Author Topic: THE PATH OF SORROWS  (Read 6112 times)

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Offline Rene A Duran

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« on: July 28, 2024, 10:11:02 am »

Group 11:21 Truth Transmission Phoenix AZ.


By: The Pleiadians.
Received by: Evelio Rivas.

El Salvador, July 27, 2024, 6:00 a.m.

 The Pleiadians:
We are the Pleiadians, let us look today at the path of sorrows that Urantia is still on these days, the lower humanity is on the evolutionary scale, the more limited they feel and think, we want to express that the mistaken idea that they are the only beings with intelligence in the vast universe, is something that isolates them from the civilized universe, keeps them thinking, assuming fears of being invaded, this is due to the increasingly elementary level of evolution that they are closing, to the point that this attitude discards Christian values, reaching decadence and the great majority of the Urantia people have as normal to exhibit anti-values"

"But, why does GOD allow this, that man goes so far astray, and fills his life with pain, moving away the possibility of a luminous awakening for all? Well, there is a powerful reason, and it is the respect for the free will of humanity, the free choice of improper conduct on the part of the conglomerate, the case in Urantia becomes striking because this  The free will, so lacking in light, has been induced by the apostate elite. It is clear that the excessive development of the ego has guaranteed the opposite path.

"It is urgent that the population admits that a greater intelligence created the DNA codes, and that one day it will reap the fruit of its creation, and that time is coming quickly. With this we mean that the person has had time to find the inner path, and the outcome will come at any moment. Added to this picture is the crisis in which they have put the planet, and this is the reason to save them from danger. Worlds are not created so that evil reigns indefinitely. Humans are not created in a world to be eternally lost. As the Illustrious Master SAMAEL pointed out, 'evil has a dam, beyond certain behaviors one cannot go'"

"We are of evolutionary origin, and we know the enormous importance of loving the Creator above all things. We have been at his side.  found happiness, man is only happy when he has GOD living in his heart"

"We are the Pleiadians, concluding this enormous topic on this fresh morning in your town, we wish success to all, we love you like you can't imagine, have a good day"

The end.

Evelio Rivas.