Author Topic: Jesus Has Returned. July 25, 2015 ( By Ron Besser)  (Read 3512 times)

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Jesus Has Returned. July 25, 2015 ( By Ron Besser)
« on: July 26, 2024, 08:59:19 am »
July 25, 2015
York, PA
Jesus Has Returned

Dear List:

10:00 PM Local time:

The last two days I feel drugged to the point I cannot plan to even go outside to do simple chores.

I spoke with Jesus about 430PM and we considered outlining something to do to figure out where to put this discussion on the web site but finally decided it was too hot to handle with the little bit we know.  Jesus is here.  He is morontial just like he was after his resurrection [Ron: as an edit I point out that at 1130PM, the announcement came down that Jesus was now bestowed on Urantia in the flesh, but follow this narrative further for timing] and discussion with his Apostles of that day.  I say this only to ascertain he is on Urantia and working the harvest.  It has nothing to do with what I am going through or what you are finding in your own mindal experience per this appearance on Urantia.  What it does have to do with is our mental capacities to entertain Jesus on the morontial level and I am finding it very difficult to do that at all.

Further more, and I don't think you are going to understand this at all:  There is another entity from Paradise that is like Jesus but has no upbringing on Urantia as a child to experience Urantia-style growth patterns.  To obtain these Urantia growing up patterns, the entity, and actually a real male child, now has to experience adolescence in the flesh.  This child will be available when Jesus incarnates on Urantia [Ron: edit- Now done so as he is in the flesh as of about 1130 tonight my time] this week or month or whenever.  Because time is of the essence, this adolescent child will appear beside Jesus when he proceeds to speak to groups and crowds over the coming years, and he will appear to reach manhood just about the time Jesus must return to the bosom of the Father to start his own career on Paradise as a Transcendental Son of the Eternal Son.  That leaves the young man to resolve Himself  as the divine Jesus in every aspect of his being– there is no difference between them in spirit or mind.  As such, the young man becomes the bestowal Son of Urantia with the credentials to be present as Jesus for a thousand years with the Magisterial Son to finish the Magisterial Mission and with this Jesus grown up at his side, declare the planet ready for the eras of Light and Life.

"I as Michael now speak directly as we have finally broken through to the mind of this transmitter as to why what is about to happen shall be a solution to the disorder of the bestowal of Michael as Jesus in the first century A.D.  Sonarington bids all Creator Sons to magnify the approach of the Father to his children on an evolutionary planet.  I did so with the help of the child called Jesus, and Jesus was subsequently killed for doing the bidding of my Father on Urantia.

"In looking at the soul of Jesus, the Mother Spirit of Nebadon, has discovered that Jesus has nothing in his mind except the wish to correct the record as he spoke it to his Apostles years before he died, and that which he spoke was, ‘that I shall return as Jesus when the time is right for me to do so on Urantia.’

“What then happened is that Paradise found the statement ludicrous in the sense that it was highly unlikely that the human Jesus would return to Urantia as he foretold to his Apostles that day.  However, Jesus spoke the spirit of the presentation to the Apostles was a correct statement, for the Father had agreed with Jesus that he was required to return in order to provide an explanation as to why the spirit of that time in Judea was so wanting that Jesus could not fully implement the rewards to the planet and its people all they deserved when receiving a planetary bestowal Son.

"Hence, the Father has renounced the original prophecy Jesus uttered so that the universe could honestly say that a bestowal Son did attend to the people of Urantia, and that two thousand and twenty-two years later in 2015 by the present calendar, the people of Urantia will now be receiving the bestowal Son in full measure and the bestowal Son need only appear as an adolescent child and not directly from the womb of another mother to establish his life residency as a citizen born on Urantia.

“The appearance of Jesus, a genuine self twin of the one we love, now may provide the care and nurture to the population of Urantia as Jesus does while Serara now may devote his time and energy to the renewal of the planet Urantia minus the requirement to fully represent the Father to all."

Mother Spirit speaks:   "I am now fully enfolded in the mind of this transmitter; he sees what he needs to see and clearly, and that is a miracle of understanding that seldom comes to an immature morontial being living in the flesh on Urantia.  It is early yet to describe how the two other bestowal Sons of the Avonal nature will meet the requirements of both the bestowal Sons and of themselves.  Let it be understood that nothing we do on Urantia, is going to over power the humans living there, but all who read this must understand that the life of Jesus is NOT to be rewritten in the new Urantia Book because of what he do here today, but that the life of Jesus as it is lived in the present time and century will be written in yet another Urantia Book to succeed the present plans to publish a multi-volume Urantia Book to replace the current one in circulation."

Michael of Nebadon - "The transmitter completely understands the general track of the plans for this adolescent Jesus who stands beside the veteran Jesus during his ministry on Urantia today and into the near future.  What the transmitter does not yet completely understand is that the adolescent Jesus soon to be with us, will not participate in the lectures the veteran or senior Jesus will provide all Urantians through a series of lectures on your mass media.  What the junior Jesus will learn is how to present himself to the multitude and learn the procedures of mind training that he must understand to make the most of his work much later on in the Magisterial Mission, at the side of Serara and others not revealed to any of you at this time.  Our work, and when I say that I am referring to Jesus senior, Jesus junior, and Jesus yet-to-be, for there is yet another plan to obtain for the adolescent Jesus, another companion so that he has someone to speak to and work with on the trail of his destined debut as the bestowal Son of Record for Urantia."

Mother Spirit of Nebadon - "It as a delight of thought from Paradise and Salvington that has seen the way through the mistakes of the Lucifer Rebellion without harming the people of Urantia or even the mansion worlds of Satania.  But what the transmitter fails to recognize is that the concourse of the Jesus bestowal as originally intended never saw a solution to the difficulties the bestowal Son created when he left Urantia as an executed criminal of the Sanhedrin tribunal.  The transmitter is concurrent on our thinking about how that must be overcome, but readily admits he sees no way through by just saying that redoing the bestowal of Jesus through the absonite training of mota changes the record at all to the human mind.  The human sees the life of Jesus as near sacred and of the divine and it stands in spite of the transcendental attempt to revalue its order or its meaning to Paradise.  However, the Father has decreed that the work of the twinned Jesus is genuinely Jesus as a transcendental self of Jesus; that such work is identical to the work Michael did as Jesus and through Jesus in the first century of the present calendar.

"The Sanhedrin Tribunal made the error of jury rigging, and when it did that, it created a maelstrom of revenge never seen on Paradise or other status areas of space and time.  Paradise is not revengeful but it is heartless in its regard to sin that treats their love and gifting of life as though it were just so much trivia without importance, and that the Sanhedrin could place itself in the position of the infinite God and live to tell about it. 

“Accordingly, the Paradise Trinity assigned to the Deity Absolute the problem of the compossible difficulties of reassuring those on Urantia that Jesus was alive and well, and at the same time, assure even Salvington, that no harm was done other than to obscure the fact of the bestowal was successful in spite of it tragedy. The Jesus bestowal had completed all necessary arrangements according to the laws and rules of the incarnation procedures applied from the largess of the Sonarington division concerning Creator Son incarnations, and it stands on the records of Paradise as being preeminent in all aspects of the work of a Creator Son in such a role.

"The Deity Absolute ruled that the Jesus bestowal was all that it could be, and that it must stand as the work of the Creator Son, to gain the sovereignty of Nebadon as planned on Paradise many thousands of millennia ago.  The Deity Absolute also ruled that Jesus, was to be remanded to the custody of the Universal Father for his own future as a genuinely separate individual who had a soul destiny outside of time, and that the parental Eternal Son, was to provide the means for Jesus to realize His destiny as one of the Eternal Son's Transcendental Teachers on the Outer Space Circuits, outside of time, and that the training for Jesus was to commence immediately for this high and unrevealed calling.

"Now we are face to face with the Urantia problem of the return of Jesus, or the Second Return, as it is referred to on Urantia today.  That problem was faced by Monjoronson when he first visited Urantia in 1212 A.D., and since that meeting on Urantia with Michael in attendance, it was decided to remove the ideals of the first bestowal Son and produce a second bestowal Son with as much grandeur as the first bestowal Son in 07 B.C., as a new born infant to his death in 30 A.D..  To do this the Paradise Sons had to approach their Paradise Parents, and ask for a review of the situation from the parental decisions that guide sovereign Creator Sons and any Magisterial Sons that had to appear in a universe with a sovereign Creator Son presiding.

"The Father let them know that Jesus had fulfilled all expectations and that he was to preside over his own destiny as Jesus and the soul of Jesus was to be used to replicate the born-again Jesus on the transcendental circuits of Havona as the original Creator Son had done in eternity.  Furthermore, the Father ordered, no one was going to replicate the life of Jesus on Urantia in the fashion that Jesus himself had foretold to his Apostles, and that the decision to remotely remove the prophecy was approved by the Council of Equilibrium, since the prophecy and its fulfillment affected the entire galaxy known as Orvonton in the future.  Jesus then petitioned the Council of Equilibrium for a full statement as to where he stood on the battlements of the jury rigging of the Sanhedrin at his trial.  The Council of Equilibrium ruled that the appearance of Jesus as promised was actually improbable because Urantia was still in default and that Urantia could not reclaim another Paradise Son, unless the Avonal Son, Serara/Monjoronson, would aver to producing a Magisterial Mission that would contain all of the rectification of the wrongs perpetrated on Urantia during the Jesus bestowal.

Monjoronson speaks - "I am Monjoronson, and I leave no trail untouched in this review of the actual events that has led up to my appearance on Urantia as the Magisterial Son, Serara.  Our names are so intertwined that Jesus and I early agreed to use the name Monjoronson instead of my true name Serara or his true human name, Jesus, for Monjoronson was a catalog of a name that included both Serara, Jesus, Michael, Mother Spirit, and even others we need not replicate in this session.  We had to use the catalog called Monjoronson, because we all spoke to Urantians as Monjoronson and wished that name to represent the Magisterial Mission alone.  In telling this story, we wish to relate one amusing anecdote that will forever extend itself into the history of this era on Urantia.  Ron Besser unwittingly perpetuated the name Monjoronson, when he issued a warning to those who mocked God, and tore into the perpetual bickering that was then a Urantia Foundation discussion forum.  When Ron told them that Monjoronson was not to be tinkered with ever, it was decreed by the Universal Father, that the name Monjoronson was now registered on Paradise in a special instance where a little son of God saw to its familiarity as a sacred name.  I have spiritually laughed at the incident often enough, but I also have Machiventa Melchizedek here to explain a series of events that brings this entire narrative to an early end, for Jesus has been bestowed on Urantia as we speak, and our work for now must be truncated."

[Ron: It is now 11:30PM local time in York, PA, and events are culminating in the flesh appearance of Jesus as Machiventa Melchizedek, near the end, announces this for all of us to enjoy and hear.]

Machiventa Melchizedek - "Today, I listened to a phone call between Ron and another staff member, and they decided together that they understood something portentous was occurring as they spoke, but Ron as usual was so taken by the effects of what was happening, further declined to describe what he was sure was happening.  Mantutia Melchizedek, my brother Melchizedek, spoke to both of them on the phone and arrayed the facts before both of them, that they were feeling the effects of the bestowal of Jesus once more on Urantia, and as Ron said, it was not by expectation but by a systematic change in the spiritual air we live and breathe in, and it was beyond predictable appearances.  Our work, he said, is about to begin, but he could not fathom how.  Ron was I am feeling drugged and out of choices to do anything worthwhile for days now.

"Mantutia went on to explain to Ron that his work with the Magisterial Mission had culminated in the work of Jesus too, and that now both Jesus and Serara were inside the mind of Ron to ascertain just how much the usage of the human mind of Ron could be turned into the world of thought for those living on Urantia as his brothers and sisters in the flesh.  In the remaining time I have given to me to finish this narrative, I would like to point out that the body of Ron has been so pushed and prodded to see his elemental makeup, that he has decided to die in the flesh and be rid of the entire regime and see if they will have him in the morontial form of their choosing.  But we digress.

"I, Machiventa Melchizedek, am entirely sure that Ron has seen the last of his drugged feeling as he is quite chipper as he writes these words for me, and that the switch has been pulled on Uversa for Ron to have a normal awake pattern he is used to for over seventy years. 

"Jesus has returned.  He is on Urantia, now, in the flesh, and will address all of you likely in the next seventy-two hours.  We caution all of you that things go wrong or off schedule as the entire weight of the Magisterial Mission now rests on the back of Jesus to calm the world and begin his assignment with Serara now.

"In closing, I am Machiventa Melchizedek".


"As Michael I wish to congratulate Ron for overcoming the drugs he felt this evening to the point we placed him into a cosmic sleep pattern so he felt rested to come to the computer to take on what had to be told concerning the complications of the Jesus bestowal and how the twin Jesus morphs the centuries old bestowal into the twenty-first century and far beyond, as a living human being who can counsel Serara and Machiventa Melchizedek and others until He is called home and begins his own ascension career.

"Jesus, my beloved Jesus, stay the course as you will!  I am a Creator Son of Sovereign will because of you!  I will never leave you stranded as we were on the cross and the cross will be burned for good when we are done with this terrible business of Lucifer, the Sanhedrin, and the loss of faith of the beautiful planet of Urantia.  Good day."

« Last Edit: July 26, 2024, 09:27:52 am by Jose Vargas »
José L. Vargas Núñez