Author Topic: Lightline USA - 01 September- 2024  (Read 1068 times)

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Lightline USA - 01 September- 2024
« on: September 01, 2024, 15:49:33 pm »

Lightline USA - 01 September, 2024

This is the 2pm Lightline for Sunday 01 September 2024

Your host: Ron Besser

A second Lightline for today will be held at 6 pm NYT with continued announcements

The link to the 2 pm tape:

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Re: Lightline USA - 01 September- 2024
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2024, 16:07:43 pm »
  • 090124 Audio Tape Lightline USA; host: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: the Deity of Supremacy/Supreme Spirit has been designated to replace the Creative Spirit of Nebadon, the missions will resume in about 6 weeks, Ron is the first voice of a new Teaching Mission, the Supreme Liaison will be on Urantia which is the first planet to receive such, and Machiventa will have new responsibility on Urantia and resume as Planetary Prince;
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon, Queen Elizabeth, Supernaphim 1131211, and Universal Father;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Ron Besser  
For the recording, this is September 1, 2024, the Lightline on Sunday by Ron Besser. Thank you for joining and it is Machiventa Melchizedek who wishes to speak first.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I am Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. You area Melchizedek. You're having all sorts of problems because your eyesight has been cut back, not by the brain, but by the deities involved to preserve your life. You are on the edge of disappearing, and I don't mean out of sight, but as a life on Urantia. You are having trouble operating and seeing the dashboard, and I hope Dominick is able to do it for you. In any case

Ron Besser  
I can't even tell looking at the dashboard, how many are here because my eyes are so blurred. I thank you for joining whoever you are. I would believe it's most of our regulars and thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I want to tell you this. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. The truth of the matter is that Ron will be dying in about 24 hours. Don't lament it. He has served long and faithfully, but his time is up as a physical being. Dominick, you know the house and the routines. The first thing you do is call his brother and his wife to alert them and arrange the burial facilities, and that is Mount Rose Cemetery. For your own reasons, Ron, you cannot plan very well because your mind is very dizzy today and you see very poorly.

Ron Besser  

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I want you to understand that I will speak the entire time and Dominick, when I am done, I will let you know and you will turn the Lightline off. Ron, cannot see easily. Now this: as your last Lightline in all probability, Ron, let it be known that Michael of Nebadon is making Lightlines permanently available through this process for the rest of the weeks of your lives. There is no end to the Lightlines, Dominick, and to those who operate the system. You will have your Monday Lightline, Elise, as long as you dare run a Lightline. The Tuesday Lightline Dominick is still yours. Please make sure you do it. It's too important to skip it, don't skip. That's for you too, Elise, if you can afford it.

Michael of Nebadon  
Third, I am Michael of Nebadon. Ron is losing his eyesight today. He can barely see the telephone to dial the number, but he did, and he got in fine. Thank you, Dominick, for being a second control. We're going to use you as the final control to turn the Lightline off at the end. And finally, this to you, Ron, the trial that you have is not immediate death. You're 82 years of age, and the eyes are all clouded because the brain's optic nerve is buried in the cortex, instead of lying loose to it. We don't know how that happened. This is the first time you've ever been almost blind. I. We'll try to work it out.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And finally, to those who are not real familiar with Ron Besser. He has been broadcasting eight years. He has also put up a website and has a patent for an electric plant. If they ever build that electric plant, they have a new concept in electricity. But no one listens when Ron says, we change electrons to muons, and it's the muon that carries the electricity to an antenna on your house, the antenna is connected to your electric box, and it converts immediately to electricity. That is what the patent does, and somehow or other, we're going to move it.

Furthermore, Dominick, you're the one who is going to inherit these Lightlines and the ways to do it. Remember this, Ron is always with you, with the Lightline and the other concerns that this operates well, and with Michael of Nebadon to Urantia. And finally, this for my own sayings: I am Michael of Nebadon. I am the Creator Son of Nebadon, and we own another small part in an organization called the Domicile (used to be called the Dominion). The Domicile, that is five other local universes that have joined with Nebadon to form a new unit, and eventually, Nebadon will be part of it and will rule parts of the Domicile, so that you have an unvarnished view of the universe that controls you.

Now this: today is September 1, 2024, on Urantia at approximately 2:10 p.m. for that reason that is New York time, by the way, we are going to assign to Ron a special voice. That voice is not Machiventa, but the Father Melchizedek. We now have a new Father Melchizedek, the old Father Melchizedek has not died. Supreme voices don't die. But what has happened is that the Universe to Nebadon has said you've got to clear up your orders to Urantia, to the Domicile, and to the system that you belong to, so that they understand there is no longer just a Creator Son by himself.

Let me remind you, in 2019 we had the release of the spirit of Nebadon. She had been broken into a recalcitrant supreme. She was taken from Nebadon and placed back on Paradise for repair. She will never come back to Nebadon. You no longer operate with a supreme spirit. It's just me, the Creator Son. But fortunately, I  have the Domicile, and there are six other Spirits available to me to use in the Domicile. And believe Me, I use every one of them. Nebadon is the first local universe to contain no spirit, no Creative Spirit We should say.

That's because the Creative Spirit has been moved to Paradise and is working there in other networks. I have elected to deal Nebadon without a Creative Spirit for all sorts of reasons. My primary reason is her work is done here. But the secondary reason is, we have invited the Supreme, the Supreme Spirit, to become the Spirit with me, to rule Nebadon. That is an extraordinary change that was never planned, but what happened to Nebadon and Urantia, My bestowal planet, has never been seen before, and that is how the Father has fixed it. Let me review it.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am now instituting in Nebadon the Supreme to replace the Creative Spirit. You will see a huge difference in how things go on Urantia, momentarily. Ron will be here. So will be the Supreme Court, and so will other artifacts We hope Ron is able to record for you and place it on the discussion forum. What do we do with others transmitting as groups? They're welcome to continue. Ron reasoned it through this morning and said, I am a little irritated at their ability not to join with other groups to make them stronger. But Machiventa Melchizedek is the spokesman for these other groups that have come online, and I am satisfied in my own heart that they are fine to transmit if that is what they wish. Now this: the trial that we have on Urantia is, I think, just about sevenfold. Let me iterate them. Number one, nation-states are always jealous of their appearance and their operation. Fortunately, the most powerful nation, the United States, takes it easily that a profound democracy includes others when they're ready. That has yet to be seen on Urantia, but Ron envisions the Parliament of Great Britain should share power in the Congress in some manner, I salute him. He is the first person to recognize that Great Britain and the United States are still one. And finally, this to you, Ron, the trial of Great Britain to you, has always been that you left it.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I love Great Britain.

Michael of Nebadon  
I know you do. Not in place of,

Ron Besser  
Oh no, not in place of the United States. That's my home. Thank you. Always is the heart fond of the home, and always is it for America. But I also love Great Britain. I wish the best for her. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am fully surprised at the depth of emotion you have for her. We will see to it.

Ron Besser  
The Queen of England has died. Charles is the monarch with Camilla as queen. Queen Elizabeth the Second is on mansion worlds with Philip, her consort. They have this to say, and I transmit.

Queen Elizabeth of England  
Thank you, Ron. I am the Queen of England.

Ron Besser  
And still are.

Queen Elizabeth of England  
Thank you, Ron. Philip and I wish to extend our thanks to you and your care for the queen and his consort, her consort. I have a tendency to say the appropriate words when referring to Philip. He is a his and he is a consort and is part of the government. However, I want to say this to you, Ron, your love of England is now well known. Mother, my mother, Queen Mary, knows of your care and wears a little badge from you, which you put there as a joke, but we see it as the love of England that you have for that too. We are fully extended, Ron. I only adjusted it so that you were the full length on my receiving signal.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I don't understand it Your Highness, but there are times that the transmission is partially riding the right area. It's now riding fully on the right area to receive fully what you wish to say. You are reporting to about 15 to 25 individuals that half believe that you're speaking.

Queen Elizabeth of England  
Well let me tell you this, my dear my dear children, I am the Queen of England, or I was. Death changes that, but not my feelings for her. Ron feels the same. He spent three long years in England, night and day. He loved it, but he loves his home too. He came home in 1968. On Christmas Eve, he received the horrible news that several of his best friends died in a plane crash in the Allegheny Mountains. That remains with him yet. All of them are up here and have spoken to him, but he misses them. I promise you, Ron, they shall be a part of your life.

Ron Besser  
I am so thankful. Thank you, Elizabeth.

Queen Elizabeth of England  
Thank you, Ron. And now this, Ron, you gave my mother, Queen Mary, a little badge. Oh yes, you speak fully to the mansion worlds all the time. We know you well, unfortunately, he can't tell you, it is privileged conversations, but he's done it now for two years, and you don't have a clue what he has learned. First of all, when I came over, he graciously said to me, you're my queen too.

Ron Besser  
I love the monarchy of Great Britain. I hope Great Britain somehow finds to join the governments of Great Britain and the United States someday. They are a powerful unit, and I believe that England is still a part of our homeland. I am fully American, America first, but England was my home for three years. I will never forget you. You're a lovely, beautiful home. Thank you. I

Michael of Nebadon  
Now this, this is Michael of Nebadon. The truth of the matter is, Ron, your three years in England was military.

Ron Besser  

Michael of Nebadon  
But you lived on an RAF Air Force Base.

Ron Besser  
That's correct. We were Brits in many cases.

Michael of Nebadon  
And what did you do?

Ron Besser  
Top secret, thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
What in the world did you leave with?

Ron Besser  
I'm not sure how to answer that. My tour of duty was over, and I ended it by leaving England, and that's about all I can say about it.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am referring to what you told the Queen yesterday.

Ron Besser  
Well, my mind is all blurred.

Michael of Nebadon  
You told her, all right, England should be a part of the ruling governments as the Atlantic powers.

Queen Elizabeth of England  
Oh, Ron, that's beautiful.

Ron Besser  
Somehow England should be part of our parliament, our Congress, and they should become united nations someday, somehow, that is my wish for England, and my wish for America. For England is truly the home of the first democracy.

Queen Elizabeth of England  
And finally, this to you, Ron: I am the Queen of England. What is the monarchy to you?

Ron Besser  
A lot of fun. Yes, yes, but I take you seriously. You, my queen, studied the government and were the expert in the parliament that knew how to keep it together and the compromises necessary for the political parties to understand you rule England, you don't rule the party.

Queen Elizabeth of England  
Yes, now you hear it. I hope that that is part of my legacy to the United States, to Great Britain, and somehow to that awful EU.

Ron Besser  
You're play acting me. I had no idea that you held the EU in that configuration. I am not happy with the EU personally, but you had a close contact being part of it. I don't know what it's like to be ruled by the EU.

Queen Elizabeth of England  
My dear, you send that message perfectly well. The EU along with the Commonwealth of Nations, must someday join together with the United States and become the great Atlantic and Pacific powers of the world. It isn't the English language, it's the English government. Many governments in the EU are like England. There's no need for change. But now that you view it, I now announce to you that I the monarch of England, Queen Elizabeth the Second, do hereby cherish you as the first student at least, of the new monarchy, that the governments of Parliament, parliamentary England, and the congressional records of The United (States) someday shall join as one government. You all love England and we all love America.

Ron Besser
May it come true, Queen Elizabeth, Philip, and the lovely Mary. Queen Mary too. Thank you.

Queen Elizabeth of England  
We turn this off, Ron.

Ron Besser  
I am so grateful for your speech. Thank you, Elizabeth and the monarchy that sees so clearly. Good day.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. You have spoken a future of the United States and England for about the year 2112. We're not going to speak to it any longer, but enjoy the thought those of you who enjoy England. Ron lived there three years. It's a second home to him. And now this to you, Ron, the entire idea of Lightline was yours with Me. We started it, oh, six or seven years ago as part of the teaching mission. It fell apart, and you alone revived it for this group, Ron. You didn't ask the permission of the other teaching mission subjects. They don't care for you because you do not carry the idea of a teaching mission. Today, you are now the teaching mission and not just a discussion forum. You dropped your jaw, Ron, you didn't

Ron Besser  
Oh, I never expected that. It's going to take some direction from you, Michael. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And it begins today. You are the Magisterial Foundation, Ron, that spends the money and sees to it that these Lightlines are up and a lot of other information that this group doesn't know about. You are our first Teaching Mission group, and I want you to change the labeling.

Ron Besser  
Oh, we will. I'm not quite sure what that entails, but we will.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron, and that is all I ask of you. Dominick, you will inherit most of this material. You take it seriously and are ready to even take Ron's home as your own. He gives it to you. It is an unusual and not an abstract union. You two have made it possible to preserve the Teaching Mission and all that we hope becomes part not only of the Teaching Mission, but the Magisterial Mission, and all of the teachings that go with the profound idea of a Magisterial Mission, very soon.

Let us speak to the magisterial mission. Now, what is the Magisterial Mission? It is as though I were there on the planet arranging a new era for you to live in. Ron desperately wanted to be part of it, but he can't be because he's dying. He's 82 and old enough to come to the mansion worlds. For that reason, ladies and gentlemen, I the monarch of Nebadon am decreeing Urantia, the magisterial sons and the missions to your planet, a sacrosanct moment of time wherein I pledge my fidelity to Urantia and to the worlds in the system to which Urantia belongs. Urantia belongs to a planetary system today of 619 planets. The truth of the matter is that five people have dropped off Ron because they thoroughly disagree.

Ron Besser  
Well, let them disagree.

Michael of Nebadon  
What we are announcing is that the magisterial sons no longer are going to hold forth on Urantia, but that I shall return along with our beloved Jesus, in about six weeks. The magisterial sons will hold their mission with us while the Jesus Mission proceeds. For reasons of state, Ron, they are joining, they are not leaving. This is an extraordinary session. I want it to be known to all of you. Ron can't count because his device is not working on his screen properly, but we expect it that you have over 20 listeners right now, and for that reason, we have a good enough audience to tell you this, I am the chief sovereign of Nebadon. I am the Creator Son, the creative spirit is no longer part of it, but we have a new deity. That is the Deity of Supremacy that has been given Urantia as His first gift of sovereignty in Nebadon.

This is an immense moment, people. I hope you talk about it, but I doubt that any of you understand what has happened today. Today is the first of September, 2024, it is 2:37 p.m. New York time as we speak this. Please be aware that there is now a new era on Urantia, the Deity Absolute, has declared Ron, the first human participant in the new era as a speaker for what has happened. What are you doing, Ron?

Ron Besser  
I am seeing in my mind, and I don't know why. Lit blocks as though they are dashes, but they're lit and they're blocks, and they are moving across the bottom of my mind with a stalk connecting them, almost in between. But they do not connect the blocks. They move between the blocks as though a connector, but they're not. I have no idea what I'm seeing.

Michael of Nebadon  
What you will see, Ron, when the blocks begin to connect, is that Dominick, Gitz, Elise, and the rest of your board will connect yourselves at 2709 and will become a divine speech and organization to speak my view of the humanitarian overview of what the Christ will accomplish on Urantia. You're the one that lasts. You're the one that takes it seriously. I know you do, Elise. You're not excluded. You are in this group. You need to be in the United States, Elise. Arrange it as best you can, when you can. There are no orders. You will be welcome in his home. And Ron, you are not dying. Yeah, you pulled your lips back a little and say, oh oh, what did I say? You said this. What do you see, Ron?

Ron Besser  
I see the symbol presented in my right eye and slightly onto my nose of a giant silver Angel Fish.

Michael of Nebadon  
And that is the symbol always given by the angels when they are importantly near you.

Ron Besser  
Yes, when I see that sign, an angel of great import is to speak to me or tell me something. I never mentioned it to this group.

Michael of Nebadon  
Let us ask the angel.

Ron Besser  
All right, I don't feel in communication with you yet, Angel.

Supernaphim 1131211  
Thank you, Ron. How perceptive! I am, a supernaphim from the Infinite Spirit. I greet you Ron through the Infinite Spirit. That's why you didn't feel me.

Ron Besser  
Well, whatever we can communicate, supernaphim?

Supernaphim 1131211  

Ron Besser  
Please go ahead. Thank you.

Supernaphim 1131211  
So you can identify me, everyone. I am supernaphim, and I give you the last digits of my serial number on Paradise, 1131211. 1131211

Speaker 1  
If I skipped a digit somewhere in there, use the first dictation.

Supernaphim 1131211  
And finally, this to you, Ron, you are the only one on Urantia that has the voice of the Supreme. You did 20 years ago, 10 years ago, whenever. The truth of the matter is that you had difficulty learning to transmit anything you had, let me see from 1988 to 2010, actually 28, a blank period where we refused to allow you to transmit. You finally were able to transmit after Machiventa Melchizedek taught you.

Ron Besser  
That is right, angel.

Supernaphim 1131211  
You have gone through the Teaching Mission without a voice.

Ron Besser  
Unfortunately, yes.

Supernaphim 1131211  
You now have the voice of a new Teaching Mission.

Ron Besser  
I am extraordinarily gratified and thankful. Thank you for the honor.

Supernaphim 1131211  
Thank you. It's the gift of the Infinite Spirit, The Eternal Son, and Father is still stroking his chin.

Ron Besser  
All right, that's fine. I thank you. However long it may last, thank you.

Universal Father  
It will last forever, Ron, this is the Universal Father. You thought today may be your last Lightline.

Ron Besser  
May I explain just briefly?

Universal Father  

Ron Besser  
I am almost blind. The problem is that, as they move me closer to accepting work with the Supreme Court, I become more and more less visible, or that is, I don't see as well. I rely on Dominick for so much, and I'm so grateful for him to take care of the things I can't see well enough to safely do. My relations in the family do not know of it. They could care less. So I work with those that care for me, and I care for them. For reasons of state, I'm told to shut up. All right.

Universal Father  
This is Father. Ron, you have not told anything I didn't want known, but they should not know your personal workings because they tend to dismiss what you say as a fabrication. I assure you, whatever Ron has said, its not. He has an extraordinary patent to electrify the world. The best we have done is that a kid in Brazil knows it's real and tries to help. Can you believe it? I think the kid in Brazil is going to get my primary attention if he can connect us at all. Secondly, Dominick, your friend Ron, has been precious to you.

Ron Besser  
Oh, yeah, I couldn't live the last year well without him, he doesn't know that. The truth of the matter is that all of the friends and the needs I have are taken well care of here. I have no need for anything outside. It's all taken care of here, thanks to those I mentioned. And fully to all of those that I don't mention, but who are loyal listeners, and I know by name, I want you to join me when I go over with a little prayer. Ron, are you there? Let me see if I can report back. They're really fussy about that, but Dominick will have to initiate the call, and then the other transmitters get used to my voice if I'm allowed to do it. Michael tells me not all permissions are given, and they may never all be given, but at least for a little while, noisy one wants to be in contact with you and will dictate a Lightline. That is, according to Michael, I can't insist on upon any such thing.

Michael of Nebadon  
And finally, this is Michael of Nebadon to you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Yes, Michael. Just a minute.

Michael of Nebadon  
Ron has picked up something, we think it's from the Deity Absolute. But when he is introduced to me as the Creator Son. He bows his head. I have never had that accolade given to me.

Ron Besser  
It is a student before the Creator Son, saying, I welcome you, Creator Son, thank you for taking time to speak to me.

Michael of Nebadon  
It is an honor given between good friends up here. I allowed him to bow two weeks ago. He didn't know or understand, but he automatically bows when I enter. When you are told to pick up the habit, do it joyfully, when Michael comes into your consciousness, not as a dictation, but as a transmission to you just put the head down slightly and bring it back up. I enjoy the bow, and Ron has done it beautifully.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And now to all of you at the near end of this Lightline, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. This is a new instruction. Spread it on the discussion forum at least. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I have been taken from my duties in Nebadon to Paradise. There I am instructed to become what I need to be on Urantia with the Magisterial Sons and the Creator Son. I'm about done with my instructions, I am now assigned permanently to Urantia as a side assignment.

What do I do? First of all, one, I make sure you have the dignity of a paradise citizen on Urantia of developing your ways to be a planet. Number two, I am instituting a new thing in which I allow the Melchizedeks to teach again. In 2019 that was closed off because they thought that we were instituting the bribery of the Magisterial Sons over the Creator Son. That's never been true, and we are going to enjoin, with the Magisterial Sons and the Creator Son, to bring these missions to you. Ron, you are in the first part of the mission already.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you. Ron provided a little scenario here that we do not repeat. He is our first subject because of it. He has invited the planetary government to see to it that the Domicile, that which rules Nebadon eventually, is now part of Urantia and that it is part of the installation of Machiventa Melchizedek as the new Planetary Prince.

Ron Besser  
One moment. For your information. I asked for that moment people, this is Ron. I am seeing with my eyes closed because they water. A huge, dark question that begins at my left eyebrow. The top of the question mark goes over the top of my head, and the period under the question mark rests under my chin. I've literally got a huge question mark on my face. I go back to Machiventa, if I may.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Is there any meaning to that or is that crazy mind doing the work?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
No, beautifully stated, Ron. I am Machiventa Melchizedek people. The Magisterial Sons are withdrawing. The Planetary Prince, Mantutia Melchizedek is withdrawing. The planetary Prince of Urantia is withdrawing. In their place is a series of individuals with corporeal bodies, that are the Supreme Liaison. The first planet ever to receive it, to Urantia. You need another Lightline to understand what has just happened. Ron, would you take the Lightline later today?

Ron Besser  
I would be honored. We have a problem because the world listens. Right now it is about, oh, boy, I can't even add now. Three o'clock in the Netherlands is six hours, so you're 9:00 p.m. about. If we make it too much longer, those in the Netherlands are going to be near midnight. I don't know if they can keep awake.

Ron, this is Elise, for Elise, do what you need.

Ron Besser  
Well, I need instructed, Elise.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. And it's this Ron. This Lightline is to be truncated in about two minutes. Your Lightline for today, the first of September, 2024, will have an additional Lightline at 6:00 p.m. New York time.

Ron Besser  
I'm sorry, Elise, that put you near midnight, but that is what the Deities request, 6:00 p.m. today, the first of September, I believe. I can't, my eyes are so blurry I can't read the date. In any case, there is an extraordinary announcement coming.

Michael of Nebadon  
I Michael of Nebadon did not intend to ever to say anything about it, but Ron's service is so well done that I want to tell you what is in store for you at 6:00 p.m. New York time today, to join the Lightline, same place, same station.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. You're fine. You're safe. Welcome Dominick when he arrives. I want you to broadcast with Dominick in the room with you. You are to use his phone as the connection. He will connect you and put the phone at your chair. There's a reason for this, Dominick. Go over there as soon as you can and learn the reason. What are you seeing, Ron?

Ron Besser  
I'm not making any sense out of it. I am seeing what looks like a barn swallow. Look it up online. They are birds that love barns. They roost in them. They just love being in them. We have a couple. They are a rare bird. You don't see them very often, and a city dweller doesn't know what I mean. But here we have a barn swallow or two. They will only come to a barn. They won't come to the house or the garage or the shop, always to the barn.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
That is you and Dominick, Ron. You will come to the barn this evening because I only speak in the barn now. We will tell you in the coming weeks. Now Ron says, well, I'm dying, I don't expect to see much. But you're not.

Ron Besser  
Well, that's quite a statement. I am seeing a giant, what is it, a Condor? I'm not even sure. We don't even have them around here, but that's more Texas and the western states. Condors are huge birds, black, and I'm seeing a Condor over me, kind of dipping its wings in the air currents. I have no idea of the meaning.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
It's this, Ron. You and Dominick will hold forth with visitors to 2709, that's your address, Sunset Lane, and you will hear what we propose in these missions that we don't want to speak in an open forum. You are already into the missions. You don't speak it publicly. And finally, to all of you, it is now 3:03 here in York, Pennsylvania, and we have used all of our time for the present Lightline. I'm asking Ron, for you to hold a light line at 6:00 p.m. New York time.

Ron Besser  
That is midnight, your time, Elise, and anyone listening in Europe, we're sorry. It's not even dark here at 6:00 p.m. I did say 6:00 p.m?

Machiventa Melchizedek  

Ron Besser  
Why am I getting a picture of a clock at 6:30?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I'm not sure.

Universal Father  
This is the Father, Ron. For my own reason, cut 6:00 p.m. off. You are to open the Lightline with Dominic at 6:30. You have a profound announcement to be heard. Those of you in European time its going to make you sleepy tomorrow, but do tune in, if you can. Ron will conduct that meeting at 6:00 p.m. today. Same place, same station. We now leave.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Father, thank you Michael, and thank all of the technicians that make this possible. That concludes our Lightline Dominick, I would say goodbye to everybody, and if you would take control and turn us off, if you would please. Thank you.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)