Author Topic: A Messge of Importance for all of you - Michael of Nebdon  (Read 4820 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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A Messge of Importance for all of you - Michael of Nebdon
« on: July 24, 2024, 11:42:29 am »
This is Ron Besser.  I operate much of this communication work in order that there may be a free exercise of views about what is happening with the spiritual concerns for the people who do have a view of what is to happen with the spiritual side of life.

So far, however, what is actually happening is taking plans that were issued a few weeks ago (started mostly as of July of 2024), about which we reflect a burden on those of us who hold the universe leadership well and caring.  I have not changed my mind about that at all, but it is thrown back on us too, and we are alone yet to this day without a good action philosophy to address what seems to be a malfeasance of care.  That happens particularly in the United States and followed easily by t he EU.  Africa and South America are beset with political problems yet but there is deep interest in them too, and that is to take what is wrong and make it economically and spiritually right.

But all of you must have noticed that the thrust of the changes the universe wanted are not being addressed hardly at all at this point.  The nature of change right now is political and not morally.   I look toward the improvements the spiritual Missions may address, but my life is ebbing and flowing out of existence due to age mostly.
For that reason I address this discussion forum for increasing the probability that there is much more to come without me, but I will take an interest in what happens to Urantia, whatever they hand me to do in spirit land.  But for now there is precious little to say to a planet nor ready to face their spiritual makes, but fighting to survive day to day outside of the American largess which is so powerful when it moves financial markets move in unison around the world with it.  But that does not matter especially, as I am also sure that the matter to be truly discussed is not American power, but the loss of MICHEL OF NEBADON if this unusual and God forsaken planet is not well addressed with the truth.  Here is Michael of Nebadon then on more of this:

The SPIRIT speaks through MICHAEL OF NEBADON  now:

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  That is my formal title.  I lived life on earth as Jesus and now I am forced to review the planet again as though it were a cheater in a penny arcade just to feel what it is like to get away with an unfair action to be wealthy.  Not so now, as I address you fully again:

"MY address is this:

"Want not!  Because the United States is highly miserable about its self now, that does not mean it is right to feel that way.  Rather it is the trial of a spiritualizing nation that cannot make up its mind to be good, or just be a nation state without kudos from anyone to measure its moral worth to the future it must grown into shortly.

"For that reason, I am providing this transmitter a big lesson on what might happen to this planet given your proclivity to not care about anything but your own life and its environs.  It is this:

"The ideal life is led without all of this on you.

"But it is all over you now, and that is because there is no one at the gate to keep some of this happening to a Bestowal Planet I lived in the 1st century AD, as JESUS CHRIST on earth.

"For that reason there is nothing to say to you except that JESUS is here on Salvington, the headquarters name of the planets that oversee t he spiritual administration over earth.  Due to pressing needs I cannot give a full account here now, but I tell you this:

"No one gets away with anything now, as I am insisting that the entire nomenclature is available very soon.  You Ron may not be here and that is my decision too, as you are more valuable up here then down there trying to fathom the moves the MAGISTERIAL SONS,  or JESUS, or OTHERS  of the divine dignity, with you an for you to explain.  I am not sure there is an explanation left at the moment to talk about, and that is your bread and butter transmitter of old.

"You transmitter are old now and bitterly waiting for a transition to spirit you do not want, but age is dictating it must be done soon or you are trapped on earth forever as a man without pedigree as I will not use you to bring forth the changes in style you do now.  That said you are still presenting the heart of God necessarily, and that is well done.  However, it a few short weeks, let this be known to all of you!

"Life without spirit is entirely possible unless I get permission from the Universal FATHER that all things are coherent in the world to stand what must be done to this sphere of little worth right now.

"Let this be known, and I will hold more of this for the near future for you all, but leave this message for now:

"NO ONE gets anything without deciding the value of Jesus Christ, and no one gets to do that without doing some hard thinking just why all of this feeling of gratitude for Jesus is not enough to save Urantia, the planet earth's name you live on, if it is decided no one can cut the mustard to stand tall and meet your responsibility to become much better done.  The United States as you know it may become so wealthy it feels it can ignore my credentials, but it may not leave the Universe of Care I hold for the people of earth, Urantia.

"For that reason this transmitter is trialed not but wishes to see how I handle the problems and be part of it, but he is so long n the tooth, there is not much left to help him become a higher being in suit and to let all of you decide what to do about the American way, when we withdraw all favors and let the whole matter become a competitor's mess.  That said, let me state this for you:

"NO ONE  GETS THE APPLE PIE before I DO!  What does that mean?

"It means that there is nothing left to distribute to a spiritually bankrupt nation like the United States could become if it follows all that Biden wants for NATO and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as it is called, for we dare not entertain WAR while we try to hold a Mission to this world.

"I will have a lot more to say either later today or find a good reason why the Lightline for Wednesday is not being held in general terms of announcements for us.

"Dominick, you are being asked to hold back on your plans with Lemuel.  Take this Lightline on with Ron if you can.  It is very important for both of you and the world.  K   I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  K"

"I also want you to know Ron, this is not your last Lightline either, as you are too important to hold on for now.  More on this later to you.  In the meantime I let this go for now.  K  MICHAEL OF NEBADON  speaking. K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline HelderPoeta

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Re: A Messge of Importance for all of you - Michael of Nebdon
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2024, 23:14:44 pm »
Hey Michael, sure is nice to hear about USA and its politics but what do you have to say about Brazil and its past few goverments?

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: A Messge of Importance for all of you - Michael of Nebdon
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2024, 10:33:10 am »
Helder Poeta, this is Ron, and you do ask pertinent questions, but Michael of Nebadon dare not pick on any country on Urantia and be popular with its people.  HE makes no criticism unless there is a direct moral issue to be spoke to that affects the world.  Brazil is very important to Urantia and it must make amends with its diplomacy, and that is to insure fairness and truth to all so long as it is a viable government on Urantia.

"For your own sake, Helder Poeta, the times are coming that no country is safe from the actions of the planet.  Urantia is an old sphere now, and it occasionally changes itself to make room for all that age has done to it.  Five hundred years ago it would have shaken off the changes to it topographically, but now is must take the changes very harshly, and for that reason your country, Brazil, must wait for changes in the river systems in your country.  The Amazon will not change much, but the other major rivers are set for great changes in their flow direction due to changes in the topography of the Brazilian rain forest and its changes coming too.  

"Let your land subside after a large earthquake may appear to disrupt your lands in a year, but do not worry that Brazil is destroyed, but keep in mind that earthquakrs happen to resettle shifts in the land mass.  Brazil is ready to change some of its interior topography as is the western part of the United Sttes, when it finally is ready to recognize that the Gulf of Mexico must changes its status as a small inland sea, as it must join the Atlantic better than it does now.  The Gulf of Mexico will expand more than you see it now and Central America may be a lot thinner than it is now.  The loss of life could be great and that is a warning to you.  You think of immigrating to the United States, but it is better to stay home in Brazil until the land masses stop colliding and that will start as horrendous earthquakes when it does being to change the land masses Brazil is part of now.

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON for you Helder Poeta.  Stand well with your countrymen.  Let them become a democracy and stand with them as the forces of evil always want a dictatorship, but Brazil will resist that choice.  I am with you on this call for a good government and it will stay that way so long as good people understand the challenge, and that challenge is for little people  to not understand that you and many others in Brazil, are the future for your country, and you must do the best you can to develop the best men and women you can for not only democracy but for good men and women to hold the country together during a coming crisis.  That crisis is this:

"The land masses known as Central America can go down into the Oceans.  If they do millions of people will cease to have a homeland and they may all at once have to find a new home.  Stay put!  That means, stay in Brazil!  We leave this for other important information to be posted elsewhere now.  Thank you Helder Poeta for your continuing high interest in what is being done here.  You will not regret it at all and Ron you must let this lie for now.  K:

Ron - thank you Michael and I do by saying good day to you for now Helder Poeta.  Best wishes for a find day in the hemisphere!

Ron at your service too.  K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania