Author Topic: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"  (Read 11552 times)

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Offline SongatSunrise

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Re: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2024, 22:50:59 pm »
Hello forumites!

There have been a number of references to "The House That Jack Built" that may be a little strange to some of our readers. Here is the original poem, a nursery rhyme from Mother Goose:

The House That Jack Built


  • Quote
    This is the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That toss'd the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the maiden all forlorn,
    That milk'd the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the man all tatter'd and torn,
    That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
    That milk'd the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the priest all shaven and shorn,
    That married the man all tatter'd and torn,
    That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
    That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the cock that crow'd in the morn,
    That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,
    That married the man all tatter'd and torn,
    That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
    That milk'd the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the farmer sowing his corn,
    That kept the cock that crow'd in the morn,
    That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,
    That married the man all tatter'd and torn,
    That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
    That milk'd the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That killed the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.

There is no mention of the house itself! It is just all the"stuff" that went on in and around it. (;-p)

(I used to love to hear my mother read this to me when I was little. She really put some rhythm into it!)
Smiles to all, Carole



Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2024, 14:32:06 pm »
  • 081324 Audio Tape Tuesday Lightline USA; Host: Dominick. Other Transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Pantheism, polytheism, and monotheism; eventual reestablishment of original universe governance; Absolute, the Unqualified Absolute or the Ultimate. Attributes of Trinity, the personality of Father, Son and Spirit; the function of the Magisterial Foundation; issues with transmitting; High textbook level transmitting. Conversation concerning Ron Besser and Phyllis Simpson
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson
  • Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:
Welcome to Tuesday. Light line, August 13. 2024 I'm your host, Dominic, we invoke the quick prayer of Michael of Nebadon, our Universal Father and Jesus.

Michael of Nebadon (as revealed later)
Today's light line starts with the theme of recalling the earlier years of the term the house that Jack built, and where is it now? The pillars of information warfare and information in general and figuring out your worldview is ever changing and ever dynamic. Yes, it could be quite stable and close. Some of us were talking about being open and closed, and people are diverse in our makeup. Some people are born with a natural tendency to be open minded, exploratory. Some people are on the other end of the same spectrum of whatever that is and to be classified as or closed. There're benefits to each, and we tend to balance that out as we get older.

The exploration of the meaning of life and developing a world view would entail an aspect of religion, and we've dealt with pantheism, we've dealt with polytheism, and we've dealt with monotheism. And of course, there's a form of atheism, which is a... tends to be a form of a theism, nonetheless, it believes in something. It's basically just rebelling against either the need to pick or choosing a side unwittingly.  

So, let's just go into what pantheism is, and if you can, in your mind's eye, have three columns, and in no particular order, we start with pantheism in the first column. Now pantheism has been defined in past clear, clarified revelation that it can be evolutionary in terms of like the very early ghost cults, or just man's attempt to explain the world around him. Pantheism is also in some respects, epochal, defined as incarnations that have appeared over the course of planetary history that mankind has turned into a God like Pantheon. The Planetary Prince, the Caligastia 100, Adam and Eve, those types of episodes defined in the fifth epochal revelation of the Urantia book would be such an example of divine beings turned into a pantheon. And then, because of the rebellion that Pantheon further schismed into a rebel Pantheon and a loyal Pantheon.  

And before we talk further about that, we need to go into polytheism, which is the multiplicity of God essentially, where, as finite, observing and experiential beings, we have to resolve things that are somewhat multiplicitous or polytheistic in terms of resolving things like time and space, body, mind and spirit, energy and matter, particle, wave and frequency, and kind of the concept of Trinity. And monotheism deal with singular entities of deity, of God. However, like a little bit like the polytheism attributed to a concept like the Trinity, monotheism is rooted in the Holy Trinity. In other words, the infinite, the eternal, the universal, and what was taught in the past, the Supreme, the Absolute. The Unqualified Absolute, which is better understood in a transcript, as you could say, without qualification. In other words, it's not unqualified as in not fit for the job, but it is without qualification, without the need. It is the Unqualified Absolute. And lastly, a monotheism concept of the ultimate. Those are really rough breakdowns in order to have a conversation in the Lightline.  

So, if we classify, for this purpose, the concept of Trinity as a human polytheism, and go back to the pantheon of the rebel, the rebel has an inverted Trinity. The rebel inverts. And so, you can look at what the rebel has ended up worshiping as a polytheistic attribute of God. And instead of worshiping and upholding those monotheistic attributes of the Father, the Son and the Infinite Spirit, the rebel, worships nature and intelligence and strives for power over such things. That concludes that portion, as we circle back to the question of, where has the house that Jack built gone, and why are we off focus on that these days, rhetorically, as opposed to what the world would tell us is our immediate threat. So, before we answer that question or dare to, we would just like to reestablish, re remind and reconstitute, what it is the foundation, the Magisterial Foundation, strives to do as a human organization, and what it attempts to structurally organize to allow it to be used as a divine organization.  

And that is a couple of premises. One, what has previously been established is the stipulation or the contention or the one of the pillar statements or philosophies is that the planet and nation states and the human... humanity in general and its civilizations will not be able to sustain themselves without the re ordered establishment of the original universe government, one that has a defined planned plan for planetary evolution, that involves revelation and representation amongst the population to work hand in hand in its governance. Not to take control of that governance, but to guide and advise. For the..., because the design plan of universe design is that ascending creatures learn by experience in their ascension experience, but that the higher, other high end of deity descends into Its universe creation and also earns experience.

So, the foundation, and what these Lightlines entail, is a core principle that this is a vehicle and exercise to facilitate the eventual reestablishment of original universe governance, through what is both, revelation incarnation and missions of various proportions, that can reach anywhere from specialized unknown missions to very public epochal missions. To that extent, a very detailed hierarchy of universe personalities is revealed to you in the fifth epochal revelation. So, those not familiar with that work would have that as a reference to understand any of the advanced concepts of deity as outlined previously, such as the Absolute, the Unqualified Absolute or the Ultimate. But for all intents and purposes, you can, in time and space, understand God with those three monotheistic attributes of Trinity, God being Infinite, God being Eternal, and God being Universal, and that those are summarized in the personality of a Universal Father and Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit. And that as a human being in the Seventh Superuniverse, you are a being whose evolutionary purpose is designed to express all the combinations of those three attributes of a Trinity, or the three aspects of Trinity.

So, the foundation, the Magisterial Foundation is not something to compete with existing structures, but to augment and codify what has been revealed in the fifth epochal revelation, which is service to God, service to Michael, service to the building of your own self-value as a Father indwelled creature. And nothing exemplifies this more than the life and teachings of Jesus. And at the end of the day, the Magisterial Foundation strives to serve the universe deities and universe governance of time and space, that has both designed the life and organized governance. And also, the combination of those two are the ascension plan, or the ascension scheme being a schematic of your phase transition between a material spirit animal, and reborn of the spirit, and eventually phasing into spirit status as a cosmic citizen and granted eternal life in fusion with the deity Father fragment, the Universal Father.

You are granted eternity of life in the Son and learn the mysteries of the closed and open systems of infinity. So, hopefully that gives a few re summarized or reinstated Terms of Service, as to why the Foundation exists, and what it strives to do and serve to that extent. Some of those projects are certainly include patents that would aid in missions to the planet, but not before the house that Jack built is corrected.

Dominick @19:08
To that extent, this is Dominick speaking now, that if, I suppose, if I were to be given the keys in the case of Ron's passing, and I were given the hypothetical budget of the Urantia Fellowship, which we received as an annual report, thank you, fellowship. It was a nice booklet. And we saw that, let's just say for rounding up purposes, is roughly a million dollars, or half a million, was used on Google ads. I assume most of their... a lot of nonprofits similar, it's conventions and book sales, and then marketing of those books and events. And the way that the rate of the world is going, if I were to be given a million dollars or half a million dollars, I would not, strategically, I might have in the past, but I think there would be a need to flip a course correct. The efficacy of spending that amount on Google ads, for one, we cannot beg the question to assume that if people are aware of the existence of revelation, that they will drink of that water. It's a lot of money down the drain, on an assumption that if they're aware of it, they will come. I would shift that focus primarily to peer-to-peer relationships and face to face meetings.  

There's enough of a groundswell of populism, I guess you could say, where you should understand where the market is. And go, and literally have to go there, and meet people face to face. Technology is at the point now where it's unreliably effective, even though it promises the world. People are finding out that it is not ever a substitute for in person meeting and interaction. To that extent everyone on this call is free to visit us at the foundation in York, Pennsylvania. And we have prepared in the future that if there are such things as missions, even though they're not involving the foundation, that someone like myself might have the chance to go face to face, and I would enjoy that. But the house that Jack built ensures that if we were to spend half a million dollars to a million dollars on Google ads, that it would not be effective. Do we discussed in a impromptu Lightline that did not involve any transmissions last week, the concept of an egregore, or egregor. In the past, that was a type of spell craft. But today, it involves technology in that the house that Jack built has learned to commercialize egregores with techno propaganda and censorship, and shadow banning, and mass psychosis.

Michael of Nebadon @24:21
And enough information to pollute and water down and confuse anyone searching for answers. So how are you to address this using the very same technology? It's not going to be very effective. And I would stipulate that there as a movement and an organization, I would hope that the fellowship as brotherhood would organize that amount of money to, for example, sponsor high profile lectures, events, long form podcasts and ads and produce those things themselves, rather than spend it on, literally, Google ads, which on an occultic or esoteric or on some level, the very people who would be your market audience understand that that's part of an apparatus of the house that Jack built. There is a fundamental change happening in the past 10 years that has shifted the relationship between the state and the citizen. Part of the self-fulfilling prophecy of Civil War is the Leviathan eye of the state turning inward, declaring that the enemy is within.  

So, without going deep into that, let's shift gears a little bit and remind folks that some of the core tenants of the religion and design of the universe is the individual, regardless of their citizenship status on the planet, is a potential citizen of the universe that you live in, but you must be BORN AGAIN of the Spirit to attain the status. How that affects your earthly life and earthly attitudes towards Caesar's government is that the individual and family unit has on this planet structured itself as the backbone of civilization. Therefore, has it been known that the house of the house that Jack built inverts that and subverts that. So, when you do get a Leviathan government, a elevation of the collective in favor or in supremacy over the family and individual unit and claiming that civilization exists on the pillars of the collective state-run government, not the subservient collective, with no emphasis on individual excellence and self-mastery. No, the collectivist state will label you a domestic terrorist now for such fascist white supremacist talk. And that's all I have to say about that.  

There are very faint transmission lines this week. I get very little. But one thing I do get is that right now, Lightlines are not operating as we know it. But that if you are listening, bring your questions, they may respond, I'm, I am as Dominick here, am not currently going to sermonize their voice, and that's why no one is attributed today. But moving forward in the ... for the moment, is your need like the days of old, to supply your questions. Now, I don't mean to put you on the spot. Certainly, you don't, we don't need to have an awkward silence with the condescension that you have nothing to ask. But that we might have future Lightlines, just like we had last week, where if you ask something that spurs a two o'clock, 2pm New York time, Lightline on the off days where we have something not scheduled, we will do that.

But that we're running out of momentum, where we all sit back and ask for a lesson or words. It's time that we ask questions, because it demands that we assimilate information that has already been presented, but slow to be absorbed. Some of this is simply the consequence of the medium, of the information medium defined as its auditory over a phone line, which is not the most optimal way to absorb information. By definition, roughly three fourths to two thirds of us are comprised to assimilate information differently. And some of us are better at it, and so formulating questions helps people who think differently or different modes to come up with things that help them learn experientially. And also help the transmitter from the burden of receiving according to how they are built to receive or structured to receive. And that being always attributing what they say both to the truth as they know it, but also scribing the incoming communications as they receive it, without the filter of their own mind.  

And certainly, one of the biggest lessons we can learn from seeing the various cadre of transmitters over the years and how the development of the planet influences a transmitter, and nothing is more easily seen than the world views of the person transmitting. Without naming names, we've in the last five years, have seen transmitters laud the initiatives and governance of Russia and China. We've heard here in the US, some laud what could be seen as a Democrat or liberal and the other as conservative or Republican.

And so those are the truth intentions of the transmitter, but not necessarily the true or official policy statements of spirit. And to distance ourselves from that trap, we retreat from our current mode of Lightlines and back into a more Q & A format for there are no missions, as have been defined with human involvement, currently at this time and Light lines are under duress from communication circuits, both from above and below. And that's all I think I need to cover today. Certainly, at this point, you could press five star and ask and raise your hand.

Ron, I'm going to come to you and unmute you. You're unmuted, so call your fans. How's your head, Ron?

Ron Besser  
Oh, it's better, but it's not perfect. What would you have me take up?

Can you receive a transmission? Because ...

Ron Besser  
Yes, I can.  

.... I don't trust myself to.

Ron Besser
Yeah, I've got Machiventa here. I think.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is  Machiventa Melchizedek. Dominick, may I go ahead?

Please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Okay, thanks. I want you to all understand that Dominick has pervaded the higher circuits of spirit to test you out. Ron was sitting here and thinking, 'This is an extraordinary broadcast, because it is so full of explanations that we need to know. If I were listening to this lecture, I would have to take notes and then come back and ask the transmitter some questions.'

This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Most of you are more or less just following in a blank voice mode. You are not really thinking about what is being said. But Ron was parsing it as it was being spoken and said that 'it would take more than one transmission that Dominick was giving to go over the points he was making, because it was like reading from a... an advanced textbook about the problems. Not only of revelation, but also getting it to be understood by the population'. This planet (cough). this planet has an educational level about the third grade when you take everybody into existence. The problem is that only the top echelon of those who receive a transmission, are really comprehending what is being transmitted. All of you, and I think that's at least 20 on today's call, are understanding perfectly well what is being said, but you are not making a note of it, and you quickly forget some of it. Ron says, 'If I were listening to this, I would take Dominick to be my college instructor and.... and I would ask some questions as he was negotiating the statements. But I am not in a classroom. I'm in a lecture room, and Dominick has no idea how complex the lecture is'.

Ron Besser  
Now Dominick, don't worry about it. It is as dictated, but I also know that the dictation is a college level textbook. I sat here and figured out that if I broke it down into paragraphs, Dominick's lecture would take about two days of off and on lectures to make sense of, because we students are not high enough to absorb it completely all the time, as given, I admire Dominick for being able to do it. Few of us can. And for that reason, I highly recommend listening to the tapes, and fully to you Dominick, for being able to receive a textbook, at least in kind.

Now this is the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson. Ron, I watched you off and on since you joined. Tell the group what happened.

Ron Besser  
At 2:19 until 2:24 the phone completely cut out. It didn't even make a noise. I did not hear the transmission for a full five minutes. I thought at first it was a phone connection. Well, not so. Then I wondered what other connection had failed. My computer screen shows that we have the full amount of people that signed on with their names and their times that was not at fault. What then did I experience? I'm told, because I don't know that the five minutes that I'm missing from 221, to 224, will never be heard by me, and therefore no understanding. For that reason. I looked at the transmission itself and said, well, they control everything. Did they control the phone? The answer was yes. I had it cut off completely for five minutes. I don't know what Dominick said.

And now this, you Ron, are explaining something that happened to several of them. Why did they experience it? And most of them did not. We tried to understand what it was that was being said. Well, looking at the transcript up here, nothing in particular was being said, except there was a test to see what you would do. Ron let the station run, that is the phone line run without fooling with it. That was the proper thing to do, but he sure didn't understand the silence for reasons of state to you, Ron, it wasn't anything you really missed. It was a test. To five others on this call. You had something similar happen. Review what you missed; you're going to find that you didn't miss anything. It isn't Dominick who prevailed to make you miss it. It was spirit. It is presiding, deciding to see what they could do to the transmission on individual phones, to see what they could control. Ron missed a full five minutes but decided that it was routine that is from a textbook, and not necessarily lost. He is correct.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now this, I am Michael of Nebadon. Ron, you are receiving a different level of mind.

Ron Besser  
Yes, Michael, I am aware that there are at least three levels when talking with you. There is a friendly level, there is a lecture level, and then you occasionally use with me what I call the full deity mind. That I don't really know, and that is what you were using to ask the question. I'm aware of it, and I'm slightly intimidated by it. The other voices are fine. I'm not intimidated, but when I have that upper-level voice, I sit back and squinch down to hear exactly what you said. Is that more that you would want to be spoken to or less, Michael?

Michael of Nebadon  
Less. Tell us, Ron, what you were thinking.

Ron Besser  
I was listening not only to Dominick, but I was also deciding at what level he was transmitting from. I looked in, and when I looked in, I saw a textbook, not a person speaking. Of course, I knew a person was speaking, but when I looked into the picture of the origination of the text. I saw a book being read, or at least summarized. I just let it pass by, because I went to look. I don't know of its importance to me, but I enjoyed it, and I told myself, remember, there is a real, live person that I could punch with my fist if he were flesh and blood, and he would probably hit me over the head with the textbook. But I reminded myself constantly a person was speaking. For that reason. I was sure that it was a lecture that was meant to be good and heard, but that the process was unusual to me. I can't tell you anything more. Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron, you have told me enough. What I learned from Ron's speech was that he knew that I was not speaking it at a microphone. It was being read from a text. And for that reason, Ron was happy, because he converted considered the textbook to be divine and that it was being either read or recorded, what he considered something he could touch as a person. I tell you, Ron, that is all true, but you do it to make it personal.

Ron Besser  
Yes, that's true. I don't know how the rest of you people take the Lightlines and the discussions. But I always see a person speaking or reading or making available the contact information. I always look and I usually see Arthura, sometimes I see Michael, sometimes I hear just a recording that Is being promulgated through the usual that we're listening to. Today I saw Michael. He was not holding a textbook, but he was speaking. I don't know what else to tell you. Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
That is fine, Ron, thank you. Now let me discuss a little bit of what Ron said. I take personally when I speak, that I am doing the speaking and that it's not a recording. For the past two years, Ron has done a Lightline vigorously and well. He always looks to see who is transmitting. And he often gets a picture of me, Gabriel, Monjoronson, Serara, and so forth. But today, he looked and what he saw was a robust Jesus in physical form. What do we mean by being able to view it? He could go up, see the picture, and he could punch him on the shoulder. That's how Ron sees if something is real.  I would say this, Ron, you are the first to recognize that Jesus is in the flesh. You punched him gently on the shoulder to see who and what was being transmitted. Now, if you're sitting back and just listening to the voice, you'll never know that. But Ron has the facility to be able to go in and kind of see who's transmitting. That is highly advanced. And for that reason, he has seen to it that Dominick can do it. But then Dominick doesn't know that the trick exists. When you transmit. Dominick, if you really want to see who is transmitting, look in deeper. Look in to see the person who is transmitting, and you will have an identification and sometimes a picture. Ron always receives a picture and the warm body. He can punch him on the shoulder and feel the warmth the flesh. It is highly advanced, and I make it available to all of you, if you want to see me transmitting.  Now this Ron is sitting and listening to the transmission, and he's very glad that there is one right now. All day he has been unable to rise from the bed. He's gotten up, he's gotten dressed, and he's been to the computer, but after half an hour there, he has to go lay down, and he sleeps for 10 minutes. It's a damn odd way to get through the day, but that's what's happening. Ron theorizes that he's about to end his life. He's 82. For that reason, he says, 'Well, I've lived a good, long life. I can see maybe it's worn out, and maybe they want to take me. I really don't know how this is done'. Well, the answer is, Ron, with you. We look at your aperture, and that is the cells at the top of your head. When you've got them fully open and dilated, you are able to receive anything the universe wishes to transmit. Yesterday, you were up with the Master Force Organizers. You spoke to three of them, and they informed you of a catastrophe that could happen easily, but you did not record it, nor did you speak of It. Why?

Ron Besser
It is the earth disasters. Michael. It's been spoken to since 1992 when the first teaching mission went on the air. I was part of it from 1993 until now. As a result, I have a long history of this kind of information being spoken to. I also know that the land mass that we live on is subject to breaking up or elevating or whatever land masses do over a certain amount of time, I left it go, because this has been spoken to for the last 15 to 20 years. I did not want to add any more to it. I'm pretty sure that the information is sated, that is, it's well known, and nobody needs to hear it again. So I left it go.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. Now this to all of you. The temperature that Ron operates in is about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It's in the low 70s when he is bodily in the room. He keeps the air conditioner at that. But his internal temperature is always supremely kept at 80 degrees Fahrenheit, not 98.5. He finds it easy to think and easy to promote, but he is not discharging the one thing that you all hoped. And that is a more or less personal evaluation of what is said. He knows that there are Western transmitters. He knows their names and the materials. Machiventa always produces them. He's glad that Machiventa does, because those individuals are not necessarily well connected without Machiventa. As a result, there are posted to the internet various groups supplying information. Almost all of them have Machiventa Melchizedek speaking. I'm aware that he looks at them as repetitive and doesn't look at them closely.  I'm going to tell you something. The main reason that they are allowed to speak is that they are capable of doing what Ron does, but they do not do it with the heart or care that you get here. What you get here is my presentation, Michael of Nebadon in person. I don't send you a recording. The others are usually recordings. The information is the same, but the personal care is not. Now, let me tell you, we are over time by about three minutes. I'm going to turn this back to Dominick and Ron thinks that you have done a smashing report. Dominick, and I do too. It's among the best. Elise and the other transmitters do as well, and I want them to continue, please. I want to also announce that Ron has been in and out of sleep all day, because of an aneurysm in the frontal lobes that is pressing against your ability to use fully, Ron. And as a precaution, the body is shutting you down every hour or so to get five minutes, 10 minutes or 15 minutes of sleep. That is now ended, and you throw fireworks up, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Oh, I'm very sorry. Yes.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am telling you, Ron, you will be awake and running the course for the next 20 years if we can get you off the sleep apparatus. For reasons of state, Dominick is one of the chief spokesmen that Ron has trained. He's trained Elise and the others. We are sad to report that Phyllis is near death.  Yes, Ron, so are we. She will be up here and on the work.

Ron Besser  
She'll love it, I hope.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, she will.

Phyllis Simpson  
Ron, this is Phyllis. I'm reporting to you that I'm too weak to go to the computer and turn the Lightline on. For that reason. I lay here and imagine what you're telling us. I do hear this. That's the miracle of Father. Thank you for looking in Ron.

Ron Besser  
I hope we look more than in and support you when you go to the mansion worlds and choose the work you would love to do. You're a top-notch speaker, endure, and I will miss you tremendously. Stay tuned. Father wants to speak to you further. And in the meantime, Dominick, I'm done, and I turn this back to you. Thank you very much. Go ahead.

Confirmed. Thank you, Ron. And I'm muting you just for noise discipline. And before we wrap up, I want to go to Dennis in a second. You've got your hand raised, and I want to at least get your question or comment into the record, and we can always address it later. And I also thank our also newly arriving attendees, and we're at 21 lines connected today. So, Lena, welcome Dennis, Valerie, Gary, Jeffrey, Jose and area code 503, which might be a redundancy.  

So, Dennis, prepare yourself. I'm about to unmute you. Dennis, can you hear me? Try speaking Dennis. Okay, well, he has internet connection, maybe he's going to come in later, maybe not. But we won't wait, and you can always post your question on the forum Dennis, and that goes for all of you.  Thank you, Ron, for some of that exposition on today's Lightline. That helps me understand a few things as well. Thank you all for attending. Thank you all for listening. Have a great day and stay tuned to the forum in case we have some informal meetings at 2pm York time on our off days. We will try to announce them when we can, and sometimes they even happen without any announcements at all. And sometimes you often check in and nothing happens. All three are acceptable. Have a great day, everybody. Bye.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2024, 13:31:35 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2024, 09:32:28 am »

Good morning, Valerie

The link in your transcription above is dated 08/06/24 instead of 08/13/24.

Best regards


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Re: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2024, 09:36:00 am »


Please read transcription '' below ''


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Re: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2024, 13:36:00 pm »
Thank you Robert for letting me know. I have corrected the link. 

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2024, 15:48:32 pm »
My dear Forum friends,

Thank you for this very interesting Lightline Dominick and for your faithfulness to this Forum!   I got the same impression as Ron did, that your transmission was one of higher learning for us and was glad to read the confirmation via Ron.

You're doing great work and it is so comforting to know of your commitment and close proximity to Ron as well.

I have made it to the computer for a bit today and have been trying to play catch-up.  Too true that physical weakness  has been an issue but I think of you all daily even though I don't communicate in the flesh.

My hope is to be of value in this life and find some way to be useful here once again and ask Father Michael's guidance and the enablement of my Beloved Adjuster to make that happen.

In appreciation of my earthly and celestial family....Phyllis
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Re: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2024, 17:19:27 pm »
Thank you Phyllis for joining us today. It's so good to hear from you, we know about your pain and the serious health problems you have.

We pray for you and I think you are a very valuable person Phyllis, maybe in other ways than you think or wish, but you have already done so much for Ron and all of us before you had to take a step back and rest, which is not your nature.

We all remember your dedication to Lightlines and transmissions you gave us with so much love and gratitude to our Father Michael. I pray Him to be with you in all your sorrow and pain and to never leave you.

You are a dear friend and sister and I am sure many on the forum are thinking of you and praying for your well-being and return.

With all my love, Elise

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Re: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2024, 03:19:02 am »
Dear Phyllis,

I'm so glad that you managed to reach your computer. It is so nice to hear from you despite what you are going through. 
I always check the forum to see whether you are online. I pray for you always. May you be granted the strength and the energy to carry on. 
Thank you for your contribution to the forum and humanity. May the will of the Father be done always in all ways. Wishing you well.

Love and Blessings,

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Re: Tues LL 08.13.24 What Happened to "The House that Jack Built?"
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2024, 13:58:15 pm »
Greetings Phyllis. It is really a pleasure to see you here on the forum and with those desires to be the star of the Sunday LLs again. Because I always thought that as long as Ron was there, the brilliant collaboration of newstarsaphire could not be missing. I have no doubt that you know very well the only rule of the game: Spiritually developed Integrity. Blessings
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"