Author Topic: Lightline Wednesday, 4 September, 2024  (Read 2880 times)

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Offline SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Wednesday, 4 September, 2024
« on: September 04, 2024, 17:32:35 pm »
This is the Wednesday Lightline with Dominick Ohrbeck as your host,
and Lemuel speaking about his recent experiences 

The link to the tape:

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: Lightline Wednesday, 4 September, 2024
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2024, 06:56:09 am »
Hello, this is Tuesday, no, Wednesday, lightline, and there are 13, 14 of us currently on the call. And this is Dominick, and we're opening, and we have a special return. We're all happy to see and hear you, Lemuel. See you online and hear your voice. Would you care to pleasure us with a lightline today?

Well yes, yes if I may. Yes of course.

Go ahead.

Do you want me to? Alright, thank you. Well, before, first of all, welcome everyone. And it's good for me to be back here after quite some time. You know, I've had two operations in a short space of time and my body was really knocked out. But I'm fine now, not 100%, but I'm getting there.

And I think it would be a good idea for me to explain something that's happened this morning whilst I was listening to the tape of your lightline yesterday, Dominick, when Ron started to transmit and I suddenly felt a release. A lightness and I became aware that to a great extent over the past few months, apart from the fact that I've been here with operations, etc. I have also been held in the group of the cabal.

And I mixed two things up, thinking that it is all physical, you know, with my operations and my age and that sort of thing not realizing that it's also the cabal that has got to me with a result that my thoughts of doubt and increase in disinterest in what has been taking place recently on the forum and the transmissions. Almost to the extent where I was beginning to deny all of it as Gobbledygook. Well, that's not the case since my improvement physically and my strength has increased.
And I have also been doing some physical exercises, with cycling, static cycling that is. So my strength has been improving. But these doubts that I've had were really quite strong. And yet this morning, all that suddenly lifted. And then I realized well you know, I have never believed in coincidences, never. There is a reason for everything. And it was seven o'clock this morning here in Girona. That's one o'clock in the morning where you are out there.

And it was round about the time that Ron was transmitting this latest news. The missions, the Magistrate Sons and Michael. That is when here in Gerona I suddenly felt that I was well, free like I’m released. So much so that I immediately sent an email to Ron to tell him and he quickly answered back so he was still awake at one o'clock or half past one in the morning so he knows that I'm back. Back in the saddle back in the saddle again so to speak. Well I thought I would tell you that because it's interesting and so well there you are.

So once again, let me say to all of you, let me just check the board, we are now 14 on the dashboard. Welcome to all of you again. Surprise, surprise, this is Lemuel. Yes, I'm back again. And so welcome again to this Wednesday lightline. And let us see if there is someone here who would like to speak to us. So do we have anyone here to speak to us, please?

Well, yes you do, Lemuel. This is Amadon, your old teacher, and I'm so happy to welcome you back. Lemuel, welcome back.

Thank you, Amadon. Very happy to say so. Thank you so much. So what do you have to say, Amadon? Please go ahead.

Well, what I can say, there's not a lot that I can say because the situation you've all been gifted with the latest news from Ron on yesterday's lightline with Dominick. And nothing has changed except the fact that yesterday is the day, that is to say the 4th of September 2024, not visible yet, it is on. Yes, the missions.

And so it is just a question of patience now and to see what will happen or what may or may not become visible, but audible or we just have to wait to see what happens in the very near future.

The global situation as far as all the troubles and the wars are concerned, well that is still going on as you are fully aware of. Nothing has changed on that level, yet. But there will be changes soon. So let us all look forward to that.

Well also Lemuel, I know, yes, that's what you're thinking. And in fact, as I said, as I mentioned earlier, that's not the correct answer, I can tell you. But I'm to be here, I'm always around. And so, happy to be able to pop in and say a few words. I'm welcome to you, Lemuel. But what I think perhaps is a good idea now for you to enlarge upon what you've received. I mean I could do it but there's no need for me to do it but you're quite capable of doing it for yourself. So, Lemuel, for the moment I will stand back. So go ahead and say what I know you're thinking of.

Well, all right. Thank you, Amadon. I hope you will understand what I have to say. Well there is no reason why you shouldn’t understand. It’s not such a difficult thing. You all know that one and one is two. But I now know from experience that one and one is not two. It's three.

We can all act as individuals, yes. And also we have our own individual Father fragment, our Thought Adjuster, indwelling us and he can operate individually, yes of course. But when we are joined together we are not two, we are three. As they say, the sum is more than the parts. We are trinities in and of ourselves. We are miniature trinities because we have the Father and the Son and if you want to call it the Holy Ghost or the Spirit of Truth or the Infinite Spirit, doesn't matter what you call it. It is that third element because of two joining together to make the third that we are our own trinities.

If you really think about it and let these words sink in. It is the most profound truth to know and to begin to experience that in fact we are the Father, the Son, and the Spirit as a Trinity here on Earth, representing higher trinity above.

At this moment as I'm speaking these words I know within my heart and I feel within my mind. These words are true and I hope you are able to feel it also. You may say to yourselves, I am. You are. We are. One and three. Now if you can say this to yourself, I really feel it. I am, you are. When you say you, your inside your indwelling Father fragment. I am, you are. But we are one in three. Or three in one. We are the way, the truth and the life. We are the thought, the word and the deed. We are truth, beauty, and goodness. We are light and life. There can be nothing more wonderful for a human in the flesh to know this, feel it and to be it. Well, that's all I had to say about that.

On another level. Well, that is to say. Well, yes, it is on another level really. The vulnerabilities, and we all are vulnerable to these lower forces, I always refer them to lower forces, whether you prefer to call them the cabal or these wayward seraphim or whatever. They are lower forces determined to knock us down, so to speak. And of course, they are invisible.
So we are constantly battling against an invisible enemy. And for my part, I can only say that if you are able to be more mindful, ever mindful of God within you, your Father fragment, they will not be able to completely knock you down. They knocked me down but they didn't knock me out.

It's also true to say, of course that the enemy will look for and if they find, they will always attack your weakest point. And in my case it was my illness, my physical illness. So I was already down, physically, way down. But know that I'm back and they will not have me again. Ever. And I hope they will never be able to do to you what they did to me. All right. Well, Amadon, are you still here?

Yes, I'm still here, Lemuel. And, yes, Lemuel it's wonderful what you said, because of course, it is true. And thank you for that.

Thank you. I have nothing else to say, Amadon.

Lemuel, so, hand this back now to Dominick and see what he has to say.

Well, thank you, Amadon. Thank you so much for popping in. And I hope you'll be able to pop in again next Wednesday.

Okay. Thank you for the invitation, Lemuel. Thank you.

Dominick, if you don't mind, I would like to hand this back to you now, if I may. Thank you.

Okay, thank you, Lemuel. And I think you can hear me. Can you confirm?

Yes, I can hear you, yes.

Thank you. I shall mute myself.

Well, just to clarify, so can I ask you a question? Thank you. Just to summarize, it sounds like you were in bad health and you attribute that to some of the spiritual struggles and that you're... Can you describe the experience of recovering from that a little more?

Well, that was this morning, in fact. There have been many times, I have been there as you know, and during those months, it quickly became, what should I say? I became aware quite rapidly of my increasing disinterest in what is going on, on the discussion forum. Well, as you all know, there's been very little going on at the discussion forum for a long time. It's not the same as it was years ago. Not at all. And you all know this to be the truth.

But the information that we've been receiving, time after time after time, the same old thing, it's on, it's off, it's on, it's off, it's off, it's off, sort of thing, ad nauseam. And I got to the stage where, yes, it's just a waste of time, it's all, we're all fooling ourselves, you know. These sort of thoughts.

And I suppose I didn't have the resolve or the strength to really fight it, knowing that I was fighting really for my life as far as my health is concerned. More on two previous occasions this year, if you remember. I have been presumed to have died beforehand, if you remember. Anyway, that's by the by now, of course. But to try and be more specific about what happened this morning, I can only repeat that it was a sudden awareness of being released. Something was taken from my shoulders, a weight. Which made me feel immediately much lighter. I knew what it was. I identified with it immediately because my interest, my deep interest in what I was listening to from Ron, I picked.

And I knew, well, that's it, okay, I'm back. I'm back. And I say, say, I immediately sent an email to Ron and told him. I didn't say exactly why, I just told him that I've recovered sufficiently to be able to have the game in any way that I could. And he answered and thanked me. I told him that if there's a lightline tonight, I’m going to tune in. And perhaps I will be able to receive something. And, well, that's about all I can tell you, Dominick.

I would like to probe one more question deeper.


We all feel we have some, from time to time, some angelic and the other word for that is seraphic contact, whether that be benevolent. And my question to you is, if there is a seraphic insurrection/rebellion, is any of the cabal experience that you describe, does it come across to you as, as seraphic in any way or something else undescribable?

Well, I wouldn’t know the difference quite frankly. I have long regarded all these things simply as lower forces without putting a name tag on them. But of course, Ron knows the difference between the cabal or the insurrectionists or the Seraphim or the Luciferian rebellants, etc. etc. but I know not, I know I am not able to distinguish. For me, the effect is the same, a negative effect. I cannot put a name to it.

But put another way, someone who doesn't believe in this stuff would say that, would describe your lower forces as part of your psyche, your mental state. So how would you differentiate?

Yes, okay. Well, in fact, I'm going to have to go back many, many years ago to the 60s. I'll try to be as brief as I can. I had a car accident in the winter in January of 1960 and I was hospitalized and I was still in the army at the time, of course, in the airborne courses.

I was medically downgraded for a year because I couldn't continue parachuting. During that 12 month of me being downgraded, I began to read and to seek answers to the questions that I had. Why was I still alive after this car crash? Why is it that I'm alive outside of my body? Because I had an out of the body experience and I knew from that moment that death didn't exist.

How is it possible? I'm looking down at my body, completely detached, without any emotion whatsoever, as if I was looking at a movie, until it was during the night, and the ambulance man had to find me, looking for me with a torch, and he found me, my body, and as soon as he touched me, I entered my body again. Anyway. So fast forward seven years, during those seven years I was reading as much as I could, etc. etc. And then finally I had, of course, everybody's experience is different. But Ron had his China Pond experience. I had my China Pond experience in the month of April of 1967.

And from that moment, I became more aware of certain things, which I began to describe as lower forces, that is, to recognize those forces that influence to the extent that they predominate or can dominate our thoughts and our feelings. That is material, it is vegetable, it is animal and it is human. Those forces.

Well, the material force doesn't need to be described because you are all fully aware of that, you know. And the same with the others. Where does your feeling of hunger come from? Are you really hungry? Yes, you could be really hungry, but also you could be passing a sweet shop or whatever and there's chocolate in the window.

So are you able to distinguish? Are you able to buy something or does that buy you? Are you drinking that pint of beer or is that beer drinking you? Is the dog wagging the tail or the tail wagging the dog? Are you sitting on the chair or is your favorite chair sitting on you? This sort of thing.

Well, during those years of researching, I came across many great authors and philosophers and I found Gurdjieff. Now, Gurdjieff was very, very difficult to understand, but he instigated the institution of harmonious development for man in Kingston upon Thames just outside of London. And the gist of his teaching was self-observation from moment to moment. Well, it had a degree of success, but also many people just went berserk because they could not concentrate to the extent that was necessary to continually observe your thoughts.

Well, I didn't fall into that. I wasn't really interested in that. I had my Chinese Pond experience, as I say, in the month of April, and I became aware of the differences of these forces, which I refer to and still do as forces, recognize them as physical or material, vegetable, animal, and human of course.

And also the three higher forces. There is four lower forces and three higher forces. Seven forces in all. The fourth force is, of course, the human. And so it became second nature for me to, and it still is, to recognize these forces’ influence. And mostly, of course, during my life, I have been able to not only become aware of these things, but also to control them to not 100%, to 90% of the time, yes.
But when one is ill, physically ill, and your concentration is on your physical ailments, you begin to lose sight of other forces, you know. And of course, the forces, these lower forces in fact, well, I was going to say the sub-human forces. Well, the sub-human forces are animal and vegetable and material but the ones we’ve come to understand as the cabal, well I wouldn't know exactly where to put these.

I wouldn't be able to categorize them as being outside of the scope of physical, material, vegetable, animal and human. I don't know that you're following me in all this method, but this is the best way that I can describe it.

Thank you. And what would you say, because we opened up with the composition of your being is trinitized, and so there's no room to anthropomorphize the Father in dwelling us as something that's not real. Whereas we've discussed in recent past lightlines the fallacy of relegating yourself to a status of divinity without the Father is a risk that people gravitate towards either naturally or guided by dark forces.

And so some people who study dark forces think that it's a construct of the mental mind, whereas religion and religious followers who take it literally like historical events of war in heaven and God is real and God is within and Christ is through Jesus and Michael as opposed to an ascended mastery. It's interesting that we all end up here on the experience that God is real and we're with Him and He's in us and we get to express Him and try to know Him. I'm rambling too. Do you have any thoughts if there's a question in there? How you would help someone understand?

Well, for me, it's really simple. Maybe it's too simplistic. I have a tendency to simplify things because I really think that the truth is simple. For example, and I've said this many times before, most people can recognize a famous painting, for example, a Van Gogh or a Da Vinci or whatever it is. Why is that?

Obviously because the artist has put himself into his painting. Three things, art, artistry, and the artist. There is another trinity. Everything is trinitized. We are three in one and one in three. When we become aware of this, really aware of this, we can do nothing else, manifest it. In other words, if people have the eyes to see, they should be able to look, see and recognize Father in me, as we can recognize a Van Gogh or a Rembrandt or a da Vinci or whatever it is.

In a similar way, not exactly, but in a similar way, because the great masters, the composers, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, et cetera, will recognize the music instantaneously, because they put themselves into it.

Art, the artist and artistry, the three go together. And we also are trinitized in that sense. We are individual, we are two with our Thought Adjuster, with the three, we are trinity. So one and one is three, not two and it has always been the case. And I think, in fact, 
that it's not too difficult to understand. Dominick, what do you say?

Correct. So how would you steer someone who says, we are everything is one and doesn't see trinity?

Yes. We have that potential to become consciously aware of that. But of course, these lower forces plus our own ego, that is our biggest enemy of course. And it shouldn't be, but it is. Look at the state of the world today. Totally ego dominated. It shouldn't be that way. Ego should be a devoted, loving servant, as I have described many times in my audio transmissions.

Using the body as a car, the ego is the driver of my car, my chauffeur. Well, like any professional chauffeur, he should receive, take orders from the owner every day. I want to go here. I want to go there. I want to see this. I want to see that, etc.
And of course, the ego can only do its job to perfection by taking daily orders from the owner of the car. That is to say, if I am consciously aware that I have within me God and I want to serve God, and I ask, Father, please, Father, may I please receive your thoughts so that I may speak your words and perform your deeds. Not mine.

That being the case, then my ego will perform to perfection. And I know that my ego will have full job satisfaction knowing that it has been not only faithful and a loving servant to me, but also that he has been appreciated. My Thought Adjuster loves me and appreciates the fact that my will is his will. I want to do what he wants, not what I want.

So, obviously, the biggest problem for most people is to recognize the enemy within. And if they are able to recognize it, do they want to do something about it? Do they want to control it? Well, I think when things are explained graphically like this, they can see the simplicity of it, but they can also very, very quickly become aware that it's a big problem to begin to try to exercise some control over the ego when the ego has been dominating the person for all its life. Here we are at the situation perfect where the tail has been wagging the dog and the dog doesn't know how to wag its tail. This is the situation.

Thankfully, I discovered this many, many, many years ago. But I mean, I recognize the problem exists for almost everyone, to a great extent or lesser extent. Dominick.

Thank you. I'm going to.

Anymore questions?

If everyone else, you can press 5 star to raise your hand to ask a question. And Lemuel, while we wait for any questions to appear? Why don't I unmute? Rene, I'd like to go to you, Rene Duran. And typically, if  we have some spare time, I'd like to ask how the transmitter group is doing in Phoenix and South America. Would you mind, Lemuel since we have the time?

Not at all, please.

Okay. All right. Hi Rene, hopefully you heard that. How are you?

Rene Duran
Fine, Dominick. And yeah, our group is still working as solid as a rock in El Salvador. And we are still holding our lightlines. And yeah, as I mentioned before, we held a conference the past August 17th. And it was good, but after all of that, now we came back here and we are glad that Ron Besser has really good transmissions lately. And we are all committed to, you know, wait and see what happens and what is in store for us to transmit in our lightlines.

Yeah, that's what I can say, Dominick. And I'm glad that Lemuel is back, and we feel really good emotions listening back to him. He's becoming very energetic, which is good. And thank you, Lemuel, for all your work. And it's good. Dominick.

OK, thank you, René. And Lemuel, there's no question, so no need to unmute you. Charlotte, welcome. You joined us a little late, but you make 17. I'm just checking in. I see no hands raised. We might end a little early. But before we stop, is there anyone who'd like to say anything? I'm going to open up the mic without stopping the recording. Open mic, everyone. All right, if there's nothing, we'll see.
