Hello Helder Poeta, I would like to react to your last message about Mr. Beast and his willingness to support WTP.
You have made some efforts to find companies and people who could help finance WTP and we are grateful for everything you have done and hope that your contacts can lead to greater success by giving us more information about potential sponsors whom you are trying to approach.
This of course applies to any of our members who have been successful in contacting donors who seemed to be interested in the WTP project.
The Magisterial Foundation welcomes any serious contact from anyone and is happy to respond to questions and concerns from interested people so that insight can be provided to those who wish to support and assist in the implementation of WTP.
If Mr. Beast is willing to cooperate in the realization of the pilot plant, he can, if he wishes, contact the Board of the Magisterial Foundation and receive detailed information and explanation about the invention and the patent of Ron Besser and the great benefit that it can bring to the world. And you Helder Poeta, can be helpful by being more specific about Mr. Beast, or any other person you contact in the future, by providing them and us information, so that we can help and try to keep the potential sponsors interested and informed.
Please try to be as clear as possible in a short message and send us some information about Mr. Beast we can use to contact him, an email address or telephone number that you used in your contact with Mr. Beast, both are sufficient to help us talk to him and see to what extent and form he is willing to help with the WTP project.
Dominick Ohrbeck, co-director of the Magisterial Foundation, is familiar with the patent and with Ron's plans and intentions and is well versed in answering questions and explaining to those who express an interest in what it will take to get this project off the ground, so that a start can possibly be made on what Ron Besser has expressed so extensively in his patent.
We thank you Helder Poeta for your work and interest and I would like to encourage you to continue your work, which will one day be greatly appreciated by humanity and will advance the world in the knowledge of physics and its pre-particles.
Please send any additional information you have to:
director@raysoncorporation.com and these get forwarded to Ron and Dominick's personal emails.
Warm greetings,
Elise van Ruth, Board Member