Author Topic: Lightline USA- 31 July - 2024  (Read 2523 times)

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Lightline USA- 31 July - 2024
« on: July 31, 2024, 17:55:23 pm »

This is Lightline USA on Wednesday, July 31, 2024

with Ron Besser, your host

and Lemuel, who once again shares with us important moments from what he likes to call 
his "Book of Life" ( last part in a series of III )

Link to the tape: 

Online Moses Ouko

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Re: Lightline USA- 31 July - 2024
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2024, 08:09:55 am »
  • 073124 Audio Tape Wednesday Light Line USA; Host: Ron Besser.
  • Subjects: Lemuel shares with us important moments from what he likes to call his "Book of Life" (last part in a series of III); Members advised to be checking the forum at 2pm for lightlines; United Midwayers are back
  • Speakers: Lemuel, Michael of Nebadon, Monjoronson, Samson, Machiventa Melchizedek, United Midwayers, Midwayer ABC 22 and Tarkas.
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
Alright, thank you. I should start again. Thank you.
A short while ago, Dominick approached me with the idea that perhaps I would like to be interviewed or perhaps I would like to speak about my spiritual experiences throughout my life with the possibility of it being included in future archives for the Magisterial Foundation. And I thought, fine, that seems to be an excellent idea.

And so, I have already spoken on two occasions, and this is the third one and the last one. And so, this final one, I think, is personally the most important because it deals with the last test that I put myself through thinking that it was necessary.
So let me start by saying again. We all have a book of life. Chapters of experience. And of course, when we are born, the book is full of empty pages. Well, by the time we are 21 years of age, we would have filled three chapters. Every seven years, there is a chapter. So, from zero to seven, there is a chapter of spiritual life. From seven to 14 of mental life, and 14 to 21 physical life. They overlap each other, of course, but by and large, that is the pattern that seems to be operating. And certainly, in my life. And this 20-year period of three sessions or three phases of seven years keep repeating throughout one's life. 21 and then 42, then 63 and 84. So I now have filled 12 chapters of experience in my life. I want to talk now about this last chapter. The last three chapters in fact, from 63 to 84.

My wife, whose name was Dolly, she died of cancer 11 years ago. Now, July 2011. She contracted the cancer in 2003. So, I nursed her and helped her for eight years before she finally passed on. And for those of you who have family members who have cancer, you will understand when I say your partner has cancer, you have cancer as well. It is something that is shared. It is something that you cannot avoid. It is through love and devotion that one shares these things with one's loved ones until they finally pass on. After she passed on in 2011, I spent nine months throwing things away, sorting out papers and things like that. I'm not sentimental, I never have been. And so, I got rid of all the clothes and photographs and books and everything.

Because my main reason was, I needed to be free to move and to do what I knew I had to do. This was a feeling growing inside of me for years. I knew that Dolly would die, and she knew she would die. There was no fear involved at all. Not at all.
So just 18 months later in the summer of 2012. I started to look for a place where I needed to be for what I felt to be a spiritual retreat and to be …. Thank you very much. I went to Vienna and Amsterdam and so many other countries. Oh yes, I went to Greece and Cyprus. And anyway, finally I went to Malta. And every time I went to a different country, I hired a guide to be with me and to show me around and that sort of thing. And I did this for, well, I don't know how many months, three or four months or more. And finally, when I was in Malta, the guide that I had with me in Malta, she showed me around Malta, of course, and then she said to me, I have a friend in Gozo, I haven't seen him for a few years, he's got apartments for rent and he has a little shop.

I think it would be good for us to go and see him. Well let me tell you that there are four Maltese islands. Malta is the largest island. Then there is the small island called Gozo. And there are another two islands uninhabited called Comino and Filfla. But they are very popular for for those who go scuba diving. And in order to get to Gozo, one takes a ferry from Malta to Gozo, and it takes about half an hour. And during this crossing from Malta to Gozo, looking at the headland of Gozo ahead of me, I had this very strange feeling that I was coming home in a sense. Strange thing to say, I know. But anyway. We landed in Gozo and we had a car, or the guide had a car. And so, we picked the car up from the ferry and we drove through Gozo to the place where she knew her friend would be. And we did this and we met and we had this little place on the side of the road selling some fruit and vegetables and some drinks. And behind that, one could sit down and have a drink. And so, I was invited in to have a little drink. And I immediately sensed that, well, this is the place for me. Not that particular place, just to sit down and to drink and be with them, but the Gozo seemed to be the place.
So, my guide showed me around Gozo and I made future plans with this friend of hers, who was called Joe, and with the possibility of me returning and to the possibility of renting one of his apartments for a while. So that was it. I returned to Girona. This was in the June or the July of 2012 or 13. I can't remember, to be honest. So, I spent the next few months tidying up everything, burning my bridges, so to speak. I put my house on sale. Tied everything up neatly, put my car in the hands of a friend, and that was it. I was prepared for the possibility that I would not return to Girona.

And so, on the 5th of November 2013 I left Girona. I flew to Malta and took a ferry from Malta to Gozo. I had already contacted this man Joe who turned out to be a very good friend of mine and I rented one of his apartments for the time that I was there. So let me explain. It is winter time and the apartment that my friend showed me was unfinished. It had four floors. There was no neighbors, no near neighbors. It had a lift. And he showed me to the apartment on the fourth floor which is perfect for me. And it was cheap. I could afford to live there indefinitely. And so that was the deal. I rented a car. And so, I started my life on this very small island of Gozo and this is where my test really began and I want to tell you now my daily routine from that moment.
I had plenty of material to read. I told you I had hired a car, I could do some shopping not too far away. And so, I spent the day and after my morning breakfast I would sit in stillness or I would read and then go for a walk etc. And I filled more or less about five hours of stillness every day and read in and walk in and do a little bit of shopping and that sort of thing. And also visiting the island. I had time to visit the island of course. I had a car and I fell in love with Gozo. I really felt at home and I knew I was in the right place for whatever happened in the future.

Well, round about the Christmas time, I began to feel ill, and in fact, I had the flu, influenza. Well, you all know what influenza is like. And so, after about a week or so, I began to feel better. But then I had this pain in my chest and I was coughing and I knew I would have felt like I had bronchitis. Well, one of the first things I did when I went there is to find out about my possibilities of having a doctor and medical care, which I did. And so, I had medical care. Now, my beloved, my beloved is just reminding me that I forgot to tell you one of the most important things from my earliest days in Gozo. Thank you, beloved. And so.

What I did, I found the local undertaker and I went to see him. It turned out to be a young man, quite a young man, well in his 30s, and his name was George. A very nice young man. And I said to him, I would like to pay for my funeral. And of course, he looked at me with strange expression on his face. And I said, well, look, I made the excuse that I had a bad heart, and I'm just sure to be quiet, and just in case, just in case, I would like to pay for everything. So, what would it cost, you know, to have a, you know, a coffin and a very simple funeral, you know, and no flowers, no nothing. And he said, well, then how about 3,000 euros? I paid him 3,000 euros. I chose my coffin. In fact, I asked him, is it not possible to have a cardboard box? He said no, no. He chuckled and said, no, that's not the law. You cannot do that. And I cannot put you in a plastic bag and throw you into the Mediterranean either. I cannot do that. It has got to be a coffin. So, I chose the cheapest coffin. And as I say, I paid 3,000 pounds and he started to take out some papers. I said, what are you doing? He said, I'm filling out a bill on a contract. I said, no, just give me a hand. So, I shook his hand and I said, that's fine. And so, he said goodbye. But then I remembered, where will I be buried? Oh, he said, I'll take you, I'll show you. So, I jumped into his car. and we drove a short distance out of the main town in Gozo, which is called Victoria. And he showed me where I would be buried. And I thought, oh, that's quite nice. And so that was it.

Anyway, so I go back to the time now when I had bronchitis and I went to the doctor and I had tablets and that's still working. And now this is Christmas time. And the weather is cold and it's windy and it's raining and it's just so bloody miserable, you know. But nevertheless, I'm reading and I am in stillness. Hours a day and feeling at peace with myself.

And then just after Christmas. Towards the end of the year, I think it was 29 or 30 December, I had gastroenteritis. Well, you all know what that is. I was sick. I was vomiting, I had diarrhea and up and down as they say. I couldn't eat anything; it couldn't stay down. Well, it went on for days and in between I would try to sit and be quiet and receive. Well, on the sixth day I was so weak I could hardly stand. And so, I thought, I'm going to make my bed in the bathroom. And I laid a couple of blankets on the floor with a pillow and I stayed there.

And when I wasn't vomiting, I just lay on the floor. And I can't remember, the day seems to fly by, and I thought to myself, well, this is it. I'm so happy, please, beloved let me go. Take me. Is it that this is why I'm here, is it not? I wanted to prove something to myself. You were the only one I cared for. You were the only one I wanted to be with. Because you are the only one that's been with me from the beginning. Well, almost from the beginning. From my infancy and I've had all these experiences.

All these chapters of experience in my life, most of them, wonderful. That I would gladly repeat at any moment. And others, of course, no, I would not wish to repeat. But nevertheless, each experience was valid. And each chapter came to a close and there's a slight pause between the beginning of the next chapter. When these things were going through my mind and I just surrendered, as I always do. I surrendered to my beloved. I'm talking to him as I'm talking to you now quietly. And he said to me, Lemuel, pick up the phone. Well, I had a mobile, of course. My mobile was in my jacket pocket, and my jacket was hanging on a hook on the back of the bathroom door. Well, I'm lying on the floor without hardly any energy to lift my head. And I said, no, no, I can't. No, no, I can't. Please take me, let me go. Lemuel, pick up the phone. I tried to resist and again he's, Lemuel, pick up the phone. You can do it.
Well, I did. I managed to get to the phone and I somehow managed to call the doctor and told him what I'd been experiencing for what was about a week. And he said, well, Lemuel, I'm sorry, there is no ambulance available. Try to get yourself to the hospital. Try. Well, how was I gonna do that? Well, I asked for strength. And of course, he gave me strength. And so, I finally did get to the hospital. I got into my car, drove to the hospital, and almost crawled into the hospital emergency room.

So, they took me, took care of me, put me on a drip immediately and put me well and I was there for about five days I think and I got better. When I left hospital, my beloved told me No, don't live on your own anymore. Go and live in a hotel. And I did. I spent the remaining days of January until the end of the month, the beginning of February, I stayed, and lived in a hotel. And then I flew, well, I went back to Malta, and I flew from Malta back to Girona on the fourth or the fifth February 2014.

I must tell you, of course, when I made plans to return to to Catalonia to Girona. I went to see this in undertaker, George, and I said, well, I'm still here and I have not died. And so, do you have something to give me? And of course, he smiled and shook my hand and said yes. And he went to a draw and pulled out an envelope and he returned my 3,000 euros. I thanked him, he shook hands again, and I left. Well, this was my three months experience, my spiritual retreat in Gozo.

And there were some communications from, because I had my computer and I was on the internet, and I did in fact receive some, one or two messages from Michael by Ron. But I don't want to talk about those. It's not really relevant at the moment. Well, so that was it. The reason I'm relating this is because coming to the end of another chapter in my life, the 12th chapter, four series of three chapters from 21, 42, 63, and 84.

If I live long enough, I will celebrate my 85th, now on the 8th of September. And so, what I want to say finally to all of you is this; Remember, each day someone is writing your experiences in the pages of your book of life. You may think of it as a recording angel. Remember, you have chapters of experience throughout the whole of your life. Come what may. Whatever happens or does not happen in the future, please remember this. You have had with you since your infancy, the best friend, the best companion you could ever wish for.

Yes, your beloved indwelling Thought Adjuster. It is he that has guided you, wanting you to follow him as he navigates your life. He wants your personality, and he wants you to fuse with him. He is your groom and you are his future bride. If you can look at it in those terms. Because in fact, that is the situation. He is the only one that has loved you completely, 100% unconditionally. And He is the one that will continue to do that until you are fused totally with your beloved.

And this really is the only thing of real importance in your lives, in everybody's life. So please, bear that in mind from now on. Come what may. Well, I've come to the end of what I wanted to say and I will hand this back to Ron now because I know he wants to continue. So, Ron, thank you very much. I hand it back to you now, if I may.

Thank you very much, Lemuel. Beautifully done. It's quite a story and it's recorded. It will be part of the archives. You are an important member of the discharge of the spiritual concerns for Urantia and its people by Michael of Nebadon. Thank you, Lemuel, for sharing.

Thank you. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, Ron.

Now, lean back and enjoy the rest of the program. I don't know how much I have, but I have Michael on the phone. Go ahead, please, Michael, if you would.

Michael of Nebadon
Beautifully done Ron. Thank you. Lemuel, this is Michael, I am fully discharged on your story. It is beautifully told and it is well recorded. It shall become part of our archive. And when it comes time, your memory will be well preserved. Thank you.
And now this to you, Ron. The trial that must be observed for you is that today, which is July 31st of 2024, must end not sadly, but with a warning.

Everything you have done in preparation for those who are listening here and the great many who don't know that this is being held is to remember that when I do appear, it won’t only be with Jesus. It will be with the Magisterial Sons and their accomplishments with you.

Thank you.

This is Monjoronson

Welcome, Monjoronson. Please go ahead.

Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, there are about 10 of you on the call. I don't care about those who have missed the call. They will have to listen to the tape. What I want to tell you is, first of all, Ron has managed to stick this through so that Lemuel could have a comfortable period to tell his story and then listen to the rest of it by my voice and by that voice of Michael.

First of all, my voice. I am Monjoronson. I am with my co-host, Serara. Together we serve Urantia, for the next 20 to 30 years. Ron won't be available for most of that.

I beg your pardon

For the rest of the time today, we speak through his voice. It is strong enough, but it is weak due to so much use. In any case, there are about 10 on the call, and that is enough for this to be heard well. First of all, there is no light line in the coming week. I don't want a light line until the middle of August, Ron.

I will remember. Thank you.

Thank you, Ron. And fully to all of those who listen to the light line regularly, Ron may hold, not a light line, but a discussion forum from time to time on this same channel and same time.

For those of you used to a schedule, he may try to stay with the schedule, but he will open the session when he can. His friend Dominick will help. And all of those who are regular attendees, you will greatly benefit because Ron will speak to the Magisterial Sons, as well as the Trinity Teacher Son, not Margul but Samson S-A-M-S-O-N Samson. He is new to the regime. Samson will speak now.

I am Samson. I'm not the provost Ron. You had trouble with the last provost. He wanted to arrange you and he can't. You're not in spirit or even the morontial. So, he fumbled and nearly lost you. He is around and you welcome him back.

I certainly do.

Thank you, Ron.
For reasons of state, I am Samson. S-A-M-S-O-N. I want you to understand that Ron and about three others who are participating today saw to it that you had a regular forum to speak. You call them the light lines, Ron. We are now going to ask you, Ron, to participate in all the light lines that are going to be held.

Monday is still Elise. Tuesday bis Dominick. Wednesday is you usually now. It used to be Lemuel, but Lemuel, you just lay back and listen. Enjoy it. Next week we'll be on.

And finally, to the rest of you who do occasionally do light lines, and that includes Renee Duran, you are favored to continue. Please do it if you can. Returning to Honduras was not the best idea, Rene, but do as you please.
And now this to all of you. Ron will shut down this light line when I am done and I need a few minutes so it will be a little early. The truth of the matter is that Dominick is asleep and that there is nothing to record beyond what we have here today. I am asking as provost of Urantia under the Magisterial Sons that you obey me.

Yes, Samson, I'm at your service entirely. Whatever you wish, I'm glad to participate. As we go, we're going to have to learn probably new people. Be patient as they get used to me. I am so used to dealing things this way. I easily get used to you. And I thank you. Back to you.

This is Samson. I thank you, Ron. It's beautiful. I want you to know, Ron, that the provost is still here.

I'm glad. Thank you.

The truth of the matter is I am not used to speaking to a human at all, but merely holding forth when I introduce a Magisterial mission. Lemuel is resting comfortably. Stay awake if you can, Lemuel, to hear the news. To the 10 approximately on this call, we are going to suggest, Ron, that you hold Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday as your light lines.

As you wish. That's no problem as long as I live.

I fully appreciate that. And now this to you and your friend Dominick, Ron. He is slightly unwell, but will recover easily. Furthermore, he needs instruction from you on how not to deal with certain elements that are trying to contact him all the time.

I'm unaware what they are, Samson.

You do, the west.

Oh, yes, I know that mess. Thank you.

You didn't know quite where,…

I didn't know quite where you were pointing.

I see why. Okay, thank you. And now this to you, Ron, in particular. You have been told that you're on the final slide to death, that it would be days.


and that you prepare these light lines with a sigh and don't know how much longer you may have.

That's true. I do not know.

The truth of the matter is you have years ahead so long as Big Michael has something to give. Don't you start.

Yeah, I got a flash of information I don't repeat. Yes? But Michael is being Michael and he's wonderful. Go ahead, Simpson. Thank you. It's Simpson. Okay. It's Simpson. A major bigger than you are.

Yes, yes. I am Simpson. I have now learned that you are a humor that can’t be repressed when it starts. Machiventa wants to say a few words and you are ready.

Of course, deeply respectful.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, to the group.
I want you to all know that without Ron there would be no light line. In fact, most of this organization that you enjoy in the discussion forum, if you happen to join it, is worthy of Ron's foresight. He fully enjoys doing it. If he didn't have it, he would have died long ago. But this keeps him on his toes. And now this to you, Ron. Dominick will be back shortly. He has gotten a good rest, and he needs to talk to you about a situation out West.

I know of the situation, I think. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
It will be concluded, and he will be returning shortly.

I thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. And fully this to you, Ron. You feel you're on the sliding board out.

Unfortunately, yes.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Why do you feel that?

It's mind telling me it is used, tired, and doesn't much want to continue unless it is revived enough to the abuse.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you.

So, mind can speak along with a thousand others that want to when they want to and they're welcome.

I fully agree with you. This is Samson. You are extraordinary.

I didn't realize we had Joe Manus in the lead here and the 16 dancers.

And the 16 dancers. That's two. Thank you, Ron. I am much more than the old provost. I am experienced.

Thank you.

And now this. You are one of the few I can trust, I see. You see to what the discussion forum may want and supply other information plentifully if anybody ever listens. Mostly no. But you have a patent. I promise you, it's going to go big time.

Oh, thank you.

Stop kissing my form. I'm glad you have a sense of humor.

I am born that way. And I apologize before we start.

Thank you, Ron. The truth of the matter is you're entirely happy with me.

Yes. I would be happy with anyone they presented to me.

I'm fully assured of it. Monjoronson in particular wants you to take notice. He's not fat, Ron. I want you to notice that he wants you to have an office in downtown New York as close to the square as you can get.

Oh, I do enjoy that. It is so important, Samson, to have a public image with that. And if I'm in New York County, York is where that public image should be. I leave it to you of its use.

Thank you, Ron, that is perfect.

This is Monjoronson Ron, you are fully cooperative.

I must be and I want to be. Thank you, Monjoronson
Thank you.

This is Monjoronson to the rest of you. We're coming to the close of the hour. And as usual, Ron has introduced material we did not expect, nor did we know he had.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon, if I may, Monjoronson


Michael of Nebadon
I want you to know, Ron, that that itchy nose is figuring on something you don't know. It's not tomorrow's weather.

Well, you've got me then, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. It's a wonderful way to discuss this. The truth of the matter is, everyone, and there's about 10 on this call. I want you all to understand that without Ron, you would never hear all this. For that reason, he is honored up here for persevering in the middle of a very difficult climate to make anything heard and make anything well almost visible to you.

He is an old-time abstractor. He started when he was in college. He loves spirit. He loves to deal with it. And by God, now he has it by its toes. And we want to tell you this. You shall have your office Ron, not as grand as the old marble bank, but you will have a niche and it will become visible to you in a dream.


Michael of Nebadon
Fully available to you is your old office for Velzi. They don't know what to do with it. It is the right size for you, and it is still furnished to some degree.

Oh, dear memories.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes Ron. The full accounting for you is with Dominick, and he will love it.

I hope so.

Michael of Nebadon
And finally, to all of you, this is Michael of Nebadon.
The word to write separately on your paper, Raz, is announcement underline in black with a colon. Under that are these words,

“We are now Michael of Nebadon for Urantia.” 

Three, there is no tradition left for you, Ron. You have got to burrow your way through with what you can to make it work for yourselves and your compatriots. Staff your office with five. We will get to you what those five are.
And finally, we want it to be known that the entire subscription to Light Lines is public. Ron makes no distinction between anyone that comes in to listen and he welcomes all. However, the public announcement that you have prepared previously, Ron, is now not valid. Ron says, oh, fine. I want to rewrite what Ron just put up this way. Announcement, double underline, bold.


We, the United Midwayers, are now back online, Ron. You love us.

Oh, I do. You have been with me for what, 14 years, something like that.

United Midwayers
Yeah, in your living room, yes. I must say, Ron, you enliven the group to the point that they're not sure what you've got.

A memory and a hope.

United Midwayers
Thank you. It's beautifully stated.
To all of you, and we end this shortly, we want you to know that these light lines will continue as they can be held. We have problems on Urantia. You know that. But always check at 2 p.m. on the weekday to see if someone could get in and hold it. You're always welcome.

Michael and Nebadon
And now this is Michael and Nebadon. That is your Midwayers, Ron.

I consider them adorable. Thank you very much for being with me.

United Midwayers
And we are happy to be. And now for one final statement. The one you call Dominick will not be here today. He is still unevenly done deciding who he is.

Yeah, may I? Yeah, just a quick note. Dominick and I usually meet briefly in the evening. We talk over the events of the day. He agrees to do something and I agree to do something. And then we go our way. It is a standard routine, but it seems as though that he is going to change his mind.
And that's fine. Now back to you, Michael. Thank you.

Or the Midwayers.

Midwayer ABC 22
The Midwayers. This is Midwayer ABC 22.

Well, welcome back.

Midwayer ABC 22
Thank you, Ron. You knew 20, 21, 22, 23.

It's somewhere in there. I can't quite remember, but that sounds familiar.

Midwayer ABC 22
Truly. We are now back in your room, Ron. We will not light the candle.

Well, you have to blame falling around without the candle light then.

Midwayer ABC 22
Thank you. Truly, you will have to light them now on.


Midwayer ABC 22
This is that group that lights the candles for you, Ron. We will light them.

Thank you. I do feel a comfort in someone being there. Ladies and gentlemen, so you know. I have four candles that are electric. They have to be turned on by twisting the base, and then they stay on for about five hours and then go out. I have not had to light those candles now for almost a year. At 8.30 PM precisely, my candles light themselves. It's a wondrous thing for timing. And I do get and enjoy the candles.

Midwayer ABC 22
Thank you, Ron. I didn't realize that you had a flame.

Oh, no, no, it's a battery-operated light inside the wax candle. They look like they're burning. They're quite authentic. And I can thank Steve Gitz and my Christmas present this year for them.

Midwayer ABC 22
Oh, thank you.

And you're always welcome to spit the flame out and burn for me, if you wish.

Midwayer ABC 22
We don't quite go that far. Ron, thank you. I am ABC 22. ABC 21 is your old friend.

I can't remember for some reason or another.

Midwayer ABC 22
In any case, the ABC series is the one that stays with you.
Thank you very much. I had the MNO for a while.

Midwayer ABC 22
Yeah, and that one is available.

Thank you.

Midwayer ABC 22
Oh, Ron and Jack.


Midwayer ABC 22
Yeah, you can't forget.

I never forget Jack. We've been through some pretty good experiences. Thank you. M-N-O what? I can't tell you anymore. 21, 22,
Midwayer ABC 22
No, 12.

He changed his number.

Midwayer ABC 22
He did indeed.

Well, I let it go. Thank you.

And now this is Tarkas, Ron. I am back in my space as One Without Name and Number as Jack is.

Yes, I enjoy you tremendously.

I am coming back to help you through a difficult period. Your sister-in-law has fumed that all you do is take and never give.

Well, that's probably true given my superior condition.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I'm sorry for laughing. That was unscripted. The truth of the matter is, Ron, you have a change in venue if you don't make use of it soon. She wants to go to South Carolina.

Well, may the sea take her there.

It's just, Ron, I can understand. She and your brother are no longer necessary for your existence.

Well, I thank you for telling me.

ABC 22
And finally, this, Ron. I am ABC 22. You don't know me from Adam.


ABC 22
The truth of the matter is that we've got to end this light line. You have made sure everyone understands the changes that we can mention to date. And finally, the existence of your brother, Dominick, will end shortly. He is now well enough to understand what he must do.

Well, I wish him nothing but success if I must depart.

ABC 22
And you will not. Thank you. I am fully attending one other notice to all of you. Your screen will show the full device that you use to run these things tomorrow, Ron.

The rebellion tried to destroy it, but didn't entirely. We're going to leave that alone gingerly and tell you all. That is the end of today's light line. Thank you for attending. There will be more, but not necessarily by schedule. We are the normal Lightline helpers, and we are going to make sure that you have a lightline almost every day. Those who are scheduled, keep your schedule. And now everybody, that is it, and good day. Goodbye everybody.


« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 08:11:53 am by Moses Ouko »