Author Topic: MASSIVE BLACK AREA COVERS THE SUN ( October 20, 2015)  (Read 134 times)

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General Discussion / Re: Massive Black Area Covers The Sun
« Last post by Ron Besser on October 20, 2015, 11:13:44 PM »
Greetings all, this is Monmatia.  I have asked Ron to let me speak about what Michel has posted regarding the area of the sun said to have blackness covering it.

It is true that the sun is behaving badly this year.  It appears to explode and then draw back into its solitude as a monarch of light.  The ability to regulate the sun is ours to do, but we seldom get into daily regulation because stars are self starters and they do well on their own.  However, your sun is to be light for Urantia as an architectural sphere-- and that will never be understood by the general public.  So we have to be circumspect about what we do say as to what is happening to your star, the center of attention of your solar system we call Monmatia.

In about ten years from now the sun will go into convulsions and they are acceptable to life on Urantia.  Some trees may disappear as to species such as the elm and perhaps some of the oak varieties.  But the majority of species will survive the burst that will be historical.  Why should this happen and we do nothing about it?

Michael has suggested that your sun must be tamed by other means other than fooling around with its nuclear mechanism of fusion and sometimes fission.  But we cannot harm the sun by other means, so we have placed a blast mat over it which allows the transmission of solar light and radiation, but slows the fission part down by at least half.  When the mat is placed over the vulnerable areas which the video depicts, the sun appears to be darkened or blackened because we are dissolving certain ray emanations that affect visible light sometimes.  In our effort to keep the sun cooler as well, there is a transponder placed on some of you to measure the light radiation you are receiving, and that includes Ron and most of those who are active on this forum.

We choose you to receive these transponders because we know your name and where you are and that makes locating you by our devices so much easier.  It is a tiny diode about the size of a pin prick and it is located on the scalp and is invisible to the naked eye.  When we are finished with measurements of the sun radiation on Urantia we will remove them from your scalp.  Ron has about twenty such diodes for all kinds of radiation measurements and we tell you this, he has been blasted with ionic sprays from outside sources to test his ability to hear and see celestial beings and he has never seen one except by rare glimpses under his eyelids when it rarely happens.  Your eyes Ron are destined to turn from that muddy brown color to green at your own request.  Why green?  Ron happens to think green eyes match dark brunettes much better than blue eyes and so requested the eye color change when Michael started genetic work inside the life extension.  I tell you this because Ron had a dream recently where he saw his completed form and wondered (almost) who he was looking at. [Ron: a full head of hair with a haircut I have never seen before - sure did not look like me but I am glad it was :)   ]

The sun with the dark areas will affect everyone on Urantia except Ron and those who have had life extensions who we think may total about one hundred when it is all said and done.  The rhysomes-- those long filaments that protrude from the skin between the first and second layer of skin in humans, will be missing in those who have life extensions and thus tanning is not going to affect the melanoma that usually rushes to the aid of the skin to keep it from burning.

Monmatia, keeps itself clear of disasters like your sun exploding or crashing gravity into its close by planets, but Monmatia will one day have one horrific explosion when we take your sun and place it into a deep freeze so Michael can light your planet with spiritual light from above as an architectural sphere of great beauty.  Our work on Monmatia is to calm your sun and make it visible to many constellations outside of Satania, and when this happens those who have life extensions will see into the third dimension as some of you call it and then will be visible most angels and midwayers and even a few spirit-form Sons of God not revealed before.

We address one more problem with Monmatia and you who read this must temper your reaction carefully.  Monmatia contains not one inhabited planet but THREE inhabited planets besides Urantia.  Urantia is the fourth inhabited planet in your solar system, but you have no idea how far out your solar system goes.  Beyond the orbit of Pluto lies a planet larger than Jupiter that is inhabited.  It contains Midwayers and angels just as you do here.  Beyond this giant planet are two more inhabited planets as far away from your sun as it is possible to get and still be trapped by the sun's gravity.   These two additional inhabited planets are variously controlled by the Midsoniter regime here on Urantia (Ron has two Midsoniters helping him write this with him), and one planet of a non-breather's type that has to be repatriated to the local universe of Wolvering.  Wolvering may not speak to Nebadon through a human-- at least not yet-- but that Creator Son is quite aware of Ron's interest in that local universe for various reasons of Ron alone.

Three inhabited planets in one solar system is unusual but it is unheard of for one solar system to have four inhabited planets.  Ron wishes us to remind you he did go into this in great detail about the non breathers and their problems, but he was not knowing of the two other planets until now as you are all now so advised.

In our review of this post, it may be considered false, but we assure all of you it is the truth, and it is long time in coming to tell you these things.  The new Urantia Book discusses Monmatia from a new perspective including the revelation that Monmatia hosts four inhabited planets all of which are human as the Midsoniter worlds are just beyond Monmatia in Wolvering and that is what Ron sees in his dreams quite often.  In reviewing what must be done to the sun that powers Monmatia, please keep in mind that all planets in a local system such as Satania belong to the Constellation of Norlatiadek, but in the case of Monmatia the non breathers world belongs to the Constellation of Record in Wolvering.

I am Monmatia and Ron says my telling of this was quite a ride to transmit!  Good evening to all!
José L. Vargas Núñez