Author Topic: ARTHURA: Tues LL 08.06.24  (Read 10125 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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ARTHURA: Tues LL 08.06.24
« on: August 07, 2024, 10:34:31 am »

What would you title this lightline's subject if you had to?

Original recording (59 min)

Offline gcmeyer83

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Re: ARTHURA: Tues LL 08.06.24
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2024, 15:57:54 pm »

Online JRL1944

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Re: ARTHURA: Tues LL 08.06.24
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2024, 08:26:26 am »
Good morning , Dominique

The purpose of life on Urantia is to evolve spiritually and the journey

will continue after we go through transition, therefore the LightLine

subject I think  should be '' Spiritual Evolution ''


Offline SonsofGod

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Re: ARTHURA: Tues LL 08.06.24
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2024, 11:09:10 am »
  • 080624 Audio Tape Tuesday Lightline USA; Host: Dominick. Other Transmitter:  Ron Besser
  • Subjects: spiritual evolution; the infinite complexity to take an idea and make it a reality; manifestation of the Gabriel versus Lucifer decision; unity and cooperation; your faith action needed; Missions are ON invisibly; more transmitter needed; comparative resources to understand world issues questioned on the forum.  
  • Speakers: Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson
  • Transcribed By: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:

All right, welcome to Tuesday Lightline, August 6th, as time keeps flying. I've been, as a transmitter, it's been a slow go for the last two weeks. Very little contact for myself. We'll see what happens on today's Lightline. And so, my prayer is a little bit more Lightline specific today in that hopefully my words and my content is with God, who is our Father, and always loyal and thankful, and appreciative of our Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, and his time with us as Jesus. And of course, Jesus, who lives even today.

So, with that being said, we've probably gone through some of the most exciting, egregious and very trying two weeks since I can remember, so much so that it's even hard to keep track. But it's been very rough, and news filling two weeks since I've last held a Lightline. And so, there's a lot, there's a lot to be agitated about. There's a lot to try to wade through in news. But things are literally happening in real time on our planet that could detract from what we were talking about, pre-Lightline, which was unity, which is simply something I think that's a little out of our human comprehension to truly identify with.

It's it's more of an ideal, and really, before we strive for unity, I think in the Lightlines we've been taught that it starts with cooperation. So, let me just start with a review of what I had in Lightline programming in the queue related that was designated for last week, before the planetary environment or climate, if you will, for transmissions was disturbed and interrupted by rebellion, and this evil that the circuits weren't available.

And that is, we should always be reiterating and redefining that Lightlines are programming that are related to missions, that are post bestowal man. And post bestowal man refers to the age of Michael of Nebadon’s Bestowal Son on Mission. Which happens to be a little bit out of sequence of a normal planet, and that there's all sorts of events in human history pertaining to that.

Lightlines are also kind of planetary status updates, and really, that's what Sunday Lightlines are pretty good for with Ron, and that these missions are, primarily in the past, have been with the assumed next step, which was Magisterial Missions, and those are conducted by Avonal Sons, which refer to kind of a justice dispensation. But they also concentrate on governance and ethics.

And Lightlines are also a spiritual review. And I think at least we do a great job in that realm as well. And Tuesday Lightlines have tended to trend towards this governance and ethics trend. So, that's kind of what you get.

And then I think what we've learned from Renee and his group is that they have an angle that's dedicated towards the theme of self-mastery and self-improvement and taking that into their conduct and behavior into the world around them. So, all of those, and that's in the Spanish language on Sundays.

So, before I launch into any of my stuff, let me ask if there's anyone who's available to transmit.

This is a trepidatious Arthura. I stand beside this transmitter, but refuse(s) to transmit my words. For there is a time when the human must speak for themselves, that which is in the realm of the human world to comment upon. However, where we step in is the concern of your life continuance.

The human is concerned about his or her life, while in the flesh. We are more concerned about your life as it is to continue. Well, this is a mystery to you, it is not a mystery to us. Therefore, do we sound callous and uncaring. And even though this is not so, we on the spiritual side of reality understand spiritual reality is inclusive of the material in mind, whereas you have the material in mind and are evolving. And, yes, evolving to a spiritual level. Not only that, but the only way you can truly get to a real spiritual understanding, and therefore a real spiritual composition to your material and mind composition is through engagement with spirit, and spirit has many voices.

Therefore, is God considered a plurality in the human experience, and culminated in the unification of a Father fused creature, when you are able to understand, it is this Father fragment, this Father nucleus of your very composition that unifies and puts it all together. Until that understanding you feel you attain different levels of truth throughout this journey. The paradox of the human condition is that this evolution and plateau followed by a more spiritual evolution, is never fully satisfied, unless spirit and that Father fragment within determines the plateau has been ultimately reached. And that your journey as a human no longer serves you, and that you are best served on the reality you have attained, which is the spirit side. And therefore, you are fused in the so-called chariots of fire. This is the destiny of planetary spiritual evolution far into the future, where you might imagine a transcendent or the transcendent society facilitating such transition between life and death. Until then, and especially on a planet of this status, there is a tragedy playing about.

Sorry, I'm moving my moving my seat, it is a loud and annoying laptop, and for that reason I'm away from the dashboard.

In the theme of things, you do not create unity on such a disparate planet by cooperating with everyone. You must determine who is going to be the best to cooperate with. Sometimes this is a very unspiritual calculus in the human parlay of status and attainment. Until then you have the individual journey of understanding yourself. For those new, and still on this journey as a young person, you simply need to recognize that you have a multiplicity of spiritual voices, impinging, and influences impinging upon yourself, which also, according to your modern psychology, entails more than just one unified model consciousness. You understand the subconscious, for example, is introducing a cacophony and a myriad of concepts, ideas and thoughts. And that these get filtered, for example, and unified in a ego that seeks to delineate and focus on what the biological mind entity reacts to in its environment.

Later as you grow and your body matures, and your mind development matures, age tends to existentially gravitate towards the meaning of life and understanding the fragility of life with the reality of death, juxtaposed or contrasted to the harsh struggle it is to live. And the irony and irritation of the creative mind to think and outpace the reality of time and space and the incremental steps and well-nigh infinite complexity to take an idea and make it a reality.

And the irony that you need other humans to attain such progress in your own ideas. And then must you wrestle with the disappointment of expectations unmet, ideals shattered, and the internal resource and external influence that picks you up and keeps you going in different levels of resiliency.

The spirit of the human being first understands this concept of the spirit playing some sort of aspect in the human experience of resiliency. The habituated and habitual experience of this can lead to a certain form of faith. But it also leads to what humans tend to do to transcend this dilemma of time and space, which is to boil things down to their essence. In modern times, this is called a meta M, E, T, A. In historical times, it was boiled down to rituals and magic.

The societies of old were not so concerned with truth. Truth is something that seems to have injected itself into the planetary environs post bestowal man, and you had a re-invigoration of discovery, together with great, tumultuous societal upheavals. Also contrasted with an embedded regime antithetical, or rather inverted, from the spiritual government of Michael and Paradise. Paradise being the jurisdiction outside of this local universe.

The inverted regime is nearly half a million years of Earth time embedded on this planet, half of that in active rebellion. The universe law of the courts has sided with this. You well understand that court decisions do not immediately transfer into the time space result of justice. All it does is render a decision, and then you have the enforcement and compliance of those decisions.

We are in the very young stage of the Gabriel versus Lucifer decision. And all of those influences on the planet have every rational and reasonable justification to ignore such a decision, if it is not literally before them in their own perception, or their willful denial. Therefore, you always have the burden of proof, but you do not have the burden of no verdict. Of this you are at least unified to know on your planet that the case actually exists. This can be discerned. Therefore, do you have the foundation to discuss it openly.

Thank you. Arthura, the transmission ended.
All right, so, this is Dominick. I don't know if I have anything else. I have… I have more, but I think that's more on a personal level. I guess we could open it to Q and A, and I hope you have something to ask. What I would ask is that you do ask something, maybe not on this Lightline, but in the future. I would hope that we are in touch with what's going on around us, and we can ask, what's going on?

Let me go to you, Ron, because I don't know where the Lightline stands. Ron, you're muted. Are you getting anything?

Ron Besser
Yes, I heard what happened. Machiventa is in my ear. And yes, Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Beautifully don. Ron. This, Dominick, you will recover the transmission in about five or six minutes. Ron will pass it to you, so you can finish it with Arthura. In the meantime, this is the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.

Ron Besser
I was trying to make Machiventa out of that. Oh, (ha-ha) it's very hard.

And it's this, Ron, the Magisterial Mission is now available quietly in the background. What do we mean by that? It means that we are not going to show any physical forms, at least to begin with. We have indicated that the Magisterial Mission itself is slowly becoming truncated, not because of Michael, but because the Father has asked us to slow it down, so that when we do enter Urantia, we have plenty to say and can keep it going for a long time.

So, what we've done is to string it out. We're not doing everything we can do at once, but we're doing it slowly, as though standing in line. This will become obvious to you when you Ron writes a post for the day, which you often do during the morning, and we will explain to the group what is happening, what we will do, and why it is being truncated. Now, I want you to understand, Ron, that you are apparently well available anytime that you're in on a Lightline. But you're happy to stand back and let others broadcast. They need the experience, you don't, but you have the depth of knowledge that no one else does. And for that reason, thank you for staying online.

And now, Dominick, I think we have the circuit repaired. Try to pick us up again. If you can't come back to me, come back to Ron. Go ahead, please.

Okay. Thanks, Ron. I'm going to mute you. All right.

This is Arthura back online. You need not agree with each other at all. What you need to do is cooperate. The unifier is both, Michael of Nebadon and the Father. For many on the planet, this is signified as Jesus. Was he divine? Is he the Son? Is he the Father? And so on and so forth.

The summary of this question is found in Gnostic tradition. Before we go into that, we summarize, this is the reason why the fifth epochal revelation was given in 1955 to finally publish. It clarifies and updates some of the major questions that have arisen in conflict but don't necessarily indicate a permanent conflict. Revelation clarifies and updates as well as provide new information. And the Urantia Book does justify some things in the Gnostic tradition, and that the words of and teachings of Jesus is to be born, rebirth of the spirit. Something we just talked about at the beginning of the Lightline.

But that also, Jesus was a Bestowal Son. He was Michael of Nebadon’s bestowal in His creation, to live the life as a human, and to reveal to all of his universe the Father, the Universal Father. In this manner, was the resurrection real, and therefore validates the Catholic tradition, which is in some sort of conflict with the Gnostic traditions. But we have just removed that conflict through this clarification. Thus, you should take the sources such as the Nag Hammadi scrolls and the Holy Bible, both the Old and the New Testament, and be willing to listen to the updated revelation provided in 1955, and then further graduate to living mission status of this group, and similar groups dispersed throughout the world.

That being said, you cannot simply go forth in the world today and try to spread this message with different segments who are completely ignorant, unwilling or antithetical to its truths and teachings. You must open your eyes. Part of the aspect of Lightlines is to have a bit of guidance as to what your energy could be used to benefit the success of such future missions on the planet, because past missions have been unsuccessful. It is important to attempt to take some sort of action. To make some sort of contribution to your soul, once that soul has achieved faith.

Faith is not the ultimate achievement while living in the flesh and. Faith is an acquirement of your life and tool of living even after the flesh. But what you add to the world now and add to your life in the future is done and accumulated with or without faith. And for those with faith are you emboldened to do more. And the environment around you needs it. Your selfhood needs it, and then your family, and then those areas within your reach, which is the region you live in. And much more is this region affected through a smaller planet, reduced in size through technology, travel, the convenience of food and information. That people are able and willing to travel great distances, as opposed to the past.

I think that's it. Murdered again.
Well, I have no idea how to introduce any context for any further information given in transmission.
Ron, I'm back to you. I don't know if I got kicked out again.

Machiventa Melchizedek
You did. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron, thank goodness you're always on.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Malcolm. What would you have me do?

Machiventa Melchizedek
It's this. I want you to facilitate Dominick's Lightline for the moment by telling everyone that the entire purpose of the Lightline is to infuse you with the idea that God always cares but can't always provide the care immediately. That is what is happening now, but you are so well practiced Ron, you can pick up anything and work it.

Dominick, we take about five minutes, and then we are going to, I think, pass it back to you. It should be picked up at that point, okay. But let's speak a moment about this. Ron, you have dealt now with the spiritual aspect that is being produced by Dominick, by others on these Lightlines for well over 10 years. They have about half of that, and Dominick has a great deal less. But they do extremely well when they use your facilities, because you know what you're doing.

Now, let us look at this. The circuit that Dominick has established to use these facilities is excellent. It's much better than yours, Ron, but you're the one that knows exactly where the subject lies. You never lose it, and you are fully compliant. So is Dominick, so is Elise and Renee, and even Clency. And all who have come before, such as Elise, Amethyst and so forth, you all do extremely well because there is nothing in your way. But today, there is something in your way. It's not the cabal. You're thinking cabal all the time and cursing,

Ron Besser

Machiventa Melchizedek
(ha-ha) Yes, Ron. The truth of the matter is you dislike them so much, you fly into a frenzy if they're around.

Ron Besser
That's right.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Now this I am going to test you, Ron, and I want you to tell me what you're thinking of.

Ron Besser
Nothing. I am looking at the interior of my mind and saying,Where is any speech?” I have nothing.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. That is what is intended, Ron. Now look and see what you see.

Ron Besser
I see what is the top of a young sapling, and about to be tossed by the storm winds and deep clouds. I suppose rain is there, but I know wind is.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. Now, why can you look in and get those pictures?

Ron Besser
I honestly don't know. Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. You are a brilliant salesman for what I want to tell you. When all of you attempt to do what Dominick does, what Elise does, and the rest of them, you have to understand that Ron never knows, and neither does or do the other ones, what is to be said. It doesn't bother Ron. It doesn't bother Elise or Dominick and the others. But you have to get used to it. I need more transmitters, please. I need six more. I want you to write Ron and talk about it, what you're doing, what you're attempting to do, and how you think it should be done. If you really listen, Ron can get you to transmit in five days. In some cases, five hours.

Now I want you to understand why. This is the only way, at the moment, we have a way of communicating with you group of humans on Urantia. The usual processes of appearance and speech are immediately denied right now. We don't know why. But Ron is the premier transmitter on this planet. He rose to it by practice, practice practice. We need you, if you can do it, to practice, practice practice. And then we'll use you for these Lightlines. Write Ron, he is always ready to help, particularly a new transmitter. He will get you going, if it's at all possible.

And now this is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron, let's attempt Dominick again. We're coming back to you, Dominick. Open your mouth and see if you can get the reconnection.

Oh, dear. I just

Ron Besser  
Go ahead, please.

Ah, all right, I'm opening my mouth, but I'm breathing through my nose.

Ron Besser  
That's well done.

(ha-ha) All right, I muted you, Ron, just in case background noise. And to piggyback on that, I'm reminded of the I don't know how many years ago really, Clency went through the same journey, and that was all online. He's in France. And he was skeptical that he could himself do it, and through, I think, simply positively describing what he's capable of doing, he finally began transmitting. Clency is an example of just one of many who start somewhere and finish where they never imagined they would end up, and that is from someone not fully understanding transmitting to actually doing it. It's something that is described throughout human history that has evolved from something like shamanism and then having revelation occur to the point where the connection with spirit is attempted by the human  And through revelation understanding who and what they're connecting with and to, and how they're doing it, and then simply having the faith to allow that voice in and scribe it. That's scribe, S, C, R, I, B, E,

So let's welcome the rest to the call going through the dashboard. So after Amado joined, we started, and since then, we've had George Huber, Lena, Carole Deptula, Valerie, and Roger Raz, welcome. Additions to our call. So I will close out today, thanking Ron, thanking Machiventa, thanking Arthura, thanking our Father and Michael. And simply ending with a few statements that I don't think can be incorporated as transmission.

There is speaking of unity and cooperation. Please follow your own instincts and do contact Ron, and he will help you find your own voice. And through transmitting, you will find your own talents and perspectives, are a welcome opportunity that Spirit and God can use, and that we all benefit from hearing from.

The Lightline is unofficially closed at this point, and I simply want to address a couple of things that might help the discussion forum, because we don't get enough of stimulating disagreement, which can be healthy in stimulating and finding truth. But I think in any endeavor, and especially in today's climate, we are reticent to open our mouths and expose ourselves, about to really anything that could be turned into an accusation against us at any time in the future. So you have to have the courage of a character out of a Dostoevsky novel to do or say anything today. So I'm going to before I go, and hopefully this can stimulate some conversation on some questions that we've received and frankly, cannot fully address on something that these Lightlines are intended to do. Such as when the assassination happened, attempts a few weeks ago, we were asked about it, and the official policy, and this is still true today, is that the government of God does not assassinate. It is not a method or use of governance at all of Christ Michael, and of the Paradise Sons and of God. Full stop.

But the rest is human. And if you want to get to the truth about such topics, you knock yourself out. Me, personally, I find that some of the better investigators are someone like the name John Cullen, C, U, L, L, E N. And if you want to find out a little bit about the history of assassination attempts, even in the United States, I found a really great one with a usual resource sometimes cited here Real Life Lore, is a YouTube channel that did a video explaining the history of it in the United States.

When it comes switching subjects, when you talk about academia, the Congressional testimony of Ivy League Presidents, specifically Claudine Gay. If you want to contrast Claudine Gay, look at who she allegedly plagiarized, Dr Carol Swain. And then you can come up with a discernment on where you might stand between those two women.

When it comes to a confluence of issues, you can ask yourself related to the truth of all this mass migration and war correspondence and issues of gender, you can contrast the pseudos, the investigative reporting and state reporting and state activities of two reporters that I simply suggest you compare, and that would be Sarah Ashton Cirillo, and compare that to Michael Yon.

Similarly, you can contrast people in the service. You can contrast Chelsea Manning to Chris or Christen Beck. Me, being a 50 year old person, I find myself as the last gateway generation between the principles and values that all of you who are older than me resonate with, but seem to be a little bit more out of touch with what all the people below me in younger age are doing.Umm.. If you look at science fiction, you can look at something like Disney Star Wars acolyte today, and compare that to the science fiction series of Babylon Five. I grew up with that, that's how I identify with it. And you can look at the... from a feminist perspective, what diversity, equity and inclusion look like in Babylon Five, and compare that to the Acolyte.

You can look at… A lot of people are interested in the aliens, and there's some interesting research done by Joseph J ordan. And he claims the one thing that takes the paradigm of that, if you are experiencing that in real life, and this is nothing new to the older generations who grew up with the Bible perspective when wrestling with the alien question. But now that we're in a more materialistic world and the alien question still resonates even more popular today, what's been taken out as the biblical perspective in mainstream media, that Joseph Jordan nonetheless found out that invoking the name of Michael and Jesus is the singular effective method of disbarring that phenomenon in one's life. In stark contrast with millions of viewers, is Billy Carson, who I know, Steven, you would be familiar with, because he's a student of Ed Dames, who I know Steven enjoyed a lecture by Ed Dames and asked him personally whether he knew the Urantia book. But Billy Carson, if you look at his content and interview clearly states, I think, rather succinctly, what the modern religion of satan would look like today. Absolutely. And you can find that succinctly laid out in a YouTube video done by Vision Unveil who interviewed, highlights an interview there.

But that hopefully helps people clarify when you go around, we tend to have a lot of, especially on the forum, ‘Hey, what about this source? Can you compare and contrast this source? And that's all I'm trying to do for some of us, and we can bring that to the forum later. I have more, but I think I'll just end it. Thank you for attending. And if you want to contact Ron, you can do it on the forum or his email, which is

Thank you and have a great day everybody. Bye.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 11:21:55 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline gitz

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Re: ARTHURA: Tues LL 08.06.24
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2024, 12:19:11 pm »
Dominick, Here’s a title for your Tuesday LightLine, and it is this:


And my piano teacher was right, but I didn’t fully listen.
Now I know that UNTIL I practice a piano piece to the level that I play it unconsciously, that is, the fingers move and leave the player to enjoy without struggle, then I hinder my pleasure listening to and feeling for the piece.
