Author Topic: HUMAN BEHAVIOR.  (Read 3774 times)

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Offline Rene A Duran

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« on: August 30, 2024, 12:54:11 pm »
Group 11: 21 Phoenix AZ Truth Broadcast. 


By: AGAR. 
Received by: Evelio Rivas. 

El Salvador, August 24, 2024, 6:30 a.m.

 "I AM AGAR, today we will focus on the subject of human behavior for a moment. Let's imagine that every human loves Urantia. That is the main ingredient that every human needs to treat the Earth with benevolence. Under current conditions, we have reached a point where the inhabitants of Urantia are unaware of the condition of the world they inhabit. They are dedicated to satisfying sensuality. It seems that they have gone overboard, resolutely retreating from all Christian values that could give hope for more just treatment of the Earth. The population has grown out of control and has surpassed Urantia's capacity to house people with dignity. However, the most crucial detail arises when the new person finds a system of coexistence lacking information that immerses them in experiences that make them grow internally. Inertia is the energy that moves the system. This has led to the overflow of nationalism and conflict. Scientific knowledge eagerly seeks to overcome the supposed adversary. Thus, Urantia is immersed in an escalation of violence. In which people do not see a brother in the other and choose to see an adversary unworthy of compassion and mercy, this picture of conflicts disqualifies Urantia to receive JESUS, a part of this population has undue judgments about the Creator Son, which complicates the conditions for his arrival, we renew the call for peace, to the table of dialogue between the sides in conflict, remaining as a sphere at war, only distances the help that you need, you must make an effort and understand that there is another time, another glorious destiny waiting for you, this sphere needs to be helped to recover normality, the fact is that we are here waiting for the appropriate moment to give you help, it is necessary to choose to live in peace, and to coexist as what you always are: brothers, there is only one family in Urantia"

"I AM AGAR, ending this immense subject, we love you all, we wish that you wake up and perceive us, have a good day."


Evelio Rivas.