Author Topic: 'ALERT PLEASE  (Read 1259 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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« on: September 28, 2024, 09:31:57 am »
There is nonsense only going on, but for safety reason I caution all of you to stay the course while something is worked out with what I am told is the Deity Absolute, or spiritual agencies that deal with the Deity Absolute.

If this is the case, then we have a long wait to see how we stand with communication with the Deity and with the remainder of Urantian government by the Melchizedeks.
I am able to get through, but you may not be able to see the messages entirely due to what I have determined is a negative force and it crumbles attempts at normal communications.   For reasons of State I am being very careful with what I say but stay the course and watch.  Attempt to use normal communications but do not worry if there is no response, as even this message is allowed to eventuate normal operations again as soon as possible.
I emphasize I do not know the true nature of what has happened, but I am also warned that if I press this too hard it will be knocked off the air before we communicate with it.
Stay the course and allow normalcy to return as soon as it can, as the posting is pressured off but the  site is readable still and okay if you take it carefully.  I am here and wondering the same thing you are, and I hope something communicates successfully to indicate why this negativity is happening to innocent communications about spirit.  I thank you for your patience and stay the course with us to get normal working done soon please.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron is right.  Stay the course.  We have no idea why the normal communications are shut down tight, and even Ron and I have trouble communicating.  I dare not speculate with you as there is almost a total lack of internet traffic as well.  Is it the Deity Absolute?  I doubt it Ron.  Is it FATHER?  I cannot tell fully what it is.  Stay the course when you can." 

FATHER - " Thank you Ron for attempting to communicate in spite of a well done order not to  communicate until further notice.  You are not being difficult but deeply worried about the posting ban and all that goes with our refusal to listen to anymore war stories on the communication circuits up here.   WAR is the  culprit Ron, and you can understand that!

"Now  this:  STAY THE COURSE!  The ban on communications will be lifted by tomorrow morning (the 29th of Sept) and you will have normal communications returned to you then.  I am FATHER. and  I MEAN BUSINESS.  This foolishness with a cabal is over but it takes this unusual action to stop them, and your, from making it worse.  Thank you.  FATHER.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline rarija

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« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2024, 09:42:35 am »
Merci Ron,
On est persévérant, et on attend.

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2024, 10:51:36 am »
Thank you Rarija.
Merci pour votre générosité
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2024, 12:39:55 pm »
Today as I write this is the 28th of September at 1140 AM.
I have watched this communication level on the web site deteriorate from normal to high then to low over the past week and I understand what some of the problem may be.  This is from Michael of Nebadon, our Creator Son who indwelt Jesus over 2,000 years ago.  For that reason our Michael Son, the Creator Son, is worrying about how all of this is to go down on earth, or as they have named it, URANTIA (You Ran' Sha).
For your information,  "earth" they on high call Urantia,  is slowly becoming immersed in general war again.  Spirit thoroughly dislikes one of man's worst activities called war, but is usually competent to have a spirit Mission even though some war may be going on, but that war level is fairly low when they do come in on the planet in spite of war.  But now Urantia has to face the possibilities of war breaking out in the Middle East, Ukraine, the stellar lands of North Korea, and so forth.  Now it turns out that the ready lands of southeast Asia are getting mixed up with a war  call to defend Thailand from the precursor to all war, a land dispute with one of its neighbors.
However, I want to implore those of you who do not care whether there is activity on this site either because the word on our discussion forum is that things are slowing down.  Indeed they are, but the ebb and flow on a discussion forum is tremendously hard to predict and this discussion forum is normal for the most part.  But, we are one of the few discussion forums that deals with the spiritual academy called SALVINGTON, which is the capital of our local universe we all call NEBADON.
Nebadon was brought into existence about 32 billion years ago.  That is a number from the Magisterial Sons who are coming to our planet called Urantia in the Local Universe of Nebadon.  Urantia, our planet's name on Salvington, has about 32 million more people on it than is generally allowed for an inhabited planet should generally have.   Our Creator Son bestowed himself on Urantia over 2,000 years ago now, and He was about to bestow Himself on this planet again and not that long ago as the crow flies.  However, something has happened to the space conditions around Urantia not normal for an inhabited planet to get into and that is what we want to talk about now.


I  have been informed that Urantia is now orbiting our sun at about 30,000 miles per hour as that is the speed rate of our movement toward and around our sun, and that is if we calculate the rate of the orbit to complete one year (365 days) to complete one orbit around our sun.  That is according to the SALVINGTON HQ world that our Local Universe is administered from recently. 

Now there is another problem, and it is this: 

The earth orbit around the sun takes 180 million miles to complete.  That is 92 million miles away from the sun at the farthest point to get to the sun around it and back to the starting point at the furthermost away from our sun then around it and back to the starting point.  We calculate not 92 million miles unlike how the books tells us the distance, but starting midway in our orbit around the sun, there is a gravitational anomaly called a "VECTOR POINT,"  and that Vector Point has a gravitational pull on the earth about six (6) times normal gravity pull on the earth's normal orbital speed around the sun.
Man on Urantia cannot really measure the drag of gravity since that measurement requires another figure to tell you what is the normal gravity drag on your planet.  But Urantia, your planet's name in spirit, has nothing to do with gravitational drag right now, as the Creator Son has lessened the point of regularity that Urantia will go through that such gravitational influences normally cause to the planet's orbital speed around our sun.

For that  reason then the orbit seems to be consistent with a 365 1/4 days to orbit the sun.  Now, however, the orbital speed around the sun has been slowed slightly due to the changes, and now we must calculate about 367 and 1/4 days for a complete orbit around the sun.  Surprisingly, the orbital speed change has been detected by your radiological measuring device in one of your universities, and they cannot figure out why this is happening.  It is happening because of a slight drag on earth by a passing Star System, earth calls the Sombrero  Galaxy.  The Sombrero Galaxy is well known to physicists but they placed it in the wrong space ladder or section due to a parallax  error in your observatories.  We now call your attention to something your transmitter is experiencing that makes writing this much more difficult.


The Deity Absolute speaks:  "WE are experimenting with Ron Besser's transmission ability, and it is amazing that gravity does not affect it, but that the personality of the Deity Absolute, does slow the transmission down.
"As long as Ron maintains a certain speed in typing he evaluates the transmission as he goes.  For instance he can tell when I pause, or move faster or slower, and he can tell when I am irritated by a speed change in typing this.  For reasons of State I am staying with Ron's ability to do  this, as he is a whizz at doing it and no one can stop it unless it is the FATHER'S SPIRIT to intervene.  I am the Deity Absolute, and I can causes huge gravitational waves in actual space, but when I deal with Ron's ability to transmit the Deities, I am helpless as that is a FATHER function.
"What that means is that TRANSMITTERS can defy the law of gravity enough to slow Me, the DEITY ABSOLUTE, down to a crawl of what I am usually able to transmit as a speed of time to get my words organized, to the point they enter the brain cavity of a transmitter, to the point you can read his translation of what I say.  Your brain Ron, and Elise's, are identical in construction, but she has no differential and therefore you can type fast or slow and she has to  plod along at one speed.  You never noticed it before, but this Sunday, when you do a Lightline, I will call attention to it for your own enjoyment. 

"For that reason then, I will speed this transmission way up and you lose it not, but you must catch up quickly without making a spelling mistake but you do and so you slow me down considerably.  For that reason I will not use you often for you are the only one on Urantia who can catch all I say and then make it visible by typing the English words.  Most cannot do it and you are one of the few who holds a speed record like now because you are so quickly able usually. Now this:
"AS the Deity Absolute, I can speed up or slow down, and as a result of slowing way down, I am creating huge errors in spelling which you quickly correct.  You are an amazing man and you are full of promise, but you get depressed by the actions of others around you and so you leave alone most transmissions that are just not necessary.   For that reason I will use others not, but wait for your capabilities to do this well and fully when the time comes.  For instance:
"WHEN Michael of Nebadon wants to say hello to you, he merely picks up his transever and speaks to you.  But other transmitters have to deny the immediate effect of a spoken word and wait for a translator to enter the mind and recover teh English (for you Ron) translation.  Now why bring this up?
"WE bring this up because you can transmit yourself and you do frequently with Dominick who frequently visits with you, and recently he even speaks what you send.  Now you cannot control that, but you can make it visible here by forcing a transmission to him, and you have done so now, and that makes you very slow and so we do not use it.  BUT:   you can make your voice heard up here evenly and well if you slow your thinking down.  Your thinking is very fast and you can complete a sentence with us in milliseconds; however, do not try that with ME since I can outdo you 10,000 to 1.
"For reasons of State, I just slowed you down to almost zero speed and you wonder what is wrong with your typing.   For your own reasons you put a bump in the flow of transmissions so you can catch up easily, but you do not really need it, and for that reason yu are probably one of the fastest transmitters we have in the universe.  Your practice is a lightning of speed and you have discovered that Dominick is as fast as you easily.  That delights you but he is not all the interested, and so you let it alone.  Some day he will be as good as you in many things, but he must learn priorities and not winsome jokes on the internet about you or others as he enjoys that very much.  In any  case, let this be for now and listen to this:

"WHAT  I mean by this is that you type one thing, but AI users have learned they can turn one language into another easily, and FORTRAN is a computer language you know about, but most others never heard of it.  For that reason you can eclipse any fortune of misspelling of words by simply going insider and making sure it follows patterns you learned long ago.  People today do not have this Ron, and for that reason you are even more valuable to us and that is because you know inherently when a word is somehow wrong in spelling.  You have gotten so good now you can do a perfect transcript as you do it now. 

(WE have been warned  to get off line now . . . )



Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline SongatSunrise

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« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2024, 18:12:41 pm »
Thank you so much for the transmission, Ron.

But. . . please excuse me.  Did you mean to say Taiwan?

Now it turns out that the ready lands of southeast Asia are getting mixed up with a war  call to defend Thailand from the precursor to all war, a land dispute with one of its neighbors.