Author Topic: Tues LL ARTHURA. Cosmology and Our Relationship with Deity 09.03.24  (Read 4565 times)

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Tues LL ARTHURA. Cosmology and Our Relationship with Deity

Ron and MICHAEL et al provided Mission updates in 2nd half of the LL

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: Tues LL ARTHURA. Cosmology and Our Relationship with Deity 09.03.24
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2024, 08:40:32 am »
  • 090324 Audio Tape Tuesday Light Line USA; Host: Dominick. Other transmitter:  Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Cosmology & our relationship with Deity; Conflicts of existence become adequately resolved when you attain Cosmic citizenship through fusion; Deity & Divinity; Mechanisms for visible mission on Urantia are now ready but await the go-ahead.
  • Speakers: Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon and Supreme Court over Urantia.
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
Okay, today is Tuesday lightline, September 3rd, 2024, and we welcome Roger, your number 15, to the call. We say a quick prayer to our Father. Connect to our Father within with prayer to Michael, our Lord Jesus and we pray and request for clear and clean and safe circuitry ready to receive transmission and accurately scribe your communications. And together as a group, we ask this of you, Father. Amen.

Is there anyone to receive today? I'm here reporting for service. As a transmitter, I have to say it’s a bit difficult to receive transmissions in the style I've been receiving them in the past. So for me personally, this is sometimes a welcome transition as my mind is rather an empty vessel. The difference is that the mind isn't necessarily an empty vessel. It's full of noise; various degrees, which I'm not sure interferes or not, but we'll see. So bear with me.

This is Arthura. I have promised in the past to step in whenever there is a blank space to be filled in a lightline. Please tune in and feel at ease and be at peace. I am Arthura. You may call me what you will with the pronunciation. We know the invocation and we respond. I get to respond as a personality.

Therefore, I am Arthura. I speak to you plainly. I speak to you on your level. I am what you would describe as an ultra-high deity. That describes my origins. It describes my relative location in a vast universe. The basic jurisdiction of an entity typically has a personality. You are familiar with the jurisdiction and boundary as an individual entity.

Realize you are an entity who is endowed with a personality. You understand the word and the concept of an entity that could also be missing a personality. You are an individual which also at this young stage of your career also means you are limited perception. We call the word finite.

The word finite is just a subsection or a particle in the wave of infinity. And you have many other examples you like to use, like the drop in the ocean. Now there are various conflicts in your existence as a finite entity that is also endowed with a personality. And those are conflicts that are not easy to be resolved.

But the attainment of that resolution of resolving these conflicts of existence only become adequately resolved when you attain what is called cosmic citizenship. And this typically involves or most certainly involves a phase transition from an animal endowed with spirit to a spirit being with various endowments that can be sub-spiritual.

For example the revealed word of morontial, which indicates a, you could call it a quasi-plasmic phase that's not wholly material nor wholly spiritual. Until that happens, you are this personality entity in finite status with an animal vehicle that's powered by electrochemical features of your mind. And that mind connects to the spiritual mind of cosmic mind. Infinite mind in the mind of your Creator and the mind of the Universal Creator which strives to synchronize or fuse with your mind and certainly is mostly concerned with that process in the contingency that you do not achieve cosmic citizenship while still in the flesh and therefore, does life necessitate a resistance to a life of ease so that the spiritual entity you are evolving and destined to become is strengthened and full of vitality and character growth.

That combined with your decisions throughout life, for example, your moral compass and your aims in life together with your intentions and decisions and behaviors. And so some of these conflicts are that you are designed to be an individual, but as an individual you are dependent on others and therefore need to be a social creature to survive.

This is the beginning of the lessons around cooperation. Therefore, is cooperation designed to be hardwired into a human entity and free will allows for a range of motion in choice and mind weighing of values and meanings to both synchronize with the mind of spirit, which is many and multiple in it's, if you think of it as a bunch of wiring, there's no recipe of the green wire goes first, the yellow wire second. You as humans have a very diverse path of how those wires get synchronized with the circuitry of spirit.

The circuitry of spirit is best equated with your concept of deity, not divinity. Divinity is more of the state of being. And deity is the spirit entity that facilitates divinity. Without a relationship to the deity your state of divinity is partial and incomplete and to be determined.

It is this fusion with deity known as the Universal Father that does ensure your cosmic citizenship. Until then, really the best progress you can imagine to attain to short of this fusion, which is equated with the chariot of fire, the best that Urantia seems to be capable of doing is having the deity within you to confirm your ultimate attainment, meaning your future attainment, is on track to fuse with spirit.
In other words, you can graduate in a transition and be satisfied upon your inevitable death that you have attained the most fundamental and purposeful meaning of life. And despite how you may have thought you lived, the reality will follow you upon your resurrection, which is what the Lord has created and promises you. This is where the Creator sovereign lord of the universe certainly starts to become a more hands-on approach because you will be resurrected and your personality as an entity is this resurrection.

The building of your spiritual vitality and health to house this spiritual entity in a resurrection is not a resurrection of your material body. Your material body has died on the planet of your origin, and this is your new morontial body, which is this phase transition between material and spirit. You have left the material, but you are not wholly, entirely spiritual yet. We use the word wholly as in a whole loaf of bread not to be confused with something like Holy Spirit. We mean wholly Spiritual as in entirely Spiritual.

Your holiness really depends on your own personal worship of the Universal Father and your prayers which reach Him and your Lord assures that they do. Everyone is working together, you could say. There is a grand cooperation between the deities in this very important work of designing you, nurturing you, and then resurrecting you and guiding you through this phase transition.
Until that is achieved you are finite in the most limited entity sense. And therefore must you always eat humble pie and life has a way of reminding you of your limitations but those are not yours to lament. But it does create a very large scale conundrum for the divine administrations and administrators who, like the concept of a phase transition, represent various ascending and descending phases of entities.
And the ones that are relevant to you mostly are the ones endowed also with personalities. These are the entities who are your spiritual brothers and sisters in the registry of universe personalities. And these range from anywhere within your local area, your local neighborhood, which is the universe of your Lord, Sovereign, Creator's domain and your origin, but then expands to the grand universe that includes all of space and time. The farthest reaches of your telescopes and beyond.

And then you still have an origin dilemma and this affect your ideas about cosmology today which if you didn't take yourself so seriously, you could also chuckle at. For example, in witnessing the spatial oscillations of the boundaries of time and space, you could think of it as space respirations. The evidence of that is wildly inflated with the notions of perpetual expansion or eventual collapse and destruction.

Much easier is it for you to existentially resolve that anxiety, that existential anxiety, with the concept of time-space oscillation. Now, this is so easy to prove in concept. For example, some moons around your planet that gravity oscillation creates heat on those moons.
Do not allow the cosmological blackmail of your existence through the fatalistic concepts of guaranteed destruction. Lights and life is a concept that the space bodies themselves are now oscillating in a stasis and harmony of coherent coexistence and that accidents of time and space are more or less removed because of the coordination.

Interestingly enough, you could imagine that such harmony is only possible with the coexisting personality entities of the universe applying the conditions that make this so. And that is why it is necessary to both reveal to you what these various orders of beings are, their functions and their usefulness to you. And without it, you are blind and dangerous to yourselves and through the manipulations of entities and beings who have fallen from grace and call themselves divine but are destined to be without correction, mercy and justice those personality entities would be stricken from the records of personality existence in the registries of time and space.

I hope this gives you a little bit of context as to the eye on the prize is your resurrection first. Jesus revealed this simple religion of man, which is actually a truth and not a religion of man. And that is if you have faith you may enter the kingdom. And that starts with your resurrection. And then entails further education and conditioning in the phase transition to become a cosmic citizen. Until that occurs, you in the eyes of the universe do not yet have full status as either a real entity with registry status.

Therefore, should you conclude that this spiritual stuff we talk about is what is ultimately real. You can experience this, but to take that personal experience and make it part of another person's experience is most difficult and it is like describing a celestial body like a planet that you cannot see but you can infer based off of gravity behavior of the space environment around it.

I am Arthura and my origins are outside the grand universe into something ever expanding which exceeds the boundaries of the oscillating space respiration of the grand universe of space and time. I will meet you there one day.

Until then, try to be at peace on a material planet where that is hard to come by. And while it is not designed purposely to give you material bliss and harmony and ease, you can attain the individual prize of peace in your inner mind, connected and connecting with the deity circuitry of God within and attaining your divinity in cooperation and worshipful recognition of that within you, which is the key to your divinity. Good day.

Thank you, Arthura. Is there anyone else there? I have a slight dilemma, this is Dominick speaking, in that we're at 2.35, and when there's a dead space like this, that's where Arthura is supposed to come in. But here we are.
There's 15 of us on the call. Welcome Jose back. Ron, wake up. I'm going to come to you. If you could, could you give us some context from today…?

Ron Besser
Can you hear me Dominick?

Yes, and I'm muting myself. Thank you.

Ron Besser
All right. I do not even have my, my usual computer stuff to tell me, how I'm connected. I take it on faith that I'm connected to you and, and, I am making a report.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron was up until 6 a.m. this morning all night. He has taken a message from Michael of Nebadon and the Magisterial Sons and posted them. We have removed them from the post, primarily because what he spoke was not fully the truth.

He received a transmission at about 2 a.m. and he placed it on the usual lineup so that you all could read it. But what has happened is that his transmission was pulled down by the Deity Absolute as too direct and too, shall we say, early.

Ron reported before he went to bed at 5.30 this morning that the magisterial missions had opened. They have opened, but they are not visible or listenable to any of you until Michael finally decides whether Urantia is going to have this mission or not.
For that reason, Ron was up until about 5.30 this morning transmitting, and the transmissions have been pulled down, not by Ron, but by the Deity Absolute as premature. What we want to tell you is this.

In about six hours, and that puts us at about 8 p.m. Atlantic time, there is a decision to be made by Michael of Nebadon, just how the missions to Urantia shall proceed. Ron had Michael on Urantia this morning. Well, Michael is still on Salvington, but Ron was truly dictated to that he was on Urantia. He left at about 5.30 a.m. and just went to bed. He didn't get up until about 1.30 p.m. Atlantic time. To those who are trying to figure out what he's talking about, the transmissions that he received are viable and true.

But what he received is not ready to be spoken to, to most of you. He received that the missions were opened and that the Magisterial Sons had taken control of Urantia. That was quite real and it will be quite real in about two hours. That means somewhere around 4 or 5 p.m. Atlantic time, you will hear the initial strains of the missions to Urantia.

This should be a shock to your system. Most of you think, well, another report, another day. That was true until this morning when Ron received our reports that have been truncated off of your posts. You can't see them. Ron made the report. What I want to tell you, I am Machiventa Melchizedek, is the following; Number one, we are not going to go to the usual mission status. That is Melchizedek's primarily. For reasons of state, number two, we are reporting that the mechanisms for a mission to be visible on Urantia are now in place.

All of the preparatory work for audio and vision are now in place to operate on Urantia when we say go. We have not said go, in spite of what Ron reported this morning at 5.30 a.m. What we must ascertain is whether Urantia is truly ready to receive a divine mission.
Ron says to me we should go about our business and be the divine messengers of a mission, regardless of so-called preparation by the people. The problem with that, Ron, is that if we push it too hard, you're going to get a revolt by the usual person to stand back and refuse to ask the question, where am I? I don't hear anything.

That question is pertinent to a few, but the majority of people on Urantia, and that includes the United States, are really ready to hear. But we must make a change to the volume. How do we do that? We decide just how you are to hear the mission.
Ron had us speaking eventually to a mass broadcast using your media. I happen to agree this is the most efficient, but it is not the only way we can approach it. What has been decided? And listen carefully.

The entire region called North America, that's Canada, United States, and will include Mexico. But Central America and South America are far too premature to hear anything. They are prone to mass hysteria.

The United States and the people and Europe, particularly Great Britain, is mature enough to receive an announcement. They will not know what to do. We don't care about that. But the problem becomes, how do we sustain our broadcast? How do we sustain our appearance before you? Because we have decided that the divine missions to Urantia are no longer possible in a standard format.
The war in Israel and Gaza is disgusting. We will have nothing further to do with that problem. It will be isolated, covered up, and they will have to deal with what they do once they understand that we are not supplying any further power, either on one side or the other. The war in Israel and Gaza will end because it dribbles into peace.

Michael of Nebadon
And finally this: We are Michael of Nebadon now. Thank you, Ron. We are speaking with Machiventa Melchizedek in order for all of you to hear the situation. This morning, I, Michael of Nebadon, received the fact that Ron had reported me in a various number of posts, but you only saw one post, that I had entered Urantia and had decided on the size of the mission to you all of you.
Ron does not count the fact that only you hear the broadcast. There is no mass media. There is no direct way to insist what is to be heard. But we are making it clear to all of you that you have heard the truth and that it shall proceed.

The following;
There is no mission until I decide if it's worth it. Number two, all of you are excluded from my disgust with the usual activities on Urantia that always lead to sides and war. China is to be spanked. The United States is to be reminded. There are powers beyond the United States.

And finally this to you, Ron. You have trouble getting awake. You worked until 5:30 this morning to make those posts. Those posts are still visible and people are reminded they are the truth. Except this. We're not instituting what they say until tomorrow which is the fourth of September, not the third.

And finally this to you Ron, you will not be put into sleep. You are very tired of in and out of those conditions. You will not die but you will be revived to speak the truth as long as there is an internet. We have to tell you all the situation.

First of all, Urantia is still covered by insurrection. Second, the insurrection is insisting that Ron be killed. Third, we will not have any such discussion, but we will make it sure that Ron is protected. And that is to give him sleep occasionally so he is not in the circuitry to open to the rebels.

Many of you do not fully understand what is happening. Well, let me be sure that you do. First of all, there is no longer a cabal on Urantia. Second, the government we had instituted with Mantutia Melchizedek, and the other Melchizedeks has now been dissolved not.

We have strengthened the Urantia government fully enough so that all of you may participate once more. Up until 5 a.m. this morning, and that's Atlantic Time, New York Time, we had no control directly of the Urantia program. Ron, Dominick, and the other transmitters on this program had control. Now we have control with you.

Don't worry what that means, just understand that our own meaning is understood by ourselves and we are now in full control of Urantia, and the auspices of what it means to have a mission. Second of all. Please understand that I, Michael of Nebadon, am the Creator Son. My first responsibility is to the universe of Nebadon. I will never place Nebadon in a way that it defaults into error.

This individual is reporting truthfully. He works very hard to make sure there is no invasion. Occasionally it happens and he withdraws transmissions. Right now you are getting the transmission fully and truthfully. There are six seraphim around him as he sits and transmits. They are attempting to break in.

To those six seraphim, you are not in the reality that you can make any change to these broadcasts. But I'm warning you, if you attempt to use your seraphic powers we will make sure you are cut down. No waiting for judgment.

Second of all, please understand that all of you are listening not to the last lightline, thanks to Dominick, but you are listening probably to the last broadcast this man can make and still be alive. The reason is that Ron is being transferred not to the usual squabbles of internet transmission, but to his eventual resting place on high. He went to bed about 5.37 this morning and he slept until about half hour before he is connected here. He didn't sleep well, but he got some rest.

For reasons of state, then, let me tell you this while we have the microphone. The truth is that the patent that Ron has for free electricity and the various auspices he has put into place so you can listen freely to the deity voice will be maintained. Dominick is faithful and well done in doing this. And it is given to you, Dominick, to ensure that it remains a program, whatever happens to Ron, or frankly, what even happens to you in certain respects.

And fully this to the audience. You are the faithful. You're the ones who always listen to these transmissions and to our other views through other means. Starting today, there will be no further light lines until we are sure that the transmissions we make are not held in contempt by the Cabal or those who rebel outside of the Cabal. Unfortunately, you have two rebel forces.

One is the Seraphic group, which control how we get onto lightlines, and another group which is attempting to take control of those portions of Uversa that control the administration to the planets, particularly in Nebadon.

Those of you who are not sophisticated enough to know the network of universe law and order, Urantia exists in time and space with a mature population that should know better, but it can't get its act together. For example, the EU is not making any worthwhile attempt to stay the execution of the hostages in Gaza.

The individuals who are the rebels in Gaza will pay a heavy price. The war's end will not end soon. Israel must make sure it has absolute control. And Iran is making sure it does not. For reasons of state, I dare not go further. But please be aware that a general war may erupt.
And Ron, what do you see?

Ron Besser
I see a large angel fish, and that is always a symbol to me of a new presence of the Paradise Supernaphim. Should I pause, Michael?

Michael of Nebadon
No, I just want you to be aware that you are now protected because the rebels have now issued a mandate to kill you. Ron's not alone. These lightlines are the last voice I have to you in individual ways for you to hear me. Have a voice.

Ron's voice is almost famous around the world because he hears and does perfectly well. He now has a mechanism in his own mind that will shut down in an attempt to overtake his mind by rebels. He doesn't sleep well, primarily because the rebels are constantly stabbing his legs. His legs from the knees down are full of wounds. We are going to make that less attributable to the power of pain and make sure that Ron is whole before he dies.
Now, let me remember and remind you for your memory the following.

Ron Besser
One moment. I'm being re-inserted into the surface connection. There's a fight going on. Just a minute.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael Ron, excellent Ron. Just keep transmitting. We are fighting the cabal tooth and nail. Yeah, keep your naming to yourself, Ron. It's hard.

Ron Besser
Yes, yes, I know. I just called them bastards.

Michael of Nebadon

on Besser
One moment.

Michael of Nebadon
Now, this is Michael, I'm in full control. Ron, you are the memory of what Urantia was and what it may be. What it will be, will be visible to you tomorrow. How will it be visible? All of those who can transmit will hear in your mind, I am here. I am here. Urantia is cleared.

We wish Ron's voice were more sonorous, but he has only one vocal cord left. They have attacked the voice box and his ability to hear easily. But when we come in full force as we are now, he easily transmits.

Now, what does this mean to you directly? Well, we're sorry to say, nothing will be directly visible or audibly visible to you.
Second of all, the trial of Ron's voice will be improved. They have tried to kill him over the past three days, and we do not permit a close enough transmission to pull the mechanisms that cause death.

There are six of you on this transmission who can transmit as easily as Ron. Ron wishes you would do it more often, but he knows that the protocol and the usual way of broadcast is through these auspices.

Yet you are going to have to learn to put yourself into the condition of transmission without our signal. Many of you say, oh, I need permission. No, you don't. Don't use it as an excuse. But I would suggest that you transmit, make a post out of it, keep your tape as a memory, and press the post into this discussion forum so people know the true situation that I, Michael of Nebadon, must face.
The war in Gaza has us buffaloed. Israel will not relent until everything is dust. They called for it. And now they must take it. The United States fleet is now in those waters. It is a potent force. Iran should watch out.

Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is playing both ends against the middle. They will never become a diplomatic tool again unless they show some fortitude.

And finally, Iran. They have been nothing but problems because of their religious nature. We are seeing to it that Iran receives a message at the highest levels and that it either desists or is no longer a government. We can do it.

Now this; We realize it is about seven minutes after 3 p.m. on the East Coast of the United States. Ron is holding forth in what is now overtime on Dominick's lightline. Dominick, please be patient while we finish this. Hold it open and then we'll pass it back to you for whatever else you would like to say or do.

It's this. I am Michael of Nebadon. I will not transport any further information to you until there is a clearance of the Israeli war and that the powers, particularly the United States, bring its fleet back to the Atlantic coastline of the United States, Virginia.
For reasons of state, Ron will persist in spite of dizziness, poor eyesight, and the availability to not even take care of himself very well. He is intellectually secure and available for posting. He has a problem just relating to individuals in his home. Dominick, you are the primary one to come here. Make sure you get here today, because I have a message for you and Ron together. I don't want to broadcast.

And fully to you, Dominick, you have been loyal, secure, and ready to help Ron. That has been so important to Michael of Nebadon and to the rest of the powers here on Salvington that we're going to provide you, Dominick, the following. One, if Ron deceases, then you are in control of the communication cycles that Ron presents online as these lightlines. Make sure you continue them, please. Number two, Ron has a beautiful patent. He can't get anyone to listen except Brazil. And Brazil is too poor to take it on.

Number three, the entire region known as the Atlantic coastline is all in probability going to take a fierce hurricane. That is not a natural hurricane. That is a hurricane that blows up off the coast, probably of Georgia or South Carolina. It will ramage. It will ream the coast. Why? It's not a natural hurricane, but we are going to finalize the power of the cabal to do anything. The hurricane is a result of forces in the atmosphere that we must shut down, but there is one last storm out of it. Don't ask how it's related. It is related. When it passes, people, believe me, you're in a new era.

Now this; Ron is breathing so he has a natural voice. That is expected. The cabal is almost dead. There is no more force on you, Ron.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Secondly, we are speaking through a voice mechanism to Ron in a circuit. You are all listening. Ron does not have the normal pedigree of software to see today, so Dominick, you must be in full control. We will turn this back to you to end this lightline if you wish.

And finally this, Ron, you will live just fine. It's going to take a moment or two to wash out what they have tried to put into your mind. And that is an end to the transmissions. It just will not happen.

And finally to all of you, the loyal audience. Keep yourself attuned. Dominick, Ron, perhaps Amethyst, certainly Elise and the others who do transmit will be available off and on through the day for the next week. We will not necessarily announce a lightline to hear. Go in to see if there is any activity. It's too irregular to say when it will be. And fully to you, Ron. You will finally wake up and be fine.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Speak it, Ron.

Ron Besser
For the past two days, and this is Ron, I have been put into sleep at a most inconvenient time. I cannot go out and check the mail because I can't walk right. That is a force that has hit my knees and the long muscles behind my legs so hard that I can barely move without a cane. That is, I'm told, to end. It's been put on top of me. My body is not naturally crippled.

And finally, this to you, Michael. I want to thank you, the Magisterial Sons, and all of the Divine personnel and adages that have made these lightlines possible with me. Today I dreamed that I was passing. I am told that is cabal. Thank goodness. Because I'm only 82, I am in fine health. But the cabal insists on larding me with seraphim around me, who insist that I must die. I hear it all the time.
I am furious enough to let them know in unpleasant language what I think of them. But they are the power. I am just a little human. And finally to you, Michael. Thank you for all that you have provided to me and made available with me, to me, and for me. And then to this group.

I am not going anywhere and I am insisting on transmissions, but the new era, folks, and listen carefully, will not include us necessarily. There is a whole planet called Urantia that must hear them first. I am told that this transmission quality that I have will be used, but I am totally unsure what they mean by that and how.

Stay tuned, for the coming week will be full of surprises. The United States is deep into a presidential election. I'm furious that we have the situation we do. But that will be cleared finally, and we will go back to our normal routine after this election. That is a promise by Michael.

And finally, to all of you, the loyal listeners and carriers of the truth. I am Ron Besser. I have served you for 10 years in this capacity. I am asking to remain and to serve yet. Yet Michael tells me that I have reached the age that I must make a difficult decision.
And that decision is either to remain as a witness to these missions or to go over and serve in a Paradise Trinity organization called the Supreme Court. I have been invited to serve there with others that you know. I accept wholeheartedly.

But I also know my Thought Adjuster has plans for me as well. I accede to my Adjuster fully and thank him for his services. And finally, to the Supreme Court. Over Urantia and operating now with me. One moment.

Supreme Court over Urantia
I am the Supreme Court. Urantia is under double attack. The Seraphic rebellion is in full swing. There is now another rebellion by Vorondadek Sons. On the whole, the sons called Vorondadek are fully faithful and doing their work. But there are three around Ron right now that wishes death. They do not have a choice or a chance. We are the Supreme Court over Urantia, and we dictate the following.
One. Those personnel, including Vorondadek Sons and Seraphim, who insist that the life of Ron is truncated, are removed. We know who you are, and we know your lethality.

Two. The missions for Urantia, which you are all familiar with, are now reinstated to be open today at 5 p.m. New York time. 5 p.m. today, September the 3rd, New York time. The missions are open. Don't expect anything, but expect everything.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon. We have said a great deal more than we intended to, and it always seems to happen with Ron when he is able to broadcast. We're asking Dominick at the conclusion of this speech to take control of the circuitry, say what he wishes, and then shut it down, regardless of the time involved.

And finally this to you, Ron. Dress and be in a normal fashion and make sure that Dominick is there by 4 p.m. We have something mighty important for both of you to hear. It's a shame that Gitz and the others of the board can't be in the living room with Ron. Ron has asked for you to come north, but it is exceedingly difficult for you, Stephen. But come north. You are needed when you can.

Finally to you Elise, stay the course. You're finding it rocky. All of us are finding it rocky. Stay in your schedule, please. You will learn as you do your schedule what is to occur for you and for Ron in the United States. For he has decided that you are to come to the United States as soon as he has the requisite organizations in place.

Dominick you and Ron are to discuss the organization through which you will operate in a month. You will not die, Ron, although you feel like it at the moment.

And finally this to you Dominick, you had made possible the life of Ron in the last six months just by being there. Don't take it as routine. It's not. Ron deeply appreciates it. He calls you his brother and you are.

Now this to the rest of you. You are his brother and sisters too. He has worked hard over the last 20 years to make these lightlines visible, available, and hearable. He will be empowered to see to certain things that are to be done with a discussion forum and other measures that he has control, and that they will be placed in their final placement shortly.

And finally to you Dominick, this is Michael of Nebadon. We are done through speech with Ron. Would you please take it back and thank you ladies and gentlemen for listening.

Ron Besser
From Ron, thank you for your association with this group and with me. I thank you. Go ahead, Dominick.

Thank you, Ron, and thank you everyone for listening. Steve, Ron, myself, Donna, Larry, Elise, George M., Roger R., Robert L., Lena, Amato, George H., Salvador, Roger K., and Jose. Thank you, and everyone else reading in the future. For example, P-Jammer, we always love to read your feedback and everybody else. Have a good day.