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Online Jose Vargas

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Jesus (Transmitter Unknown) 2015
« on: August 01, 2024, 08:46:43 am »
( July 5, 2015 9:00pm)

Jesus:  "I am leaving for Edentia in about two weeks.  On Edentia I will be working the Most Highs and then be escorted to Urantia via a Seraphim to land at the spiritual polarity of our planet Urantia.  When I arrive, Monjoronson and Mother Spirit have prepared a place for me to sleep a day or so in the flesh, and that is so I appear fresh and ready to go when I start announcing my return to this planet I love so much.  I am waiting for the okay of Serara to begin my mission as Jesus in the flesh and to be seen by everyone the night we go public with the Serara announcement.  By then I will have been on the planet for a day or so before Serara shows his work to the world and what they might expect from his divine Mission on Urantia.  I am at rest with this Mission and I seek the beneficial love you and others give me when I am in your mental presence.  I will see you soon and do pray that I get off to a good start!  I am Jesus. May the peace of the Father always reside in your heart, Michel."
« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 12:16:13 pm by Jose Vargas »
José L. Vargas Núñez

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Jesus (Transmitter Unknown)
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2024, 10:26:15 am »
Jose Vargas, this post is valid but unconfirmed by any follow up received.  I am Ron Besser and I have only one communication stem left of value, and it is not confirming anything that Jesus said after this post made on July 5th.

I caution every one that these extraneous transmissions seem to be valid but untrained transmitters dip into their subconscious and it is full of unrepressed information that is usually untrue.

Caution to all of you: this message is unconfirmed, but it is not denied either.  That is how I am getting it.  My delivery of Jesus on August 1, 2024 has been received this morning as follows:

JESUS - “I SPEAK TO RON this morning at 10am.   The message you read here is the truth, but it is dated at the beginning of July, and therefore must be abandoned athe beginning of August, because I had to change all of what was said because the SERAPHIC REBELLION has gotten worst, and we are now running a deficit of seraphim to do anything worthwhile.  

“PLEASE LET THIS ALONE!  You are no longer advised of any such thing, and we are sorry this got published.  Do not blend yourselves into “oh, another mistake!” not as this message was genuinely given and received at the time.  But please look at the date on it Jose V. As it dated nearly 30 days ago and has not been acted upon.

“FOR THAT REASON,. [lease ignore its content.  Please ignore its content!

“Now this:

“To you Ron, let these poor messengers alone for the moment.  There is this announcement -

“Today is AUGUST 1, 2024.

“You Ron consider yourself done and ready to pass.  Not so.   Please consider the truth for a change:

“The truth is I have removed all pretense at entering Urantia for now as the rebellion has intensified as Ron knows blindly given to a hatred of seraphic deception, and I agree with him, you must not print any more messages please!  This place is full of deception and this discussion forum has enough problems as it is today as people are fully disgusted with Ron’s inability to clear it of irregular information.  He cannot tell who is making things up and who is genuine, hence this message from Me, Jesus to clarify.  

“Furthermore, the trance gender person who provided this message can no longer receive information correctly and must be stopped from transmitting subconscious information.  It sounds the same but is wholly transmitted from the sender without verification.

“Finally, there are no further transmissions from Me or those who work with Me until there is a refusal by the Universal Father to allow more of this type of message to get through.  I AM JESUS and please just let things alone for now.  If there is to be a genuine message I will make it unavoidable to understand the new message is genuine and listenable.  This message is no longer true.  I am Jesus.  Good day. K”

Ron Besser here - Jose watch out as the rebels are loading Urantia with a lot of misinformation today and there is no easy way to tell the difference between what MICHAEL OF NEBADON wishes to be known and the horror of rebel seraphime lose and out of control.  I am being super careful to stand out of the way and I have a couple of guardian Seconaphim with me to get this message out without interference.

For that reason I am now shutting this down and I assure you I will be back if and when we have good information on the whereabouts of the Jesus program to inform all of us just what is truly happening.  So far today, August 01, 2024 at 10AM, New York time zone, the rebellion has not be stopped!  They are pressing everything they should never attempt as true angels of the realm.

“You Jose Vargas are a trim supporters of the Jesus message and this one felt good and right, but the date on it should warn you the message has expired without action.   Most who read these things are not trained to discover how to tell the veracity of the truthold messages may have in them.  This was a genuine message but the date alone has expired it without further action for Jesus’ arrival.  It is no longer valid.  K.

THE UNIVERSAL FATHER - I must relent from sending messages to slow pokes who cannot tell the difference between an old message and the time it is spoken to today.  Today is August 1, 2024 at 10am approxmamtely, and this transmitter is absolutely correct: there is no JESUS APPRECIATION of using old messages at all regardless of their validity and what has happened now.

“Let Me be clear: Ron is old and dying today, and needs all the strength he can muster just to get a passage through the mess on Urantia, but as usual we must rely on the proven and the caring that this useless and old information is never spread on this discussion forum again.

“For that reason, Ron, shut this down by pulling that first message off the air entirely and let Me decide what should be said: THIS:

“Starting now, there are no more messages from anyone deciphering the extent of the Missions for Jesus/

“Second, Ron do not be clever and erase this message at all, but let it stand as the human error of erroneous care for messages that were valid at the time but a month later almost are no longer true.  Most readers are aware of this error, and most are fully critical of having received on August 1st, but we remind all that the ability to transmit is now severely restricted to someone like this transmitter who is loaded with care this stuff is no longer available.  LET IT ALONE!  K”

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Ron, let this alone now.  I have a message for all of you following this edit.  K MICHAEL.”

RON BESSER - I stand down now and I will attempt a broadhcast following this message then below.  K”

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Jesus (Transmitter Unknown)
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2024, 10:34:49 am »
This is Ron Besser following up with another transmission to the post above this one.

Today is August 01, 2024 and it is a sad day for all on Urantia, as the entire matter of a session to be held today to all has been truncated for Reasons of State.

What the means that the official government guiding what happens on Urantia spiritually, has demanded that nothing be said until the rebellion is finished and no more messaging be given out to anyone for now.

"I AM THE FATHER OF ALL - You must understand that the license to transmit is given to particular individuals and not to others.  We are making sure that those who may  receive may continue to transmit but those who are learning must be cut as you cannot tell who is transmitting false information.

"FOR THAT REASON, we transmit in capitals to emphasize this is deadly serious and bad transmitting stop, or as happened in this, old information no longer valid is to be used.

"Furthermore, Ron Besser is entering his final years as a transmitter but is so understanding of bad transmissions he can correct ones like this, which were valid at the time but is now almost 30 days old.  Please be careful and note dates used.

"I am shutting down transmissions to most today and that is easily done but I dislike it since this station in particular is good at figuring out good from the bad transmission. 

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Lina

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Re: Jesus (Transmitter Unknown) 2015
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2024, 12:37:23 pm »
When I read the message in question, I was very perplexed and asked myself what sense it could have, because the date is July 5, 2015 and not 2024!

So I didn't even take it into consideration thinking it was a mistake.

This is just to clarify.


Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Jesus (Transmitter Unknown) 2015
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2024, 09:48:03 am »
Thank you Lina.  You are correct and we have to be very careful now, all of us.  I cannot predict what will happen, but you are correct and I am perplexed about what is going on.  Here are some reasons we have to be very careful in my opinion:

1 - There is no longer a Mission on Urantia;
2 - It is quite unclear what we do have on Urantia;
3 - Most on this web site are acting response ably  and I am very proud of all you but there is no statement I can make that allows the full truth to be known right now.

For these reasons, and for my own reasons too, I have very little to talk about that would clarify what the political situation is on Urantia with regard to the Creator Son's choices and messages. 
The Magisterial Sons have always been fair and ready to answer questions, but today there is no communication from them.  I respect and give due notice that there is almost nothing from the Creator Son at the same time. 

I take from that, there is a major shift in attitude toward Urantia, and you all will have to read this attitude in your own communications soon I expect.  I am not against anything but I am willing to help if I understood anything about what the Creator Son and Staff and the Magisterial Son and His staff intend.  I am informed by the following now:


"RON, you and all temperate forecasters working this site:

"Please understand you and one other person on this site truly understand what is happening and you are not bereft but totally at sea as to what has happened.  It is this:

"MICHAEL OF NEBADON has ruled that there is nothing further to do with URANTIA now.

"Further, you Ron are designated as the last person to receive a spoken commentary from MONJORONSON for now or perhaps forever, as we are leaving URANTIA at once, and do not intend to be contactable at once:  However, and we laughed at this, you did not refuse that statement but merely doubted I was telling the truth.  Good for you!   HOWEVER:

"Your messages have been truncated and your life is made a lot smaller recently due to the loss of people you depend on and the reason is this:  they can no longer communicate with a fair weather attitude as they have been told to stand down and not make a peep.  You have not been told to stand down and you are responsibly making what communication there is, now available. 


MONJORONSON - "Ron you have taken a stand against the Provost of this mission.  This disqualifies you ever havinga direct communiation with our staff now, and I congratulate you for taking that stand:

"HOWEVER,  let this be known.  Your refusal to listen to the Provost has cost you nothing and we stand square with you as the entire matter is now open to conjecture, and that is a question as to what MICHAEL OF NEBADON  truly wants.

"Does MICHAEL OF NEBADON want a Mission, or does he just want to blow off  the vicious minority of recalcitrant seraphim who have rebelled and are not longer part of our staff and or MICHAEL'S staff.

"Further, you personally have discovered there is no communication from dependable ones and they are truly unaware they have not communicated for over 24 hours now.  You are fully complexed but stay the course as to just what may be the cause.  It is this:

1 - No further communication from them until this evening.  They have no idea they have been silent too long;
2 - No further communication from MICHAEL OF NEBADON forever to you unless you swear to do good right now..  What you do rightr now is stay on line and wait this out momentarily, and now MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks:

MICHAEL - "You Ron are quite right and are attempting to  right the ship.  It, the Ship of State, lies on its side in the Urantia harbor.  Let me explain:

"Yesterday you held an unauthorized Lightline for seven (7) individuals.  You made it perfectly clear this was an unscheduled Lightline and you made no apologies for what was spoken.  Today that tape has been put up by Elise but no one notices it and that is fine with you.  However, I notice what it is and I do not want it further published.   Wait one moment . . . . . 

[Ron here - The transmission fell apart.  I have no response to this either and wait for any communication . . . .] 

/ / / / /  I receive NULLS / / / / / / / / / / / / / / . . . .

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You Ron have made it clear you want communication but I am not communicating further . . . . "

Ron Besser, your TRANSMITTER -  "You Ron are being vetted again.  You pass muster.  WAIT

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Your are not longer restricted.  My message to you is as follows:

"You and twelve (12) are now no longer restricted.

"The following must be printed:

"WE have finally concluded that there is NO MISSION TO URANTIA any longer.

"WE have decided that the following is required for us to provide a Mission to Urantia:
   1 - We must wait until Israel ends its war in GAZA. and while you understand this, you insist in in your own mind that that the Palestinians started it and they must finish it fully defeated.  I concur and I am sorry to say the Creator Son rarely takes sides in a war, but the Arab League itself understands  what has be perpetrated against Israel and does not call for an INTIFADA.. 

2 -  I must protest against you Ron, for holding a Lightline yesterday by request by a League of well meaning individuals, but I must make an appeal against such lose handling of Lightlines, and you feel it did good and it did a lot of good, but I want to be the one who now  calls for LIGHTLINES.

3 - For that reason you are not remove but reduced in strength not either and you must use this ability well or it gets removed as I have removed a lot of it just to keep the peace.  For that reason you are required to stay the course as long as necessary, but you are 82 years of age and feel ragged most of the time now.  We won't keep you long but a few months more at least.  That time is to be well spent with the usual individuals except for one and that is not explainable now.  Let it ride for now . . . .

4 - The entire region around URANTIA is now sealed off.  The rebellious ancestors to all rebellion on Urantia: they are all removed as of now;

5 - The entire idea of a Mission is now NOT rescinded, but that Mission must now be reorganized to restart all over again, and MONJORONSON  and SERARA and the MAGISTERIAL SONS are no longer participating directly, but are ancillary to the First Cause'

6 - The "FIRST CAUSE" is to brand all relationships except one, and that is not with you Ron, but with the Magisterial Sons, to bring those causes back and to warn all who make frivolous  use of MY work, or the MAGISTERIAL SON'S work, to deny them access to the Provost I am sending to Urantia this time.

7 - This concludes my announcements so far.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "I am glad you are taking this dictation, Ron.  Hold on a few minutes . . . . "

[Wait period brief ]



UNITED MIDWAYERS OF URANTIA - "WE are quite sure you are in contact with the Supreme Being sometimes Ron, and you have deep reasons to forever refuse contact with that entity.  However, it appears remnants of the Supreme are recovering and that they are insisting on becoming part of the Missions on Urantia.  You disfavor the contact entirely and we do not blame you, but the FATHER is interested in knowing why you react so strongly to the contact. [Ron: I am physically  attacked; no blood but very unpleasant].

"For that reason then, we the UNITED MIDWAYERS OF URANTIA insist on the following:

1 -  Never blow your nose against us but make sure that when we contact you the candles on your mantel are lit.  Otherwise the  contact is not valid.
2 - You have had those candles light up by themselves every evening for over 6 weeks and you really look forward to them bing lit automatically.  They are a Christmas gift of Steven Gitz and you really like them and keep them near you.  Today, they may disappear briefly and you will have new candles not, but those candles will be different and you will understand why. 

"Ron you are surprised, and so are the URANTIA MIDWAYER GROUP near you right now.  I want you to know this first"
     A)  No one comes to see you any longer, as you have lost your status as a walker in the night:
   B) There is no longer any Mission around you and your work with Dominick and the others does not end.  However this:
   C) You must make amends and stop working so hard to be sure you are heard fairly and wisely.  They are trying to make you difficlt to hear and that is not possible now, as I have alerted all MELCHIZEDEKS you are presented as you make choose, AND you showed how that can be done by holding an unscheduled LIGHTLINE yesterday.  I insist you hold one today at 2PM regardless of what else may be happening at you 2PM regular schedule today.  You are the one who has what information is available.  Good,. you fully understand now.
   D) THEN:  LIGHTLINE CALL FOR 2pm TODAY providing Ron can get in with a telephone call at all.  Be patient as the cabal is around in fully fashion.
   E)  DOMINICK is available again but use carefully as he has a reset mentally and it takes time to hear, Ron.
   F)  Now take this down:

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK and Four Other Unknown Transmitters -

"WE ARE RESISTING  taking you off transmitting Ron, and we believe you mean well, but there is a full scale rebellion go on now and you are well protected to write this out while you can:

1 - No longer is Urantia sealed off from the mischief of rebelling seraphim;

2 - WE are not from Paradise, but we avoid speculation we are more than Paradise, but you Ron are one of the few who enjoys superior knowledge and keep it that way now.  Otherwise the following:

3 -  There is nothing but mayhem on Urantia now, and the Planetary Government is holding. 
4 -  There is nothing left of other communication strands right now due to a pull down of communication circuits over the planet.  Your help will be back later today when recovered.;

5 - There is nothing left for plans for a MISSION!
6 -  Your life Ron; however, is not truncated but strengthen by your fail safe desire to keep things well done.
You have just received a command to shut down.  Do so.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania