Author Topic: Lightline USA - 07/28/2024  (Read 3332 times)

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Lightline USA - 07/28/2024
« on: July 28, 2024, 15:26:55 pm »
Lightline USA - 28 July, 2024

This is Lightline USA for Sunday 28 July, 2024 

Your host is Ron Besser.

To listen to the recording, use link below:

Online Raz

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Re: Lightline USA - 07/28/2024
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2024, 21:15:19 pm »
  • 072824 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Magisterial Missions are to start today, Ron is transitioning to the morontial, Serara may be retiring after over 3000 missions and not join the Urantia mission, and Ron reminisces;
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson, Ron’s Soul, Serara, Henson, Lully, Jane - Ron’s mom, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Carolyn; 
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 
Ron Besser  
This is Ron Besser. It's July 28, Sunday, and another Light Line.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon, everybody. Ron is having slight troubles because the cabal is heavily upon him. He has tried three times to connect to the Light Line and had troubles each time. Finally, right now we have it working.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank you, Michael, for stepping in.

Michael of Nebadon  
And it's this Ron. We are about to tell you a sad thing. You have been holding Light Lines for at least three years online here and 10 years without using the internet, Ron?

Ron Besser  
Yes, it's been a while.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter is that we dare not continue the Light Lines under the present circumstances. That is because we're going to shut down many of the circuits that now work well for your Light Line. First of all, let me tell you this: Ron Besser today could barely dial in because his head is so achy and dizzy, his lower legs are burning. That is a true sign Ron that you're probably going to leave. Second of all, Lemuel is unable to attend, he may leave shortly. And third, the entire matter of the transport of these messages is up for questioning by the Deity Absolute.

He sees that the audience has not changed or has grown. He sees it as a probable loss of even practicing them. For that reason, you transmitters and there are several on the call today need to understand that you do not lose your voice as a transmitter. Please remember that. You may call in and hold a session and transmit to them. Ron will continue with the Light Lines as long as he can. Dominick, you will continue. Those who will continue are; Elise, Clency if he's listening, and two others who I do not have the names for right now.

Ron Besser  
Probably Rene.

Michael of Nebadon  

Ron Besser  
And the others that I can't name like the other transmitters that we use that we haven't named yet.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. And now this to you, Ron: You are seeing very poorly.

Ron Besser  
Truly, I can read but that's just about it. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter is folks, after today's Light Line, we're probably going to truncate the Light Lines. You need Elise and Dominick, Rene to try it. If you get nothing well hang up. This is not permanent. Please remember that. We have got to shut down the transmissions to Urantia now because we must bring the Urantia consideration back under our control alone. Right now Ron is fighting the cabal.

And finally this: We, and that's Michael, Gabriel, and Monjoronson and other officials of the missions are going to start the Magisterial Mission today. Red letter day today. Ron has been conversing with Monjoronson, Serara, Hanson, and two others you don't know. They are ready to begin the missions immediately. Now, Ron mentioned earlier today in a post that at noon today New York time Monjoronson would consider beginning the missions at noon. We can't do that. More like 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. And fully to you, Ron, you are burning up?

Ron Besser  
Yes. From my knees down I'm on fire. And I have other problems like a headache and blurry vision. All of which indicates good health, but not perfect. Go ahead, Michael. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
As always, Ron. Now this: today's Light Line will be a little long. Why? First of all, Dominick, you're going to participate. And Amethyst, we may ask you if you don't mind. But right now Ron is going to transmit Machiventa Melchizedek. He will stop that broadcast.

Ron Besser  
Steven, you unmuted. Just a minute. All right, we got Steven remuted.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is, Ron, is that you are holding fine. But you're a little giddy.

Ron Besser  
Yes. I'm not seeing clearly the print. But that's about all. I can hold the Light Line fine.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you and we will. Now here's Monjoronson.

I am Monjoronson. I am the senior Melchizedek and I am speaking to all of you. We are delighted that the lady from Italy could join. Thank you for taking the trouble to do so. And for those members around the world: thank you for taking the problem of connecting in. We appreciate it. And this Light Line for your information is not the last. We are not sure what the last will be or when but we have to charge down the Light Lines a little bit so that we can get control of the circuits once more. More on that later. Now this:

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa and thank you, Ron. I am here.

Ron Besser  
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ron Besser. There is a problem of the transmission into my connection it is blinking out entirely it isn't just quiet. I'm losing briefly, maybe a second, the transmission itself. If you don't mind, it's going to be a little awkward to hear but I will keep on it as long as Machiventa can keep the issue going. Machiventa, are you there?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, I am, Ron. Thank you. The trial that is now perpetuating itself on Urantia is a trial of getting it to work at all because the rebels are making themselves very well known to Michael. Michael does not listen to them. And frankly, Ron says, isn't it time to make them unconscious? Thank you, Ron. We'll do that.

Ron Besser  
I thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now this Ron: you've got a choke in your throat. What is that?

Ron Besser  
I'm ignoring it. I don't know what it is.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
It's not kabal, it's your Soul.

Ron's Soul  
Soul, here, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Well, welcome. Go ahead, please.

Ron's Soul  
I am the Soul of Ron Besser. I have been on the mansion worlds now for almost two years. Ron has often communicated through me to groups on the mansion worlds he enjoys speaking with. He enjoys speaking to the Popes. Pope Benedict the Eighth is quite active and knows Ron well, and they enjoy each other very much. We're speaking also to Ruth Ginsburg. She is working the Urantia Supreme Court. She was before she died, on the United States Supreme Court and is sadly missed. And finally to you, Ron, Marian is here. And she represents the Urantia group on the mansion worlds. And you're glad to hear them again.

Ron Besser  

Ron's Soul  
And finally this to all of you. Sadly, we must indicate that Ron is just about done. He woke up today in fine fettle. But the cabal has seen to his illness.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am Michael of Nebadon. He is seeing strokes when he closes his eyes like you do when you're putting strokes up to count something. And what are you seeing Ron?

Ron Besser  
I'm seeing when I close my eyes a bunch of ones, strokes one close to the other. Proceeding to my right still moving. In other words, they are active.

Michael of Nebadon  
Ron, you have about six hours to be yourself. In about the seventh hour which would be 2100.

Ron Besser  
Which is 8:00 p.m. I think at 19 9:00 p.m.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter will dawn upon you that you are transitioning to the morontial. You will not lose consciousness but you will lose speech. Dominick if you're there, be patient. It is a slow process. And if you know what it is you'll be glad your friend Ron will be transitioning to the physical morontial. We will have more to say when you come over later this afternoon. And he doesn't have anything to eat. If you want something good to eat you better bring it with you. And finally this: this is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. You are delighted to hear that but it's going to put you into a deep sleep for about six hours. Please Dominick, if you must leave. Make sure the doors are locked. That's all.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank you. I kinda look forward to it. Yes, one moment, please. That's better.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now, to all of you. You know, Ron and Ron knows you each. He's spoken to you each over the lifetime that he has spent doing Light Lines and just speaking. I want you to know, Ron, that you are seeing a small circle. That is glittering.

Ron Besser  
I lost it. I balanced my eyes again and I lost it, Michael. But I did see what you were talking about. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter is as long as you can see that glittering center, you are quite capable of transmitting. If you ever lose the glittering center, you're going to have to have Dominick transmit. The reason, We don't usually transmit through the morontial we have to figure it out from Father how to do it.

Ron Besser  
Well, I would hate to lose it, but I understand. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
For that reason, then, Ron, listen. The transmissions for the Light Lines on Sunday and any other time you want to use it We will bring back that circuit for you specifically. Don't let Dominick down by quitting transmitting and Dominick don't let Ron down by failing to transmit every day. It's too important. Today, Ron, you also had a scare. You were told that Dominick was cut off, that he couldn't use his phone, and that you had no way to transmit. That is not true. And patently speaking, Dominick. Please transmit to yourself every morning. It is vitally important. You help keep Ron going by doing it.

And finally to all of you. There is a reason for today's Light Line in spite of the difficulties with Ron. And that is I am to tell you that Monjoronson, Serara, Henson, and two others not named to you, Magisterial Sons are not quitting. They were asked by the Universal Father this morning. Do you want to provide a Mission to the United States and the rest of the world? And if you do, please let me know. Because Paradise is sealing itself off for a momentary refreshment. They responded this way; Monjoronson - absolutely. I will continue. Serara - I will not continue. That is quite a surprise to you?

Ron Besser  
Yes. Serara has been here since 2008 that I've spoken to him and probably even before, but I would miss Him.

Yes, Ron, and thank you. I am an old Magisterial Son, Ron. I cannot take much more of this. And that's not you. And it is not Michael. It is that I am nearing the end of my service life. What you don't know is that the deities can retire when they have served at least 1000 different regimes. I have served over 3000.

Ron Besser  
Oh, my Goodness.

Thank you, Ron. What he said; at least I can say goodbye to you in your retirement, Serara.

Ron Besser  
I am so sad and so happy for you at the same time.

Thank you, Ron. Ron, I am Serara. That means a great deal to me that my mission spoke back to me well enough for me to understand that they appreciated me the whole time I was here.

Ron Besser  
Oh, yes. And you filled us with books and that sort of thing that was just wonderful to have. I will miss you very much.

This is Serara. And I will miss you, Ron.

Henson here. I am a Magisterial Son. And I will equate to Serara to say this, Ron. You represent the finest participation to a magisterial mission I have ever met. I have done over 2000 of these missions. And I never met anyone quite like you. You're fun, you preserve, and you make us proud. And I see in your mind, like in the military, you stood at attention and gave Us a snappy salute.

Ron Besser  
Yes, you've been wonderful. I will miss you. And I'm sure we all will, in fact, probably the Magisterial Sons will have a great big hole in their list without you. I pray that you might return as just an interested fellow in what we're doing. We would love it. Thank you.

I will Ron. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
Don't go away too far.

I won't Ron. Thank you.

And now this is Henson, Ron. Monjoronson is busy patching the circuits back up. The cabal according to Henson is making a concerted attempt to ruin your discussion. For that reason, we are making a concerted effort to clear Urantia. We have done so except for one who is standing by you, Ron. Her name is L U.

Ron Besser  
I can't tell if it's a double L or one L. I bet it's double L.

L U L L Y. Lully. She has transferred her worth to you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
It brings tears to me. Thank you

Lully is your seraphim for keeps.

Ron Besser  
She can carry the laundry?

Yes, Ron. You stop that.

Ron Besser  
And she's good at it. I thank you, Lully and welcome. Thank you, my dear.

I knew you when you were six months old. I looked at you and said oh my what a trial we're going to have with this one. But no, you grew up strong and almost famous at times. Because you can transmit, always could Ron. You just didn't know when you transmitted and did not. I am Lully - L U L L Y. I am Ron's seraphim for keeps. Thank you, Ron. You are not unlucky enough to have had several groups of seraphim over you, Ron. One group of seraphim was so glad to leave. They left a mark and it's in your far backyard near that pink. That pink blossom tree.

Ron Besser  
Oh, yes. I can't think of the name of it right now. Mimosa. There we go. The truth of the matter is that Mimosa tree shouldn't be there. I've considered cutting it down for years and I never do it.

And that is fine because that Mimosa tree keeps that man shut up.

Ron Besser  
I have a terrible neighbor. He even knocked down a part of my fence just for the sheer joy of it. That's the kind of man he is. In any case, Lully, go ahead.

Thank you, Ron. I am Lully. And I want you to know that anyone who spells their names with a double letter doesn't have it in Spirit, but when we hold spelling on Urantia the use of double letters is very important. There is no longer a cabal, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Oh, thank goodness. Thank you for telling me.

Yes, Father took care of it. And now this: I am Lully. I am the supreme seraphim. And now I speak a transmission through Ron. Dear Ron. You have been with us now for 12 years. You don't remember all that time. But we are the seraphic family around you. You are waiting for the message to planetize but we do not planetize it. We give it to you first. Announcement: starting today the 28th of July 2024 at precisely 2:29 pm New York time I Lully confer upon you eternal life. You do not expect that?

Ron Besser  
Oh, never!

I am the first seraphim to ever declare it to a man in the flesh. But you Ron have taken the extraordinary step of making everything public you could about your connection to Spirit and its speeches. There is nothing that you have hidden and for that reason because of that your life on the mansion worlds is to be as the mansion world transmitter called in upon any particularly difficult meeting to hold before the individual for whatever they need to hear.

Ron Besser  
One moment.

The trial has been assigned to you. And you did something you did not understand. You curtsied your head and felt a transfer in your brain. You don't know what it was. But let me tell you. I am Lully. I am yours forever if you want me.

Ron Besser  
I don't know, oh probably I do Lully and in all seriousness to you, I don't know what to make about such an honor. But I know it is an honor, Lully. And I welcome you into my life and care for me and me for you.

Thank you, Ron. I am Lully. I am described as a hard woman to know. The seraphim are always considered female and we act like it. But we do enjoy being seraphim to humans who deserve it. And for that reason stop laughing Ron. What do you see?

Ron Besser  
I see the crab of Cancer.

Thank you, Ron. That is beautiful. In astrology, July is mostly Cancer sign. The United States is mostly Cancer with Gemini rising. That is precisely the opposite of what Ron is. Ron is Gemini with Cancer rising. And for reasons of state that is true now.

Ron Besser  
All right, in specific terms, if you calculate it correctly, I have Aquarius rising. Yes. But it is now with Cancer. And I hold the crab dearly.

Thank you, Ron. Now, let me get this straight. You are a Gemini with Aquarius rising. But Cancer is now big time on the ascendant. That's what you're telling me?

Ron Besser  

In any case, that is true. And now let me tell you something else. Your mother Jane is ready to graduate to Mansion World 7.

Ron Besser  
Oh, how could she? She's only like on three.

Jane, Ron's mom  
I know that Ron. But this is your mother, Jane.

Ron Besser  
Oh, welcome, Mommy.

Jane, Ron's mom  
Yeah, well it is, goofy. I never knew you in this mode. You were always Ron, cutting the grass and doing things like that. Now I know you as one of the premier morontial beings that is to enter this world that I am part of and other worlds that others are part of. You never heard me speak like this.

Ron Besser  
No. This is the first time Mom, I've heard you speak.

Jane, Ron's mom  
Truly. You get pictures.

Ron Besser  
Yes. And I suppose I get the sense of what you want to say. But I do not recall a direct line of speech. Thank you.

Jane, Ron's mom  
To everyone: Ron and I were often at odds growing up. He had the misfortune of hitting a very sour note and was sent home at age 50 to live with me. He took care of me and my husband and we both remember him now. Yeah. And now this to you, Ron. We have left your development go. We are not aware of what you did after we left. But we understand 2709 Sunset Lane is looking fine and dandy. A few less plants than we had before but that is redoable. I am given the honor to speak to you, my son. You are now able to converse with anybody in the morontial. I am a morontial worker and I say to you, Ron, stay the course. You have many months and years to go if I understand, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
My dear Jane, this is Michael. He has at least 20 years.

Jane, Ron's mom  
My lord, Michael. What a gift!

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, Ron. Your mother has the pleasure to announce this:

Jane, Ron's mom  
I could graduate in about oh, five years I'm guessing but I am tired of the morontial life without understanding what you are doing. My god, Ron. You have pulled down so many morontial beings into discussion that I don't know them all.

Ron Besser  
Just the famous. So it seems. But I've spoken to plenty who are not famous. I love them as much too. Thank you.

Jane, Ron's mom  
Where in the world is your bishop?

Ron Besser  
I don't know they got, the papal group got cut off oh two weeks ago or something like that. A lot of my connections on the mansion worlds have gone quiet. Sadly. I did enjoy them very much.

Jane, Ron's mom  
And where is Ruth Ginsburg, Ron?

Ron Besser  
Ruth Ginsburg is now in the Urantia Supreme Court. That is in the morontial form. Ruth was here this morning I think. I feel her around and I look for her because she is so stable. I enjoy speaking of her and to her.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
I am Ruth Ginsburg, young man.

Ron Besser  
Yes, ma'am.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Thank you.

Ron Besser  
That is to the queen. It is your legatee majesty.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
I fully believe you. It's legatee.

Ron Besser  
All right. Legatee.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
I am here to tell you, Ron that I am extremely taken by you. You are the only one who has said hello and meant it and enjoyed who I was and remembered me on the Supreme Court.

Ron Besser  
Who could forget you?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Yes, yes, Ron. I was always in the corner and sitting there folded up.

Ron Besser  
Yeah. But you were almost always the first person of recognition in the picture for me. Thank you.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
And now to you, Ron. I am requesting that you join the Supreme Court up here when you are valid.

Ron Besser  
I am greatly honored. I can't think of a greater honor than to join a court of such reputation and with your care in it too. Thank you. I would love to do it and enjoin with you. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. I had to get in and speak the truth of what Ron has to say because this is now recorded. We are all of the Supreme Court, Ron. I am Michael of Nebadon standing in the foyer.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
I understand now. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter is that Ruth Ginsburg now understands why you are being relegated to the Supreme Court in the morontial almost immediately going over. You will have your instructions on the mansion worlds. And you will do fine.

Ron Besser  
I pray so.

Michael of Nebadon  

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Your first duty is to thank, Michael.

Ron Besser  
He has it now. And I will be glad to stand all day and thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
This is Ruth Ginsburg, Ron. I am suddenly well done. I don't know how. But Michael has made all of this clearance problem vanish. I am myself and I say to the world. Oh, United States Supreme Court you're lucky. You still have good people. Stay the course. I loved the work. I miss it. And fully to you, Ron. When you come to the Supreme Court you will be enjoying it with Dominick, Elise, and probably Gitz. He has to pass a test or two. But Elise you belong on the Supreme Court and so does Gitz. He will have a rendezvous with his wife and then be brought for training to the Supreme Court. Ron, you were in paralegal for most of your life. It's not strange to you. You wrote over 1000 deeds, with all the paraphernalia that goes into them. What a background.

Ron Besser  
Acres and acres, sir. Or ma'am.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Yeah, it's Ruth Ginsburg.

Ron Besser  
I forgot. Thank you.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Now this: I want you to know Ron Besser, you're one of the few that saw to it that a discussion form could be arranged, and that a patent could be done, and that you have managed to portray enough of this material that you have over 1 million words dedicated to Michael and Salvington on the mansion worlds. For that reason, Michael will have a small memorial on Urantia for you, and those of you in this discussion forum, and those who helped from the teaching mission to now. Allene Vick, Willis, and others that you remember fondly and can't quite remember now. They will be with you.

Ron Besser  
That should be quite a party.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Yes. You joined a black group in Baltimore or Washington and stayed there until there was a problem and then you left

Ron Besser  
about, oh 2014.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. And that is a sad case of misidentification. It's actually 2018.

Ron Besser  
All right.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now this: the entire matter is resurrected again in Baltimore, Washington. You're going to be well enough to drive down there again if you can remember the way.

Ron Besser  
Oh boy, it's the suburbs of Washington and it's very complicated to get into. But I'll try. Thank you. 

Michael of Nebadon  
They would love to have you back Ron. But Willis is seriously ill and his wife has died of pneumonia just recently.

Ron Besser  
Oh, no.

I am here, Ron. I am sleepy. Where are you?

Ron Besser  
I'm in York, Pennsylvania, where I've always been my friend. No, Willis fired me. I don't know why.

I don't know why. I fully achieve one thing with you, Ron. You're my favorite white man.

Ron Besser  
Oh, thank you.

I wish I could remember some epithet. But I can't. And I always remember your transmissions. They were so well done, my dear. I thoroughly enjoyed you. And then you went out and cooked a full meal for 10 of us. It is amazing to me, your energy. I gave it up Ron just a few months ago.

Ron Besser  
I'm sorry.

I hope that we can work together. You were great. Thank you. I will.

Ron Besser  
Just as an aside to you, Michael. I don't quite know what I dare say.

Thank you. I am new, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Yes. And acclimating and that's what I've got to be careful with. Well, I can bring individuals in to speak, that you may not know and don't know what they're talking about. From the mansion worlds. You're just starting. And may you have a quick trip, my dear. I look forward to being and working with you. If you will work with me.

I will Ron. You're smarter. I know. So is what's his name?

Ron Besser  
Yeah, Willis.

Yeah. In any case, I say goodbye for now.

Ron Besser  
I say goodbye. And may you cheer. You have a wonderful new life before you. It won't be that long before I'm up there either. I'm eight-two.

Oh, my Lord, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, it goes on and on, doesn't it? In any case. Thank you. I enjoyed talking with you. And you will enjoy the mansion worlds. I know it. I'll see you when I get there.

Thank you, Ron. Bye-bye.

Ron Besser  
Bye-bye. That's Carolyn. And now this, everybody.

Michael of Nebadon  
She remembers you very well now. And I must make an announcement to this group. Carolyn, transmitted who to you?

Ron Besser  
The Apostle that quit and tried to sell Jesus's life for so many bits of silver. He committed suicide at the death of Jesus while He still hung on the cross. He jumped off the cliff and bashed himself to death. He appears occasionally or did and it's no longer possible. Several people transmitted him up until about three years ago when he was taken in death. I spoke to that individual through Carolyn one Sunday afternoon oh, at least six years ago when he noticed me in a transmission he jumped at me and wanted me to take something he had to offer. I stepped back. I didn't refuse because I didn't follow it. He wanted to give me the orb of wickedness. It never got to my hands. But he knew how to handle it and he is wicked beyond description. You know who I'm talking about. I am forbidden to speak his name now.

But Carolyn transmitted him to me oh, at least six years ago, one Sunday afternoon at a meeting. When he felt my presence, he almost jumped at me and insisted that I take one of his gifts. I didn't know enough to accept it or reject it. It was a surprise to me. I didn't know what he was doing. For your information he wanted me to take a pill of wickedness. And what in the heck is that? It is something that one can live on Urantia with and never trust anybody to love them or be loved by them. I couldn't ever take it if I knew what he was trying to offer me at the time.

But when Carolyn was transmitting him to me, and he recognized that I was standing there listening to the transmission he almost leapt out of Carolyn. I stepped back. Carolyn was partially in trance. I told him I had nothing to exchange. I can't remember the conversation. But probably he walked away from me. He was like that. There was an apostle there trying to bring goodwill to that individual. I knew the name of the apostle but he is not lending it to me now and so I don't remember. In any case, let me tell you something. When Carolyn transmitted that individual to me I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise.

Honestly. It isn't the reputation of the devil it's what he feels like. I had the experience once before that event took place in about, let me see if I can compute it. Well, I can't, they're scrambling my head. But before I came home from New York, I lived on a large lake and it was just me and the lake at times. In the evening, I would go out, listen to the water lapping onto the shore, and hear the loon once in a while. I turned around to go back home and go to bed. It was about 9:30 that night. When I walked by the larger building behind my home, there was a noise. I turned to look at what it was. There was nothing of course. But there was a noise.

I am told by Michael that it was Lucifer himself and that I had turned him cold by my refusal to walk into the water with the sunnies that feed and pray to Lucifer for redemption. I had no idea that such was open as an invitation. I never heard it. I am told that Lucifer never wanted to see that lake again nor me. I don't understand it. I don't know their ways of evil. But you can cut it with a knife when you find it and it wants you. Walk away. That's all it takes.

And now it is about 3:00 p.m. precisely by my clock. I want to tell you this. My life on Urantia has been a chaotic affair. I always had good jobs. I always have enough money. But I never married for the simple reason I couldn't take the talk. I needed silence all the time. I never understood it. But it's changed. Thanks to Dominick living nearby me. He visits often and I get a good talk. To Elise, to George, to Steven, and to Raz; all of you mean a great deal to me. I do not know what is going to happen and neither do you. Please remember that. The trial to live alone is hard. But I'm eighty-two. I did live alone, but I always had lots of people around me and I loved my work. It's a saving grace all the time.

And finally this to you, Michael. You made my life a joy. You hold me well enough that I may enjoy speaking with you as the Creator Son. And to that reason, I thank you for taking the time out of a very busy career in life for saying hello to me. It means everything. And to the Celestials present: I grant you I'm a terrible person to follow. But I do love you and care how hard it must be to do your work. I now turn this back to Michael. Michael of Nebadon.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am Michael, Ron. You did beautifully. In fact, you exceed my expectations. You'll almost always do. But in the little bit of time, about two minutes to go, let me tell you this. You are the first person on Urantia to have done something like this and make it available to the people. Second of all, I am quite sure that there is nothing left for you to do on Urantia except enjoy the missions. But Monjoronson has asked a special request and that's not putting lights on your shoulders. It is to stay and enjoy the Magisterial Mission as long as you dare.

Ron Besser  
It would be my greatest honor to witness. Thank you.

This is Monjoronson. You will not only witness Ron, but you're a provost. They are appointed humans and you're the first. We'll talk about it on the discussion forum. Right now we're running out of time. Good day.

Ron Besser  
Good day, Monjoronson. A Son, of great emotional connection to me as is Serara. All of you, you have meant a great deal to me. You're grandparents to me. And I thank you.

This is Serara. Ron, you will work with the Magisterial Sons someday.

Ron Besser  
I look forward to being with Grandpa and Grandma.

Thank you, thank you, Ron, as always unpredictable. I turn this back to you, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
We are done with this Light Line folks. There is nothing further that we can do speech-wise. But please remember this. Whatever happens in the next, oh, six weeks it's for you! It's for you! Enjoy it!

Ron Besser  
This is Ron. We've come to the end of our day, of our time. And I'm just going to close it off. I'll open it up briefly. I almost shut you off. I'll not fool with it. The truth of the matter is thank you for listening and goodbye.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)