Author Topic: The Education of Children on Urantia ( August 9, 2015 by Ron Besser)  (Read 4878 times)

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MOST HIGH, ANDROMADEUS:  The Education of Children on Urantia

When considering the children of Urantia, look at what they have to learn:  Culture!  The culture that we have to teach is not the culture you have today.

Look at what else they have to learn:  Immobility or Status Cultures that have nothing to do with the current world.  We are inclined to let the present young set learn the present culture and then return to the scene and reeducate all of them in a period that follows the education of the adults of Urantia who are left to attend our classes on high.  When we say "adults" we refer to those who are 18 or older, clear up to the end of life on Urantia in their 60's, 70's. and 80's, and so on.

"Our world of Urantia is without succor on high.  No one speaks for it in the high councils or does it have a voice on Jerusem at this time.  Your Planetary Prince is without help in making Urantia heard in his councils either, but since he is the Planetary Prince, he gets the deserved attention his presence requires.

"Your work on Urantia, ladies and gentlemen, and including both of you Overmind and Curtis, is to see to it that the House that God built is established before the House that Jack built (the current civilization), takes over again.  If we have anything to do with it, the House that Jack built will be so discredited that it has no change being reestablished, but stranger things than that have happened on Urantia to upset the apple cart.  Nonetheless, I want everything set aside in a few days to keep all of you quiet about our plans and that includes you Joyce and a few others who are preparing grand announcements to your friends and families.

"Be quiet until we have the control of the media we want control of.  You will know this when you see it.  Also be concerned that none of you bring your heads to the forum in a few days after the announcement by Jesus of his presence, as the Most Highs are considering quarantining the entire spectrum of software that runs not only this forum, but Facebook, and YouTube, and Twitter, and many others some of you do not use resident in Asia and South America.

"Clear your ways of doing things in the routine manner you do them.  I will insist that Ron remains head of this forum regardless of how he may be taken on elsewhere to be updated with all that is required of a staff person of his agility, but I also wish to announce that there are plans afoot to reestablish the video productions Ron was asked to take down several months ago.  All of this is in preparation for the new world appearances of Michael of Nebadon and Jesus and a few you are not required to know just yet.

"Working with all of you is a challenge since most of you do not understand what few on the human side do.  This transmitter, Ron, is one of the few to understand that most of you are utterly unprepared to fill in for people who will go on and never find a place to speak aloud on Urantia again.  Since you are completely unprepared for this instance, and about five others I will not mention, you will be cowed to the point you do not want to speak in public.  Therefore, do NOT speak in public, and let those who are in human form deliver what you all must learn to deliver on your own when you can be dusted off from hiding and are presentable to the world at large.

"I am Andromadeus, and I hold the classification of being the Chief Most High.  My Lieutenants are known to some of you, but for now I leave their names unmentioned, and they are the individuals who sit above the Melchizedek Directors (Governors as Ron calls them), and who call the shots when Mantutia is unavailable or Michael has nothing to say.  Our work on high is for the people of Urantia and not for your considered importance.  The Scribe herein knows that very well and toes the line when he is asked to abate what he does and just sit there until the light turns green.  I am Andromadeus."

Michael of Nebadon - Speaking to the Education of Urantia's Children

"I am seldom moved to comment on posts in this forum, but the posts shown here in this thread are out of the ordinary and both Curtis and Overmind are appreciated for their point of views so expressed above.

"Children are never out of our minds on Salvington, and all of you must realize that the difference between a good teacher and a mediocre one is that the good teacher is without a reason to be until he or she is touched on the shoulder by God to be good teachers.  Seldom does your world recognize that a really good teacher is not just skin and bones and a determination to do a good job, but that really good teachers are gifted by Mother Spirit to run the classroom as we would if we were personally present.  Therefore bless Mother Theresa and others of her ilk who stayed away from the Catholic dialogue and teach from the heart those very poor people in India and elsewhere around the globe.  I have given permission for Mother Theresa to speak."

Mother Theresa, Children Are Our future Too

"I am the famous teacher in India, and I speak briefly as I am under the workshop rules we all bear on Mansonia Two -'never speak unless spoken to, and stay away from Urantia!'  My work on Mansonia Two is to predict what will happen on Urantia when Jesus appears among you.  I predict that Jesus will become immortalized and fall into the cracks of History until he no more is recognized as a special gift from God.  In my prediction I say this because I feel Jesus will make the error that will not allow him special recognition among his peers on Urantia without making it clear he is also a Son of God."

Michael of Nebadon - "Ron has caught on that it is not directly Mother Theresa speaking; that it is Mother Theresa as spoken through the Spirit.  When that happens there is no conflict between what the famous personality is to say and how the Spirit reproduces those quotes.  Mother Theresa has spoken to you this morning.

"I close this response to let you all know that the last time we had a good speech delivered from Tesla and Oppenheimer that spirit did NOT intercede between Ron and this subjects.  However, the future holds greatness for all of you when we present these famous personalities to you.  Most of the time the Spirit will speak them.  Most of the time Ron will have them direct without the Spirit translation.  This policy indicates the trust we place with Ron to 'get it right.'  He has done so with a post made available to Donna Lynn for her blog where Tesla is interviewed and Rayson has his say about various aspects of the Tesla experience.

"I close with a sonnet, and it goes like this:

"I AM that I am that you are that I AM."

"What this means is that I am you and you are me, but we must come to some understanding that you are not me personally and that I am not you personally.  Those who will call themselves Jesus are missing that vital point and those of you who know the difference now ought to study those who already now call themselves Jesus on Urantia.  They are not dupes, but foolish ones who cannot separate the fiction from the truth that no one is anyone but themselves even though one may act for another by another name under that authority.

"Mother Theresa has two more words for all of you now.  Mother Theresa: 'I am the Lord God and you are my subjects, and never will I appear as an apparition unless bidden to do so by the Father Himself.  I give no succor to those who dare make you believe that I am the Lord, for I am not the Lord, but I beg to differ with those who represent me as holy and with grail and who hold me too high for my true station, but you must all understand that I am not the Lord, I deliver no miracles; I deliver nothing worth the trouble the media will report me as.  Stand back and take me as a woman who loved God and that I now spend all my days working for the ideals that Jesus represents on Urantia.  The Spirit is not speaking for me now, and your transmitter receives me directly at this time.  We must point out that many who speak to you as "so and so", must be understood to be received through the Mother Spirit, the Divine Minister of us all, and that we speak through her gladly.  But Michael at my side tells me that Ron is allowed to take my words directly, so I must use him well if not sparingly.  I am Mother Theresa, and I sign of with the symbol of the cross over my chest and heart.'"

For all who have made this transmission possible,
« Last Edit: August 09, 2024, 15:40:30 pm by Jose Vargas »
José L. Vargas Núñez

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: The Education of Children on Urantia ( August 9, 2015 by Ron Besser)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2024, 17:15:22 pm »
August 9, 2024
York, Pa
Ron Besser, transmitter:

Jose Vargas thank you for finding that old post and publishing it again.  I must say I hardly understand the motivation to provide that post because after reading it twice, I still do not understand it well today.  What is wrong with me?

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “You Ron have grown up more than you know, and now you find that post ill advised not, but you are wondering what it is really about?  You look at me and say to Me, “What is that really about Michael, as I cannot fathom the meaning well other than it was Mother Theresa speaking afterward her leaving Urantia.  I tell you this about that post in 2015 you made, son.

You were testing your prowess at transmitting too, and you let it slip you were wondering about the transgression that was somewhere in the post which still bothers you to this day; as you ask: “Wither go the Most Highs now?”

Where Are The Most Highs Today?
“I do not know how to tell you this:

“The Most Highs have bolted out of existence.  That entire chapter in the Urantia Book is not in error but erroneous about what they are and what they do.

“Frankly until you saw that post you did not remember seeing any of their posts of recent vintage and you asked where someone like Andromadeus is today?  

“Andromadeus is found and available, but is out of fashion with Me over the trial of the Rebellion on Urantia.  Let me tell you this:

“The Most Highs are no longer speaking to the likes of you.  You remember them well and particularly Andromadeus.   But there is a serious problem between what then was called the MOST HIGH’S and Myself, the CREATOR SON.  The Most Highs sided with the rebellion last year, and suddenly ceased operations, and their leadership left their office never to return.  The Most Highs still exist but they are not taking office until the rebellion is subsided and they can rule the Nation States again.

“For that reason it comes as shock to you Ron, that Andromadeus is still the titular leader of the Most Highs, but speakes no more to you or the humans in general.  The reason is he fully understands that angelic rebelllion, but cannot convince himself to support them because I DO NOT EVER SUPPORT REBELLION!

“For that reason the Most Highs sit quietly as a separate  Sonship an d no longer respond to universe concerns that I (the Creator Son) have.  For reasons of State I allow them to repsond, but Andromedus has no real reason to speak anymore as that Order of Sonship, while not banned, is not longer used in the Universes of the DOMINION.

TARKAS here - “Ron you are having troule fathoming this.  I do not fathom it at all.  Anyone loyal to MICHAEL OF NEBADON, will not fathom this either, but the MOST HIGHS are not without pity but without a concern from the Paradise regime anymore.  The reason is that Andromadeus is openly fair minded about the Rebellion, but cannot find the power in the Most Highs to reprimand them, as he feels that the reason they got out of order was something that he agrees should be questioned.   The question is this:

“WHERE GOETH THE FALL OF ROME WITHOUT GOD?  That is a difficult thing to state, but it should be stated with this understanding.  ROME was an evil city state but it rose to fame because Jesus visited it as a tutor to a young man there on a commercial business reason.  Jesus never saw Rome as evil, but far behind the times in thought and secular concerns were always top most to the Emperors.  For that reason Jesus saw the entire matter as secular and so does the CREATOR SON still see it that way.  For that reason the MOST HIGHS and the CREATOR SON never speak in harmony about the JESUS trip to Rome as necessary for that man of God to have done it.    The MOST HIGHS contend that Jesus should have stayed home and worked the boat yard game and if he had to travel, leave Rome out of it!

“For that reason, JESUS contends that the entire trip to Rome was invigorating but dull compared to is life in Nazareth, and for that reason he was glad to have gone to Rome entirely.  That is your view Ron, but the Most Highs think you are both wrong to have enlivened Jesus with travel and they view it that he should have stayed home and learned what commerce was from the Jerusalem contacts.

“It is important to understand the Most Highs, because there is a singular reason JESUS had to travel and not be recorded in the Gospels in the Bible.  The Bible pick the life of Jesus up much later than these episodes of the young man being hired as a guide to profess languges with the merchant from Venice who was in Jerusalem to buy foreign goods for his shop much further east of Jerusalem, but that is where these goods could be found in pleny and they were relatively cheap compared to Vienna shops which charged outrageous prices for eastern goods.

“Jesus is not known in history to have traveled to Rome as a translator of languages with the merchant who hired him at age 18, and eighteen is a far younger age than the Gosepels of the Bible speak too, and the only true and reliable discussion of the Ministry of Jesus in Palestine.  No other works exist except those to tell of the Jesus sojourn, but the truth is even the Urantia Book does not mention other side trips he took in his youthful education.”

This is Ron the transmitter speaking now:   I cannot be allowed to speak to further work Jesus did because it is considered difficult of understanding not but it is beside the point to mention him trying to earn money to help his family still living in Nazareth, and he had not yet begun his Ministry of the Father yet, due to the fact the  the  FATHER, had to make sure that Jesus traveled safely and well with what in all fairness would be called “rough trade!” today.

Ron here yet - I am being warned as I take this dictation that none of this is published and it is to remain a part of the life of Jesus for him to discuss if he ever wishes to the planetary public now.  I am now asked to conclude this post on a high note.   As follows:

The Minds of Men and the Bestowal of Jesus

I AM JESUS: “I see this yet clearly.  Yet, I see it un-wanting to be known as the Gospels are how I wish to be remembered, and Ron works hard to see that I receive a fair shake in all that I do for this public in the twenty-first century just enteres (2024).

“For that reason I am reluctant to tell you about how I had to earn money to help my widowed mother cope with endless bills and fully determined not to use her parents for food or payment of debts over her head.   Mother to Mary is the famous Vatican Saint MARY and for that reason we do not disturb your history, (Ron here - I am caatching hell from the loyal seraphim and it is hard to type with them so upset over history they do not want exposed)

“JESUS is happy with what history you do have, but Jose Vargas admittedly wants more and we tell you Jose that there is a huge more history to account for but until a new Urantia Book is ready for dissemination, you will have to wait.  The new Urantia Book contains 750 pages (seven hundred fifty pages) and we do not want to disparage those book editors at this point as the Life of Jesus could easily fill two huge volumes of literature and I do not want it all known.    Ron, you are miserable and I love to tell those stories but each to their own how I developed into a strapping and vigorus manhood, swarm a neighbors pond, and ate sweetened raspberries out of merchants cart while he was occupied elsewhere.

“Readers here are much better qualified to read the full story but the people of Urantia are still mostly children in history formation of facts and we leave the entire story to you someday and you are the fun one without  recording your views either.  K”

Ron Besser Transmitter  - I have to be honest, there is enough material flowing now that could fill 2,000 new pages on the life of Jesus, but how much can you stand?  The Gospels still tell the story best and well and I do not touch them with the modern Jesus yet.  Jesus is scheduled to come before the public of Urantia again, but I will be darned if I understand how or why he would subject Himself to the propblems we have now including dishonest politicans in the United States government, and nothing mor said there either for reasons of State.

“You Ron undermine my speech slightly, but you mean well.  Listen to the hawjs you have in your back yard near the pine forest you have.  They screech slightly but they can undo any bird tht attacks them otherwise, and so can GOD undo any living thing in the Master Universe, if He has a mind to.  For that reason you Ron are very careful what you say, but like a good reporter you know where the big story is, and you do well these days to follow your nose!

“I am JESUS to the rest of all of you too!  Remit unto me what you owe Me in the land of Spirit, and then I shall remit to you that which is SPIRIT unto you.  Do not forsake me over nothing, as I demand nothing but value the Lord first, and Me, second.   NEVER leave your home unguarded these days, but use your home for th Lord, to live and sleep, but never give your life away for the times to come, and VERY SOON, as this is the last I shall speak to you Ron without a manifold of others listening to you give these words life through your own voice.  You shall wind over the multitudes with Me, as your voice is clean and ready.  Do not speak further until I am out of here!”  (Crash)

Ron - That end the interview.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “You did not upset Jesus, Ron.  I did.  He must not say all things he wants to say and you are perfectly well done to present it as you did.  We are done now, Ron.  Thank you.  K”

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania