, here is what I believe:

Our world is in the throes of a great political fight for the heart of the people.  It really comes down, not to political parties or platforms, but to which top guiding premise do you choose:

1) Do you accept the rule and authority of Deity, our Local Universe Father, Michael of Nebadon?

2) Do you insist that a Universal Father does not exists, therefore neither does the authority of His Paradise Sons.  Human free will is absolute and unrestrained.

If you accept the first premise, then you will accept Michael's Sovereignty and seek to live by the life and teachings revealed in the life of Jesus Christ.  If everyone strove to live according to Jesus's principles, example, and teachings, imagine how quickly our lives would change.

If our majorities continue to reject Deity, man is left to his/her own devices, as we see today.  Political parties, forms and ways of running economies do not matter much to me.  But choosing leaders and parties and principles that are compatible with the teachings and authority of our Local Universe Father will from now on, guide my vote and support.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2024, 18:36:20 pm by PJammer »

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Re: Lightline USA - 23 July-2024
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2024, 13:45:38 pm »
Ron, my gratitude for that very stimulating reaction to my post yesterday, an essay that I have no doubt, as you say, SAIBABA led me by the hand. I am only now responding to your post because I tried to see if in the literature I have, I could find something about your inquiry: "Does Sai Baba ever give a hint of the future for man without getting depressed?", but I was unsuccessful in my search. I understand your concern, when it is assumed that those of us who walk under his protective aura should not give way to any kind of fear, He says: "Why fear if I am here?". But this fact only proves the truth that everything is a process, a transfer from a state of lack to one of wealth, but all, step by step. What SAIBABA places a lot of emphasis on is the omnipresence of the present time because it represents the past and the future; He says, "The present is the fruit of the past and the seed of the future". Thank you Ron for that "Yowsa SAIBABA", which Google translated in Spanish as Viva SAIBABA; wonderful!!

In relation to the reference that I victimize life, I think it may have something to do with the fact that unconsciously, I regret not having found this path much younger, without ceasing to understand that chronological age is not what marks the path, but the evolutionary momentum of the soul.

While we wait for you to be able to communicate with SAIBABA yourself and find the answer you desire to your inquiry about a future without depression, I would like to share the following poem, created by N. Kasturi, who was SAIBABA's official biographer.

Es la voz que se elevó por encima del horrible fragor 
de la espada sobre el cuello,
y el silbido del odio enflechado,
para mostrarles a los enemigos
que el asesino no mata 
ni el muerto muere.
Es la voz que calmó las agitadas olas
que se atrevieron a rehusar calmarse.
Es la voz que atrajo a los humildes,
a los poderosos y a los orgullosos,
ante los pies del que pastoreaba los rebaños
Con la dulce melodía de su flauta.
Es la voz que retumbó en la montaña
y estremeció las arenas del desierto.
Es la voz que resuena a lo largo 
de los cañones del tiempo
por el infinito y estrellado cielo,
y las cavernas de la matriz y la tumba
Es la voz que escuchamos cuando
en el interior reina el silencio,
o la desesperación nubla todo
y rompe las cuerdas del corazón,
o amanece el Día de la Sabiduría
Es la voz que tintinea dulcemente,
en el templo del más recóndito Yo.
Es la voz que alienta al pajarillo a volar,
a la célula a crecer, a los mesones a remolinear,
a los pastos a reverdecer
y al pavo real a extender su esplendor.
Es la voz que aconseja e infunde fe,
en la desfalleciente voluntad.
Es la voz que los sabios anhelan oír,
que lleva el río al mar
que inunda los ásperos callejones de los barrios miserables
con esperanza y nuevas de liberación.
Es la voz de la madre que acaricia a sus pequeños
aburridos ya de sus juguetes, sin consuelo.
Es la voz del Padre, recta y fuerte,
que conjura el temor y la debilidad.
Es la voz del Maestro, luminosa, bondadosa,
que nos revela a nosotros mismos.
Es la voz que susurra, haya oídos o no,
muy cerca, cuando todos desertan y se van.
Es la voz que se elevó en el vacío
!cuando tú y yo, éramos piedras!
Es la voz que nos hizo despertar y marchar 
del árbol al troglodita.
Es la voz que nos lleva y nos conduce,
del feto a los pies del loto
Es la voz de la victoria,
!el clarín de la esperanza!
Es la voz de la gracias de Dios 
Que ha venido en forma humana

English version: 

It is the voice that rose above the horrible din
of the sword on the neck,
and the whistle of arrowed hatred,
to show the enemies
that the murderer does not kill
nor does the dead die.
It is the voice that calmed the troubled waves
who dared to refuse to calm down.
It is the voice that attracted the humble,
to the powerful and the proud,
before the feet of him who shepherded the flocks
With the sweet melody of his flute.
It is the voice that echoed in the mountain
and shook the sands of the desert.
It is the voice that echoes throughout
from the cannons of time
through the infinite and starry sky,
and the caverns of the womb and the tomb
It's the voice we hear when
Silence reigns inside,
or despair clouds everything
and breaks the strings of the heart,
or the Day of Wisdom dawns
It is the voice that tinkles sweetly,
in the temple of the most hidden Self.
It is the voice that encourages the little bird to fly,
the cell to grow, the inns to swirl,
to the pastures to green
and the peacock to spread its splendor.
It is the voice that advises and instills faith,
in the failing will.
It is the voice that the wise long to hear,
that carries the river to the sea
that floods the rough alleys of the miserable neighborhoods
with hope and news of liberation.
It is the voice of the mother who caresses her little ones
Already bored with their toys, without consolation.
It is the voice of the Father, straight and strong,
that conjures fear and weakness.
It is the voice of the Master, luminous, kind,
that reveals us to ourselves.
It is the voice that whispers, whether there are ears or not,
very close, when everyone deserts and leaves.
It is the voice that rose in the void
When you and I were stones!
It's the voice that made us wake up and go
from the tree to the troglodyte.
It is the voice that carries us and leads us,
from the fetus to the feet of the lotus
It is the voice of victory,
the clarion of hope!
It is the voice of God's grace
Who has come in human form

"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: Lightline USA - 23 July-2024
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2024, 14:05:01 pm »
NOTE: I was not able to obtain an appropriate translation for: 
"Los mesones a arremolinearse". Mesons of the atomic particle meson in plural. My apologies. If someone can help me with that translation, I would appreciate it because it would change the meaning, because there it is translated as inns, which is totally wrong. Thank you
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"