Author Topic: Lightline USA August 1, 2024  (Read 2450 times)

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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline USA August 1, 2024
« on: August 01, 2024, 16:26:19 pm »

Lightline USA, August 01- 2024

This is an unscheduled Lightline with your host Ron Besser. To listen to the tape see link below.

To all interested:

                       Tomorrow FRIDAY,  02 AUGUST 2024, 
                           Lightline will be held at 2 pm NYT.

         We are expecting some very important announcements.

Link to today's  tape:

Online Moses Ouko

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Re: Lightline USA August 1, 2024
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2024, 07:34:53 am »
  • 080124 Audio Tape Thursday Light Line USA; Host: Ron Besser.
  • Subjects: Scheduled lightlines are not guaranteed as the cabal gathers too much info from them; Urantia population is considered a dwarf race due to their short attention span; Magisterial Sons to show their insignia on all TV stations  for 5 minutes when the time comes; Ron’s Adjuster is detached; Jesus to make a special announcement; Rayson urges Ron to go online with the patent information, New order Creator Son-Son and Machiventa acquires new status.
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson, Serara, Ron’s Adjuster, Jesus and Rayson
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
All right, everybody, this is an unscheduled light line held on August 1st, 2024. I'm Ron Besser, your host, and we are having a recording. Thank you, Michael. And thank you for those few attending. It's Stephen Amado, Elise, George Huber, and Robert Krupa. I'm leaving it open for anyone who wants to walk in.

Michael of Nebadon
Now this, Ron. Now that you have five to listen, I'm going to tell you something. I am Michael of Nebadon, and I want you all to understand this. We have reached a decision on Salvington and Uversa that the end of this precipitous way of dealing with Urantia is done. What do we mean? It means that we are no longer going to hold regular sessions with any of you again. That means that it's willy-
nilly whether you get anyone to report to do a light line.

For that reason, Ron, you are unscheduled now. For the rest of you who hold light lines, well, Elise you in particular, I want it known that you can try and do try, but we don't know what the results will be to contact you. If you don't have a contact, then stay on the line and see what Ron does if he can make it onto the light line. He may be able to help you.

Now. I muted you because I hear people moving around, and it distracts me a little bit when I try to concentrate. Just a minute. I picked up the receiver. And that should help the sound quality a little bit.

Michael of Nebadon
Ron, hit that button.

All right.

Michael of Nebadon
Now, this is Michael of Nebadon. Today is August 1, 2024, and we are making a recording. For you, Ron, this is practically the end. We are not going to use you as a transmitter so much as a person who sees to it that there is still a connection. That is very important to those people who have learned to use these transmissions as a way to understand exactly what is going on. We are going to make an additional statement Ron.

I do not see me operating just a minute. The dashboard is not working. I've unmuted you so I can see the animation as to whether I'm speaking or not. Now I...

I heard you.

Did you hear?

Okay, is your recording on?


I don't show it, but my dashboard is working right. In any case, let's go forward and hope that we get something out of this.

Michael of Nebadon
I am Michael of Nebadon. I've unmuted you all because there's a telephone problem. Truly. So, Ron has unmuted you. So, you are sure to hear what he has to say. There are only five. That's enough.

This is Michael of Nebadon. I am being recorded, yes. And this, Ron. We are going to end the formal light lines today. Ron just doped into it. But I cannot honestly say that the light lines are very important to many. They seem to think that the transmissions are gratis and that anything they do accrues to them but to no one else. That is a wrong way to look at it and for reasons of state.

Just a minute. All right. You have to be quiet, particularly because I've got you all unmuted.

Michael of Nebadon

And now this from Michael of Nebadon, Ron. Mute them.
All right. Okay, now I've got blessed silence. I hope you're all right.

Michael of Nebadon
It's this. I, Michael of Nebadon, have no problem with the light lines. They are essential. But I have a problem with the cabal to the point that I do not allow them more information than they can gather on their own. As a result, folks, I am going to call down the light line because they gathered too much information.

Furthermore, you, Ron, will likely go to the mansion worlds. We can't hold back the loss of vitality. Furthermore, Ron, you are fully disgusted with the way things have developed, not only for you, but for the way that we must communicate. Machiventa Melchizedek is here and wishes to speak.

Well, welcome, Machiventa. Go ahead, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. There are one, two, three, four. There are six online with Ron. That's enough to tell you by tape that we are no longer going to make it a viable importance to talk to anyone that opens this light line. Now, to each of you, and particularly to Elise, try to hold your regular schedule, regardless of what we're saying here today, and see if any one of us can come in as your voice.

The thing that we want to tell you today is that the light line is over. Ron will hold it as an act of faith. I hope all of you hold it as an act of faith. For reasons of state, we can no longer abide certain activities in the West who have no idea what it is to really hold a light line.
Mark Rogers is an old-fashioned transmitter. I don't know what to say about his schedule. But the other schedules that were just open will no longer have an easy light line to provide. And finally, this to you, Ron. You are weakened and reduced in strength, but not in power. You're surprised.

I really am. It feels like I'm being closed.

Machiventa Melchizedek
You're not being closed. Furthermore, stay the course. You have a long life to give. And I don't mean ….
And finally, this to you, Elise. You are finding trouble at times in your home because of your insistence on following the schedule. My dear, follow the schedule and you will be fine. Keep it up. Ron, you keep it up. Dominick, which isn't here or who isn't here, must keep it up. I am not sure what to say about the others who transmit. We will find out what is what as we follow the old schedule. Lemuel, of course, is almost out, and his death is probably a sign.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I want you to know that Ron just signed to me, that he will not abandon me, nor will I abandon him. It is an emotional moment that he did not expect that I am vital to your operation.

I expect that, Machiventa as is Michael.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes, we will not abandon you so long as you can call in and do a light line. That might be just off the top of your head at this time. That's what happened on the schedule this Thursday, the 1st of August, 2024. I must step back.

Well, we are grateful, Machiventa and thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron.

I am Monjoronson. I am the Magisterial Son for Urantia. I have this to say to you, Ron. Thank goodness for you. You're the one that seems to care, that people have some service, regardless of the conditions. For that reason, you are assigned on high as a problematic listener, but as a person who will see to what we consider essential for Urantia wherever you are.

Thank you.

Thank you, Ron. I am Monjoronson I am not a Creator Son, but Serara was and can be a Creator Son if he wishes to be. We have that latitude under certain conditions. Here is Serara to speak.

Welcome, Serara. Go ahead.

Thank you, Ron. I am Serara. I am the first one to speak to Ron and several others in his group when it was a viable group. Today, there's nothing left. He could care less. And frankly, I feel the same. They lost their way and Ron has no sense to pick them up. For reasons of state, the entire Urantia population is considered a dwarf race. What does that mean? It means they are human, fully, but do not have the attention span to listen long to a tape, much less from the celestial.

I am now assigning Urantia as a dummkopf. That's German for dummy. Dumb. They do not have the capacity to take the tapes, the lessons, and the revelation. Well, they are human to the point of almost staying animal. For that reason, Ron, I, Serara, am going to duplicate your way of doing things and opening a light line occasionally to the planet. Let them figure out what it is. And we are not preparing Urantia to see us. That disappoints you greatly.

Oh, it does. There will be benefactors.

Thank you. I fully agree. And fully, this to you, Ron. You can't stay much longer on Urantia. It's your blood system. They have managed to keep it from flowing well. And it is very difficult for you to stay awake. We have reversed it twice. And twice they have agreed to undo it. You call them bastards. They are. And they are removed to each one who has done it. When the time comes.

Thank you.

I like how you handle us, Ron. You understand that we are divine and that our voice is very important. And for reasons of state, even that is conversation. Stop it.

I'm sorry. Go ahead, Serara.

Thank you.  You're an idiot. Now, this, the trial that we have for all of you on Light Lines is that Ron will hold them ad hoc. It's always around the 2 PM hour. Don't worry about anything else unless there's an emergency. For reasons of state, today, August 1st, which is Thursday, and it's 2 22 PM according to the computer time, we have this to tell you.

We will hold a mission to Urantia. Two; We will be visible, not. But Ron is very disappointed. Three; Because of that disappointment, we may make a small incursion. Ron feels it's important to shock the population. We shall do it, Ron.

Thank you.

Four; It will be on television on all channels where we will show the insignia of our office. And you will have a five-minute speech as to why everybody should hear it and see the insignia. Thank you, Ron.
We will not relay the television signal to any parts of the world that can't speak any English because we will announce in English. That scheduled program will be given a signal to build by Michael of Nebadon, and he has not yet decided when to give that signal.

Well, I hope I'm up.

Shut up, Ron. And now this, this is. This is Serara. You are being recorded, Ron, but that is perfectly fine. And now this, you, Ron, will be fine shortly. You have been made sleepy, and you drop out into a deep sleep on the bed at any time, and you get awake to do things like light line. We are appreciative to the point that we are not going to carry many other attempts at lightlines. We'll tell you when the time comes what the new arrangement is.

To all of you. There is about one, two, three, four, five, there's six of you plus Ron, which makes seven, listening and doing a light line.
To most of you, this is an accident. To Ron, at 2 PM on any given day, it is light line if it's important. Today it's important without announcement. But lucky you, you checked anyhow.

Machiventa Melchizedek
And finally, this from Machiventa. Ron, I am no longer able to pursue all this as my schedule. You will have me when you can. You will have a light line when you can connect. Someone will always be here for you, Ron.

And finally this. The trial today was not necessarily to hold the light line, but it was to keep Ron alive. He collapsed about 11 a.m. and was deeply in sleep until about 1.30. He doesn't understand what the problem is, but he is sure sleepy. The problem is, Ron, that you're nearly morontial. How you're staying in the body is unknown to us.

But you are enjoying the physical life without referencing the morontial life very much. Elise, continue your operation. It's very important. You're the only European friend we have at the moment. And it is vital that you keep it going. It is okay to walk in and hold a light line, even though no one's invited. Ron did it today and you have seven who came in anyhow. And now this to you, Ron. You lost the Philippines because he fell asleep.

Well, 2 AM. Good God.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes. And finally, this, Ron. The trial that you have is to stay the course as long as you can and hold light lines daily if you want. And I don't mean on top of somebody else. If you're scheduled, take the schedule. Otherwise, Ron will look in.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. This is the last time I speak to you online directly for these transmissions. I will do it if I can.

I'm sorry, Machiventa, that that's unusual for me.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I know it is.

I don't know what that is.

Ron's Adjuster
This is Ron's Adjuster, We are announcing, Ron, that we must detach. You have reached the age when you can manage your own ascension with me. But you're not on the mansion worlds, and I cannot work on Urantia any longer. I must withdraw, but I am above you and we'll see to it when it comes time to transfer you to the mansion worlds.

You are no longer interested in the Supreme Court. You're interested in the Ascension career alone. And for that reason, you will enter at the bottom, number six.

Upside down.

Ron's Adjuster
Yes. The truth of the matter is you're almost done with the mansion worlds. I don't know how you do it.

Thank you.

Ron's Adjuster
And that is to me in particular, Ron? 


Ron's Adjuster
He said with lots of help. And now this to all of you. I have nothing to do with this light line. No one knows it's being held except those who happen to check the time and the station.

This is the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.

Well, welcome again.

Thank you, Ron. I am Monjoronson, and you, Ron, have made something peculiarly worthwhile. I now understand that people use the light line to reorder themselves with what the celestial is doing and wanting to do. I suggest, Ron, other than the regularly scheduled people, that you check in on the light line if you can. Your heart is pounding.

Yes, it's a little uncomfortable.

That is a sign of vitality, Ron.

Well, thank you.

Thank you. Now, truthfully, go downstairs, get a little bit something to eat, and watch television.

Yeah, that's a horrible pastime. But I am just weak enough I can't do much of anything else. I dust, and that's about it. So, I watch television to keep me awake.

Now this, Ron. Dominick will be here shortly. He senses something is going on.

What is it? Oh, I didn't sense it.

Well, you did, Ron. You're holding a light line. It is this. Ta-da! I, Monjoronson, am going to enter Urantia briefly. I'm going to steal about five minutes on every television station and make a little announcement that says we are Magisterial Sons, we are high spirit, and your planet is under our guidance now. Pray to God or Allah or whoever you hold supreme that we are successful in breaking the warlike community that has established itself. I will then give a small prayer.

Michael of Nebadon
And this is Michael Ron. You have signed him out accidentally.

I didn't mean to.

Michael of Nebadon
That's all right, Ron. I'm stepping back for good reason.

Ladies and gentlemen, all six of you. Ron Besser is the only person we have had on a planet, except for Jesus, to acknowledge our voice as primary speaker. Michael of Nebadon speaks for me, so does the Magisterial Sons. But right now, I am the Universal Father. And I want to tell you that we have finally broken through to Ron's arrangement of life and made him totally aware that he is no longer fully human, but that he can stay as long as he wants. And this is…

One moment, we've got a little confusion.

This is Father. I did not say that, Ron.

But I don't know that you're Father.

Thank you. We leave.

Michael please.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, Ron. That was not Father. That was Mr. False Goose. He is no longer available ever again to Urantia. Furthermore, ® you are not either. Leave. I have finally broken through enough on Urantia, and this is Michael, to tell all of you that you're no longer under any influence of the Cabal. They are gone.

Ron is giving me fireworks. Thank you. and as for Monjoronson. Thank you. There will be a light line. Today is Thursday, August 1st.
There may be a light line later today, it depends on Ron's help. But certainly tomorrow, Friday the 2nd of August, we're going to hold another light line. Elise and all of you who post, remind everybody, post the fact that there will be a light line on Friday at 2 p.m. for an important announcement. We'll do it that way. Ron, of course you make an announcement.

And finally, this is Michael of Nebadon. Stop it. You're looking for my name among a huge list. Yes. I want you to understand, Ron, that you are an idiot whose time has come. We enjoy you tremendously. You are human, quite. And you are ready to it. Do the ascension, but not until you see what's going on, and that will take you through the end of the year.

I thank you so much. I want to be preserved to become part, at least a little bit of the missions. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. You already are considered and show it on your record.

Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
And now everyone, there is coming the time that I must leave, not permanently, but I insist that Urantia is not worthy of a mission right now. Monjoronson is already here. He says, I'm here. I'm ready. You're going to get a mission. Ron says, wonderful. And so do you. Jesus may not appear because his work is contingent upon Michael's work.

This is Jesus. I am announcing now today, Ron, that I have declined the perfect right to return now. I am no longer returning. But I will someday. I am Jesus. Thank you for holding me.

You're a whopper. And I was nothing but delighted to speak with and behave for the beloved Jesus. I thank you very much, Jesus, for attending us.

Thank you, Ron. And I'm going to make something very apparent to you, Ron. I want to invite you to my own planetary exercise when you are capable of being there.

That is with an E?

Yes, yes it is. This is Jesus. You are in my fold. I am fully delighted in anything that you could be. You are fully aware of all, yet of your personality, your functions as body, and your friendships.

Keep them safe until I return to make a special announcement, folks. What will happen to Urantia, interim. That’s I-N-T-E-R-I-M. And fully to you, Ron, thank you for being a moderator. You won't hear from me very often, but when a Jesus speaks, I will use you.

We are honored, Jesus, and thank you. I look forward to what you may do next. Thank you.

This is the Magisterial Son Rayson.

You almost called yourself Mason. There's an M around, oh yeah, Mel something.

I am Rayson. To you, Ron, this is very important. I am not cutting back our support for that electric patent, but you've got to get busy and start producing information about it online.

When there is a post about electricity, they come running. I kid you not. You're known as something of a Houdini. How you manage to do it, they say they don't know. But they are anxious to try it. It's so much easier than the way they do it now.

I am so excited, Rayson. Go ahead.

Thank you. That is entirely permissible.

Thank you, and I will be back in touch with you. The other individual,


Has lost interest. Good riddance.

I fully agree, Ron. And finally, to you on this particular note. I am going to see to it that you get some interest. Make the most of it.

I am very happy to hear that, Rayson, deeply in gratitude because it sits because it's new. Your interest has always inspired me. Thank you very much for your input and for you. Thank you.

Thank you, Ron. This is Rayson. I have never met a person like Ron, and for that reason I am not leaving. Ron must transition at some point to the mansion worlds. He is now 82 and feels every year, but he carries the vitality of what we need.
All of you are lucky that Stephen, Elise, George Huber, and Roger Krupa, plus one that is blocked out.

I want you all to know that regardless of who hears this tape, that I, Rayson, will maintain a liaison with Ron and all of you who are technical expertise. That electric program is too good to let it slip out of favor, Ron.

Well, I feel that mostly because of pride of part of it.

Thank you, and I understand that.

And for you for making it possible, I think it must be the first time that it was ever shown that Spirit can be technical and supply an invention.

Thank you, Ron.

The people here hardly know it. They don't listen carefully, but it's available. I thank them and you, Rayson.

Thank you. Boy. And now this, to all of you listening, and it's a scant few, you, Elise, are important to make an announcement, if you would please, on the list that there will be a light line held tomorrow at 2. Ron, or you, or someone will carry forth.

What is important to be said, not only from Rayson, but from Michael, Monjoronson, Serara, and the rest of them. We are now going to I turn this over to Machiventa Melchizedek. I am Rayson. Thank you very much, Rayson. You're a great help.

Thank you.

Know the rest of you are.

Yes, I help…. This is Monjoronson. One of these days when you're a little bit older, I'm going to cold crack you.

Oh! With a wig, yes.


No, I can't make it to Paradise to get cold cracked. That's the life.

Well, I fully understand.  Now, this. I am Monjoronson. We've had some fun. Now listen to a tragedy.
Today, Monjoronson signed a document that said that he is no longer interested in ascending to the directorship of the Magisterial Sons. That is right Ron. He is forming a brand-new order called a Creator Son-Son. That is Creator Son-Son to make it really noticeable. If any of you transmit Creator Son-Son, it's a brand-new order of Sonship.

Urantia didn't create it, but Urantia is in need of it. We are going to be a Creator Son-Son. And people, if you post to the discussion forum, post about the Creator Son-Son, would you please? That's every one of you. Let them hear something a little screwy, but it's vital for Urantia.

I will hold a light line tomorrow, which is Friday the 2nd of August, at the regular time, providing I'm alive. For that I'm awake. Stay tuned for me August 2nd at 2pm for a very important announcement. Thank you. Thank you, Rayson. Thank you, Monjoronson. Serara and all who support this.
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is the Magisterial Son, Machiventa. I have now acquired Creator Son status.

I must ask the Cabal where we are. The cabal is not here, Ron.

That is not true. I suspected it should be questioned.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. But that is an announcement to come.

If anyone deserves it, you do Machiventa. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. My brotherhood, the Melchizedeks, are all out for assignment as Creator Sons that have helped Urantia since the appearance of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. Some of us have become Creator Sons.

How about Mantutia?

Machiventa Melchizedek
I want you to know that Mantutia is happy as he is at the moment. Manituba and a couple others you know are Creator Sons.

I hope that is true and that it is fully helpful to the flanks of the creator sons already existing. I think you bring, if it's possible, new vitality to the order. We celebrate it with you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. And now this. This is Machiventa. If it were done easily, it would be done. But I'm the only creator son out of a Melchizedek so far.

Well, you hold your brother as well. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Beautifully stated, Ron. Thank you. Now this before we leave. The entire matter of a light line is now secured. Ron, you're not going to die out, but you will fade if you're not careful.
The truth of the matter is you're already morontial. They see you; you work the physical. But you are now mostly morontial and the headaches should begin to reduce. Your Thought Adjuster would like to speak.

Thank you, Thought Adjuster. Go ahead.

Ron’s Thought Adjuster
I am Thought Adjuster Number.

I'm trying to get a pen. I want to write it down. Okay, go ahead, Adjuster.

Ron’s Thought Adjuster
One, one, three, one, two, one, one, one, one. (113121111)

Alright, I'm blinded by ones.

Ron’s Thought Adjuster
Yes, Ron. So am I. And I want you to recognize that you are mortal.
Number 1111131-121-407716329 and there are 18 more digits.

Well, one of the early ones.

Ron’s Thought Adjuster
Yes, Ron. Now, I want you to understand that you are the first mortal to ever have received his serial number by dictation.
And I want you to know that the entire matter is now open to discussion to the highest levels to understand how well you handled this without any mishaps. It means a lot for Urantia. You won't be mentioned, but you are the instigator. You will be awarded something 
for doing it. And now this. We must close this. You are approaching the hour. And for reasons of state Ron, your day is pretty empty. I'll tell you about it when the time comes.

And finally, this to all of you. To Roger Krupa, George Huber, Elise, to the one on the internet from the Philippines, Steven Gitz.
All of you have stayed the course for an amazing light line that was not scheduled. I hope that you post something about it and Elise put the reference if you would please. And finally, that is it from us, Ron.

I thank you. It's extraordinary. And I feel quite blessed. Thank you one and all.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael Ron, Unmute.

All right, folks, you're all unmuted. I don't have anything else to tell you. It's been extraordinary as it is as an accident. Enjoy it. And Elise, would you post it, please?

Sure. I'll do that. And thank you so much for being here with us for this hour.

Surprise, surprise. OK, everybody. Thank you.

Ron & participants
Thank you, folks. I will see you later. All the whoopees, yes. Thank you. Whoopee. Yeah.

Thank you, Stephen.

So, Ron, Ron, there will not be another Lightline today. Is there? No. Not later today. I don't. Only tomorrow.

Well, I can't say for sure, but it's not scheduled. OK.

OK, we'll see. Thank you so much.

Oh, you're welcome.

Have your tea and enjoy your meal.

Ron & participants
I will. I haven't had a thing yet today. Oh. Get them. Oh. Sorry. Bye bye until later. Bye bye. Thank you.
