« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2024, 12:53:45 pm »
- 080524 Audio Tape Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica Other Transmitter: Ron Besser
- Subjects: Be still and know that I am God; circuits are restored; more revelation to come; the knowledge of God will come to men on Urantia; the planet can now receive its mission; people know nothing about God on Urantia; everything will change; reaching God by the soul, by free will, through the Thought Adjuster; Do not be disappointed if the Missions do not go as you have anticipated; you are always cared for, stay the course; All is One, and All is God; Ron’s transformation.
- Speakers: Universal Father, Arthura, Gabriel, and Machiventa Melchizedek.
- Transcribed by: sonsofGod
- Link To Tape: https://www.conferencecalling.com/recordings/1528070/251848/VCISPREC02_251848_20240805_110135
Elise Good day to all of you. This is Lightline Netherlands International, on Monday the 5th of August 2024. And I welcome you all. This is Elise, and I'm your host for this Lightline. We have at the moment... let me see, yeah, we have 13 on the call. We are with 13 and thank you for joining. Before we start to ask for help from the celestial side, we always want to thank our Universal Father, so we turn to him in a little prayer. Dear Father, we like to thank you for your love and care, for your words that are given to us in the Lightlines. And for this place where we can meet and listen to your voice. We thank you, Father, for clearing our planet and help to see no cabal any longer. We, thank you for letting the Magisterial Sons with their mission, and we pray that we will get celestial programs, that they will come to us and more light shines over the earth again. And of course, we pray that we may welcome Jesus and all other representatives on your planet, on our planet in the future. We are asking now for any celestial being to address this group, and we thank you, Father for your blessings so freely given to all of us.Universal Father Good day to all. This is your Universal Father. Take a short moment for yourself. All of you. Be still and know that I am God. Remember this. It is a good start for the day. It is truth, and that will immediately bring you into contact with me, your Father. This is Father, and I speak for everyone gathered here today on this Monday Lightline, where you receive words from me through these transmitters. I am Father, and we are happy that circuits are almost back to normal, so that our words from the spiritual side can be heard clearly and well. That fussiness and interruptions have disappeared. New circuits have been set up to allow your world-cast that must be well spoken and understandable for all who would like to hear. You have already received much news and revelation on the Sunday Lightline, and that Lightline is still the most important Lightline of the week. It's there where you will hear new revelation and new actions taken by high divine personnel that you can count on, and trust to get done in the universes of my creation. All Lightlines are held in my name, and all are different, but what they bring is just as important as the Sunday Lightline. All transmitters are different, and they all receive our words for what we want them to broadcast to the audience they are speaking to. You all here live on your home planet called Urantia. And we know that your planet has always been faced with its many problems and many difficulties, as you have experienced since you joined your discussion forum that was set up by Ron Besser, and which has held you and us immensely in keeping you up to date with true information. And for some and many of you, in addition to your Urantia Book that has given you insight into the history and evolution of your planet, much revelation has yet to come and will be given to you in future times, when people have changed and learned the deep knowledge of cosmology and its sciences and what role and purpose there is for all orders of beings who live united in an endless universe, I am your Father. Know that your planet also will slowly awaken and take its place in a new universe that was created not so long ago, to rid the universe of the damage and pain caused by a supreme ruler, who failed in his duty by giving into pride and selfishness, which caused much disorder in the many systems of which your planet is one. But my Son, your magnificent Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, has kept your planet safe for most of the time by continually using and applying everything to protect the planet, and deliver it from rebellion again and again. Many of his heavenly workers were injured at the time or even killed in attacks, but most of them have been reviled and have resumed their work and have begun making new preparations to get the planet restored and working again. It is through your Creator Father Michael that the planet can now receive its mission, in which the Magisterial Sons will eventually assist people to look at planetary life in a different way. And they will be the first to give attention to what is so desperately needed, new knowledge, new discoveries in your sciences. And that will be given to you in formats that will attract the attention of your leaders and scientists, to help them towards renewed and refreshed systems. Not only in governing, but in all fields and on all levels for a sustainable way of living for many, many generations to come. I am your Father, your Universal Father, and I am stepping back. I bless you, my children. Elise Thank You Father, thank you for speaking to us. Well, look at the dashboard. Okay, we have other people come in. Welcome, Charlotte, Jose Vargas, Donna and Larry Wheelen, and Carol Deptula. Now let's see if we have more celestial beings addressing us today. Arthura Yes, you have Elise, and all of you who are listening at the moment. You have just heard your Father, your Father on Paradise, by whom you're also blessed. I am Arthura, and I am with you on this Lightline, and I like to address this group on a couple of things. Well, looking at Urantia and the people living on it, what do people know here? What do people know about God on Urantia, about Paradise, about systems and universes, and all who share life with Father and work for Father, who created all this to share in His glory and everlasting love for you. Well, I am Arthura, and I can say this. There is no real knowledge about God on Urantia, nor of the Father or the Trinity. You have many churches and many religions, but your churches are stubborn. They are not teaching you anything about God. They have no idea what the universes are all about, what life is all about. Science on Urantia will change and make progress. Financial systems will change. Your entire society will change, and so will religion. People will not be told any longer what to do or what to believe, but they must learn. They must learn how to take care of themselves and their beliefs. There is no church that can help them find new ways, because they are all tied up in their own ideology, no longer working for the people. People must start asking themselves questions that lead to self insight and confidence. It will lead to a search for God to reason for their existence. Meditation and self-examination will provide new insights and knowledge and learn to trust one's inner feelings through the Adjuster, who then has an opportunity to assist men, and help him to find God again. And they will discover that God lives with them, and all they have to do is talk to the inner guide, which is wonderful. And they do experience, and they no longer live in the church to help them find truth or bring peace to their hearts. I am Arthura, and I am still here to help Michael when it's time to be a full service. Meanwhile, I will help those who are eager to approach God, who is always waiting to communicate with his children as planned and ordained when your Thought Adjuster was given to you. We do need to find better ways for the younger generation. They are the ones who will have a voice in the government of your countries, and they are the ones who will raise new generations that must become aware of the Father's existence in their lives. Just as Jesus was when he was a child, he always took time to talk to his Father, and he continued to do so all his life. He always asked his Father what to do, and he always relied on the answer and guidance of the Divine Father in him. When the majority of your world has found new ways of thinking, individual thinking, maturation, individual maturation, then you will find each other in a common pursuit and come to one world, one religion and faith in the One God and his care for his creation, of which you will be co-creators. Evolution never stops, and there will always be changes. And even a very small change can have a big effect on many things. This is true on your planet and in the universes, as well as among people as new methods, new scientific knowledge and deeper philosophies are applied to solve the problems that arise in growing into a more mature and spiritually advanced humans. Man is bestowed with mind and with a free will, he has the Adjuster with him to guide and to lead him on the way to Father, which is the destiny for all mind bestowed creatures who, by their free will, learn to live, to do the will of the Father. This is the most important thing that people have to learn and live. I'm Arthura. People on this planet have forgotten the great power of God when they try to connect and communicate with Father. They pass by his temples, and the temples are not used any longer as a temple for the Father. Your Father is the most powerful being. He is the ruler of a universe so vast, so impressive and magnificent in design and function. In that it is even astonishing to the highest in his realm to learn of all the wonderful things and the numerous beings that have come into existence by the will of His Divine Spirit. I, Arthura. I come from hyper infinity. And I am not originally concerned with the universes of time and space, but I have descended to these creations of the Father, and I have made it my own to see things from your perspective as a human being who is the lowest of all creatures created with mind. And who, by the grace of the Father, are able to find God and to communicate with him, to know him and to approach him after you have discovered God in your lives. And you are created with the ability to ascend to the Father's house after knowingly choosing the way to be with Him, to love and worship him with all your heart, and to surrender to His will in following his divine laws that rule the universes forever. I, Arthura, also know how you all struggle in your desire to become a true child of the Father and to answer to his call to become like him. But there are so few in this world who truly seek to start an individual process of learning and practicing how to give their hearts to God, and to his demand to become perfect as he is perfect. Learn to understand what the Father asks of you and how to respond to his invitation. Give your heart to Father and to the world, surrender to His will to make this world a place where men can live in brotherhood among men and share the goods of the earth. Learn, to love your neighbor as yourselves, and treat one another as Father treats everyone is in his creation. And seek to become like him in your own glory, in the heaven of heavens. So, check out your life package. Face your trials and discover what your task is in a world full of misunderstanding, where man seems to disappear under the pressure of the masses. Do step forward courageously to help humanity develop a world that is livable for all, which leaves no one behind, and above all, do it together. Together with your fellow man, seek and reach out to each other to work in an atmosphere of cooperation, and you will see that your days will be much lighter and pleasant. Because what the world needs above all is love and respect for each other, and for its environment to become one, pursuing the same goal, to live in peace, to serve God in gratitude and honor with one purpose in mind, to become like him. This is still Arthura. I would like to continue with a subject we have touched on before, and that is your ascension. Which, after many trials and lessons, will lead you to the house of the Father, his dwelling place on Paradise, which you will have found by your own free will and adapted to the will of the Father. Free will. Didn't we talk about that? What is it? How do you use it? You have been given several answers on your discussion forum. I am Arthura, and I can tell you how to fulfill the will of the Father in heaven. And please remember what you learned from Lemuel's Thought Adjuster in his talks about his spiritual growth and how to bring about great change in your life, where your Thought Adjuster takes the opportunity to guide you in his ways and actions. Where your Thought Adjuster begins to guide you along, growing your soul, that finds value for survival and its way to God in freedom of thought and action under the positive direction of the Adjuster, who can begin to realize his intended plans for you. And before the Adjuster can really work with you, you have already gone through an initial training, and that may take place in many different ways. It's different for every person, but it's always with a deep desire for God, and that happens through your divine indweller. Then changes will occur, because you have come to realize that you are more than just an individual living in this world. You have come to recognize God in your life as the most important and driving factor. You have sought and undergone several changes. You have noticed that your interests are changing, and that you do not need the entertainment that the world offers you. You have learned to seek stillness and peace of mind, you have gone through a period in which you can leave everything behind, and you are very ready to receive your new guidance. And you did all of this out of your own free will, in openness to the guidance of your Adjuster, who gave you the opportunity to work with you on your soul. The only way you can reach God is through your soul, which is being created by the combined efforts of you and your Adjuster. You begin to live In partnership with your Adjuster, and you are automatically, almost automatically, drawn to his will, which is the will of God, because, as you know, your Adjuster is God within you. And from that moment on, you are really following your Adjuster and his advice, even if you do not hear him, even if you have no notice of this great gift inside of you, your life is changed, and you choose to do good, good to yourself and good to others. Because it feels right to live that way, and it let you live closer to God, whom you, just as before, never seen on that level, but who now has entered into your life in a much-much stronger way. You become a more altruistic life, and you become more aware of the good and pure things that you like to have around you.Elise I'm sorry. I'm sorry, just continue Arthura. Arthura Yes, and that is a sign that you are freely choosing to do the things of God, to do the things that represent truth, beauty and goodness, the attribute of God, you are choosing the Father's way and applying it in complete freedom in your own life. Thus, you have gone through a period of growth in acknowledging God within you, and without your understanding the whole process you are learning to live by your free will, doing the will of Father. Your free will has become an instrument that is fine tuned to the will of the Father, and you are likely not to want to do it any differently for living through the Father's Will is giving you complete satisfaction and at the same time showing you the way to God, which is your true destination as a child of him. I am Arthura. I can only say to you, stay the course. Do not give up for you, all of you here, are the pioneers in this undertaking of great change in the history of your planet Earth or called Urantia in the list of inhabited planets among 1000s of other stars and planets in the universe. We are here for you, and as you slowly become familiar with the works of spirit, man will accomplish what he was placed in this world to do, and that is to experience life and serve God and his fellow man, and to prepare himself to pass on to the world on high where you will be taught by many, many teachers of other orders with which you are not familiar, but which you will encounter in your next experiences as a morontial being. This is Arthura, and I thank you all for your attention. I now step back and I say, Good Day to everyone.Elise Thank you, Arthura, thank you. I got interrupted here by my granddaughter, who is bringing me dessert. She puts it down on my desk. Okay, let's continue, see if there's more.Gabriel Yes, Elise. there is more. And this is Gabriel. Yes, my friends, decisions come and go, and there have been many changes over time, with really, really nothing accomplished for Urantia, where it is so difficult for spirit to reach the people who are so busy and entangled in their affairs. But where the Magisterial Sons have now begun their mission on their own, in their own way, as to what must be done on Urantia to prevent further deterioration. Of course, we would not like that to happen, but let's wait and see how things develop, and whether it's possible to extend our help now that we have a mission. At least you have a mission. It's going. It's maybe not what you have been waiting for. The Magisterial Mission is running. Most likely, it will be Monjoronson, who will address your people in the near future, and announce their presence on your planet. Shocking many around the world who will listen to his message. We hope that it spreads easily, but because of the many languages spoken on Urantia, it might be a problem for many to receive the announcement. For Monjoronson will use the English language, but by way of mouth it will spread anyway, and the world will know that something very unusual is happening. The Magisterial Sons will not wait for a human response. They will continue with what they must do, and they will only contact those they wish to connect with, if they wish to do so at all. You, as members on this forum, may be disappointed, but don't be! Do not dwell on things that are not there for you yet. We won't forget you. Try to prepare for the next step and continue to follow the discussion forum where Ron Besser will be the first to hear about further plans and decisions for Urantia, which will always be made by your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, your most competent Master, Sovereign of the universe of Nebadon, and much more. Be patient as you have always been, do not give up and continue to trust in the Father's care and love for your planet, and for all of you. History may undergo great changes for better or for worse, but there will always be new ways and opportunities to move forward with confidence and the knowledge that you will not be left alone. All of you have great opportunities ahead of you, as you heard in yesterday's Sunday Lightline. There is divine care and love for all of you, and you are greatly appreciated by your Spirit friends and by Michael of Nebadon, whom you consider your Sovereign, but also your brother, as he has lived a life with Jesus as a man in the flesh on this planet. Remember, everything has a place in our Father's creation and from which things are sent in all directions, and automatically, we turn to him, because All is One, and All is God. There is no other. I am Gabriel, and I advise you to be supportive to one another and to keep keeping on. The cabal will be driven back. It has lost its power mostly. We have a planetary government, and we are still here for you to try to do what is possible for a planet that has sunk so deeply into a miserable state of war and possession, and which could only result in decay. Let's pray that that will not happen to all listening. I say, stay the course, be strong and hold on to your faith. This is Gabriel for now. Good day to all. Elise Thank you, Gabriel. Thank you very much. Okay, let me look at the dashboard again. We are with 18 at the moment, and we have a few minutes to go. I'm going to try. I'm going to unmute you, Ron, and see if you have something to add to this. Because I think for me, it's… it is the end. I did unmute you, Ron, do you have anything to say?Ron Besser I really don't. You were very complete this time. I appreciate your effort. I know it's not easy under these circumstances, but I really don't have anything but this and it's from Machiventa Melchizedek. Machiventa Melchizedek Ladies and gentlemen, Ron had to fight to just stay awake. It's not that he's sleepy. He is being revised as he listens, and it is very difficult for him to focus on the voice and what is going on with him. Ron Besser Not to worry, but at the same time, it kind of blots me out. I think you did a beautiful job this time. Elise, it was top notch. Keep going with it. We need it. And finally, to you, Machiventa. This is Ron. Thank you very much for your support, your strength and your ability to keep things going in spite of our problems. I am speaking to the gracious Michael of Nebadon, who has also allowed so much to transport itself into these Lightlines that we are stronger and better for it, I am grateful beyond words. Thank you, Michael, thank you, Machiventa, and Arthura, I do love you. Arthura You're welcome, Ron. I want to speak to you personally, but let's do it on the record. Ron, you had trouble keeping awake because you're now going through the last transition a human can go through. It's got you very sleepy. You've heard three tenths of it, and the other seven tenths you already have. And now I am Arthura to tell you, you are done as a human. That isn't anything new to those that you speak to, but to the group in general, Ron has gone through five stages that you must all go through. And when you reach the end of the fifth stage, which he did today, you get very sleepy, and you're ready for a transition. It must be stopped. We dare not allow the transition to happen in this vapid world. For those of you who reach it and you will, don't be surprised that you are spoken to as Ron has been spoken to.Ron Besser And that is thank goodness someone has a Lightline, other than me to contend with, because I'm drifting, but I hear you, Elise, it was a fine Lightline. I wish you all very well, and I will listen to what else happens as we go along the course. And let me discuss one thing briefly about the course. We have been through a Michael Mission, a Jesus Mission, a Magisterial Son Mission, and other missions you're not aware of. For that reason, you should be aware that you are also graduating. Those who have stayed the course, and those who want to stay the course, please understand that you are also part of a school. Your school is to attend these classes and your teachers like Elise and Dominick, and others you know. For reasons of state, I am dropping back slightly, and my Lightlines for the moment are done. I cannot stand here and fall asleep. That's what it feels like and still tell you the vagaries and the problems that Michael is having with this awful planet at times. I am hoping that all of you stay the course and stay with it. I will be listening. I will rejoin when I'm not so darn sleepy for what they're doing. I turn this back to you, Elise, and thank you for the opportunity. Go ahead, please.EliseThank you, Ron, and thank you Arthura. And of course, we wish you better days Ron, and we wish you well, and we hope that you go through all this, you know, and be over very soon, and that you know where you're at. Well. Thank you all for being here and attending. And of course, our thanks go to all who spoke to us this evening, for you the day, in the middle of the day. We thank Father and Gabriel and also Arthura, and Arthura and Machiventa speaking through Ron. Thank all of you, and hopefully we'll meet next Monday or maybe earlier. It is Dominick tomorrow, I hope. Bye, bye to everyone and have a good day. Bye.End
« Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 12:57:39 pm by SonsofGod »

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!"
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"